references and associators enumeration commands cause an inverse request

In wsmancli-2.2.3, we notice that the references and associators
enumeration commands cause an inverse request.  That is, a
"references" action command adds a "wsmb:AssociatedInstances" in the
enumeration filter.  And an "associators" action command adds a
"wsmb:AssociationInstances" in the enumeration filter.

An "associators" command DSP0200 section enumerates
"associated" classes. This statement is also defined by DSP0227
section 17.1 where it specifies in section 17.1.7 the use of
"wsmb:AssociatedInstances" element in the filter.

A "references" command DSP0200 section enumerates
"association" classes. This statement is also defined by DSP0227
section 17.1 where it specifies in section 17.1.9 the use of
"wsmb:AssociationInstances" element in the filter.
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