blob: acf315bd3a31ff30a21443964fb47b30d3ed734d [file] [log] [blame]
var b = new Boolean();
b.x = 11;
with (b) {
f = function(a) { return a*x; } // remember scope chain
shouldBe("f(2)", "22");
var OBJECT = new MyObject( "hello" );
function MyObject(value) {
this.value = value;
this.toString = new Function( "return this.value+''" );
return this;
shouldBe("OBJECT.toString()", "'hello'");
var s;
with (OBJECT) {
s = toString();
shouldBe("s", "'hello'");
// Make sure that for ... in reevaluates the scoping every time!
P = { foo : 1, bar : 2, baz : 3 }
function testForIn() {
for (g in P) {
eval("var g;") //Change the scope of g half-ways through the loop
shouldBe("g", "'foo'"); //Before the eval, g was in outer scope, but not after!
var successfullyParsed = true;