blob: ed5fe3d89c8bf6a1682590d50ae1591c3c33eda4 [file] [log] [blame]
# This file is automatically generated at least once every
# hour by the GenerateVersionTable() sub in
# Any changes you make will be overwritten.
@::log_columns = (
%::versions = (
'usermgmt_cmds' => [
'WebKit' => [
'420+ (nightly)'
'XPostFacto' => [
'Infrastructure' => [
'HeaderDoc' => [
'xar' => [
'darwinbuild' => [
'Doc' => [
'openssh-lpk' => [
'libFoundation' => [
'DarwinPorts' => [
'OpenAudio' => [
'OpenDarwin' => [
@::legal_versions = (
'420+ (nightly)',
%::components = (
'usermgmt_cmds' => [
'WebKit' => [
'HTML Editing',
'Layout and Rendering',
'New Bugs',
'Page Loading',
'Web Inspector',
'WebCore JavaScript',
'WebCore Misc.',
'WebKit API',
'WebKit Misc.',
'WebKit Website',
'XPostFacto' => [
'Failure Booting',
'Kernel Extensions',
'Machine Support',
'NVRAM Patches',
'PCI cards',
'User Interface',
'Infrastructure' => [
'Web Content'
'HeaderDoc' => [
'xar' => [
'darwinbuild' => [
'Doc' => [
'openssh-lpk' => [
'libFoundation' => [
'DarwinPorts' => [
'OpenAudio' => [
'OpenDarwin' => [
@::legal_components = (
'Failure Booting',
'HTML Editing',
'Kernel Extensions',
'Layout and Rendering',
'Machine Support',
'New Bugs',
'NVRAM Patches',
'Page Loading',
'PCI cards',
'User Interface',
'Web Content',
'Web Inspector',
'WebCore JavaScript',
'WebCore Misc.',
'WebKit API',
'WebKit Misc.',
'WebKit Website',
@::legal_product = (
@::legal_priority = (
@::legal_severity = (
@::legal_platform = (
@::legal_opsys = (
'Windows 3.1',
'Windows 95',
'Windows 98',
'Windows ME',
'Windows 2000',
'Windows NT',
'Windows XP',
'Windows Server 2003',
'Mac System 7',
'Mac System 7.5',
'Mac System 7.6.1',
'Mac System 8.0',
'Mac System 8.5',
'Mac System 8.6',
'Mac System 9.x',
'Mac OS X 10.0',
'Mac OS X 10.1',
'Mac OS X 10.2',
'Mac OS X 10.3',
'Mac OS X 10.4',
@::legal_bug_status = (
@::legal_resolution = (
@::settable_resolution = (
%::proddesc = (
'WebKit' => 'An open source XML and HTML framework used by the Safari Web browser.',
'usermgmt_cmds' => 'Command-line tools for managing users and groups.',
'XPostFacto' => 'Mac OS X extensions for "unsupported" machines.',
'Infrastructure' => 'The services and servers and stuff.',
'HeaderDoc' => 'The documentation generator.',
'xar' => 'eXtensible ARchiver',
'darwinbuild' => 'Bugs related to the darwinbuild scripts',
'Doc' => 'Darwin Documentation',
'openssh-lpk' => 'OpenSSH LDAP Public Key patch.',
'DarwinPorts' => 'DarwinPorts infrastructure and ports collection',
'libFoundation' => 'A light-weight standalone library which implements a large portion of the OPENSTEP specification designed to work with both the GNU and NeXT/Apple Objective-C runtimes.',
'OpenAudio' => 'Audio driver for Darwin (/dev/dsp)',
'OpenDarwin' => 'The OpenDarwin operating system. NOTE: General Darwin bugs do NOT belong here UNLESS you intend to work on them. All bugs not specific to OpenDarwin should be filed upstream with Apple FIRST.'
%::classifications = (
'Unclassified' => [
%::classdesc = (
'Unclassified' => 'Unassigned to any classifications'
@::enterable_products = (
%::prodmaxvotes = (
'WebKit' => '0',
'usermgmt_cmds' => '0',
'XPostFacto' => '10',
'Infrastructure' => '0',
'HeaderDoc' => '0',
'xar' => '0',
'darwinbuild' => '0',
'Doc' => '0',
'openssh-lpk' => '0',
'DarwinPorts' => '0',
'libFoundation' => '0',
'OpenAudio' => '0',
'OpenDarwin' => '0'
%::target_milestone = (
'WebKit' => [
'usermgmt_cmds' => [
'XPostFacto' => [
'Infrastructure' => [
'HeaderDoc' => [
'darwinbuild' => [
'xar' => [
'Doc' => [
'openssh-lpk' => [
'libFoundation' => [
'DarwinPorts' => [
'OpenAudio' => [
'OpenDarwin' => [
@::legal_target_milestone = (
%::milestoneurl = (
'WebKit' => '',
'usermgmt_cmds' => '',
'XPostFacto' => '',
'Infrastructure' => '',
'HeaderDoc' => '',
'xar' => '',
'darwinbuild' => '',
'Doc' => '',
'openssh-lpk' => '',
'DarwinPorts' => '',
'libFoundation' => '',
'OpenAudio' => '',
'OpenDarwin' => ''
@::legal_keywords = (
%::keywordsbyname = (
'hitlistcandidate' => '6',
'needsreduction' => '1',
'inradar' => '4',
'hasreduction' => '2',
'regression' => '3',
'easyfix' => '8',
'svghitlist' => '9',
'nativetextfield' => '7',
'hitlist' => '5'