blob: 3c760f569d077b9345f23c0eee83a60a488706de [file] [log] [blame]
//@ defaultRunNoisyTest
var jsStrictMode = false;
var jsshell = (typeof window == "undefined");
var xpcshell = jsshell && (typeof Components == "object");
var dump;
var dumpln;
var printImportant;
if (jsshell) {
dumpln = print;
printImportant = function(s) { dumpln("***"); dumpln(s); };
if (typeof verifyprebarriers == "function") {
if (typeof wasmIsSupported == "function") {
} else {
readline = function(){};
} else if (typeof XPCNativeWrapper == "function") {
} else if (typeof debug == "function") {
} else {
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("WebKit") != -1) {
dump = function(s) { console.log(s); };
} else if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Gecko") != -1) {
} else if (typeof dump != "function") {
dump = function() { };
dumpln = function(s) { dump(s + "\n"); }; printImportant = function(s) {
var p = document.createElement("pre");
}if (typeof gc == "undefined")
this.gc = function(){};
var gcIsQuiet = !(gc());
var HOTLOOP = 60;
function loopCount() { return rnd(rnd(HOTLOOP * 3)); }
function loopModulo() { return (rnd(2) ? rnd(rnd(HOTLOOP * 2)) : rnd(5)) + 2; }function simpleSource(s)
function hexify(c)
var code = c.charCodeAt(0);
var hex = code.toString(16);
while (hex.length < 4)
hex = "0" + hex;
return "\\u" + hex;
} if (typeof s == "string")
return ("\"" +
s.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\")
.replace(/\"/g, "\\\"")
.replace(/\0/g, "\\0")
.replace(/\n/g, "\\n")
.replace(/[^ -~]/g, hexify) +
return "" + s;
}var haveRealUneval = (typeof uneval == "function");
if (!haveRealUneval)
uneval = simpleSource;if (engine == ENGINE_UNKNOWN)
printImportant("Targeting an unknown JavaScript engine!");
printImportant("Targeting SpiderMonkey / Gecko (trunk).");
printImportant("Targeting SpiderMonkey / Gecko (ESR45 branch).");
else if (engine == ENGINE_JAVASCRIPTCORE)
printImportant("Targeting JavaScriptCore / WebKit.");
function whatToTestSpidermonkeyTrunk(code)
/* jshint laxcomma: true */
var codeL = code.replace(/\s/g, " "); return { allowParse: true, allowExec: unlikelyToHang(code)
&& (jsshell || code.indexOf("nogeckoex") == -1)
, allowIter: true,
expectConsistentOutput: true
&& (gcIsQuiet || code.indexOf("gc") == -1)
&& code.indexOf("/*NODIFF*/") == -1
&& code.indexOf(".script") == -1
&& code.indexOf(".parameterNames") == -1
&& code.indexOf(".environment") == -1
&& code.indexOf(".onNewGlobalObject") == -1
&& code.indexOf(".takeCensus") == -1
&& code.indexOf(".findScripts") == -1
&& code.indexOf("Date") == -1
&& code.indexOf("backtrace") == -1
&& code.indexOf("drainAllocationsLog") == -1
&& code.indexOf("dumpObject") == -1
&& code.indexOf("dumpHeap") == -1
&& code.indexOf("dumpStringRepresentation") == -1
&& code.indexOf("evalInWorker") == -1
&& code.indexOf("getBacktrace") == -1
&& code.indexOf("getLcovInfo") == -1
&& code.indexOf("load") == -1
&& code.indexOf("offThreadCompileScript") == -1
&& code.indexOf("oomAfterAllocations") == -1
&& code.indexOf("oomAtAllocation") == -1
&& code.indexOf("printProfilerEvents") == -1
&& code.indexOf("validategc") == -1
&& code.indexOf("inIon") == -1
&& code.indexOf("inJit") == -1
&& code.indexOf("random") == -1
&& code.indexOf("timeout") == -1
, expectConsistentOutputAcrossIter: true
&& code.indexOf("options") == -1
, expectConsistentOutputAcrossJITs: true
&& code.indexOf("'strict") == -1
&& code.indexOf("disassemble") == -1
&& code.indexOf(".length") == -1
&& code.indexOf(".splice") == -1
&& !( codeL.match(/\/.*[\u0000\u0080-\uffff]/)) };
}function whatToTestSpidermonkeyMozilla45(code)
/* jshint laxcomma: true */
var codeL = code.replace(/\s/g, " "); return { allowParse: true, allowExec: unlikelyToHang(code)
&& (jsshell || code.indexOf("nogeckoex") == -1)
, allowIter: true,
expectConsistentOutput: true
&& (gcIsQuiet || code.indexOf("gc") == -1)
&& code.indexOf("/*NODIFF*/") == -1
&& code.indexOf(".script") == -1
&& code.indexOf(".parameterNames") == -1
&& code.indexOf(".environment") == -1
&& code.indexOf(".onNewGlobalObject") == -1
&& code.indexOf(".takeCensus") == -1
&& code.indexOf(".findScripts") == -1
&& code.indexOf("Date") == -1
&& code.indexOf("backtrace") == -1
&& code.indexOf("drainAllocationsLog") == -1
&& code.indexOf("dumpObject") == -1
&& code.indexOf("dumpHeap") == -1
&& code.indexOf("dumpStringRepresentation") == -1
&& code.indexOf("evalInWorker") == -1
&& code.indexOf("getBacktrace") == -1
&& code.indexOf("getLcovInfo") == -1
&& code.indexOf("load") == -1
&& code.indexOf("offThreadCompileScript") == -1
&& code.indexOf("oomAfterAllocations") == -1
&& code.indexOf("oomAtAllocation") == -1
&& code.indexOf("printProfilerEvents") == -1
&& code.indexOf("validategc") == -1
&& code.indexOf("inIon") == -1
&& code.indexOf("inJit") == -1
&& code.indexOf("random") == -1
&& code.indexOf("timeout") == -1
, expectConsistentOutputAcrossIter: true
&& code.indexOf("options") == -1
, expectConsistentOutputAcrossJITs: true
&& code.indexOf("'strict") == -1
&& code.indexOf("disassemble") == -1
&& code.indexOf(".length") == -1
&& code.indexOf("preventExtensions") == -1
&& code.indexOf("Math.round") == -1
&& code.indexOf("with") == -1
&& code.indexOf("Number.MAX_VALUE") == -1
&& code.indexOf("arguments") == -1
&& code.indexOf(".splice") == -1
&& !( codeL.match(/\/.*[\u0000\u0080-\uffff]/)) };
}function whatToTestJavaScriptCore(code)
return { allowParse: true,
allowExec: unlikelyToHang(code),
allowIter: false,
expectConsistentOutput: false,
expectConsistentOutputAcrossIter: false,
expectConsistentOutputAcrossJITs: false };
}function whatToTestGeneric(code)
return {
allowParse: true,
allowExec: unlikelyToHang(code),
allowIter: (typeof Iterator == "function"),
expectConsistentOutput: false,
expectConsistentOutputAcrossIter: false,
expectConsistentOutputAcrossJITs: false
}var whatToTest;
whatToTest = whatToTestSpidermonkeyTrunk;
whatToTest = whatToTestSpidermonkeyMozilla45;
else if (engine == ENGINE_JAVASCRIPTCORE)
whatToTest = whatToTestJavaScriptCore;
whatToTest = whatToTestGeneric;
function unlikelyToHang(code)
var codeL = code.replace(/\s/g, " ");
return true
&& code.indexOf("infloop") == -1
&& !( codeL.match( /for.*in.*uneval/ ))
&& !( codeL.match( /for.*for.*for/ ))
&& !( codeL.match( /for.*for.*gc/ ))
function confused(s)
if (jsshell) {
print("jsfunfuzz broke its own scripting environment: " + s);
}function foundABug(summary, details)
printImportant("Found" + " a bug: " + summary);
if (details) {
if (jsshell) {
dumpln("jsfunfuzz stopping due to finding a bug.");
}function errorToString(e)
try {
return ("" + e);
} catch (e2) {
return "Can't toString the error!!";
}function errorstack()
try {
void ([].qwerty.qwerty);
} catch(e) { print(e.stack); }
var Random = {
twister: null, init: function (seed) {
if (seed == null || seed === undefined) {
seed = new Date().getTime();
this.twister = new MersenneTwister19937();
number: function (limit) {
if (limit == 0) {
return limit;
if (limit == null || limit === undefined) {
limit = 0xffffffff;
return (Random.twister.int32() >>> 0) % limit;
float: function () {
return (Random.twister.int32() >>> 0) * (1.0/4294967295.0);
range: function (start, limit) {
if (isNaN(start) || isNaN(limit)) {
throw new TypeError("Random.range() received a non number type: '" + start + "', '" + limit + "')");
return Random.number(limit - start + 1) + start;
index: function (list, emptyr) {
if (!(list instanceof Array || (typeof list != "string" && "length" in list))) {
throw new TypeError("Random.index() received a non array type: '" + list + "'");
if (!list.length)
return emptyr;
return list[this.number(list.length)];
key: function (obj) {
var list = [];
for (var i in obj) {
return this.index(list);
bool: function () {
return this.index([true, false]);
pick: function (obj) {
if (typeof obj == "function") {
return obj();
if (obj instanceof Array) {
return this.pick(this.index(obj));
return obj;
chance: function (limit) {
if (limit == null || limit === undefined) {
limit = 2;
if (isNaN(limit)) {
throw new TypeError("Random.chance() received a non number type: '" + limit + "'");
return this.number(limit) == 1;
choose: function (list, flat) {
if (!(list instanceof Array)) {
throw new TypeError("Random.choose() received a non-array type: '" + list + "'");
var total = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
total += list[i][0];
var n = this.number(total);
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
if (n <= list[i][0]) {
if (flat == true) {
return list[i][1];
} else {
return this.pick([list[i][1]]);
n = n - list[i][0];
if (flat == true) {
return list[0][1];
return this.pick([list[0][1]]);
weighted: function (wa) {
var a = [];
for (var i = 0; i < wa.length; ++i) {
for (var j = 0; j < wa[i].w; ++j) {
return a;
use: function (obj) {
return Random.bool() ? obj : "";
shuffle: function (arr) {
var len = arr.length;
var i = len;
while (i--) {
var p = Random.number(i + 1);
var t = arr[i];
arr[i] = arr[p];
arr[p] = t;
shuffled: function (arr) {
var newArray = arr.slice();
return newArray;
subset: function(a) {
var subset = [];
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) {
if (rnd(2)) {
return subset;
},};function rnd(n) { return Random.number(n); }
A C-program for MT19937, with initialization improved 2002/1/26.
Coded by Takuji Nishimura and Makoto Matsumoto. Copyright (C) 1997 - 2002, Makoto Matsumoto and Takuji Nishimura,
All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. The names of its contributors may not be used to endorse or promote
products derived from this software without specific prior written
Any feedback is very welcome.
email: m-mat @ (remove space)
function MersenneTwister19937()
const N = 624;
const M = 397;
const MAG01 = new Int32Array([0, 0x9908b0df]); var mt = new Int32Array(N); /* the array for the state vector */
var mti = 625; this.seed = function (s) {
mt[0] = s | 0;
for (mti=1; mti<N; mti++) {
mt[mti] = Math.imul(1812433253, mt[mti-1] ^ (mt[mti-1] >>> 30)) + mti;
}; this.export_state = function() { return [mt, mti]; };
this.import_state = function(s) { mt = s[0]; mti = s[1]; };
this.export_mta = function() { return mt; };
this.import_mta = function(_mta) { mt = _mta; };
this.export_mti = function() { return mti; };
this.import_mti = function(_mti) { mti = _mti; }; function mag01(y)
return MAG01[y & 0x1];
} this.int32 = function () {
var y;
var kk; if (mti >= N) { /* generate N words at one time */
for (kk=0;kk<N-M;kk++) {
y = ((mt[kk]&0x80000000)|(mt[kk+1]&0x7fffffff));
mt[kk] = (mt[kk+M] ^ (y >>> 1) ^ mag01(y));
for (;kk<N-1;kk++) {
y = ((mt[kk]&0x80000000)|(mt[kk+1]&0x7fffffff));
mt[kk] = (mt[kk+(M-N)] ^ (y >>> 1) ^ mag01(y));
y = ((mt[N-1]&0x80000000)|(mt[0]&0x7fffffff));
mt[N-1] = (mt[M-1] ^ (y >>> 1) ^ mag01(y));
mti = 0;
} y = mt[mti++]; /* Tempering */
y = y ^ (y >>> 11);
y = y ^ ((y << 7) & 0x9d2c5680);
y = y ^ ((y << 15) & 0xefc60000);
y = y ^ (y >>> 18); return y;
function fuzzTestingFunctionsCtor(browser, fGlobal, fObject)
var prefix = browser ? "fuzzPriv." : ""; function numberOfAllocs() { return Math.floor(Math.exp(rnd(rnd(6000)) / 1000)); }
function gcSliceSize() { return Math.floor(Math.pow(2, Random.float() * 32)); }
function maybeCommaShrinking() { return rnd(5) ? "" : ", 'shrinking'"; } function enableGCZeal()
var level = rnd(15);
if (browser && level == 9) level = 0;
var period = numberOfAllocs();
return prefix + "gczeal" + "(" + level + ", " + period + ");";
} function callSetGCCallback() {
var phases = Random.index(["both", "begin", "end"]);
var actionAndOptions = rnd(2) ? 'action: "majorGC", depth: ' + rnd(17) : 'action: "minorGC"';
var arg = "{ " + actionAndOptions + ", phases: \"" + phases + "\" }";
return prefix + "setGCCallback(" + arg + ");";
} function tryCatch(statement)
return "try { " + statement + " } catch(e) { }";
} function setGcparam() {
switch(rnd(2)) {
case 0: return _set("sliceTimeBudget", rnd(100));
default: return _set("markStackLimit", rnd(2) ? (1 + rnd(30)) : 4294967295);
} function _set(name, value) {
return tryCatch(prefix + "gcparam" + "('" + name + "', " + value + ");");
var sharedTestingFunctions = [
{ w: 10, v: function(d, b) { return "void " + prefix + "gc" + "(" + ");"; } },
{ w: 10, v: function(d, b) { return "void " + prefix + "gc" + "(" + "'compartment'" + maybeCommaShrinking() + ");"; } },
{ w: 5, v: function(d, b) { return "void " + prefix + "gc" + "(" + fGlobal(d, b) + maybeCommaShrinking() + ");"; } },
{ w: 20, v: function(d, b) { return prefix + "minorgc" + "(false);"; } },
{ w: 20, v: function(d, b) { return prefix + "minorgc" + "(true);"; } },
{ w: 20, v: function(d, b) { return tryCatch(prefix + "startgc" + "(" + gcSliceSize() + maybeCommaShrinking() + ");"); } },
{ w: 20, v: function(d, b) { return prefix + "gcslice" + "(" + gcSliceSize() + ");"; } },
{ w: 10, v: function(d, b) { return prefix + "abortgc" + "(" + ");"; } },
{ w: 10, v: function(d, b) { return prefix + "selectforgc" + "(" + fObject(d, b) + ");"; } },
{ w: 10, v: function(d, b) { return "void " + prefix + "schedulegc" + "(" + fGlobal(d, b) + ");"; } },
{ w: 10, v: function(d, b) { return "void " + prefix + "schedulegc" + "(" + numberOfAllocs() + ");"; } },
{ w: 10, v: setGcparam },
{ w: 10, v: function(d, b) { return prefix + "verifyprebarriers" + "();"; } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return "void " + prefix + "hasChild(" + fObject(d, b) + ", " + fObject(d, b) + ");"; } },
{ w: 5, v: function(d, b) { return prefix + "validategc" + "(false);"; } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return prefix + "validategc" + "(true);"; } },
{ w: 5, v: function(d, b) { return prefix + "fullcompartmentchecks" + "(false);"; } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return prefix + "fullcompartmentchecks" + "(true);"; } },
{ w: 5, v: function(d, b) { return prefix + "setIonCheckGraphCoherency" + "(false);"; } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return prefix + "setIonCheckGraphCoherency" + "(true);"; } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return prefix + "enableOsiPointRegisterChecks" + "();"; } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return prefix + "assertJitStackInvariants" + "();"; } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return prefix + "setJitCompilerOption" + "('baseline.warmup.trigger', " + rnd(20) + ");"; } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return prefix + "setJitCompilerOption" + "('ion.warmup.trigger', " + rnd(40) + ");"; } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return prefix + "setJitCompilerOption" + "('ion.forceinlineCaches\', " + rnd(2) + ");"; } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return tryCatch(prefix + "setJitCompilerOption" + "('ion.enable', " + rnd(2) + ");"); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return tryCatch(prefix + "setJitCompilerOption" + "('baseline.enable', " + rnd(2) + ");"); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return prefix + "enableSPSProfiling" + "();"; } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return prefix + "enableSPSProfilingWithSlowAssertions" + "();"; } },
{ w: 5, v: function(d, b) { return prefix + "disableSPSProfiling" + "();"; } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return "void " + prefix + "readSPSProfilingStack" + "();"; } },
{ w: 5, v: function(d, b) { return prefix + "deterministicgc" + "(false);"; } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return prefix + "deterministicgc" + "(true);"; } },
{ w: 5, v: function(d, b) { return prefix + "gcPreserveCode" + "();"; } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return "void " + prefix + "getLcovInfo" + "();"; } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return "void " + prefix + "getLcovInfo" + "(" + fGlobal(d, b) + ");"; } },
var shellOnlyTestingFunctions = [
{ w: 5, v: function(d, b) { return prefix + "bailout" + "();"; } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return tryCatch("(void" + prefix + "disableSingleStepProfiling" + "()" + ")"); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return tryCatch("(" + prefix + "enableSingleStepProfiling" + "()" + ")"); } },
{ w: 10, v: function(d, b) { return "void " + prefix + "relazifyFunctions" + "();"; } },
{ w: 10, v: function(d, b) { return "void " + prefix + "relazifyFunctions" + "('compartment');"; } },
{ w: 5, v: function(d, b) { return "void " + prefix + "relazifyFunctions" + "(" + fGlobal(d, b) + ");"; } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return (typeof oomAfterAllocations == "function" && rnd(1000) === 0) ? prefix + "oomAfterAllocations" + "(" + (numberOfAllocs() - 1) + ");" : "void 0;"; } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return (typeof oomAtAllocation == "function" && rnd(100) === 0) ? prefix + "oomAtAllocation" + "(" + (numberOfAllocs() - 1) + ");" : "void 0;"; } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return (typeof resetOOMFailure == "function") ? "void " + prefix + "resetOOMFailure" + "(" + ");" : "void 0;"; } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return (rnd(100) === 0) ? (enableGCZeal()) : "void 0;"; } }, { w: 10, v: callSetGCCallback },
]; var testingFunctions = Random.weighted(browser ? sharedTestingFunctions : sharedTestingFunctions.concat(shellOnlyTestingFunctions)); return { testingFunctions: testingFunctions, enableGCZeal: enableGCZeal };
It might be more interesting to use Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor to find out if
a thing is exposed as a getter (like Debugger.prototype.enabled). But there are exceptions: <Jesse> why is Array.prototype.length not a getter? http:
<jorendorff> backward compatibility
<jorendorff> ES3 already allowed programs to create objects with arbitrary __proto__
<jorendorff> .length was specified to work as a data property; accessor properties inherit differently, especially when setting
<jorendorff> maybe only when setting, come to think of it
<jorendorff> I guess it could've been made an accessor property without breaking anything important. I didn't realize it at the time.
*/var constructors = [];
var builtinFunctions = [];
var builtinProperties = [];
var allMethodNames = [];
var allPropertyNames = []; var builtinObjectNames = [];
var builtinObjects = {}; (function exploreBuiltins(glob, debugMode) { function exploreDeeper(a, an)
if (!a)
var hns = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(a);
var propertyNames = [];
for (var j = 0; j < hns.length; ++j) {
var hn = hns[j];
allPropertyNames.push(hn); var fullName = an + "." + hn;
builtinProperties.push(fullName); var h;
try {
h = a[hn];
} catch(e) {
if (debugMode) {
dumpln("Threw: " + fullName);
h = null;
} if (typeof h == "function" && hn != "constructor") {
builtinObjects[an] = propertyNames;
} function exploreConstructors()
var gns = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(glob);
for (var i = 0; i < gns.length; ++i) {
var gn = gns[i];
if (0x40 < gn.charCodeAt(0) && gn.charCodeAt(0) < 0x60 && gn != "PerfMeasurement" && !(jsshell && gn == "Worker")) {
var g = glob[gn];
if (typeof g == "function" && g.toString().indexOf("[native code]") != -1) {
exploreDeeper(g, gn);
exploreDeeper(g.prototype, gn + ".prototype");
} exploreConstructors(); exploreDeeper(Math, "Math");
exploreDeeper(JSON, "JSON");
exploreDeeper(Proxy, "Proxy"); if (debugMode) {
for (let x of constructors) print("^^^^^ " + x);
for (let x of builtinProperties) print("***** " + x);
for (let x of builtinFunctions) print("===== " + x);
for (let x of allMethodNames) print("!!!!! " + x);
for (let x of allPropertyNames) print("&&&&& " + x);
}})(this, false);function cat(toks)
if (rnd(1700) === 0)
return totallyRandom(2, ["x"]); var torture = (rnd(1700) === 57);
if (torture)
dumpln("Torture!!!"); var s = maybeLineBreak();
for (var i = 0; i < toks.length; ++i) {
if (typeof(toks[i]) != "string") {
dumpln("Strange item in the array passed to cat: typeof toks[" + i + "] == " + typeof(toks[i]));
} if (!(torture && rnd(12) === 0))
s += toks[i]; s += maybeLineBreak(); if (torture) switch(rnd(120)) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
s += maybeSpace() + totallyRandom(2, ["x"]) + maybeSpace();
case 5:
s = "(" + s + ")";
case 6:
s = "";
case 7:
return s;
case 8:
case 9:
case 10:
if (rnd(2))
s += "(";
} } return s;
function catNice(toks)
var s = ""
var i;
for (i=0; i<toks.length; ++i) {
if(typeof(toks[i]) != "string")
confused("Strange toks[i]: " + toks[i]); s += toks[i];
} return s;
var UNTERMINATED_COMMENT = "/*"; /* this comment is here so my text editor won't get confused */
var UNTERMINATED_REGEXP_LITERAL = "/";function maybeLineBreak()
if (rnd(900) === 3)
return Random.index(["\r", "\n", "//h\n", "/*\n*/"]);
else if (rnd(400) === 3)
return rnd(2) ? "\u000C" : "\t";
return "";
}function maybeSpace()
if (rnd(2) === 0)
return " ";
return "";
}function stripSemicolon(c)
var len = c.length;
if (c.charAt(len - 1) == ";")
return c.substr(0, len - 1);
return c;
}var TOTALLY_RANDOM = 1000;var allMakers = getListOfMakers(this);function totallyRandom(d, b) {
d = d + (rnd(5) - 2); var maker = Random.index(allMakers);
var val = maker(d, b);
if (typeof val != "string") {
throw "We generated something that isn't a string!";
return val;
}function getListOfMakers(glob)
var r = [];
for (var f in glob) {
if (f.indexOf("make") == 0 && typeof glob[f] == "function" && f != "makeFinalizeObserver" && f != "makeFakePromise") {
return r;
function testEachMaker()
for (var f of allMakers) {
for (var i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
try {
var r = f(8, ["A", "B"]);
if (typeof r != "string")
throw ("Got a " + typeof r);
} catch(e) {
throw "testEachMaker found a bug in jsfunfuzz";
function asmJSInterior(foreignFunctions, sanePlease)
function mess()
if (!sanePlease && rnd(600) === 0)
return makeStatement(8, ["x"]) + "\n";
if (!sanePlease && rnd(600) === 0)
return totallyRandom(8, ["x"]);
return "";
} var globalEnv = {stdlibImported: {}, stdlibImports: "", heapImported: {}, heapImports: "", foreignFunctions: foreignFunctions, sanePlease: !!sanePlease};
var asmFunDecl = asmJsFunction(globalEnv, "f", rnd(2) ? "signed" : "double", [rnd(2) ? "i0" : "d0", rnd(2) ? "i1" : "d1"]);
var interior = mess() + globalEnv.stdlibImports +
mess() + importForeign(foreignFunctions) +
mess() + globalEnv.heapImports +
mess() + asmFunDecl +
mess() + " return f;" +
return interior;
}function importForeign(foreignFunctions)
var s = "";
for (let h of foreignFunctions) {
s += " var " + h + " = foreign." + h + ";\n";
return s;
}function asmJsFunction(globalEnv, name, ret, args)
var s = " function " + name + "(" + args.join(", ") + ")\n";
s += " {\n";
s += parameterTypeAnnotations(args);
var locals = args;
while (rnd(2)) {
var isDouble = rnd(2);
var local = (isDouble ? "d" : "i") + locals.length;
s += " var " + local + " = " + (isDouble ? doubleLiteral() : "0") + ";\n";
} var env = {globalEnv: globalEnv, locals: locals, ret: ret};
if (locals.length) {
while (rnd(5)) {
s += asmStatement(" ", env, 6);
if (ret != "void" || rnd(2))
s += asmReturnStatement(" ", env); s += " }\n"; return s;
}function asmStatement(indent, env, d)
if (!env.globalEnv.sanePlease && rnd(100) === 0)
return makeStatement(3, ["x"]); if (rnd(5) === 0 && d > 0) {
return indent + "{\n" + asmStatement(indent + " ", env, d - 1) + indent + "}\n";
if (rnd(20) === 0 && d > 3) {
return asmSwitchStatement(indent, env, d);
if (rnd(10) === 0) {
return asmReturnStatement(indent, env);
if (rnd(50) === 0 && env.globalEnv.foreignFunctions.length) {
return asmVoidCallStatement(indent, env);
if (rnd(100) === 0)
return ";";
return asmAssignmentStatement(indent, env);
}function asmVoidCallStatement(indent, env)
return indent + asmFfiCall(8, env) + ";\n";
}function asmAssignmentStatement(indent, env)
if (rnd(5) === 0 || !env.locals.length) {
if (rnd(2)) {
return indent + intishMemberExpr(8, env) + " = " + intishExpr(10, env) + ";\n";
} else {
return indent + doublishMemberExpr(8, env) + " = " + doublishExpr(10, env) + ";\n";
} var local = Random.index(env.locals);
if (local.charAt(0) == "d") {
return indent + local + " = " + doubleExpr(10, env) + ";\n";
} else {
return indent + local + " = " + intExpr(10, env) + ";\n";
}function asmReturnStatement(indent, env)
var ret = rnd(2) ? env.ret : Random.index(["double", "signed", "void"]);
if (env.ret == "double")
return indent + "return +" + doublishExpr(10, env) + ";\n";
else if (env.ret == "signed")
return indent + "return (" + intishExpr(10, env) + ")|0;\n";
return indent + "return;\n";
}function asmSwitchStatement(indent, env, d)
var s = indent + "switch (" + signedExpr(4, env) + ") {\n";
while (rnd(3)) {
s += indent + " case " + (rnd(5)-3) + ":\n";
s += asmStatement(indent + " ", env, d - 2);
if (rnd(4))
s += indent + " break;\n";
if (rnd(2)) {
s += indent + " default:\n";
s += asmStatement(indent + " ", env, d - 2);
s += indent + "}\n";
return s;
}function parameterTypeAnnotations(args)
var s = "";
for (var a = 0; a < args.length; ++a) {
var arg = args[a];
if (arg.charAt(0) == "i")
s += " " + arg + " = " + arg + "|0;\n";
s += " " + arg + " = " + "+" + arg + ";\n";
return s;
var additive = ["+", "-"];
var intExpr = autoExpr(Random.weighted([
{w: 1, v: function(d, e) { return intLiteralRange(-0x8000000, 0xffffffff); }},
{w: 1, v: function(d, e) { return intExpr(d - 3, e) + " ? " + intExpr(d - 3, e) + " : " + intExpr(d - 3, e); }},
{w: 1, v: function(d, e) { return "!" + intExpr(d - 1, e); }},
{w: 1, v: function(d, e) { return signedExpr(d - 1, e); }},
{w: 1, v: function(d, e) { return unsignedExpr(d - 1, e); }},
{w: 10, v: function(d, e) { return intVar(e); }},
{w: 1, v: function(d, e) { return e.globalEnv.foreignFunctions.length ? asmFfiCall(d, e) + "|0" : "1"; }},
{w: 1, v: function(d, e) { return signedExpr(d - 2, e) + Random.index([" < ", " <= ", " > ", " >= ", " == ", " != "]) + signedExpr(d - 2, e); }},
{w: 1, v: function(d, e) { return unsignedExpr(d - 2, e) + Random.index([" < ", " <= ", " > ", " >= ", " == ", " != "]) + unsignedExpr(d - 2, e); }},
{w: 1, v: function(d, e) { return doubleExpr(d - 2, e) + Random.index([" < ", " <= ", " > ", " >= ", " == ", " != "]) + doubleExpr(d - 2, e); }},
]));var intishExpr = autoExpr(Random.weighted([
{w: 10, v: function(d, e) { return intExpr(d, e); }},
{w: 1, v: function(d, e) { return intishMemberExpr(d, e); }},
{w: 10, v: function(d, e) { return intExpr(d - 1, e) + Random.index(additive) + intExpr(d - 1, e); }},
{w: 5, v: function(d, e) { return intExpr(d - 2, e) + Random.index(additive) + intExpr(d - 2, e) + Random.index(additive) + intExpr(d - 2, e); }},
{w: 2, v: function(d, e) { return intExpr(d - 1, e) + "*" + intLiteralRange(-0xfffff, 0xfffff); }},
{w: 2, v: function(d, e) { return intLiteralRange(-0xfffff, 0xfffff) + "*" + intExpr(d - 1, e); }},
{w: 1, v: function(d, e) { return "-" + intExpr(d - 1, e); }},
{w: 1, v: function(d, e) { return signedExpr(d - 2, e) + " / " + signedExpr(d - 2, e); }},
{w: 1, v: function(d, e) { return unsignedExpr(d - 2, e) + " / " + unsignedExpr(d - 2, e); }},
{w: 1, v: function(d, e) { return signedExpr(d - 2, e) + " % " + signedExpr(d - 2, e); }},
{w: 1, v: function(d, e) { return unsignedExpr(d - 2, e) + " % " + unsignedExpr(d - 2, e); }},
]));var signedExpr = autoExpr(Random.weighted([
{w: 1, v: function(d, e) { return intLiteralRange(-0x8000000, 0x7fffffff); }},
{w: 1, v: function(d, e) { return "~" + intishExpr(d - 1, e); }},
{w: 1, v: function(d, e) { return "~~" + doubleExpr(d - 1, e); }},
{w: 1, v: function(d, e) { return intishExpr(d - 1, e) + "|0"; }},
{w: 1, v: function(d, e) { return ensureMathImport(e, "imul") + "(" + intExpr(d - 2, e) + ", " + intExpr(d - 2, e) + ")|0"; }},
{w: 1, v: function(d, e) { return ensureMathImport(e, "abs") + "(" + signedExpr(d - 1, e) + ")|0"; }},
{w: 5, v: function(d, e) { return intishExpr(d - 2, e) + Random.index([" | ", " & ", " ^ ", " << ", " >> "]) + intishExpr(d - 2, e); }},
]));var unsignedExpr = autoExpr(Random.weighted([
{w: 1, v: function(d, e) { return intLiteralRange(0, 0xffffffff); }},
{w: 1, v: function(d, e) { return intishExpr(d - 2, e) + ">>>" + intishExpr(d - 2, e); }},
]));var doublishExpr = autoExpr(Random.weighted([
{w: 10, v: function(d, e) { return doubleExpr(d, e); }},
{w: 1, v: function(d, e) { return doublishMemberExpr(d, e); }},
]));var doubleExpr = autoExpr(Random.weighted([
{w: 1, v: function(d, e) { return doubleLiteral(); }},
{w: 20, v: function(d, e) { return doubleVar(e); }},
{w: 1, v: function(d, e) { return e.globalEnv.foreignFunctions.length ? "+" + asmFfiCall(d, e) : "1.0"; }},
{w: 1, v: function(d, e) { return "+(1.0/0.0)"; }},
{w: 1, v: function(d, e) { return "+(0.0/0.0)"; }},
{w: 1, v: function(d, e) { return "+(-1.0/0.0)"; }},
{w: 1, v: function(d, e) { return "+" + signedExpr(d - 1, e); }},
{w: 1, v: function(d, e) { return "+" + unsignedExpr(d - 1, e); }},
{w: 1, v: function(d, e) { return "+" + doublishExpr(d - 1, e); }},
{w: 1, v: function(d, e) { return "-" + doublishExpr(d - 1, e); }},
{w: 1, v: function(d, e) { return doubleExpr(d - 2, e) + " + " + doubleExpr(d - 2, e); }},
{w: 1, v: function(d, e) { return doublishExpr(d - 2, e) + " - " + doublishExpr(d - 2, e); }},
{w: 1, v: function(d, e) { return doublishExpr(d - 2, e) + " * " + doublishExpr(d - 2, e); }},
{w: 1, v: function(d, e) { return doublishExpr(d - 2, e) + " / " + doublishExpr(d - 2, e); }},
{w: 1, v: function(d, e) { return doublishExpr(d - 2, e) + " % " + doublishExpr(d - 2, e); }},
{w: 1, v: function(d, e) { return intExpr(d - 3, e) + " ? " + doubleExpr(d - 3, e) + " : " + doubleExpr(d - 3, e); }},
{w: 1, v: function(d, e) { return "+" + ensureMathImport(e, Random.index(["acos", "asin", "atan", "cos", "sin", "tan", "ceil", "floor", "exp", "log", "sqrt"])) + "(" + doublishExpr(d - 1, e) + ")"; }},
{w: 1, v: function(d, e) { return "+" + ensureMathImport(e, "abs") + "(" + doublishExpr(d - 1, e) + ")"; }},
{w: 1, v: function(d, e) { return "+" + ensureMathImport(e, Random.index(["atan2", "pow"])) + "(" + doublishExpr(d - 2, e) + ", " + doublishExpr(d - 2, e) + ")"; }},
{w: 1, v: function(d, e) { return ensureImport(e, "Infinity"); }},
{w: 1, v: function(d, e) { return ensureImport(e, "NaN"); }},
]));var externExpr = autoExpr(Random.weighted([
{w: 1, v: function(d, e) { return doubleExpr(d, e); } },
{w: 1, v: function(d, e) { return signedExpr(d, e); } },
]));var intishMemberExpr = autoExpr(Random.weighted([
{w: 1, v: function(d, e) { return ensureView(e, Random.index(["Int8Array", "Uint8Array" ])) + "[" + asmIndex(d, e, 0) + "]"; }},
{w: 1, v: function(d, e) { return ensureView(e, Random.index(["Int16Array", "Uint16Array"])) + "[" + asmIndex(d, e, 1) + "]"; }},
{w: 1, v: function(d, e) { return ensureView(e, Random.index(["Int32Array", "Uint32Array"])) + "[" + asmIndex(d, e, 2) + "]"; }},
]), true);var doublishMemberExpr = autoExpr(Random.weighted([
{w: 1, v: function(d, e) { return ensureView(e, "Float32Array") + "[" + asmIndex(d, e, 2) + "]"; }},
{w: 1, v: function(d, e) { return ensureView(e, "Float64Array") + "[" + asmIndex(d, e, 3) + "]"; }},
]), true);function asmIndex(d, e, logSize)
if (rnd(2) || d < 2)
return Random.index(["0", "1", "2", "4096"]); return intishExpr(d - 2, e) + " >> " + logSize;
}function asmFfiCall(d, e)
var argList = "";
while (rnd(6)) {
if (argList)
argList += ", ";
d -= 1;
argList += externExpr(d, e);
} return "/*FFI*/" + Random.index(e.globalEnv.foreignFunctions) + "(" + argList + ")";
function ensureView(e, t)
var varName = t + "View";
if (!(varName in e.globalEnv.heapImported)) {
e.globalEnv.heapImports += " var " + varName + " = new stdlib." + t + "(heap);\n";
e.globalEnv.heapImported[varName] = true;
return varName;
}function ensureMathImport(e, f)
return ensureImport(e, f, "Math.");
}function ensureImport(e, f, prefix)
if (!(f in e.globalEnv.stdlibImported)) {
e.globalEnv.stdlibImports += " var " + f + " = stdlib." + (prefix||"") + f + ";\n";
e.globalEnv.stdlibImported[f] = true;
return f;
var anyAsmExpr = [intExpr, intishExpr, signedExpr, doublishExpr, doubleExpr, intishMemberExpr, doublishMemberExpr];function autoExpr(funs, avoidSubst)
return function(d, e) {
var f = d < 1 ? funs[0] :
rnd(50) === 0 && !e.globalEnv.sanePlease ? function(_d, _e) { return makeExpr(5, ["x"]); } :
rnd(50) === 0 && !avoidSubst ? Random.index(anyAsmExpr) :
return "(" + f(d, e) + ")";
}function intVar(e)
var locals = e.locals;
if (!locals.length)
return intLiteralRange(-0x8000000, 0xffffffff);
var local = Random.index(locals);
if (local.charAt(0) == "i")
return local;
return intLiteralRange(-0x8000000, 0xffffffff);
}function doubleVar(e)
var locals = e.locals;
if (!locals.length)
return doubleLiteral();
var local = Random.index(locals);
if (local.charAt(0) == "d")
return local;
return doubleLiteral();
function doubleLiteral()
return Random.index(["-", ""]) + positiveDoubleLiteral();
}function positiveDoubleLiteral()
if (rnd(3) === 0) {
Random.index(["0.0", "1.0", "1.2345e60"]);
var value = Math.pow(2, rnd(100) - 10);
if (rnd(3)) {
value += 1;
} else if (value > 1 && rnd(2)) {
value -= 1;
} var str = value + "";
if (str.indexOf(".") == -1) {
return str + ".0";
return str;
}function fuzzyRange(min, max)
if (rnd(10000) === 0)
return min - 1;
if (rnd(10000) === 0)
return max + 1;
if (rnd(10) === 0)
return min;
if (rnd(10) === 0)
return max;
if (max > min + 0x100000000 && rnd(3) === 0)
return min + 0x100000000 + rnd(max - (min + 0x100000000) + 1);
return min + rnd(max - min + 1);
}function intLiteralRange(min, max)
var val = fuzzyRange(min, max);
var sign = val < 0 ? "-" : "";
return sign + "0x" + Math.abs(val).toString(16);
const NUM_MATH_FUNCTIONS = 6;var binaryMathOps = [
" * ", /* NODIFF " / " */, " % ",
" + ", " - ",
" ** ",
" << ", " >> ", " >>> ",
" < ", " > ", " <= ", " >= ",
" == ", " != ",
" === ", " !== ",
" & ", " | ", " ^ ", " && ", " || ",
" , ",
];var leftUnaryMathOps = [
" ! ", " + ", " - ", " ~ ",
];var unaryMathFunctions = [
var binaryMathFunctions = [
];function makeMathFunction(d, b, i)
if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(d, b); var ivars = ["x", "y"];
if (rnd(10) == 0) {
ivars = ivars.concat(b);
return "(function(x, y) { " + directivePrologue() + "return " + makeMathExpr(d, ivars, i) + "; })";
}function makeMathExpr(d, b, i)
if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(d, b);
if (d < rnd(5)) {
if (rnd(4)) {
return Random.index(b);
return Random.index(numericVals);
} if (rnd(500) == 0 && d > 0)
return makeExpr(d - 1, b); function r() { return makeMathExpr(d - 1, b, i); }
var commonCoercion = rnd(10);
function mc(expr) {
switch(rnd(3) ? commonCoercion : rnd(10)) {
case 0: return "(" + " + " + expr + ")";
case 1: return "Math.fround(" + expr + ")";
case 2: return "(" + expr + " | 0)";
case 3: return "(" + expr + " >>> 0)";
default: return expr;
} if (i > 0 && rnd(10) == 0) {
return mc("mathy" + rnd(i) + "(" + mc(r()) + ", " + mc(r()) + ")");
} if (rnd(20) == 0) {
return mc("(" + mc(r()) + " ? " + mc(r()) + " : " + mc(r()) + ")");
} switch(rnd(4)) {
case 0: return mc("(" + mc(r()) + Random.index(binaryMathOps) + mc(r()) + ")");
case 1: return mc("(" + Random.index(leftUnaryMathOps) + mc(r()) + ")");
case 2: return mc("Math." + Random.index(unaryMathFunctions) + "(" + mc(r()) + ")");
default: return mc("Math." + Random.index(binaryMathFunctions) + "(" + mc(r()) + ", " + mc(r()) + ")");
function makeScript(d, ignoredB)
return directivePrologue() + makeScriptBody(d, ignoredB);
}function makeScriptBody(d, ignoredB)
if (rnd(3) == 0) {
return makeMathyFunAndTest(d, ["x"]);
return makeStatement(d, ["x"]);
}function makeScriptForEval(d, b)
switch (rnd(4)) {
case 0: return makeExpr(d - 1, b);
case 1: return makeStatement(d - 1, b);
case 2: return makeUseRegressionTest(d, b);
default: return makeScript(d - 3, b);
}function makeStatement(d, b)
if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(d, b); if (rnd(2))
return makeBuilderStatement(d, b); if (d < 6 && rnd(3) === 0)
return makePrintStatement(d, b); if (d < rnd(8))
return makeLittleStatement(d, b); d = rnd(d); return (Random.index(statementMakers))(d, b);
}var varBinder = ["var ", "let ", "const ", ""];
var varBinderFor = ["var ", "let ", ""];
function forLoopHead(d, b, v, reps)
var sInit = Random.index(varBinderFor) + v + " = 0";
var sCond = v + " < " + reps;
var sNext = "++" + v; while (rnd(10) === 0)
sInit += ", " + makeLetHeadItem(d - 2, b);
while (rnd(10) === 0)
sInit += ", " + makeExpr(d - 2, b); while (rnd(20) === 0)
sCond = sCond + " && (" + makeExpr(d - 2, b) + ")";
while (rnd(20) === 0)
sCond = "(" + makeExpr(d - 2, b) + ") && " + sCond; while (rnd(20) === 0)
sNext = sNext + ", " + makeExpr(d - 2, b);
while (rnd(20) === 0)
sNext = makeExpr(d - 2, b) + ", " + sNext; return "for (" + sInit + "; " + sCond + "; " + sNext + ")";
}function makeOpaqueIdiomaticLoop(d, b)
var reps = loopCount();
var vHidden = uniqueVarName();
return "/*oLoop*/" + forLoopHead(d, b, vHidden, reps) + " { " +
makeStatement(d - 2, b) +
" } ";
}function makeTransparentIdiomaticLoop(d, b)
var reps = loopCount();
var vHidden = uniqueVarName();
var vVisible = makeNewId(d, b);
return "/*vLoop*/" + forLoopHead(d, b, vHidden, reps) +
" { " +
Random.index(varBinder) + vVisible + " = " + vHidden + "; " +
makeStatement(d - 2, b.concat([vVisible])) +
" } ";
}function makeBranchUnstableLoop(d, b)
var reps = loopCount();
var v = uniqueVarName();
var mod = loopModulo();
var target = rnd(mod);
return "/*bLoop*/" + forLoopHead(d, b, v, reps) + " { " +
"if (" + v + " % " + mod + " == " + target + ") { " + makeStatement(d - 2, b) + " } " +
"else { " + makeStatement(d - 2, b) + " } " +
" } ";
}function makeTypeUnstableLoop(d, b) {
var a = makeMixedTypeArray(d, b);
var v = makeNewId(d, b);
var bv = b.concat([v]);
return "/*tLoop*/for (let " + v + " of " + a + ") { " + makeStatement(d - 2, bv) + " }";
function makeFunOnCallChain(d, b) {
var s = "arguments.callee";
while (rnd(2))
s += ".caller";
return s;
var statementMakers = Random.weighted([
{ w: 15, v: function(d, b) { return cat([makeStatement(d - 1, b), makeStatement(d - 1, b) ]); } },
{ w: 15, v: function(d, b) { return cat([makeStatement(d - 1, b), "\n", makeStatement(d - 1, b), "\n"]); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return cat([stripSemicolon(makeStatement(d, b)), "\n", makeStatement(d, b)]); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return cat([stripSemicolon(makeStatement(d, b)), "\n" ]); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return stripSemicolon(makeStatement(d, b)); } },
{ w: 4, v: function(d, b) { var v = makeNewId(d, b); return cat([Random.index(varBinder), v, " = ", makeExpr(d, b), ";", makeStatement(d - 1, b.concat([v]))]); } },
{ w: 4, v: function(d, b) { var v = makeNewId(d, b); return cat([makeStatement(d - 1, b.concat([v])), Random.index(varBinder), v, " = ", makeExpr(d, b), ";"]); } },
{ w: 10, v: function(d, b) { return cat([Random.index(varBinder), makeLetHead(d, b), ";", makeStatement(d - 1, b)]); } },
{ w: 2, v: function(d, b) { return cat(["{", makeStatement(d, b), " }"]); } },
{ w: 2, v: function(d, b) { return cat(["{", makeStatement(d - 1, b), makeStatement(d - 1, b), " }"]); } },
{ w: 2, v: function(d, b) { return cat([maybeLabel(), "with", "(", makeExpr(d, b), ")", makeStatementOrBlock(d, b)]); } },
{ w: 2, v: function(d, b) { var v = makeNewId(d, b); return cat([maybeLabel(), "with", "(", "{", v, ": ", makeExpr(d, b), "}", ")", makeStatementOrBlock(d, b.concat([v]))]); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return "/*infloop*/" + cat([maybeLabel(), "for", "(", makeExpr(d, b), "; ", makeExpr(d, b), "; ", makeExpr(d, b), ") ", makeStatementOrBlock(d, b)]); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { var v = makeNewId(d, b); return "/*infloop*/" + cat([maybeLabel(), "for", "(", Random.index(varBinderFor), v, "; ", makeExpr(d, b), "; ", makeExpr(d, b), ") ", makeStatementOrBlock(d, b.concat([v]))]); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { var v = makeNewId(d, b); return "/*infloop*/" + cat([maybeLabel(), "for", "(", Random.index(varBinderFor), v, " = ", makeExpr(d, b), "; ", makeExpr(d, b), "; ", makeExpr(d, b), ") ", makeStatementOrBlock(d, b.concat([v]))]); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return "/*infloop*/" + cat([maybeLabel(), "for", "(", Random.index(varBinderFor), makeDestructuringLValue(d, b), " = ", makeExpr(d, b), "; ", makeExpr(d, b), "; ", makeExpr(d, b), ") ", makeStatementOrBlock(d, b)]); } },
{ w: 6, v: makeTransparentIdiomaticLoop },
{ w: 6, v: makeOpaqueIdiomaticLoop },
{ w: 6, v: makeBranchUnstableLoop },
{ w: 8, v: makeTypeUnstableLoop },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return "/*infloop*/" + cat([maybeLabel(), "for", "(", Random.index(varBinderFor), makeForInLHS(d, b), " in ", makeExpr(d - 2, b), ") ", makeStatementOrBlock(d, b)]); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { var v = makeNewId(d, b); return cat([maybeLabel(), "for", "(", Random.index(varBinderFor), v, " in ", makeExpr(d - 2, b), ") ", makeStatementOrBlock(d, b.concat([v]))]); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return "/*infloop*/" + cat([maybeLabel(), "for", "(", Random.index(varBinderFor), makeForInLHS(d, b), " in ", "(", "(", makeFunction(d, b), ")", "(", makeExpr(d, b), ")", ")", ")", makeStatementOrBlock(d, b)]); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { var v = makeNewId(d, b); return cat([maybeLabel(), "for", "(", Random.index(varBinderFor), v, " in ", "(", "(", makeFunction(d, b), ")", "(", makeExpr(d, b), ")", ")", ")", makeStatementOrBlock(d, b.concat([v]))]); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return "/*infloop*/" + cat([maybeLabel(), " for ", " each", "(", Random.index(varBinderFor), makeLValue(d, b), " in ", makeExpr(d - 2, b), ") ", makeStatementOrBlock(d, b)]); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { var v = makeNewId(d, b); return cat([maybeLabel(), " for ", " each", "(", Random.index(varBinderFor), v, " in ", makeExpr(d - 2, b), ") ", makeStatementOrBlock(d, b.concat([v]))]); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return "/*infloop*/" + cat([maybeLabel(), " for ", "(", Random.index(varBinderFor), makeLValue(d, b), " of ", makeExpr(d - 2, b), ") ", makeStatementOrBlock(d, b)]); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { var v = makeNewId(d, b); return cat([maybeLabel(), " for ", "(", Random.index(varBinderFor), v, " of ", makeExpr(d - 2, b), ") ", makeStatementOrBlock(d, b.concat([v]))]); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return cat([maybeLabel(), "for", "(", Random.index(varBinderFor), makeId(d, b), " = ", makeExpr(d, b), " in ", makeExpr(d - 2, b), ") ", makeStatementOrBlock(d, b)]); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { var v = makeNewId(d, b); return cat([maybeLabel(), "for", "(", Random.index(varBinderFor), v, " = ", makeExpr(d, b), " in ", makeExpr(d - 2, b), ") ", makeStatementOrBlock(d, b.concat([v]))]); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { var v = makeNewId(d, b), w = makeNewId(d, b); return cat([maybeLabel(), "for", "(", Random.index(varBinderFor), "[", v, ", ", w, "]", " = ", makeExpr(d, b), " in ", makeExpr(d - 2, b), ") ", makeStatementOrBlock(d, b.concat([v, w]))]); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return cat([maybeLabel(), "while((", makeExpr(d, b), ") && 0)" /*don't split this, it's needed to avoid marking as infloop*/, makeStatementOrBlock(d, b)]); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return "/*infloop*/" + cat([maybeLabel(), "while", "(", makeExpr(d, b), ")", makeStatementOrBlock(d, b)]); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return cat([maybeLabel(), "do ", makeStatementOrBlock(d, b), " while((", makeExpr(d, b), ") && 0)" /*don't split this, it's needed to avoid marking as infloop*/, ";"]); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return "/*infloop*/" + cat([maybeLabel(), "do ", makeStatementOrBlock(d, b), " while", "(", makeExpr(d, b), ");"]); } },
{ w: 3, v: function(d, b) { return cat([maybeLabel(), "switch", "(", makeExpr(d, b), ")", " { ", makeSwitchBody(d, b), " }"]); } },
{ w: 2, v: function(d, b) { var v = makeNewId(d, b); return cat(["let ", "(", v, ")", " { ", makeStatement(d, b.concat([v])), " }"]); } },
{ w: 2, v: function(d, b) { return cat(["let ", "(", makeLetHead(d, b), ")", " { ", makeStatement(d, b), " }"]); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return cat([maybeLabel(), "if(", makeBoolean(d, b), ") ", makeStatementOrBlock(d, b)]); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return cat([maybeLabel(), "if(", makeBoolean(d, b), ") ", makeStatementOrBlock(d - 1, b), " else ", makeStatementOrBlock(d - 1, b)]); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return cat([maybeLabel(), "if(", makeBoolean(d, b), ") ", makeStatementOrBlock(d - 1, b), " else ", " if ", "(", makeExpr(d, b), ") ", makeStatementOrBlock(d - 1, b)]); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return cat([maybeLabel(), "if(", makeBoolean(d, b), ") ", makeStatementOrBlock(d - 1, b), " else ", " if ", "(", makeExpr(d, b), ") ", makeStatementOrBlock(d - 1, b), " else ", makeStatementOrBlock(d - 1, b)]); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return cat([maybeLabel(), "if(", makeBoolean(d, b), ") ", "{", " if ", "(", makeExpr(d, b), ") ", makeStatementOrBlock(d - 1, b), " else ", makeStatementOrBlock(d - 1, b), "}"]); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return cat([maybeLabel(), "if(", makeBoolean(d, b), ") ", "{", " if ", "(", makeExpr(d, b), ") ", makeStatementOrBlock(d - 1, b), "}", " else ", makeStatementOrBlock(d - 1, b)]); } },
{ w: 5, v: function(d, b) { return cat([makeExpr(d, b), ";"]); } },
{ w: 5, v: function(d, b) { return cat(["(", makeExpr(d, b), ")", ";"]); } },
{ w: 6, v: function(d, b) { return makeExceptionyStatement(d - 1, b) + makeExceptionyStatement(d - 1, b); } },
{ w: 7, v: function(d, b) { return makeExceptionyStatement(d, b); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return cat(["L", ": ", makeStatementOrBlock(d, b)]); } },
{ w: 10, v: function(d, b) { return cat([makeStatement(d-2, b), "function ", makeId(d, b), "(", makeFormalArgList(d, b), ")", makeFunctionBody(d - 1, b), makeStatement(d-2, b)]); } },
{ w: 8, v: makeNamedFunctionAndUse },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { if (rnd(200)==0) return "/*DUPTRY" + rnd(10000) + "*/" + makeStatement(d - 1, b); return ";"; } }, { w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return makeShapeyConstructorLoop(d, b); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { var x = makeId(d, b); return x + " = linkedList(" + x + ", " + (rnd(100) * rnd(100)) + ");"; } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return directivePrologue() + makeStatement(d - 1, b); } },
{ w: 3, v: function(d, b) { return makeTestingFunctionCall(d, b); } },
{ w: 3, v: function(d, b) { return makeTestingFunctionCall(d - 1, b) + " " + makeStatement(d - 1, b); } },
{ w: 8, v: makeTypedArrayStatements },
{ w: 8, v: makePrintStatement }, { w: 20, v: makeRegexUseBlock }, { w: 1, v: makeRegisterStompBody }, { w: 20, v: makeUseRegressionTest },
]);if (typeof oomTest == "function" && engine != ENGINE_SPIDERMONKEY_MOZILLA45) {
statementMakers = statementMakers.concat([
function(d, b) { return "oomTest(" + makeFunction(d, b-1) + ")"; },
function makeUseRegressionTest(d, b)
if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(d, b); if (typeof regressionTestList != "object") {
return "/* no regression tests found */";
} var maintest = regressionTestsRoot + Random.index(regressionTestList);
var files = regressionTestDependencies(maintest); var s = ""; if (rnd(5) == 0) {
s += "assertEq = function(x, y) { if (x != y) { print(0); } }; ";
} for (var i = 0; i < files.length; ++i) {
var file = files[i]; if (regressionTestIsEvil(read(file))) {
} switch (rnd(2)) {
case 0:
s += "/* regression-test-inline */ " + inlineRegressionTest(file);
s += "/* regression-test-load */ " + "load(" + simpleSource(file) + ");";
return s;
}function regressionTestIsEvil(contents)
if (contents.indexOf("SIMD") != -1) {
return true;
if (contents.indexOf("print = ") != -1) {
return true;
return false;
}function inlineRegressionTest(filename)
const s = "/* " + filename + " */ " + read(filename) + "\n"; const noDiffTestingFunctions = [
]; for (var f of noDiffTestingFunctions) {
if (s.indexOf(f) != -1) {
return "/*NODIFF*/ " + s;
} return s;
function regressionTestDependencies(maintest)
var files = []; if (rnd(3)) {
for (var i = regressionTestsRoot.length; i < maintest.length; ++i) {
if (maintest.charAt(i) == "/" || maintest.charAt(i) == "\\") {
var shelljs = maintest.substr(0, i + 1) + "shell.js";
if (regressionTestList.indexOf(shelljs) != -1) {
if (maintest.indexOf("jit-test") != -1) {
files.push(libdir + "prologue.js");
} files.push(maintest);
return files;
function linkedList(x, n)
for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i)
x = {a: x};
return x;
}function makeNamedFunctionAndUse(d, b) {
var funcName = uniqueVarName();
var formalArgList = makeFormalArgList(d, b);
var bv = formalArgList.length == 1 ? b.concat(formalArgList) : b;
var declStatement = cat(["/*hhh*/function ", funcName, "(", formalArgList, ")", "{", makeStatement(d - 1, bv), "}"]);
var useStatement;
if (rnd(2)) {
useStatement = cat([funcName, "(", makeActualArgList(d, b), ")", ";"]);
} else {
useStatement = "/*iii*/" + makeStatement(d - 1, b.concat([funcName]));
if (rnd(2)) {
return declStatement + useStatement;
} else {
return useStatement + declStatement;
}function makePrintStatement(d, b)
if (rnd(2) && b.length)
return "print(" + Random.index(b) + ");";
return "print(" + makeExpr(d, b) + ");";
function maybeLabel()
if (rnd(4) === 1)
return cat([Random.index(["L", "M"]), ":"]);
return "";
function uniqueVarName()
var i, s = "";
for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
s += String.fromCharCode(97 + rnd(26));
return s;
}function makeSwitchBody(d, b)
if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(d, b); var haveSomething = false;
var haveDefault = false;
var output = ""; do { if (!haveSomething || rnd(2)) {
if (!haveDefault && rnd(2)) {
output += "default: ";
haveDefault = true;
else {
output += "case " + (rnd(2) ? rnd(10) : makeExpr(d, b)) + ": ";
} haveSomething = true;
if (rnd(2))
output += makeStatement(d, b);
if (rnd(2))
output += "break; "; if (rnd(2))
--d; } while (d && rnd(5)); return output;
}function makeLittleStatement(d, b)
if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(d, b); d = d - 1; if (rnd(4) === 1)
return makeStatement(d, b); return (Random.index(littleStatementMakers))(d, b);
}var littleStatementMakers =
function(d, b) { return cat([";"]); },
function(d, b) { return cat(["{", "}"]); },
function(d, b) { return cat([""]); },
function(d, b) { return cat(["throw ", makeExpr(d, b), ";"]); },
function(d, b) { return cat([Random.index(["continue", "break"]), " ", Random.index(["L", "M", "", ""]), ";"]); },
function(d, b) { return makeFunction(d, b); },
function(d, b) { return cat(["return ", makeExpr(d, b), ";"]); },
function(d, b) { return "return;"; },
function(d, b) { return cat(["yield ", makeExpr(d, b), ";"]); },
function(d, b) { return "yield;"; },
function(d, b) { return cat([makeExpr(d, b), ";"]); },
function(d, b) { return cat([makeExpr(d, b), ";"]); },
function(d, b) { return cat([makeExpr(d, b), ";"]); },
function(d, b) { return cat([makeExpr(d, b), ";"]); },
function(d, b) { return cat([makeExpr(d, b), ";"]); },
function(d, b) { return cat([makeExpr(d, b), ";"]); },
function(d, b) { return cat([makeExpr(d, b), ";"]); },
function(d, b) { return cat(["(", makeExpr(d, b), ")", ";"]); },
function(d, b) { return cat(["(", makeExpr(d, b), ")", ";"]); },
function(d, b) { return cat(["(", makeExpr(d, b), ")", ";"]); },
function(d, b) { return cat(["(", makeExpr(d, b), ")", ";"]); },
function(d, b) { return cat(["(", makeExpr(d, b), ")", ";"]); },
function(d, b) { return cat(["(", makeExpr(d, b), ")", ";"]); },
function(d, b) { return cat(["(", makeExpr(d, b), ")", ";"]); },
function makeStatementOrBlock(d, b)
if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(d, b); return (Random.index(statementBlockMakers))(d - 1, b);
}var statementBlockMakers = [
function(d, b) { return makeStatement(d, b); },
function(d, b) { return makeStatement(d, b); },
function(d, b) { return cat(["{", makeStatement(d, b), " }"]); },
function(d, b) { return cat(["{", makeStatement(d - 1, b), makeStatement(d - 1, b), " }"]); },
function makeExceptionyStatement(d, b)
if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(d, b); d = d - 1;
if (d < 1)
return makeLittleStatement(d, b); return (Random.index(exceptionyStatementMakers))(d, b);
}var exceptionProperties = ["constructor", "message", "name", "fileName", "lineNumber", "stack"];var exceptionyStatementMakers = [
function(d, b) { return makeTryBlock(d, b); }, function(d, b) { return makeStatement(d, b); },
function(d, b) { return makeLittleStatement(d, b); }, function(d, b) { return "return;"; },
function(d, b) { return cat(["return ", makeExpr(d, b), ";"]); },
function(d, b) { return cat(["yield ", makeExpr(d, b), ";"]); },
function(d, b) { return cat(["throw ", makeId(d, b), ";"]); },
function(d, b) { return "throw StopIteration;"; },
function(d, b) { return "this.zzz.zzz;"; },
function(d, b) { return b[b.length - 1] + "." + Random.index(exceptionProperties) + ";"; },
function(d, b) { return makeId(d, b) + "." + Random.index(exceptionProperties) + ";"; },
function(d, b) { return cat([makeId(d, b), " = ", makeId(d, b), ";"]); },
function(d, b) { return cat([makeLValue(d, b), " = ", makeId(d, b), ";"]); },
function(d, b) { var v = makeNewId(d, b); return "for(let " + v + " in []);"; },
function(d, b) { var v = makeNewId(d, b); return "for(let " + v + " in " + makeIterable(d, b) + ") " + makeExceptionyStatement(d, b.concat([v])); },
function(d, b) { var v = makeNewId(d, b); return "for(let " + v + " of " + makeIterable(d, b) + ") " + makeExceptionyStatement(d, b.concat([v])); },
function(d, b) { return "with({}) " + makeExceptionyStatement(d, b); },
function(d, b) { return "with({}) { " + makeExceptionyStatement(d, b) + " } "; },
function(d, b) { var v = makeNewId(d, b); return "let(" + v + ") { " + makeExceptionyStatement(d, b.concat([v])) + "}"; },
function(d, b) { var v = makeNewId(d, b); return "let(" + v + ") ((function(){" + makeExceptionyStatement(d, b.concat([v])) + "})());"; },
function(d, b) { return "let(" + makeLetHead(d, b) + ") { " + makeExceptionyStatement(d, b) + "}"; },
function(d, b) { return "let(" + makeLetHead(d, b) + ") ((function(){" + makeExceptionyStatement(d, b) + "})());"; },
function(d, b) { return "(function () { try { yield " + makeExpr(d, b) + " } finally { " + makeStatement(d, b) + " } })().next()"; }, function(d, b) { return "(function () { try { yield " + makeExpr(d, b) + " } finally { " + makeStatement(d, b) + " } })()"; },
function(d, b) { return "(function () { try { yield " + makeExpr(d, b) + " } finally { " + makeStatement(d, b) + " } })"; },
function(d, b) {
return "function gen() { try { yield 1; } finally { " + makeStatement(d, b) + " } } var i = gen();; i = null;";
];function makeTryBlock(d, b)
if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(d, b);
d = d - rnd(3);
var s = cat(["try", " { ", makeExceptionyStatement(d, b), " } "]); var numCatches = 0; while(rnd(3) === 0) {
var catchId = makeId(d, b);
var catchBlock = makeExceptionyStatement(d, b.concat([catchId]));
if (rnd(2))
s += cat(["catch", "(", catchId, " if ", makeExpr(d, b), ")", " { ", catchBlock, " } "]);
s += cat(["catch", "(", catchId, " if ", "(function(){", makeExceptionyStatement(d, b), "})())", " { ", catchBlock, " } "]);
} if (rnd(2)) {
var catchId = makeId(d, b);
var catchBlock = makeExceptionyStatement(d, b.concat([catchId]));
s += cat(["catch", "(", catchId, ")", " { ", catchBlock, " } "]);
} if (numCatches == 0 || rnd(2) === 1) {
s += cat(["finally", " { ", makeExceptionyStatement(d, b), " } "]);
} return s;
function makeExpr(d, b)
if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(d, b); if (d <= 0 || (rnd(7) === 1))
return makeTerm(d - 1, b); if (rnd(6) === 1 && b.length)
return Random.index(b); if (rnd(10) === 1)
return makeImmediateRecursiveCall(d, b); d = rnd(d); var expr = (Random.index(exprMakers))(d, b); if (rnd(4) === 1)
return "(" + expr + ")";
return expr;
}var binaryOps = [
" * ", " / ", " % ", " + ", " - ", " << ", " >> ", " >>> ", " < ", " > ", " <= ", " >= ", " instanceof ", " in ", " == ", " != ", " === ", " !== ",
" & ", " | ", " ^ ", " && ", " || ", " = ", " *= ", " /= ", " %= ", " += ", " -= ", " <<= ", " >>= ", " >>>= ", " &= ", " ^= ", " |= ", " , ", " ** ", " **= "
];var leftUnaryOps = [
"!", "+", "-", "~",
"void ", "typeof ", "delete ",
"new ",
"yield "
];var incDecOps = [
"++", "--",
var specialProperties = [
"__iterator__", "__count__",
"__parent__", "__proto__", "constructor", "prototype",
"arguments", "caller", "callee",
"toString", "toSource", "valueOf",
"call", "apply",
"0", "1",
function addPropertyName(p)
p = "" + p;
if (
p != "floor" &&
p != "random" &&
p != "parent" &&
true) {
print("Adding: " + p);
*/var exprMakers =
function(d, b) { return cat([makeLValue(d, b), Random.index(incDecOps)]); },
function(d, b) { return cat([Random.index(incDecOps), makeLValue(d, b)]); },
function(d, b) { return cat([Random.index(leftUnaryOps), makeExpr(d, b)]); },
function(d, b) { var id = makeId(d, b); return cat(["/*UUV1*/", "(", id, ".", Random.index(allMethodNames), " = ", makeFunction(d, b), ")"]); },
function(d, b) { var id = makeId(d, b); return cat(["/*UUV2*/", "(", id, ".", Random.index(allMethodNames), " = ", id, ".", Random.index(allMethodNames), ")"]); },
function(d, b) { return cat([makeExpr(d, b), ".", Random.index(allMethodNames), "(", makeActualArgList(d, b), ")"]); },
function(d, b) { return cat([makeExpr(d, b), ".", "valueOf", "(", uneval("number"), ")"]); },
function(d, b) { return cat([makeExpr(d, b), Random.index(binaryOps), makeExpr(d, b)]); },
function(d, b) { return cat([makeExpr(d, b), Random.index(binaryOps), makeExpr(d, b)]); },
function(d, b) { return cat([makeExpr(d, b), Random.index(binaryOps), makeExpr(d, b)]); },
function(d, b) { return cat([makeExpr(d, b), Random.index(binaryOps), makeExpr(d, b)]); },
function(d, b) { return cat([makeExpr(d, b), Random.index(binaryOps), makeExpr(d, b)]); },
function(d, b) { return cat([makeExpr(d, b), Random.index(binaryOps), makeExpr(d, b)]); },
function(d, b) { return cat([makeExpr(d, b), Random.index(binaryOps), makeExpr(d, b)]); },
function(d, b) { return cat([makeExpr(d, b), Random.index(binaryOps), makeExpr(d, b)]); },
function(d, b) { return cat([makeExpr(d, b), Random.index(binaryOps), makeExpr(d, b)]); },
function(d, b) { return cat([makeExpr(d, b), Random.index(binaryOps), makeExpr(d, b)]); },
function(d, b) { return cat([makeId(d, b), Random.index(binaryOps), makeId(d, b)]); },
function(d, b) { return cat([makeId(d, b), Random.index(binaryOps), makeId(d, b)]); },
function(d, b) { return cat([makeId(d, b), Random.index(binaryOps), makeId(d, b)]); },
function(d, b) { return cat([makeExpr(d, b), " ? ", makeExpr(d, b), " : ", makeExpr(d, b)]); },
function(d, b) { return cat([makeExpr(d, b), " ? ", makeExpr(d, b), " : ", makeExpr(d, b)]); },
function(d, b) { return cat(["yield ", makeExpr(d, b)]); },
function(d, b) { return cat(["(", "yield ", makeExpr(d, b), ")"]); },
function(d, b) { return cat([makeArrayLiteral(d, b), ".", Random.index(["map", "filter", "some", "sort"]) ]); },
function(d, b) { return cat([makeArrayLiteral(d, b), ".", Random.index(["map", "filter", "some", "sort"]), "(", makeFunction(d, b), ", ", makeExpr(d, b), ")"]); },
function(d, b) { return cat([makeArrayLiteral(d, b), ".", Random.index(["map", "filter", "some", "sort"]), "(", makeFunction(d, b), ")"]); },
function(d, b) { return cat(["'fafafa'", ".", "replace", "(", "/", "a", "/", "g", ", ", makeFunction(d, b), ")"]); },
function(d, b) { return cat(["[", makeExpr(d, b), "]"]); },
function(d, b) { return cat(["(", "{", makeId(d, b), ": ", makeExpr(d, b), "}", ")"]); },
function(d, b) { return makeFunction(d, b); },
function(d, b) { return makeFunction(d, b) + ".prototype"; },
function(d, b) { return cat(["(", makeFunction(d, b), ")", "(", makeActualArgList(d, b), ")"]); },
function(d, b) { return cat([ makeExpr(d, b), "(", makeActualArgList(d, b), ")"]); },
function(d, b) { return cat(["(", makeExpr(d, b), ")", "(", makeActualArgList(d, b), ")"]); },
function(d, b) { return cat([ makeFunction(d, b), "(", makeActualArgList(d, b), ")"]); },
function(d, b) { return cat(["(", makeFunction(d, b), ")", ".", "call", "(", makeExpr(d, b), ", ", makeActualArgList(d, b), ")"]); },
function(d, b) { return cat(["new ", makeExpr(d, b), "(", makeActualArgList(d, b), ")"]); },
function(d, b) { return cat(["new ", "(", makeExpr(d, b), ")", "(", makeActualArgList(d, b), ")"]); }, function(d, b) { return cat(["new ", makeFunction(d, b), "(", makeActualArgList(d, b), ")"]); },
function(d, b) { return cat(["new ", "(", makeFunction(d, b), ")", "(", makeActualArgList(d, b), ")"]); },
function(d, b) { return stripSemicolon(makeLittleStatement(d, b)); },
function(d, b) { return ""; },
function(d, b) { var v = makeNewId(d, b); return cat(["let ", "(", v, ") ", makeExpr(d - 1, b.concat([v]))]); },
function(d, b) { var v = makeNewId(d, b); return cat(["let ", "(", v, " = ", makeExpr(d - 1, b), ") ", makeExpr(d - 1, b.concat([v]))]); },
function(d, b) { return cat(["let ", "(", makeLetHead(d, b), ") ", makeExpr(d, b)]); },
function(d, b) { return cat([" /* Comment */", makeExpr(d, b)]); },
function(d, b) { return cat(["\n", makeExpr(d, b)]); },
function(d, b) { return cat([makeExpr(d, b), "\n"]); },
function(d, b) { return cat([makeLValue(d, b)]); },
function(d, b) { return cat([ makeLValue(d, b), " = ", makeExpr(d, b) ]); },
function(d, b) { return cat([ makeLValue(d, b), " = ", makeExpr(d, b) ]); },
function(d, b) { return cat(["(", makeLValue(d, b), " = ", makeExpr(d, b), ")"]); },
function(d, b) { return cat(["(", makeLValue(d, b), ")", " = ", makeExpr(d, b) ]); },
function(d, b) { return cat([ makeDestructuringLValue(d, b), " = ", makeExpr(d, b) ]); },
function(d, b) { return cat([ makeDestructuringLValue(d, b), " = ", makeExpr(d, b) ]); },
function(d, b) { return cat(["(", makeDestructuringLValue(d, b), " = ", makeExpr(d, b), ")"]); },
function(d, b) { return cat(["(", makeDestructuringLValue(d, b), ")", " = ", makeExpr(d, b) ]); },
function(d, b) { return cat([makeDestructuringLValue(d, b), " = ", makeDestructuringLValue(d, b)]); },
function(d, b) { return cat([makeLValue(d, b), Random.index(["|=", "%=", "+=", "-="]), makeExpr(d, b)]); },
function(d, b) { return cat([makeExpr(d, b), ".", "watch", "(", makePropertyName(d, b), ", ", makeFunction(d, b), ")"]); },
function(d, b) { return cat([makeExpr(d, b), ".", "unwatch", "(", makePropertyName(d, b), ")"]); },
function(d, b) { return cat(["Object.defineProperty", "(", makeId(d, b), ", ", makePropertyName(d, b), ", ", makePropertyDescriptor(d, b), ")"]); },
function(d, b) { return cat([makeExpr(d, b), ".", "__defineGetter__", "(", uneval(makeId(d, b)), ", ", makeFunction(d, b), ")"]); },
function(d, b) { return cat([makeExpr(d, b), ".", "__defineSetter__", "(", uneval(makeId(d, b)), ", ", makeFunction(d, b), ")"]); },
function(d, b) { return cat(["this", ".", "__defineGetter__", "(", uneval(makeId(d, b)), ", ", makeFunction(d, b), ")"]); },
function(d, b) { return cat(["this", ".", "__defineSetter__", "(", uneval(makeId(d, b)), ", ", makeFunction(d, b), ")"]); },
function(d, b) { return cat(["(", "{", makeObjLiteralPart(d, b), " }", ")"]); },
function(d, b) { return cat(["(", "{", makeObjLiteralPart(d, b), ", ", makeObjLiteralPart(d, b), " }", ")"]); },
function(d, b) { return "(p={}, (p.z = " + makeExpr(d, b) + ")())"; },
function(d, b) { return cat([makeExpr(d, b), ".", "throw", "(", makeExpr(d, b), ")"]); },
function(d, b) { return cat([makeExpr(d, b), ".", "yoyo", "(", makeExpr(d, b), ")"]); },
function(d, b) { return makeExpr(d, b) + ".eval(" + uneval(makeScriptForEval(d, b)) + ")"; },
function(d, b) { return "eval(" + uneval(makeScriptForEval(d, b)) + ")"; },
function(d, b) { return "eval(" + uneval(makeScriptForEval(d, b)) + ", " + makeExpr(d, b) + ")"; },
function(d, b) { return "(uneval(" + makeExpr(d, b) + "))"; },
function(d, b) { return "new " + Random.index(constructors) + "(" + makeActualArgList(d, b) + ")"; },
function(d, b) { return Random.index(constructors) + "(" + makeActualArgList(d, b) + ")"; },
function (d, b) { return "Math." + Random.index(unaryMathFunctions) + "(" + makeExpr(d, b) + ")"; },
function (d, b) { return "Math." + Random.index(unaryMathFunctions) + "(" + makeNumber(d, b) + ")"; },
function (d, b) { return "Math." + Random.index(binaryMathFunctions) + "(" + makeExpr(d, b) + ", " + makeExpr(d, b) + ")"; },
function (d, b) { return "Math." + Random.index(binaryMathFunctions) + "(" + makeExpr(d, b) + ", " + makeNumber(d, b) + ")"; },
function (d, b) { return "Math." + Random.index(binaryMathFunctions) + "(" + makeNumber(d, b) + ", " + makeExpr(d, b) + ")"; },
function (d, b) { return "Math." + Random.index(binaryMathFunctions) + "(" + makeNumber(d, b) + ", " + makeNumber(d, b) + ")"; },
function(d, b) { return makeId(d, b) + " = " + "Proxy.create(" + makeProxyHandler(d, b) + ", " + makeExpr(d, b) + ")"; },
function(d, b) { return makeId(d, b) + " = " + "Proxy.createFunction(" + makeProxyHandler(d, b) + ", " + makeFunction(d, b) + ")"; },
function(d, b) { return makeId(d, b) + " = " + "Proxy.createFunction(" + makeProxyHandler(d, b) + ", " + makeFunction(d, b) + ", " + makeFunction(d, b) + ")"; }, function(d, b) { return cat(["delete", " ", makeId(d, b), ".", makeId(d, b)]); },
function(d, b) { return "(void options('strict_mode'))"; },
function(d, b) { return "(void options('strict'))"; },
function(d, b) { return "(void version(" + Random.index([170, 180, 185]) + "))"; },
function(d, b) { return "(void shapeOf(" + makeExpr(d, b) + "))"; },
function(d, b) { return "intern(" + makeExpr(d, b) + ")"; },
function(d, b) { return "allocationMarker()"; },
function(d, b) { return "timeout(1800)"; },
function(d, b) { return "(makeFinalizeObserver('tenured'))"; },
function(d, b) { return "(makeFinalizeObserver('nursery'))"; }, makeRegexUseExpr,
function(d, b) { return makeMathExpr(d + rnd(3), b); },
var fuzzTestingFunctions = fuzzTestingFunctionsCtor(!jsshell, fuzzTestingFunctionArg, fuzzTestingFunctionArg);
function fuzzTestingFunctionArg(d, b) { return "this"; }function makeTestingFunctionCall(d, b)
if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(d, b); var callStatement = Random.index(fuzzTestingFunctions.testingFunctions)(d, b);
var callBlock = "{ void 0; " + callStatement + " }"; if (jsshell && rnd(5) === 0) {
var cond = (rnd(2) ? "!" : "") + "isAsmJSCompilationAvailable()";
return "{ if (" + cond + ") " + callBlock + " void 0; }";
} return callBlock;
if (typeof evalcx == "function") {
exprMakers = exprMakers.concat([
function(d, b) { return makeGlobal(d, b); },
function(d, b) { return "evalcx(" + uneval(makeScriptForEval(d, b)) + ", " + makeExpr(d, b) + ")"; },
function(d, b) { return "evalcx(" + uneval(makeScriptForEval(d, b)) + ", " + makeGlobal(d, b) + ")"; },
if (typeof XPCNativeWrapper == "function") {
exprMakers = exprMakers.extend([
function(d, b) { return "new XPCNativeWrapper(" + makeExpr(d, b) + ")"; },
function(d, b) { return "new XPCSafeJSObjectWrapper(" + makeExpr(d, b) + ")"; },
}function makeNewGlobalArg(d, b)
if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(d, b);
var propStrs = [];
if (rnd(2))
propStrs.push("sameZoneAs: " + makeExpr(d - 1, b));
if (rnd(2))
propStrs.push("cloneSingletons: " + makeBoolean(d - 1, b));
if (rnd(2))
propStrs.push("disableLazyParsing: " + makeBoolean(d - 1, b));
return "{ " + propStrs.join(", ") + " }";
}function makeGlobal(d, b)
if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(d, b); if (rnd(10))
return "this"; var gs;
switch(rnd(4)) {
case 0: gs = "evalcx('')"; break;
case 1: gs = "evalcx('lazy')"; break;
default: gs = "newGlobal(" + makeNewGlobalArg(d - 1, b) + ")"; break;
} if (rnd(2))
gs = "fillShellSandbox(" + gs + ")"; return gs;
}if (xpcshell) {
exprMakers = exprMakers.concat([
function(d, b) { var n = rnd(4); return "newGeckoSandbox(" + n + ")"; },
function(d, b) { var n = rnd(4); return "s" + n + " = newGeckoSandbox(" + n + ")"; },
function(d, b) { var n = rnd(4); return "evalInSandbox(" + uneval(makeStatement(d, b)) + ", newGeckoSandbox(" + n + "))"; },
function(d, b) { var n = rnd(4); return "evalInSandbox(" + uneval(makeStatement(d, b)) + ", s" + n + ")"; },
function(d, b) { return "evalInSandbox(" + uneval(makeStatement(d, b)) + ", " + makeExpr(d, b) + ")"; },
function(d, b) { return "(Components.classes ? quit() : gc()); }"; },
function makeShapeyConstructor(d, b)
if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(d, b);
var argName = uniqueVarName();
var t = rnd(4) ? "this" : argName;
var funText = "function shapeyConstructor(" + argName + "){" + directivePrologue();
var bp = b.concat([argName]); var nPropNames = rnd(6) + 1;
var propNames = [];
for (var i = 0; i < nPropNames; ++i) {
propNames[i] = makePropertyName(d, b);
} var nStatements = rnd(11);
for (var i = 0; i < nStatements; ++i) {
var propName = Random.index(propNames);
var tprop = t + "[" + propName + "]";
if (rnd(5) === 0) {
funText += "if (" + (rnd(2) ? argName : makeExpr(d, bp)) + ") ";
switch(rnd(8)) {
case 0: funText += "delete " + tprop + ";"; break;
case 1: funText += "Object.defineProperty(" + t + ", " + (rnd(2) ? propName : makePropertyName(d, b)) + ", " + makePropertyDescriptor(d, bp) + ");"; break;
case 2: funText += "{ " + makeStatement(d, bp) + " } "; break;
case 3: funText += tprop + " = " + makeExpr(d, bp) + ";"; break;
case 4: funText += tprop + " = " + makeFunction(d, bp) + ";"; break;
case 5: funText += "for (var ytq" + uniqueVarName() + " in " + t + ") { }"; break;
case 6: funText += "Object." + Random.index(["preventExtensions","seal","freeze"]) + "(" + t + ");"; break;
default: funText += tprop + " = " + makeShapeyValue(d, bp) + ";"; break;
funText += "return " + t + "; }";
return funText;
var propertyNameMakers = Random.weighted([
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return makeExpr(d - 1, b); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return maybeNeg() + rnd(20); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return '"' + maybeNeg() + rnd(20) + '"'; } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return "new String(" + '"' + maybeNeg() + rnd(20) + '"' + ")"; } },
{ w: 5, v: function(d, b) { return simpleSource(Random.index(specialProperties)); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return simpleSource(makeId(d - 1, b)); } },
{ w: 5, v: function(d, b) { return simpleSource(Random.index(allMethodNames)); } },
]);function maybeNeg() { return rnd(5) ? "" : "-"; }function makePropertyName(d, b)
if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(d, b); return (Random.index(propertyNameMakers))(d, b);
}function makeShapeyConstructorLoop(d, b)
var a = makeIterable(d, b);
var v = makeNewId(d, b);
var v2 = uniqueVarName(d, b);
var bvv = b.concat([v, v2]);
return makeShapeyConstructor(d - 1, b) +
"/*tLoopC*/for (let " + v + " of " + a + ") { " +
"try{" +
"let " + v2 + " = " + Random.index(["new ", ""]) + "shapeyConstructor(" + v + "); print('EETT'); " +
makeStatement(d - 2, bvv) +
"}catch(e){print('TTEE ' + e); }" +
" }";
function makePropertyDescriptor(d, b)
if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(d, b); var s = "({"; switch(rnd(3)) {
case 0:
if (rnd(2)) s += "value: " + makeExpr(d, b) + ", ";
if (rnd(2)) s += "writable: " + makeBoolean(d, b) + ", ";
case 1:
if (rnd(2)) s += "get: " + makeFunction(d, b) + ", ";
if (rnd(2)) s += "set: " + makeFunction(d, b) + ", ";
} if (rnd(2)) s += "configurable: " + makeBoolean(d, b) + ", ";
if (rnd(2)) s += "enumerable: " + makeBoolean(d, b) + ", ";
if (s.length > 2)
s = s.substr(0, s.length - 2); s += "})";
return s;
}function makeBoolean(d, b)
if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(d, b);
switch(rnd(4)) {
case 0: return "true";
case 1: return "false";
case 2: return makeExpr(d - 2, b);
default: var m = loopModulo(); return "(" + Random.index(b) + " % " + m + Random.index([" == ", " != "]) + rnd(m) + ")";
function makeObjLiteralPart(d, b)
if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(d, b); switch(rnd(8))
case 2: return cat([" get ", makeObjLiteralName(d, b), maybeName(d, b), "(", makeFormalArgList(d - 1, b), ")", makeFunctionBody(d, b)]);
case 3: return cat([" set ", makeObjLiteralName(d, b), maybeName(d, b), "(", makeFormalArgList(d - 1, b), ")", makeFunctionBody(d, b)]); case 4: return "/*toXFun*/" + cat([Random.index(["toString", "toSource", "valueOf"]), ": ", makeToXFunction(d - 1, b)]); default: return cat([makeObjLiteralName(d, b), ": ", makeExpr(d, b)]);
}function makeToXFunction(d, b)
if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(d, b); switch(rnd(4)) {
case 0: return "function() { return " + makeExpr(d, b) + "; }";
case 1: return "function() { return this; }";
case 2: return makeEvilCallback(d, b);
default: return makeFunction(d, b);
function makeObjLiteralName(d, b)
if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(d, b); switch(rnd(6))
case 0: return simpleSource(makeNumber(d, b));
case 1: return makeNumber(d, b);
case 2: return Random.index(allPropertyNames);
case 3: return Random.index(specialProperties);
default: return makeId(d, b);
function makeFunction(d, b)
if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(d, b); d = d - 1; if(rnd(5) === 1)
return makeExpr(d, b); if (rnd(4) === 1)
return Random.index(builtinFunctions); return (Random.index(functionMakers))(d, b);
function maybeName(d, b)
if (rnd(2) === 0)
return " " + makeId(d, b) + " ";
return "";
}function directivePrologue()
var s = "";
if (rnd(3) === 0)
s += '"use strict"; ';
if (rnd(30) === 0)
s += '"use asm"; ';
return s;
}function makeFunctionBody(d, b)
if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(d, b); switch(rnd(5)) {
case 0: return cat([" { ", directivePrologue(), makeStatement(d - 1, b), " } "]);
case 1: return cat([" { ", directivePrologue(), "return ", makeExpr(d, b), " } "]);
case 2: return cat([" { ", directivePrologue(), "yield ", makeExpr(d, b), " } "]);
case 3: return '"use asm"; ' + asmJSInterior([]);
default: return makeExpr(d, b);
var functionMakers = [
function(d, b) { var v = makeNewId(d, b); return cat(["function", " ", maybeName(d, b), "(", v, ")", makeFunctionBody(d, b.concat([v]))]); },
function(d, b) { return cat(["function", " ", maybeName(d, b), "(", makeFormalArgList(d, b), ")", makeFunctionBody(d, b)]); },
function(d, b) { var v = makeNewId(d, b); return cat([ v, " => ", makeFunctionBody(d, b.concat([v]))]); },
function(d, b) { return cat(["(", makeFormalArgList(d, b), ")", " => ", makeFunctionBody(d, b)]); },
function(d, b) { return "function(q) { " + directivePrologue() + "return q; }"; },
function(d, b) { return "q => q"; },
function(d, b) { return "function(y) { " + directivePrologue() + makeStatement(d, b.concat(["y"])) + " }"; },
function(d, b) { return "function(y) { " + directivePrologue() + "return " + makeExpr(d, b.concat(["y"])) + " }"; },
function(d, b) { return "function(y) { " + directivePrologue() + "yield y; " + makeStatement(d, b.concat(["y"])) + "; yield y; }"; },
function(d, b) { return "(1 for (x in []))"; },
function(d, b) { return "/*wrap1*/(function(){ " + directivePrologue() + makeStatement(d, b) + "return " + makeFunction(d, b) + "})()"; },
function(d, b) { var v1 = uniqueVarName(); var v2 = uniqueVarName(); return "/*wrap2*/(function(){ " + directivePrologue() + "var " + v1 + " = " + makeExpr(d, b) + "; var " + v2 + " = " + makeFunction(d, b.concat([v1])) + "; return " + v2 + ";})()"; },
function(d, b) { var v1 = uniqueVarName(); var v2 = uniqueVarName(); return "/*wrap3*/(function(){ " + directivePrologue() + "var " + v1 + " = " + makeExpr(d, b) + "; (" + makeFunction(d, b.concat([v1])) + ")(); })"; },
function(d, b) { return "(" + makeFunction(d-1, b) + ").apply"; },
function(d, b) { return "(" + makeFunction(d-1, b) + ").call"; },
function(d, b) { return "(" + makeFunction(d-1, b) + ").bind"; },
function(d, b) { return "(" + makeFunction(d-1, b) + ").bind(" + makeActualArgList(d, b) + ")"; },
function(d, b) { return cat([makeExpr(d, b), ".", Random.index(allMethodNames)]); },
function(d, b) { return "eval"; },
function(d, b) { return "(let (e=eval) e)"; },
function(d, b) { return "new Function"; },
function(d, b) { return "(new Function(" + uneval(makeStatement(d, b)) + "))"; },
function(d, b) { return "Function"; },
function(d, b) { return "decodeURI"; },
function(d, b) { return "decodeURIComponent"; },
function(d, b) { return "encodeURI"; },
function(d, b) { return "encodeURIComponent"; },
function(d, b) { return "neuter"; },
function(d, b) { return "objectEmulatingUndefined"; },
function(d, b) { return makeProxyHandlerFactory(d, b); },
function(d, b) { return makeShapeyConstructor(d, b); },
function(d, b) { return Random.index(typedArrayConstructors); },
function(d, b) { return Random.index(constructors); },
];if (typeof XPCNativeWrapper == "function") {
functionMakers = functionMakers.concat([
function(d, b) { return "XPCNativeWrapper"; },
function(d, b) { return "XPCSafeJSObjectWrapper"; },
}if (typeof oomTest == "function" && engine != ENGINE_SPIDERMONKEY_MOZILLA45) {
functionMakers = functionMakers.concat([
function(d, b) { return "oomTest"; }
}var typedArrayConstructors = [
];function makeTypedArrayStatements(d, b)
if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(d, b); if (d < 0) return ""; var numViews = rnd(d) + 1;
var numExtraStatements = rnd(d) + 1;
var buffer = uniqueVarName();
var bufferSize = (1 + rnd(2)) * (1 + rnd(2)) * (1 + rnd(2)) * rnd(5);
var statements = "var " + buffer + " = new " + arrayBufferType() + "(" + bufferSize + "); ";
var bv = b.concat([buffer]);
for (var j = 0; j < numViews; ++j) {
var view = buffer + "_" + j;
var type = Random.index(typedArrayConstructors);
statements += "var " + view + " = new " + type + "(" + buffer + "); ";
var view_0 = view + "[0]";
if (rnd(3) === 0)
statements += "print(" + view_0 + "); ";
if (rnd(3))
statements += view_0 + " = " + makeNumber(d - 2, b) + "; ";
bv.push(view + "[" + rnd(11) + "]");
for (var j = 0; j < numExtraStatements; ++j) {
statements += makeStatement(d - numExtraStatements, bv);
return statements;
}function makeNumber(d, b)
if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(d, b); var signStr = rnd(2) ? "-" : ""; switch(rnd(70)) {
case 0: return makeExpr(d - 2, b);
case 1: return signStr + "0";
case 2: return signStr + (rnd(1000) / 1000);
case 3: return signStr + (rnd(0xffffffff) / 2);
case 4: return signStr + rnd(0xffffffff);
case 5: return Random.index(["0.1", ".2", "3", "1.3", "4.", "5.0000000000000000000000", "1.2e3", "1e81", "1e+81", "1e-81", "1e4", "0", "-0", "(-0)", "-1", "(-1)", "0x99", "033", "3.141592653589793", "3/0", "-3/0", "0/0", "0x2D413CCC", "0x5a827999", "0xB504F332", "(0x50505050 >> 1)", "0x80000000"]);
case 6: return signStr + (Math.pow(2, rnd(66)) + (rnd(3) - 1));
default: return signStr + rnd(30);
function makeLetHead(d, b)
if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(d, b); var items = (d > 0 || rnd(2) === 0) ? rnd(10) + 1 : 1;
var result = ""; for (var i = 0; i < items; ++i) {
if (i > 0)
result += ", ";
result += makeLetHeadItem(d - i, b);
} return result;
}function makeLetHeadItem(d, b)
if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(d, b); d = d - 1; if (d < 0 || rnd(2) === 0)
return rnd(2) ? uniqueVarName() : makeId(d, b);
else if (rnd(5) === 0)
return makeDestructuringLValue(d, b) + " = " + makeExpr(d, b);
return makeId(d, b) + " = " + makeExpr(d, b);
function makeActualArgList(d, b)
if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(d, b); var nArgs = rnd(3); if (nArgs == 0)
return ""; var argList = makeExpr(d, b); for (var i = 1; i < nArgs; ++i)
argList += ", " + makeExpr(d - i, b); return argList;
}function makeFormalArgList(d, b)
if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(d, b); var argList = []; var nArgs = rnd(5) ? rnd(3) : rnd(100);
for (var i = 0; i < nArgs; ++i) {
argList.push(makeFormalArg(d - i, b));
} if (rnd(5) === 0) {
argList.push("..." + makeId(d, b));
} return argList.join(", ");
}function makeFormalArg(d, b)
if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(d, b); if (rnd(8) === 1)
return makeDestructuringLValue(d, b); return makeId(d, b) + (rnd(5) ? "" : " = " + makeExpr(d, b));
function makeNewId(d, b)
if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(d, b); return Random.index(["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "w", "x", "y", "z"]);
}function makeId(d, b)
if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(d, b); if (rnd(3) === 1 && b.length)
return Random.index(b); switch(rnd(200))
case 0:
return makeTerm(d, b);
case 1:
return makeExpr(d, b);
case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5:
return makeLValue(d, b);
case 6: case 7:
return makeDestructuringLValue(d, b);
case 8: case 9: case 10:
return Random.index(["get", "set", "getter", "setter", "delete", "let", "yield", "of"]);
case 11: case 12: case 13:
return "this." + makeId(d, b);
case 14: case 15: case 16:
return makeObjLiteralName(d - 1, b);
case 17: case 18:
return makeId(d - 1, b);
case 19:
return " ";
case 20:
return "this";
} return Random.index(["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "w", "x", "y", "z",
"window", "eval", "\u3056", "NaN", ]);
function makeComprehension(d, b)
if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(d, b); if (d < 0)
return ""; switch(rnd(7)) {
case 0:
return "";
case 1:
return cat([" for ", "(", makeForInLHS(d, b), " in ", makeExpr(d - 2, b), ")"]) + makeComprehension(d - 1, b);
case 2:
return cat([" for ", "each ", "(", makeId(d, b), " in ", makeExpr(d - 2, b), ")"]) + makeComprehension(d - 1, b);
case 3:
return cat([" for ", "each ", "(", makeId(d, b), " in ", makeIterable(d - 2, b), ")"]) + makeComprehension(d - 1, b);
case 4:
return cat([" for ", "(", makeId(d, b), " of ", makeExpr(d - 2, b), ")"]) + makeComprehension(d - 1, b);
case 5:
return cat([" for ", "(", makeId(d, b), " of ", makeIterable(d - 2, b), ")"]) + makeComprehension(d - 1, b);
return cat([" if ", "(", makeExpr(d - 2, b), ")"]);
}function makeForInLHS(d, b)
if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(d, b);
return makeLValue(d, b);
function makeLValue(d, b)
if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(d, b); if (d <= 0 || (rnd(2) === 1))
return makeId(d - 1, b); d = rnd(d); return (Random.index(lvalueMakers))(d, b);
var lvalueMakers = [
function(d, b) { return cat([makeId(d, b)]); },
function(d, b) { return cat(["(", makeLValue(d, b), ")"]); },
function(d, b) { return makeDestructuringLValue(d, b); },
function(d, b) { return "(" + makeDestructuringLValue(d, b) + ")"; },
function(d, b) { return cat([makeId(d, b), "(", makeExpr(d, b), ")"]); },
function(d, b) { return cat(["(", makeExpr(d, b), ")", "(", makeExpr(d, b), ")"]); },
function(d, b) { return Random.index(builtinProperties); },
function(d, b) { return Random.index(builtinObjectNames); },
function(d, b) { return "arguments"; },
function(d, b) { return cat(["arguments", "[", makePropertyName(d, b), "]"]); },
function(d, b) { return makeFunOnCallChain(d, b) + ".arguments"; },
function(d, b) { return cat([makeExpr(d, b), ".", makeId(d, b)]); },
function(d, b) { return cat([makeExpr(d, b), ".", "__proto__"]); },
function(d, b) { return cat([makeExpr(d, b), "[", makePropertyName(d, b), "]"]); },
function(d, b) { return "this.zzz.zzz"; },
function(d, b) { return makeExpr(d, b); },
function makeDestructuringLValue(d, b)
if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(d, b); d = d - 1; if (d < 0 || rnd(4) === 1)
return makeId(d, b); if (rnd(6) === 1)
return makeLValue(d, b); return (Random.index(destructuringLValueMakers))(d, b);
}var destructuringLValueMakers = [
function(d, b)
var len = rnd(d, b);
if (len == 0)
return "[]"; var Ti = [];
Ti.push(maybeMakeDestructuringLValue(d, b));
for (var i = 1; i < len; ++i) {
Ti.push(", ");
Ti.push(maybeMakeDestructuringLValue(d, b));
} Ti.push("]"); return cat(Ti);
function(d, b)
var len = rnd(d, b);
if (len == 0)
return "{}";
var Ti = [];
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if (i > 0)
Ti.push(", ");
Ti.push(makeId(d, b));
if (rnd(3)) {
Ti.push(": ");
Ti.push(makeDestructuringLValue(d, b));
Ti.push("}"); return cat(Ti);
function maybeMakeDestructuringLValue(d, b)
if (rnd(2) === 0)
return ""; return makeDestructuringLValue(d, b);
}function makeTerm(d, b)
if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(d, b); return (Random.index(termMakers))(d, b);
}var termMakers = [
function(d, b) { return makeId(d, b); },
function(d, b) { return Random.index([
"[]", "[1]", "[[]]", "[[1]]", "[,]", "[,,]", "[1,,]",
"{}", "({})", "({a1:1})",
"[z1]", "[z1,,]", "[,,z1]",
"function(id) { return id }",
"function ([y]) { }",
"(function ([y]) { })()", "arguments",
"length", '"\u03A0"',
function(d, b) { return Random.index([ "true", "false", "undefined", "null"]); },
function(d, b) { return Random.index([ "this", "window" ]); },
function(d, b) { return Random.index([" \"\" ", " '' "]); },
function(d, b) { return Random.index([" /x/ ", " /x/g "]); },
];function randomUnitStringLiteral()
var s = "\"\\u";
for (var i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
s += "0123456789ABCDEF".charAt(rnd(16));
s += "\"";
return s;
function maybeMakeTerm(d, b)
if (rnd(2))
return makeTerm(d - 1, b);
return "";
function makeCrazyToken()
if (rnd(3) === 0) {
return String.fromCharCode(32 + rnd(128 - 32));
if (rnd(6) === 0) {
return String.fromCharCode(rnd(65536));
} return Random.index([
"[", "]",
"{", "}",
"(", ")",
"!", "@", "%", "^", "*", "**", "|", ":", "?", "'", "\"", ",", ".", "/",
"~", "_", "+", "=", "-", "++", "--", "+=", "%=", "|=", "-=",
"...", "=>",
" in ", " instanceof ", " let ", " new ", " get ", " for ", " if ", " else ", " else if ", " try ", " catch ", " finally ", " export ", " import ", " void ", " with ",
" default ", " goto ", " case ", " switch ", " do ", " /*infloop*/while ", " return ", " yield ", " break ", " continue ", " typeof ", " var ", " const ",
" package ",
" enum ",
" debugger ",
" super ", " this ",
" null ",
" undefined ",
"<" + "!" + "--",
"--" + ">",
function makeShapeyValue(d, b)
if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(d, b); if (rnd(10) === 0)
return makeExpr(d, b); var a = [
"0", "1", "2", "3", "0.1", ".2", "1.3", "4.", "5.0000000000000000000000",
"1.2e3", "1e81", "1e+81", "1e-81", "1e4", "-0", "(-0)",
"-1", "(-1)", "0x99", "033", "3/0", "-3/0", "0/0",
"0x2D413CCC", "0x5a827999", "0xB504F332", "-0x2D413CCC", "-0x5a827999", "-0xB504F332", "0x50505050", "(0x50505050 >> 1)",
"0x10000000", "0x20000000", "0x3FFFFFFE", "0x3FFFFFFF", "0x40000000", "0x40000001", "0x80000000", "-0x80000000",
[ "(1/0)", "(-1/0)", "(0/0)" ],
[" \"\" ", " '' ", " 'A' ", " '\\0' ", ' "use strict" '],
[ " /x/ ", " /x/g "],
[ "true", "false" ],
[ "(void 0)", "null" ],
[ "[]", "[1]", "[(void 0)]", "{}", "{x:3}", "({})", "({x:3})" ],
[ "NaN", "Infinity", "-Infinity", "undefined"],
[ "new Boolean(true)", "new Boolean(false)" ],
[ "new Number(1)", "new Number(1.5)" ],
[ "new String('')", "new String('q')" ],
[ "function(){}" ],
[ "{}", "[]", "[1]", "['z']", "[undefined]", "this", "eval", "arguments", "arguments.caller", "arguments.callee" ],
[ "objectEmulatingUndefined()" ],
[ b.length ? Random.index(b) : "x" ]
]; return Random.index(Random.index(a));
}function mixedTypeArrayElem(d, b)
while (true) {
var s = makeShapeyValue(d - 3, b);
if (s.length < 60)
return s;
}function makeMixedTypeArray(d, b)
if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(d, b);
var q = rnd(4) + 2;
var picks = [];
for (var j = 0; j < q; ++j) {
picks.push(mixedTypeArrayElem(d, b));
var c = [];
var count = loopCount();
for (var j = 0; j < count; ++j) {
var elem = Random.index(picks);
var repeat = count === 0 ? rnd(4)===0 : rnd(50)===0;
var repeats = repeat ? rnd(30) : 1;
for (var k = 0; k < repeats; ++k) {
} return "/*MARR*/" + "[" + c.join(", ") + "]";
}function makeArrayLiteral(d, b)
if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(d, b); if (rnd(2) === 0)
return makeMixedTypeArray(d, b); var elems = [];
while (rnd(5)) elems.push(makeArrayLiteralElem(d, b));
return "/*FARR*/" + "[" + elems.join(", ") + "]";
}function makeArrayLiteralElem(d, b)
if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(d, b); switch (rnd(5)) {
case 0: return "..." + makeIterable(d - 1, b);
case 1: return "";
default: return makeExpr(d - 1, b);
}function makeIterable(d, b)
if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(d, b); if (d < 1)
return "[]"; return (Random.index(iterableExprMakers))(d, b);
}var iterableExprMakers = Random.weighted([
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return "new Array(" + makeNumber(d, b) + ")"; } },
{ w: 8, v: makeArrayLiteral },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return cat(["[", makeExpr(d, b), makeComprehension(d, b), "]"]); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return cat([ makeExpr(d, b), makeComprehension(d, b) ]); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return cat(["(", makeExpr(d, b), makeComprehension(d, b), ")"]); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return "(function() { " + directivePrologue() + "yield " + makeExpr(d - 1, b) + "; } })()"; } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return "/*PTHR*/(function() { " + directivePrologue() + "for (var i of " + makeIterable(d - 1, b) + ") { yield i; } })()"; } }, { w: 1, v: makeFunction },
{ w: 1, v: makeExpr },
]);function strTimes(s, n)
if (n == 0) return "";
if (n == 1) return s;
var s2 = s + s;
var r = n % 2;
var d = (n - r) / 2;
var m = strTimes(s2, d);
return r ? m + s : m;
function makeAsmJSModule(d, b)
if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(d, b); var interior = asmJSInterior([]);
return '(function(stdlib, foreign, heap){ "use asm"; ' + interior + ' })';
}function makeAsmJSFunction(d, b)
if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(d, b); var interior = asmJSInterior(["ff"]);
return '(function(stdlib, foreign, heap){ "use asm"; ' + interior + ' })(this, {ff: ' + makeFunction(d - 2, b) + '}, new ' + arrayBufferType() + '(4096))';
}var proxyHandlerProperties = {
getOwnPropertyDescriptor: {
empty: "function(){}",
forward: "function(name) { var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(x); desc.configurable = true; return desc; }",
throwing: "function(name) { return {get: function() { throw 4; }, set: function() { throw 5; }}; }",
getPropertyDescriptor: {
empty: "function(){}",
forward: "function(name) { var desc = Object.getPropertyDescriptor(x); desc.configurable = true; return desc; }",
throwing: "function(name) { return {get: function() { throw 4; }, set: function() { throw 5; }}; }",
defineProperty: {
empty: "function(){}",
forward: "function(name, desc) { Object.defineProperty(x, name, desc); }"
getOwnPropertyNames: {
empty: "function() { return []; }",
forward: "function() { return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(x); }"
delete: {
empty: "function() { return true; }",
yes: "function() { return true; }",
no: "function() { return false; }",
forward: "function(name) { return delete x[name]; }"
fix: {
empty: "function() { return []; }",
yes: "function() { return []; }",
no: "function() { }",
forward: "function() { if (Object.isFrozen(x)) { return Object.getOwnProperties(x); } }"
has: {
empty: "function() { return false; }",
yes: "function() { return true; }",
no: "function() { return false; }",
forward: "function(name) { return name in x; }"
hasOwn: {
empty: "function() { return false; }",
yes: "function() { return true; }",
no: "function() { return false; }",
forward: "function(name) { return, name); }"
get: {
empty: "function() { return undefined }",
forward: "function(receiver, name) { return x[name]; }",
bind: "function(receiver, name) { var prop = x[name]; return (typeof prop) === 'function' ? prop.bind(x) : prop; }"
set: {
empty: "function() { return true; }",
yes: "function() { return true; }",
no: "function() { return false; }",
forward: "function(receiver, name, val) { x[name] = val; return true; }"
iterate: {
empty: "function() { return (function() { throw StopIteration; }); }",
forward: "function() { return (function() { for (var name in x) { yield name; } })(); }"
enumerate: {
empty: "function() { return []; }",
forward: "function() { var result = []; for (var name in x) { result.push(name); }; return result; }"
keys: {
empty: "function() { return []; }",
forward: "function() { return Object.keys(x); }"
};function makeProxyHandlerFactory(d, b)
if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(d, b); if (d < 1)
return "({/*TOODEEP*/})"; try {
var preferred = Random.index(["empty", "forward", "yes", "no", "bind", "throwing"]);
var fallback = Random.index(["empty", "forward"]);
var fidelity = rnd(10); var handlerFactoryText = "(function handlerFactory(x) {";
handlerFactoryText += "return {"; if (rnd(2)) {
bp = b.concat(['x']);
} else {
handlerFactoryText = handlerFactoryText.replace(/x/, "");
bp = b;
} for (var p in proxyHandlerProperties) {
var funText;
if (proxyHandlerProperties[p][preferred] && rnd(10) <= fidelity) {
funText = proxyMunge(proxyHandlerProperties[p][preferred], p);
} else {
switch(rnd(7)) {
case 0: funText = makeFunction(d - 3, bp); break;
case 1: funText = "undefined"; break;
case 2: funText = "function() { throw 3; }"; break;
default: funText = proxyMunge(proxyHandlerProperties[p][fallback], p);
handlerFactoryText += p + ": " + funText + ", ";
} handlerFactoryText += "}; })"; return handlerFactoryText;
} catch(e) {
return "({/* :( */})";
}function proxyMunge(funText, p)
return funText;
}function makeProxyHandler(d, b)
if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(d, b); return makeProxyHandlerFactory(d, b) + "(" + makeExpr(d - 3, b) + ")";
David Anderson suggested creating the following recursive structures:
- recurse down an array of mixed types, car cdr kinda thing
- multiple recursive calls in a function, like binary search left/right, sometimes calls neither and sometimes calls both the recursion support in spidermonkey only works with self-recursion.
that is, two functions that call each other recursively will not be traced. two trees are formed, going down and going up.
type instability matters on both sides.
so the values returned from the function calls matter. so far, what i've thought of means recursing from the top of a function and if..else.
but i'd probably also want to recurse from other points, e.g. loops. special code for tail recursion likely coming soon, but possibly as a separate patch, because it requires changes to the interpreter.
var recursiveFunctions = [
text: "(function too_much_recursion(depth) { @; if (depth > 0) { @; too_much_recursion(depth - 1); @ } else { @ } @ })",
vars: ["depth"],
args: function(d, b) { return singleRecursionDepth(d, b); },
test: function(f) { try { f(5000); } catch(e) { } return true; }
text: "(function factorial(N) { @; if (N == 0) { @; return 1; } @; return N * factorial(N - 1); @ })",
vars: ["N"],
args: function(d, b) { return singleRecursionDepth(d, b); },
test: function(f) { return f(10) == 3628800; }
text: "(function factorial_tail(N, Acc) { @; if (N == 0) { @; return Acc; } @; return factorial_tail(N - 1, Acc * N); @ })",
vars: ["N", "Acc"],
args: function(d, b) { return singleRecursionDepth(d, b) + ", 1"; },
test: function(f) { return f(10, 1) == 3628800; }
text: "(function fibonacci(N) { @; if (N <= 1) { @; return 1; } @; return fibonacci(N - 1) + fibonacci(N - 2); @ })",
vars: ["N"],
args: function(d, b) { return "" + rnd(8); },
test: function(f) { return f(6) == 13; }
text: "(function a_indexing(array, start) { @; if (array.length == start) { @; return EXPR1; } var thisitem = array[start]; var recval = a_indexing(array, start + 1); STATEMENT1 })",
vars: ["array", "start", "thisitem", "recval"],
args: function(d, b) { return makeMixedTypeArray(d-1, b) + ", 0"; },
testSub: function(text) { return text.replace(/EXPR1/, "0").replace(/STATEMENT1/, "return thisitem + recval;"); },
randSub: function(text, varMap, d, b) {
var expr1 = makeExpr(d, b.concat([varMap["array"], varMap["start"]]));
var statement1 = rnd(2) ?
makeStatement(d, b.concat([varMap["thisitem"], varMap["recval"]])) :
"return " + makeExpr(d, b.concat([varMap["thisitem"], varMap["recval"]])) + ";"; return (text.replace(/EXPR1/, expr1)
.replace(/STATEMENT1/, statement1)
); },
test: function(f) { return f([1,2,3,"4",5,6,7], 0) == "123418"; }
text: "(function sum_indexing(array, start) { @; return array.length == start ? 0 : array[start] + sum_indexing(array, start + 1); })",
vars: ["array", "start"],
args: function(d, b) { return makeMixedTypeArray(d-1, b) + ", 0"; },
test: function(f) { return f([1,2,3,"4",5,6,7], 0) == "123418"; }
text: "(function sum_slicing(array) { @; return array.length == 0 ? 0 : array[0] + sum_slicing(array.slice(1)); })",
vars: ["array"],
args: function(d, b) { return makeMixedTypeArray(d-1, b); },
test: function(f) { return f([1,2,3,"4",5,6,7]) == "123418"; }
];function singleRecursionDepth(d, b)
if (rnd(2) === 0) {
return "" + rnd(4);
if (rnd(10) === 0) {
return makeExpr(d - 2, b);
return "" + rnd(100000);
}(function testAllRecursiveFunctions() {
for (var i = 0; i < recursiveFunctions.length; ++i) {
var a = recursiveFunctions[i];
var text = a.text;
if (a.testSub) text = a.testSub(text);
var f = eval(text.replace(/@/g, ""));
if (!a.test(f))
throw "Failed test of: " + a.text;
})();function makeImmediateRecursiveCall(d, b, cheat1, cheat2)
if (rnd(10) !== 0)
return "(4277)"; var a = (cheat1 == null) ? Random.index(recursiveFunctions) : recursiveFunctions[cheat1];
var s = a.text;
var varMap = {};
for (var i = 0; i < a.vars.length; ++i) {
var prettyName = a.vars[i];
varMap[prettyName] = uniqueVarName();
s = s.replace(new RegExp(prettyName, "g"), varMap[prettyName]);
var actualArgs = cheat2 == null ? a.args(d, b) : cheat2;
s = s + "(" + actualArgs + ")";
s = s.replace(/@/g, function() { if (rnd(4) === 0) return makeStatement(d-2, b); return ""; });
if (a.randSub) s = a.randSub(s, varMap, d, b);
s = "(" + s + ")";
return s;
*********************************/var POTENTIAL_MATCHES = 10;
var backrefHack = [];
for (var i = 0; i < POTENTIAL_MATCHES; ++i) {
backrefHack[i] = "";
}function regexNumberOfMatches()
if (rnd(10))
return rnd(5);
return Math.pow(2, rnd(40)) + rnd(3) - 1;
}function regexPattern(depth, parentWasQuantifier)
if (depth == 0 || (rnd(depth) == 0))
return regexTerm(); var dr = depth - 1; var index = rnd(regexMakers.length);
if (parentWasQuantifier && rnd(30)) index = rnd(regexMakers.length - 1) + 1;
return (Random.index(regexMakers[index]))(dr);
}var regexMakers =
function(dr) { return regexQuantified(dr, "+", 1, rnd(10)); },
function(dr) { return regexQuantified(dr, "*", 0, rnd(10)); },
function(dr) { return regexQuantified(dr, "?", 0, 1); },
function(dr) { return regexQuantified(dr, "+?", 1, 1); },
function(dr) { return regexQuantified(dr, "*?", 0, 1); },
function(dr) { var x = regexNumberOfMatches(); return regexQuantified(dr, "{" + x + "}", x, x); },
function(dr) { var x = regexNumberOfMatches(); return regexQuantified(dr, "{" + x + ",}", x, x + rnd(10)); },
function(dr) { var min = regexNumberOfMatches(); var max = min + regexNumberOfMatches(); return regexQuantified(dr, "{" + min + "," + max + "}", min, max); }
function(dr) { return regexConcatenation(dr); },
function(dr) { return regexDisjunction(dr); }
function(dr) { return ["\\" + (rnd(3) + 1), backrefHack.slice(0)]; },
function(dr) { return regexGrouped("(", dr, ")"); },
function(dr) { return regexGrouped("(?:", dr, ")"); },
function(dr) { return regexGrouped("(?=", dr, ")"); },
function(dr) { return regexGrouped("(?!", dr, ")"); }
function quantifierHelper(pm, min, max, pms)
var repeats = Math.min(min + rnd(max - min + 5) - 2, 10);
var returnValue = "";
for (var i = 0; i < repeats; i++)
if (rnd(100) < 80)
returnValue = returnValue + pm;
returnValue = returnValue + Random.index(pms);
return returnValue;
}function regexQuantified(dr, operator, min, max)
var [re, pms] = regexPattern(dr, true);
var newpms = [];
for (var i = 0; i < POTENTIAL_MATCHES; i++)
newpms[i] = quantifierHelper(pms[i], min, max, pms);
return [re + operator, newpms];
function regexConcatenation(dr)
var [re1, strings1] = regexPattern(dr, false);
var [re2, strings2] = regexPattern(dr, false);
var newStrings = []; for (var i = 0; i < POTENTIAL_MATCHES; i++)
var chance = rnd(100);
if (chance < 10)
newStrings[i] = "";
else if (chance < 20)
newStrings[i] = strings1[i];
else if (chance < 30)
newStrings[i] = strings2[i];
else if (chance < 65)
newStrings[i] = strings1[i] + strings2[i];
newStrings[i] = Random.index(strings1) + Random.index(strings2);
} return [re1 + re2, newStrings];
}function regexDisjunction(dr)
var [re1, strings1] = regexPattern(dr, false);
var [re2, strings2] = regexPattern(dr, false);
var newStrings = []; for (var i = 0; i < POTENTIAL_MATCHES; i++)
var chance = rnd(100);
if (chance < 10)
newStrings[i] = "";
else if (chance < 20)
newStrings[i] = Random.index(strings1) + Random.index(strings2);
else if (chance < 60)
newStrings[i] = strings1[i];
newStrings[i] = strings2[i];
return [re1 + "|" + re2, newStrings];
}function regexGrouped(prefix, dr, postfix)
var [re, strings] = regexPattern(dr, false);
var newStrings = [];
for (var i = 0; i < POTENTIAL_MATCHES; ++i) {
newStrings[i] = rnd(5) ? strings[i] : "";
if (prefix == "(" && strings[i].length < 40 && rnd(3) === 0) {
backrefHack[i] = strings[i];
return [prefix + re + postfix, newStrings];
var letters =
["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M",
"N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z"];var hexDigits = [
"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9",
"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9",
"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f",
"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"
];function regexTerm()
var [re, oneString] = regexTermPair();
var strings = [];
for (var i = 0; i < POTENTIAL_MATCHES; ++i) {
strings[i] = rnd(5) ? oneString : regexTermPair()[1];
return [re, strings];
}function regexCharCode()
return rnd(2) ? rnd(256) : rnd(65536);
var regexCharacterMakers = Random.weighted([
{ w:20, v: function() { var cc = regexCharCode(); return [ String.fromCharCode(cc), cc]; } },
{ w: 4, v: function() { var cc = regexCharCode(); return ["\\" + String.fromCharCode(cc), cc]; } },
{ w: 1, v: function() { return ["\\0", 0]; } },
{ w: 1, v: function() { return ["\\B", 66]; } },
{ w: 1, v: function() { return ["\\b", 8]; } },
{ w: 1, v: function() { return ["\\t", 9]; } },
{ w: 1, v: function() { return ["\\n", 10]; } },
{ w: 1, v: function() { return ["\\v", 11]; } },
{ w: 1, v: function() { return ["\\f", 12]; } },
{ w: 1, v: function() { return ["\\r", 13]; } },
{ w: 5, v: function() { var controlCharacterCode = rnd(26) + 1; return ["\\c" + String.fromCharCode(64 + controlCharacterCode), controlCharacterCode]; } },
{ w: 5, v: function() { var twoHex = Random.index(hexDigits) + Random.index(hexDigits); return ["\\x" + twoHex, parseInt(twoHex, 16)]; } },
{ w: 5, v: function() { var twoHex = Random.index(hexDigits) + Random.index(hexDigits); return ["\\u00" + twoHex, parseInt(twoHex, 16)]; } },
{ w: 5, v: function() { var fourHex = Random.index(hexDigits) + Random.index(hexDigits) + Random.index(hexDigits) + Random.index(hexDigits); return ["\\u" + fourHex, parseInt(fourHex, 16)]; } },
]);function regexCharacter()
var [matcher, charcode] = Random.index(regexCharacterMakers)();
switch(rnd(10)) {
case 0: return [matcher, charcode + 32];
case 1: return [matcher, charcode - 32];
case 2: return [matcher, regexCharCode()];
default: return [matcher, charcode];
var regexBuiltInCharClasses = [
"\\d", "\\D",
"\\s", "\\S",
"\\w", "\\W",
function regexOneCharStringsWith(frequentChars) {
var matches = [];
for (var i = 0; i < POTENTIAL_MATCHES; ++i) {
matches.push(rnd(8) ? Random.index(frequentChars) : String.fromCharCode(regexCharCode()));
return matches;
function regexShortStringsWith(frequentChars) {
var matches = [];
for (var i = 0; i < POTENTIAL_MATCHES; ++i) {
var s = "";
while (rnd(3)) {
s += rnd(4) ? Random.index(frequentChars) : String.fromCharCode(regexCharCode());
return matches;
}var regexTermMakers =
function() { return regexCharacterClass(); },
function() { var [re, cc] = regexCharacter(); return [re, regexOneCharStringsWith([String.fromCharCode(cc)])]; },
function() { return [Random.index(regexBuiltInCharClasses), regexOneCharStringsWith(["0", "a", "_"])]; },
function() { return ["[^]", regexOneCharStringsWith(["\n"])]; },
function() { return [".", regexOneCharStringsWith(["\n"])]; },
function() { return [Random.index(["^", "$"]), regexShortStringsWith(["\n"])]; },
function() { return [Random.index(["\\b", "\\B"]), regexShortStringsWith([" ", "\n", "a", "1"])]; },
];function regexTerm()
return Random.index(regexTermMakers)();
}function regexCharacterClass()
var ranges = rnd(5);
var inRange = rnd(2);
var charBucket = [String.fromCharCode(regexCharCode())]; var re = "[";
if (!inRange) {
re += "^";
} var lo, hi; for (var i = 0; i < ranges; ++i) {
if (rnd(100) == 0) {
re += "-";
if (rnd(2)) {
re += String.fromCharCode(regexCharCode());
} if (rnd(3) == 1) {
re += Random.index(regexBuiltInCharClasses);
} else if (rnd(2)) {
var a = regexCharacter();
var b = regexCharacter();
if ((a[1] <= b[1]) == !!rnd(10)) {
[lo, hi] = [a, b];
} else {
[lo, hi] = [b, a];
} re += lo[0] + "-" + hi[0];
charBucket.push(String.fromCharCode(lo[1] + rnd(3) - 1));
charBucket.push(String.fromCharCode(hi[1] + rnd(3) - 1));
charBucket.push(String.fromCharCode(lo[1] + rnd(Math.max(hi[1] - lo[1], 1))));
} else {
var a = regexCharacter();
re += a[0];
} re += "]";
return [re, pickN(charBucket, POTENTIAL_MATCHES)];
}function pickN(bucket, picks)
var picked = [];
for (var i = 0; i < picks; ++i) {
return picked;
}function makeRegisterStompFunction(d, b, pure)
var args = [];
var nArgs = (rnd(10) ? rnd(20) : rnd(100)) + 1;
for (var i = 0; i < nArgs; ++i) {
args.push("a" + i);
} var bv = b.concat(args); return (
"(function(" + args.join(", ") + ") { " +
makeRegisterStompBody(d, bv, pure) +
"return " + Random.index(bv) + "; " +
}function makeRegisterStompBody(d, b, pure)
var bv = b.slice(0);
var lastRVar = 0;
var s = ""; function value()
return rnd(3) && bv.length ? Random.index(bv) : "" + rnd(10);
} function expr()
return value() + Random.index([" + ", " - ", " / ", " * ", " % ", " | ", " & ", " ^ "]) + value();
} while (rnd(100)) {
if (bv.length == 0 || rnd(4)) {
var newVar = "r" + lastRVar;
s += "var " + newVar + " = " + expr() + "; ";
} else if (rnd(5) === 0 && !pure) {
s += "print(" + Random.index(bv) + "); ";
} else {
s += Random.index(bv) + " = " + expr() + "; ";
} return s;
***********************/var makeBuilderStatement;
var makeEvilCallback;(function setUpBuilderStuff() {
var ARRAY_SIZE = 20;
var smallPowersOfTwo = [1, 2, 4, 8];
function bufsize() { return rnd(ARRAY_SIZE) * Random.index(smallPowersOfTwo); }
function arrayIndex(d, b) {
switch(rnd(8)) {
case 0: return m("v");
case 1: return makeExpr(d - 1, b);
case 2: return "({valueOf: function() { " + makeStatement(d, b) + "return " + rnd(ARRAY_SIZE) + "; }})";
default: return "" + rnd(ARRAY_SIZE);
function m(t)
if (!t)
t = "aosmevbtihgfp";
t = t.charAt(rnd(t.length));
var name = t + rnd(OBJECTS_PER_TYPE);
switch(rnd(16)) {
case 0: return m("o") + "." + name;
case 1: return m("g") + "." + name;
case 2: return "this." + name;
default: return name;
} function val(d, b)
if (rnd(10))
return m();
return makeExpr(d, b);
function assign(d, b, t, rhs)
switch(rnd(18)) {
case 0: return (
"Object.defineProperty(" +
(rnd(8)?"this":m("og")) + ", " +
simpleSource(m(t)) + ", " +
"{ " + propertyDescriptorPrefix(d-1, b) + " get: function() { " + (rnd(8)?"":makeBuilderStatement(d-1,b)) + " return " + rhs + "; } }" +
case 1: return Random.index(varBinder) + m(t) + " = " + rhs + ";";
default: return m(t) + " = " + rhs + ";";
} function makeCounterClosure(d, b)
var v = uniqueVarName();
var infrequently = infrequentCondition(v, 10);
return (
"(function mcc_() { " +
"var " + v + " = 0; " +
"return function() { " +
"++" + v + "; " +
(rnd(3) ?
"if (" + infrequently + ") { dumpln('hit!'); " + makeBuilderStatements(d, b) + " } " +
"else { dumpln('miss!'); " + makeBuilderStatements(d, b) + " } "
: m("f") + "(" + infrequently + ");"
) +
"};" +
} function fdecl(d, b)
var argName = m();
var bv = b.concat([argName]);
return "function " + m("f") + "(" + argName + ") " + makeFunctionBody(d, bv);
} function makeBuilderStatements(d, b)
var s = "";
var extras = rnd(4);
for (var i = 0; i < extras; ++i) {
s += "try { " + makeBuilderStatement(d - 2, b) + " } catch(e" + i + ") { } ";
s += makeBuilderStatement(d - 1, b);
return s;
} var builderFunctionMakers = Random.weighted([
{ w: 9, v: function(d, b) { return "(function() { " + makeBuilderStatements(d, b) + " return " + m() + "; })"; } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return "(function() { " + makeBuilderStatements(d, b) + " throw " + m() + "; })"; } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return "(function(j) { " + m("f") + "(j); })"; } },
{ w: 4, v: function(d, b) { return "(function(j) { if (j) { " + makeBuilderStatements(d, b) + " } else { " + makeBuilderStatements(d, b) + " } })"; } },
{ w: 4, v: function(d, b) { return "(function() { for (var j=0;j<" + loopCount() + ";++j) { " + m("f") + "(j%"+(2+rnd(4))+"=="+rnd(2)+"); } })"; } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return Random.index(builtinFunctions) + ".bind(" + m() + ")"; } },
{ w: 5, v: function(d, b) { return m("f"); } },
{ w: 3, v: makeCounterClosure },
{ w: 2, v: makeFunction },
{ w: 1, v: makeAsmJSModule },
{ w: 1, v: makeAsmJSFunction },
{ w: 1, v: makeRegisterStompFunction },
makeEvilCallback = function(d, b) {
return (Random.index(builderFunctionMakers))(d - 1, b);
}; var handlerTraps = ["getOwnPropertyDescriptor", "getPropertyDescriptor", "defineProperty", "getOwnPropertyNames", "delete", "fix", "has", "hasOwn", "get", "set", "iterate", "enumerate", "keys"]; function forwardingHandler(d, b) {
return (
"getOwnPropertyDescriptor: function(name) { Z; var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(X); desc.configurable = true; return desc; }, " +
"getPropertyDescriptor: function(name) { Z; var desc = Object.getPropertyDescriptor(X); desc.configurable = true; return desc; }, " +
"defineProperty: function(name, desc) { Z; Object.defineProperty(X, name, desc); }, " +
"getOwnPropertyNames: function() { Z; return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(X); }, " +
"delete: function(name) { Z; return delete X[name]; }, " +
"fix: function() { Z; if (Object.isFrozen(X)) { return Object.getOwnProperties(X); } }, " +
"has: function(name) { Z; return name in X; }, " +
"hasOwn: function(name) { Z; return, name); }, " +
"get: function(receiver, name) { Z; return X[name]; }, " +
"set: function(receiver, name, val) { Z; X[name] = val; return true; }, " +
"iterate: function() { Z; return (function() { for (var name in X) { yield name; } })(); }, " +
"enumerate: function() { Z; var result = []; for (var name in X) { result.push(name); }; return result; }, " +
"keys: function() { Z; return Object.keys(X); } " +
.replace(/X/g, m())
.replace(/Z/g, function() {
case 0: return "return " + m();
case 1: return "throw " + m();
default: return makeBuilderStatement(d - 2, b);
} function propertyDescriptorPrefix(d, b)
return "configurable: " + makeBoolean(d, b) + ", " + "enumerable: " + makeBoolean(d, b) + ", ";
} function strToEval(d, b)
switch(rnd(5)) {
case 0: return simpleSource(fdecl(d, b));
case 1: return simpleSource(makeBuilderStatement(d, b));
default: return simpleSource(makeScriptForEval(d, b));
} function evaluateFlags(d, b)
return ("({ global: " + m("g") +
", fileName: " + Random.index(["'evaluate.js'", "null"]) +
", lineNumber: 42, newContext: " + makeBoolean(d, b) +
", isRunOnce: " + makeBoolean(d, b) +
", noScriptRval: " + makeBoolean(d, b) +
", catchTermination: " + makeBoolean(d, b) +
", saveFrameChain: " + ("bug 881999" && rnd(10000) ? "false" : makeBoolean(d, b)) +
((rnd(5) == 0) ? (
((rnd(2) == 0) ? (", element: " + m("o")) : "") +
((rnd(2) == 0) ? (", elementProperty: " + m("s")) : "") +
((rnd(2) == 0) ? (", sourceMapURL: " + m("s")) : "") +
((rnd(2) == 0) ? (", sourcePolicy: " + Random.index(["'NO_SOURCE'", "'LAZY_SOURCE'", "'SAVE_SOURCE'"])) : "")
) : ""
) +
" })");
} var initializedEverything = false;
function initializeEverything(d, b)
if (initializedEverything)
return ";";
initializedEverything = true; var s = "";
for (var i = 0; i < OBJECTS_PER_TYPE; ++i) {
s += "a" + i + " = []; ";
s += "o" + i + " = {}; ";
s += "s" + i + " = ''; ";
s += "r" + i + " = /x/; ";
s += "g" + i + " = " + makeGlobal(d, b) + "; ";
s += "f" + i + " = function(){}; ";
s += "m" + i + " = new WeakMap; ";
s += "e" + i + " = new Set; ";
s += "v" + i + " = null; ";
s += "b" + i + " = new ArrayBuffer(64); ";
s += "t" + i + " = new Uint8ClampedArray; ";
return s;
function method(d, b, clazz, obj, meth, arglist)
if (rnd(10) == 0)
arglist = [];
while (rnd(2))
arglist.push(val(d, b));
switch (rnd(4)) {
case 0: return clazz + ".prototype." + meth + ".apply(" + obj + ", [" + arglist.join(", ") + "])";
case 1: return clazz + ".prototype." + meth + ".call(" + [obj].concat(arglist).join(", ") + ")";
default: return obj + "." + meth + "(" + arglist.join(", ") + ")";
} function severalargs(f)
var arglist = [];
while (rnd(2)) {
return arglist;
} var builderStatementMakers = Random.weighted([
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "a", "[]"); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "a", "new Array"); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "a", makeIterable(d, b)); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return m("a") + ".length = " + arrayIndex(d, b) + ";"; } },
{ w: 8, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "v", m("at") + ".length"); } },
{ w: 4, v: function(d, b) { return m("at") + "[" + arrayIndex(d, b) + "]" + " = " + val(d, b) + ";"; } },
{ w: 4, v: function(d, b) { return val(d, b) + " = " + m("at") + "[" + arrayIndex(d, b) + "]" + ";"; } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "a", makeFunOnCallChain(d, b) + ".arguments"); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "a", "arguments"); } },
{ w: 3, v: function(d, b) { return m("at") + "[" + arrayIndex(d, b) + "]" + ";"; } },
{ w: 3, v: function(d, b) { return m("at") + "[" + arrayIndex(d, b) + "] = " + makeExpr(d, b) + ";"; } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return "/*ADP-1*/Object.defineProperty(" + m("a") + ", " + arrayIndex(d, b) + ", " + makePropertyDescriptor(d, b) + ");"; } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return "/*ADP-2*/Object.defineProperty(" + m("a") + ", " + arrayIndex(d, b) + ", { " + propertyDescriptorPrefix(d, b) + "get: " + makeEvilCallback(d,b) + ", set: " + makeEvilCallback(d, b) + " });"; } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return "/*ADP-3*/Object.defineProperty(" + m("a") + ", " + arrayIndex(d, b) + ", { " + propertyDescriptorPrefix(d, b) + "writable: " + makeBoolean(d,b) + ", value: " + val(d, b) + " });"; } },
{ w: 5, v: function(d, b) { return method(d, b, "Array", m("a"), "push", severalargs(() => val(d, b))) + ";"; } },
{ w: 5, v: function(d, b) { return method(d, b, "Array", m("a"), "pop", []) + ";"; } },
{ w: 5, v: function(d, b) { return method(d, b, "Array", m("a"), "unshift", severalargs(() => val(d, b))) + ";"; } },
{ w: 5, v: function(d, b) { return method(d, b, "Array", m("a"), "shift", []) + ";"; } },
{ w: 5, v: function(d, b) { return method(d, b, "Array", m("a"), "reverse", []) + ";"; } },
{ w: 5, v: function(d, b) { return method(d, b, "Array", m("a"), "sort", [makeEvilCallback(d, b)]) + ";"; } },
{ w: 5, v: function(d, b) { return method(d, b, "Array", m("a"), "splice", [arrayIndex(d, b) - arrayIndex(d, b), arrayIndex(d, b)]) + ";"; } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "s", method(d, b, "Array", m("a"), "join", [m("s")])); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "a", method(d, b, "Array", m("a"), "concat", severalargs(() => m("at")))); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "a", method(d, b, "Array", m("a"), "slice", [arrayIndex(d, b) - arrayIndex(d, b), arrayIndex(d, b) - arrayIndex(d, b)])); } },
{ w: 5, v: function(d, b) { return method(d, b, "Array", m("a"), "forEach", [makeEvilCallback(d, b)]) + ";"; } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "a", method(d, b, "Array", m("a"), "map", [makeEvilCallback(d, b)])); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "a", method(d, b, "Array", m("a"), "filter", [makeEvilCallback(d, b)])); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "v", method(d, b, "Array", m("a"), "some", [makeEvilCallback(d, b)])); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "v", method(d, b, "Array", m("a"), "every", [makeEvilCallback(d, b)])); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "v", method(d, b, "Array", m("a"), Random.index(["reduce, reduceRight"]), [makeEvilCallback(d, b)])); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "v", method(d, b, "Array", m("a"), Random.index(["reduce, reduceRight"]), [makeEvilCallback(d, b), val(d, b)])); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "o", "{}"); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "o", "new Object"); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "o", "Object.create(" + val(d, b) + ")"); } },
{ w: 3, v: function(d, b) { return "selectforgc(" + m("o") + ");"; } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "s", "''"); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "s", "new String"); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "s", "new String(" + m() + ")"); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "s", m("s") + ".charAt(" + arrayIndex(d, b) + ")"); } },
{ w: 5, v: function(d, b) { return m("s") + " += 'x';"; } },
{ w: 5, v: function(d, b) { return m("s") + " += " + m("s") + ";"; } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "m", "new Map"); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "m", "new Map(" + m() + ")"); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "m", "new WeakMap"); } },
{ w: 5, v: function(d, b) { return m("m") + ".has(" + val(d, b) + ");"; } },
{ w: 4, v: function(d, b) { return m("m") + ".get(" + val(d, b) + ");"; } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, null, m("m") + ".get(" + val(d, b) + ")"); } },
{ w: 5, v: function(d, b) { return m("m") + ".set(" + val(d, b) + ", " + val(d, b) + ");"; } },
{ w: 3, v: function(d, b) { return m("m") + ".delete(" + val(d, b) + ");"; } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "e", "new Set"); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "e", "new Set(" + m() + ")"); } },
{ w: 5, v: function(d, b) { return m("e") + ".has(" + val(d, b) + ");"; } },
{ w: 5, v: function(d, b) { return m("e") + ".add(" + val(d, b) + ");"; } },
{ w: 3, v: function(d, b) { return m("e") + ".delete(" + val(d, b) + ");"; } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "b", "new " + arrayBufferType() + "(" + bufsize() + ")"); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "b", m("t") + ".buffer"); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return "neuter(" + m("b") + ", " + (rnd(2) ? '"same-data"' : '"change-data"') + ");"; } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "t", "new " + Random.index(typedArrayConstructors) + "(" + arrayIndex(d, b) + ")"); } },
{ w: 3, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "t", "new " + Random.index(typedArrayConstructors) + "(" + m("abt") + ")"); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "t", "new " + Random.index(typedArrayConstructors) + "(" + m("b") + ", " + bufsize() + ", " + arrayIndex(d, b) + ")"); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "t", m("t") + ".subarray(" + arrayIndex(d, b) + ")"); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "t", m("t") + ".subarray(" + arrayIndex(d, b) + ", " + arrayIndex(d, b) + ")"); } },
{ w: 3, v: function(d, b) { return m("t") + ".set(" + m("at") + ", " + arrayIndex(d, b) + ");"; } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "v", m("tb") + ".byteLength"); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "v", m("t") + ".byteOffset"); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "v", m("t") + ".BYTES_PER_ELEMENT"); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "h", "{}"); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "h", forwardingHandler(d, b)); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return "delete " + m("h") + "." + Random.index(handlerTraps) + ";"; } },
{ w: 4, v: function(d, b) { return m("h") + "." + Random.index(handlerTraps) + " = " + makeEvilCallback(d, b) + ";"; } },
{ w: 4, v: function(d, b) { return m("h") + "." + Random.index(handlerTraps) + " = " + m("f") + ";"; } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, null, "Proxy.create(" + m("h") + ", " + m() + ")"); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "f", "Proxy.createFunction(" + m("h") + ", " + m("f") + ", " + m("f") + ")"); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "r", makeRegex(d, b)); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "a", m("r") + ".exec(" + m("s") + ")"); } },
{ w: 3, v: function(d, b) { return makeRegexUseBlock(d, b, m("r")); } },
{ w: 3, v: function(d, b) { return makeRegexUseBlock(d, b, m("r"), m("s")); } },
{ w: 3, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "v", m("r") + "." + Random.index(builtinObjects["RegExp.prototype"])); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "g", makeGlobal(d, b)); } },
{ w: 5, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "v", m("g") + ".eval(" + strToEval(d, b) + ")"); } },
{ w: 5, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "v", "evalcx(" + strToEval(d, b) + ", " + m("g") + ")"); } },
{ w: 5, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "v", "evaluate(" + strToEval(d, b) + ", " + evaluateFlags(d, b) + ")"); } },
{ w: 3, v: function(d, b) { return "(void schedulegc(" + m("g") + "));"; } },
{ w: 3, v: function(d, b) { return "/*MXX1*/" + assign(d, b, "o", m("g") + "." + Random.index(builtinProperties)); } },
{ w: 3, v: function(d, b) { return "/*MXX2*/" + m("g") + "." + Random.index(builtinProperties) + " = " + m() + ";"; } },
{ w: 3, v: function(d, b) { var prop = Random.index(builtinProperties); return "/*MXX3*/" + m("g") + "." + prop + " = " + m("g") + "." + prop + ";"; } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "f", makeEvilCallback(d, b)); } },
{ w: 1, v: fdecl },
{ w: 2, v: function(d, b) { return m("f") + "(" + m() + ");"; } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "i", "new Iterator(" + m() + ")"); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "i", "new Iterator(" + m() + ", true)"); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "i", m("ema") + "." + Random.index(["entries", "keys", "values", "iterator"])); } },
{ w: 3, v: function(d, b) { return m("i") + ".next();"; } },
{ w: 3, v: function(d, b) { return m("i") + ".send(" + m() + ");"; } },
{ w: 2, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "v", Random.index(["4", "4.2", "NaN", "0", "-0", "Infinity", "-Infinity"])); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "v", "new Number(" + Random.index(["4", "4.2", "NaN", "0", "-0", "Infinity", "-Infinity"]) + ")"); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "v", "new Number(" + m() + ")"); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "v", makeBoolean(d, b)); } },
{ w: 2, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "v", Random.index(["undefined", "null", "true", "false"])); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return "/*ODP-1*/Object.defineProperty(" + m() + ", " + makePropertyName(d, b) + ", " + makePropertyDescriptor(d, b) + ");"; } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return "/*ODP-2*/Object.defineProperty(" + m() + ", " + makePropertyName(d, b) + ", { " + propertyDescriptorPrefix(d, b) + "get: " + makeEvilCallback(d,b) + ", set: " + makeEvilCallback(d, b) + " });"; } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return "/*ODP-3*/Object.defineProperty(" + m() + ", " + makePropertyName(d, b) + ", { " + propertyDescriptorPrefix(d, b) + "writable: " + makeBoolean(d,b) + ", value: " + val(d, b) + " });"; } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return "" + m() + ", " + makePropertyName(d, b) + ", " + makeEvilCallback(d, b) + ");"; } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return "" + m() + ", " + makePropertyName(d, b) + ");"; } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return "delete " + m() + "[" + makePropertyName(d, b) + "];"; } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return assign(d, b, "v", m() + "[" + makePropertyName(d, b) + "]"); } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return m() + "[" + makePropertyName(d, b) + "] = " + val(d, b) + ";"; } },
{ w: 5, v: function(d, b) { return "print(" + m() + ");"; } },
{ w: 5, v: function(d, b) { return "print(uneval(" + m() + "));"; } },
{ w: 5, v: function(d, b) { return m() + ".toString = " + makeEvilCallback(d, b) + ";"; } },
{ w: 5, v: function(d, b) { return m() + ".toSource = " + makeEvilCallback(d, b) + ";"; } },
{ w: 5, v: function(d, b) { return m() + ".valueOf = " + makeEvilCallback(d, b) + ";"; } },
{ w: 2, v: function(d, b) { return m() + ".__iterator__ = " + makeEvilCallback(d, b) + ";"; } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return m() + " = " + m() + ";"; } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return m() + " = " + m("g") + ".objectEmulatingUndefined();"; } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return m("o") + " = " + m() + ".__proto__;"; } },
{ w: 5, v: function(d, b) { return m() + ".__proto__ = " + m() + ";"; } },
{ w: 10, v: function(d, b) { return "for (var p in " + m() + ") { " + makeBuilderStatements(d, b) + " }"; } },
{ w: 10, v: function(d, b) { return "for (var v of " + m() + ") { " + makeBuilderStatements(d, b) + " }"; } },
{ w: 10, v: function(d, b) { return m() + " + " + m() + ";"; } },
{ w: 10, v: function(d, b) { return m() + " + '';"; } },
{ w: 10, v: function(d, b) { return m("v") + " = (" + m() + " instanceof " + m() + ");"; } },
{ w: 10, v: function(d, b) { return m("v") + " =" + m() + ", " + m() + ");"; } },
{ w: 2, v: function(d, b) { return "Object." + Random.index(["preventExtensions", "seal", "freeze"]) + "(" + m() + ");"; } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return m() + " = x;"; } },
{ w: 1, v: function(d, b) { return "x = " + m() + ";"; } },
{ w: 5, v: makeStatement }, { w: 5, v: initializeEverything },
makeBuilderStatement = function(d, b) {
return (Random.index(builderStatementMakers))(d - 1, b);
function infrequentCondition(v, n)
switch (rnd(20)) {
case 0: return true;
case 1: return false;
case 2: return v + " > " + rnd(n);
default: var mod = rnd(n) + 2; var target = rnd(mod); return "/*ICCD*/" + v + " % " + mod + (rnd(8) ? " == " : " != ") + target;
}var arrayBufferType = "SharedArrayBuffer" in this ?
function() { return rnd(2) ? "SharedArrayBuffer" : "ArrayBuffer"; } :
function() { return "ArrayBuffer"; };/***************************
var compareAsm = (function() { function isSameNumber(a, b)
if (!(typeof a == "number" && typeof b == "number"))
return false;
if (a === 0 && b === 0)
return 1/a === 1/b;
return a === b || (a !== a && b !== b);
} var asmvals = [
1, Math.PI, 42,
0, -0, 0/0, 1/0, -1/0,
0x07fffffff, 0x080000000, 0x080000001,
-0x07fffffff, -0x080000000, -0x080000001,
0x0ffffffff, 0x100000000, 0x100000001,
-0x0ffffffff, -0x100000000, 0x100000001,
Number.MIN_VALUE, -Number.MIN_VALUE,
Number.MAX_VALUE, -Number.MAX_VALUE,
var asmvalsLen = asmvals.length; function compareUnaryFunctions(f, g)
for (var i = 0; i < asmvalsLen; ++i) {
var x = asmvals[i];
var fr = f(x);
var gr = g(x);
if (!isSameNumber(fr, gr)) {
foundABug("asm mismatch", "(" + uneval(x) + ") -> " + uneval(fr) + " vs " + uneval(gr));
} function compareBinaryFunctions(f, g)
for (var i = 0; i < asmvalsLen; ++i) {
var x = asmvals[i];
for (var j = 0; j < asmvalsLen; ++j) {
var y = asmvals[j];
var fr = f(x, y);
var gr = g(x, y);
if (!isSameNumber(fr, gr)) {
foundABug("asm mismatch", "(" + uneval(x) + ", " + uneval(y) + ") -> " + uneval(fr) + " vs " + uneval(gr));
} return {compareUnaryFunctions: compareUnaryFunctions, compareBinaryFunctions: compareBinaryFunctions};
})();function nanBitsMayBeVisible(s)
return (s.indexOf("Uint") != -1 || s.indexOf("Int") != -1) + (s.indexOf("Float32Array") != -1) + (s.indexOf("Float64Array") != -1) > 1;
}var pureForeign = {
identity: function(x) { return x; },
quadruple: function(x) { return x * 4; },
half: function(x) { return x / 2; },
asString: function(x) { return uneval(x); },
asValueOf: function(x) { return { valueOf: function() { return x; } }; },
sum: function() { var s = 0; for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) s += arguments[i]; return s; },
stomp: function() { },
};for (var f in unaryMathFunctions) {
pureForeign["Math_" + unaryMathFunctions[f]] = Math[unaryMathFunctions[f]];
}for (var f in binaryMathFunctions) {
pureForeign["Math_" + binaryMathFunctions[f]] = Math[binaryMathFunctions[f]];
}var pureMathNames = Object.keys(pureForeign);function generateAsmDifferential()
var foreignFunctions = rnd(10) ? [] : pureMathNames;
return asmJSInterior(foreignFunctions, true);
}function testAsmDifferential(stdlib, interior)
if (nanBitsMayBeVisible(interior)) {
dumpln("Skipping correctness test for asm module that could expose low bits of NaN");
} var asmJs = "(function(stdlib, foreign, heap) { 'use asm'; " + interior + " })";
var asmModule = eval(asmJs); if (isAsmJSModule(asmModule)) {
var asmHeap = new ArrayBuffer(4096);
(new Int32Array(asmHeap))[0] = 0x12345678;
var asmFun = asmModule(stdlib, pureForeign, asmHeap); var normalHeap = new ArrayBuffer(4096);
(new Int32Array(normalHeap))[0] = 0x12345678;
var normalJs = "(function(stdlib, foreign, heap) { " + interior + " })";
var normalModule = eval(normalJs);
var normalFun = normalModule(stdlib, pureForeign, normalHeap); compareAsm.compareBinaryFunctions(asmFun, normalFun);
function startAsmDifferential()
var asmFuzzSeed = 223617089; //Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.pow(2,28));
// dumpln("asmFuzzSeed: " + asmFuzzSeed);
Random.init(asmFuzzSeed); while (true) { var stompStr = makeRegisterStompFunction(8, [], true);
pureForeign.stomp = eval(stompStr); for (var i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
var interior = generateAsmDifferential();
testAsmDifferential(this, interior);
}var numericVals = [
"1", "Math.PI", "42",
"0", "-0", "0/0", "1/0", "-1/0",
"0x07fffffff", "0x080000000", "0x080000001",
"-0x07fffffff", "-0x080000000", "-0x080000001",
"0x0ffffffff", "0x100000000", "0x100000001",
"-0x0ffffffff", "-0x100000000", "0x100000001",
"Number.MIN_VALUE", "-Number.MIN_VALUE",
"Number.MAX_VALUE", "-Number.MAX_VALUE",
];var confusableVals = [
"({toString:function(){return '0';}})",
"({valueOf:function(){return 0;}})",
"({valueOf:function(){return '0';}})",
"(function(){return 0;})",
"(new Boolean(false))",
"(new Boolean(true))",
"(new String(''))",
"(new Number(0))",
"(new Number(-0))",
];function hashStr(s)
var hash = 0;
var L = s.length;
for (var i = 0; i < L; i++) {
var c = s.charCodeAt(i);
hash = (Math.imul(hash, 31) + c) | 0;
return hash;
}function testMathyFunction(f, inputs)
var results = [];
if (f) {
for (var j = 0; j < inputs.length; ++j) {
for (var k = 0; k < inputs.length; ++k) {
try {
results.push(f(inputs[j], inputs[k]));
} catch(e) {
/* Use uneval to distinguish -0, 0, "0", etc. */
/* Use hashStr to shorten the output and keep compareJIT files small. */
}function mathInitFCM()
var cookie = "/*F" + "CM*/"; print(cookie + hashStr.toString().replace(/\n/g, " "));
print(cookie + testMathyFunction.toString().replace(/\n/g, " "));
}function makeMathyFunAndTest(d, b)
if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(d, b); var i = rnd(NUM_MATH_FUNCTIONS);
var s = ""; if (rnd(5)) {
if (rnd(8)) {
s += "mathy" + i + " = " + makeMathFunction(6, b, i) + "; ";
} else {
s += "mathy" + i + " = " + makeAsmJSFunction(6, b) + "; ";
} if (rnd(5)) {
var inputsStr;
switch(rnd(8)) {
case 0: inputsStr = makeMixedTypeArray(d - 1, b); break;
case 1: inputsStr = "[" + Random.shuffled(confusableVals).join(", ") + "]"; break;
default: inputsStr = "[" + Random.shuffled(numericVals).join(", ") + "]"; break;
} s += "testMathyFunction(mathy" + i + ", " + inputsStr + "); ";
} return s;
}function makeMathyFunRef(d, b)
if (rnd(TOTALLY_RANDOM) == 2) return totallyRandom(d, b); return "mathy" + rnd(NUM_MATH_FUNCTIONS);
*******************************/function sandboxResult(code, zone)
var result;
var resultStr = "";
try {
var sandbox = newGlobal({sameZoneAs: zone}); result = evalcx(code, sandbox);
if (typeof result != "object") {
resultStr = "" + result;
} catch(e) {
result = "Error: " + errorToString(e);
return resultStr;
}function nestingConsistencyTest(code)
function nestExpr(e) { return "(function() { return " + code + "; })()"; }
var codeNestedOnce = nestExpr(code);
var codeNestedDeep = code;
var depth = (count % 7) + 14;
for (var i = 0; i < depth; ++i) {
codeNestedDeep = nestExpr(codeNestedDeep);
var resultO = sandboxResult(codeNestedOnce, null); var resultD = sandboxResult(codeNestedDeep, null);
if (resultO != resultD) {
foundABug("NestTest mismatch",
"resultO: " + resultO + "\n" +
"resultD: " + resultD);
function optionalTests(f, code, wtt)
if (count % 100 == 1) {
} if (count % 100 == 2 && engine == ENGINE_SPIDERMONKEY_TRUNK) {
try {
} catch(e) {
} if (count % 100 == 3 && f && typeof disassemble == "function") {
disassemble("-r", f);
} if (0 && f && wtt.allowExec && engine == ENGINE_SPIDERMONKEY_TRUNK) {
} if (count % 100 == 6 && f && wtt.allowExec && wtt.expectConsistentOutput && wtt.expectConsistentOutputAcrossIter
&& engine == ENGINE_SPIDERMONKEY_TRUNK && getBuildConfiguration()['more-deterministic']) {
function simpleDVGTest(code)
var fullCode = "(function() { try { \n" + code + "\n; throw 1; } catch(exx) { this.nnn.nnn } })()"; try {
} catch(e) {
if (e.message != "this.nnn is undefined" && e.message.indexOf("redeclaration of") == -1) {
foundABug("Wrong error " + "message", e);
function tryHalves(code)
var f, firstHalf, secondHalf; try { firstHalf = code.substr(0, code.length / 2);
if (verbose)
dumpln("First half: " + firstHalf);
f = new Function(firstHalf);
void ("" + f);
catch(e) {
if (verbose)
dumpln("First half compilation error: " + e);
} try {
secondHalf = code.substr(code.length / 2, code.length);
if (verbose)
dumpln("Second half: " + secondHalf);
f = new Function(secondHalf);
void ("" + f);
catch(e) {
if (verbose)
dumpln("Second half compilation error: " + e);
*****************/function randomRegexFlags() {
var s = "";
if (rnd(2))
s += "g";
if (rnd(2))
s += "y";
if (rnd(2))
s += "i";
if (rnd(2))
s += "m";
return s;
}function toRegexSource(rexpat)
return (rnd(2) === 0 && rexpat.charAt(0) != "*") ?
"/" + rexpat + "/" + randomRegexFlags() :
"new RegExp(" + simpleSource(rexpat) + ", " + simpleSource(randomRegexFlags()) + ")";
}function makeRegexUseBlock(d, b, rexExpr, strExpr)
var rexpair = regexPattern(10, false);
var rexpat = rexpair[0];
var str = rexpair[1][rnd(POTENTIAL_MATCHES)]; if (!rexExpr) rexExpr = rnd(10) === 0 ? makeExpr(d - 1, b) : toRegexSource(rexpat);
if (!strExpr) strExpr = rnd(10) === 0 ? makeExpr(d - 1, b) : simpleSource(str); var bv = b.concat(["s", "r"]); return ("/*RXUB*/var r = " + rexExpr + "; " +
"var s = " + strExpr + "; " +
"print(" +
"s.replace(r, " + makeReplacement(d, bv) + (rnd(3) ? "" : ", " + simpleSource(randomRegexFlags())) + ")",
]) +
"); " +
(rnd(3) ? "" : "print(r.lastIndex); ")
}function makeRegexUseExpr(d, b)
var rexpair = regexPattern(8, false);
var rexpat = rexpair[0];
var str = rexpair[1][rnd(POTENTIAL_MATCHES)]; var rexExpr = rnd(10) === 0 ? makeExpr(d - 1, b) : toRegexSource(rexpat);
var strExpr = rnd(10) === 0 ? makeExpr(d - 1, b) : simpleSource(str); return "/*RXUE*/" + rexExpr + ".exec(" + strExpr + ")";
}function makeRegex(d, b)
var rexpair = regexPattern(8, false);
var rexpat = rexpair[0];
var rexExpr = toRegexSource(rexpat);
return rexExpr;
}function makeReplacement(d, b)
switch(rnd(3)) {
case 0: return Random.index(["''", "'x'", "'\\u0341'"]);
case 1: return makeExpr(d, b);
default: return makeFunction(d, b);
}function start(glob)
var fuzzSeed = 223617089;//Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.pow(2,28));
dumpln("fuzzSeed: " + fuzzSeed);
var cookie = "/*F";
cookie += "RC*/";
var dumpEachSeed = false; if (dumpEachSeed) {
dumpln(cookie + "Random.init(0);");
} mathInitFCM(); count = 0; if (jsshell) {
var MAX_TOTAL_TIME = (glob.maxRunTime) || (Infinity);
var startTime = new Date();
var lastTime; do {
var elapsed1 = new Date() - lastTime;
if (elapsed1 > 1000) {
print("That took " + elapsed1 + "ms!");
lastTime = new Date();
} while(lastTime - startTime < MAX_TOTAL_TIME);
} else {
setTimeout(testStuffForAWhile, 200);
} function testStuffForAWhile()
for (var j = 0; j < 100; ++j)
testOne(); if (count % 10000 < 100)
printImportant("Iterations: " + count); setTimeout(testStuffForAWhile, 30);
} function testOne()
var depth = 14; if (dumpEachSeed) {
var MTA = uneval(Random.twister.export_mta());
var MTI = Random.twister.export_mti();
if (MTA != Random.lastDumpedMTA) {
dumpln(cookie + "Random.twister.import_mta(" + MTA + ");");
Random.lastDumpedMTA = MTA;
dumpln(cookie + "Random.twister.import_mti(" + MTI + "); void (makeScript(" + depth + "));");
} var code = makeScript(depth); if (count == 1 && engine == ENGINE_SPIDERMONKEY_TRUNK && rnd(5)) {
code = "tryRunning = useSpidermonkeyShellSandbox(" + rnd(4) + ");";
dumpln(cookie + "count=" + count + "; tryItOut(" + uneval(code) + ");"); tryItOut(code);
function failsToCompileInTry(code) {
try {
var codeInTry = "try { " + code + " } catch(e) { }";
void new Function(codeInTry);
return false;
} catch(e) {
return true;
*********************/var tryRunning = xpcshell ? useGeckoSandbox() : tryRunningDirectly;
function fillShellSandbox(sandbox)
var safeFuns = [
"schedulegc", "selectforgc", "gczeal", "gc", "gcslice",
"verifyprebarriers", "gcPreserveCode",
"minorgc", "abortgc",
"evalcx", "newGlobal", "evaluate",
"dumpln", "fillShellSandbox",
"testMathyFunction", "hashStr",
]; for (var i = 0; i < safeFuns.length; ++i) {
var fn = safeFuns[i];
if (sandbox[fn]) {
} else if (this[fn]) {
sandbox[fn] = this[fn].bind(this);
} else {
} return sandbox;
}function useSpidermonkeyShellSandbox(sandboxType)
var primarySandbox; switch (sandboxType) {
case 0: primarySandbox = evalcx('');
case 1: primarySandbox = evalcx('lazy');
case 2: primarySandbox = newGlobal({sameZoneAs: {}});
default: primarySandbox = newGlobal();
} fillShellSandbox(primarySandbox); return function(f, code, wtt) {
try {
evalcx(code, primarySandbox);
} catch(e) {
dumpln("Running in sandbox threw " + errorToString(e));
function newGeckoSandbox(n)
var t = (typeof n == "number") ? n : 1;
var s = Components.utils.Sandbox("http://x" + t + "");
s.newGeckoSandbox = newGeckoSandbox;
s.evalInSandbox = function(str, sbx) {
return Components.utils.evalInSandbox(str, sbx);
s.print = function(str) { print(str); }; return s;
}function useGeckoSandbox() {
var primarySandbox = newGeckoSandbox(0); return function(f, code, wtt) {
try {
Components.utils.evalInSandbox(code, primarySandbox);
} catch(e) {
***********************/function directEvalC(s) { var c; /* evil closureizer */ return eval(s); } function newFun(s) { return new Function(s); }function tryRunningDirectly(f, code, wtt)
if (count % 23 == 3) {
dumpln("Plain eval!");
try { eval(code); } catch(e) { }
} if (count % 23 == 4) {
dumpln("About to recompile, using eval hack.");
f = directEvalC("(function(){" + code + "});");
} try {
if (verbose)
dumpln("About to run it!");
var rv = f();
if (verbose)
dumpln("It ran!");
if (wtt.allowIter && rv && typeof rv == "object") {
} catch(runError) {
dumpln("Running threw! About to toString to error.");
var err = errorToString(runError);
dumpln("Running threw: " + err);
} tryEnsureSanity();
}var realEval = eval;
var realMath = Math;
var realFunction = Function;
var realGC = gc;
var realUneval = uneval;
var realToString = toString;
var realToSource = this.toSource;
function tryEnsureSanity()
try {
if (typeof resetOOMFailure == "function")
} catch(e) { } try {
if (typeof gczeal == "function")
} catch(e) { }
try { eval(""); } catch(e) { dumpln("That really shouldn't have thrown: " + errorToString(e)); } if (!this) {
} try {
delete this.unwatch;
if ('unwatch' in this) {
} if ('__defineSetter__' in this) {
if (!jsStrictMode)
delete this.eval;
delete this.Math;
delete this.Function;
delete this.gc;
delete this.uneval;
delete this.toSource;
delete this.toString;
} this.Math = realMath;
this.eval = realEval;
this.Function = realFunction;
this.gc = realGC;
this.uneval = realUneval;
this.toSource = realToSource;
this.toString = realToString;
} catch(e) {
confused("tryEnsureSanity failed: " + errorToString(e));
if (this.eval != realEval)
confused("Fuzz script replaced |eval|");
if (Function != realFunction)
confused("Fuzz script replaced |Function|");
}function tryIteration(rv)
try {
if (Iterator(rv) !== rv)
catch(e) {
dumpln("Error while trying to determine whether it's an iterator!");
dumpln("The error was: " + e);
} dumpln("It's an iterator!");
try {
var iterCount = 0;
for (var iterValue of rv)
dumpln("Iterating succeeded, iterCount == " + iterCount);
} catch (iterError) {
dumpln("Iterating threw!");
dumpln("Iterating threw: " + errorToString(iterError));
}function tryItOut(code)
if (typeof gczeal == "function")
if (count % 1000 == 0) {
dumpln("Paranoid GC (count=" + count + ")!");
} var wtt = whatToTest(code); if (!wtt.allowParse)
return; code = code.replace(/\/\*DUPTRY\d+\*\//, function(k) { var n = parseInt(k.substr(8), 10); dumpln(n); return strTimes("try{}catch(e){}", n); });
if (jsStrictMode)
code = "'use strict'; " + code; var f;
try {
f = new Function(code);
} catch(compileError) {
dumpln("Compiling threw: " + errorToString(compileError));
} if (f && wtt.allowExec && wtt.expectConsistentOutput && wtt.expectConsistentOutputAcrossJITs) {
if (code.indexOf("\n") == -1 && code.indexOf("\r") == -1 && code.indexOf("\f") == -1 && code.indexOf("\0") == -1 &&
code.indexOf("\u2028") == -1 && code.indexOf("\u2029") == -1 &&
code.indexOf("<--") == -1 && code.indexOf("-->") == -1 && code.indexOf("//") == -1) {
var cookie1 = "/*F";
var cookie2 = "CM*/";
var nCode = code;
if (nCode.indexOf("return") != -1 || nCode.indexOf("yield") != -1 || nCode.indexOf("const") != -1 || failsToCompileInTry(nCode))
nCode = "(function(){" + nCode + "})()";
dumpln(cookie1 + cookie2 + " try { " + nCode + " } catch(e) { }");
} if (tryRunning != tryRunningDirectly) {
optionalTests(f, code, wtt);
} if (wtt.allowExec && f) {
tryRunning(f, code, wtt);
} if (verbose)
dumpln("Done trying out that function!"); dumpln("");
var count = 0;
var verbose = false;
/*FCM*/function hashStr(s) { var hash = 0; var L = s.length; for (var i = 0; i < L; i++) { var c = s.charCodeAt(i); hash = (Math.imul(hash, 31) + c) | 0; } return hash; }
/*FCM*/function testMathyFunction(f, inputs) { var results = []; if (f) { for (var j = 0; j < inputs.length; ++j) { for (var k = 0; k < inputs.length; ++k) { try { results.push(f(inputs[j], inputs[k])); } catch(e) { results.push(errorToString(e)); } } } } /* Use uneval to distinguish -0, 0, "0", etc. */ /* Use hashStr to shorten the output and keep compareJIT files small. */ print(hashStr(uneval(results))); }
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(624); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=1; tryItOut("mathy4 = (function(x, y) { return ( + Math.max((Math.hypot(( + ( - ( + ((( + ( ! ( + -0x07fffffff))) ? (( ! (x === y)) | 0) : (( ! x) >>> 0)) | 0)))), ( + Math.atan2(( ~ (y >>> 0)), Math.hypot((0/0 % x), Math.fround(( + ((Math.PI | 0) / (Math.atan2(x, y) | 0)))))))) | 0), ( + (Math.trunc(Math.expm1(( + mathy1(Math.fround(Math.atan2(y, ( + ((x >>> 0) ^ x)))), (y | 0))))) >>> 0)))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy4, [0x100000001, -Number.MIN_VALUE, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x0ffffffff, 0x080000000, 1, 0x080000001, 1/0, -0, 0, Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x100000001, -0x07fffffff, 0x07fffffff, Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x080000001, 0/0, 42, 0x100000000, -1/0, Math.PI, -0x080000000, -0x100000000, -0x0ffffffff]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(311); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=2; tryItOut("mathy3 = (function(x, y) { \"use asm\"; return Math.fround(Math.abs(Math.tan(Math.fround((Math.fround(y) == Math.fround(( + Math.fround(Math.atan2(-0x0ffffffff, Math.fround(Number.MAX_VALUE)))))))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy3, /*MARR*/[x, new Number(1), x, '\\0' , '\\0' , new String(''), new String(''), x, '\\0' , new String(''), '\\0' , new Number(1), false, x, new String(''), false, new String(''), new Number(1), false, false, new String(''), false, new String(''), new Number(1), '\\0' , new Number(1), '\\0' , false, new Number(1), new Number(1), '\\0' , new Number(1), x, new Number(1), x, new String(''), x, new String(''), new Number(1), false, new Number(1), false, x, '\\0' , new String(''), new Number(1), false, false, new Number(1), new String(''), x, new Number(1), '\\0' , false, false, '\\0' , false, false, false, x, false, false, new String(''), x]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(548); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=3; tryItOut("mathy0 = (function(x, y) { return Math.fround(Math.hypot(Math.fround(( + ( - y))), Math.fround(Math.exp(( + Math.fround(( ! Math.fround(-0x0ffffffff)))))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy0, /*MARR*/[timeout(1800), timeout(1800), timeout(1800), timeout(1800), timeout(1800), timeout(1800), timeout(1800), timeout(1800), timeout(1800), timeout(1800), timeout(1800), timeout(1800), timeout(1800), timeout(1800), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), timeout(1800), timeout(1800), timeout(1800), timeout(1800), timeout(1800), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), timeout(1800), objectEmulatingUndefined(), timeout(1800), objectEmulatingUndefined(), timeout(1800), timeout(1800), objectEmulatingUndefined()]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(66); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=4; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; /* no regression tests found */");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(75); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=5; tryItOut("print(uneval(t0));");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(84); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=6; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; \"use asm\"; /*ADP-3*/Object.defineProperty(a1, 0, { configurable: false, enumerable: false, writable: false, value: g2.o1 });");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(113); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=7; tryItOut("t0 = t0.subarray(o0.v0);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(133); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=8; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; t1 + '';");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(142); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=9; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy0 = (function(x, y) { return Math.fround(Math.asinh(( + ( - (( ! (y | 0)) | 0))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy0, [0x100000000, -0x07fffffff, 1/0, -0x0ffffffff, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -1/0, 0/0, 0x100000001, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x080000000, -0x100000000, 0x080000001, 42, -0x080000001, -0, 0x0ffffffff, Math.PI, 0x100000001, 0x07fffffff, 1, Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x080000000, 0]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(213); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=10; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; for (var v of o0) { try { for (var v of t2) { o2.m1.has(i2); } } catch(e0) { } v1 = a1.length; }");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(247); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=11; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; v0 = t1.length;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(260); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=12; tryItOut(" /x/ ;function eval(x, x, ...c)\"use asm\"; function f(d0, i1)\n {\n d0 = +d0;\n i1 = i1|0;\n var i2 = 0;\n var d3 = -1048577.0;\n return +((d3));\n }\n return f;print(window);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(374); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=13; tryItOut("mathy4 = (function(x, y) { return Math.fround(Math.hypot(( ~ (Math.max((Math.atan2(0x080000000, ( ~ 1)) >>> 0), ((Math.abs((Math.fround((y & Math.min(x, 1/0))) >>> 0)) >>> 0) >>> 0)) >>> 0)), ( + Math.abs(( + mathy0(0x080000000, ( + Math.acos(x)))))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy4, [42, 0x100000001, 1/0, 0x080000001, 0/0, -0x080000001, 0x0ffffffff, 0x080000000, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x0ffffffff, -1/0, Math.PI, -0x07fffffff, 0, 1, -0, -0x100000000, 0x100000000, -0x080000000, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x100000001, Number.MIN_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x07fffffff]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(568); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=14; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; f0.valueOf = (function(j) { if (j) { try {, i2); } catch(e0) { } try { a2.forEach((function(j) { if (j) { v2 = (a2 instanceof this.s2); } else { try { t2.set(g0.a1, ({valueOf: function() { print(x);return 7; }})); } catch(e0) { } t1 = t0.subarray(({valueOf: function() { i2 = a0[13];return 10; }}), 9); } })); } catch(e1) { } try { a2 = this.a1.filter(f2); } catch(e2) { } v0 = Array.prototype.reduce,, (function() { try { v0 = g2.eval(\"/* no regression tests found */\"); } catch(e0) { } a2.reverse(); throw e1; }), i1, (x > (4277) in null += intern(-23))); } else { try { v2 = g1.eval(\"a0.shift();\"); } catch(e0) { } t1.valueOf = (function() { try {, (function(j) { if (j) { try { i1.toSource = (function() { try { s1.valueOf = new RegExp(\"(?=(?=$){1,})[\\u00dcS-\\u2865\\\\r-\\ufccd\\\\d]{1,5}*?(?![^]|\\\\x98.*?){1,}|(?![^])*|\\\\cO*?|.{2,}\", \"y\"); } catch(e0) { } try { a2 = m2.get(p2); } catch(e1) { } try { for (var v of g0) { g2.a1.splice(-2, ({valueOf: function() { a0 = []; o0 = {}; s0 = ''; r0 = /x/; g0 = this; f0 = function(){}; m0 = new WeakMap; e0 = new Set; v0 = null; b0 = new ArrayBuffer(64); t0 = new Uint8ClampedArray; a1 = []; o1 = {}; s1 = ''; r1 = /x/; g1 = this; f1 = function(){}; m1 = new WeakMap; e1 = new Set; v1 = null; b1 = new ArrayBuffer(64); t1 = new Uint8ClampedArray; a2 = []; o2 = {}; s2 = ''; r2 = /x/; g2 = this; f2 = function(){}; m2 = new WeakMap; e2 = new Set; v2 = null; b2 = new ArrayBuffer(64); t2 = new Uint8ClampedArray; return 19; }}), e0); } } catch(e2) { } /*ODP-3*/Object.defineProperty(e2, new String(\"12\"), { configurable: [,,z1], enumerable: \u3056, writable: (x % 6 != 2), value: g1 }); return h0; }); } catch(e0) { } try { this.a0.shift(); } catch(e1) { } m1 = new Map(m0); } else { try { /*ADP-2*/Object.defineProperty(a1, ({valueOf: function() { for (var p in o1.t2) { try { t1.__proto__ = v0; } catch(e0) { } try { print(uneval(b0)); } catch(e1) { } try { a1.shift(o2.g0.t1, g0.o2.f0); } catch(e2) { } b0.__proto__ = i1; }return 18; }}), { configurable: false, enumerable: (x % 4 != 3), get: (function() { try { e2.has(a0); } catch(e0) { } try { this.h1.iterate = f0; } catch(e1) { } this.v2 = evaluate(\"function f2(v0) { yield /x/ } \", ({ global: g1, fileName: null, lineNumber: 42, newContext: false, isRunOnce: (x % 14 != 2), noScriptRval: true, catchTermination: (x % 72 == 5), saveFrameChain: false, elementProperty: s2, sourcePolicy: 'NO_SOURCE' })); return g0; }), set: (function(j) { f0(j); }) }); } catch(e0) { } try { o2.e2.has(Math.log1p([1])); } catch(e1) { } h0.toString = (function() { ; return b1; }); } })); } catch(e0) { } try { this.o2.toString = (function() { g2.g1.h0.keys = f2; return t0; }); } catch(e1) { } o1.t0 = new Int8Array(t1); return m1; }); } });");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(102); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=15; tryItOut("e2.has(b1);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(115); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=16; tryItOut("(new XPCSafeJSObjectWrapper(allocationMarker()));");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(149); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=17; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy0 = (function(x, y) { return ( - Math.pow((Math.fround(y) !== 0x0ffffffff), ((Math.expm1(Math.atan2(( + Math.ceil(1)), 0/0)) | 0) | 0))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy0, [Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x080000000, -0, -0x080000000, 0x07fffffff, 42, -0x100000000, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x080000001, Math.PI, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0/0, -1/0, 0x0ffffffff, 1/0, Number.MAX_VALUE, 0, -0x07fffffff, 1, -0x080000001, 0x100000001, 0x100000001, -0x0ffffffff, 0x100000000]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(267); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=18; tryItOut(", \"\\u3056\");");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(282); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=19; tryItOut("m1.delete(e0);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(295); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=20; tryItOut("mathy3 = (function(x, y) { return mathy1(( ! Math.hypot(Math.imul(( ! x), Math.fround(( ~ Math.fround((Math.fround(x) & Math.fround(Math.pow(x, x))))))), (( + ( ! Math.tan(x))) | 0))), (mathy2(((Math.fround(Math.min(Math.fround(Math.fround(( ! Math.fround(x)))), (Math.PI >>> 0))) ** ( - mathy0(Math.imul(y, y), y))) | 0), ( - ((x <= -0x100000000) * ( + x)))) | 0)); }); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(581); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=21; tryItOut("v0 = o2.t0.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(597); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=22; tryItOut("e1 + g2;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(609); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=23; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; v0 = Array.prototype.some.apply(g1.a0, [(function() { try { t1 = this.t0.subarray(({valueOf: function() { e0 + '';return 13; }})); } catch(e0) { } try { g1.g0 = x; } catch(e1) { } o2.toString = (function() { try { t0 = this.t1; } catch(e0) { } (void schedulegc(g2)); return o0.s2; }); return h1; }), v2, e2]);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(66); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=24; tryItOut("mathy2 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; return (mathy0(Math.fround(( ~ Math.fround((x ? Number.MIN_VALUE : -Number.MAX_VALUE)))), ((0x0ffffffff | 0) >>> (Math.imul(x, -0) | 0))) || Math.fround(Math.imul(( + (( + Math.fround((( + ( + Math.tan(( + x)))) % (mathy1(Math.tanh(x), x) | 0)))) <= Math.pow(Math.log10(-0), ( + (( + x) - ( + 1/0)))))), Math.fround((Math.hypot((((0x100000001 >>> 0) != (y >>> 0)) >>> 0), ( ! x)) >> x))))); }); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(354); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=25; tryItOut("mathy3 = (function(x, y) { return mathy0(Math.atan(( + (Math.fround((Math.fround((x >>> 0)) >>> 0)) << x))), Math.max((Math.abs(( + Math.imul(Math.fround(x), y))) ** Math.atan2(Math.atan2((y && 0x080000000), (x >>> 0)), ( + Math.exp(( + (((Math.log2(-0) | 0) % (x | 0)) | 0)))))), ( ! (Math.ceil((-0x07fffffff >>> 0)) >>> 0)))); }); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(582); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=26; tryItOut("mathy3 = (function(x, y) { return Math.atan2(( ~ ((mathy2((x >>> 0), (( - mathy1(0x080000001, x)) >>> 0)) >>> 0) != (( ~ Math.min(0, y)) | 0))), (( + (Math.atan2((Math.fround(0x080000001) > Math.fround(y)), (y | 0)) ? (y || x) : (Math.acosh(Math.fround(( ! Math.fround(Math.max(y, -0x100000000))))) | 0))) | 0)); }); testMathyFunction(mathy3, [0x100000001, Number.MAX_VALUE, 0, -0x07fffffff, Math.PI, 1, 0x100000000, 1/0, -0, 0x07fffffff, -0x0ffffffff, 0x080000001, 0x0ffffffff, 0x080000000, -0x080000001, -Number.MIN_VALUE, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x080000000, -0x100000000, -1/0, Number.MIN_VALUE, 42, 0x100000001, 0/0]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(224); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=27; tryItOut("/*ADP-1*/Object.defineProperty(a0, v1, ({set: URIError.prototype.toString, enumerable: false}));");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(249); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=28; tryItOut("mathy3 = (function(x, y) { return ( + Math.acos(( + (Math.sinh(((( ~ ( - x)) ? (x >>> 0) : ((Math.min((x >>> 0), y) >>> 0) | 0)) >>> 0)) >>> 0)))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy3, [0x100000001, -Number.MIN_VALUE, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 1, -0x080000001, 0x0ffffffff, -0, -0x100000000, 1/0, 0/0, 42, Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x0ffffffff, Number.MIN_VALUE, Math.PI, 0, 0x080000001, 0x100000000, -0x07fffffff, 0x100000001, 0x07fffffff, -1/0, 0x080000000, -0x080000000]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(372); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=29; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; Array.prototype.unshift.apply(g2.a2, [x, a1]);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(398); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=30; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; (void schedulegc(g2));");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(407); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=31; tryItOut("for(let w of /*PTHR*/(function() { for (var i of w => { throw this; } ) { yield i; } })()) let(e, w, tcuxgb, e, e, fwtyhu, w, weiysc) ((function(){let(eval = undefined, urnzgz, w) { (this);}})());");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(587); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=32; tryItOut("\"use asm\";;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(599); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=33; tryItOut("/* no regression tests found */");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(608); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=34; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; a0[18] = (b) = eval = /x/ ;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(48); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=35; tryItOut("a1 = Array.prototype.filter.apply(a2, [g2.f0, this.e0, s2]);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(81); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=36; tryItOut("testMathyFunction(mathy5, /*MARR*/[ /x/g , 033, 033, 033, 033, /x/g , '\\0' , '\\0' , '\\0' , 033, /x/g , '\\0' , /x/g , this, /x/g , 033, this, this, '\\0' , 033, /x/g , objectEmulatingUndefined()]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(162); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=37; tryItOut("mathy1 = (function(x, y) { return mathy0((mathy0((((Math.hypot(( + (( + mathy0(x, y)) | (0x100000001 >>> 0))), (0 << ( + ( - ( + x))))) | 0) ? (Math.atan(((Math.atan2(((x ^ (Math.log10((x | 0)) >>> 0)) | 0), (Math.round(Math.ceil(0x100000001)) >>> 0)) | 0) | 0)) | 0) : Math.fround(( + (( + ( - (x >>> 0))) >> ( + 0x07fffffff))))) | 0), (( - (( - (Math.fround(((y | 0) > (0x080000000 | 0))) >>> 0)) >>> 0)) >>> 0)) >>> 0), ( ! (Math.log10((x >>> 0)) >>> 0))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy1, [-1/0, 0x080000000, 0x100000000, 0, 0x07fffffff, 1, -0x080000000, 0x100000001, Number.MIN_VALUE, 42, -0, -0x080000001, 0/0, 1/0, -0x0ffffffff, Math.PI, 0x100000001, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x0ffffffff, 0x080000001, -0x07fffffff, -0x100000000, -Number.MIN_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(482); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=38; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; /*RXUB*/var r = /(?:\\3{3,}(?!\\B)+{1}){1}/y; var s = \"\"; print(r.exec(s)); print(r.lastIndex); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(236); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=39; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; /*infloop*/for(let window in ((ArrayBuffer(((((d) => { g1.v1 = evalcx(\"g1 + '';\", g0); } ).bind(this)).call(new (this)(\"\\u717A\"), x|= \"\" ))))(x ? (--this.zzz.zzz) : \"\\u47DB\"))){i1.send(t1);Object.defineProperty(o0, \"v2\", { configurable: false, enumerable: false, get: function() { return, new Function, o1.m0); } }); }");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(585); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=40; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; s2 = a1.join(o1.s0);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(607); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=41; tryItOut("let ljoebw;this.t1 = new Int8Array(a1);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(26); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=42; tryItOut("mathy2 = (function(x, y) { return (Math.trunc(((Math.hypot((Math.sin(Math.log1p(x)) >= (Math.fround(Math.tanh(Math.fround(x))) | 0)), Math.fround((Math.fround(mathy1(Math.min((mathy1(x, (y >>> 0)) >>> 0), y), (( ~ (y >>> 0)) >>> 0))) ? Math.fround(( ! Math.fround(Math.log1p(y)))) : Math.fround((( + ( ! ( + x))) >> (mathy0((-0 >>> 0), (( + Math.ceil(0x080000001)) | 0)) >>> 0)))))) || y) | 0)) | 0); }); testMathyFunction(mathy2, [[0], '0', /0/, (new Boolean(false)), '/0/', (new Boolean(true)), NaN, -0, '', ({valueOf:function(){return '0';}}), ({valueOf:function(){return 0;}}), (new Number(0)), [], true, 0, null, '\\0', (new String('')), undefined, 1, ({toString:function(){return '0';}}), false, (new Number(-0)), objectEmulatingUndefined(), 0.1, (function(){return 0;})]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(308); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=43; tryItOut("mathy0 = (function(x, y) { return ( + (Math.asin((Math.expm1(((Math.log(Math.pow(Math.fround(x), 0x080000001)) >> (Math.log10((Math.sign((-1/0 >>> 0)) >>> 0)) % ((Math.fround(x) === Math.fround(-0x07fffffff)) , (y >>> 0)))) >>> 0)) >>> 0)) >>> 0)); }); testMathyFunction(mathy0, [-Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x080000000, 42, Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MIN_VALUE, -1/0, -0x07fffffff, 0, 0/0, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x0ffffffff, 0x080000001, 1/0, -0x080000001, -0x0ffffffff, 0x100000000, 1, 0x100000001, -0x100000000, 0x07fffffff, -0x080000000, 0x100000001, -0, Math.PI]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(482); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=44; tryItOut("mathy4 = (function(stdlib, foreign, heap){ \"use asm\"; var NaN = stdlib.NaN;\n var Infinity = stdlib.Infinity;\n var ff = foreign.ff;\n var Float64ArrayView = new stdlib.Float64Array(heap);\n function f(d0, d1)\n {\n d0 = +d0;\n d1 = +d1;\n d1 = (NaN);\n return +((((Float64ArrayView[4096])) - ((Infinity))));\n }\n return f; })(this, {ff: Math.log1p}, new ArrayBuffer(4096)); testMathyFunction(mathy4, [(new Boolean(false)), undefined, ({valueOf:function(){return 0;}}), ({valueOf:function(){return '0';}}), (new Number(0)), -0, [0], (new String('')), null, '/0/', 0.1, (function(){return 0;}), /0/, '', ({toString:function(){return '0';}}), '0', objectEmulatingUndefined(), 1, (new Number(-0)), [], 0, true, false, NaN, '\\0', (new Boolean(true))]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(573); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=45; tryItOut("mathy0 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; return Math.sin(Math.fround((/* no regression tests found */ >>> 0))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy0, [0x100000000, -Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x080000001, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 42, 1, 0x080000000, 1/0, 0x07fffffff, 0x100000001, -0x080000001, 0x100000001, Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x0ffffffff, -0x080000000, 0/0, 0x0ffffffff, -0, -0x07fffffff, Math.PI, -1/0, 0, -0x100000000]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(9); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=46; tryItOut("mathy0 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; return ( + ( ! (Math.max(((0x07fffffff || (( - ((Math.log((x >>> 0)) >>> 0) | 0)) | 0)) >>> 0), (Math.atan2((0x100000001 >>> 0), x) | 0)) ^ (( + Math.imul(( + Math.tanh(-0x080000001)), ( + Number.MAX_VALUE))) < (Math.pow(Math.fround(Math.atanh(Math.fround((( + y) ? ( + x) : (x | 0))))), (Math.ceil(y) >>> 0)) ? ( + ( + -1/0)) : Math.atan2(Math.fround(Math.max(Math.fround(x), Math.fround(y))), y)))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy0, [-Number.MIN_VALUE, 1/0, 0x07fffffff, -0x07fffffff, Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x080000001, 0x0ffffffff, 42, 1, Math.PI, 0, 0x080000000, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x080000001, 0x100000001, 0/0, -0x100000000, Number.MAX_VALUE, -1/0, -0x0ffffffff, -0x080000000, 0x100000001, 0x100000000, -0]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(290); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=47; tryItOut("mathy0 = (function(x, y) { return (Math.log2(( ! (( + Math.log(( + Math.fround(( + (Math.atan2(x, (Math.pow(x, Math.fround(y)) >>> 0)) >>> 0)))))) >>> 0))) | 0); }); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(375); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=48; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; b1 = new ArrayBuffer(28);let b = /*UUV1*/(x.setSeconds = -10);\nf2 = this.t1[11];\n");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(483); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=49; tryItOut("var jeepbl = new ArrayBuffer(6); var jeepbl_0 = new Int8Array(jeepbl); print(jeepbl_0[0]); jeepbl_0[0] = -29; print(jeepbl);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(517); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=50; tryItOut("var b = \"\\uE67F\";s0 += 'x';function b(d, b) { \"use strict\"; return new XPCSafeJSObjectWrapper(x) } /*RXUB*/var r = o0.r1; var s = \"\"; print(r.exec(s)); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(104); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=51; tryItOut("mathy1 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; return Math.imul(Math.tan((Math.fround(Math.fround((( ~ Math.fround(( + (y * Number.MIN_VALUE)))) - x))) >>> 0)), (((((Math.fround(mathy0(Math.fround(((Math.fround(Math.sqrt(x)) && (0x0ffffffff | 0)) | 0)), Math.fround(Math.expm1(0)))) >> Math.hypot((x ? Math.fround(( - Math.fround(Math.atan2(Math.fround(y), y)))) : (x >>> 0)), (x ? (y >>> 0) : ( + y)))) >>> 0) > ((Math.log((( ~ y) | 0)) | 0) >>> 0)) >>> 0) >>> 0)); }); testMathyFunction(mathy1, [Math.PI, 42, -0x0ffffffff, Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x080000000, -0x07fffffff, 0x100000001, -1/0, 1, 0x080000000, -0x100000000, -Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x080000001, Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x100000000, -0, 0, 0x0ffffffff, 0/0, 0x080000001, 0x100000001, 0x07fffffff, 1/0, -Number.MAX_VALUE]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(414); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=52; tryItOut("{o0.v1 = (p0 instanceof p1); }");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(447); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=53; tryItOut("var b = ((uneval(new Int16Array(undefined, 9))));yield '' ;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(536); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=54; tryItOut("v0 =, o1);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(551); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=55; tryItOut("mathy3 = (function(x, y) { return (Math.min((Math.fround((Math.fround((( ! (Math.max(1/0, x) | 0)) | 0)) , ( - (x | 0)))) | 0), (( ~ ( + mathy0(( ~ Math.hypot(( + y), 0x100000000)), ((Math.hypot((x >>> 0), (Math.sqrt(y) | 0)) >>> 0) - (y >>> 0))))) | 0)) | 0); }); testMathyFunction(mathy3, /*MARR*/[(1/0), (1/0), (1/0), new Boolean(false), (/*RXUE*//(?!(?!(?:[\\D\\D]^?)\\b|.s{3,}*))/gi.exec(\"\")), new Boolean(false), (1/0), (/*RXUE*//(?!(?!(?:[\\D\\D]^?)\\b|.s{3,}*))/gi.exec(\"\")), new Boolean(true), new Boolean(true), new Boolean(true), (1/0), new Boolean(true), new Boolean(false), (1/0), new Boolean(false), new Boolean(true), (1/0), (/*RXUE*//(?!(?!(?:[\\D\\D]^?)\\b|.s{3,}*))/gi.exec(\"\")), new Boolean(false), (/*RXUE*//(?!(?!(?:[\\D\\D]^?)\\b|.s{3,}*))/gi.exec(\"\")), new Boolean(false), (/*RXUE*//(?!(?!(?:[\\D\\D]^?)\\b|.s{3,}*))/gi.exec(\"\")), (/*RXUE*//(?!(?!(?:[\\D\\D]^?)\\b|.s{3,}*))/gi.exec(\"\")), (/*RXUE*//(?!(?!(?:[\\D\\D]^?)\\b|.s{3,}*))/gi.exec(\"\")), (/*RXUE*//(?!(?!(?:[\\D\\D]^?)\\b|.s{3,}*))/gi.exec(\"\")), (/*RXUE*//(?!(?!(?:[\\D\\D]^?)\\b|.s{3,}*))/gi.exec(\"\")), (/*RXUE*//(?!(?!(?:[\\D\\D]^?)\\b|.s{3,}*))/gi.exec(\"\")), (/*RXUE*//(?!(?!(?:[\\D\\D]^?)\\b|.s{3,}*))/gi.exec(\"\")), (/*RXUE*//(?!(?!(?:[\\D\\D]^?)\\b|.s{3,}*))/gi.exec(\"\")), (/*RXUE*//(?!(?!(?:[\\D\\D]^?)\\b|.s{3,}*))/gi.exec(\"\")), (/*RXUE*//(?!(?!(?:[\\D\\D]^?)\\b|.s{3,}*))/gi.exec(\"\")), (/*RXUE*//(?!(?!(?:[\\D\\D]^?)\\b|.s{3,}*))/gi.exec(\"\")), (/*RXUE*//(?!(?!(?:[\\D\\D]^?)\\b|.s{3,}*))/gi.exec(\"\")), (/*RXUE*//(?!(?!(?:[\\D\\D]^?)\\b|.s{3,}*))/gi.exec(\"\")), (/*RXUE*//(?!(?!(?:[\\D\\D]^?)\\b|.s{3,}*))/gi.exec(\"\")), (/*RXUE*//(?!(?!(?:[\\D\\D]^?)\\b|.s{3,}*))/gi.exec(\"\")), (/*RXUE*//(?!(?!(?:[\\D\\D]^?)\\b|.s{3,}*))/gi.exec(\"\")), (/*RXUE*//(?!(?!(?:[\\D\\D]^?)\\b|.s{3,}*))/gi.exec(\"\")), (/*RXUE*//(?!(?!(?:[\\D\\D]^?)\\b|.s{3,}*))/gi.exec(\"\")), (/*RXUE*//(?!(?!(?:[\\D\\D]^?)\\b|.s{3,}*))/gi.exec(\"\")), (/*RXUE*//(?!(?!(?:[\\D\\D]^?)\\b|.s{3,}*))/gi.exec(\"\")), (/*RXUE*//(?!(?!(?:[\\D\\D]^?)\\b|.s{3,}*))/gi.exec(\"\")), (/*RXUE*//(?!(?!(?:[\\D\\D]^?)\\b|.s{3,}*))/gi.exec(\"\")), (/*RXUE*//(?!(?!(?:[\\D\\D]^?)\\b|.s{3,}*))/gi.exec(\"\")), (/*RXUE*//(?!(?!(?:[\\D\\D]^?)\\b|.s{3,}*))/gi.exec(\"\")), (1/0), (/*RXUE*//(?!(?!(?:[\\D\\D]^?)\\b|.s{3,}*))/gi.exec(\"\")), new Boolean(true), new Boolean(false), (1/0), (1/0)]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(462); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=56; tryItOut("for (var v of b0) { try { h1.keys = f0; } catch(e0) { } try { g2.a0.pop(x); } catch(e1) { } try { v1 = g0.t0.length; } catch(e2) { } h1 = {}; }\nf2 = m1.get(f1);\n");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(557); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=57; tryItOut("mathy4 = (function(x, y) { return ((Math.fround(Math.log2(-1/0)) || Math.fround(Math.log(-0x080000001))) >= (( + ( + x)) ? Math.fround(( + Math.min(( ! ((Math.pow(( + x), ( + y)) >>> 0) >>> 0)), ( + (0/0 <= (Math.sqrt(-1/0) >>> 0)))))) : (Math.fround(y) > ( + (( + ( + (y ? ( + Math.fround(Math.fround(Math.fround(0x080000000)))) : Math.fround(y)))) < ( + (Math.fround(y) !== y))))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy4, [Number.MIN_VALUE, 42, 0x080000001, Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x100000000, -0x080000001, -0x07fffffff, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0/0, 0x080000000, 1, 0x100000000, Math.PI, -0x0ffffffff, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x07fffffff, 0, 1/0, -0, 0x100000001, -1/0, 0x100000001, -0x080000000, 0x0ffffffff]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(213); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=58; tryItOut("\"use asm\"; h1 + b0;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(225); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=59; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy3 = (function(x, y) { return (Math.tan(Math.asin(Math.fround(( + (Math.atanh((x | 0)) | 0))))) > Math.pow(mathy1(0x100000000, Math.fround(y)), Math.max(x, (y == y)))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy3, [-Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x07fffffff, 0/0, Math.PI, 0x080000001, -0, -0x100000000, 0x080000000, -0x07fffffff, 0x100000001, Number.MIN_VALUE, 0, 1/0, 0x100000001, 42, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 1, 0x100000000, -1/0, Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x080000001, -0x080000000, -0x0ffffffff, 0x0ffffffff]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(398); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=60; tryItOut("mathy1 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; return Math.fround(Math.abs(Math.fround(mathy0((x / ( + Math.max(y, (( + x) << y)))), (((Math.hypot(( + ( ~ x)), y) === 0x100000000) | 0) <= Math.log(( - ( + x)))))))); }); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(581); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=61; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; \"use asm\"; mathy5 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; return ((( + ( ! (( ! (Math.fround(x) >> Math.fround(y))) === (((y | 0) | x) | 0)))) + ((( ~ Math.fround(Math.max(Math.fround(Math.cos((( + (( + Math.sin(( + mathy4(y, x)))) >>> 0)) >>> 0))), Math.fround(((y >= Math.log10(-1/0)) | 0))))) >>> 0) | 0)) | 0); }); testMathyFunction(mathy5, [(new Boolean(true)), '', true, (new String('')), false, NaN, 0, (new Boolean(false)), [0], (function(){return 0;}), '\\0', /0/, '/0/', undefined, (new Number(-0)), -0, 1, ({valueOf:function(){return 0;}}), (new Number(0)), null, ({valueOf:function(){return '0';}}), 0.1, objectEmulatingUndefined(), ({toString:function(){return '0';}}), '0', []]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(184); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=62; tryItOut("mathy5 = (function(stdlib, foreign, heap){ \"use asm\"; var ff = foreign.ff;\n function f(i0, i1)\n {\n i0 = i0|0;\n i1 = i1|0;\n i1 = (i1);\n return (((i0)-(i0)))|0;\n i0 = (i0);\n return ((((((!(i0))+(i0)) & ((i1)+((((0xffe6e0ca)) & ((-0xad98fe))) > (((0xd1487576) % (0xffffffff))|0))+(i1))) < (/*RXUE*/new RegExp(\"(?!(\\\\r|(?:[^]))(?:(?=[^\\\\S]){1,1})|\\\\B{3})\", \"yim\").exec(\"\\uffedKK\")))))|0;\n }\n return f; })(this, {ff: XPCSafeJSObjectWrapper}, new ArrayBuffer(4096)); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(98); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=63; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; print(m0);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(107); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=64; tryItOut("mathy3 = (function(x, y) { return ( + mathy0(( + (Math.hypot((Math.pow(x, (Math.imul((( ! -0) | 0), ( + Math.PI)) >>> 0)) >>> 0), (y * y)) !== ( + Math.atan2(( + ( + Math.atanh(y))), ( + ( ! ( + (y >= ( ~ Math.fround(x)))))))))), ( + ( + mathy0(( + Math.fround((Math.fround(((Math.min((( - 0x0ffffffff) | 0), (Math.min(mathy1(y, (x >>> 0)), y) >>> 0)) | 0) ^ (Math.min((Math.imul(Math.imul((-0 | 0), x), x) >>> 0), Number.MIN_VALUE) >>> 0))) == Math.fround(mathy0(y, ( ~ ( ~ 1/0))))))), (Math.tanh((Math.ceil(x) >>> 0)) >>> 0)))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy3, /*MARR*/[new String('q'), new String('q'), x, x, new String('q'), x, 0x10000000, new String('q'), 0x10000000, new Number(1.5), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), x, new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), x, 0x10000000, new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new Number(1.5), 0x10000000, 0x10000000, new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), 0x10000000, new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new Number(1.5), new String('q'), 0x10000000, new String('q'), 0x10000000, new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), x, new Number(1.5), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), 0x10000000, new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q')]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(4); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=65; tryItOut("mathy2 = (function(x, y) { return ( ~ ( + Math.hypot((((mathy1(x, y) >>> 0) >> (Math.log2(( + mathy0(( + x), ( + x)))) >>> 0)) >>> 0), Math.fround(Math.max((((0x100000000 | 0) ? (y | 0) : (-Number.MIN_VALUE | 0)) | 0), ( + y)))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy2, [Math.PI, 0/0, -1/0, -0x080000000, Number.MAX_VALUE, 1/0, 0, 0x100000001, 0x100000001, Number.MIN_VALUE, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x07fffffff, 42, 1, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x080000000, 0x0ffffffff, -0x0ffffffff, 0x080000001, -0x080000001, -0, 0x100000000, -0x100000000, 0x07fffffff]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(158); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=66; tryItOut("/*RXUB*/var r = r2; var s = \"\\n\"; print(uneval(r.exec(s))); \n/* no regression tests found */\n");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(251); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=67; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; print(x);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(264); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=68; tryItOut("{new RegExp(\"[\\\\xD5-\\\\uc07B\\\\d](\\\\B)|\\\\d{3,}(?:$\\\\b+)+?\\\\2[^]{1}\", \"yim\");print(t1); }g2.__proto__ = this.s1;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(360); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=69; tryItOut("/*tLoop*/for (let z of /*MARR*/[x, Infinity, new Boolean(false)]) { o2.__proto__ = v1;\nv2 = (this.s2 instanceof o1);\n }");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(449); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=70; tryItOut("function shapeyConstructor(dzsrwk){delete this[\"toTimeString\"];Object.seal(this);Object.seal(this);return this; }/*tLoopC*/for (let c of []) { try{let enukze = new shapeyConstructor(c); print('EETT');, NaN, 2);}catch(e){print('TTEE ' + e); } }");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(532); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=71; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy5 = (function(x, y) { return Math.ceil(( + ( - ( + Math.log1p(y))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy5, [undefined, (new String('')), ({valueOf:function(){return 0;}}), '', (function(){return 0;}), (new Boolean(false)), 0, true, [0], /0/, 1, -0, 0.1, '\\0', null, (new Number(-0)), '0', NaN, [], false, (new Boolean(true)), objectEmulatingUndefined(), '/0/', (new Number(0)), ({valueOf:function(){return '0';}}), ({toString:function(){return '0';}})]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(607); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=72; tryItOut("mathy5 = (function(stdlib, foreign, heap){ \"use asm\"; var ff = foreign.ff;\n var Int16ArrayView = new stdlib.Int16Array(heap);\n function f(i0, d1)\n {\n i0 = i0|0;\n d1 = +d1;\n d1 = (-((+(0.0/0.0))));\n (Int16ArrayView[((0xcd471a43) / ((((-2251799813685249.0) > (-8589934593.0))-((4277) - /*UUV2*/(y.setUint16 = y.bold)))>>>((0xf9c6e270)-(0x4de7be6e)))) >> 1]) = (-0xfffff*(i0));\n i0 = (0x49e6b04);\n return ((((((i0)) ^ ((((0x35da02ab)) | ((0xfbeb17c0))) % (((0xf9cb7227)) >> ((0xffc00ad7))))) >= ((((0xa9e7b1b1) == (((-0x8000000))>>>((-0x8000000))))) << ((-0x8000000)*0x46e3d)))-(!(0xfeaca2ba))-((0xb4b8c2d2) > (0x3cf6ebd5))))|0;\n }\n return f; })(this, {ff: /*wrap2*/(function(){ var nubfin = x; var ykxoqh = XPCNativeWrapper; return ykxoqh;})()}, new ArrayBuffer(4096)); testMathyFunction(mathy5, /*MARR*/[eval, NaN, '\\0' , eval, '\\0' , '\\0' , 'A' , 'A' , eval, NaN]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(387); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=73; tryItOut("Object.defineProperty(this, \"v2\", { configurable: (/*FARR*/[.../*FARR*/[...(function() { \"use strict\"; yield '' ; } })(), /*FARR*/[].sort, (p={}, (p.z = \"\\u2CCC\")()), .../*FARR*/[ /x/ ], Math.atan2(-6, 20), (y = e), ], (/*RXUE*//\\1{4,}(?=[\\\u708a-\\u7B00\\xBF-\u0098\\D]|\\B{1,4}|\\ueB01{4,7}){0,0}/.exec(\"\\uffed\\uffed\\uffed1a1\\u0340_\\n\\uffed\\uffed\\uffed\\uffed\\uffed\")), (void shapeOf(x %= y)), .../*MARR*/[ /x/ , function(){}, 0xB504F332, function(){}, /x/ , 0xB504F332, function(){}, 0xB504F332, \"use strict\" , /x/ , function(){}, function(){}, \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , 0xB504F332, function(){}, /x/ , \"use strict\" , /x/ , \"use strict\" , 0xB504F332, 0xB504F332, 0xB504F332, /x/ , 0xB504F332, 0xB504F332, function(){}, \"use strict\" , /x/ , /x/ , 0xB504F332, /x/ , function(){}, \"use strict\" , 0xB504F332, /x/ , \"use strict\" , function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, /x/ , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , function(){}, 0xB504F332, function(){}, /x/ , /x/ , function(){}, 0xB504F332, /x/ , function(){}, \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , /x/ , 0xB504F332, 0xB504F332, function(){}, /x/ , \"use strict\" , 0xB504F332, \"use strict\" , function(){}, \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , /x/ , \"use strict\" , function(){}, \"use strict\" , 0xB504F332, 0xB504F332, 0xB504F332, 0xB504F332, function(){}, \"use strict\" , 0xB504F332, /x/ , 0xB504F332, \"use strict\" , /x/ , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , 0xB504F332, function(){}, 0xB504F332, function(){}, 0xB504F332, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, /x/ , /x/ , \"use strict\" , function(){}, function(){}, \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , /x/ , /x/ , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , function(){}, 0xB504F332, function(){}, /x/ , function(){}, function(){}, /x/ , \"use strict\" ], .../*MARR*/[(1/0), -Infinity, (1/0), (1/0), (1/0), (1/0), (1/0), (1/0), (1/0), (1/0), {x:3}, {x:3}, (1/0), {x:3}, (1/0), false, (1/0), (1/0), false, (1/0), false, {x:3}, false, -Infinity, -Infinity, false, false, {x:3}, (1/0), {x:3}, {x:3}, {x:3}, -Infinity, {x:3}, {x:3}, -Infinity, (1/0), false, -Infinity, {x:3}], (4277)].map(/*wrap1*/(function(){ ((\"\\u29FF\" > this));return \"\\u0052\" == \"\\uBED6\"})(), new RegExp(\"(?!.)\", \"m\"))), enumerable: false, get: function() { return t0.length; } });");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(352); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=74; tryItOut("e1.has(a2);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(365); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=75; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; testMathyFunction(mathy4, ['/0/', undefined, [0], (new Boolean(true)), '\\0', objectEmulatingUndefined(), ({toString:function(){return '0';}}), ({valueOf:function(){return '0';}}), (new Number(0)), 1, '0', /0/, '', (new Number(-0)), (new String('')), 0, true, NaN, ({valueOf:function(){return 0;}}), (function(){return 0;}), null, [], -0, false, (new Boolean(false)), 0.1]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(399); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=76; tryItOut("const x = x;/*RXUB*/var r = g2.r0; var s = (4277); print(s.replace(r, '\\u0341')); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(489); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=77; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy5 = (function(x, y) { return Math.acosh(Math.imul(Math.pow(Math.fround(Math.imul(Math.pow((( ~ (y | 0)) | 0), ((((-Number.MAX_VALUE == y) >>> 0) & ((y ? x : y) >>> 0)) >>> 0)), (Math.fround(mathy4(-0x080000000, Math.fround(((y | 0) == 0x07fffffff)))) >>> 0))), ( + Math.atan(( + y)))), mathy0(Math.fround(((dlivgj % y) ? ((( + x) / Math.PI) >>> 0) : (Math.log2(x) >>> 0))), ( + x)))); }); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(143); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=78; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; var sbhqed = new ArrayBuffer(8); var sbhqed_0 = new Uint16Array(sbhqed); sbhqed_0[0] = 14; var sbhqed_1 = new Uint32Array(sbhqed); sbhqed_1[0] = -0; var sbhqed_2 = new Uint8ClampedArray(sbhqed); print(sbhqed_2[0]); sbhqed_2[0] = 22; var sbhqed_3 = new Int8Array(sbhqed); print(sbhqed_3[0]); sbhqed_3[0] = 18; var sbhqed_4 = new Uint16Array(sbhqed); print(sbhqed_4[0]); sbhqed_4[0] = 10; m0.delete(g2);e2.__proto__ = o2.h2;;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(231); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=79; tryItOut("f0 + s0;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(243); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=80; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; testMathyFunction(mathy2, [0x080000000, 42, Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x100000001, -0x0ffffffff, Number.MIN_VALUE, 0, 0x080000001, Math.PI, -0x07fffffff, 1/0, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x100000000, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 1, -0x080000001, -0, 0x0ffffffff, 0x100000001, 0/0, -1/0, 0x07fffffff, -0x080000000, 0x100000000]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(275); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=81; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy2 = (function(x, y) { return (( ! ((1/0 >>> 0) != y)) / Math.round(Math.fround((Math.fround(y) == (y | 0))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy2, /*MARR*/[0x10000000, /x/ , /x/ , null, /x/ , 0x10000000, /x/ , /x/ , /x/ , /x/ , 0x10000000, 0x10000000, 0x10000000, null, /x/ , null, null, null, 0x10000000, null, /x/ , 0x10000000, 0x10000000, 0x10000000, 0x10000000, null, /x/ , /x/ , null, null, null, /x/ , 0x10000000, /x/ , null, 0x10000000, /x/ , /x/ , /x/ , /x/ , 0x10000000, /x/ , 0x10000000, null, /x/ , null, /x/ , /x/ , /x/ , /x/ , /x/ , 0x10000000, 0x10000000, null, null, null, /x/ , 0x10000000, 0x10000000, 0x10000000, 0x10000000, 0x10000000, 0x10000000, 0x10000000, 0x10000000, 0x10000000, 0x10000000, 0x10000000, null, /x/ , 0x10000000, /x/ , null, null, 0x10000000, null, null, /x/ , 0x10000000, null, /x/ , /x/ , null, 0x10000000, null, /x/ , 0x10000000]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(541); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=82; tryItOut("mathy4 = (function(x, y) { return ( + Math.imul(( + Math.fround(mathy3(Math.fround(Math.pow(Math.fround((((x >>> 0) !== ((Math.imul((x >>> 0), y) >>> 0) >>> 0)) >>> 0)), Math.fround(Math.max(( + (Math.fround(( ! Math.asinh(x))) ^ x)), (x >>> 0))))), Math.fround(mathy0(Math.fround(Math.acosh(Math.min(Math.min(x, x), (( + x) || (y >= y))))), ((y ? Math.acos((Math.fround(Math.cbrt(Math.fround(x))) >>> 0)) : Math.tanh(((( - (x >>> 0)) >>> 0) >>> 0))) | 0)))))), ( + Math.max(Math.fround(( - x)), Math.fround(( ~ Math.min((mathy1((x >>> 0), x) | 0), ( - x)))))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy4, [({valueOf:function(){return 0;}}), true, 0.1, (new Boolean(false)), '\\0', (new Boolean(true)), (new Number(0)), NaN, (function(){return 0;}), '/0/', (new Number(-0)), [0], ({toString:function(){return '0';}}), [], 1, 0, objectEmulatingUndefined(), /0/, '', false, null, undefined, (new String('')), '0', -0, ({valueOf:function(){return '0';}})]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(319); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=83; tryItOut("print((4277));");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(333); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=84; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; /*vLoop*/for (zmgrvg = 0, (function ([y]) { } |= \"\\u5ECC\"); zmgrvg < 3; ++zmgrvg) { let y = zmgrvg; a2 = []; } function x(x) { return (function d (eval)\"use asm\"; var abs = stdlib.Math.abs;\n var imul = stdlib.Math.imul;\n var Int32ArrayView = new stdlib.Int32Array(heap);\n function f(i0, d1)\n {\n i0 = i0|0;\n d1 = +d1;\n {\n d1 = (((d1)) / ((+abs(((d1))))));\n }\n (Int32ArrayView[0]) = (-(1));\n d1 = (+(((0xb40674c1))|0));\n d1 = (+(1.0/0.0));\n i0 = (i0);\n return (((((imul((0xf972d07d), (i0))|0)) ? (i0) : (0xbb3d49b7))+(i0)-(0x51b2a9be)))|0;\n }\n return f;)((p={}, (p.z = (yield (\"\\uFDDB\" ? -16 : -0)))())) } this.g2.m2.get(e2);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(154); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=85; tryItOut("this.o0.__proto__ = g1;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(166); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=86; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; s2 = '';");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(176); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=87; tryItOut("mathy2 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; return ( + Math.sin(( + ((Math.min(( + ( - (y + x))), (mathy1(Math.sin(x), y) >>> 0)) | 0) || Math.max(y, Math.fround(mathy1(Math.fround(Math.asinh(y)), Math.fround(Math.tan((Math.max((Math.fround(mathy1(Math.fround(y), Math.fround(y))) >>> 0), (-Number.MAX_VALUE >>> 0)) >>> 0)))))))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy2, [-Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x0ffffffff, 0x100000000, -0x0ffffffff, Math.PI, 0, -0x07fffffff, Number.MAX_VALUE, 1/0, 0x080000001, -Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x080000000, -0x080000001, 0x100000001, -0x100000000, 42, 0/0, 0x080000000, 0x07fffffff, 0x100000001, -0, -1/0, 1]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(389); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=88; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; /*RXUB*/var r = new RegExp(\"[^]\", \"gym\"); var s = \"\\n\"; print(s.split(r)); print(r.lastIndex); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(440); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=89; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy0 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; return (Math.hypot((Math.log((Math.hypot(x, y) | 0)) ** (( + (Math.fround(Math.pow(Math.fround(Math.fround(Math.imul(Math.fround((( ~ (y | 0)) >>> 0)), Math.fround(x)))), Math.fround(Math.fround(Math.atan2(Math.fround(x), Math.fround(-Number.MAX_VALUE)))))) ** x)) >>> 0)), (( - ( + (Math.sqrt(( + Math.fround(Math.asin(Math.fround(Math.max((Math.trunc(0x100000001) | 0), Math.fround(y))))))) | 0))) >>> 0)) , (Math.pow(( - Math.fround(Math.atanh(Math.fround(( ~ Math.fround(y)))))), ( + Math.fround(Math.imul((y >>> 0), Math.fround((((( + Math.sign(( + -Number.MIN_VALUE))) | 0) << (y | 0)) | 0)))))) | 0)); }); testMathyFunction(mathy0, [-Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x080000001, 0x100000000, -0x0ffffffff, 42, -0x07fffffff, -0x100000000, 1/0, 0/0, 0x100000001, 0x0ffffffff, -Number.MIN_VALUE, -1/0, Number.MIN_VALUE, Math.PI, 0x07fffffff, 0x100000001, 1, 0x080000000, -0x080000000, 0, -0, Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x080000001]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(130); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=90; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; print(x);function x(x = [,], y = \"\\uF092\", a, e, x, x = /x/ , eval, x, x, c, e, w, d, y, x, w, x, NaN, e, NaN, x) { \"use strict\"; print(\u3056); } print(new RegExp(\"\\\\d+?\", \"y\"));");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(422); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=91; tryItOut("v0 = (b2 instanceof e1);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(437); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=92; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy3 = (function(x, y) { return ((Math.log1p(( + (Math.fround(y) , ( + x)))) | 0) ? Math.fround(Math.fround((((Math.ceil((x >>> (x >>> 0))) ? y : Math.min(( + x), ( - Math.hypot(0, y)))) | 0) <= ( + mathy2(( + ( + Math.fround(mathy2(( - -0x080000001), 0x0ffffffff)))), ( + y)))))) : ((( - 0) << (( ! (y >>> 0)) | 0)) | 0)); }); testMathyFunction(mathy3, [0, '/0/', (new Number(-0)), null, objectEmulatingUndefined(), [], /0/, ({valueOf:function(){return '0';}}), (new Boolean(true)), [0], ({valueOf:function(){return 0;}}), undefined, (new Boolean(false)), ({toString:function(){return '0';}}), '', true, (new Number(0)), (function(){return 0;}), -0, '\\0', (new String('')), false, 0.1, NaN, '0', 1]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(97); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=93; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(104); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=94; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; testMathyFunction(mathy2, [({valueOf:function(){return 0;}}), [0], '\\0', null, ({valueOf:function(){return '0';}}), (new Boolean(false)), (new Number(-0)), (function(){return 0;}), '', '0', undefined, true, (new Number(0)), 0, (new String('')), (new Boolean(true)), NaN, ({toString:function(){return '0';}}), [], objectEmulatingUndefined(), -0, false, 0.1, '/0/', /0/, 1]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(138); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=95; tryItOut("g1.toSource = DataView.prototype.getUint8.bind(s0);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(152); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=96; tryItOut("testMathyFunction(mathy3, [-0x100000000, 1, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0/0, -1/0, 0x100000000, 0, Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x080000001, 0x0ffffffff, 0x080000001, 0x100000001, -0, Number.MAX_VALUE, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x0ffffffff, 0x07fffffff, -0x080000000, 1/0, 0x080000000, Math.PI, 42, 0x100000001, -0x07fffffff]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(184); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=97; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; v0 = Infinity;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(195); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=98; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; ;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(204); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=99; tryItOut("mathy4 = (function(x, y) { return ((Math.pow(((Math.sqrt((Math.cbrt((y ? -Number.MAX_VALUE : (((Math.imul((y >>> 0), (-Number.MIN_VALUE >>> 0)) >>> 0) >>> 0) == -0x080000000))) | 0)) | 0) | 0), (( + ( + x)) | 0)) | 0) , (( + Math.fround(Math.abs((y >>> 0)))) , (( - Math.imul(0x080000000, y)) >>> 0))); }); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(400); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=100; tryItOut("mathy0 = (function(stdlib, foreign, heap){ \"use asm\"; var imul = stdlib.Math.imul;\n var Infinity = stdlib.Infinity;\n var abs = stdlib.Math.abs;\n var NaN = stdlib.NaN;\n var ff = foreign.ff;\n var Float64ArrayView = new stdlib.Float64Array(heap);\n var Int8ArrayView = new stdlib.Int8Array(heap);\n var Int32ArrayView = new stdlib.Int32Array(heap);\n function f(i0, d1)\n {\n i0 = i0|0;\n d1 = +d1;\n var d2 = 281474976710657.0;\n var d3 = -68719476737.0;\n (Float64ArrayView[4096]) = ((d2));\n d1 = (d1);\n d1 = (d1);\n {\n i0 = ((0x6feb0a2b) < (((0x8c67ddda)-(i0)) ^ ((0x446a260b)-(0x666bdbc5)-((((0xdbe431f7)-(-0x54e2f4)) & ((0xf9422eaa)))))));\n }\n d3 = ((((0x6c86808b))) % ((+/*FFI*/ff(((imul((-0x8000000), (i0))|0)), ((~((Int8ArrayView[(((0xaa2849d) >= (0xce320c9e))-(0xbb38443f)) >> 0])))), ((d2)), ((((+(((0xffffffff)) >> ((0x9c73a48b))))) * ((d1))))))));\n return (((!((+((Infinity))) != (+abs(((+/*FFI*/ff(((abs((((0xfac5b5a4) / (0x918e0c76)) >> (0xfffff*((0x422c3430)))))|0)), ((d3)))))))))))|0;\n return ((-0x745b9*(0xfded4be3)))|0;\n return ((((((i0)-(i0))>>>(((0x624ecfd) > (0xe71dcaea))+((((-65537.0)) - ((2.0))) == ((0x1040f1a8) ? (9.0) : (274877906944.0)))+((abs((((-0x8000000)) << ((0x5af2b22))))|0)))))-(i0)))|0;\n (Int8ArrayView[((0x18e955a9)-(!(0xd8c34671))) >> 0]) = ((-0x8000000));\n d2 = (+(((0xf960cf32)+(i0))>>>((Int32ArrayView[((i0)+(0x15d7467c)) >> 2]))));\n d2 = (+(0.0/0.0));\n; {\n {\n switch ((((!(0xfffbdbbb))*0x9b2ef) | ((0x1340f942)-(0x53d71945)-(0xfe0afcba)))) {\n case 1:\n d2 = (d3);\n break;\n case 1:\n d3 = (NaN);\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n return ((|0;\n }\n return f; })(this, {ff: /x/ }, new ArrayBuffer(4096)); testMathyFunction(mathy0, [0x0ffffffff, -0x080000001, 0x100000000, Math.PI, 0x080000001, -0x080000000, Number.MAX_VALUE, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0, 0x100000001, -0x07fffffff, 0x100000001, Number.MIN_VALUE, 42, 0/0, 0x07fffffff, -0x0ffffffff, -1/0, 1, 1/0, -0, -0x100000000, 0x080000000, -Number.MIN_VALUE]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(601); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=101; tryItOut("L:with(new encodeURI())this;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(57); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=102; tryItOut("v0 = (f1 instanceof h2);\n/*hhh*/function gliibk(a, x = x, d, x = ++eval, d, NaN, x = /(\\S?)/m, x, x, w = /[^]+?[^].(?=.)**?b|\\3?(?:(?=\\1)){3}/yim, x, e, x, e, y, x, NaN, NaN, let, x, e, c, d, \u3056 = new RegExp(\"(\\\\D?\\\\1(.)\\\\\\uf18d|\\\\v?){137438953473,137438953475}\", \"im\"), b = \"\\uE264\", x, NaN, getter, d, w, x, b = true, x = \"\\u09D5\", x, x, b, x = window, x, x = /(?:(\u4591))/m, y, x, a, x, d, z = '' , x, eval, \"\\uFAF7\" = /x/ , c, x, x, eval, x, x, e, z, x){(x);}gliibk();\n");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(442); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=103; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy1 = (function(x, y) { return Math.trunc((Math.fround(( + Math.fround(y))) >>> ( + (Math.ceil(((((Math.abs(( + x)) >>> 0) === (y >>> 0)) >>> 0) >>> 0)) >>> 0)))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy1, [1/0, -0x0ffffffff, 42, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0/0, Number.MAX_VALUE, 0, 0x100000000, 0x07fffffff, -0x080000000, Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x100000001, -0, -1/0, 1, Math.PI, -0x07fffffff, 0x080000000, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x0ffffffff, -0x100000000, 0x080000001, -0x080000001, 0x100000001]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(566); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=104; tryItOut("mathy3 = (function(x, y) { return (Math.fround(( + ( + Math.sinh(( ! ( + Math.fround((Math.fround(0/0) ? Math.fround(y) : Math.fround(x))))))))) > (Math.exp(Math.atan2(( + Math.trunc(x)), ( + ( ~ (x | 0))))) | 0)); }); testMathyFunction(mathy3, [-0x0ffffffff, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x100000001, Math.PI, Number.MIN_VALUE, -1/0, -0, 0x0ffffffff, 42, -0x080000000, 0x100000000, -0x100000000, 0/0, 1/0, -0x07fffffff, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x080000001, Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x07fffffff, 0x100000001, -0x080000001, 0x080000000, 1, 0]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(100); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=105; tryItOut("this.h0.iterate = f1;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(114); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=106; tryItOut("testMathyFunction(mathy2, ['/0/', (new String('')), 0.1, [], (new Boolean(true)), objectEmulatingUndefined(), ({toString:function(){return '0';}}), -0, undefined, '', (new Number(0)), [0], 0, ({valueOf:function(){return 0;}}), null, (new Boolean(false)), (new Number(-0)), '\\0', '0', (function(){return 0;}), true, NaN, false, 1, ({valueOf:function(){return '0';}}), /0/]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(148); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=107; tryItOut("p2.toSource = (function() { try { s2 = m2.get(i2); } catch(e0) { } try { t0 = t2.subarray(13); } catch(e1) { } try { for (var p in b2) { try { Object.defineProperty(this, \"v0\", { configurable: (Array.from)(window), enumerable: false, get: function() { return g0.eval(\"o0 = e0.__proto__;\"); } }); } catch(e0) { } try { h2.delete = f0; } catch(e1) { } try { m0.get(o0.h2); } catch(e2) { } m2.delete(f0); } } catch(e2) { } g0.g0.a1 =, 5, NaN); return g1; });");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(398); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=108; tryItOut("mathy5 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; return ( + (( + Math.log(( + ( + Math.atanh(Math.min(y, (Math.hypot(x, 1/0) | 0))))))) | 0)); }); testMathyFunction(mathy5, [0x100000000, 0x0ffffffff, 0/0, -0x100000000, -0, 0x080000000, 0x080000001, -Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x080000001, 0x100000001, 1/0, -0x07fffffff, Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x100000001, -0x080000000, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x0ffffffff, 42, Number.MIN_VALUE, Math.PI, 1, -1/0, 0x07fffffff, 0]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(502); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=109; tryItOut("Object.defineProperty(this, \"v1\", { configurable: false, enumerable: false, get: function() { /*RXUB*/var r = r0; var s = \"\\u4591\"; print(; return t2.byteOffset; } });");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(566); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=110; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; /*RXUB*/var r = new RegExp(\"(?!(?!\\\\b))\", \"gym\"); var s = \"\"; print(r.test(s)); print(r.lastIndex); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(48); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=111; tryItOut("mathy5 = (function(x, y) { return mathy2(Math.trunc(Math.pow(x, (((Math.imul((x >>> 0), (((-0 >>> 0) < (y >>> 0)) >>> 0)) >>> 0) === (( + (y / Math.fround(Math.cosh(Math.fround(y))))) >>> 0)) >>> 0))), Math.fround(Math.log2(Math.fround(Math.atan2(( ! ((0x080000000 | y) | 0)), Math.atanh(( + Math.imul((x % (-0x080000000 + x)), Math.fround(Math.min(x, x)))))))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy5, [0x100000001, -0x080000001, Number.MIN_VALUE, -1/0, -0x0ffffffff, 1/0, 0, Math.PI, 0x080000000, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x080000001, -0x07fffffff, 0x100000001, 0x100000000, 0x0ffffffff, -0x080000000, -0, 1, -0x100000000, 0/0, 42, -Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x07fffffff]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(331); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=112; tryItOut("s0 += s1;var rvobde = new ArrayBuffer(4); var rvobde_0 = new Uint16Array(rvobde); var rvobde_1 = new Uint8Array(rvobde); rvobde_1[0] = -14; undefined;print(throw ({a1:1}));function(q) { return q; }this.v1.__proto__ = g0;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(455); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=113; tryItOut("s2 += 'x';");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(464); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=114; tryItOut("const y, d = (4277);M:if((x % 63 == 20)) print(window); else {(window);return; }");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(602); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=115; tryItOut("mathy3 = (function(x, y) { return mathy2((Math.fround(((((Math.hypot((Math.ceil(x) >>> 0), y) != Math.imul(Math.PI, (Math.round((1/0 | 0)) | 0))) | 0) === (( + Math.min(((( + Math.atan2(x, y)) | 0) ^ y), ( + ((x >>> 0) + 0x100000001)))) | 0)) * ( + ( + ( + Math.atan2(Math.trunc(Math.fround(x)), ( + Math.fround((Math.fround(y) < Math.fround(x)))))))))) | 0), (( + Math.fround((( - (y >>> 0)) >>> 0))) >>> 0)); }); testMathyFunction(mathy3, [Number.MIN_VALUE, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x07fffffff, 0x080000001, 0x100000000, 0x100000001, -0x080000001, 0/0, Math.PI, -1/0, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x100000001, -0, 42, Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x07fffffff, 0, 0x080000000, 0x0ffffffff, -0x080000000, -0x100000000, 1/0, 1, -0x0ffffffff]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(296); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=116; tryItOut("h2 = a2[6];");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(311); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=117; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; lexlcp((4277), -24);/*hhh*/function lexlcp(w, ...x){Object.defineProperty(o1, \"v2\", { configurable: (x % 5 == 0), enumerable: (x % 33 != 30), get: function() { return a1.length; } });}");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(424); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=118; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy0 = (function(x, y) { return (Math.tan(( + ( ~ ( + (( + 0x080000000) * x))))) >>> 0); }); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(485); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=119; tryItOut(" for each(e\u000c in ) e;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(548); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=120; tryItOut("let (x = (void options('strict_mode')), x, 6 = (String.prototype.fixed).call((new w.unwatch(\"__parent__\")((void shapeOf(({})\n)))), timeout(1800)), x = (d = Proxy.createFunction((function handlerFactory() {return {getOwnPropertyDescriptor: '' , getPropertyDescriptor: function() { throw 3; }, defineProperty: undefined, getOwnPropertyNames: function() { return []; }, delete: function() { return true; }, fix: undefined, has: undefined, hasOwn: function() { return false; }, get: function(y) { yield y; (-24);; yield y; }, set: undefined, iterate: function() { return (function() { throw StopIteration; }); }, enumerate: undefined, keys: function() { return []; }, }; })(/(?=\\B)(?!\\d{2,5}[^]|(.)*){2,5}/ym), String.prototype.lastIndexOf)), x, c) { /* no regression tests found */ }");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(5); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=121; tryItOut("for(var [d, b] = (RangeError((/*FARR*/[.../*PTHR*/(function() { for (var i of new Array(-27)) { yield i; } })()].map(function x (x = ((makeFinalizeObserver('tenured'))), '' ) { ; } )), (void shapeOf( '' )))) in ((c) = /[]/gim)) for (var v of h2) { v2 = t0.byteLength; }");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(255); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=122; tryItOut("if(false) v0 = (h0 instanceof s1); else if (this) {f0 + '';/*hhh*/function fjczxq(){i2.toString = (x = -0);}fjczxq(); } else {const d = x;/*infloop*/while(this){v0 = t1.length;print(\"\\u3D82\"); }/*MXX3*/g1.Date.prototype.toTimeString = g0.Date.prototype.toTimeString; }");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(544); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=123; tryItOut("e1.has(f0);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(557); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=124; tryItOut("{ void 0; gcslice(8374855); }\nh1.get = (function(stdlib, foreign, heap){ \"use asm\"; var NaN = stdlib.NaN;\n var sin = stdlib.Math.sin;\n var tan = stdlib.Math.tan;\n var imul = stdlib.Math.imul;\n var Uint8ArrayView = new stdlib.Uint8Array(heap);\n var Float64ArrayView = new stdlib.Float64Array(heap);\n var Int8ArrayView = new stdlib.Int8Array(heap);\n function f(d0, i1)\n {\n d0 = +d0;\n i1 = i1|0;\n var i2 = 0;\n var i3 = 0;\n var d4 = -8796093022208.0;\n (Uint8ArrayView[((0xc2a9187)+(0xb73e94f9)-(i1)) >> 0]) = ((~((((-0x63820*((0x6a1a3b10) != (0xa6c94178))) & (0x745a1*(i2))) < ((Float64ArrayView[1])))+(i3))) % (((i1)) & (((0xfb0da467) ? (i1) : (i1))+((0x73224b56)))));\n i1 = (!(((((((0x7343045b) / (0x36fb2e2c))>>>((0x3f2505c1) / (0x5c2ad074))) <= (((0xef4edddf)+(1))>>>((-0x8000000))))) & ((((0xffffffff) / (0x4e76277e)) & (0xfffff*(0x772b9f67))) % (0xacd57f6)))));\n d0 = (-7.555786372591432e+22);\n i3 = (0xe233ab3d);\n i2 = (i1);\n d4 = (NaN);\n i3 = (i3);\n i1 = ((-0xf55f07));\n d4 = (36893488147419103000.0);\n (Int8ArrayView[(((-147573952589676410000.0))) >> 0]) = ((i1));\n i2 = (0x8a9cfd5);\n {\n i1 = (((+sin(((+tan(((-1.0))))))) != (d0)) ? ((imul((i1), (i1))|0)) : (0xf83f9f7c));\n }\n return ((Math.atan2(\n\"\\uAFDA\", (void options('strict')))))|0;\n }\n return f; });\n");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(555); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=125; tryItOut("for(let [c, b] = false in null) {; }");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(2); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=126; tryItOut("\"use asm\"; t0 + '';");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(11); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=127; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy2 = (function(x, y) { return ( ! ( ~ Math.fround((Math.fround(x) ? Math.fround(Math.fround((Math.fround(x) | Math.fround(Math.tan((Math.min(x, Math.fround(0x100000000)) | 0)))))) : Math.fround(mathy1(( + Math.hypot(-0x100000000, Math.fround(Math.min(Math.fround(x), Math.fround(mathy0(y, 1)))))), mathy0(( + Math.acos(( + 1/0))), Math.fround(x)))))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy2, /*MARR*/[]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(218); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=128; tryItOut("e0 = new Set;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(228); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=129; tryItOut("t2 = new Uint32Array(b1, 6, 6);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(246); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=130; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; switch((({x: Object.defineProperty(NaN, \"constructor\", ({get: Math.random, set: neuter, configurable: (x % 3 == 0)}))}))) { default: a1[19]; }");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(373); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=131; tryItOut("g0.v2 = t1.length;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(389); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=132; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; h0 = t0[9];");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(404); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=133; tryItOut("return;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(414); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=134; tryItOut("Object.defineProperty(this, \"v2\", { configurable: false, enumerable: new RegExp(\"(?=8{0})|\\\\3+|\\\\d\", \"yim\"), get: function() { return a1.every((function() { for (var j=0;j<26;++j) { o0.f2(j%2==1); } }), b0, p0, (eval || b) << (Uint32Array.length), a0); } });");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(68); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=135; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; a2.forEach((function() { try { v0 = new Number(s1); } catch(e0) { } try {, ); } catch(e1) { } o2.toString = (function(stdlib, foreign, heap){ \"use asm\"; function f(d0, d1)\n {\n d0 = +d0;\n d1 = +d1;\n var i2 = 0;\n {\n {\n i2 = (i2);\n }\n }\n i2 = (-0x8000000);\n return (((i2)-((i2) ? (0x85b7ca80) : (1))))|0;\n }\n return f; }); return g2.m2; }), g2);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(204); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=136; tryItOut("testMathyFunction(mathy5, [-1/0, 1, Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x080000000, 0x07fffffff, 1/0, 0x100000001, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 42, Number.MIN_VALUE, 0/0, -0, 0x0ffffffff, 0x100000000, -0x100000000, 0x100000001, Math.PI, -0x07fffffff, 0x080000001, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x0ffffffff, 0x080000000, -0x080000001, 0]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(236); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=137; tryItOut("print(uneval(m2));");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(245); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=138; tryItOut("mathy3 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; return Math.fround(( - Math.fround(Math.asin(( + ( ~ (y ? mathy1(Math.fround(y), ( + Math.round(y))) : ( + Math.atan2((((y >>> 0) , -0x080000000) >>> 0), Math.hypot(0x080000001, -0x080000000)))))))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy3, [-0x07fffffff, 0x080000000, Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x07fffffff, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x100000000, 0x080000001, 1/0, 0x0ffffffff, Number.MIN_VALUE, -0, -0x100000000, Math.PI, 0x100000001, -0x0ffffffff, -1/0, 0, -0x080000000, 0/0, 0x100000001, -Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x080000001, 1, 42]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(412); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=139; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; /*RXUB*/var r = new RegExp(\"[^](?=\\ufe5b|.?|(^|[^\\\\cD-\\u32aa\\\\w][^])\\u0097+?)\", \"gyi\"); var s = \"\\n\"; print(uneval(s.match(r))); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(268); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=140; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; testMathyFunction(mathy5, [0x100000001, 1, 0x080000000, 0, -0x080000001, -0x080000000, -0, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -Number.MIN_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE, 42, 0x100000000, Number.MIN_VALUE, 0/0, Math.PI, 0x0ffffffff, -0x100000000, 0x07fffffff, 0x080000001, 0x100000001, -0x07fffffff, -1/0, 1/0, -0x0ffffffff]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(300); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=141; tryItOut("g1.i0.send(a0);let y = x;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(343); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=142; tryItOut("a2 = arguments;const a = this;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(381); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=143; tryItOut("/*MXX2*/ = v1;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(394); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=144; tryItOut("L:with((let (z) [1,,] << x))v0.toSource = (function() { g2[\"__iterator__\"] = o0.g2; return g1.m1; });");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(521); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=145; tryItOut("mathy4 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; return ( ! (mathy3((( - y) >>> 0), (Math.expm1((Math.pow(y, ( + -0x100000000)) | 0)) | 0)) | 0)); }); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(609); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=146; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; a2.__iterator__ = (function mcc_() { var wlzses = 0; return function() { ++wlzses; if (/*ICCD*/wlzses % 5 == 0) { dumpln('hit!'); try { v1 = g1.eval(\" '' \"); } catch(e0) { } try { m2.set(({}), window); } catch(e1) { } Object.defineProperty(this, \"g2.v0\", { configurable: true, enumerable: false, get: function() { return evaluate(\";\", ({ global: g2, fileName: null, lineNumber: 42, newContext: false, isRunOnce: (x % 27 == 18), noScriptRval: false, catchTermination: '' , saveFrameChain: false })); } }); } else { dumpln('miss!'); try { p2 = b0; } catch(e0) { } try { t1.set(a2, this); } catch(e1) { } v2 + ''; } };})();o2.i2 = new Iterator(g0.h2, true);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(128); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=147; tryItOut("for (var p in e0) { try { t2 = new Float64Array(a2); } catch(e0) { } try { i1 + b0; } catch(e1) { } a2 = []; }");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(159); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=148; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy1 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; return Math.hypot(Math.max(( + (( + (1 + ( ~ x))) != ( + ((((x | 0) && (0x100000001 | 0)) | 0) == x)))), Math.fround(Math.fround(Math.imul(Math.fround(-0x0ffffffff), Math.fround(x))))), (Math.min(( + Math.min(y, (( - (x >>> 0)) >>> 0))), (( + (( ! y) | 0)) !== x)) >>> 0)); }); testMathyFunction(mathy1, [Number.MIN_VALUE, -1/0, -0x100000000, -0x07fffffff, 0x080000001, 0x07fffffff, -0x080000000, 0x100000001, 1, 0/0, Number.MAX_VALUE, 42, Math.PI, 0x100000000, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x0ffffffff, 0, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x0ffffffff, 0x080000000, -0x080000001, -0, 0x100000001, 1/0]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(402); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=149; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy2 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; return ((( ! Math.atanh(( - ( + 1/0)))) == (( + ((Math.min(-0x07fffffff, 0x07fffffff) >>> 0) === -Number.MIN_VALUE)) + ( + ( + 0x080000000)))) ? (Math.fround(( + Math.hypot(( - (Math.ceil((Math.pow(( + -1/0), y) | 0)) | 0)), (Math.pow(((y % x) | 0), ( ~ x)) | 0)))) | Math.fround(( - (Math.log(mathy1((mathy1(42, y) >>> 0), x)) >>> 0)))) : ((((( ! ( + Math.fround(y))) >> y) * (Math.pow(let (y = __iterator__) arguments, (( + y) >>> 0)) | 0)) | 0) | 0)); }); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(210); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=150; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; /*hhh*/function rkerhw(){return;}/*iii*/print(x);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(262); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=151; tryItOut("let(x = (4277), x, w, c = new ( factorial(inhfyo) { ; if (inhfyo == 0) { ; return 1; } ; return inhfyo * factorial(inhfyo - 1); })(26940)), (Object.defineProperty(x, new String(\"17\"), ({set: x, configurable: (x % 25 == 8), enumerable: (x % 3 != 1)})))), y = (void version(185)), x = ((undefined.yoyo(( /* Comment */\"\\uA843\"))) ? new XPCSafeJSObjectWrapper({}\n.valueOf(\"number\")) : 'fafafa'.replace(/a/g, function(y) { yield y; print(-28);; yield y; })), jblgre) ((function(){let(y) { let(c) ((function(){(4277);})());}})());");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(3); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=152; tryItOut("mathy1 = (function(stdlib, foreign, heap){ \"use asm\"; var Infinity = stdlib.Infinity;\n var ff = foreign.ff;\n var Float64ArrayView = new stdlib.Float64Array(heap);\n function f(i0, d1)\n {\n i0 = i0|0;\n d1 = +d1;\n return +((Infinity));\n {\n (Float64ArrayView[0]) = ((Float64ArrayView[((0x8b4f8e8e)-(0xa65faf60)) >> 3]));\n }\n return +((((d1)) / (((-1.25) + (d1)))));\n }\n return f; })(this, {ff: String.prototype.charCodeAt}, new ArrayBuffer(4096)); testMathyFunction(mathy1, [1/0, 0/0, 0x07fffffff, -0x080000000, -0x0ffffffff, 0x100000001, -0, 0, -0x07fffffff, 0x080000000, Math.PI, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x100000001, 0x0ffffffff, 1, 42, -0x080000001, Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x100000000, -0x100000000, -1/0, Number.MIN_VALUE, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x080000001]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(149); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=153; tryItOut("a0.sort((function() { try { t1.__proto__ = f1; } catch(e0) { } try {, o0.g1.e2, b2, a1); } catch(e1) { } try { a0 = arguments.callee.caller.caller.arguments; } catch(e2) { } selectforgc(o1); return o0; }), g1.o1);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(221); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=154; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy4 = (function(x, y) { return Math.log2(( + ( - ((( + (( + Math.min(( + y), 0x100000001)) | ( + y))) < Math.fround(((Math.pow(Math.hypot(( + y), ( + Math.max(-0x080000000, y))), (0x0ffffffff >>> 0)) | 0) * Math.fround(Math.pow(y, Math.abs(mathy2(x, 0x0ffffffff))))))) >>> 0)))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy4, [1, 0/0, 0x100000001, -0x100000000, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0, -0x0ffffffff, Number.MIN_VALUE, 42, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x07fffffff, -0, Math.PI, -0x07fffffff, 1/0, 0x0ffffffff, Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x080000000, -1/0, 0x100000000, 0x100000001, -0x080000001, 0x080000001, 0x080000000]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(436); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=155; tryItOut("h1.keys = f1;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(449); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=156; tryItOut("{ void 0; verifyprebarriers(); } print(w = Proxy.create(({/*TOODEEP*/})( \"\" ), ({})));");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(485); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=157; tryItOut("/*MXX3*/g0.g1.Int16Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT = g2.Int16Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(501); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=158; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; testMathyFunction(mathy2, [0x080000001, 1/0, 0x100000001, 0x080000000, 0, Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x100000001, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x07fffffff, -0, Number.MAX_VALUE, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -1/0, 0x100000000, -0x080000001, -0x100000000, Math.PI, -0x0ffffffff, 0x0ffffffff, 1, -0x07fffffff, 42, -0x080000000, 0/0]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(533); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=159; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy4 = (function(x, y) { return Math.max(( - ((Math.log2((Math.log1p((y | 0)) | 0)) * x) || ((Math.fround(Math.fround(Math.pow(((( + x) >>> x) >>> 0), (y >>> 0)))) >>> 0) === (( + (Math.fround((x > y)) >> 0x100000001)) >>> 0)))), (Math.max(( + Math.imul(Math.fround((0x0ffffffff <= Math.fround(y))), x)), (Math.pow(0x080000000, Math.atan(( + mathy3(mathy2(y, 0/0), x)))) | 0)) | 0)); }); testMathyFunction(mathy4, [Number.MIN_VALUE, 1, -0x080000001, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x0ffffffff, 0x07fffffff, 0, 0x100000001, Math.PI, 0/0, -0, 0x080000000, Number.MAX_VALUE, 1/0, -0x07fffffff, 0x0ffffffff, -Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x080000000, 0x080000001, 0x100000000, -1/0, -0x100000000, 42, 0x100000001]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(226); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=160; tryItOut("for (var p in o1.g1) { try { Object.seal(v1); } catch(e0) { } try { h1.get = this.f1; } catch(e1) { } e2.add(f1); }");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(260); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=161; tryItOut("\"use strict\";, \"toExponential\", f0);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(276); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=162; tryItOut("\"use strict\";;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(288); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=163; tryItOut("mathy3 = (function(x, y) { return ( - Math.fround((Math.fround(Math.cbrt((Math.fround(( + -0x100000000)) * Math.fround(Math.hypot(1, x))))) , ((((Math.acosh(x) <= (( + Math.min(( + y), x)) >>> 0)) | 0) ? x : y) / Math.fround(((( - Math.fround(mathy2(x, (y | 0)))) >>> 0) <= (Math.atan2(x, Math.fround(Math.atanh(x))) >>> 0))))))); }); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(533); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=164; tryItOut("testMathyFunction(mathy5, [0x080000000, -0x100000000, Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x07fffffff, Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x080000001, 42, 1/0, -0x080000000, -0x0ffffffff, 0x100000000, 0x0ffffffff, -1/0, -0, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0/0, 0, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x07fffffff, 1, 0x080000001, 0x100000001, Math.PI, 0x100000001]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(565); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=165; tryItOut("for (var p in e2) { t1 = new Float64Array(a0); }");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(584); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=166; tryItOut("v1 =, e1);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(599); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=167; tryItOut("");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(606); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=168; tryItOut("h0 = ({getOwnPropertyDescriptor: function(name) { selectforgc(o2);; var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(h1); desc.configurable = true; return desc; }, getPropertyDescriptor: function(name) { /*MXX1*/o0 = this.o0.g1.Set.prototype.keys;; var desc = Object.getPropertyDescriptor(h1); desc.configurable = true; return desc; }, defineProperty: function(name, desc) { v0.toString = (function() { try { /*ODP-3*/Object.defineProperty(i0, \"valueOf\", { configurable: (x % 28 == 6), enumerable: false, writable: true, value: o1 }); } catch(e0) { } try { a2.sort(f1); } catch(e1) { } this.o1.v0 =, f1); return e2; });; Object.defineProperty(h1, name, desc); }, getOwnPropertyNames: function() { m1.set(p2, i2);; return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(h1); }, delete: function(name) { i1 = new Iterator(i0, true);; return delete h1[name]; }, fix: function() { a2[v2] = \"\" ;; if (Object.isFrozen(h1)) { return Object.getOwnProperties(h1); } }, has: function(name) { /*MXX1*/o0.o2.o0.o2.o2.o2.o2 = g1.DataView.prototype.setUint8;; return name in h1; }, hasOwn: function(name) { e1.has(this.o1.b0);; return, name); }, get: function(receiver, name) { v1 = b1.byteLength;; return h1[name]; }, set: function(receiver, name, val) { ;; h1[name] = val; return true; }, iterate: function() { v0 =, h2);; return (function() { for (var name in h1) { yield name; } })(); }, enumerate: function() { for (var v of s0) { for (var p in m0) { o2.h2.keys = this.f2; } }; var result = []; for (var name in h1) { result.push(name); }; return result; }, keys: function() { return a2; return Object.keys(h1); } });");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(195); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=169; tryItOut("mathy0 = (function(x, y) { return ((Math.trunc(( - (x >>> 0))) >>> ( + (Math.fround(x) | (( ~ (y | 0)) | 0)))) + (Math.max((((Math.fround(Math.fround(Math.round(y))) ? Math.fround(( ! Math.fround(Math.imul(( ~ x), ( + ( ~ (( ~ x) | 0))))))) : (x >>> 0)) | 0) | 0), (((-Number.MIN_VALUE ** (( + (Math.log10(x) | 0)) >>> 0)) && (Math.hypot(Math.PI, Math.pow(x, Math.hypot(Math.fround(x), (((y | 0) >= (x >>> 0)) | 0)))) | 0)) | 0)) | 0)); }); testMathyFunction(mathy0, [42, 0x100000001, 0, Number.MAX_VALUE, -1/0, -0x080000001, Number.MIN_VALUE, 1/0, -0x080000000, 0x080000001, -0, 0x080000000, -0x07fffffff, 0x0ffffffff, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x0ffffffff, -0x100000000, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 1, 0/0, Math.PI, 0x100000000, 0x100000001, 0x07fffffff]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(529); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=170; tryItOut("v2 = new Number(-0);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(540); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=171; tryItOut("v2 = g2.eval(\"((({/*toXFun*/valueOf: (function() { try { t0[3] = h2; } catch(e0) { } try { t1 = t2.subarray(16); } catch(e1) { } try {; } catch(e2) { } v2 = t1.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT; return s2; }), set x(x, ...e) { \\\"use strict\\\"; return ((function too_much_recursion(gpvirz) { ; if (gpvirz > 0) { ; too_much_recursion(gpvirz - 1); ; } else { } })(54457)) } })))((4277), x)\");");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(133); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=172; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy4 = (function(stdlib, foreign, heap){ \"use asm\"; var ff = foreign.ff;\n function f(d0, i1)\n {\n d0 = +d0;\n i1 = i1|0;\n var i2 = 0;\n d0 = (-9.44473296573929e+21);\n return +((0.0009765625));\n }\n return f; })(this, {ff: (1 for (x in []))}, new ArrayBuffer(4096)); testMathyFunction(mathy4, [42, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -1/0, 0x080000001, Number.MAX_VALUE, 1/0, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x100000000, -0x080000000, -0x080000001, Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x07fffffff, -0x0ffffffff, 0/0, 0x080000000, 1, 0x0ffffffff, Math.PI, 0, 0x07fffffff, -0x100000000, 0x100000001, -0, 0x100000001]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(221); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=173; tryItOut("mathy0 = (function(x, y) { return Math.fround(Math.atan2(Math.fround(Math.log2(( - (( ! (( + (x | 0)) | 0)) >>> 0)))), (Math.pow((((Math.sin((Math.max((Number.MAX_VALUE | 0), ( + y)) | 0)) | 0) << Math.fround(( ! y))) | 0), ((Math.tanh((( + x) | 0)) | 0) | 0)) | 0))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy0, [/0/, '', -0, NaN, ({valueOf:function(){return 0;}}), (new Boolean(true)), ({valueOf:function(){return '0';}}), true, [0], 1, 0.1, ({toString:function(){return '0';}}), objectEmulatingUndefined(), 0, (function(){return 0;}), false, '\\0', (new Boolean(false)), (new Number(0)), undefined, null, [], (new String('')), '0', '/0/', (new Number(-0))]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(402); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=174; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; testMathyFunction(mathy4, [1, 0x0ffffffff, Number.MIN_VALUE, Math.PI, 0x080000001, -0x080000000, Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x100000001, 0/0, -1/0, 0x07fffffff, 42, 0x100000001, -Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x0ffffffff, 0x100000000, -0x080000001, -0x07fffffff, -0x100000000, 1/0, 0x080000000, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0, -0]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(434); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=175; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; m1.has(o0);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(447); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=176; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; /*vLoop*/for (cjecnn = 0; cjecnn < 0; ++cjecnn) { let c = cjecnn; for (var p in t1) { this.i1 = new Iterator(g2, true); } } ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(488); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=177; tryItOut("mathy1 = (function(x, y) { return ((Math.atan((Math.fround(x) == Math.atan2(((( + (0x100000000 >>> 0)) | 0) >>> 0), Math.fround(y)))) >> (( ~ Math.log1p(( + x))) ? ((Math.min(( + Math.cosh(( + (x + ( + x))))), x) >>> 0) >>> 0) : (Math.hypot(( + ((( + mathy0(0x07fffffff, (y >>> 0))) >>> 0) == ( + x))), y) >>> 0))) ? ( + (Math.imul((Math.pow((Math.fround(Math.sign(Math.fround(( + ( + ( + Math.exp(x))))))) >>> 0), x) >>> 0), ((( - Math.asinh(y)) | 0) === Math.PI)) >>> 0)) : ( + Math.min(Math.min((mathy0(x, 42) ** ((((Math.cos((( ~ x) >>> 0)) | 0) | 0) >= ( + y)) | 0)), (mathy0((Math.fround(Math.atanh(Math.fround(-0x080000000))) >>> 0), y) >>> 0)), mathy0(Math.fround(-0), ( ~ x))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy1, /*MARR*/[new Boolean(false), new Boolean(false), (void 0), new Boolean(false), (void 0), (void 0), new Boolean(false), (void 0), new Boolean(false), new Boolean(false), (void 0), new Boolean(false), (void 0), new Boolean(false), new Boolean(false), (void 0), new Boolean(false), (void 0), (void 0), new Boolean(false), (void 0), (void 0), (void 0), (void 0), (void 0), (void 0), (void 0), new Boolean(false), new Boolean(false), (void 0), (void 0), (void 0), new Boolean(false), new Boolean(false), (void 0), (void 0), new Boolean(false), new Boolean(false), new Boolean(false), new Boolean(false), (void 0), (void 0), (void 0), (void 0), (void 0), (void 0), (void 0), new Boolean(false), new Boolean(false), new Boolean(false), (void 0), (void 0), (void 0), (void 0), (void 0), new Boolean(false), (void 0), (void 0), (void 0), (void 0), (void 0), new Boolean(false), new Boolean(false), (void 0), new Boolean(false), new Boolean(false), (void 0), (void 0), new Boolean(false), (void 0), (void 0), new Boolean(false), new Boolean(false), new Boolean(false)]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(527); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=178; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; let lntqwn, x = ({ get anchor(window, x, ...x)\"use asm\"; var NaN = stdlib.NaN;\n var Int8ArrayView = new stdlib.Int8Array(heap);\n function f(d0, i1)\n {\n d0 = +d0;\n i1 = i1|0;\n var i2 = 0;\n var d3 = 17179869185.0;\n var i4 = 0;\n var i5 = 0;\n i5 = (((((((i5)+((0x0) <= (0xffffffff)))>>>(((0x6951beb5) <= (0x65a9f590))*0x5632d)))) ^ (-0x6571c*(i5))) > (((i4)+(0x2cfe10eb)+(((NaN)))) << (((((0xffffffff))>>>((0xffffffff))) > (timeout(1800)))+(i1)+((~~((0xfcd68839) ? (-32769.0) : (-274877906944.0))) == (((0xde8e173c)) << ((0xf9c6f58e)))))));\n {\n (Int8ArrayView[2]) = ((0xf8a23311));\n }\n return ((((((+((-0xfffff*((void version(170)))) >> (((((0xfbf33c5a))>>>((-0x8000000))))+(0xcbd28a91)+(-0x6b96677)))))))-(i1)))|0;\n }\n return f; }), x = this.__defineSetter__(\"a\", a => \u3056 instanceof y), x, d = /x/g , w, get, wbpwvf;for (var v of h2) { try {, (4277), f1); } catch(e0) { } s2 += s0; }");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(487); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=179; tryItOut("testMathyFunction(mathy3, /*MARR*/[[1], [1], function(){}, new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), false, new Number(1.5), function(){}, false, function(){}, new Number(1.5), function(){}, new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), false, false, new Number(1.5), [1], false, false, new Number(1.5), [1], new Number(1.5), [1], new Number(1.5), false, new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), false, new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), [1], function(){}, new Number(1.5), function(){}, function(){}, false, function(){}, function(){}, [1], [1], new Number(1.5), function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, [1], [1], new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), [1], [1], [1], false, [1], false, function(){}, new Number(1.5), function(){}, [1], false, [1], false, new Number(1.5), [1], new Number(1.5), false, [1], function(){}, false, function(){}, function(){}, [1], new Number(1.5), function(){}, false, false, function(){}, false, false, new Number(1.5), false, new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), [1], new Number(1.5), function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, [1], [1], function(){}, false, new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), function(){}, [1], false, false, false, false, false, false, false, [1], new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), function(){}, [1], new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), [1], false, function(){}, [1], false, new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), new Number(1.5), [1], function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, false, function(){}, new Number(1.5), [1], new Number(1.5), function(){}, [1], function(){}, false, new Number(1.5), [1], function(){}, new Number(1.5), function(){}, new Number(1.5), function(){}, new Number(1.5), function(){}, [1], new Number(1.5), [1], false, new Number(1.5), false, function(){}, new Number(1.5)]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(193); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=180; tryItOut("var xrleeg = new ArrayBuffer(6); var xrleeg_0 = new Int16Array(xrleeg); xrleeg_0[0] = 12; var xrleeg_1 = new Float64Array(xrleeg); var xrleeg_2 = new Uint8ClampedArray(xrleeg); xrleeg_2[0] = -22; var xrleeg_3 = new Int32Array(xrleeg); print(xrleeg_3[0]); /*hhh*/function qktuch(){v2 = evalcx(\"/* no regression tests found */\", g0);}/*iii*//*MXX3*/g2.Math.sin = g2.Math.sin;o0.b1.valueOf = (function() { for (var j=0;j<8;++j) { f1(j%3==1); } });print(xrleeg_2);;yield;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(336); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=181; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; /* no regression tests found */");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(345); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=182; tryItOut("v1 = t0.length;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(358); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=183; tryItOut("{ void 0; void gc(this); } function f0(e2) \"use asm\"; function f(d0, i1)\n {\n d0 = +d0;\n i1 = i1|0;\n var i2 = 0;\n var d3 = 18014398509481984.0;\n var d4 = -0.5;\n var i5 = 0;\n return +((-70368744177665.0));\n }\n return f;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(426); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=184; tryItOut("mathy1 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; return (mathy0(Math.min((Math.max(( + Math.fround(Math.sqrt(Math.fround((( + x) ? ( + (Math.asinh((y | 0)) | 0)) : ( + x)))))), ( + Math.tan(x))) | 0), (Math.log1p((Math.pow(y, x) >>> 0)) | 0)), mathy0((((( + ( ~ ( + ((Math.imul(-0x07fffffff, ( ~ x)) << Math.atan2(Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x100000000)) | 0)))) | 0) >= (0x100000001 | 0)) | 0), Math.fround(Math.tanh(Math.tanh((y | 0)))))) >>> 0); }); testMathyFunction(mathy1, [Number.MAX_VALUE, 1/0, 0x080000000, 42, 0x080000001, -0x0ffffffff, 0x100000000, Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x100000000, -0x07fffffff, -0, 0x100000001, -1/0, 0, 0/0, -Number.MIN_VALUE, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 1, Math.PI, 0x0ffffffff, -0x080000001, 0x07fffffff, 0x100000001, -0x080000000]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(91); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=185; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy5 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; return mathy3((mathy0((Math.sinh((Math.atan2(Math.fround(Math.abs(Math.fround(x))), ( - x)) >>> 0)) | 0), (( + ( ! ( + (Math.sinh(Math.fround(0x100000000)) | 0)))) | 0)) | 0), ( + Math.acosh(( + mathy0(y, Math.fround(Math.log1p(Math.PI))))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy5, [0x100000001, 1/0, 0/0, 42, 0, -0x080000000, 0x0ffffffff, 0x100000001, Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x080000001, 0x100000000, 1, 0x07fffffff, -1/0, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x080000001, -0, -Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x0ffffffff, -0x100000000, Math.PI, 0x080000000, -0x07fffffff, Number.MAX_VALUE]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(262); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=186; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; s2 + '';");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(271); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=187; tryItOut("h0.get = g2.f0;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(288); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=188; tryItOut("mathy3 = (function(x, y) { return Math.atan2(mathy1(( + Math.max((( - (-0x080000000 >>> 0)) >>> 0), (mathy1(-Number.MAX_VALUE, ( - (y > y))) >>> 0))), ( ! (Math.hypot(( + ( - -0x100000000)), ( + y)) | 0))), (mathy1(( + ( ~ (x / x))), ( + ((mathy2(( - (0x07fffffff >>> 0)), Math.pow(( + (x >= ( + ((x * x) >>> 0)))), x)) >>> 0) || ((x ? 1 : ( + ( + ( - (y | 0))))) | 0)))) >>> 0)); }); testMathyFunction(mathy3, [true, 0.1, (new Number(-0)), '\\0', [0], 1, [], 0, -0, (new Number(0)), /0/, '0', null, '', (new String('')), (new Boolean(false)), ({valueOf:function(){return 0;}}), (new Boolean(true)), '/0/', objectEmulatingUndefined(), ({toString:function(){return '0';}}), NaN, (function(){return 0;}), undefined, false, ({valueOf:function(){return '0';}})]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(6); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=189; tryItOut("/*RXUB*/var r = /(?:((?!(?!(?:[^\\w])^))|\\t*)+)?/gim; var s = \"\"; print(s.replace(r, Object.defineProperty(d, \"callee\", ({configurable: true})), \"gym\")); print(r.lastIndex); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(370); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=190; tryItOut("o1 = new Object;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(380); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=191; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; \"use asm\"; mathy0 = (function(stdlib, foreign, heap){ \"use asm\"; var ff = foreign.ff;\n var Float32ArrayView = new stdlib.Float32Array(heap);\n function f(d0, d1)\n {\n d0 = +d0;\n d1 = +d1;\n var d2 = 137438953472.0;\n (Float32ArrayView[((((((0x8d3abf7c)) | ((0x92c188e8))) > (((0xfa60441a)) & ((0xffffffff)))) ? (0xfdebd1a9) : (0x7e451207))) >> 2]) = ((d2));\n return (((0x8a1546f)-(0x48c654a1)))|0;\n }\n return f; })(this, {ff: \"\\u2BBD\"}, new ArrayBuffer(4096)); testMathyFunction(mathy0, [-0x07fffffff, 0x100000001, -1/0, 1, 0x080000000, -0x080000001, -0x0ffffffff, -0, 0x080000001, 0x100000001, -0x080000000, 0x0ffffffff, 1/0, -0x100000000, 0x100000000, -Number.MIN_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0/0, Number.MIN_VALUE, 42, Math.PI, 0, 0x07fffffff]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(554); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=192; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; /*RXUB*/var r = this.r1; var s = s1; print(r.test(s)); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(21); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=193; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy5 = (function(x, y) { return (Math.hypot((( + mathy2((Math.asin((( + y) & (0 >>> 0))) | 0), ( + ( ! x)))) | 0), ( + mathy3(( + (((mathy2(Math.trunc(y), x) | 0) ? (x >>> 0) : ((Math.log(((Math.cos((x | 0)) | 0) | 0)) | 0) | 0)) | 0)), ((mathy1(((x < y) >>> 0), ((Math.tanh((Math.hypot(y, Math.sin(Math.asin(x))) | 0)) | 0) >>> 0)) >>> 0) >>> 0)))) | 0); }); testMathyFunction(mathy5, [undefined, [0], false, 1, 0.1, null, NaN, ({valueOf:function(){return '0';}}), ({valueOf:function(){return 0;}}), [], (function(){return 0;}), '0', objectEmulatingUndefined(), (new String('')), 0, (new Number(0)), (new Boolean(false)), true, (new Number(-0)), '', -0, '/0/', (new Boolean(true)), '\\0', /0/, ({toString:function(){return '0';}})]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(286); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=194; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy5 = (function(x, y) { return ((( + Math.min(mathy4(( + Math.sqrt(( + Math.asinh(x)))), (( + Math.fround(Math.fround(( ~ x)))) >> Math.fround(Math.tanh(Math.cosh(-0x080000000))))), ( ~ (((Math.log(( + 0x100000001)) >>> 0) ^ x) || Math.cbrt(x))))) >= mathy0(( ~ ((1/0 | 0) & x)), (Math.cosh((((( + (x >>> 0)) >>> 0) >>> y) | 0)) ** ( + Math.atan2(( + (x < mathy3(x, Math.fround(( ~ Math.fround(-0x100000000)))))), (Math.atan2(Math.fround(Math.imul(Math.fround(y), Math.fround(x))), x) ^ x)))))) | 0); }); testMathyFunction(mathy5, [0x100000001, -1/0, -0x07fffffff, -0x080000000, -0x100000000, Math.PI, -0x0ffffffff, -0x080000001, -0, 0, 0x0ffffffff, 0/0, 0x100000000, 0x100000001, Number.MIN_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x07fffffff, 0x080000000, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 1, 0x080000001, 42, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 1/0]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(93); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=195; tryItOut("var whnyeu = new ArrayBuffer(16); var whnyeu_0 = new Float32Array(whnyeu); print(whnyeu_0[0]); o0 = t0.__proto__;;(c);([1,,]);m2.valueOf = () => window;, \"defineProperty\", (function() { o1 = v2.__proto__; return o0; }));print(x);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(262); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=196; tryItOut("/* no regression tests found */");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(271); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=197; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy5 = (function(x, y) { return Math.hypot(( + Math.hypot(Math.fround((Math.fround(( + (( + ((x >>> 0) || Math.fround(( + Math.atan2(1, ( + x)))))) >>> (( + ( + ( + ( ~ y)))) | 0)))) + Math.fround((((x >>> 0) > (( + mathy1(x, ( + Math.max(x, (1/0 > -Number.MIN_VALUE))))) | 0)) >>> 0)))), ( + (( + Math.max((( + x) - Number.MAX_VALUE), ((( ~ (( - (x | 0)) | 0)) == Math.max(x, 0/0)) >>> 0))) | ( + mathy0((Math.atan((Math.fround(((Math.max(x, x) >>> 0) != Math.fround(x))) | 0)) | 0), ( + y))))))), ( + (Math.min(((mathy1(( + (( + Math.sinh(( + -Number.MAX_VALUE))) || Math.hypot(x, (-0x080000000 | 0)))), (( + Math.fround((((-1/0 ^ (x | 0)) >>> 0) & x))) >>> 0)) >>> 0) >>> 0), Math.fround((mathy2(Math.min((x >>> 0), (Math.atan2(x, y) >>> 0)), (mathy2(( ~ (y >>> 0)), ( + y)) | 0)) | 0))) | 0))); }); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(186); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=198; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; szpmpv(({x: (4277), get __proto__ a (\u3056, x)--(x) }));/*hhh*/function szpmpv(...NaN){v2 = g0.eval(\"function f1(a2) { \\\"use strict\\\"; const y = a.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(window, /x/ );print(this); } \");}");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(472); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=199; tryItOut("mathy3 = (function(x, y) { return (Math.imul((mathy1((Math.max(Math.imul(y, ( - ( - ( - (y >>> 0))))), (Math.max(x, Math.max(( + 1), (( ! x) >>> 0))) | 0)) >>> 0), Math.fround(( + Math.imul(((x > x) | (( ! (0x080000000 >>> 0)) >>> 0)), x)))) | 0), (mathy0(Math.fround(Math.fround(Math.tan(Math.fround((Math.log2((Math.fround(Math.ceil(Math.fround(x))) | 0)) | 0))))), Math.fround(Math.fround(Math.fround(( + ( + (( + -0x080000000) != ( + -Number.MAX_VALUE)))))))) | 0)) | 0); }); testMathyFunction(mathy3, [0x100000000, 42, 1, 0x100000001, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -1/0, Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x07fffffff, -0x0ffffffff, 0x0ffffffff, 0, -0, 0x080000001, 0x100000001, 1/0, 0x080000000, -0x100000000, Math.PI, -0x080000001, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0/0, 0x07fffffff, Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x080000000]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(167); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=200; tryItOut("mathy0 = (function(stdlib, foreign, heap){ \"use asm\"; var imul = stdlib.Math.imul;\n var atan = stdlib.Math.atan;\n var NaN = stdlib.NaN;\n var ff = foreign.ff;\n var Float64ArrayView = new stdlib.Float64Array(heap);\n var Float32ArrayView = new stdlib.Float32Array(heap);\n function f(d0, d1)\n {\n d0 = +d0;\n d1 = +d1;\n var i2 = 0;\n var d3 = 2199023255551.0;\n var d4 = -2097153.0;\n return ((((((0x5b582bfa)+(0xb23a768f)) >> ((0xa637a8a2)+(i2))) != (0x64e4748e))-((imul(((0xc230779d) <= (((0x558bdade)+(0xf87f8f79)-(-0x8000000))>>>((-0x8000000)+(0x86306af7)))), (!(-0x8000000)))|0) == (~~(((+(~(((0x5bf96c0c))*-0x956db)))) * ((d0)))))))|0;\n d4 = (+atan((((i2) ? (d0) : (((((0x0)) ? (d4) : (d3))) * (((0xfe20904f) ? (d3) : (+(-1.0/0.0)))))))));\n d1 = (d1);\n (Float64ArrayView[((i2)+(0xfa1433b2)-(0xc65f7f46)) >> 3]) = ((NaN));\n (Float32ArrayView[((0x47f3ceb9)) >> 2]) = ((d1));\n {\n d4 = (((Float64ArrayView[2])) % ((x = /x/g )));\n }\n return (((-0x8000000)-((((-0x8000000))>>>((((void version(170))))+(0x166aeef9)+((0x7fffffff) >= (((0x947ec52d)) << ((-0x8000000)))))) <= (0x70b08d38))))|0;\n }\n return f; })(this, {ff: Int32Array}, new ArrayBuffer(4096)); testMathyFunction(mathy0, [42, -0x080000001, 0x100000001, 1/0, Number.MIN_VALUE, -Number.MIN_VALUE, Math.PI, 0x0ffffffff, Number.MAX_VALUE, -1/0, 0, 0x080000000, 0x100000001, 0x07fffffff, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x080000001, -0x100000000, 0/0, -0x07fffffff, -0x080000000, 0x100000000, 1, -0, -0x0ffffffff]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(88); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=201; tryItOut("o0.o1.o2.m0.set(m0, o2);\nfor(let [y, a] = /x/ in (\u3056) = window) {(true); }\n");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(249); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=202; tryItOut("mathy5 = (function(x, y) { return (Math.max((( ~ Math.sin(Math.trunc(( - y)))) | 0), (mathy1((mathy0(Math.fround(((Math.fround(mathy4(Math.fround(y), (y >>> 0))) | 0) ^ (( ~ -0x080000000) | 0))), (((( + 1) & x) ? ( + x) : x) >>> 0)) >>> 0), ((Math.atan2(( + Math.fround(( + ( + ( + Math.fround(Math.min(Math.fround(y), Math.fround(y)))))))), ( + (Math.log1p(( - -0x080000001)) && (mathy1(( ~ y), x) | 0)))) >>> 0) >>> 0)) | 0)) | 0); }); testMathyFunction(mathy5, [0x080000001, 0x100000001, 42, 0x0ffffffff, -0x100000000, -0x080000001, -0x07fffffff, Math.PI, Number.MAX_VALUE, -1/0, 0, 0x080000000, 0/0, 0x07fffffff, -0x0ffffffff, -0x080000000, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x100000000, 0x100000001, Number.MIN_VALUE, 1/0, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -0, 1]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(580); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=203; tryItOut("x = ({\u3056: /(?=\\2)[^]/i}), x, x = true, , x;v0 = t1.byteLength;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(128); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=204; tryItOut("mathy1 = (function(x, y) { return (Math.atan2((Math.pow((Math.sinh(( + (x & ( - x)))) | 0), Math.fround((Math.fround(Math.log1p(y)) ? Math.fround((mathy0((Math.max((Math.PI | 0), ( + ( + ( + 0x080000001)))) >>> 0), (y >>> 0)) >>> 0)) : Math.fround(( + ( + ( + (Math.tanh(y) | 0)))))))) | 0), ((((( - x) | 0) * (Math.fround(( ~ Math.fround((((( + ( + ( + y))) | 0) * (y | 0)) | 0)))) | 0)) | 0) | 0)) | 0); }); testMathyFunction(mathy1, [1, 0x100000001, 0x080000000, 1/0, -0x080000001, 0x080000001, -0x07fffffff, 0x0ffffffff, Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x100000001, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0, -0x100000000, -0, -0x0ffffffff, Number.MAX_VALUE, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x080000000, 42, 0x07fffffff, -1/0, Math.PI, 0x100000000, 0/0]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(394); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=205; tryItOut("v0.__proto__ = g1;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(406); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=206; tryItOut("mathy3 = (function(x, y) { return Math.pow(( ! (Math.min(Math.fround(0x100000001), (Math.fround(Math.hypot(Math.fround(x), Math.fround(( - -0x080000000)))) | 0)) | 0)), Math.hypot(Math.cos((1/0 >>> 0)), Math.fround(( + ( - ( + ((y >>> 0) ? ((( ~ (mathy2(x, x) >>> 0)) >>> 0) >>> 0) : (( + ( + mathy2(( + x), (x >>> 0)))) >>> 0)))))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy3, [Number.MIN_VALUE, 1/0, -0x07fffffff, 0x100000001, 0x100000000, 0x080000001, 42, 0x080000000, -0, 1, 0x100000001, 0x0ffffffff, 0, Number.MAX_VALUE, -Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x0ffffffff, -1/0, -0x080000001, 0/0, -0x100000000, -0x080000000, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x07fffffff, Math.PI]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(622); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=207; tryItOut("mathy3 = (function(x, y) { return mathy2((( ~ ( + Math.round(Math.acos(y)))) | 0), (( + Math.asin(( + ( + ( ~ ( + ((Math.log((x | 0)) | 0) >>> y))))))) | 0)); }); testMathyFunction(mathy3, [1, 42, -0x080000001, 1/0, 0/0, 0x100000000, 0, -0x100000000, Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x0ffffffff, 0x080000000, Math.PI, -0x080000000, 0x080000001, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x100000001, -0x0ffffffff, Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x07fffffff, -0x07fffffff, 0x100000001, -Number.MIN_VALUE, -0, -1/0]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(134); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=208; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; \"use asm\"; v0 = evalcx(\"r1 = new RegExp(\\\"(?=\\\\\\\\B)+?\\\", \\\"gim\\\");\", o2.g0);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(259); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=209; tryItOut("for(let e in new Array(17)) for(let x in []);return ((void options('strict_mode')));");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(300); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=210; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; this.a1 = (function() { yield (4277); } })();");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(319); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=211; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; g0 = a1[v1];");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(336); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=212; tryItOut("mathy3 = (function(x, y) { return Math.min((Math.tanh((Math.fround(( ~ Math.fround((mathy1(((x ? 0/0 : y) | 0), ((x >= Math.sinh(x)) | 0)) | 0)))) | 0)) | 0), (mathy2(Math.fround(( - Math.fround(mathy1(Math.fround(mathy2(-Number.MIN_VALUE, (x * ( + y)))), (Math.atanh((mathy2(x, x) | 0)) >>> 0))))), (((((Math.fround(Math.imul(Math.fround(y), Math.fround(x))) | 0) <= (0x100000001 | 0)) >>> 0) != y) >>> 0)) | 0)); }); testMathyFunction(mathy3, [-Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MIN_VALUE, 0/0, -0, 0x080000001, -0x0ffffffff, 0x07fffffff, 1/0, -1/0, -0x080000001, Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x100000000, 0x080000000, 0x100000001, 0x100000001, 0, 42, -0x080000000, 1, -0x07fffffff, Math.PI, 0x0ffffffff, 0x100000000, -Number.MIN_VALUE]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(614); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=213; tryItOut("mathy4 = (function(x, y) { return Math.fround(Math.max(Math.fround(( + ( ! ( + (Math.pow((y | 0), (Math.min(mathy1(-1/0, y), 0) | 0)) | 0))))), (Math.fround(Math.min(Math.fround(( ~ (x ? Math.fround(mathy0(Math.fround(0x07fffffff), Math.fround(y))) : Math.log(x)))), Math.fround((((y >>> 0) != (( + Math.hypot((Math.sqrt(Math.fround(((Math.fround(x) || (x | 0)) | 0))) | 0), ( + x))) >>> 0)) >>> 0)))) + (Math.atanh((mathy2(( + 0x0ffffffff), (Math.min(y, y) | 0)) >>> 0)) >>> 0)))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy4, [-0, -0x100000000, 0/0, 0x100000001, -0x080000001, Math.PI, 1, 0x100000001, -0x080000000, 0x100000000, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x0ffffffff, 0x0ffffffff, -Number.MIN_VALUE, -1/0, Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x07fffffff, Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x080000000, 1/0, 0, 0x080000001, 0x07fffffff, 42]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(280); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=214; tryItOut("\"use asm\"; mathy0 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; return (Math.cosh(Math.acos(Math.atan2(Math.min((( + (y | 0)) | 0), x), x))) | 0); }); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(356); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=215; tryItOut("mathy0 = (function(stdlib, foreign, heap){ \"use asm\"; var imul = stdlib.Math.imul;\n var atan2 = stdlib.Math.atan2;\n var log = stdlib.Math.log;\n var ff = foreign.ff;\n var Float64ArrayView = new stdlib.Float64Array(heap);\n var Float32ArrayView = new stdlib.Float32Array(heap);\n function f(d0, i1)\n {\n d0 = +d0;\n i1 = i1|0;\n {\n (Float64ArrayView[(-(/*FFI*/ff(((((/*FFI*/ff(((((0x9cc07477)) ^ ((0x8dcd5065)))), ((-1.9342813113834067e+25)), ((-4.835703278458517e+24)), ((262145.0)), ((1.0)), ((-9223372036854776000.0)), ((-4.835703278458517e+24)), ((32767.0)), ((1.125)), ((-8589934593.0)), ((0.001953125)), ((-3.022314549036573e+23)), ((-36028797018963970.0)), ((-134217729.0)))|0)-(!(0xf7d826f3)))|0)), ((~~(+(imul((0xf95ae075), (0xc48dced7))|0)))), ((d0)), ((d0)))|0)) >> 3]) = ((17592186044417.0));\n }\n {\n i1 = (((((0x2d997940) != (((0x67256ef7)-(0xfb16356d)+(0xfd175ac2)) >> (((-72057594037927940.0) >= (32769.0))-((((0x196a5873)) | ((0xc3a02854)))))))) ^ ((((!(0xffffffff)) ? (+(0x1e190b90)) : (1.00390625)) != (d0))-(((((p={}, (p.z = x = false)())))>>>((0xf9dec822)))))));\n }\n d0 = (+/*FFI*/ff((((i1) ? (-1.015625) : (+(-1.0/0.0)))), ((((Float32ArrayView[2])) / ((+(1.0/0.0))))), ((((i1)+(0xe9da5321)-(0xffffffff)) ^ ((((0x8d4f3*(0xfbe57a6b))>>>((-0x8000000))))))), ((+atan2(((d0)), ((((+atan2(((281474976710657.0)), ((-1.2089258196146292e+24))))) * ((d0))))))), ((+log(((Float64ArrayView[(((-1.0625) <= (4097.0))-(i1)) >> 3]))))), ((+(((i1)) << ((!(-0x8000000)))))), ((((0xfd853198)-(0x6a425921)) | (-0x84e6a*(0xfc087f94)))), ((((0xd74e76e2)) ^ ((-0x8000000)))), ((+atan2(((1.1805916207174113e+21)), ((-1125899906842624.0)))))));\n i1 = (0xb458e11a);\n i1 = (i1);\n d0 = (1.0);\n return ((((~((0x954694c7))))-(0x84322f5d)))|0;\n }\n return f; })(this, {ff: XPCSafeJSObjectWrapper}, new ArrayBuffer(4096)); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(549); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=216; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(556); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=217; tryItOut("mathy0 = (function(x, y) { return Math.imul(Math.fround(( ~ Math.fround((Math.imul(((((( + x) | 0) && (x | 0)) | 0) | 0), (Math.log10(-0x0ffffffff) | 0)) | 0)))), ( + ( - Math.atan2(y, x)))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy0, [-0x0ffffffff, 0x100000001, -0x080000001, Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x100000000, -0x080000000, -0x07fffffff, -0, Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x07fffffff, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0/0, 1, Math.PI, 0x100000000, 0x080000001, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0, -1/0, 0x080000000, 42, 0x0ffffffff, 0x100000001, 1/0]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(76); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=218; tryItOut("v0 = a1.length;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(89); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=219; tryItOut("mathy3 = (function(x, y) { return Math.log((( ! Math.fround(Math.cos(Math.fround((Math.pow(/*FARR*/[].some, ( ! Number.MAX_VALUE)) | 0))))) | 0)); }); testMathyFunction(mathy3, [0x0ffffffff, -0x080000000, Number.MIN_VALUE, -Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x080000001, Math.PI, -0x100000000, 1, 0x080000000, 0x100000001, 0x100000000, Number.MAX_VALUE, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x07fffffff, -1/0, -0x0ffffffff, 42, 0x07fffffff, 0/0, 1/0, 0, -0, 0x100000001, 0x080000001]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(209); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=220; tryItOut("/*ADP-2*/Object.defineProperty(a0, 17, { configurable: ((1).call(null, ).window = (y)( /x/g , \"\\uDF59\")), enumerable: (x % 6 != 3), get: Promise.prototype.catch.bind(this.i1), set: (function mcc_() { var xgcezs = 0; return function() { ++xgcezs; if (xgcezs > 9) { dumpln('hit!'); try { v0 = this.b1.byteLength; } catch(e0) { } try { Object.preventExtensions(p1); } catch(e1) { } v1 = evaluate(\"\\\"use strict\\\"; mathy4 = (function(x, y) { return (mathy1(Math.log10(( ! (Math.acosh(y) > Math.imul(0x07fffffff, y)))), Math.fround(( - Math.fround(Math.hypot((y >>> 0), Math.fround((Math.fround(x) || Math.fround(y)))))))) ? Math.fround(( ! Math.tanh(1))) : ((x ? mathy0((Math.cos(x) | 0), ( ! ( + ( ~ (((y >>> 0) ? Math.fround(y) : y) >>> 0))))) : Math.abs(x)) <= Math.fround((((Math.atan2((Math.hypot((Math.atan(x) >>> 0), (y >>> 0)) >>> 0), ( ~ x)) >>> 0) >> ( ~ (x | 0))) >>> 0)))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy4, [-0x0ffffffff, -0x100000000, 0/0, -0x080000000, 1, 0x080000001, Number.MAX_VALUE, -0, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x07fffffff, 1/0, -0x080000001, 0, 0x080000000, Math.PI, 0x100000001, 0x100000001, -1/0, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x07fffffff, Number.MIN_VALUE, 42, 0x100000000, 0x0ffffffff]); \", ({ global: g0, fileName: 'evaluate.js', lineNumber: 42, newContext: (x % 4 == 1), isRunOnce: true, noScriptRval: true, catchTermination: true, saveFrameChain: false })); } else { dumpln('miss!'); try {, (function(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, a15, a16, a17, a18, a19, a20, a21, a22, a23, a24, a25, a26, a27, a28, a29, a30, a31, a32, a33, a34, a35, a36, a37, a38, a39, a40, a41, a42, a43, a44, a45, a46, a47, a48, a49, a50, a51, a52, a53, a54, a55, a56, a57, a58, a59, a60, a61, a62, a63, a64) { var r0 = a54 * 8; var r1 = a37 | 2; var r2 = a26 ^ a22; var r3 = a8 + a55; a39 = 0 + a60; var r4 = 2 % 1; var r5 = a25 % a3; var r6 = 1 & a53; var r7 = a45 / a17; var r8 = r6 & 8; var r9 = a53 - a51; var r10 = a4 & 3; var r11 = 9 / a5; print(r1); var r12 = 5 * a28; var r13 = a45 - r8; print(a51); print(a54); var r14 = 9 ^ 3; r10 = a30 ^ a49; var r15 = 5 + r11; var r16 = a40 ^ a4; var r17 = 2 - a57; var r18 = a25 % a1; var r19 = r9 ^ r3; r6 = 1 ^ r0; var r20 = 7 | 2; var r21 = r8 % r3; var r22 = r0 * 2; var r23 = 2 - a37; var r24 = r4 % a35; var r25 = r7 * 0; var r26 = a31 & x; print(a38); var r27 = a33 + r21; var r28 = 5 | a22; var r29 = 9 + a41; r10 = 7 - a8; var r30 = a40 * 7; print(a15); var r31 = 0 % 6; var r32 = a27 & 0; var r33 = a35 ^ a10; var r34 = a38 - 1; var r35 = r25 * a39; var r36 = a6 / r22; r11 = 7 % a25; var r37 = a38 * 6; var r38 = r25 / a28; var r39 = a45 & a22; var r40 = r16 * 8; var r41 = 4 % a30; a50 = 2 ^ r23; var r42 = 0 * a1; r38 = r22 % 8; var r43 = 9 - r6; var r44 = 9 ^ a10; var r45 = a29 / 7; a15 = a55 / 8; var r46 = a1 / a31; var r47 = a38 * r20; print(a2); var r48 = 3 % 6; a27 = 1 ^ 0; var r49 = a22 | 8; var r50 = 3 | r6; var r51 = r40 * 4; var r52 = 8 + 8; a42 = r23 + r33; var r53 = a54 % 9; var r54 = a1 & a46; a50 = a35 % a62; var r55 = r39 & a1; return a2; })); } catch(e0) { } try { i1.send(m1); } catch(e1) { } Array.prototype.pop.apply(a0, [a0]); } };})() });");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(110); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=221; tryItOut("this.zzz.zzz;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(120); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=222; tryItOut("/*RXUB*/var r = new RegExp(\"\\\\1\", \"gym\"); var s = \"\"; print(uneval(r.exec(s))); print(r.lastIndex); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(173); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=223; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; print(x);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(183); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=224; tryItOut("");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(190); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=225; tryItOut("\"use asm\"; mathy2 = (function(x, y) { return ( + (( + (( + ( + (Math.sign(y) | 0))) | 0)) + ( + (((Math.max(Math.fround((x < (y ^ y))), (y * (Math.fround(((y >>> 0) > Math.fround(x))) >>> 0))) >>> 0) <= (Math.max((Math.atan2(x, Math.hypot(x, 42)) >>> 0), Math.min(( + ( ~ y)), 0x080000001)) >>> 0)) >>> 0)))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy2, [0, [0], (new Boolean(false)), '\\0', (new String('')), '/0/', true, NaN, '', (new Boolean(true)), 0.1, ({valueOf:function(){return 0;}}), undefined, /0/, '0', -0, null, [], objectEmulatingUndefined(), false, ({toString:function(){return '0';}}), (new Number(0)), (new Number(-0)), (function(){return 0;}), ({valueOf:function(){return '0';}}), 1]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(444); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=226; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; s0 += s2;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(456); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=227; tryItOut("mathy1 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; \"use asm\"; return Math.fround((Math.fround(Math.ceil((mathy0(((y >>> 0) ? ((x !== y) | 0) : 1/0), Math.fround(Math.asinh(y))) >>> 0))) - Math.fround((Math.sign((Math.pow(((y / ( + Math.atanh(x))) >>> 0), Math.imul(( ! mathy0(x, Math.fround(x))), (((Math.cos(( + y)) | 0) * (((x & (y >>> 0)) >>> 0) | 0)) | 0))) | 0)) | 0)))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy1, [0/0, 0, 0x100000001, -0, 0x0ffffffff, -1/0, -0x100000000, 1/0, -0x080000001, Math.PI, 0x100000000, 0x080000000, -0x0ffffffff, -0x07fffffff, 0x07fffffff, 0x100000001, 42, -Number.MIN_VALUE, Number.MIN_VALUE, -Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x080000000, 1, 0x080000001]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(96); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=228; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; for (var p in g2) { /*RXUB*/var r = r2; var s = s1; print(r.test(s)); }");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(256); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=229; tryItOut("mathy2 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; return ( + (( + ( + Math.imul(Math.atanh(Math.tanh(((Math.pow(-0x100000000, Math.fround(y)) >>> 0) | 0))), ( + Math.fround(Math.atan2(Math.fround(y), Math.sign((x ** -Number.MIN_VALUE)))))))) - ( + mathy1(( + (( + (mathy1((( - ( + Math.asinh(( - Number.MIN_VALUE)))) | 0), (-0x080000001 | 0)) | 0)) ** (( + (( + Math.hypot((x ** 42), (( ~ (x | 0)) | 0))) === Math.fround((((x >>> 0) ? (Math.max((Math.pow((y | 0), x) | 0), (Math.imul(( + y), (y | 0)) | 0)) >>> 0) : (y >>> 0)) >>> 0)))) | 0))), ((Math.atanh(( ~ x)) << ( ~ Math.acos(( + Math.round(( + y)))))) >>> 0))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy2, /*MARR*/[undefined, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, undefined, function(){}, undefined, function(){}, function(){}, undefined, function(){}, function(){}, undefined, undefined, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, undefined, function(){}, undefined, function(){}, undefined, undefined, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, undefined, undefined, undefined, function(){}, function(){}, undefined, function(){}, undefined, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, undefined, undefined, function(){}, undefined, function(){}, undefined, undefined, function(){}, function(){}, undefined, function(){}, undefined, undefined, function(){}, function(){}, undefined, undefined, function(){}, function(){}, undefined, undefined, undefined, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, undefined, function(){}, function(){}, undefined, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, undefined, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, undefined, undefined, undefined, function(){}, undefined, undefined, function(){}, undefined, function(){}, function(){}, undefined, undefined, function(){}, undefined, undefined, undefined, function(){}, undefined, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, undefined, undefined, function(){}, undefined, undefined, function(){}, undefined, function(){}, function(){}, undefined, function(){}, function(){}, undefined, function(){}, function(){}, undefined, undefined, undefined, function(){}, undefined, function(){}, function(){}, undefined, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, undefined, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, undefined, function(){}, function(){}, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, function(){}, function(){}, undefined, undefined, function(){}, undefined, function(){}, undefined, function(){}, function(){}]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(337); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=230; tryItOut("print(x);var y = -11;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(377); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=231; tryItOut("/*infloop*/for((/*MARR*/[new String('q'), true, arguments, a, this, this, new String('q'), true, new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), a, arguments, this, a, this, arguments, this, new String('q'), a, a, new String('q'), a, this, this, a, a, arguments, arguments, new String('q'), a, a, true, arguments, a, true, new String('q')].some(new RegExp(\"[^\\\\s\\\\\\u001d\\\\S\\\\v-\\\\u00CA]+?\", \"\")))(new XPCNativeWrapper(window)) in ( '' )) return;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(58); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=232; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy4 = (function(x, y) { return ( + (( + ( ! x)) == Math.fround(( - ((x ^ mathy1(0, (y >>> 0))) ? (( ! mathy1(0x100000001, ( ! 0))) >>> 0) : x))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy4, [1, 0x080000001, Number.MIN_VALUE, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x100000000, 0x0ffffffff, 0x100000001, -1/0, -0x0ffffffff, Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x080000000, 0/0, -0, 1/0, 0x080000000, Math.PI, 0x100000001, 42, 0x07fffffff, -Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x07fffffff, 0, -0x080000001, -0x100000000]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(231); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=233; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy5 = (function(x, y) { return ( + ( + (( + mathy0(Math.fround((y == (Math.hypot(x, x) | 0))), -0x0ffffffff)) & ( + Math.tanh((Math.atan2(y, Math.min(Math.fround(Math.cos(( ~ x))), ( ~ y))) | 0)))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy5, /*MARR*/[undefined, undefined, x, x, objectEmulatingUndefined(), new Number(1), new Number(1), objectEmulatingUndefined(), undefined, undefined, x, x, x, objectEmulatingUndefined(), new Number(1), x, new Number(1), x, objectEmulatingUndefined(), x, undefined, objectEmulatingUndefined(), new Number(1), new Number(1), x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, new Number(1), x, x, new Number(1), objectEmulatingUndefined(), new Number(1), undefined, x, objectEmulatingUndefined(), undefined, new Number(1), new Number(1), objectEmulatingUndefined(), new Number(1), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), new Number(1), x, new Number(1), undefined, new Number(1), new Number(1), objectEmulatingUndefined(), undefined, x, new Number(1), new Number(1), new Number(1), new Number(1), new Number(1), undefined, new Number(1), undefined, undefined, x, objectEmulatingUndefined(), undefined, new Number(1), new Number(1), x, objectEmulatingUndefined(), undefined, x, objectEmulatingUndefined(), undefined, x, objectEmulatingUndefined(), x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, new Number(1), new Number(1), x, x, new Number(1), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), undefined, x, x, objectEmulatingUndefined(), new Number(1), x, objectEmulatingUndefined(), undefined, new Number(1), undefined, new Number(1), objectEmulatingUndefined(), undefined, objectEmulatingUndefined(), new Number(1), undefined, objectEmulatingUndefined(), new Number(1), x, objectEmulatingUndefined(), undefined, x, new Number(1), undefined, x, undefined, new Number(1), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), x, x, objectEmulatingUndefined(), undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, new Number(1), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), undefined, undefined, x, objectEmulatingUndefined(), x, undefined, undefined, x, new Number(1), x, undefined, undefined, objectEmulatingUndefined(), new Number(1), undefined, objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), undefined, new Number(1), new Number(1), objectEmulatingUndefined(), undefined, undefined, new Number(1), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), x, undefined]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(97); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=234; tryItOut("e1.delete(this.h2);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(110); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=235; tryItOut(";");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(116); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=236; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; M:if((x % 3 == 1)) {( '' );t1.set(t2, ({valueOf: function() { for (var v of e0) { v2 = evaluate(\"function f2(i1) { yield new RegExp(\\\"(?:^|\\\\\\\\b)|(?=\\\\\\\\W[^])|(.)\\\\\\\\u0016\\\\\\\\1|(?=(?:[^])[^]|(?!\\\\\\\\v{0,}))|(?!^)\\\", \\\"yim\\\") } \", ({ global: g1, fileName: 'evaluate.js', lineNumber: 42, newContext: true, isRunOnce: (x % 3 != 0), noScriptRval: false, catchTermination: true, saveFrameChain: false, element: o0, elementProperty: o1.s0, sourceMapURL: o0.s1, sourcePolicy: 'NO_SOURCE' })); }return 3; }})); } else if (Math.atan2(/(?!(?:[^]+?))|[\\u0073-\\u00CD\\u0031\\f\\s](?=\\cV)(?=\\s)((?![^])\\D?)/y, 20)) {null; }");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(152); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=237; tryItOut("for (var v of o2) { o0.g1.o0.v2 = r0.multiline; }h0.__proto__ = h1;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(202); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=238; tryItOut("mathy5 = (function(x, y) { return Math.fround(Math.log(mathy4((( ! Math.min(y, Math.fround(( - y)))) >>> 0), ( + (Math.fround(((Math.hypot((y < y), x) | 0) , (y | 0))) ^ Math.round(y)))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy5, [0x080000000, -0x07fffffff, 0, 0x080000001, 0x0ffffffff, 0/0, -0x080000001, -0x080000000, -Number.MIN_VALUE, Number.MIN_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x0ffffffff, Math.PI, 42, 0x100000001, -0x100000000, 0x100000000, 0x07fffffff, 1, -1/0, 0x100000001, 1/0, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -0]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(385); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=239; tryItOut("mathy5 = (function(x, y) { return (( + (( ~ y) ? Math.fround(((((Math.sin((y >>> 0)) >>> 0) >>> 0) << (Math.tan((mathy3(y, ((( ~ ( + x)) >>> 0) >>> 0)) >>> 0)) >>> 0)) >>> 0)) : 0x080000001)) ? Math.log2(( + ( ! (-Number.MAX_VALUE | 0)))) : Math.sinh(mathy2((((( + (x >>> 0)) >>> 0) , Math.fround(((( + x) + (-Number.MIN_VALUE >>> 0)) >>> 0))) >>> 0), ((Math.fround(Math.sinh((y >>> 0))) - Math.fround((((Math.ceil(Math.fround((Math.hypot((y >>> 0), (y >>> 0)) >>> 0))) >>> 0) || (y >>> 0)) >>> 0))) >>> 0)))); }); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(70); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=240; tryItOut("/*ODP-1*/Object.defineProperty(t1, \"toSource\", ({get: Date.prototype.getSeconds, configurable: false}));");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(94); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=241; tryItOut("i0 = Proxy.create(h1, g0);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(110); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=242; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; /*bLoop*/for (let yczlqi = 0; yczlqi < 15; ++yczlqi) { if (yczlqi % 5 == 2) { Object.defineProperty(o0, \"v2\", { configurable: (x % 6 == 4), enumerable: (x % 12 != 0), get: function() { return o2.t1.length; } }); } else { (/(?=(?=(?:$)*)|(?![^][^]{2,}))/gyi); } } ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(10); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=243; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; a1.toString = (function mcc_() { var pzcuny = 0; return function() { ++pzcuny; this.f0(/*ICCD*/pzcuny % 4 == 1);};})();");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(34); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=244; tryItOut("mathy1 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; return mathy0(Math.expm1(Math.tanh(Math.exp((( + (1/0 >>> 0)) >>> 0)))), (Math.asinh((Math.asinh(mathy0(Math.pow(x, (Math.tanh(1/0) | 0)), 1)) >>> 0)) >>> 0)); }); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(165); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=245; tryItOut("mathy0 = (function(x, y) { return (( + ( ! ( + (y | 0)))) || Math.fround(Math.fround(Math.hypot(Math.fround((Math.min(( + (((Number.MAX_VALUE | 0) === (y | 0)) | 0)), ( + ( + ((Math.cbrt(y) >>> 0) >= (( ! (Math.asin(( + x)) >>> 0)) | 0))))) >>> 0)), Math.fround(Math.fround(Math.pow(Math.fround(( - Math.fround(y))), Math.fround(y)))))))); }); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(339); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=246; tryItOut("let x = Object.defineProperty(e, \"toLowerCase\", ({configurable: (x % 5 == 4)})), jucorz, qoajnj, a, b, kgiizm, e = \"\\u1160\", c = undefined;var jyoojr = new ArrayBuffer(4); var jyoojr_0 = new Int16Array(jyoojr); jyoojr_0[0] = -0; var jyoojr_1 = new Uint32Array(jyoojr); ( /x/g );s0 += 'x';");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(544); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=247; tryItOut("/*iii*//* no regression tests found *//*hhh*/function mvgmpl(a, x, ...c){p1 + this.s0;\nfor (var v of h1) { try { s0 += 'x'; } catch(e0) { } try { s1 += s0; } catch(e1) { } f1(i1); }\n}");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(44); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=248; tryItOut("/*MXX2*/o1.g1.Date.prototype.getMinutes = h2;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(60); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=249; tryItOut("mathy4 = (function(x, y) { return ( + (mathy0(( + y), ( ! ( + ( - Math.hypot((y | 0), y))))) / Math.fround(( + Math.ceil(( + ( - ( + mathy2((Math.tan((Math.min(x, x) | 0)) >>> 0), (1/0 | x)))))))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy4, [Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x100000000, -0x0ffffffff, 42, -0x07fffffff, 0, 0x100000000, 0x100000001, Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x100000001, 0x0ffffffff, Math.PI, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x080000001, 0/0, -1/0, 0x07fffffff, 1, -0x080000000, 0x080000001, -0, 1/0, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x080000000]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(258); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=250; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; print(window(3.throw(/(3)[^]{2,5}(?!(\\0)+?)*/yi)) = \"\\u4C01\");");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(28); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=251; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; /*RXUB*/var r = new RegExp(\"(?:\\\\1(\\\\B(?:^)[\\\\n-\\uc8dc\\\\W\\\\w]|(?=6)\\\\d*?(?![^]){1,})+)\", \"y\"); var s = \"\\u31af\"; print(uneval(r.exec(s))); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(69); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=252; tryItOut("mathy1 = (function(x, y) { return (( ~ (Math.hypot(( + Math.pow(( + Math.tan(x)), Math.fround(Math.fround(Math.imul(Math.fround(-0x07fffffff), (Math.pow(y, y) | 0)))))), ( ~ (false | 0))) >>> 0)) >>> 0); }); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(185); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=253; tryItOut("for (var p in v0) { o1.f1(i0); }");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(205); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=254; tryItOut("/*vLoop*/for (hkvxud = 0; hkvxud < 47; ++hkvxud) { let y = hkvxud; s1 =, s2); } ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(247); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=255; tryItOut("/*oLoop*/for (let yjozlf = 0; yjozlf < 39; x, ++yjozlf) { m2.set(p2, null ? (( '' *= new RegExp(\"[^]\", \"gy\")) >>> [[[]]]) : (void options('strict_mode'))); } ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(412); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=256; tryItOut("mathy2 = (function(x, y) { return Math.exp(( - ((((x | 0) ? ((x ? (Math.log10((x | 0)) | 0) : Math.min(y, y)) | 0) : ((x === (( + Math.tanh(( + x))) >>> 0)) | 0)) | 0) ^ (( + ( + Math.cbrt(Math.fround(0/0)))) ** ( + ( ~ x)))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy2, [0x080000001, 0x07fffffff, 0x0ffffffff, -0x07fffffff, -0x080000000, 0x080000000, Number.MIN_VALUE, -0, 1, -0x080000001, Math.PI, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -1/0, 0x100000001, Number.MAX_VALUE, 42, 0x100000000, 0x100000001, -Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x0ffffffff, -0x100000000, 0/0, 1/0, 0]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(615); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=257; tryItOut("mathy0 = (function(stdlib, foreign, heap){ \"use asm\"; var abs = stdlib.Math.abs;\n var imul = stdlib.Math.imul;\n var ff = foreign.ff;\n var Int16ArrayView = new stdlib.Int16Array(heap);\n var Float32ArrayView = new stdlib.Float32Array(heap);\n var Uint32ArrayView = new stdlib.Uint32Array(heap);\n function f(i0, d1)\n {\n i0 = i0|0;\n d1 = +d1;\n i0 = (i0);\n i0 = (i0);\n {\n d1 = (-1125899906842625.0);\n }\n return (((i0)))|0;\n i0 = ((((0xe0bf64a9)) >> (((abs(((((((0x4502dbf1)) << ((0x257c10a7))))) >> (x **= x)))|0) == (((0x5f7101e8) % (0x76a9d24c)) >> ((0xffffffff)-(0xffffffff)-(0x8cd3d3c3)))))) >= (imul((i0), ((((0xfb5b0c17))>>>((Int16ArrayView[((0x374eb0d9)-(0xffc6a0d3)) >> 1])))))|0));\n i0 = (false);\n i0 = (0x337119a9);\n d1 = (d1);\n return (((i0)*0x54b88))|0;\n {\n return ((((((0x9dbae297)+(i0)+((+(((0xffffffff)) ^ ((0x252cf2ef)))) >= ((-262145.0) + (-536870913.0)))) | ((0xb796031e)+(i0)+((((0xae8223e2))>>>((0x93c3ba51))) != (0xcd82534d)))) > (((i0)) ^ ((0xffffffff))))))|0;\n }\n (Float32ArrayView[(((0x271fb9d) == (((Int16ArrayView[0]))>>>((Uint32ArrayView[4096]))))+(0xd6b6aa93)) >> 2]) = (((!(0xffffffff))));\n switch ((abs((((i0)) & ((i0))))|0)) {\n case 1:\n d1 = (-33554431.0);\n case -3:\n i0 = (0xc9f3c6b0);\n break;\n }\n d1 = (((-2251799813685249.0)) / ((d1)));\n return ((((imul((i0), (0xfb59756b))|0))))|0;\n }\n return f; })(this, {ff: arguments.callee.caller}, new ArrayBuffer(4096)); testMathyFunction(mathy0, [Math.PI, -0x100000000, Number.MAX_VALUE, 1/0, 1, 0x0ffffffff, 0x100000001, 0x100000001, 0/0, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x100000000, 0x07fffffff, -0x080000001, 0, 0x080000001, 0x080000000, -0x0ffffffff, -1/0, -0x080000000, -0x07fffffff, Number.MIN_VALUE, -0, 42]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(66); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=258; tryItOut("g1.valueOf = (function(j) { if (j) { try { s0 = s2.charAt(v0); } catch(e0) { } s1 = a1.join(s2); } else {; } });function x(c = /*FARR*/[...[], , \"\u03a0\", [1], ...[]].some, b = ( /x/g .__defineSetter__(\"x\", /x/ )), x = this, x = x, w, x, z, window, x, get) { \"use strict\"; Array.prototype.pop.apply(a0, [m1]); } s2 += s2;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(347); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=259; tryItOut(";\nlet (w = -19, e, ijlwik, b, z = let (b = x) window, NaN, \u3056 = (let (z, x, window, lfrepi, x, x, adbpuo, vepibm, x) window), x = new XPCNativeWrapper(x = \"\\u497E\")) { e2.has(o0); }\n");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(10); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=260; tryItOut("/*RXUB*/var r = r0; var s = \"\"; print(r.exec(s)); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(195); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=261; tryItOut("mathy3 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; return Math.asinh((Math.expm1(( + Math.exp(mathy1(x, y)))) >>> 0)); }); testMathyFunction(mathy3, [1, 0/0, 0x100000001, 0, 1/0, 0x07fffffff, 0x080000001, Number.MIN_VALUE, -1/0, -0, 0x100000000, 0x080000000, 42, Math.PI, -0x080000001, -Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x07fffffff, -Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x100000000, -0x080000000, -0x0ffffffff, 0x0ffffffff, 0x100000001]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(283); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=262; tryItOut("g1.v1 = g2.a2.length;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(302); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=263; tryItOut("/*oLoop*/for (ttbtkr = 0; ttbtkr < 71; ++ttbtkr) { /*ADP-1*/Object.defineProperty(this.a1, 15, ({get: ({a2:z2})})); } ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(345); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=264; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy1 = (function(x, y) { return Math.atan2(Math.atan2((mathy0((Math.abs((( ! x) | 0)) | 0), ((Math.fround(( - Math.fround(y))) % Math.imul(Math.fround((Math.fround(( + x)) % ( + y))), ((Math.max(( + -0x080000000), x) >>> 0) | 0))) | 0)) | 0), Math.ceil(Math.fround(Math.imul((( + x) | 0), 1/0)))), Math.sinh((Math.abs((mathy0(Math.hypot((Math.asinh((0x0ffffffff | 0)) | 0), y), Math.asin(0x100000001)) >>> 0)) >>> 0))); }); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(2); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=265; tryItOut("\"use strict\";, (function(j) { if (j) { try {; } catch(e0) { } Array.prototype.sort.apply(o0.a1, []); } else { try { neuter(b0, \"same-data\"); } catch(e0) { } v2 =, h0); } }), s2);\n/\\2|(\\B|($)|$\\s)/yim;\n");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(521); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=266; tryItOut("p1 + '';");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(530); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=267; tryItOut("new XPCNativeWrapper( '' ? new RegExp(\"\\\\b([\\\\d3-\\\\u0080\\\\S\\u9783-\\uff8b][\\u4932-\\\\u00A1\\\\x0b-h]{1,})?(?!\\\\1)|\\\\2\", \"\") : length);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(320); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=268; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; e2.add(p2);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(346); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=269; tryItOut("const this.v0 = evaluate(\"((function fibonacci(qtmxtq) { ; if (qtmxtq <= 1) { ; return 1; } ; return fibonacci(qtmxtq - 1) + fibonacci(qtmxtq - 2); })(7))\", ({ global: g1.g0.g1, fileName: 'evaluate.js', lineNumber: 42, newContext: (x % 2 != 1), isRunOnce: /*FARR*/[((void options('strict'))), , , .../*MARR*/[x, false, false, false, x, x, false, false, false, false, false, false, x, x, x, false, 1.2e3, x, 1.2e3, x, x, false, false, false, false, false, 1.2e3, 1.2e3, false, false, false, 1.2e3, false, 1.2e3, x, x, x, false, false], (Object.defineProperty(window, \"findIndex\", ({set: \"\\uDF11\", configurable: '' , enumerable: \"\\uCECE\"}))), /x/ , (arguments && -28), .../*FARR*/[], , (4277), x, .../*MARR*/[x, \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , x, \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , true, x, true, x, x, \"use strict\" , true, x, x, x]].sort(q => q), noScriptRval: (x % 3 != 1), catchTermination: true, saveFrameChain: false }));");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(141); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=270; tryItOut("var eval = (this.x <= 28.toString());/* no regression tests found */");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(243); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=271; tryItOut("i0.send(h0);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(255); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=272; tryItOut("/*ODP-2*/Object.defineProperty(g0.o1, \"0\", { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get: (function(j) { if (j) { try { e2.has(a1); } catch(e0) { } try { v1 = null; } catch(e1) { } p0.valueOf = (function(j) { if (j) { (void schedulegc(g1)); } else { e2.has((Math.atan(window))); } }); } else { try { p2 + o0; } catch(e0) { } this.m0.has(s1); } }), set: (function() { for (var j=0;j<1;++j) { f1(j%4==1); } }) });M:with({e: window})this.h2.enumerate = Date.prototype.toLocaleTimeString.bind(p0);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(417); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=273; tryItOut("\"use asm\"; e0 = new Set;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(427); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=274; tryItOut("\"use strict\";;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(436); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=275; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy3 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; return ( + ( - (Math.sqrt(y) == Math.fround(mathy1(Math.fround(x), Math.fround(( + Math.hypot(( + Math.fround((Math.fround(Math.fround(mathy0(Math.fround(y), Math.fround((( ! (y | 0)) | 0))))) ? Math.fround(( - x)) : Math.fround(y)))), ( ~ ( ! x)))))))))); }); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(590); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=276; tryItOut("mathy2 = (function(x, y) { return Math.log1p(Math.hypot(( + Math.tanh(mathy1((Math.fround((x >>> 0)) >>> 0), Math.fround(Math.fround((0x080000001 && ( + ( ! ( + y))))))))), ( + ( ! ( + Math.abs(( + Math.fround(((( + (x && Math.fround(Math.max(( + y), x)))) >>> 0) === x))))))))); }); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(140); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=277; tryItOut("this.m0.get(v0);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(153); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=278; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy5 = (function(x, y) { return Math.round(( + (Math.asinh((( - Math.fround(Math.fround(Math.fround(y)))) | 0)) | 0))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy5, [-0x080000000, Number.MAX_VALUE, 42, Number.MIN_VALUE, Math.PI, -0x0ffffffff, -1/0, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x100000001, -0x080000001, -0x07fffffff, -0, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 1, 0x080000001, 0x07fffffff, -0x100000000, 0x100000001, 0x0ffffffff, 0, 0x100000000, 0x080000000, 0/0, 1/0]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(237); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=279; tryItOut("/*ODP-3*/Object.defineProperty(g2, function(){}, { configurable: x, enumerable: true, writable: true, value: m1 });");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(274); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=280; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy1 = (function(x, y) { return Math.abs(Math.pow((mathy0((Math.sqrt(((y ** ((((y >>> 0) ? (y | 0) : (-0x080000001 >>> 0)) >>> 0) >>> 0)) >>> 0)) >>> 0), mathy0(x, (Math.max(-0x080000000, (y >>> 0)) | 0))) | 0), Math.asin((x >>> 0)))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy1, [Number.MIN_VALUE, -1/0, -0x0ffffffff, 1, 1/0, -0x07fffffff, 0x100000001, -0, Math.PI, -0x080000000, 42, 0x0ffffffff, -0x100000000, 0x100000000, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0/0, 0x07fffffff, 0x080000001, 0, -Number.MIN_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x080000000, -0x080000001, 0x100000001]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(447); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=281; tryItOut("mathy4 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; return Math.fround(Math.trunc((( + Math.round((Math.fround(Math.expm1(Math.fround((Math.log1p(x) | 0)))) | 0))) === Math.pow(x, ( ! ( + (Math.atanh(x) % 0x07fffffff))))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy4, [0x080000000, 0x100000001, 1/0, 0x100000001, -0x07fffffff, 0x0ffffffff, Number.MIN_VALUE, Math.PI, 0x07fffffff, -0x100000000, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x0ffffffff, 0x100000000, -Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x080000001, 0/0, 0x080000001, 0, 42, -1/0, 1, Number.MAX_VALUE, -0, -0x080000000]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(601); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=282; tryItOut("var cqzieb = new ArrayBuffer(2); var cqzieb_0 = new Uint16Array(cqzieb); print(cqzieb_0[0]); var cqzieb_1 = new Uint8ClampedArray(cqzieb); cqzieb_1[0] = 2; g0.a0 = arguments;print(b0);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(26); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=283; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; let(sypblf, x, qmzoph, x, sbkbzg, z, x, x) ((function(){{}})());");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(102); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=284; tryItOut("mathy0 = (function(x, y) { \"use asm\"; return (Math.log((Math.fround(Math.hypot(Math.imul(Math.pow(Math.fround(Math.cos((Math.atan(x) >>> 0))), (y >> Math.atan2(y, -0x0ffffffff))), ( + ( + (( + y) % ( + y))))), Math.fround(Math.atan2(( + Math.acosh((Math.sqrt((x >>> 0)) >>> 0))), ( + ((((((Math.trunc(((((-Number.MIN_VALUE >>> 0) >> Math.fround(x)) >>> 0) | 0)) | 0) % (Math.log1p(y) | 0)) | 0) >>> 0) ? ( + y) : (Math.sinh(-0x07fffffff) >>> 0)) >>> 0)))))) >>> 0)) >>> 0); }); testMathyFunction(mathy0, [Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x100000001, 0x080000000, -0x080000000, 0x080000001, 0, 0x0ffffffff, 1/0, -0, 1, 0x100000000, -0x0ffffffff, 0x100000001, -0x100000000, Number.MAX_VALUE, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x07fffffff, Math.PI, -1/0, -0x080000001, 42, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x07fffffff, 0/0]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(375); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=285; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; this.f2(i2);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(387); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=286; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; /*oLoop*/for (let bahnza = 0, vzgnjl; bahnza < 105; ++bahnza) { /*tLoop*/for (let w of /*MARR*/[Infinity, (-1/0), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), /x/ , (-1/0), function(){}, objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), Infinity, Infinity, /x/ , function(){}, Infinity, function(){}, (-1/0), Infinity, Infinity, objectEmulatingUndefined(), function(){}, function(){}, (-1/0), Infinity, function(){}, (-1/0), /x/ , objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), (-1/0), function(){}, /x/ , /x/ , function(){}, /x/ , /x/ , /x/ , /x/ , objectEmulatingUndefined(), /x/ , (-1/0), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), /x/ , (-1/0), (-1/0), /x/ , objectEmulatingUndefined(), (-1/0), Infinity, (-1/0), objectEmulatingUndefined(), (-1/0), /x/ , Infinity, Infinity, objectEmulatingUndefined(), (-1/0), Infinity, (-1/0), (-1/0), function(){}, Infinity]) { o1.g2.toSource = (function(j) { if (j) { try { t0 + s1; } catch(e0) { } o1.g2.v0 = this.t2.length; } else { try { this.f2 = Proxy.createFunction(h1, this.f2, g0.f0); } catch(e0) { } try {, this.p0); } catch(e1) { } m1.set(o1.g1, -22); } }); } } ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(41); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=287; tryItOut("v1 = (a2 instanceof v2);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(56); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=288; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy1 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; return Math.max(( ! Math.pow((Math.imul(y, Math.ceil(x)) >>> 0), Math.fround(Math.fround((Math.atan2(((( ! 1/0) > y) >>> 0), ((x > (x === -0)) >>> 0)) >>> 0))))), (Math.pow((( ! ((yield this.__defineSetter__(\"x\", \"\\uBA63\")))) | 0), (((( + Math.exp((( + Math.log2(( + y))) >>> 0))) === ((Math.fround(Math.imul((Math.round((y | 0)) >>> 0), ( + x))) ** y) >>> 0)) >>> 0) | 0)) | 0)); }); testMathyFunction(mathy1, [-Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x080000000, -0x07fffffff, 1/0, Math.PI, 1, 0x100000001, Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x080000001, -1/0, 0x100000001, 0x100000000, Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x0ffffffff, 0x07fffffff, 42, 0/0, -0, 0x0ffffffff, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0, 0x080000001, -0x100000000, 0x080000000]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(415); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=289; tryItOut("testMathyFunction(mathy5, [-0x0ffffffff, 42, 1, -0x080000001, Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x080000000, 0, -Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x100000000, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x07fffffff, 0x080000001, 0/0, 0x100000001, Math.PI, 0x0ffffffff, -1/0, -0x080000000, 0x100000001, 1/0, 0x100000000, -0, -0x07fffffff]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(447); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=290; tryItOut("mathy5 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; return (Math.fround(Math.asinh(Math.fround(Math.max(( + Math.PI), Math.imul(y, x))))) && Math.fround((Math.atan2(( ! ( + (( + 0x080000000) + (y * y)))), Math.hypot(Math.fround(-0x080000000), Math.fround(Math.tanh(y)))) ? ( + ( + (( + (Math.atan2(-0x080000000, (x | 0)) | 0)) ? Math.fround(Math.hypot(x, (Math.pow(y, x) >>> 0))) : ( + mathy4(x, y))))) : (Math.trunc((( ~ Math.fround(mathy4(((Math.round(x) | 0) >>> 0), (( - ( + ( ! ( + x)))) >>> 0)))) | 0)) | 0)))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy5, /*MARR*/[function(){}, arguments.callee, function(){}, arguments.callee, function(){}, arguments.callee, objectEmulatingUndefined(), arguments.callee, objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined()]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(192); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=291; tryItOut("mathy3 = (function(x, y) { return ((Math.hypot((Math.expm1(Math.acosh(x)) >>> 0), ( - ((x + (Math.imul(x, x) >>> 0)) >>> 0))) >>> ( ! ( + (Math.fround(Math.pow(x, (x | 0))) - -Number.MIN_VALUE)))) + ( + Math.log10((( + Math.hypot(Math.fround(Math.asin(Math.fround(x))), Math.fround((Math.fround(( + x)) === (0/0 | 0))))) | 0)))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy3, [0x080000000, 42, 0x100000001, 0x0ffffffff, -0x0ffffffff, -Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x07fffffff, Number.MIN_VALUE, 1, 0x080000001, 0, -0x080000000, 1/0, 0x100000001, Number.MAX_VALUE, Math.PI, 0x07fffffff, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0/0, -0x100000000, -0, -0x080000001, -1/0, 0x100000000]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(462); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=292; tryItOut("mathy1 = (function(x, y) { return (((Math.min((Math.fround(Math.asin(((( - y) >>> 0) >= ( + (( + ( + (x >= -Number.MAX_VALUE))) && ( + Math.fround(mathy0((x | 0), Math.fround(-0x07fffffff))))))))) >>> 0), (((Math.abs((( ! (Math.fround(( - ((x >>> 0) << 0x080000001))) | 0)) | 0)) >= ( + (( ! ( ~ ( + ( + Math.acosh(( + y)))))) >>> 0))) >>> 0) >>> 0)) >>> 0) | ( + (( + Math.trunc(( + (Math.sign((x >>> 0)) >>> 0)))) & ( + Math.log10(((Math.exp(( + ( + Math.imul(Math.fround((( ~ y) | 0)), ( + y))))) || (Math.atan2(((0x100000001 >>> 0) < y), x) >>> 0)) >>> 0)))))) | 0); }); testMathyFunction(mathy1, [objectEmulatingUndefined(), -0, ({valueOf:function(){return 0;}}), [0], undefined, '/0/', (new Number(0)), (function(){return 0;}), '', '0', 0, ({toString:function(){return '0';}}), ({valueOf:function(){return '0';}}), /0/, false, null, (new Boolean(true)), NaN, true, (new String('')), [], '\\0', 0.1, 1, (new Boolean(false)), (new Number(-0))]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(244); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=293; tryItOut("while(( /x/g ) && 0){v0 = evalcx(\"v1 = evaluate(\\\"undefined\\\", ({ global: g0, fileName: 'evaluate.js', lineNumber: 42, newContext: false, isRunOnce: (x % 29 == 25), noScriptRval: (x % 10 == 0), catchTermination: false, saveFrameChain: false, elementProperty: s1, sourceMapURL: s2 }));\", g2);print(x); }");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(348); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=294; tryItOut("mathy2 = (function(x, y) { return Math.atan2((( ~ (((Math.atan2((Math.sinh((x ? 0x080000000 : y)) >>> 0), (Math.atan2((0x0ffffffff | 0), (x >>> 0)) >>> 0)) >>> 0) - ((( ! (Math.max(Math.fround(x), Math.fround(x)) <= ( ! 0x07fffffff))) >>> 0) | 0)) | 0)) | 0), mathy1((Math.imul((Math.imul(Math.PI, (x ? y : (((0x080000000 | 0) <= (x | 0)) | 0))) >>> 0), Math.sinh(Math.atanh(y))) >>> 0), ((Math.imul(x, y) | 0) === Math.imul((Math.abs((0x080000001 >>> 0)) | 0), (y ^ x))))); }); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(76); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=295; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy5 = (function(x, y) { return (mathy2((((( + Math.fround((( ! ( + Math.imul(( + x), ( + x)))) + mathy4((y >>> 0), 0x07fffffff)))) >= ( + ((Math.expm1((-0x080000001 | 0)) | 0) - ( + Math.hypot(( + -0x080000000), ( + Math.sinh(Math.PI))))))) >>> 0) <= ( + ( + Math.sin(Math.asin(Math.fround((((y | 0) ? x : (Math.min((x | 0), x) | 0)) | 0))))))), mathy0(Math.fround(( ! (((Math.pow((x | 0), (-Number.MAX_VALUE | 0)) | 0) + x) | 0))), ( + ( + (0x0ffffffff & Math.atan2(Math.fround((y < Math.fround(x))), Math.min(y, x))))))) | 0); }); testMathyFunction(mathy5, [-0x0ffffffff, 0x080000000, -Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x080000000, -0, 1, -0x080000001, Math.PI, 0x100000001, 0x100000000, 42, 0x080000001, -0x100000000, 1/0, Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x07fffffff, -0x07fffffff, 0, 0/0, 0x100000001, -Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x0ffffffff, -1/0]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(464); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=296; tryItOut("mathy4 = (function(x, y) { return mathy0(( + Math.fround(Math.pow((Math.sinh(Math.atanh((y >>> 0))) >>> 0), (Math.hypot((((Math.hypot(x, (y | 0)) | 0) | 0) >>> Math.min(Math.min(y, Math.max(Math.fround(y), Math.fround(x))), Math.imul(x, x))), x) | 0)))), Math.hypot(Math.atan2((( - y) == ( ! x)), ((( - (x & x)) >>> 0) != x)), ( + mathy2(( + ( + mathy0(Math.fround(x), Math.fround(Math.cos(mathy0(x, x)))))), ( + y))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy4, /*MARR*/[(-1/0), /x/g , \"\" , /x/g , /x/g , (-1/0), /x/g , \"\" , \"\" , (-1/0), /x/g , /x/g , /x/g , /x/g , /x/g , /x/g , /x/g , /x/g , /x/g , /x/g , /x/g , /x/g , /x/g , /x/g , /x/g , /x/g , /x/g , /x/g , /x/g , /x/g , /x/g , \"\" , (-1/0), /x/g , (-1/0), \"\" , (-1/0), (-1/0), \"\" , /x/g , /x/g , /x/g , /x/g ]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(248); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=297; tryItOut("yagqvp;h2.getOwnPropertyNames = f0;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(289); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=298; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; a2 = this.r0.exec(s1);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(305); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=299; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; a1.valueOf = (arguments.callee.caller.caller).call;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(326); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=300; tryItOut("M:if(x = Proxy.create((function handlerFactory() {return {getOwnPropertyDescriptor: function(){}, getPropertyDescriptor: function(){}, defineProperty: function() { throw 3; }, getOwnPropertyNames: function() { return []; }, delete: function() { return true; }, fix: mathy0, has: function() { throw 3; }, hasOwn: function() { return false; }, get: function() { return undefined }, set: function(receiver, name, val) { x[name] = val; return true; }, iterate: function() { return (function() { for (var name in x) { yield name; } })(); }, enumerate: function() { var result = []; for (var name in x) { result.push(name); }; return result; }, keys: function() { return []; }, }; })(\"\\u704B\"), ({/*toXFun*/valueOf: (function() { for (var j=0;j<6;++j) { f2(j%2==1); } }) })\u000c)) { if ((eval).call(x, x)) let (kztsay, c = return e) { /*hhh*/function ptmedt({}){ /x/g ;}ptmedt((new RegExp(\"([^\\\\S\\\\D])|\\\\D.(\\\\1)+|\\u9fbd\", \"im\") >= true)); }} else {m1.toString = (function mcc_() { var psngcf = 0; return function() { ++psngcf; if (/*ICCD*/psngcf % 7 == 3) { dumpln('hit!'); Object.defineProperty(this, \"g0.v1\", { configurable: /x/ , enumerable: Math.pow( /x/g , x), get: function() { return false; } }); } else { dumpln('miss!'); try { m1.delete(s1); } catch(e0) { } try { v1 = g2.eval(\"v2.valueOf = (function() { for (var j=0;j<19;++j) { f0(j%3==0); } });\"); } catch(e1) { } (void schedulegc(g1)); } };})();r0 = /^/gm; }");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(515); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=301; tryItOut("testMathyFunction(mathy5, [0, -0x100000000, 0x0ffffffff, 1, 0x100000000, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x100000001, 1/0, Math.PI, -0x080000001, Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x080000000, -0x07fffffff, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x080000001, -0x0ffffffff, Number.MAX_VALUE, 0/0, -0x080000000, -0, 0x07fffffff, 42, -1/0, 0x100000001]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(547); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=302; tryItOut("mathy5 = (function(x, y) { return Math.hypot(Math.fround(Math.pow(Math.max((( ! y) | 0), Math.pow(Math.hypot(x, y), ( + mathy2(( + y), ( + (mathy2(((mathy2((y | 0), (0x080000001 | 0)) | 0) | 0), (y | 0)) | 0)))))), Math.fround(mathy2(Math.fround(((Math.PI | Math.fround((Math.fround(y) >> Math.fround(0x100000001)))) ? ( + Math.min((x >>> 0), ( + y))) : (( ~ y) >>> 0))), Math.fround(x))))), Math.fround(Math.atanh((((Math.min(x, ((( + Math.fround(y)) >>> 0) ? Math.cbrt(y) : x)) >>> 0) + (y >>> 0)) >>> 0)))); }); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(247); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=303; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; /* no regression tests found */function x(x, e, this.e = a >>> z, x = (window.unwatch(\"replace\")), \u3056, eval, x, x, d, x, w = \"\\u5137\", eval, x, NaN, NaN = -22, c, e = 22, d, x = /(?:\\s|(?:\\b?))|[\\W\\d\\S\\D]^|((?!\\w))|(?=[\\x63-\u0bbc-\\w\\\u2bc2-\\u00dC]).{2}|\\W/yi, window, c, eval, eval, x, x = 15, window, b, x, x = \"\" , x = 15, NaN, eval = this, let, window = function ([y]) { }, x, eval, b, eval, w, eval = window, x, a, y, w, x = /x/g , x, x, y, x, c, b, c, NaN, this.x, x) { return null } /*MXX2*/o0.o2.o1.o1.g1.WeakMap.prototype.get = b1;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(186); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=304; tryItOut("v2 + g2;v1 = t1[16];function window(z, NaN)\"use asm\"; function f(d0, d1)\n {\n d0 = +d0;\n d1 = +d1;\n var i2 = 0;\n {\n switch ((((i2)) >> ((0x24c63a12) / (-0x678dfd)))) {\n case -3:\n i2 = ((function ([y]) { })());\n break;\n case 0:\n d1 = (d1);\n break;\n case -1:\n d1 = (d0);\n break;\n case -1:\n d0 = (68719476736.0);\n break;\n }\n }\n d1 = (d0);\n i2 = (-0x8000000);\n d0 = (((-1.00390625)) / ((d1)));\n return (((i2)+(0xf6f85f12)))|0;\n }\n return f;window;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(489); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=305; tryItOut("/*vLoop*/for (pmgvch = 0; pmgvch < 85; ++pmgvch) { z = pmgvch; t2 + ''; } ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(521); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=306; tryItOut("testMathyFunction(mathy4, [-0x07fffffff, 1, -0x080000001, -1/0, 0x07fffffff, -0x0ffffffff, 0x080000001, 42, 0, 0x100000000, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x100000001, -Number.MAX_VALUE, Math.PI, 0/0, Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x100000001, Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x100000000, 0x080000000, 0x0ffffffff, 1/0, -0, -0x080000000]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(553); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=307; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; v1 = a0.reduce, reduceRight((function(stdlib, foreign, heap){ \"use asm\"; var abs = stdlib.Math.abs;\n var imul = stdlib.Math.imul;\n var Infinity = stdlib.Infinity;\n var Float32ArrayView = new stdlib.Float32Array(heap);\n function f(d0, i1)\n {\n d0 = +d0;\n i1 = i1|0;\n {\n d0 = (-140737488355329.0);\n }\n switch (((((abs((0x630ac9f0))|0))) | (((0xffffffff) ? (0x548b4f0c) : (0xfd44b476))))) {\n case -1:\n (Float32ArrayView[(w) >> 2]) = ((d0));\n break;\n case -2:\n d0 = (d0);\n break;\n case -3:\n i1 = (((((((0xfd6876fc) ? (0xc44b2494) : (0xffffffff))-((0x0) <= (0x3d3e3544))) | ((imul((0x250ebfa1), (0x58e1811e))|0) % (((0xfdb87ff6))|0))) / (x == w))>>>((0x324d0e82)-(i1))));\n break;\n case 0:\n d0 = (Infinity);\n break;\n }\n return ((0x66bbb*(i1)))|0;\n }\n return f; }));function \u3056(w = delete x.x, x) { print((4277)); } a1.reverse(a2);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(347); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=308; tryItOut("/*RXUB*/var r = /((?:(?=.|.*?))*)(?!(?=\\1))|[^]/y; var s = \"\"; print(r.test(s)); function e(NaN = Object.defineProperty(z, this, ({enumerable: false})))\"use asm\"; function f(d0, d1)\n {\n d0 = +d0;\n d1 = +d1;\n var i2 = 0;\n d1 = (d0);\n return (((1)))|0;\n }\n return f;print(uneval(v0));");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(192); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=309; tryItOut("print(x);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(202); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=310; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; v1 = (t0 instanceof a2);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(217); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=311; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; /*RXUB*/var r = new RegExp(\"[\\\\W\\\\W]?\", \"i\"); var s = \"\\uc696\"; print(uneval(s.match(r))); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(317); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=312; tryItOut("mathy4 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; return Math.fround((( + (( + (Math.log10((0x080000000 >>> 0)) >>> 0)) >= ( + Math.hypot(( + (( ~ y) >>> 0)), Math.fround(( ! ( + ( ~ ( + y))))))))) - Math.acos(Math.log10(((((Math.cosh(x) | 0) | 0) + (x | 0)) | 0))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy4, [1, 42, 0/0, -0x0ffffffff, 0x100000000, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x080000001, -0x07fffffff, -0x080000000, Math.PI, -1/0, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x0ffffffff, -0, -0x100000000, 0x080000001, 0, 0x07fffffff, 0x080000000, 1/0, Number.MIN_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x100000001, 0x100000001]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(506); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=313; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; /*vLoop*/for (let nxpncs = 0; nxpncs < 32; ++nxpncs) { const d = nxpncs; print(/*UUV1*/(x.sin = (OSRExit).bind())); } ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(578); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=314; tryItOut("\"use asm\"; with({c: x})a1.pop(v0);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(9); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=315; tryItOut("/*vLoop*/for (yajvya = 0; yajvya < 78; ++yajvya) { var b = yajvya; print(b); } ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(45); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=316; tryItOut("mathy4 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; return (((Math.trunc((Math.fround(( ~ Math.fround(Math.hypot((( ! (y >>> 0)) >>> 0), ( + Math.log10(y)))))) | 0)) | 0) >>> 0) === (Math.log10(((y >= mathy1((x !== x), 0)) + (((0/0 | 0) == (( + ((x | 0) == ( ~ x))) | 0)) | 0))) | 0)); }); testMathyFunction(mathy4, [-0x07fffffff, 0x100000000, 42, -1/0, -0x080000001, 0x0ffffffff, 0x080000001, 0x07fffffff, -Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MIN_VALUE, 0/0, -0x080000000, -0x0ffffffff, 1, 1/0, 0x080000000, Number.MAX_VALUE, Math.PI, -0, 0x100000001, 0, 0x100000001, -Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x100000000]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(277); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=317; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; arguments.callee.caller.caller.caller.caller.caller.caller.caller.arguments = window;d.stack;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(322); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=318; tryItOut("mathy1 = (function(x, y) { return ( ~ (Math.acos(Math.fround((mathy0((Math.hypot(Math.atan2(( + ( + (( + y) , ( + Math.pow(0x080000001, x))))), Math.fround(x)), (((x | 0) || -0x07fffffff) | 0)) | 0), (( + Math.atan2(( + x), ( + Math.fround(( - Math.fround(y)))))) >>> 0)) >>> 0))) | 0)); }); testMathyFunction(mathy1, [-0x0ffffffff, 0x100000001, 1, -0x080000000, 0x080000001, -0x07fffffff, 1/0, Math.PI, 0x0ffffffff, 0x100000000, -1/0, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 42, Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x080000000, 0, 0x07fffffff, 0x100000001, -0x080000001, -Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x100000000, -0, 0/0]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(503); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=319; tryItOut("s2 += s0;/*RXUB*/var r = r2; var s = s1; print(s.replace(r, c, \"gm\")); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(31); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=320; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy5 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; return ( + (( + (( - (( + mathy1(( + ( - (y | 0))), ( + ( - Math.fround(Math.atan2((-Number.MAX_VALUE >>> 0), y)))))) >>> 0)) >>> 0)) > ( + Math.pow((Math.log2(Math.fround(mathy3(( ! Math.fround((Math.fround(-0) / x))), ( - x)))) ? (( + (-Number.MIN_VALUE | 0)) | 0) : y), Math.fround((((x , y) >>> 0) || Math.fround(y))))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy5, ['\\0', objectEmulatingUndefined(), ({valueOf:function(){return '0';}}), undefined, (new Number(-0)), [], 0.1, (new Number(0)), /0/, 1, (new String('')), (new Boolean(true)), ({valueOf:function(){return 0;}}), '0', (new Boolean(false)), NaN, (function(){return 0;}), -0, null, 0, true, [0], ({toString:function(){return '0';}}), false, '', '/0/']); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(291); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=321; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; b = linkedList(b, 1350);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(305); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=322; tryItOut("print( \"\" );");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(318); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=323; tryItOut("mathy5 = (function(stdlib, foreign, heap){ \"use asm\"; var abs = stdlib.Math.abs;\n var pow = stdlib.Math.pow;\n var NaN = stdlib.NaN;\n var imul = stdlib.Math.imul;\n var ff = foreign.ff;\n var Int8ArrayView = new stdlib.Int8Array(heap);\n var Float32ArrayView = new stdlib.Float32Array(heap);\n var Int32ArrayView = new stdlib.Int32Array(heap);\n var Float64ArrayView = new stdlib.Float64Array(heap);\n var Uint16ArrayView = new stdlib.Uint16Array(heap);\n var Int16ArrayView = new stdlib.Int16Array(heap);\n function f(d0, d1)\n {\n d0 = +d0;\n d1 = +d1;\n var i2 = 0;\n var i3 = 0;\n var d4 = -2.3611832414348226e+21;\n i2 = ((129.0) < (d1));\n d4 = (d4);\n i3 = (0xe0db760a);\n d4 = (-8796093022207.0);\n (Int8ArrayView[((i2)-((~~(+(1.0/0.0))) <= (abs((((0x7df2d48f)) | ((0x7d780bc4))))|0))) >> 0]) = ((0xa15c5a1c) % (0xffffffff));\n d4 = ((9.671406556917033e+24) + (-18446744073709552000.0));\n {\n d1 = ((+(0xbd1a78f3)) + (((4277).\u3056 = allocationMarker())));\n }\n switch ((0x5d45394f)) {\n case 0:\n; break;\n default:\n d4 = (+pow(((d1)), ((Float32ArrayView[((i3)) >> 2]))));\n }\n return (((0x9fb5b184)))|0;\n {\n d0 = (1.5474250491067253e+26);\n }\n (Int32ArrayView[0]) = ((0xfd7f975a)-((((d0))) ? (0xdf27ffc4) : ((0x2ce3f157))));\n d4 = (d1);\n d4 = (d0);\n d1 = (-1.5111572745182865e+23);\n d4 = (-((0.0625)));\n i2 = (0x54bc094f);\n {\n; }\n (Float64ArrayView[(0x5541*(!(0x5e937a0f))) >> 3]) = ((137438953473.0));\n i3 = ((((0xff766960))>>>(((-20)>>>(((((0x3c9ca020)) >> ((0xe688c21f))))-(0x7eb4cef8))) / ((((0xa50850ab) == (((0xf861c288))>>>((0xffffffff)))))>>>((((0xffffffff))>>>((0x841c0a2))) % (0x6f355352))))));\n (Uint16ArrayView[4096]) = (((((i3) ? (((d0)) / ((+/*FFI*/ff(((17179869185.0)))))) : ((new ({x: this})(x))))) << (((+/*FFI*/ff(((NaN)), ((~((0x143dd4ec)-(0x81e042ce)))), ((5.0)), ((1.125)), ((-73786976294838210000.0)), ((-65537.0)))) > (-((+(0x38e38e4f))))))) / ( /x/ <<= new RegExp(\"\\\\3+?|(?!(?=^)+|\\uc5ed\\\\D|\\\\d)|(?=\\\\b)(?=\\\\B|[^])(?:\\\\uD446){4,6}{2,}\", \"yim\")));\n i2 = (0x16be6e4c);\n /*FFI*/ff(((imul(((i3) ? (!(/*FFI*/ff(((-147573952589676410000.0)), ((17179869185.0)), ((-2147483649.0)), ((-15.0)), ((70368744177665.0)))|0)) : (0x9e66503b)), ((~~((1.888946593147858e+22) + (-137438953473.0))) <= ((-0x73b66*(0xac0f5f4d)) >> ((0xfeaf282a)-(0x5d177067)))))|0)), ((~((0xc9e77919)))));\n i2 = (-0x8000000);\n (Int8ArrayView[((0xfad5bc35)-(0xffffffff)) >> 0]) = (/*UUV2*/(z.toString = z.forEach));\n (Int16ArrayView[4096]) = ((0xf9f83d8b));\n d0 = (+(0.0/0.0));\n switch ((~((((-0x8000000)) ^ ((0x145ebd16))) % (((0xfa7b72a5)) >> ((-0x8000000)))))) {\n default:\n return (((-0x8000000)))|0;\n }\n i2 = (i2);\n return (((0xb5ceadf2)-(0xe7f1b524)))|0;\n }\n return f; })(this, {ff: \n(yield)}, new ArrayBuffer(4096)); testMathyFunction(mathy5, ['/0/', 0.1, undefined, false, ({toString:function(){return '0';}}), '0', (function(){return 0;}), (new String('')), ({valueOf:function(){return '0';}}), (new Number(0)), -0, ({valueOf:function(){return 0;}}), null, [], '\\0', objectEmulatingUndefined(), '', /0/, (new Boolean(false)), true, 1, 0, (new Number(-0)), [0], NaN, (new Boolean(true))]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(9); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=324; tryItOut("testMathyFunction(mathy2, [Math.PI, 0/0, 0x0ffffffff, Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x07fffffff, 0x100000000, -0x100000000, Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x100000001, 0x080000000, -0x080000001, -1/0, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x080000000, 42, -0, -0x0ffffffff, 0, 0x080000001, 0x07fffffff, 1, 1/0, 0x100000001, -Number.MIN_VALUE]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(41); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=325; tryItOut("var qbamrs = new ArrayBuffer(8); var qbamrs_0 = new Float64Array(qbamrs); print(qbamrs_0[0]); qbamrs_0[0] = 1; var qbamrs_1 = new Float32Array(qbamrs); g2.a0 =, Int8Array);print([z1,,]);print(\"\\u3FBD\");e0.add(g2.m2);e0.__proto__ = g0;v2 = (i2 instanceof m1);this.i1 = a2.keys;print(qbamrs_1[0]); /x/g ;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(184); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=326; tryItOut("s2 += g2.s1;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(199); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=327; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; t1[9];");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(210); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=328; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; o2.s0 += 'x';");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(222); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=329; tryItOut("v1 = null;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(233); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=330; tryItOut("/*bLoop*/for (ntucyp = 0, igyzxs; ntucyp < 113 && (\"\\u6720\"); ++ntucyp) { if (ntucyp % 47 == 46) { \"\\uEBBD\"; } else { ( /x/ \u000c.yoyo( \"\" )); } } ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(354); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=331; tryItOut("mathy5 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; \"use asm\"; return (Math.imul(Math.fround((Math.fround(( + Math.log(( + -0x080000001)))) || Math.fround(( + Math.atan2(( + x), ( + Math.exp(Math.fround((Math.fround((mathy3((x | 0), (-0x100000000 | 0)) | 0)) && Math.fround((Math.fround(y) + Math.fround(x)))))))))))), (Math.fround(Math.sign(Math.fround(( + (( + ((Math.fround((( ~ x) >>> 0)) ? {} : Math.atanh(x)) | 0)) ** ( + y)))))) | 0)) | 0); }); testMathyFunction(mathy5, /*MARR*/[0, (timeout(1800)) ** (4277), 0, (timeout(1800)) ** (4277), 0, 0, 0, (timeout(1800)) ** (4277), 0, 0, 0, (timeout(1800)) ** (4277), (timeout(1800)) ** (4277), (timeout(1800)) ** (4277), 0, (timeout(1800)) ** (4277), (timeout(1800)) ** (4277), 0, 0, (timeout(1800)) ** (4277), (timeout(1800)) ** (4277), 0, (timeout(1800)) ** (4277), 0, 0, (timeout(1800)) ** (4277), 0, (timeout(1800)) ** (4277), (timeout(1800)) ** (4277), 0, 0, (timeout(1800)) ** (4277), (timeout(1800)) ** (4277), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (timeout(1800)) ** (4277), (timeout(1800)) ** (4277), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (timeout(1800)) ** (4277), (timeout(1800)) ** (4277), (timeout(1800)) ** (4277), 0, (timeout(1800)) ** (4277), (timeout(1800)) ** (4277), 0, 0, (timeout(1800)) ** (4277), (timeout(1800)) ** (4277), 0, (timeout(1800)) ** (4277), (timeout(1800)) ** (4277), 0, 0, 0, (timeout(1800)) ** (4277), 0, 0, 0, (timeout(1800)) ** (4277), 0, 0, 0, (timeout(1800)) ** (4277), (timeout(1800)) ** (4277), 0, 0, 0, 0, (timeout(1800)) ** (4277), 0, 0, 0, (timeout(1800)) ** (4277), (timeout(1800)) ** (4277), 0, 0, 0, (timeout(1800)) ** (4277), (timeout(1800)) ** (4277), 0, 0, (timeout(1800)) ** (4277), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (timeout(1800)) ** (4277), 0, (timeout(1800)) ** (4277), (timeout(1800)) ** (4277), (timeout(1800)) ** (4277), 0, 0, 0, 0, (timeout(1800)) ** (4277), 0, (timeout(1800)) ** (4277), 0, (timeout(1800)) ** (4277), 0, (timeout(1800)) ** (4277), 0, 0, (timeout(1800)) ** (4277), (timeout(1800)) ** (4277), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (timeout(1800)) ** (4277)]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(213); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=332; tryItOut("a1[({valueOf: function() { { void 0; try { gcparam('markStackLimit', 4294967295); } catch(e) { } } s1 = x;return 18; }})] = e1;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(244); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=333; tryItOut("/*hhh*/function axwmvj([, ]){v1 = (b2 instanceof e2);}axwmvj();");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(335); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=334; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; o1.g2.v1 = t1.byteOffset;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(354); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=335; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; L/*\n*/:if((x % 6 == 1)) {/*RXUB*/var r = r2; var s = s0; print(r.exec(s)); v0 =, f2); } else if ((void shapeOf(15))) for (var p in g0.f2) { try { e0.delete(g1); } catch(e0) { } try { m1.has(h1); } catch(e1) { } for (var p in t1) { try {, f0, o0); } catch(e0) { } try { h1.__iterator__ = (function(j) { if (j) { try {, /(?!\\d)+?|^(?:^\u357d)?|\\\ud218|\\3/gi, f1); } catch(e0) { } try { v1 = evaluate(\"null\", ({ global: g2, fileName: 'evaluate.js', lineNumber: 42, newContext: (x % 4 == 2), isRunOnce: (x % 4 != 3), noScriptRval: true, catchTermination: false, saveFrameChain: false })); } catch(e1) { } try { m0.get(i1); } catch(e2) { } t2.set(t0, 4); } else { try { f0.valueOf = f0; } catch(e0) { } /*RXUB*/var r = this.r1; var s = s2; print(r.test(s)); } }); } catch(e1) { } try { o2 = new Object; } catch(e2) { }, \"\\uDCEE\", this.a2, p1); } } else {/*MXX1*/o0 = g1.Set.prototype.keys;d => { yield /x/ } }x = (new function w (x) {, \"1\", /*wrap2*/(function(){ var nhujew = NaN; var teqsgj = XPCSafeJSObjectWrapper; return teqsgj;})()); } ())\n;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(246); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=336; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; /*infloop*/L:for(b = true(window, ({})); (NaN = /x/g ); Symbol( /x/ , /x/ )) {new Function }var bhxjvo = new ArrayBuffer(2); var bhxjvo_0 = new Float64Array(bhxjvo); print(bhxjvo_0[0]); print(bhxjvo);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(459); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=337; tryItOut("mathy2 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; return Math.max(Math.hypot(((( + y) + ( ! (-1/0 | 0))) | 0), (Math.fround(Math.pow(( + ( ! Math.fround(Math.atan(y)))), ( + Math.max((y >>> 0), (Math.abs(Math.sign(( + 0x080000001))) >>> 0))))) << Math.fround(Math.round(x)))), ( ! ( + mathy1(( + Number.MIN_VALUE), ( + ( + ( ! -0x07fffffff))))))); }); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(64); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=338; tryItOut("/*RXUB*/var r = r2; var s = s2; print(; ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(618); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=339; tryItOut("print(uneval(i0));");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(3); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=340; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; v0 = (h0 instanceof t1);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(18); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=341; tryItOut("mathy0 = (function(x, y) { return (Math.atan((( + (( - x) < Math.fround(Math.atan2(Math.fround(y), x)))) + ((x >= (y + ( - x))) <= y))) | Math.hypot((((y < (x >>> 0)) < (y % Math.fround(Math.pow((-Number.MIN_VALUE >>> 0), ((Math.imul(0x0ffffffff, y) >>> 0) >>> 0))))) | 0), (((z = Proxy.createFunction((function handlerFactory() {return {getOwnPropertyDescriptor: function() { throw 3; }, getPropertyDescriptor: function(name) { var desc = Object.getPropertyDescriptor(x); desc.configurable = true; return desc; }, defineProperty: function(name, desc) { Object.defineProperty(x, name, desc); }, getOwnPropertyNames: function() { return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(x); }, delete: function(name) { return delete x[name]; }, fix: function() { if (Object.isFrozen(x)) { return Object.getOwnProperties(x); } }, has: function(name) { return name in x; }, hasOwn: function(name) { return, name); }, get: function(receiver, name) { return x[name]; }, set: function(receiver, name, val) { x[name] = val; return true; }, iterate: function() { return (function() { for (var name in x) { yield name; } })(); }, enumerate: function() { var result = []; for (var name in x) { result.push(name); }; return result; }, keys: function() { return Object.keys(x); }, }; })( /x/ ), decodeURIComponent) >>> 0) ? ((( ~ (y | 0)) + Math.tan(( + y))) >>> 0) : (( ! x) >>> 0)) >>> 0))); }); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(359); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=342; tryItOut("\"use asm\"; /*bLoop*/for (var vybjpe = 0; ((Int8Array(/((?!\\B^|[^]{1}){2}|(?:(?!\\B))|(?![\\d\\S\\0-\\u00fF\\n-\\v])|\\u002e+?.|\\s{1,3}+)/yi))) && vybjpe < 100; ++vybjpe) { if (vybjpe % 8 == 3) { g2.m0 = new Map; } else { i0 = new Iterator(o1.i2); } } ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(513); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=343; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy1 = (function(x, y) { return (Math.log1p((Math.fround(Math.min(Math.fround(((Math.fround(Math.ceil(Math.fround(Math.fround((42 ? Math.fround(y) : 0x100000000))))) || -0) >>> 0)), Math.fround(Math.min((1/0 | 0), ((mathy0((y >>> mathy0(y, -0x07fffffff)), y) !== (Math.abs((y | 0)) | 0)) | 0))))) | 0)) | 0); }); testMathyFunction(mathy1, [Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x100000001, 0/0, 0x07fffffff, 1, 0x080000001, -0x100000000, -0x080000001, 0x080000000, 0x100000000, -0x0ffffffff, Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x080000000, 42, -1/0, 0, Math.PI, 0x0ffffffff, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x07fffffff, 0x100000001, -0, 1/0, -Number.MIN_VALUE]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(97); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=344; tryItOut("this.f0(p2);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(109); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=345; tryItOut("m1.set(i0, e2);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(126); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=346; tryItOut("a0.forEach((function() { try { v2 =, i0); } catch(e0) { } for (var p in t1) { try { this.v2 = evalcx(\"function f0(s2) { continue ; } \", g0); } catch(e0) { } try { o1.__proto__ = o1.o2.e0; } catch(e1) { } o0 + t2; } return g0; }));");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(229); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=347; tryItOut("/* no regression tests found */");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(238); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=348; tryItOut("testMathyFunction(mathy4, [-Number.MIN_VALUE, 0/0, -0x0ffffffff, 42, -0x080000000, -0x080000001, 0x100000000, 1/0, -0x07fffffff, 0x080000001, -1/0, 0x0ffffffff, 0x07fffffff, Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x100000001, 0, 0x080000000, Math.PI, 1, 0x100000001, -0, -Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x100000000]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(270); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=349; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; \"use asm\"; mathy3 = (function(x, y) { return ((Math.log10((( + (( + ( + ( ! -0x0ffffffff))) | 0)) | 0)) | 0) ? Math.exp(Math.fround(( ~ (-0x080000001 | 0)))) : ((( - Math.log2(Math.atan2(x, x))) | 0) ? (Math.fround(( ~ (( ! x) >>> 0))) | 0) : (Math.exp(mathy1(((x != y) != (Math.exp((y >>> 0)) >>> 0)), ( ! (Math.tan((y >>> 0)) >>> 0)))) | 0))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy3, [Number.MIN_VALUE, 0/0, 0x100000000, 0x0ffffffff, -0x07fffffff, Math.PI, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x080000001, 0x100000001, 0x07fffffff, 0x080000000, Number.MAX_VALUE, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x100000001, -0, 0, -1/0, -0x0ffffffff, -0x100000000, 42, 1/0, -0x080000000, 1, -0x080000001]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(561); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=350; tryItOut("L: for (var v of h2) { v0 = a2.length; }");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(596); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=351; tryItOut("mathy0 = (function(x, y) { return Math.hypot((Math.min((-0x0ffffffff & x), x) && Math.sinh(Math.hypot(y, (( ! x) | 0)))), ( + Math.cosh(Math.fround(Math.min(((y + (Math.cosh((Math.fround(x) <= x)) | 0)) | 0), (Math.min(Math.fround(x), Math.fround(y)) | 0)))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy0, [Math.PI, 0/0, 0x080000000, 0x080000001, 0x100000001, -Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x0ffffffff, 0x100000000, 0x100000001, -0x07fffffff, -0x080000000, -0x080000001, 1/0, 0x07fffffff, 0, 0x0ffffffff, -1/0, -0x100000000, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 1, -0, 42]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(191); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=352; tryItOut("mathy1 = (function(x, y) { return ( + (( + (Math.fround(mathy0(((Math.acos((y | 0)) | (( ~ x) >>> 0)) >>> 0), (y >>> (( + ( - ( + Number.MIN_VALUE))) | 0)))) <= ((Math.round(( + mathy0(( ~ 0x080000000), Math.fround(x)))) | 0) | 0))) - ( + ( + Math.tanh(( + (((Math.ceil(Number.MIN_VALUE) | 0) / ((mathy0((( + Math.PI) >>> 0), x) >>> 0) | 0)) | 0))))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy1, [0x100000001, Math.PI, -0x080000001, -0x080000000, -1/0, 0x07fffffff, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x0ffffffff, 1/0, 0x080000000, 0x100000000, 0x080000001, -0, -0x100000000, 1, -0x0ffffffff, -Number.MIN_VALUE, Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x100000001, Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x07fffffff, 0, 0/0, 42]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(443); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=353; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy4 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; return Math.hypot(Math.fround(Math.pow((mathy0((Math.expm1((Math.tan(y) | 0)) | 0), y) >>> 0), mathy0((Math.hypot(((mathy0(Math.fround(y), ( - x)) | 0) ? x : (( + x) | 0)), (( + (-1/0 || (y | 0))) * (Math.fround(x) - x))) >>> 0), ( + Math.sin(Math.fround((Math.hypot(0/0, (Math.exp(( ! y)) | 0)) | 0))))))), ( + (Math.hypot((Math.max(y, (Math.fround(( ~ Math.fround(y))) | 0)) | 0), Math.fround(Math.tan((x > y)))) | 0))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy4, [42, 0/0, 0, 0x080000000, -0x0ffffffff, -0, -0x07fffffff, Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x100000001, 1/0, 1, 0x100000000, -Number.MIN_VALUE, Number.MIN_VALUE, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x080000001, -0x080000000, -1/0, -0x100000000, 0x0ffffffff, Math.PI, -0x080000001, 0x07fffffff, 0x100000001]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(184); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=354; tryItOut("mathy1 = (function(x, y) { return ( + Math.hypot(( + ((((Math.atanh(((((0/0 | 0) >>> (Math.tan(Math.atan(x)) | 0)) | 0) >>> 0)) >>> 0) >>> 0) ** (Math.abs(mathy0(y, (( + y) >>> 0))) | 0)) | 0)), ( + ( + mathy0(( + Math.hypot(x, mathy0(((Math.fround(x) * Math.fround(Math.hypot(y, ( ! Math.fround(x))))) | 0), (y | 0)))), (((((mathy0(x, (x >>> 0)) + (Math.log10((y >>> 0)) >>> 0)) >>> 0) >>> 0) ? (mathy0(42, x) | 0) : ((Math.atan2((-Number.MAX_VALUE | 0), x) | 0) | 0)) | 0)))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy1, /*MARR*/[(-1/0), {}, (-1/0), (-1/0), (-1/0), {}, {}, {}, (-1/0), (-1/0), {}, {}, (-1/0), {}, {}, {}, (-1/0), (-1/0), (-1/0), (-1/0), {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, (-1/0), (-1/0), (-1/0), (-1/0), {}, (-1/0), {}, {}, (-1/0), (-1/0), {}, {}, (-1/0), (-1/0), (-1/0), (-1/0), (-1/0), (-1/0), (-1/0), (-1/0), (-1/0), (-1/0), (-1/0), (-1/0), (-1/0), (-1/0), (-1/0), (-1/0), (-1/0), (-1/0), {}, (-1/0)]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(580); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=355; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; let(c) { try { return; } catch(z if (function(){throw y;})()) { try { return timeout(1800); } catch(z if (function(){w = b;})()) { return (void options('strict_mode')); } catch(c) { for(let y in []); } finally { let(c) { with({}) for(let z in []);} } } catch(a if (function(){throw window;})()) { this.zzz.zzz; } catch(window if z--) { for(let z in /*MARR*/[null, (0/0)]) for(let a of /*MARR*/[new Boolean(false), new Number(1), true, [(void 0)], true, true, new Boolean(false), [(void 0)], new Boolean(false), new Boolean(false), new Boolean(false), new Boolean(false), [(void 0)], [(void 0)], new Number(1), true, [(void 0)], [(void 0)], [(void 0)], new Number(1), new Boolean(false), new Boolean(false), new Boolean(false), true, new Boolean(false), true, [(void 0)], new Number(1), [(void 0)], new Number(1), new Number(1), [(void 0)], new Number(1), [(void 0)], new Number(1), [(void 0)], new Number(1), new Boolean(false), true, true, true, new Number(1), [(void 0)], new Number(1), [(void 0)], true, true, new Boolean(false), [(void 0)], new Boolean(false), new Boolean(false), [(void 0)], [(void 0)], new Boolean(false), [(void 0)], new Number(1), new Number(1), new Boolean(false), true, new Number(1), [(void 0)], new Number(1), new Boolean(false), true, new Boolean(false), new Boolean(false)]) (x) = \u3056; } catch(x if (4277) **= (intern(Math.atan2( '' , -15)))) { with({}) with({}) { for(let b in (((x)) = 'fafafa'.replace(/a/g, (function(y) { v1 = g1.eval(\"testMathyFunction(mathy4, [Math.PI, 0x0ffffffff, 0x080000000, -0x100000000, 1/0, -0x080000001, -Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x0ffffffff, 0x07fffffff, -1/0, 0, 1, 0/0, 0x100000001, Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x100000001, Number.MAX_VALUE, 42, 0x080000001, -0, 0x100000000, -0x080000000, -0x07fffffff, -Number.MAX_VALUE]); \"); }).call)) if ((d = \"\\u6A8C\"))) return this; } } catch\n(d) { d.lineNumber; } finally { let(gltpmm, b = true, c = (/*MARR*/[x].some(/[^][^]/yi ? [z1]\u0009 : 3.resolve, Math.atan2(7, true).watch(13, objectEmulatingUndefined)))) ((function(){for(let d of (/*UUV1*/(y.indexOf = objectEmulatingUndefined)) if ((4277))) with({}) { d.fileName; } })()); } }for(let e of /*FARR*/[]) return Object.defineProperty(window, \"fontsize\", ({}));");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(468); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=356; tryItOut("mathy2 = (function(x, y) { return ( + ( + Math.min((Math.hypot(((Math.fround((( + (y || y)) >>> 0)) >>> 0) | 0), (mathy0(y, Math.sin(y)) | 0)) | 0), (( + (Math.log10(Math.fround(0x080000000)) >>> 0)) >>> 0)))); }); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(609); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=357; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; (/\\2((?:\\2*?[^\\cK\u68d9-\u00db\\s\\S]*))/m ? x : \u0009\"\\u1764\" = (makeFinalizeObserver('tenured')));");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(283); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=358; tryItOut("h2.defineProperty = f1;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(296); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=359; tryItOut("\"use strict\";, Math.atan(Set.prototype));");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(330); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=360; tryItOut("/* no regression tests found */");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(339); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=361; tryItOut("a0.push(b1);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(356); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=362; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; Object.defineProperty(this, \"v0\", { configurable: false, enumerable: (w = Proxy.create(({/*TOODEEP*/})(new RegExp(\"[\\\\S]\", \"yim\")), eval).__defineGetter__(\"b\", \"\" )), get: function() { return evaluate(\"/* no regression tests found */\", ({ global: g1, fileName: null, lineNumber: 42, newContext: false, isRunOnce: (x % 3 == 1), noScriptRval: (x % 5 == 0), catchTermination: true, saveFrameChain: false, elementProperty: s2, sourceMapURL: s1, sourcePolicy: 'SAVE_SOURCE' })); } });/*infloop*/L:while(((yield x = Proxy.create((function handlerFactory() {return {getOwnPropertyDescriptor: decodeURI, getPropertyDescriptor: function(name) { var desc = Object.getPropertyDescriptor(x); desc.configurable = true; return desc; }, defineProperty: function(){}, getOwnPropertyNames: function() { return []; }, delete: function() { return true; }, fix: function() { return []; }, has: function(name) { return name in x; }, hasOwn: function() { return false; }, get: function() { return undefined }, set: function() { return true; }, iterate: function() { throw 3; }, enumerate: function() { return []; }, keys: function() { return []; }, }; })(/(?:\\3)+?/gi), /*MARR*/[ /x/g , (0/0), null, /x/g , null, Infinity, Infinity, /x/g , null, Infinity, (0/0), /x/g , null, (0/0), null, null, /x/g , /x/g , /x/g , Infinity, Infinity, (0/0), Infinity, (0/0), Infinity, Infinity, null, Infinity, null, (0/0), (0/0), null, Infinity, (0/0), Infinity, (0/0), Infinity, (0/0), (0/0), Infinity, Infinity, null, (0/0), (0/0), /x/g , (0/0), null, null, (0/0), Infinity, null, Infinity, (0/0), Infinity, /x/g , (0/0), (0/0), Infinity, /x/g , /x/g , /x/g , null, (0/0), /x/g , Infinity, /x/g , Infinity, /x/g , /x/g , /x/g , /x/g , Infinity, (0/0), /x/g , Infinity, null].filter(decodeURIComponent)))))x;\nt2 + '';\n");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(278); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=363; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; const w = (let (c = this) [,]);const w = (4277);print(uneval(s0));");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(375); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=364; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; o0.g1.a0[({valueOf: function() { /*tLoop*/for (let z of /*MARR*/[Infinity, Infinity, Infinity, Infinity, Infinity, Infinity, Infinity, Infinity, Infinity, Infinity, Infinity, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, Infinity, Infinity, function(){}, function(){}, -3/0, [1], -3/0, Infinity, function(){}, function(){}, [1], function(){}, [1], function(){}, -3/0, function(){}, function(){}, [1], Infinity, -3/0, Infinity, [1], function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, [1], function(){}, -3/0, [1], Infinity, [1], function(){}, function(){}, Infinity, Infinity, Infinity, Infinity, Infinity, Infinity, Infinity, Infinity, Infinity, [1], [1], function(){}, -3/0, Infinity, Infinity, function(){}, Infinity, [1], -3/0, Infinity, [1], [1], -3/0, Infinity, Infinity, function(){}, -3/0, -3/0, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, Infinity, function(){}, -3/0, function(){}, [1], [1], -3/0, [1], [1], -3/0]) { f2.toSource = (function(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14) { var r0 = 2 & a10; var r1 = a14 % a10; var r2 = a12 | a8; var r3 = a8 % 3; var r4 = r1 / a11; var r5 = a0 & 2; var r6 = 7 * z; var r7 = 5 ^ r1; var r8 = a5 | a8; var r9 = 1 ^ a8; var r10 = r2 / a10; var r11 = r8 ^ a1; var r12 = a3 & r1; var r13 = 9 * r7; var r14 = 6 + a9; var r15 = r6 % r6; var r16 = r5 & 7; var r17 = a7 | 1; a9 = 1 - a4; a5 = r2 ^ r14; var r18 = 1 * x; r13 = a11 - 8; var r19 = 0 ^ r16; var r20 = a10 + r0; var r21 = 4 * r18; var r22 = a9 % r13; var r23 = a2 - 0; var r24 = r16 & r15; r15 = a5 | r13; r22 = 2 + r5; var r25 = r24 | 8; a0 = r1 | 9; var r26 = 0 - a0; r10 = 6 % r14; var r27 = r20 * r23; var r28 = 7 - r20; var r29 = 1 % 6; var r30 = r7 ^ r15; r17 = r4 / 2; return x; }); }return 0; }})] = a = (y) = x;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(305); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=365; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; s0 += 'x';");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(314); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=366; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; /* no regression tests found */");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(323); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=367; tryItOut("Object.defineProperty(this, \"o2.v1\", { configurable: (x % 24 != 16), enumerable: false, get: function() { return evalcx(\"/*MXX3*/g1.Object.defineProperties = g2.Object.defineProperties;\", this.g0); } });");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(360); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=368; tryItOut("M:for(var c = x in Math.min(x, -0x07fffffff)) m1.set(o2.s2, h1);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(459); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=369; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; /*bLoop*/for (var ucwdxm = 0; ucwdxm < 17; ++ucwdxm) { if (ucwdxm % 2 == 0) { print(x); } else { f2(b0); } } ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(503); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=370; tryItOut("mathy4 = (function(stdlib, foreign, heap){ \"use asm\"; var abs = stdlib.Math.abs;\n var imul = stdlib.Math.imul;\n var acos = stdlib.Math.acos;\n var atan2 = stdlib.Math.atan2;\n var atan = stdlib.Math.atan;\n var ff = foreign.ff;\n var Int16ArrayView = new stdlib.Int16Array(heap);\n var Float32ArrayView = new stdlib.Float32Array(heap);\n function f(i0, i1)\n {\n i0 = i0|0;\n i1 = i1|0;\n i0 = (/*FFI*/ff(((0x36de041b)), ((((((0xdddb31e)+(0xe7b88c0b)+(0x3d344353))>>>(((0x7a35174f))-((0xd289a10) >= (0xcb8fa81e)))) % (0xf3cbb816)) << (((x)>>>((0x55fa9451) / (0x6334be6))) / ((((makeFinalizeObserver('nursery'))))>>>((/*FFI*/ff(((2.4178516392292583e+24)), ((73786976294838210000.0)), ((4.835703278458517e+24)), ((131073.0)), ((268435455.0)), ((1.0)), ((-4.722366482869645e+21)), ((2147483648.0)), ((-3.022314549036573e+23)), ((-2199023255553.0)), ((513.0)), ((33554433.0)), ((32.0)))|0)+(i1)))))), ((6.044629098073146e+23)), ((274877906945.0)), ((abs((((/*FFI*/ff(((268435457.0)), ((-32769.0)), ((-8796093022209.0)), ((-4398046511105.0)), ((72057594037927940.0)), ((16385.0)))|0)) ^ ((i0)+(i1))))|0)), ((abs((((0xfaf507e0)-(0xfa98238e)+(0xfde730b1)) | ((i0))))|0)), ((((0xff29c345)-(0xffffffff)) >> ((-0x8000000)-(0x7b786755)))))|0);\n switch ((((0x52be5c66) / (0x40d88d6b))|0)) {\n }\n {\n i0 = (i0);\n }\n return (((0x11f58c8a)))|0;\n {\n i1 = (i1);\n }\n (Int16ArrayView[((i1)-((((0xffc1bdb8)*-0xc1829)>>>((i0))))+((0x0) >= (((makeFinalizeObserver('tenured')))))) >> 1]) = (((0x6906fcae) >= (new RegExp(\"\\\\3${4,}\", \"gim\")))+(i0));\n return (((imul(((~~(+(((-0x8000000))>>>((0x1757fcd4))))) != (((0xfe608a06)-(0xb235ac1f)+(0xffffffff)) | ((0x317ea44d) % (0x63acf90)))), ((4294967296.0) < (+acos(((+(x)))))))|0) % (((0xffffffff) % (0xdcdf2ae9)) << (((+atan2((((+atan(((7.555786372591432e+22)))))), ((Float32ArrayView[4096])))) >= (-274877906945.0))+((imul(((0xd5134665) < (0x35e723ec)), (i1))|0) <= (~(((0x2d53c355))-((-0x8000000)))))))))|0;\n }\n return f; })(this, {ff: intern(x)}, new ArrayBuffer(4096)); testMathyFunction(mathy4, [Number.MAX_VALUE, Math.PI, 42, 0/0, 0, -0x07fffffff, 0x100000000, -Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x080000001, Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x100000001, 0x0ffffffff, -0, -1/0, 0x07fffffff, 1/0, 0x080000000, 0x100000001, -0x0ffffffff, -0x080000000, -0x100000000, 1, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x080000001]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(315); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=371; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; f1(o1);function x(x, x) { \"use strict\"; yield window } a1.sort((function(j) { g2.f2(j); }));");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(415); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=372; tryItOut("mathy2 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; return Math.fround(( ! (( + mathy0((( + (( + ((Math.atan2(y, -0x080000000) | 0) | x)) >> 0x0ffffffff)) >>> 0), (Math.log1p((x >>> 0)) >>> 0))) | Math.fround((( - ((Math.cosh((( + (( ! x) >>> 0)) >>> 0)) >>> 0) | 0)) | 0))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy2, [(new Number(-0)), [], -0, NaN, true, ({valueOf:function(){return '0';}}), null, 1, '/0/', [0], objectEmulatingUndefined(), ({valueOf:function(){return 0;}}), (new Boolean(true)), 0.1, '0', 0, '\\0', false, (new Boolean(false)), ({toString:function(){return '0';}}), undefined, /0/, (new Number(0)), (function(){return 0;}), (new String('')), '']); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(610); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=373; tryItOut("(void schedulegc(g0));");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(619); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=374; tryItOut("b2 = t0.buffer;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(8); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=375; tryItOut("i2 = a1.values;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(22); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=376; tryItOut("m2 + o2.i0;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(37); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=377; tryItOut("/* no regression tests found */");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(46); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=378; tryItOut("/*MXX2*/ = v0;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(59); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=379; tryItOut("/*vLoop*/for (var hmkymp = 0, y = (arguments[\"caller\"]%=((/(?!(.|\u11b8))/gym)\u0009(window) = undefined)); hmkymp < 5; ++hmkymp) { var b = hmkymp; var alsgnx = new ArrayBuffer(8); var alsgnx_0 = new Int16Array(alsgnx); print(alsgnx_0[0]); alsgnx_0[0] = 12; b1.valueOf = (function() { a2.pop(b1); return h2; }); } ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(339); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=380; tryItOut("{ void 0; abortgc(); }");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(350); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=381; tryItOut("/*RXUB*/var r = false; var s = \"\"; print(r.exec(s)); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(334); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=382; tryItOut("return \"\\u208C\";");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(363); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=383; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; testMathyFunction(mathy1, [-1/0, Math.PI, 0x080000000, 1, -Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x100000000, 0x080000001, -0x080000001, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x100000000, Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x100000001, 0, -0x07fffffff, -0x080000000, 0/0, 0x100000001, 0x07fffffff, -0, 42, 1/0, -0x0ffffffff, 0x0ffffffff]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(395); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=384; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; print(x);function 19(x, eval = function ()\"use asm\"; var NaN = stdlib.NaN;\n var Infinity = stdlib.Infinity;\n var Uint8ArrayView = new stdlib.Uint8Array(heap);\n var Uint32ArrayView = new stdlib.Uint32Array(heap);\n var Int8ArrayView = new stdlib.Int8Array(heap);\n var Float64ArrayView = new stdlib.Float64Array(heap);\n function f(i0, i1)\n {\n i0 = i0|0;\n i1 = i1|0;\n (Uint8ArrayView[((i1)-(!(0x575f84e5))) >> 0]) = ((i1));\n (Uint32ArrayView[((i1)) >> 2]) = ((0xe4f93fbe)+(!(length))+(i0));\n (Uint8ArrayView[1]) = (((2097153.0) >= (-1152921504606847000.0))-((0x2d741087) != (0x24eff7bd)));\n i0 = (i1);\n i1 = (i0);\n return +(((i0) ? (3.0) : (NaN)));\n i1 = ((0x7fffffff) >= (~~(288230376151711740.0)));\n {\n i0 = ((0x8c4917b3) < (0xa6467905));\n }\n i1 = (i0);\n i1 = ((Infinity) >= (+(0.0/0.0)));\n {\n {\n (Int8ArrayView[((i0)-(i0)+((-262145.0) < (8.0))) >> 0]) = ((i0)-(i0)-((1.0) > ((1.0) + (+(-1.0/0.0)))));\n }\n }\n {\n (Float64ArrayView[((i1)*-0xc224) >> 3]) = ((1.0));\n }\n i0 = ((i0) ? (i0) : (i1));\n return +((65.0));\n }\n return f;.prototype)\"use asm\"; var Uint16ArrayView = new stdlib.Uint16Array(heap);\n var Int16ArrayView = new stdlib.Int16Array(heap);\n function f(i0, d1)\n {\n i0 = i0|0;\n d1 = +d1;\n var i2 = 0;\n d1 = (-((-18014398509481984.0)));\n (Uint16ArrayView[4096]) = ((i2)+(i2)+(i0));\n (Int16ArrayView[1]) = (((0x50aa7cdc)));\n d1 = ((((d1) + (+(0xe61ba234)))) % ((d1)));\n {\n i2 = (i0);\n }\n i0 = ((((i0)+((i0) ? (i2) : (i2)))>>>((i2))) < (((0xffffffff)+(i2))>>>(-0xb752b*(!(i2)))));\n return (((i0)))|0;\n }\n return f;print(x);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(588); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=385; tryItOut("v0 =, t0);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(603); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=386; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; Array.prototype.sort.apply(a2, [m1]);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(47); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=387; tryItOut("/*RXUB*/var r = /(?!${2}\\B|(?=\\d)+?\\\ucb84*|\\0{0,1}?)|\\B*??/yim; var s = \"\"; print(r.exec(s)); print(r.lastIndex); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(41); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=388; tryItOut("mathy0 = (function(x, y) { return ( + (( + (Math.asin(((( - (( + (x | 0)) | 0)) ? 0 : (Number.MIN_VALUE || 0/0)) >>> 0)) >>> 0)) ? ((((-0x100000000 | 0) < (y | 0)) | 0) >>> ( + (( + (Math.max(Math.sign(x), ((Math.trunc((x | 0)) | 0) >>> 0)) >>> 0)) - ( + Math.atanh((Math.log(-Number.MIN_VALUE) >>> 0)))))) : ( + Math.cosh(Math.atan2(( + (( + Math.atan(y)) >> ( + x))), y))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy0, [Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x080000000, -0x07fffffff, Number.MIN_VALUE, -1/0, 1/0, 0/0, 0x100000001, -0x0ffffffff, 42, 0x07fffffff, -Number.MAX_VALUE, Math.PI, 0x0ffffffff, -0x100000000, 0x100000000, -0x080000000, -0, 0x100000001, 0, 1, -Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x080000001, 0x080000001]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(308); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=389; tryItOut("if((x % 2 == 0)) i1 = new Iterator(this.o0.b2);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(353); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=390; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; /*iii*/print(txostj);/*hhh*/function txostj(){a0.shift(o2.o2, f0);}");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(420); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=391; tryItOut("testMathyFunction(mathy3, [0x0ffffffff, -0x080000001, 0/0, 0, 0x080000001, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 42, 0x100000001, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x0ffffffff, -0, 0x100000000, -0x07fffffff, 1, Math.PI, 0x100000001, -0x080000000, 0x07fffffff, -0x100000000, Number.MAX_VALUE, 1/0, Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x080000000, -1/0]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(452); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=392; tryItOut("{{} }");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(485); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=393; tryItOut("print(uneval(i1));");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(494); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=394; tryItOut("v0 = null;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(505); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=395; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; for (var v of b2) { Array.prototype.reverse.apply(a2, []); }");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(522); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=396; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; function g1.f1(t1) \"use asm\"; var exp = stdlib.Math.exp;\n var NaN = stdlib.NaN;\n var Infinity = stdlib.Infinity;\n var Float32ArrayView = new stdlib.Float32Array(heap);\n var Float64ArrayView = new stdlib.Float64Array(heap);\n function f(d0, d1)\n {\n d0 = +d0;\n d1 = +d1;\n var d2 = -524288.0;\n var d3 = -17.0;\n d2 = (+exp(((d0))));\n {\n d0 = ((d1) + (d1));\n }\n (Float32ArrayView[((0x2e813361)-(((0xe626b06b) ? (73786976294838210000.0) : (-2.3611832414348226e+21)) < ((NaN) + (d2)))) >> 2]) = ((((d3)) / ((d3))));\n d1 = (d2);\n; (Float64ArrayView[0]) = ((d1));\n d2 = (Infinity);\n return ((((Math.log2(Object.defineProperty(e, \"d\", ({value: -9})))) ? (-0x5f6ed39) : (0x7114d626))-(1)))|0;\n }\n return f;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(210); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=397; tryItOut("mathy3 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; return ( + (Math.sqrt((Math.imul((Math.fround(( - Math.fround(Math.tan(0x0ffffffff)))) | 0), Math.cbrt(0x07fffffff)) | 0)) | 0)); }); testMathyFunction(mathy3, [1, 0, 42, Math.PI, -Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x080000000, 0x080000001, -0x07fffffff, -Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x0ffffffff, 0x100000001, -0x080000000, -1/0, 1/0, -0, -0x080000001, Number.MAX_VALUE, 0/0, 0x07fffffff, 0x0ffffffff, -0x100000000, 0x100000001, 0x100000000]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(321); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=398; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; this.a0.push(o2, t2, o2.t1);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(351); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=399; tryItOut("/*infloop*/do a2 = []; while(/*UUV2*/(\u3056.add = \u3056.values));");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(424); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=400; tryItOut("mathy5 = (function(x, y) { return (Math.exp(Math.fround(mathy1(Math.fround(( + Math.fround(x))), 0))) - ( + (( + ( + Math.pow(0x100000001, ((Math.fround(Math.pow((Math.atan2(y, x) | 0), y)) ^ ( + Math.fround(mathy4(((Math.sin(( + -1/0)) | 0) >>> 0), Math.fround(1/0))))) | 0)))) >= ( + Math.hypot((Math.fround(( - Math.fround(0x0ffffffff))) | 0), (Math.round((x >>> 0)) | 0)))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy5, [-0x07fffffff, 0x07fffffff, 42, -1/0, Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x0ffffffff, 1, 0x100000001, 0x100000000, 0/0, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x080000001, 0x100000001, 1/0, 0x0ffffffff, 0x080000000, -Number.MIN_VALUE, -0, -0x100000000, Math.PI, 0, -0x080000001, -0x080000000, Number.MAX_VALUE]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(39); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=401; tryItOut(";");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(45); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=402; tryItOut("mathy2 = (function(x, y) { return Math.fround(( ! Math.fround((Math.fround((mathy0(( + Math.log10(Math.fround(Math.fround(Math.sinh((y || y)))))), ( + x)) < (Math.acos((mathy1(Math.fround(42), (0x0ffffffff >>> 0)) >>> 0)) | 0))) - ((((((Math.sqrt(((Math.atan2(((Math.tan((x | 0)) | 0) >>> 0), x) >>> 0) >>> 0)) >>> 0) >>> 0) == (mathy1(( + (((1/0 >>> 0) != (x >>> 0)) >>> 0)), Math.imul(Math.tanh(Math.fround(y)), Math.atan(y))) >>> 0)) >>> 0) | 0) > ( + (((Math.fround(( + y)) >>> 0) / ( ! x)) >>> 0))))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy2, [0, 42, 0/0, -0x0ffffffff, 0x100000001, Number.MIN_VALUE, -1/0, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 1/0, 0x100000000, Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x100000001, 0x07fffffff, 0x080000000, -0, -0x080000001, 1, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x080000000, -0x07fffffff, 0x0ffffffff, -0x100000000, Math.PI, 0x080000001]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(383); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=403; tryItOut("this.e1.add(f1);v0 = evalcx(\"!(x( \\\"\\\" ))\", g1);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(468); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=404; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; o2.o0.v0 = (o2.g2 instanceof s2);\"\\u5BC9\";t2.set(t1, 18);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(551); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=405; tryItOut("/* no regression tests found */");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(560); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=406; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; v1 = (b2 instanceof p2);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(575); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=407; tryItOut("mathy3 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; return Math.fround(mathy0((Math.pow(((Math.fround(y) % Math.min(mathy1((Math.sin(x) >>> 0), (-0x07fffffff >>> 0)), (( - (( ! -0x0ffffffff) | 0)) | 0))) >>> 0), Math.log2(Math.hypot(x, (Math.atan(Math.imul(Math.abs(y), x)) >>> 0)))) >>> 0), Math.fround(((( + (mathy2(( + x), (y ? (Math.max(x, (Math.fround(Math.hypot(Math.fround(y), Math.fround(y))) | 0)) | 0) : y)) >>> 0)) << Math.log10(y)) >>> 0)))); }); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(244); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=408; tryItOut("testMathyFunction(mathy3, [-0x100000000, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 42, 0x07fffffff, -0x0ffffffff, 0/0, 0x080000001, -0x080000001, 0, -0x080000000, 1, -0x07fffffff, Math.PI, -0, 1/0, 0x100000001, 0x100000000, -1/0, Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x0ffffffff, 0x080000000, Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x100000001, -Number.MIN_VALUE]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(276); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=409; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; m0.set(b2, p2);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(293); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=410; tryItOut("/*infloop*/for(var a = \"\\uCBEC\"; this; /x/ ) {print(a);v2 = a1.length; }");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(385); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=411; tryItOut(";");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(391); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=412; tryItOut("print(m2);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(400); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=413; tryItOut("g0.m0.has(h0);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(416); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=414; tryItOut("mathy5 = (function(x, y) { return (( - Math.fround(Math.max(0x100000001, ( ~ ( + x))))) <= mathy1(Math.exp(Math.fround(( ~ ((0x080000000 ? x : ( + x)) | 0)))), (( ! (Math.max((Math.fround(((Math.fround(y) * (0x100000001 >>> 0)) > (( + (( + x) & ( + y))) >>> 0))) >>> 0), ( - ( ~ x))) >>> 0)) >>> 0))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy5, [0/0, 0x100000001, Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x100000000, 0x080000000, -0x080000001, 0, 1, -Number.MIN_VALUE, Math.PI, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 1/0, -1/0, -0x07fffffff, 0x0ffffffff, 0x080000001, 0x100000001, 42, 0x07fffffff, -0x0ffffffff, -0x080000000, -0, 0x100000000]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(41); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=415; tryItOut("f2 = /*wrap3*/(function(){ \"use strict\"; var csnygt = String.prototype.toLowerCase(({a2:z2}), /x/g ) = delete c.a; (encodeURI)(); });");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(154); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=416; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; throw StopIteration;a2.sort((function(stdlib, foreign, heap){ \"use asm\"; var imul = stdlib.Math.imul;\n var exp = stdlib.Math.exp;\n function f(d0, i1)\n {\n d0 = +d0;\n i1 = i1|0;\n i1 = (0xfc244bbd);\n return ((((0xa92cf*((((0xfc98bba7)+(0x91c81f71)) << ((0x10f2b1a9) % (0x3289815))) >= (imul((0xb878a2ab), ((0xa8135c2b) <= (0x87559e29)))|0))) << ((0x76b53196)-(i1))) % (((0x31213c58)+(!(1))-(0x8712d7e)) << ((i1)-((((0xfdebfe77))>>>((0x36c0636a))) != (((0xdae3e9e7))>>>((0x325817c2))))+(((0x89526d0) > (0x1d979b6d)) ? ((0x1cc2f81) > (0x66b2fe94)) : ((0x3548242e)))))))|0;\nm2.delete((x | ((p={}, (p.z = new RegExp(\"(?!\\\\3)+|\\\\uEF5a[^].{1}|(?!((?=\\\\b)*)\\\\1)+\", \"\"))())))); d0 = (d0);\n {\n d0 = (+(-1.0/0.0));\n }\n d0 = ((17.0) + (1024.0));\n; d0 = ((+exp(((d0)))) + (+(0x0)));\n i1 = (i1);\n {\n i1 = ((i1) ? ((((i1)*-0x37b28)|0) == ((((-0x8000000) < (0xfd0baab))-(i1)-(0xffffffff)) & (((0xbf8c783a) != (0x716c5b0c))))) : ((-7.737125245533627e+25) < (+(1.0/0.0))));\n }\n d0 = (17592186044416.0);\n d0 = (+(0.0/0.0));\n {\n {\n switch ((~~(d0))) {\n case 1:\n return (((-0x4f6e040)))|0;\n break;\n case -3:\n i1 = (!(!((i1) ? (i1) : (1))));\n break;\n default:\n {\n; }\n }\n }\n }\n return (((i1)))|0;\n }\n return f; }), g0, h1, t2);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(102); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=417; tryItOut("mathy3 = (function(x, y) { return Math.pow(Math.sinh((Math.trunc((((Math.fround((Math.fround(y) >> Math.fround(x))) | 0) && (x | 0)) | 0)) | 0)), Math.atan((x - Math.min((x ? y : ( ~ y)), x)))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy3, [(new Number(-0)), (new Number(0)), (new Boolean(false)), 0.1, /0/, null, 0, ({valueOf:function(){return '0';}}), ({valueOf:function(){return 0;}}), undefined, 1, '', (function(){return 0;}), objectEmulatingUndefined(), (new Boolean(true)), [], '\\0', ({toString:function(){return '0';}}), -0, true, [0], NaN, '/0/', false, '0', (new String(''))]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(283); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=418; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; testMathyFunction(mathy4, [0x0ffffffff, 0, 1/0, -Number.MIN_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x07fffffff, -0x080000000, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x080000000, -0x080000001, -1/0, 0/0, 0x100000001, 0x080000001, 0x100000001, -0x07fffffff, 1, Number.MIN_VALUE, Math.PI, 0x100000000, -0, 42, -0x0ffffffff, -0x100000000]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(315); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=419; tryItOut("(x);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(339); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=420; tryItOut("testMathyFunction(mathy3, [Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x07fffffff, -Number.MIN_VALUE, Math.PI, 42, 0x100000001, -0x080000001, 0x080000000, 1, 1/0, 0x100000001, 0x080000001, -1/0, Number.MAX_VALUE, 0, 0/0, -0x080000000, 0x100000000, -0x100000000, 0x07fffffff, -0, 0x0ffffffff, -0x0ffffffff, -Number.MAX_VALUE]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(371); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=421; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; \"use asm\"; mathy5 = (function(x, y) { return (Math.imul(Math.cosh((Math.min(((mathy1(x, (y | 0)) | 0) >>> 0), ((((Math.log2((( + 0x100000000) > (x | 0))) | 0) >= y) | 0) >>> 0)) | 0)), (Math.sqrt(y) | 0)) ? (((( + Math.acosh((x >> ( + 0)))) >>> 0) ? (Math.log(Math.hypot((( + (( + y) >> ( + y))) >>> 0), Math.atan2(( ~ y), -0x080000001))) >>> 0) : (Math.fround(Math.log(Math.fround(mathy2(x, x)))) >>> 0)) >>> 0) : Math.trunc(mathy4(Math.fround(Math.acos((( - x) | 0))), ( ! (x >>> y))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy5, [1, Number.MAX_VALUE, -0, -1/0, 0x07fffffff, 42, 0/0, -0x080000000, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x0ffffffff, Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x080000000, 0, -0x080000001, 0x100000001, 0x100000000, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 1/0, Math.PI, 0x080000001, -0x100000000, 0x0ffffffff, 0x100000001, -0x07fffffff]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(129); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=422; tryItOut("mathy0 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; return Math.fround(( ~ Math.fround(( + ( + ( ! ( + (( ! (( ~ ( ! Math.fround(Math.PI))) | 0)) | 0)))))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy0, [-0x080000000, 1/0, -0x0ffffffff, 0/0, 0, -0x100000000, -0x080000001, 0x100000001, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 1, 0x100000001, 42, 0x100000000, 0x080000001, 0x0ffffffff, Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x080000000, -0, Number.MAX_VALUE, Math.PI, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x07fffffff, 0x07fffffff, -1/0]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(225); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=423; tryItOut("mathy5 = (function(x, y) { return (( - Math.cos(Math.fround(Math.pow(( + Math.fround(mathy4(Math.fround(( + Math.sign(( + x)))), Math.fround(y)))), Math.fround(0x080000001))))) | 0); }); testMathyFunction(mathy5, [Number.MIN_VALUE, Math.PI, 0x100000001, -0, 1, 0x080000000, -Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x0ffffffff, -0x07fffffff, -1/0, -0x080000000, 0x100000001, 1/0, -0x100000000, 0x100000000, 0x07fffffff, -Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x080000001, 0/0, 0x080000001, 42, 0, -0x0ffffffff]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(336); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=424; tryItOut("o1.m1.get(this.o1.f2);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(355); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=425; tryItOut("Array.prototype.unshift.apply(a2, []);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(375); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=426; tryItOut("mathy4 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; return (Math.min((mathy1((Math.max((Math.max(( - x), y) >>> 0), (0/0 | 0)) | 0), (Math.acos((mathy3(Math.exp(mathy1((((x | 0) != (y | 0)) | 0), y)), y) | 0)) | 0)) >>> 0), (( + ( + ( + (Math.asin(Math.tanh(( + ( - Math.fround(Math.pow(x, Math.fround(-0x100000000))))))) | 0)))) >>> 0)) >>> 0); }); testMathyFunction(mathy4, [1/0, 0x100000001, -0x100000000, -0x0ffffffff, 0x080000000, 42, Math.PI, -0x080000000, 0x07fffffff, 0x080000001, 1, -1/0, 0x0ffffffff, Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x07fffffff, -0x080000001, 0x100000001, 0x100000000, 0/0, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0, Number.MIN_VALUE, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -0]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(612); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=427; tryItOut("/*infloop*/ for each((void version(180)).b in this) throw new RegExp(\"(?=[^])\", \"i\")\n/*RXUB*/var r = /(?!\\u758A)\\b|.|(\\2)\\3{1,}|\\1*?|(?!\\3+?)+/gm; var s = \"\"; print(uneval(r.exec(s))); print(r.lastIndex); \n");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(619); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=428; tryItOut("v1 = t2.length;function \u3056(x)\"use asm\"; var Infinity = stdlib.Infinity;\n var Uint32ArrayView = new stdlib.Uint32Array(heap);\n var Float32ArrayView = new stdlib.Float32Array(heap);\n var Uint8ArrayView = new stdlib.Uint8Array(heap);\n var Uint16ArrayView = new stdlib.Uint16Array(heap);\n function f(d0, i1)\n {\n d0 = +d0;\n i1 = i1|0;\n (Uint32ArrayView[((i1)-(0xfe96f9a6)) >> 2]) = (((i1) ? (1) : ((((i1)-(i1)+(!(0xffffffff)))>>>(((0x23685c4d) != (0xea4184f9))-(!(i1))))))+(1));\n d0 = (eval(\"\\\"use strict\\\"; mathy5 = (function(stdlib, foreign, heap){ \\\"use asm\\\"; var ff = foreign.ff;\\n function f(i0, i1)\\n {\\n i0 = i0|0;\\n i1 = i1|0;\\n var d2 = 4294967297.0;\\n return (((((((0xa88177fb) == (0x9ad0cd61))*-0xd8727)>>>(-(i1))) < (0xd189ceee))))|0;\\n }\\n return f; })(this, {ff: function(y) { yield y; /*infloop*/for(var window in (((let (e=eval) e))(( /x/g .valueOf( \\\"\\\" , \\\"\\\\uC41B\\\")))))v2 =, h1);; yield y; }}, new ArrayBuffer(4096)); \", ++x));\n (Float32ArrayView[((Uint8ArrayView[2])) >> 2]) = ((Infinity));\n (Uint16ArrayView[0]) = (((0xf69eee5f) ? ((((0xffffffff)-(0xfac7e0c5))>>>(((0xb94ddf25)))) != (0xfe47fb7b)) : (0xbfad377))+(0x33dc0179)-(((-0x1c72f*((d0) == (281474976710657.0))) << ((-0x46ec50e) / ((0xced85*(0xf9bdc906)) << ((0xffffffff)-(0x5cdfd4ca)))))));\n {\n d0 = (+(1.0/0.0));\n }\n return +((7.555786372591432e+22));\n }\n return f;/*vLoop*/for (var jokhhm = 0, vdrxia; jokhhm < 28; ++jokhhm) { var e = jokhhm; m0.set(v2, t2); } ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(52); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=429; tryItOut("switch(new XPCSafeJSObjectWrapper(((uneval(\"\\u89E1\"))))) { case ({ get x c (\u3056, d, b, a, x, b, NaN, x, x, x = /x/g , x, NaN, NaN, x, \u3056, y, x = /(?=R{1,1})/m, get, \u3056, x, \u3056, NaN, e, a, eval, x, c, a = '' , NaN, set, e, x = c, b = \"\" , z, b, x, x, z, y = /x/g , \u3056, d, y, NaN, window, x, z, x, x, x, NaN, z, x, x = x, x, w, a, x, w, x, setter, NaN, x, x, x, x = \"\\u8B8B\", window, y = this) { \"use strict\"; return z } , x: '' }): /*RXUB*/var r = new RegExp(\"\\\\3\", \"ym\"); var s = \"\\n\\u11b8\"; print(uneval(r.exec(s))); print(r.lastIndex); }");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(189); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=430; tryItOut("/*tLoop*/for (let d of /*MARR*/[objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), function(){}, objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), 1e4, function(){}, 1e4, new String(''), objectEmulatingUndefined(), new String(''), new String(''), 1e4, 1e4, objectEmulatingUndefined(), function(){}, objectEmulatingUndefined(), 1e4, objectEmulatingUndefined(), new String(''), objectEmulatingUndefined(), function(){}, function(){}, 1e4, new String(''), 1e4, new String(''), new String(''), 1e4, 1e4, objectEmulatingUndefined(), 1e4, function(){}, objectEmulatingUndefined(), function(){}, objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), new String(''), function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, objectEmulatingUndefined(), 1e4, function(){}, objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), function(){}, function(){}, 1e4, objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), 1e4, function(){}, objectEmulatingUndefined(), function(){}, new String(''), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), new String(''), function(){}, objectEmulatingUndefined(), function(){}, 1e4, 1e4, 1e4, objectEmulatingUndefined(), new String(''), function(){}, 1e4, objectEmulatingUndefined(), new String(''), new String(''), new String(''), new String(''), new String(''), new String(''), new String(''), new String(''), new String(''), new String(''), new String(''), new String(''), new String(''), new String(''), new String(''), new String(''), new String(''), new String(''), new String(''), new String(''), new String(''), new String(''), new String(''), new String(''), new String(''), objectEmulatingUndefined(), 1e4, 1e4, new String(''), objectEmulatingUndefined(), 1e4, function(){}, 1e4, objectEmulatingUndefined(), function(){}, new String(''), objectEmulatingUndefined(), 1e4, new String(''), objectEmulatingUndefined(), 1e4, objectEmulatingUndefined(), new String(''), objectEmulatingUndefined()]) { let (e) window }");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(450); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=431; tryItOut("g0 + '';");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(459); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=432; tryItOut("f0.__iterator__ = (function mcc_() { var ecszjr = 0; return function() { ++ecszjr; f1(/*ICCD*/ecszjr % 8 == 4);};})();");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(483); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=433; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; /*ODP-3*/Object.defineProperty(h1, \"callee\", { configurable: false, enumerable: false, writable: true, value: g1.h2 });");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(508); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=434; tryItOut("mathy1 = (function(x, y) { return ( ! (Math.fround(Math.expm1(( + ((( + x) | 0) < y)))) >= ( + ( ! ((y ^ x) >>> 0))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy1, [-1/0, -0x080000001, Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x080000000, -0x100000000, 0x080000001, 1, 1/0, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 42, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x0ffffffff, -0x07fffffff, 0x100000001, 0x100000000, 0/0, 0x080000000, 0x07fffffff, 0x100000001, -0x0ffffffff, -0, 0, Number.MAX_VALUE, Math.PI]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(37); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=435; tryItOut("v2 = a0.length;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(50); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=436; tryItOut("function shapeyConstructor(kwazbu){return this; }/*tLoopC*/for (let y of /*FARR*/[, , null, (4277), ({window: e, b: '' }), Map.prototype.forEach.prototype]) { try{let xcpmqu = shapeyConstructor(y); print('EETT'); print(xcpmqu);}catch(e){print('TTEE ' + e); } }");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(233); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=437; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; (Math.max( /x/g , 21));print((4277));\u000c");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(301); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=438; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy2 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; return Math.hypot(( + Math.imul(mathy0(( - y), Math.tan(( + x))), (mathy0(Math.imul(x, ( ! mathy1((((0x080000001 >>> 0) < (-0x080000000 >>> 0)) >>> 0), Math.imul(x, x)))), x) | 0))), Math.fround(mathy0(Math.pow((x >>> 0), (Math.log((x >>> 0)) >>> 0)), (mathy0((42 >>> 0), ((( + (( + Math.sin((y !== x))) >>> 0)) >>> 0) >>> 0)) >>> 0)))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy2, [-Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x080000000, 0x100000001, 1, -0x100000000, 0/0, Math.PI, -0x0ffffffff, 0x080000000, -0x07fffffff, Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x080000001, 0x100000001, 42, 0x0ffffffff, Number.MIN_VALUE, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -0, 0, -1/0, -0x080000001, 0x100000000, 0x07fffffff, 1/0]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(588); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=439; tryItOut("mathy0 = (function(x, y) { return Math.imul(Math.fround(( - ((( + ( ~ Math.min(y, (Math.cosh(y) >>> 0)))) * Math.atan2(( + ( ! ( + ( + Math.sign(( + x)))))), 0x0ffffffff)) | 0))), ((( + Math.hypot(( + (( + 0/0) + ( + x))), ((((Math.imul((y >>> 0), x) | 0) >>> 0) ? Math.sinh(( - y)) : x) >>> 0))) >= ( + Math.asinh(Math.fround((x || (Math.max((y >>> 0), (x | 0)) >>> 0)))))) | 0)); }); testMathyFunction(mathy0, [1, 0x100000001, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 42, 0x07fffffff, 0, 0x100000000, 0/0, -0x080000000, 0x080000000, -Number.MIN_VALUE, Math.PI, 0x0ffffffff, 0x080000001, -0x080000001, -0x0ffffffff, 1/0, -0, -1/0, Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x100000001, -0x100000000, -0x07fffffff, Number.MIN_VALUE]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(252); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=440; tryItOut("function shapeyConstructor(slkwpf){return slkwpf; }/*tLoopC*/for (let a of /*MARR*/[]) { try{let xbohqc = new shapeyConstructor(a); print('EETT'); neuter(b1, \"change-data\");}catch(e){print('TTEE ' + e); } }function NaN()Math.hypot(23, /*UUV1*/(c.getMonth = Math.min(10, -18)))switch(x) { case x: v1 = o0.t2.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;break; default: with(Math.round(\u3056 = Proxy.createFunction(({/*TOODEEP*/})(a), (1 for (x in [])), \"\" ))){yield; } }");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(561); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=441; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; v0 = a2.reduce, reduceRight();");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(250); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=442; tryItOut("i0 + '';function a()(window(true))print(x);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(328); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=443; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy1 = (function(x, y) { return ( + Math.min(( + (Math.pow(({y: x, prototype: x = false }), (4277)))), (( - (Math.imul((mathy0(((((y >>> 0) !== (((((y == Number.MIN_VALUE) | 0) == (y | 0)) | 0) >>> 0)) >>> 0) | 0), (( ! y) | 0)) | 0), y) | 0)) | 0))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy1, [Number.MIN_VALUE, 0, -0x080000001, 1, -0, -0x0ffffffff, 0x100000001, Math.PI, 0x080000000, -1/0, -0x07fffffff, 0x100000001, 1/0, 42, -Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x080000000, 0x080000001, -Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE, 0/0, 0x100000000, 0x07fffffff, -0x100000000, 0x0ffffffff]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(579); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=444; tryItOut("\"use asm\";;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(588); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=445; tryItOut("var d = allocationMarker() % eval(\"v0 = o1[\\\"constructor\\\"];\");e0 + g2.g2.s2;function y(x, x) { \"use strict\"; yield (4277) } print(d);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(125); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=446; tryItOut("mathy2 = (function(x, y) { return Math.sign(( + mathy1(( + mathy0(( + (Math.asinh((Math.max(y, y) >>> 0)) >>> 0)), ( + (Math.fround(( - y)) && x)))), Math.imul(y, Math.sign(Math.round(x)))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy2, [1, null, /0/, ({valueOf:function(){return 0;}}), (new Number(0)), '\\0', false, objectEmulatingUndefined(), ({valueOf:function(){return '0';}}), 0.1, NaN, '0', [0], (new Boolean(true)), [], ({toString:function(){return '0';}}), (new Boolean(false)), '/0/', 0, (new String('')), '', (new Number(-0)), true, -0, (function(){return 0;}), undefined]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(295); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=447; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; /*tLoop*/for (let w of /*MARR*/[]) { m0.has(this.e0); }");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(338); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=448; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; /*MXX2*/g0.g1.RegExp.prototype.test = t0;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(354); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=449; tryItOut("g0.v2 = g1.a1.reduce, reduceRight(f1, /*MARR*/[x, NaN, x, x, NaN, NaN, NaN, x, NaN, NaN, NaN, x, x, NaN, x, x, NaN, NaN, NaN, x, NaN, x, x, NaN, NaN, x, x, NaN, NaN, x, NaN, x, x, NaN, NaN, NaN, x, x, x, x, NaN, x, NaN, NaN, x, x].some(encodeURI\n, (eval--)) >> (x), a2);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(584); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=450; tryItOut("L:if((x % 12 != 11)) { if ( '' ) {{}yield; } else {v2 + e2; }}");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(78); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=451; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; for (var v of g2) { try { for (var v of p1) { try { v0 = evaluate(\"this.v1 = t2.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;\", ({ global: g1.g1, fileName: 'evaluate.js', lineNumber: 42, newContext: [ /x/g ], isRunOnce: (x % 112 != 104), noScriptRval: (x(y))+=yield x, catchTermination: false, saveFrameChain: false })); } catch(e0) { } try { v0 = a2.length; } catch(e1) { } print(uneval(a2)); } } catch(e0) { } try { ; } catch(e1) { } v1 = (this.g2 instanceof e0); }");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(257); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=452; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; switch(((4277) = Math.log1p({})\n)) { default: break; case 4: print(null);break; v0 = a2.length;case 2: case /x/g : ;break; }");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(403); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=453; tryItOut("mathy2 = (function(x, y) { \"use asm\"; return Math.min(((((mathy1(y, ( + (( + y) == ( + y)))) >>> 0) < Math.imul(y, x)) ** Math.hypot(Math.fround((y <= 0x100000000)), y)) | 0), (Math.atan(mathy1(((Math.max((Math.hypot(( + mathy0(y, x)), Math.fround(y)) | 0), Math.fround(0x100000000)) | 0) ** y), ((Math.log10(( + (Math.fround(( - x)) !== y))) === x) | 0))) | 0)); }); testMathyFunction(mathy2, [0x080000000, -0x100000000, Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x080000001, 0, 0x0ffffffff, 0/0, 0x100000001, -Number.MIN_VALUE, -1/0, Math.PI, 0x100000001, 0x07fffffff, Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x080000001, -0x080000000, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 1/0, 42, -0x07fffffff, 1, -0, -0x0ffffffff, 0x100000000]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(87); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=454; tryItOut("mathy1 = (function(stdlib, foreign, heap){ \"use asm\"; var abs = stdlib.Math.abs;\n var imul = stdlib.Math.imul;\n var ff = foreign.ff;\n var Int8ArrayView = new stdlib.Int8Array(heap);\n var Float32ArrayView = new stdlib.Float32Array(heap);\n function f(d0, i1)\n {\n d0 = +d0;\n i1 = i1|0;\n (Int8ArrayView[0]) = ((0xf847e7d7)-((abs((imul((0xd7bc278a), ((((3.8685626227668134e+25)) / ((-536870913.0))) <= ((0x81bab0e1) ? (18014398509481984.0) : (-1023.0))))|0))|0) > (((0x4c867e06) / (0x55c54df4)) ^ (((((0x9bcce99e)) >> ((-0x8000000))) > (imul((0xf9ea56a6), (0x18039cb2))|0))+(i1))))+((((i1))>>>((0xb1f902bf) / (0xffffffff)))));\n (Float32ArrayView[1]) = ((+((((-3.022314549036573e+23)) - ((d0))))));\n d0 = (0.00390625);\n d0 = (-268435457.0);\n d0 = (+/*FFI*/ff(((1.5111572745182865e+23))));\n i1 = (0x65e2f3a5);\n return +((d0));\n }\n return f; })(this, {ff: Float64Array}, new ArrayBuffer(4096)); testMathyFunction(mathy1, [1/0, Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x07fffffff, 0, 0x100000000, 1, 0x100000001, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x080000000, 0x080000001, -Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x080000001, 42, Number.MAX_VALUE, -1/0, 0x07fffffff, -0, 0/0, 0x100000001, -0x080000000, Math.PI, -0x0ffffffff, -0x100000000, 0x0ffffffff]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(450); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=455; tryItOut("mathy4 = (function(x, y) { return ( + mathy2(mathy2(Math.fround((Math.min(Math.imul(x, (-0x100000000 | 0)), Math.asinh(( - (Math.log(Math.fround(x)) | 0)))) >> ( + Math.tanh(Math.pow((-0x080000001 >>> 0), (x >>> 0)))))), (Math.fround(( ~ (y >>> 0))) + (Math.PI >= x))), ((Math.pow(( ! ( + Math.hypot(( + ( + (( + y) << ( + y)))), ( + x)))), (Math.fround(Math.atan2(Math.fround(Math.fround(Math.imul(Math.fround(y), Math.fround(0x100000001)))), Math.fround(x))) | 0)) | 0) >>> Math.fround(( + ( + ( + Math.pow(y, -0x07fffffff)))))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy4, [0x080000000, 1, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0, Number.MIN_VALUE, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 42, -0x100000000, -1/0, -0x080000000, 0x100000001, Math.PI, -0x07fffffff, 0x0ffffffff, 0x100000000, 0x100000001, -0x080000001, Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x0ffffffff, 1/0, 0x07fffffff, 0x080000001, 0/0, -0]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(174); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=456; tryItOut("mathy0 = (function(x, y) { return (( + (Math.acosh((Math.hypot((Math.cosh((( + ( ~ ( + x))) >>> 0)) >>> 0), (Math.expm1(Math.fround(Math.sqrt((Number.MAX_VALUE >>> 0)))) >>> 0)) >>> 0)) >>> 0)) >>> 0); }); testMathyFunction(mathy0, [-0x100000000, 0x0ffffffff, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x100000001, 0, -0x080000000, Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x100000001, -0x0ffffffff, 42, 0x080000001, -0x080000001, Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x07fffffff, 1/0, 0x080000000, 1, 0x100000000, 0/0, -1/0, -0, -0x07fffffff, Math.PI]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(289); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=457; tryItOut("/*iii*/t0 = t2.subarray(17, (void version(180)));/*hhh*/function lyhaff( \"\" , y, a, \u3056, NaN, ReferenceError = x, NaN, [, ], x = ({ for each (x in (let (nlygzc) \"\" )) for (z of []) for (c of window) for (x in 11), set acos z (z, x, ...window) { yield x } }), [, b], x = (Math.cosh(null >>= 1)), x, x, this.e, x, eval, z, x, NaN, y = this, y, x, y = z, eval, b, \u3056, x, b, x = /x/g , c, eval, x = new RegExp(\"\\\\2([^]{3,})|(?:(?=(\\\\u0007)\\\\w?)){1,}\", \"m\"), d = \"\\u742A\", e, y, x = -2, x, e, yield, x, x, x, y, x = function ([y]) { }, eval, eval, z, a, \u3056, x = false, let, x, w, x = this, (function ([y]) { })(), w, z, eval, x = -14, b, x, w, y, c, NaN, d, x, x, w, x, x, d, x = window, this.x, x, z, d, x, x, NaN, b, c, b, w, z){v1 = o0.a0.length;}");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(412); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=458; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy3 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; return (Math.tanh(Math.max(((x ** (( + (Math.fround(Math.trunc(x)) >>> 0)) >>> 0)) >>> 0), (( + Math.cos(( + 0x07fffffff))) | 0))) >= Math.atanh(Math.expm1(Math.fround(Math.max(( + (( + Math.imul(x, Math.fround(y))) & ( + x))), y))))); }); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(588); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=459; tryItOut("m1.get(v1);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(601); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=460; tryItOut("selectforgc(o2);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(610); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=461; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; /* no regression tests found */");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(619); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=462; tryItOut("g2.v0 = evalcx(\"function f2(m0) { yield ++\\u3056 != /($)/yim } \", g2);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(155); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=463; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; Object.freeze(this.o1.a2);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(168); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=464; tryItOut("testMathyFunction(mathy2, [1/0, -0x100000000, 42, 0/0, 0x100000000, 0, 0x100000001, 0x07fffffff, -0x0ffffffff, -0x07fffffff, Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MIN_VALUE, -1/0, 1, 0x100000001, -0x080000000, 0x080000001, -0x080000001, -0, 0x0ffffffff, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x080000000, -Number.MAX_VALUE, Math.PI]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(200); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=465; tryItOut("g0.v0 = t1.length;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(216); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=466; tryItOut("a1.sort((function(j) { f2(j); }), t0, o0.e0, g0.h2);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(253); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=467; tryItOut("/*infloop*/for(//h\n{x: {e: d, x, x, window, 19: {x: x, x, x, x\n: \u3056}, z, x: [], w: {window: z, x: {}, x: x, e: {x: {x: [eval], c: (Math.trunc(22))[\"1\"], NaN: {y, x: y, x: \u3056, eval: x, y}, \u3056: w, c, x: x}, b: [, [, NaN, {(x.then( /x/g , /\\1/)).__proto__, x: a, w: x}, []], , , [, {d: [], e}]], eval, x, \u3056, NaN, x: {x: x, e: {x: {}, z: x, window, x: []}, x, eval: {b: y, e: [[], {}, a], x, x: {NaN, window: {\u3056: []}}}}}, x: [], x: {c: x, NaN}, c: [{}, eval, [[, , {x, z}], \"\\u4E30\"(-13), , , ], ], e: {x: [--x[\"every\"], , [], x, , ], \u3056, window, NaN, d: b}}}, x, NaN: [, window, , {NaN: [d, e, {}, , , , [, , , x]], window: b, \u3056: (4277).z, \u3056: {x, window, d: {x: [{NaN: [], x: [window, {\u3056}, ], x: x}, x, [{w, x: y, e}, c, {x: x.__proto__}], {y, x, x, d: [{z: []}, ]}], NaN: {w, c: {z: x, NaN}}, z, x: window, x, y: {y: x, x: z}}}, x, window: {NaN, x: b, w, x: b, x: yield}}\u000c, ], this: {w: e, x: [], x, a, \u3056: x, x: [, , , , , , , ], b: \u3056, new RegExp(\"\\\\3\", \"ym\"), d: []}, NaN: [{x, ((d = function(id) { return id } | (NaN !== w)))(timeout(1800)): x, d: c, \u3056, window: {w, x: c, x: [, {}, , , [[[], ]], ], x: {x}, d: x}, d, e, y}, , {}, {b: {y: {x, {x: {x: [{x}]}, x: [, , c], y: {window: {\u3056: [], x: [], w: {NaN, x}}, x: x, w, x}}: a, b: ((function sum_indexing(sqheis, dqhuly) { ; return sqheis.length == dqhuly ? 0 : sqheis[dqhuly] + sum_indexing(sqheis, dqhuly + 1); })(/*MARR*/[Infinity, \"\\u2D25\", \"\\u2D25\", \"\\u2D25\", \"\\u2D25\", \"\\u2D25\", \"\\u2D25\", \"\\u2D25\", \"\\u2D25\", \"\\u2D25\", \"\\u2D25\", \"\\u2D25\", \"\\u2D25\", \"\\u2D25\", \"\\u2D25\", \"\\u2D25\", \"\\u2D25\", \"\\u2D25\", \"\\u2D25\", \"\\u2D25\", \"\\u2D25\", \"\\u2D25\", \"\\u2D25\", \"\\u2D25\", \"\\u2D25\", \"\\u2D25\", \"\\u2D25\", \"\\u2D25\", \"\\u2D25\", Infinity, 0x3FFFFFFF, 0x3FFFFFFF, 0x3FFFFFFF, \"\\u2D25\", Infinity, 0x3FFFFFFF, 0x3FFFFFFF, \"\\u2D25\", \"\\u2D25\", 0x3FFFFFFF, \"\\u2D25\", \"\\u2D25\", \"\\u2D25\", \"\\u2D25\", \"\\u2D25\", \"\\u2D25\", \"\\u2D25\", \"\\u2D25\", \"\\u2D25\", \"\\u2D25\", \"\\u2D25\", \"\\u2D25\", \"\\u2D25\", \"\\u2D25\", \"\\u2D25\"], 0)).__proto__, eval, x: y}, eval, e, x: x, a: {x: NaN, x}, c: d, y: [, [, x, ], , e]}, x: x, w: {}, x: [[{a: x, d: [, , x, b], x: {w, window: []}, window}, Float32Array.length, , z, , []]], y: x, z: [[, ], , {}, {x: y, x: [, ], x: [{x: of, x}, , [, ], ]}, a, arguments[\"getInt16\"], eval]}, {e: {w, z: {}, window, NaN, y: {}, NaN: [x]}}, [{e: {}, x: [, x], NaN: {w, a: x, eval, x: c, window: {x, x, z: [], c: {a: {a, x: [, x], eval: [, {}]}}, x: [[], [], , ]}}, x: c, b: x, x: b\u0009, this: [{e: a}\u000c, , {}]}, , {}, arguments.callee.arguments, , , , {x, x: [, [], {y: []}, , [, ]], x, e}], , {x, y, x: z, z, \u3056: c}], w: e, NaN: [, [RegExp.$1, x, ]], x, \u3056} = this.__defineSetter__(\"x\", /*wrap1*/(function(){ \"use strict\";, (function() { for (var j=0;j<35;++j) { f0(j%2==1); } }), p1, (let (x = 0x80000000) -24));return decodeURI})()); (( + Math.fround((Math.fround(x) ? (x || (x & 0x080000000)) : Math.hypot(x, Math.log10((0x0ffffffff >>> 0)))))) << (Math.sqrt(( + (0x0ffffffff % ( + x)))) >>> 0)); (4277)) print(w);function x(c, x) { \"\" ; } a0.shift();");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(119); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=468; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; m1.delete(b2);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(132); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=469; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; /*MXX3*/g2.Float32Array.prototype = g2.Float32Array.prototype;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(145); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=470; tryItOut("testMathyFunction(mathy3, [-0x0ffffffff, -0x080000000, -0x100000000, 1, 0x0ffffffff, 1/0, 0x080000001, -0x07fffffff, -1/0, 0x080000000, 0x100000000, -0x080000001, 0x07fffffff, Number.MAX_VALUE, -Number.MIN_VALUE, -0, 0, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x100000001, Number.MIN_VALUE, 42, Math.PI, 0/0, 0x100000001]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(177); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=471; tryItOut("mathy3 = (function(x, y) { return (((( + ( + Math.hypot(( - Math.fround(( + y))), x))) >>> 0) ^ ((Math.exp(Math.fround(Math.trunc(x))) | 0) | 0)) | 0); }); testMathyFunction(mathy3, [0x100000001, Number.MIN_VALUE, 1, 0/0, 0x07fffffff, -0, 0, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x080000000, -1/0, 0x0ffffffff, -0x100000000, -0x080000000, -0x080000001, 1/0, -0x0ffffffff, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 42, 0x100000000, Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x07fffffff, 0x100000001, 0x080000001, Math.PI]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(307); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=472; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; s0 = new String;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(317); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=473; tryItOut("testMathyFunction(mathy5, [0x100000001, -0x0ffffffff, 0x080000001, Number.MIN_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x080000000, 42, 0x100000000, -0x080000001, 0x080000000, 0x0ffffffff, 1, 0x100000001, 0/0, Math.PI, -1/0, -0x100000000, 0x07fffffff, 0, -Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x07fffffff, 1/0, -0]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(349); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=474; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; \"use asm\"; /*bLoop*/for (var kokppi = 0; kokppi < 28; ++kokppi) { if (kokppi % 41 == 38) { a1[ \"\" ] = [,,]; } else { v1 = evaluate(\"new RegExp(\\\"\\\\\\\\d$\\\", \\\"i\\\");\", ({ global: g2, fileName: null, lineNumber: 42, newContext: e, isRunOnce: (x % 4 == 0), noScriptRval: this, catchTermination: false, saveFrameChain: false, element: g1.o1, sourceMapURL: s0 })); } } ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(622); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=475; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy2 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; return Math.fround((Math.fround(((Math.acos(Math.pow(y, Math.asin((((Math.min(x, 0x080000000) | 0) ** (( + Math.max(y, Math.fround(42))) | 0)) | 0)))) >>> 0) !== Math.cbrt(Math.fround((Math.log10((y | 0)) | 0))))) / Math.tan(Math.hypot(mathy1((0x080000001 | 0), y), (Math.max((x >>> 0), (Math.asin(x) | 0)) | 0))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy2, [0x07fffffff, 0x100000000, 0x0ffffffff, 0/0, 0x080000000, 0x100000001, 0x100000001, -0x07fffffff, 42, -Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x0ffffffff, 0, Math.PI, -1/0, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x080000001, 1/0, -0, Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x080000000, -0x100000000, 1, -0x080000001]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(248); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=476; tryItOut("a2.splice(NaN, 12);function window(w = (4277), y = let ([] = ({} = /* Comment */\"\u03a0\"), e, a, w = length, \u3056, sthxpz, x, vvlsal, b) Uint32Array(x, new RegExp(\"\\\\B+\", \"im\")))/*FARR*/[--x, x].map(XPCSafeJSObjectWrapper, x)/*tLoop*/for (let w of /*MARR*/[new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), x, null, new String('q'), new String('q'), x, new String('q'), new String('q'), x, null, null, null, x, null, x, x, null, x, null, new String('q'), new String('q'), x, x, x, new String('q'), null, new String('q'), new String('q'), x, x, new String('q'), new String('q'), null, x, null, null, x, x, x, new String('q'), x, x, new String('q'), new String('q'), x, null, new String('q'), new String('q'), x, null, x, x, null, x, new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), x, x, x, x, null, new String('q'), x, x, null, new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), null, x, x, new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), null, new String('q'), null, null, new String('q'), new String('q'), null, x, null, null, new String('q'), null, new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), new String('q'), x, new String('q'), x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, new String('q'), x]) { s0 += 'x'; }");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(352); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=477; tryItOut("/* no regression tests found */");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(361); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=478; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; s0 += 'x';");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(370); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=479; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; var ioycpy = new ArrayBuffer(6); var ioycpy_0 = new Int16Array(ioycpy); ioycpy_0[0] = -4; var ioycpy_1 = new Uint16Array(ioycpy); ioycpy_1[0] = 16; var ioycpy_2 = new Uint8Array(ioycpy); print(ioycpy_2[0]); ioycpy_2[0] = 7; var ioycpy_3 = new Uint8Array(ioycpy); var ioycpy_4 = new Float32Array(ioycpy); ioycpy_4[0] = 23; var ioycpy_5 = new Uint8ClampedArray(ioycpy); print(ioycpy_5[0]); var ioycpy_6 = new Int16Array(ioycpy); print(ioycpy_6[0]); { void 0; void relazifyFunctions(this); }x = v0;v0 = g1.eval(\"(void schedulegc(g1));\");s1 = '';");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(474); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=480; tryItOut("o2.v0 = this.b1.byteLength;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(490); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=481; tryItOut("for (var p in i1) { try { for (var p in e2) { try {, e1, this.b0, b1); } catch(e0) { } a0.splice(NaN, 12); } } catch(e0) { } v1 = a1.length; }");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(574); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=482; tryItOut("s0 += s0;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(586); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=483; tryItOut("v1 = evaluate(\"t0[({valueOf: function() { a1[({/*toXFun*/toSource: function() { return '' ; } })] = p1;return 18; }})];\", ({ global: g0, fileName: 'evaluate.js', lineNumber: 42, newContext: false, isRunOnce: true, noScriptRval: false, catchTermination: true, saveFrameChain: false }));");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(45); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=484; tryItOut("\"use asm\"; mathy4 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; return Math.fround((Math.fround((Math.hypot(Math.fround((( ! (((x >> (-1/0 >>> y)) & ((y | 0) ? Math.hypot(((Math.min(( + 0), Math.fround(x)) >>> 0) >>> 0), Math.log1p(x)) : -1/0)) >>> 0)) >>> 0)), (( + ((( + Math.sign(( + 1))) >>> 0) ** y)) >>> 0)) | 0)) >= (Math.hypot(Math.acos((Math.hypot((mathy1(Math.round((Math.max((y | 0), (y | 0)) | 0)), mathy0(Math.fround(( ~ y)), Math.imul(Number.MAX_VALUE, y))) | 0), (Math.fround(Math.hypot(Math.fround(-0x080000001), Math.fround(0x100000001))) | 0)) | 0)), Math.max(( ! ( + x)), ( + Math.atan2(( + y), ( + Math.PI))))) >>> 0))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy4, [-Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x0ffffffff, 0/0, -0x080000001, -0x07fffffff, 0x080000001, -1/0, 0x07fffffff, 42, 0, Number.MIN_VALUE, Math.PI, 0x100000001, 0x100000001, 1, 0x080000000, 1/0, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x0ffffffff, -0, -0x080000000, Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x100000000, -0x100000000]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(459); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=485; tryItOut("for (var v of t2) { try { o1 = o1.__proto__; } catch(e0) { } try { m1.has(p2); } catch(e1) { } try { print(e2); } catch(e2) { } s2 = new String; }");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(493); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=486; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy3 = (function(x, y) { return (( ! ( + Math.exp((Math.atan((Math.fround(Math.round(Math.fround(( + Math.ceil(( + y)))))) | 0)) >>> 0)))) >>> 0); }); testMathyFunction(mathy3, [-0, (new Number(-0)), [0], (new Boolean(true)), '', /0/, '0', false, '/0/', (function(){return 0;}), (new String('')), NaN, '\\0', ({toString:function(){return '0';}}), (new Boolean(false)), ({valueOf:function(){return '0';}}), ({valueOf:function(){return 0;}}), 1, 0, [], true, undefined, 0.1, null, (new Number(0)), objectEmulatingUndefined()]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(590); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=487; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; v0 =, h2);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(608); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=488; tryItOut("mathy5 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; return Math.fround(( ! (Math.pow(mathy4((( ~ ( + ( + Math.min(( + y), ( + (( ! (x | 0)) | 0)))))) | 0), Math.fround(-0x080000000)), ( + Math.abs(y))) - Math.fround(Math.hypot(-0x080000001, Math.pow(Math.atanh(Math.fround(y)), x)))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy5, [(function(){return 0;}), '/0/', '0', -0, (new String('')), false, 0, (new Number(-0)), ({valueOf:function(){return 0;}}), null, 1, [0], [], true, '\\0', (new Boolean(true)), ({valueOf:function(){return '0';}}), ({toString:function(){return '0';}}), (new Boolean(false)), undefined, NaN, /0/, objectEmulatingUndefined(), 0.1, (new Number(0)), '']); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(176); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=489; tryItOut("mathy0 = (function(x, y) { return ( + ( ! ( + Math.atanh(( + (Math.fround(x) != Math.fround(( + Math.min(y, 0))))))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy0, [0x100000000, 0x080000000, 1, -1/0, -0x07fffffff, 1/0, -0x080000001, 0, -0x080000000, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x080000001, 0x0ffffffff, Number.MAX_VALUE, -Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x0ffffffff, -0x100000000, 0/0, 0x100000001, 42, Math.PI, -0, 0x07fffffff, 0x100000001]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(266); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=490; tryItOut("e0.has((intern( /x/ )));print(x);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(305); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=491; tryItOut("/*RXUB*/var r = /(?!(?!\\W)[^])*?/m; var s = \"\\u00d5\"; print(r.test(s)); print(r.lastIndex); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(446); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=492; tryItOut("{ void 0; try { gcparam('markStackLimit', 4294967295); } catch(e) { } }");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(459); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=493; tryItOut("\"use asm\"; /*RXUB*/var r = r0; var s = s2; print(r.test(s)); function \u3056(c) { for (var v of this.f0) { try { v2 =, b2); } catch(e0) { } try { (void schedulegc(this.g2)); } catch(e1) { } try {; } catch(e2) { } b2.__proto__ = m0; }\neval = x, d = /x/g , c;[[1]];\n } Object.defineProperty(this, \"v2\", { configurable: false, enumerable: true, get: function() { return false; } });");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(105); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=494; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy1 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; return Math.fround((Math.fround((Math.pow(( - (Math.sign((x | 0)) | 0)), (x | y)) | 0)) !== Math.fround(( ! Math.fround((-0x080000000 != ( + Math.pow(( + x), ( + ( + Math.sinh(((y ? x : y) | 0)))))))))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy1, [Number.MIN_VALUE, Math.PI, -0, 0x07fffffff, 0/0, 0x080000001, 1/0, 0x080000000, -0x100000000, 42, -0x0ffffffff, -0x080000001, -Number.MIN_VALUE, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x0ffffffff, 0x100000001, 0x100000001, -0x07fffffff, 0x100000000, 1, Number.MAX_VALUE, -1/0, 0, -0x080000000]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(287); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=495; tryItOut("/*RXUB*/var r = new RegExp(\".\", \"gyi\"); var s = Math.asinh(10); print(uneval(r.exec(s))); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(374); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=496; tryItOut("g1 + '';");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(383); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=497; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; neuter(g2.b1, \"change-data\");");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(396); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=498; tryItOut("try {; } catch(c if (function(){for(let x of (function() { \"use strict\"; yield (new (4)(arguments)); } })()) return;})()) { (a); } catch(e if ((Math.imul(0, 9)) <<= true)) { Object.defineProperty(this, \"a1\", { configurable: (e % 52 == 44), enumerable: true, get: function() { return arguments.callee.caller.arguments; } }); } catch(z if \u3056 = Proxy.create(({/*TOODEEP*/})(null), '' )) { return; } catch(c if (function(){this.zzz.zzz;})()) { return; } \u000dfinally { for(let y in []);//h\n } return;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(109); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=499; tryItOut("s2 += s2;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(121); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=500; tryItOut("mathy2 = (function(x, y) { return ( + Math.log10(( + (((((y & ((y >>> 0) / y)) | 0) - ((( ! (x | 0)) | 0) | 0)) | 0) >= Math.pow(Math.asin(x), x))))); }); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(245); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=501; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; L:switch(\n('fafafa'.replace(/a/g, (function(x, y) { return 1/0; }))).watch(\"sin\", new Function)) { case 5: /*bLoop*/for (let wrabbz = 0; wrabbz < 114; ++wrabbz) { if (wrabbz % 5 == 0) { for (var p in e2) { try {, \"toString\", encodeURIComponent); } catch(e0) { } try { t1 = new Uint8ClampedArray(b1, 48, v2); } catch(e1) { } v0 = a0.length; } } else { t1[11] = this.o1; } } break; for(let \u3056 = (timeout(1800)) in delete x.x) {this.a0.shift(); }case (( /x/g )(Math.imul(\"\\uBF49\", 21), x)): /*ADP-2*/Object.defineProperty(a0, , { configurable: /\\3/im.yoyo(false), enumerable: true, get: (function() { m2.get( \"\" ); return v2; }), set: (function(stdlib, foreign, heap){ \"use asm\"; function f(d0, d1)\n {\n d0 = +d0;\n d1 = +d1;\n var d2 = 9007199254740992.0;\n var i3 = 0;\n var i4 = 0;\n return ((0x6109c*(i3)))|0;\n }\n return f; }) });break; }");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(113); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=502; tryItOut("g1.i2.send(h1);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(128); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=503; tryItOut("m1.has(b0);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(141); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=504; tryItOut("m2 = new Map;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(151); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=505; tryItOut("a2.shift();");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(163); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=506; tryItOut("L:do {e1 + m1;t0[15] = i1; } while((y = (Math.acos(( + (Math.PI ? Math.fround(Math.acos(Math.PI)) : x))))) && 0);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(307); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=507; tryItOut("mathy5 = (function(x, y) { return mathy1(Math.fround(Math.atanh((mathy3(( + Math.expm1(Math.fround(mathy3(Math.fround(Math.fround(( ! Math.fround(y)))), Math.fround((Math.asinh((y >>> 0)) >>> 0)))))), Math.min(Math.fround(( + Math.fround(x))), Math.fround((x == Math.max(mathy1(0x080000000, y), x))))) >>> 0))), (Math.hypot(Math.trunc((((y >>> 0) ? (Math.max(x, ( + 0x080000001)) | 0) : (x | 0)) | 0)), (Math.hypot(Math.log1p(x), (Math.asinh(x) | 0)) | 0)) , Math.atan2((((y >>> 0) , ((( + (x >>> 0)) ^ x) >>> 0)) >>> 0), Math.fround(Math.tanh(y))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy5, [(function(){return 0;}), -0, NaN, 1, '\\0', '/0/', ({toString:function(){return '0';}}), [], (new Number(-0)), false, objectEmulatingUndefined(), '', ({valueOf:function(){return 0;}}), (new Number(0)), [0], ({valueOf:function(){return '0';}}), (new String('')), /0/, '0', 0.1, 0, (new Boolean(false)), true, undefined, (new Boolean(true)), null]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(63); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=508; tryItOut("w = x;for (var v of f2) { try { s0 += 'x'; } catch(e0) { } try { this.i0 + h0; } catch(e1) { } o1.g1.t1[2] = \"\\u1571\"; }");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(144); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=509; tryItOut("mathy0 = (function(stdlib, foreign, heap){ \"use asm\"; var ff = foreign.ff;\n var Float64ArrayView = new stdlib.Float64Array(heap);\n function f(d0, i1)\n {\n d0 = +d0;\n i1 = i1|0;\n var d2 = 35184372088831.0;\n {\n d2 = (d0);\n }\n {\n switch ((((i1)-((0xa985b270))) ^ ((0xb90663c4)+(i1)))) {\n }\n }\n d2 = (d2);\n d2 = (((d2)) / ((+(1.0/0.0))));\n {\n d0 = (eval(\"function ([y]) { }\", \"\\u8FBF\").__defineGetter__(\"w\", function x (w) { \"use strict\"; return \"\" } )(x.unwatch(\"setMonth\"), /*UUV2*/(y.indexOf = y.getDay)));\n }\n i1 = ((((((-0x8000000)+(0xfde42c57))>>>((0xffffffff))) / (0xa3a4b55))>>>((0xff3b84d4)-(0x85413f92))) < (((-(((-(0x19ac3e14)) >> (((0x224200e) == (0x0))+((0xc7449c50)))))))>>>(-0xe94dc*((0x1e5927fe) < (0x99261b9b)))));\n switch (((((0x3e31f403) < (0x1dcaf73c))-(i1)) | ((/*FFI*/ff(((3.022314549036573e+23)), ((-1.9342813113834067e+25)), ((257.0)), ((-1.0625)))|0)))) {\n case -3:\n i1 = ((+(-1.0/0.0)) < (d0));\n break;\n case 1:\n d0 = (d0);\n break;\n }\n {\n d0 = (1.5111572745182865e+23);\n }\n return +((Float64ArrayView[1]));\n }\n return f; })(this, {ff: (4277)}, new ArrayBuffer(4096)); testMathyFunction(mathy0, [0/0, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 1, 0x0ffffffff, 0x100000001, -0x07fffffff, 0x100000000, 0x100000001, -0x0ffffffff, 0x080000000, 42, Number.MIN_VALUE, Math.PI, -0x080000000, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x080000001, -0x080000001, 0x07fffffff, 1/0, Number.MAX_VALUE, -1/0, 0, -0, -0x100000000]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(184); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=510; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; testMathyFunction(mathy5, /*MARR*/[new Number(1), arguments.caller, arguments.caller, arguments.caller, /x/g , arguments.caller, /x/g , false, false, false, arguments.caller, arguments.caller, arguments.caller, /x/g , /x/g , new Number(1), new Number(1), new Number(1), new Number(1), new Number(1), new Number(1), new Number(1), new Number(1), new Number(1), new Number(1), new Number(1), new Number(1), new Number(1), /x/g , false, arguments.caller, false, arguments.caller, false, arguments.caller, new Number(1), arguments.caller, /x/g , arguments.caller, false, /x/g , /x/g , false, false, /x/g , false, new Number(1), false, arguments.caller, arguments.caller, new Number(1), new Number(1), arguments.caller, arguments.caller, arguments.caller, /x/g , /x/g , /x/g , arguments.caller, arguments.caller, /x/g , arguments.caller, arguments.caller, /x/g , new Number(1), new Number(1), arguments.caller, arguments.caller, arguments.caller, /x/g , /x/g , /x/g , arguments.caller, arguments.caller, /x/g , false, /x/g , false, false, false, false, arguments.caller, false, arguments.caller, false, arguments.caller, new Number(1), false, arguments.caller, arguments.caller, arguments.caller, new Number(1), arguments.caller, arguments.caller, false]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(378); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=511; tryItOut("testMathyFunction(mathy0, [false, objectEmulatingUndefined(), (new Boolean(true)), ({valueOf:function(){return '0';}}), true, (new String('')), '', (new Number(0)), '0', ({valueOf:function(){return 0;}}), 0.1, 1, ({toString:function(){return '0';}}), -0, [], (new Boolean(false)), /0/, null, '\\0', (new Number(-0)), NaN, [0], undefined, 0, '/0/', (function(){return 0;})]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(412); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=512; tryItOut("testMathyFunction(mathy0, [0x100000000, 0, -0x080000001, 1/0, 0x100000001, 1, 0x100000001, 0/0, Math.PI, -1/0, 0x080000000, -0x100000000, 0x0ffffffff, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x080000000, 0x080000001, Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x07fffffff, 0x07fffffff, 42, -0x0ffffffff, Number.MIN_VALUE, -0]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(444); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=513; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy1 = (function(x, y) { return mathy0(((((( + (( + mathy0((1/0 | 0), (Math.cbrt((Math.fround(Math.log(Math.fround((-0x100000000 & Number.MAX_VALUE)))) | 0)) | 0))) >>> 0)) >>> 0) | 0) ^ Math.fround(Math.tanh((((mathy0(y, y) != Math.fround(Math.imul(Math.fround((( + (( + ((x >>> 0) , (x >>> 0))) >>> 0)) >>> 0)), Math.fround((((x | 0) & (x | 0)) | 0))))) >>> 0) >>> 0)))) >>> 0), Math.acosh(( + Math.atanh(Math.fround(( + (x ^ ( + x)))))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy1, /*MARR*/[objectEmulatingUndefined(), new String(''), (1/0), new String(''), new String(''), objectEmulatingUndefined(), new String('')]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(97); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=514; tryItOut("\"\\uAEA4\";");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(120); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=515; tryItOut("b2 + '';");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(129); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=516; tryItOut("while((( /* Comment */new XPCNativeWrapper(11))) && 0)x = linkedList(x, 76);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(195); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=517; tryItOut("/*RXUB*/var r = /\\2\\2(?!\\2)/; var s = \"\"; print(s.match(r)); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(285); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=518; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; /* no regression tests found */");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(294); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=519; tryItOut("/* no regression tests found */");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(303); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=520; tryItOut("/*MXX2*/g2.DataView.prototype.setFloat32 = o0;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(316); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=521; tryItOut("print(x);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(326); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=522; tryItOut("((Math.max(true, x)).then(new XPCSafeJSObjectWrapper(this.__defineSetter__(\"eval\", ((1 for (x in []))).apply).watch(\"toJSON\", Math.acosh(x))), function(y) { return /((?:\\B^{2,})|(\u728d*?)|\\r){2,}|(?!((?=[])|(?!\\S)))+/gyi }.prototype));");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(603); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=523; tryItOut("Object.preventExtensions(v2);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(613); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=524; tryItOut("/*RXUB*/var r = /((?=\\1.+?)){1,}|(?=$)*?/gyi; var s = \"\"; print(r.exec(s)); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(299); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=525; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy1 = (function(x, y) { return ((( + Math.max(( + (( ! (( ! Math.fround(Math.hypot(Math.fround(( + Math.abs((Math.min(y, x) >>> 0)))), Math.fround(x)))) >>> 0)) >>> 0)), ( + mathy0((y <= y), y)))) >>> 0) === ((x * ( + x)) | 0)); }); testMathyFunction(mathy1, [Number.MIN_VALUE, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x080000000, -0x0ffffffff, 0x07fffffff, Math.PI, 0, 1, 0x100000000, -0x080000001, 0x100000001, 0x0ffffffff, 0x100000001, Number.MAX_VALUE, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x080000000, 1/0, -0, -0x100000000, 0/0, -0x07fffffff, 42, 0x080000001, -1/0]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(495); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=526; tryItOut("print(h0);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(504); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=527; tryItOut("m0.has(o0.h2);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(520); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=528; tryItOut("testMathyFunction(mathy4, [({valueOf:function(){return '0';}}), (new Boolean(false)), ({toString:function(){return '0';}}), null, (new Number(-0)), '0', (new Number(0)), ({valueOf:function(){return 0;}}), [0], (function(){return 0;}), /0/, 0.1, -0, [], NaN, 1, (new Boolean(true)), 0, false, objectEmulatingUndefined(), undefined, '', '/0/', true, (new String('')), '\\0']); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(554); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=529; tryItOut("(this);\nprint(x);\n");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(606); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=530; tryItOut("/*bLoop*/for (var kfvpnc = 0; kfvpnc < 2 && ((c) = \"\\u19C5\" >> /x/ ); ++kfvpnc) { if (kfvpnc % 18 == 15) { b1 = new ArrayBuffer(0); } else { /* no regression tests found */ } } ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(87); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=531; tryItOut("for (var v of m1) { try { ; } catch(e0) { } try { ; } catch(e1) { } try { v1 = r0.ignoreCase; } catch(e2) { } print(uneval(e0)); }");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(112); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=532; tryItOut("do {s0 += 'x';/* no regression tests found */ } while((eval >>>= window) && 0);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(191); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=533; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; f0(g1);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(203); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=534; tryItOut("function shapeyConstructor(owqzlp){return this; }/*tLoopC*/for (let y of /*MARR*/[x, x, new Boolean(true), arguments, new Boolean(true), true, arguments, new Boolean(true), arguments, arguments, arguments, x, x, true, arguments, true, arguments, new Boolean(true), x, new String(''), new Boolean(true), true, x, new String(''), new String(''), arguments, true, new Boolean(true), arguments, new String(''), x, new String(''), new Boolean(true), arguments, arguments, new Boolean(true), new Boolean(true), new Boolean(true), new Boolean(true), new Boolean(true), x, new Boolean(true), true, new String(''), new String(''), x, new String(''), true, x, true, new Boolean(true), new Boolean(true), new Boolean(true), true, x, new String(''), arguments, new Boolean(true), x, new Boolean(true), arguments, new String(''), new Boolean(true), arguments, arguments, arguments, x, new String(''), new String(''), new String(''), arguments, new String(''), new Boolean(true), x, new Boolean(true), x, new Boolean(true), new String('')]) { try{let bhdsnv = shapeyConstructor(y); print('EETT'); e1.has(a0);}catch(e){print('TTEE ' + e); } }");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(445); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=535; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; v1 = r0.toString;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(459); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=536; tryItOut("mathy3 = (function(x, y) { return ((Math.expm1(( + mathy0(( + ( - Math.max(x, x))), Math.cos(( + x))))) !== Math.fround((( + mathy0(( + ( ! ( - y))), Math.exp(((x << x) >>> 0)))) <= Math.fround(((Math.fround(y) - Math.fround(( + Math.fround(Math.round(Math.fround(x)))))) - ( ~ -0x080000000)))))) | 0); }); testMathyFunction(mathy3, [-1/0, -0x080000000, Number.MIN_VALUE, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x080000000, 1, -0x080000001, 0x080000001, -Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x0ffffffff, 0x100000001, 0, -0x07fffffff, Number.MAX_VALUE, Math.PI, 0x100000001, 0x100000000, 0/0, -0x100000000, 0x0ffffffff, 0x07fffffff, -0, 1/0, 42]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(107); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=537; tryItOut("a2.toSource = (function(j) { if (j) { try { Array.prototype.splice.apply(a2, [NaN, x]); } catch(e0) { } try { v1 = (b2 instanceof v2); } catch(e1) { } v2 = evalcx(\"/* no regression tests found */\", g1); } else {, t2, h2); } });");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(179); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=538; tryItOut("throw StopIteration;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(189); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=539; tryItOut("with({z: (4277)})arguments;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(261); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=540; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; /*RXUB*/var r = /^(?:(?!$(?:\\D))?)?{1,1}/gyim; var s = \"\"; print(r.test(s)); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(66); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=541; tryItOut("mathy4 = (function(x, y) { return Math.fround(Math.atan2(Math.fround(( + (Math.fround(Math.log1p(Math.fround(x))) == Math.fround(Math.pow(( ! (y | 0)), mathy2(x, x)))))), Math.fround(mathy2(( - x), (Math.expm1(mathy1(Math.cbrt(-0), Math.asinh(x))) | 0))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy4, [Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x07fffffff, 0x080000000, 0x100000001, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x080000001, -0, 0, 0x100000001, 1, Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x100000000, 0x0ffffffff, -Number.MIN_VALUE, Math.PI, 1/0, -1/0, 0x080000001, -0x080000000, 0x100000000, 0/0, 42, -0x0ffffffff, 0x07fffffff]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(273); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=542; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; {Math; }\n(x);\n");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(353); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=543; tryItOut("let y = new RegExp(\"\\\\1{4}\", \"gyim\");/* no regression tests found */");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(464); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=544; tryItOut("v0 = evalcx(\"this.t1.set(this.t1, 7);\", g0);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(487); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=545; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; this.a1.push(((function sum_slicing(elhger) { m0 = x;; return elhger.length == 0 ? 0 : elhger[0] + sum_slicing(elhger.slice(1)); })(/*MARR*/[objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined()])), p0);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(120); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=546; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; /*vLoop*/for (bzucze = 0; bzucze < 49; ++bzucze) { const x = bzucze; ; } ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(149); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=547; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; testMathyFunction(mathy0, [-0x100000000, Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x0ffffffff, 0x100000000, 0x080000000, -0x080000000, 0x100000001, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 1, 0, 42, 0x07fffffff, Math.PI, 1/0, -0x07fffffff, Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x0ffffffff, -1/0, -0x080000001, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0/0, 0x080000001, -0, 0x100000001]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(181); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=548; tryItOut("{}Object.defineProperty(this, \"v0\", { configurable: false, enumerable: new RegExp(\"(?:(?=$\\\\B?|(?!\\\\D)\\u6833))(?=\\\\b[]\\\\b|(?!\\u25d2){3}+){16777216,}\", \"\"), get: function() { return evaluate(\"\\\"\\\\u713F\\\";\", ({ global: this.g2, fileName: null, lineNumber: 42, newContext: null, isRunOnce: null, noScriptRval: /\\2*?/ym, catchTermination: false, saveFrameChain: false })); } });");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(443); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=549; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; v1 = g2.eval(\"function f2(f1) new f1()\");");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(492); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=550; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy4 = (function(x, y) { return (Math.hypot(Math.min((( ! (y ? ( + (( + (Math.min((Math.min(x, (x | 0)) | 0), (y | 0)) | 0)) && ( + x))) : ((Math.imul((x >>> 0), (( - x) >>> 0)) >>> 0) >>> 0))) | 0), Math.trunc(( + ((( + Number.MIN_VALUE) > 0) < ((x | 0) === (Math.sign(x) >>> 0)))))), (mathy0((( + (Math.fround(( ~ Math.fround(x))) >>> 0)) >>> 0), (( + Math.log1p(( + (( ! y) !== y)))) && -0x080000000)) >>> 0)) >>> 0); }); testMathyFunction(mathy4, [0x100000001, -1/0, 0x080000000, -0x07fffffff, 0, 0/0, 1, 0x07fffffff, Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x080000000, -Number.MIN_VALUE, -0, 0x100000001, 0x0ffffffff, -0x0ffffffff, 0x100000000, 1/0, 0x080000001, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x080000001, Math.PI, 42, Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x100000000]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(208); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=551; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy3 = (function(x, y) { return Math.fround(mathy1((( + Math.tanh(( + ( + Math.atan2(( + Math.atan2((y >>> 0), ( + y))), y))))) >>> 0), (Math.sinh(( ~ y)) >>> 0))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy3, [-0x0ffffffff, Number.MIN_VALUE, -0, -0x080000000, 0x080000000, -0x07fffffff, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x100000000, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x080000001, -0x080000001, 0x0ffffffff, Number.MAX_VALUE, 0, 0x07fffffff, 0x100000001, 42, 0/0, -1/0, 0x100000001, 0x100000000, 1, 1/0, Math.PI]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(349); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=552; tryItOut("let(w) ((function(){let(c) ((function(){return;})());})());");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(367); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=553; tryItOut("v2 = t1.byteOffset;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(380); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=554; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; function x(x = x, x, x, NaN = /*RXUE*//(?:[\\d].)*/i.exec(\"\\u9b27\\u9b27\\u9b27\\u9b27\\u9b27\"), d, z = -26, eval, \u3056, w, x, delete, a, e = w, x, \u3056, window, x, , x, this.x = window, x, b, x = undefined, x, b = 26, NaN, z, NaN, x, d, x, a, eval, x, x, window = new RegExp(\"(?!(?:\\\\b){1,1})\", \"yi\"), x, x, x, w, x, a, c, window, z, window, z = undefined, x = \"\u03a0\", x, x, x = undefined, x, \u3056, this.x = -16, a, x) { return x } new RegExp(\"(?!(?!\\\\3{0,2}))|\\\\3(?=\\\\2)\", \"yi\");");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(78); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=555; tryItOut("e1.has(f1);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(91); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=556; tryItOut("mathy4 = (function(x, y) { return ((( + (Math.log10(Math.fround(mathy0(Math.fround(Math.hypot(Math.fround(( ! (Math.log2(x) | 0))), x)), Math.fround(x)))) >>> 0)) >>> 0) * (( ~ (y | 0)) <= mathy1(y, ( + ( - (( + (y | 0)) | 0)))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy4, [-1/0, 0x100000001, -0x07fffffff, -0x080000000, 1/0, 0x0ffffffff, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0, Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x080000000, -0x100000000, 0/0, 0x100000000, -0, Number.MAX_VALUE, 42, -0x080000001, 1, 0x100000001, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x080000001, 0x07fffffff, -0x0ffffffff, Math.PI]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(281); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=557; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; let (w = x, e = (void options('strict')), w = (new Uint8Array().unwatch(\"wrappedJSObject\")), x = allocationMarker(), d = -19, tnlant, z = new XPCSafeJSObjectWrapper(true), \u3056, c, qlyxaa) { { void 0; void schedulegc(this); } }function z(c, [[[, , , , , x, {x: [, arguments.callee.arguments]}], , ], , z, \u3056], x[\"wrappedJSObject\"], x, NaN, x, a, \u3056 = (d = Proxy.createFunction(({/*TOODEEP*/})(6), function shapeyConstructor(ykztso){\"use strict\"; delete ykztso[\"getUTCHours\"];{, new String(\"-14\"), (function() { t0[1]; return f1; })); } delete ykztso[\"getUTCHours\"];ykztso[\"getUTCHours\"] = x;ykztso[\"keys\"] = /*wrap1*/(function(){ v0 = evaluate(\"h0 + this.h2;\", ({ global: g2, fileName: 'evaluate.js', lineNumber: 42, newContext: new RegExp(\"\\\\D{1}(?!\\\\S)?|[^]+?+*\", \"gi\"), isRunOnce: (x % 3 == 2), noScriptRval: null, catchTermination: \"\" , saveFrameChain: false, elementProperty: s0, sourceMapURL: s2, sourcePolicy: 'SAVE_SOURCE' }));return function shapeyConstructor(xnneyv){this[\"valueOf\"] = Uint32Array;if (xnneyv) Object.seal(this);for (var ytqptdtnj in this) { }Object.seal(this);if (\u3056) this[\"valueOf\"] = x;{ (new RegExp(\"(?:\\\\d*?){2,5}|(?!\\\\2\\\\S\\\\B{4}|\\\\2)\", \"gim\")); } { p2 + v0; } Object.preventExtensions(this);return this; }})();for (var ytqdaaogi in ykztso) { }return ykztso; })), x = Math.hypot(let (b) window, [[1]]), eval, y, x, [], window, x = '' , x, x, y = /(?:(?:\\b|[^]{0,})*)*/y, window, x, window, window = 10, x, e, y, arguments, b, x, c, y, x, \u3056 = \"\\uF61A\", setter = \"\" , window, window, x, w, e, x, e = window, c = window, eval, a, x) { yield /*tLoop*/for (let b of /*MARR*/[(1/0), (1/0), function(){}, (1/0), \"\\u9140\", \"\\u9140\", (1/0)]) { t2[this.v0] = ({}); } } m2.set(g2, v2);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(46); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=558; tryItOut(";");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(52); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=559; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; print(x);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(62); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=560; tryItOut("mathy4 = (function(x, y) { return Math.tan((Math.log1p((mathy2(( + y), (x >>> 0)) >>> 0)) >>> 0)); }); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(113); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=561; tryItOut("g0.o1.i2.send(a1);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(131); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=562; tryItOut("mathy5 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; return (Math.sqrt(Math.min(Math.fround((mathy3(((Math.cbrt((( + x) | 0)) | 0) <= y), ( + mathy2(( + x), ( + (( + (y | 0)) | 0))))) | 0)), ( + mathy0(( + ((Math.fround(Math.asinh((y >>> 0))) * ((x | 0) < Math.atan2(x, (y >>> 0)))) | 0)), ( + (((y >>> 0) + ( + ( + y))) >>> 0)))))) | 0); }); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(346); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=563; tryItOut("g0.a2.forEach();");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(414); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=564; tryItOut("mathy3 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; \"use asm\"; return ( + Math.atanh(( + ((Math.fround((Math.round(Math.fround(-1/0)) >>> 0)) !== (Math.fround(mathy1(Math.fround((Math.asin((y >>> 0)) >>> 0)), Math.fround((mathy2((x | 0), ( + Math.log10(Math.fround((-0x100000000 !== -Number.MAX_VALUE))))) | 0)))) >>> 0)) >>> 0)))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy3, /*MARR*/[new Number(1.5), (-1/0), (-1/0), new Number(1.5), (-1/0), (-1/0), (-1/0), new Number(1.5), (-1/0), (-1/0), (-1/0), new Number(1.5), (-1/0), (-1/0), (-1/0)]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(577); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=565; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; {v2 = (g2.a1 instanceof s1);m0.get(i0); }");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(622); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=566; tryItOut("mathy1 = (function(x, y) { return Math.fround(( - Math.fround(( + ( + ( ~ ( + Math.max(Math.max((y | 0), ((((x >>> 0) - (y >>> 0)) >>> 0) ? y : ( ! 0x100000000))), (x !== y))))))))); }); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(141); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=567; tryItOut("mathy3 = (function(x, y) { return Math.log1p(Math.log2(( + mathy1(( + ( ~ Math.hypot(Math.log(y), Math.round(y)))), ( + ( ! Math.fround(( - y)))))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy3, [0x100000001, 0x100000001, 0x100000000, 0x080000000, -0, 0x0ffffffff, 0x080000001, Math.PI, -0x080000001, 1/0, 0, -1/0, -0x0ffffffff, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 42, -Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE, 1, 0x07fffffff, -0x080000000, 0/0, -0x100000000, Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x07fffffff]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(285); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=568; tryItOut("mathy3 = (function(x, y) { return Math.fround((Math.fround(( + mathy2(( + (y ? ( ~ (x >>> 0)) : ( + ( - (Number.MIN_VALUE | 0))))), ( + Math.max(Math.atan2(y, x), ( + Math.log(( + Math.max(( ! 0x0ffffffff), ( ! y)))))))))) / Math.fround(Math.trunc(( + (( + x) | ( + ( + (( + ( + (( + x) & ( + y)))) ? ( + (mathy2((( + Math.ceil(x)) | 0), ((( ! y) | 0) >>> 0)) >>> 0)) : Math.cosh(Math.fround((x ? (Math.atan(-Number.MIN_VALUE) | 0) : ( ~ ( + x)))))))))))))); }); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(596); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=569; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy1 = (function(x, y) { return Math.min((( + (Math.max((( ~ ( + Math.fround(Math.hypot(Math.fround(x), Math.fround(x))))) ^ y), Number.MAX_VALUE) >>> 0)) >>> 0), mathy0((Math.abs(Math.atan2(y, ((Math.tanh(x) >>> 0) <= (y >>> 0)))) >>> 0), Math.exp(Math.sign(( + y))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy1, [42, 0x100000001, 0, -1/0, 1, 1/0, -0x080000001, 0x100000000, 0x07fffffff, -0, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x100000001, 0x0ffffffff, 0x080000000, -0x080000000, 0x080000001, -0x07fffffff, -0x0ffffffff, Number.MIN_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE, Math.PI, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0/0, -0x100000000]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(186); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=570; tryItOut("g0[\"fromCharCode\"] = e0;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(202); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=571; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; e1.add(a = x);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(242); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=572; tryItOut("m0.has(i1);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(255); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=573; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; h1.fix = (function() { o2.t0 + s1; return v1; });");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(280); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=574; tryItOut("m0.set(g2, g0.a1);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(300); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=575; tryItOut("mathy4 = (function(x, y) { return ( ~ ((( + Math.fround(( + Math.imul((y >>> 0), (mathy3(Math.fround(( - (x | 0))), Math.fround((( + x) && y))) >>> 0))))) | 0) , (mathy0(y, (y | 0)) | 0))); }); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(427); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=576; tryItOut("\"use asm\"; mathy3 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; return (((Math.imul(((((Math.fround((x > x)) | 0) >>> (Math.fround(( ! Math.fround(( + Math.log10(( + y)))))) | 0)) | 0) >>> 0), (( + Math.pow(Math.imul(x, x), ((Math.pow(( + x), ((( ~ (x | 0)) | 0) >>> 0)) >>> 0) | 0))) >>> 0)) >>> 0) , Math.fround(Math.pow(Math.fround(Math.log10(Math.cos((Math.atanh(y) >>> 0)))), Math.fround(( + ( ! Math.imul(( + Math.hypot(( + y), ( + y))), ( + ( ~ Math.fround(x)))))))))) >>> 0); }); testMathyFunction(mathy3, [0x100000001, 0, -0, -0x07fffffff, 0x080000000, Math.PI, 0x07fffffff, Number.MAX_VALUE, 42, 0x100000001, Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x0ffffffff, -1/0, 0x080000001, 0/0, -0x080000001, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x080000000, -0x100000000, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 1, 0x100000000, -0x0ffffffff, 1/0]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(107); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=577; tryItOut("\"use asm\"; /*RXUB*/var r = new RegExp(\"(\\\\D)+|\\\\2+\", \"g\"); var s = \"\\u728d\\u728d\\u728d\\u728d\"; print(uneval(s.match(r))); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(312); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=578; tryItOut("v0 = t0.length");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(330); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=579; tryItOut("var r0 = 8 * 0; x = x - x; var r1 = x ^ x; var r2 = r0 ^ 3; x = r1 / 5; r0 = x & x; var r3 = r2 ^ r1; var r4 = r2 % r3; r0 = r2 * 6; var r5 = r3 + 9; print(r1); r4 = 6 | r4; var r6 = r1 ^ r4; r0 = r2 | r0; var r7 = x % r2; var r8 = 4 % r4; var r9 = r5 & r6; r7 = r7 * r8; r0 = r8 + 5; r2 = r0 / 0; var r10 = r3 ^ 6; var r11 = 9 - r0; r5 = r3 - r6; var r12 = x + r2; var r13 = r3 + r1; var r14 = r10 - r0; var r15 = 9 - 9; var r16 = 4 & 7; var r17 = 5 | r13; r11 = r15 & 6; r2 = r15 % 2; var r18 = 8 / x; var r19 = 7 - r11; var r20 = 7 * r15; var r21 = 3 / r17; var r22 = 8 & 8; var r23 = r5 + 0; var r24 = r14 * r6; var r25 = r3 + 6; var r26 = r14 * r13; var r27 = r16 ^ x; var r28 = r2 & r12; var r29 = r0 | r6; var r30 = r5 | 8; r9 = r9 / r6; var r31 = r30 + r27; var r32 = 4 ^ r1; r31 = 9 % r8; var r33 = r12 % r3; var r34 = r12 ^ r32; var r35 = r15 / 3; var r36 = r15 | r24; var r37 = r31 | 5; var r38 = r16 + 2; var r39 = r11 * r2; var r40 = r37 | 8; ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(132); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=580; tryItOut("for (var v of v1) { try { i1 = new Iterator(g1.t0); } catch(e0) { } let v0 = new Number(e0); }");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(162); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=581; tryItOut("delete eval.x;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(206); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=582; tryItOut("var ikcxpa, a, w, eval, a, \u3056, x;throw x;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(296); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=583; tryItOut("/*bLoop*/for (let tpyolp = 0; tpyolp < 5; ++tpyolp) { if (tpyolp % 7 == 2) { h0.getPropertyDescriptor = (function() { s0 += this.s1; return t0; }); } else { Array.prototype.pop.apply(a1, []); } } ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(351); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=584; tryItOut("mathy3 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; return (Math.max(Math.fround((((Math.max(Math.fround((Math.fround(x) || Math.fround(y))), Math.fround((x > Math.fround(x)))) >>> 0) < (Math.fround((Math.fround((Math.log1p(Math.fround((Math.asinh((y >>> 0)) >>> 0))) >>> 0)) ** Math.fround(x))) >>> 0)) >>> 0)), mathy2(Math.asin(x), (Math.imul((mathy0(Math.cbrt(( ~ (x , x))), (Math.PI | 0)) | 0), (x | 0)) | 0))) | 0); }); testMathyFunction(mathy3, /*MARR*/[0x10000000, (1/0), 0x10000000, (1/0), (1/0), (1/0), (1/0), (1/0), (1/0), (1/0), (1/0), (1/0), (1/0), 0x10000000, 0x10000000, 0x10000000, (1/0), (1/0), (1/0), 0x10000000, (1/0), 0x10000000, (1/0), 0x10000000, (1/0), (1/0), 0x10000000, 0x10000000, (1/0), (1/0), 0x10000000, 0x10000000, (1/0), (1/0), (1/0), 0x10000000, (1/0), 0x10000000, (1/0), 0x10000000, (1/0), (1/0), 0x10000000, (1/0), (1/0), (1/0), (1/0), (1/0), 0x10000000, 0x10000000, 0x10000000, 0x10000000, 0x10000000, 0x10000000, (1/0), (1/0), 0x10000000, (1/0), (1/0), (1/0), (1/0), (1/0), (1/0), 0x10000000, 0x10000000, (1/0), (1/0), (1/0), (1/0), (1/0), 0x10000000, (1/0), (1/0), (1/0), 0x10000000, 0x10000000, (1/0), (1/0), (1/0), 0x10000000, 0x10000000, 0x10000000, 0x10000000, 0x10000000, 0x10000000, 0x10000000, 0x10000000, 0x10000000, 0x10000000, 0x10000000, 0x10000000, 0x10000000, 0x10000000, 0x10000000, 0x10000000, 0x10000000, 0x10000000, 0x10000000, 0x10000000, 0x10000000, 0x10000000, (1/0), 0x10000000, 0x10000000, 0x10000000, 0x10000000, 0x10000000, 0x10000000, (1/0), (1/0), 0x10000000, 0x10000000, (1/0), (1/0), (1/0), 0x10000000, 0x10000000, 0x10000000, (1/0), 0x10000000, (1/0), 0x10000000, (1/0), (1/0), 0x10000000, 0x10000000, (1/0), 0x10000000, (1/0), (1/0), 0x10000000, 0x10000000, (1/0), 0x10000000, 0x10000000, 0x10000000, 0x10000000, 0x10000000, (1/0), 0x10000000, 0x10000000, (1/0), (1/0), (1/0), 0x10000000, (1/0), 0x10000000, 0x10000000, 0x10000000, 0x10000000]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(228); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=585; tryItOut("print(x);\nv0 = -Infinity;\n");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(261); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=586; tryItOut(" for each(var y in Math.trunc(x)) print(y);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(330); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=587; tryItOut("/*tLoop*/for (let c of /*MARR*/[true, ({}), new Boolean(true), new Boolean(true), (-1/0), new Boolean(true), new Boolean(true), new Boolean(true), (-1/0), new Boolean(true), (-1/0), true, ({}), new Boolean(true), (-1/0), ({}), ({}), ({})]) { /*tLoop*/for (let x of /*MARR*/[new Boolean(false), function(){}, /x/ , undefined, new Number(1), undefined, undefined, undefined, /x/ , /x/ , new Number(1), function(){}, function(){}, /x/ , function(){}, function(){}, new Number(1), new Number(1), function(){}, undefined, function(){}, new Boolean(false), function(){}, new Boolean(false), undefined, new Number(1), /x/ , new Boolean(false), function(){}, /x/ , new Number(1), new Boolean(false), new Number(1), new Boolean(false), new Boolean(false), new Boolean(false), function(){}, function(){}, undefined, undefined, function(){}, new Number(1), new Boolean(false), new Number(1), new Number(1), function(){}, new Number(1), undefined, new Boolean(false), new Boolean(false), /x/ , undefined, new Boolean(false), function(){}, /x/ , new Number(1), function(){}, new Boolean(false), new Boolean(false), new Boolean(false), undefined, new Number(1), new Boolean(false), /x/ , undefined, /x/ , undefined, undefined, new Boolean(false), function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, new Number(1), new Boolean(false), new Boolean(false), new Number(1), new Number(1), new Boolean(false), new Boolean(false), new Boolean(false), /x/ , function(){}, /x/ , /x/ , function(){}, undefined, new Number(1), new Number(1), new Boolean(false), function(){}, new Number(1), undefined, new Boolean(false), /x/ , new Boolean(false), /x/ , new Number(1), function(){}, function(){}, /x/ , new Number(1), function(){}, undefined, new Boolean(false), new Number(1), /x/ , new Number(1), new Number(1), new Boolean(false), undefined, new Number(1), function(){}, new Boolean(false), function(){}, /x/ , new Boolean(false), /x/ , new Number(1), undefined, new Number(1), undefined, function(){}, function(){}, /x/ , new Boolean(false), new Boolean(false), undefined, new Number(1), new Boolean(false), function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, /x/ , /x/ , function(){}, function(){}, /x/ , new Number(1), new Number(1), new Boolean(false), /x/ , new Boolean(false), new Number(1), function(){}, new Number(1), new Number(1), function(){}, new Number(1), new Number(1), /x/ , new Number(1), new Boolean(false), new Number(1)]) { s0 + p1; } }");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(129); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=588; tryItOut("mathy0 = (function(stdlib, foreign, heap){ \"use asm\"; var imul = stdlib.Math.imul;\n var ff = foreign.ff;\n function f(i0, d1)\n {\n i0 = i0|0;\n d1 = +d1;\n var i2 = 0;\n i0 = (i2);\n i2 = ((imul((0xc9740844), (i2))|0) >= (((-0x8000000))|0));\n return +((-3.094850098213451e+26));\n }\n return f; })(this, {ff: Math.log10}, new ArrayBuffer(4096)); testMathyFunction(mathy0, [true, [], '', null, 1, /0/, (new String('')), [0], ({valueOf:function(){return 0;}}), (new Number(0)), '0', objectEmulatingUndefined(), '/0/', (new Boolean(false)), false, (new Boolean(true)), ({valueOf:function(){return '0';}}), (function(){return 0;}), ({toString:function(){return '0';}}), NaN, (new Number(-0)), 0, '\\0', 0.1, undefined, -0]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(255); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=589; tryItOut("\"use asm\"; a2.__iterator__ = f1;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(268); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=590; tryItOut("throw x;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(291); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=591; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy3 = (function(x, y) { return (( + ((( ! (((Math.fround(-0x080000000) | Math.max(( + x), -0x100000000)) >>> 0) < Math.min(Math.pow(x, y), (y >>> 0)))) >>> 0) ? ( + Math.round((Math.atan2((( ~ ( + (x - 0x080000001))) | 0), ((Math.fround(-Number.MIN_VALUE) ? Math.fround(1) : Math.pow(x, 0x07fffffff)) | 0)) | 0))) : ( + Math.fround(Math.cos(( + ( ! (Math.trunc((Math.atan2(x, Math.atan2(Math.fround(x), Math.fround(x))) >>> 0)) >>> 0)))))))) - ((Math.hypot((Math.fround(1) | 0), (Math.acos(Math.sqrt(y)) | 0)) | 0) >> (Math.max((y | 0), (((((mathy0((0x07fffffff >>> 0), (Math.hypot(Number.MIN_VALUE, x) >>> 0)) >>> 0) >>> 0) >> (Math.log1p(0x0ffffffff) >>> 0)) >>> 0) | 0)) | 0))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy3, [Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x100000001, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x0ffffffff, -0x080000001, 0x080000001, 1/0, 0/0, Number.MIN_VALUE, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x100000001, 0, 1, 0x07fffffff, 0x0ffffffff, Math.PI, 0x080000000, 42, -0x100000000, -1/0, -0, 0x100000000, -0x080000000, -0x07fffffff]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(128); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=592; tryItOut("var egvxev = new ArrayBuffer(0); var egvxev_0 = new Uint8Array(egvxev); egvxev_0[0] = 23; print( \"\" );");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(165); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=593; tryItOut("const v1 = evaluate(\"/* no regression tests found */\", ({ global: g1, fileName: 'evaluate.js', lineNumber: 42, newContext: false, isRunOnce: (x % 14 != 4), noScriptRval: x, catchTermination: true, saveFrameChain: false }));");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(203); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=594; tryItOut("v1 = a1.length;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(216); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=595; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; t0 = new Uint16Array(4);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(229); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=596; tryItOut("mathy1 = (function(stdlib, foreign, heap){ \"use asm\"; var ff = foreign.ff;\n var Int16ArrayView = new stdlib.Int16Array(heap);\n function f(i0, d1)\n {\n i0 = i0|0;\n d1 = +d1;\n var d2 = -295147905179352830000.0;\n return (((Int16ArrayView[((0xad55c1d0)) >> 1])))|0;\n }\n return f; })(this, {ff: new Function}, new ArrayBuffer(4096)); testMathyFunction(mathy1, [-0x100000000, Number.MIN_VALUE, 42, 0x07fffffff, 0x100000001, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x080000001, 0x080000001, 0x100000000, 0x0ffffffff, -0, -0x07fffffff, 0x100000001, -Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x080000000, 0, -1/0, 1/0, Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x080000000, 0/0, -0x0ffffffff, Math.PI, 1]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(313); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=597; tryItOut("\"use asm\"; let set, x = (--a) == z instanceof x | (4277), x;for (var v of p2) { try { m0.get(\"\\uEEBA\"); } catch(e0) { } try { e1.has(o1); } catch(e1) { } try { v0 = -0; } catch(e2) { } t1.set(a0, 2); }");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(489); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=598; tryItOut("v2 = evaluate(\"v0 =, t2);\", ({ global: g0, fileName: 'evaluate.js', lineNumber: 42, newContext: x ? intern(length) : (4277), isRunOnce: false, noScriptRval: false, catchTermination: false, saveFrameChain: false }));\nv1.__proto__ = b1;\n");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(591); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=599; tryItOut("v1 = r0.toString;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(605); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=600; tryItOut("mathy1 = (function(x, y) { return Math.min(( ~ (Math.fround(( + Math.max(( + (y < x)), ( + Math.atan2(x, x))))) || Math.max(( + ((( + (Number.MAX_VALUE >>> 0)) >>> 0) < ((( + ( ~ Math.fround(y))) <= x) | 0))), ( + ((( + (x , y)) >>> 0) | (x >>> 0)))))), (Math.sign(Math.imul(Math.atan2(( + Math.max(0x100000000, (Math.fround((y | 0)) | 0))), (Math.max(y, Math.log1p(1/0)) | 0)), (( ~ (x >>> 0)) >>> 0))) >>> 0)); }); testMathyFunction(mathy1, [0x080000001, Number.MIN_VALUE, 1/0, -Number.MIN_VALUE, -0, 0x07fffffff, 0/0, -0x0ffffffff, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x0ffffffff, -0x080000000, -0x07fffffff, 0x080000000, -0x100000000, -1/0, 1, 0x100000000, -0x080000001, 0, 42, Math.PI, 0x100000001, 0x100000001, Number.MAX_VALUE]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(324); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=601; tryItOut("/*RXUB*/var r = r1; var s = this.s1; print(s.match(r)); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(107); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=602; tryItOut("/* no regression tests found */");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(116); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=603; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; v0 = Infinity;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(127); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=604; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy1 = (function(x, y) { return ( + Math.tan(( + ((( ! ((( ! 0x100000000) >> (( - 0x080000001) | 0)) | 0)) >>> 0) ? Math.log10((Math.fround(( ! Math.fround(1/0))) >>> ( ~ mathy0(y, x)))) : ( + ( ~ ( + Math.hypot(-0x080000000, x)))))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy1, [-Number.MAX_VALUE, 42, -0, 0x100000000, -0x080000001, -0x07fffffff, 0/0, 0, 0x07fffffff, Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x0ffffffff, 0x0ffffffff, 0x080000000, 1/0, -0x080000000, -1/0, 0x100000001, -0x100000000, 1, 0x080000001, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x100000001, Math.PI, Number.MIN_VALUE]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(333); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=605; tryItOut("testMathyFunction(mathy2, [Math.PI, -0, 0x0ffffffff, 0x100000001, 42, -1/0, -0x0ffffffff, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x100000000, 0x07fffffff, -0x080000001, 0, 0x080000000, 1/0, -0x07fffffff, -0x100000000, 0/0, -0x080000000, Number.MIN_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE, 1, 0x100000001, 0x080000001]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(365); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=606; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; {v0 = t1.length; }\na2 = r0.exec(s0);\n");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(424); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=607; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; testMathyFunction(mathy0, [0x080000001, -0x07fffffff, -0x0ffffffff, Math.PI, 0x0ffffffff, 0x100000001, -0x100000000, 42, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x080000001, 0x100000001, -1/0, 0x080000000, 0/0, 1, -0x080000000, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0, 0x07fffffff, -0, Number.MAX_VALUE, 1/0, Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x100000000]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(456); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=608; tryItOut("mathy4 = (function(x, y) { \"use asm\"; return ( + (((Math.fround(Math.min((0x080000001 | 0), (Math.expm1((Math.cbrt(y) | 0)) | 0))) | 0) >>> 0) >> ( + (((Math.fround(( ! Math.cos((x | 0)))) ** mathy2((x | 0), (((Math.log10(( ~ y)) | 0) ? (Math.tanh((x | 0)) | 0) : x) | 0))) >>> 0) >> (((Math.imul((Math.fround(0x080000001) / y), x) ? (-0x080000001 & y) : x) >= ( ~ x)) >>> 0))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy4, /*MARR*/[arguments, arguments, ++d, ++d, ++d, arguments, ++d, arguments, arguments, arguments, ++d, ++d, ++d, arguments, ++d, ++d, arguments, arguments, ++d, arguments, arguments, ++d, ++d, arguments, ++d, arguments, ++d, ++d, arguments, ++d, ++d, ++d, arguments, arguments, ++d, arguments, arguments, arguments, ++d, arguments, ++d, ++d, ++d, ++d, ++d, ++d, ++d, ++d, ++d, ++d, ++d, ++d, ++d, ++d, ++d, ++d, ++d, ++d, arguments, arguments, ++d, ++d, arguments, ++d, arguments, arguments, arguments, ++d, ++d, arguments, ++d, arguments, arguments, arguments, ++d, arguments, arguments, ++d, ++d, arguments, arguments, ++d, ++d, ++d, arguments, ++d, ++d, ++d, arguments, ++d, arguments, ++d, ++d, arguments, ++d, ++d, ++d, ++d, ++d, arguments, ++d, arguments, ++d, arguments, ++d, arguments, arguments, ++d, arguments, ++d, ++d, ++d, ++d, ++d, ++d, ++d, ++d, ++d, ++d, ++d]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(370); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=609; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; \"use asm\"; /*bLoop*/for (let ycggas = 0; ycggas < 64; ++ycggas) { if (ycggas % 6 == 5) { for each(y in (x = null)) {Array.prototype.forEach.apply(a1, [(function() { try { t0 = new Uint8ClampedArray(o2.g0.b1); } catch(e0) { }, \"prototype\", (function() { e1 = Proxy.create(this.h0, e0); return o1.h2; })); return g2.b1; }), t2]);/*ODP-2*/Object.defineProperty(a1, \"assign\", { configurable: (y % 5 == 0), enumerable: true, get: (function() { for (var j=0;j<37;++j) { f1(j%3==1); } }), set: String.prototype.substr.bind(p2) }); } } else { this.a0.splice(NaN, ({valueOf: function() { t0 = t2.subarray(7, 13);return 4; }}), g2, v2); } } ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(300); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=610; tryItOut("with({}) { Date.prototype.getUTCDate } let(e) { try { b = window; } catch(x) { try { let(b) ((function(){for(let x in ((4277) for (a in w = arguments) for each (z in /*MARR*/[function(){}, \"use strict\" , new String(''), function(){}, function(){}, \"use strict\" , function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , function(){}, \"use strict\" , function(){}, function(){}, new String(''), function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, new String(''), \"use strict\" , new String(''), function(){}, new String(''), function(){}, new String(''), function(){}, new String(''), function(){}, \"use strict\" , function(){}, \"use strict\" , new String(''), function(){}, \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , function(){}, \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, new String(''), \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , function(){}, \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , function(){}, \"use strict\" , new String(''), \"use strict\" , new String(''), function(){}, new String(''), function(){}, new String(''), function(){}, function(){}, \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , function(){}, \"use strict\" , function(){}, function(){}, \"use strict\" , new String(''), \"use strict\" , new String(''), \"use strict\" , new String(''), function(){}, function(){}, \"use strict\" , function(){}, new String(''), \"use strict\" , \"use strict\" , function(){}, function(){}]) for (eval of /*FARR*/[...[]]) for (arguments[\"delete\"] in window) for (name of 19))) for(let a of /*FARR*/[Math.max( \"\" , 3), Math.hypot(arguments, \"\" ), (-\"\\uDD89\" ? this.__defineSetter__(\"e\", function d (b) { yield [,] } ) : /*UUV1*/(z.catch = new Function)), x]) let(x) { yield (new decodeURI());}})()); } finally { function shapeyConstructor(mgstdw){if (mgstdw) for (var ytqxsliuf in this) { }Object.freeze(this);this[\"valueOf\"] = (1/0);delete this[\"includes\"];if ((function c (y) { return -256341890 } ).call(null, /x/g )) this[\"includes\"] = x;this[\"valueOf\"] = Int16Array;this[\"now\"] = eval;if ( /x/ \n) Object.defineProperty(this, \"now\", ({value: 'fafafa'.replace(/a/g, Proxy), configurable: eval(\"print(o2.h0);\")}));if (mgstdw) this[\"valueOf\"] = /*wrap2*/(function(){ var vzlrvx = new DataView(); var pffvez = d => { \"use strict\"; var v2 = t0.length; } ; return pffvez;})();delete this[\"includes\"];return this; } } } finally { try { g0 + e1; } finally { let(b = x, yhjgap, a = (window = '' )) ((function(){with({}) let(NaN) ((function(){x.message;})());})()); } } }");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(316); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=611; tryItOut("/*bLoop*/for (gjwvfe = 0; gjwvfe < 49; ++gjwvfe) { if (gjwvfe % 2 == 1) { this.v2.valueOf = (function(stdlib, foreign, heap){ \"use asm\"; var NaN = stdlib.NaN;\n var abs = stdlib.Math.abs;\n var imul = stdlib.Math.imul;\n var Infinity = stdlib.Infinity;\n var ff = foreign.ff;\n var Int8ArrayView = new stdlib.Int8Array(heap);\n function f(i0, d1)\n {\n i0 = i0|0;\n d1 = +d1;\n var d2 = 1.25;\n var d3 = -4503599627370497.0;\n var d4 = -1.9342813113834067e+25;\n switch ((((0xf973740a)-(-0x8000000)-(0xffffffff)) | ((0xffd2ea67)-(0xbcf117ca)))) {\n case -3:\n d3 = (+((NaN)));\n default:\n d1 = (+((((((0x8aa68065) / (0x72f7bdc3)) << ((!(-0x6c72064))+((Int8ArrayView[((-0x8000000)) >> 0]))+((abs((0x701d41c8))|0))))))>>>(((0x187ad18) >= (0xc1c45af1))+(0xa24024c0))));\n }\n switch (((((imul((0x9293620e), (0xf9c94c4e))|0))) | ((/*FFI*/ff(((d1)), ((524289.0)), ((-2.0)), ((-1.1805916207174113e+21)), ((-128.0)), ((590295810358705700000.0)), ((-2049.0)), ((-36028797018963970.0)))|0)))) {\n default:\n d1 = ((0x6203816f) ? (((((-0x8000000)) << ((0x7fffffff) / (0x88eda16)))) ? (d4) : (d4)) : (Infinity));\n }\n return (((-0x5751411)-(((((0xfe58963f) ? (0xffffffff) : (0xc435bffe))+((((0xc5784a96)) | ((0x39f0ea3d))))-(-0x39ef5bf))>>>(((((0xfc0b246d))>>>((0xfb5f7599))))+(!(0x8e00b582))+(0xfbfdfb27))) > (((((0x2ab7ba45) / (0x0)) << ((0x7c24dec4) % (0x0))) / ((0xcca1a071)))>>>(((-0x8000000) == (~(((0xd99dc49f) <= (0x1ed9e8cb))))))))))|0;\n }\n return f; })(this, {ff: (new XPCSafeJSObjectWrapper((z--)))}, new ArrayBuffer(4096)); } else { /*vLoop*/for (var tfyznh = 0; tfyznh < 93; ++tfyznh) { c = tfyznh; ( /x/g ); } } } ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(378); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=612; tryItOut("testMathyFunction(mathy1, [0x080000000, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x100000000, 0x100000001, 0/0, -0x0ffffffff, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x100000000, -0x07fffffff, -0, 0, 0x080000001, Number.MIN_VALUE, Math.PI, 0x100000001, -0x080000000, 0x07fffffff, 42, -0x080000001, Number.MAX_VALUE, 1, 1/0, 0x0ffffffff, -1/0]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(410); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=613; tryItOut("var mxftqn = new ArrayBuffer(16); var mxftqn_0 = new Uint8ClampedArray(mxftqn); mxftqn_0[0] = -24; var mxftqn_1 = new Uint32Array(mxftqn); print(mxftqn_1[0]); mxftqn_1[0] = 15; var mxftqn_2 = new Int32Array(mxftqn); mxftqn_2[0] = -20; var mxftqn_3 = new Int16Array(mxftqn); print(mxftqn_3[0]); mxftqn_3[0] = 18; v2 = this.a0.length;( \"\" );");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(497); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=614; tryItOut("yfkwsa((\u3056 = (d = z)), this.\u000c__defineSetter__(\"\\u3056\", function shapeyConstructor(xvbgqh){\"use strict\"; for (var ytqwsyasl in this) { }this[\"arguments\"] = new String('q');delete this[\"arguments\"];if (xvbgqh) this[\"arguments\"] = Uint8Array;Object.seal(this);Object.defineProperty(this, \"toLocaleLowerCase\", ({get: e => { return function(id) { return id } } , enumerable: (x % 21 != 2)}));return this; }));/*hhh*/function yfkwsa(y, b, x, x, e, d = x, z, x = '' , w, NaN, x, x, c = function(id) { return id }, x, c, x, \"-29\", window, \u3056, x, x, e, x, w, NaN, x, x, e, x, x, a, eval, window, x, x, x, x, e, z = true, x, e, b, e, w = \"\" , x, NaN, e, x){print(x);}");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(485); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=615; tryItOut("mathy2 = (function(stdlib, foreign, heap){ \"use asm\"; var ff = foreign.ff;\n var Float32ArrayView = new stdlib.Float32Array(heap);\n function f(i0, d1)\n {\n i0 = i0|0;\n d1 = +d1;\n var d2 = 0.125;\n var i3 = 0;\n d2 = (-8388609.0);\n d1 = (1099511627777.0);\n (Float32ArrayView[((0xfe5296e8)+(!(i3))) >> 2]) = ((+(0.0/0.0)));\n return +((+(0xffffffff)));\n }\n return f; })(this, {ff: (mathy3).bind}, new ArrayBuffer(4096)); testMathyFunction(mathy2, /*MARR*/[this, /x/g , this, objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), /x/g , NaN, objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), /x/g , /x/g , NaN, /x/g , /x/g , NaN, this, NaN, objectEmulatingUndefined(), NaN, objectEmulatingUndefined(), this, objectEmulatingUndefined(), /x/g , this, NaN, NaN, objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), /x/g , this, /x/g , objectEmulatingUndefined(), this, /x/g , NaN, objectEmulatingUndefined(), this, NaN]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(106); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=616; tryItOut("a0.forEach((function() { try {, g1.b0, a0); } catch(e0) { } try { v0 = r0.source; } catch(e1) { } g2.v2 = evalcx(\"function this.f0(g1) { s1 = new String(p2); } \", g2); return v2; }), g0);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(201); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=617; tryItOut("\"use asm\"; a1[7] = this.h1;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(216); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=618; tryItOut("this.t2 = new Float64Array(a0);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(230); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=619; tryItOut("x;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(258); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=620; tryItOut("mathy4 = (function(x, y) { return Math.hypot(( ~ (Math.hypot((Math.max(y, Math.fround(Math.acos(Math.fround(y)))) >>> 0), (Math.pow(( - 0x07fffffff), Math.min((Math.min((x >>> 0), (x >>> 0)) >>> 0), ( + Math.max(y, x)))) | 0)) >>> 0)), ((mathy2(((Math.fround((Math.tanh(x) | 0)) + mathy2((( + (x | 0)) | 0), (y | 0))) >>> 0), (Math.trunc((mathy0(((( ~ (-1/0 | 0)) | 0) !== x), ( + Math.trunc(y))) >>> 0)) >>> 0)) >>> 0) >>> 0)); }); testMathyFunction(mathy4, [42, 0x07fffffff, -0x07fffffff, -Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x080000001, 0x0ffffffff, -0x0ffffffff, -0x080000000, 1, 1/0, -1/0, 0/0, 0x080000000, Number.MAX_VALUE, -0, 0x080000001, 0x100000001, 0x100000001, Math.PI, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x100000000, 0, Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x100000000]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(572); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=621; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; \"use asm\"; b1.toSource = DataView;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(586); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=622; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy5 = (function(x, y) { return (Math.pow((((Math.hypot(Math.PI, 0x0ffffffff) | 0) <= ( + Math.hypot((( ~ ( ! x)) | 0), ((( + ( + mathy3(( + x), ( + y)))) | 0) | 0)))) | 0), (Math.fround((Math.fround(( + mathy1(Math.log2((y | (y == y))), Math.trunc((0x100000001 | x))))) == Math.fround(Math.expm1(x)))) | 0)) | 0); }); testMathyFunction(mathy5, [0x100000001, Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x100000000, 0x100000001, 0, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x07fffffff, -0x07fffffff, -1/0, 1, Math.PI, -Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x100000000, 0x080000000, 42, Number.MAX_VALUE, -0, 0x080000001, -0x080000000, 0x0ffffffff, -0x0ffffffff, 0/0, 1/0, -0x080000001]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(229); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=623; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy0 = (function(stdlib, foreign, heap){ \"use asm\"; var cos = stdlib.Math.cos;\n var abs = stdlib.Math.abs;\n var Infinity = stdlib.Infinity;\n var ff = foreign.ff;\n var Float64ArrayView = new stdlib.Float64Array(heap);\n function f(i0, d1)\n {\n i0 = i0|0;\n d1 = +d1;\n {\n (Float64ArrayView[((i0)-(i0)+(((-0x8000000) ? (0x30ed798c) : (0xd3129c9f)) ? (i0) : ((0x0) > (0x6b847e79)))) >> 3]) = ((d1));\n }\n i0 = (x = \"\\u8FF5\");\n return (((0xef3c2e02)*-0x789fd))|0;\n i0 = ((((i0)*-0x4c7d)>>>((/*FFI*/ff(((+cos(((+abs(((+(0.0/0.0))))))))))|0)-(((/*FFI*/ff()|0))))) != (0x3b410593));\n d1 = (d1);\n {\n d1 = (Infinity);\n }\n d1 = (x);\n {\n d1 = (-7.555786372591432e+22);\n }\n d1 = (4398046511105.0);\n return (((Float64ArrayView[1])))|0;\n }\n return f; })(this, {ff: (x = NaN).call}, new ArrayBuffer(4096)); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(586); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=624; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; /* no regression tests found */function a(window = --arguments[1], {window: [{z, : [{}, {z: /*iii*/v1 = g2.eval(\"/* no regression tests found */\");/*hhh*/function wppqwb(window, x = \"\\uB072\".getOwnPropertyNames( /x/g ), NaN = (4277), \u3056, w, x, a, x, x, a, e = eval, z, window, x = window, \u3056, x, \u3056, e = this, eval, {} = \"\\uACE4\", e, a, a, (function ([y]) { })(), \u3056, x, x = x, x, NaN, e, \u3056, NaN, \u3056, x, y, b, b, x, b, x, w = /(?!^{2}(?!^){0,16385})/m, x, , x, delete, x, b, x, x, of, x, e, x){v1 = evaluate(\"(false);\", ({ global: g2.g2, fileName: null, lineNumber: 42, newContext: true, isRunOnce: '' , noScriptRval: (x % 2 == 0), catchTermination: (x % 3 != 1), saveFrameChain: false }));}}], x}, , [[[], z], , ], ], y: arguments[\"4\"], x: {}, x: x}, x, x = (4277), x, x, x = x, w, x, x, x, x, x, b = /(?:\\uA075\\w*)|^{0,}|\\b{4}/gm, x = window, w, x)\"use asm\"; var abs = stdlib.Math.abs;\n var Float32ArrayView = new stdlib.Float32Array(heap);\n function f(d0, i1)\n {\n d0 = +d0;\n i1 = i1|0;\n switch ((((0xa0cadd72) / (0xe315650)) >> ((!(0xfd2cede7))+(0xa30dfb6e)))) {\n case -3:\n d0 = (((2097151.0)) - ((+abs(((Float32ArrayView[4096]))))));\n break;\n }\n return +((+(0x7fffffff)));\n }\n return f;v0 = this.a2.every((function(j) { if (j) { try {, o1); } catch(e0) { } try { /*ADP-3*/Object.defineProperty(a1, 4, { configurable: (x % 4 == 3), enumerable: false, writable: true, value: o2 }); } catch(e1) { } a1 = Array.prototype.filter.apply(a1, [(function() { try { v0 = a0.some((function(j) { if (j) { try { v2 = evaluate(\"new RegExp(\\\"\\\\\\\\2\\\", \\\"gym\\\")\", ({ global: g2.g0, fileName: 'evaluate.js', lineNumber: 42, newContext: true, isRunOnce: (x % 6 != 0), noScriptRval: this, catchTermination: (x % 2 == 1), saveFrameChain: false })); } catch(e0) { } g2.toString = encodeURIComponent; } else { try { m0.delete(i2); } catch(e0) { } try { Array.prototype.sort.apply(a1, [(function() { for (var j=0;j<34;++j) { this.f0(j%4==1); } }), f0]); } catch(e1) { } try { for (var p in e1) { try { v1 = a2.reduce, reduceRight((function() { try { f0 = Proxy.createFunction(h0, f0, f1); } catch(e0) { } g0 = newGlobal({ sameZoneAs: /x/g , cloneSingletons: -11 }); return o0; }), x, x, e1, o2, p1, g2); } catch(e0) { } /*ODP-2*/Object.defineProperty(h2, \"call\", { configurable: [z1], enumerable: /x/ , get: f0, set: (function() { try { t0 = new Int8Array(this.t2); } catch(e0) { } try { /*MXX1*/o2 = g2.Object.prototype.isPrototypeOf; } catch(e1) { } try { v0 = o2.g1.eval(\"[1,,];\"); } catch(e2) { } g0.e1.add(this.o2); return b0; }) }); } } catch(e2) { } this.s1 += s2; } })); } catch(e0) { } Array.prototype.sort.apply(a0, [(function() { try { m1.__proto__ = o0.o0.p2; } catch(e0) { } try { for (var v of f2) { try { a0.shift(); } catch(e0) { } i1 = new Iterator(a2); } } catch(e1) { } try { (void schedulegc(this.g2)); } catch(e2) { } t1.set(a2, \"\\u195E\"); return g1; })]); return m0; }), p1, m0]); } else { try { o0.valueOf = (function() { for (var j=0;j<79;++j) { f0(j%4==0); } }); } catch(e0) { } e1.has(g1.b2); } }), this.p2, m2, h0);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(535); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=625; tryItOut("('fafafa'.replace(/a/g, String.prototype.italics)\n);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(607); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=626; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy4 = (function(x, y) { return ( + (( + (Math.max((mathy0(x, (Math.atan2((( ! y) | 0), (( + Math.pow(x, ( + Math.PI))) | 0)) | 0)) | 0), (Math.atan(mathy3(Math.fround(( + y)), ( ~ -0x080000001))) | 0)) | 0)) , ( + Math.min((( - (x >>> 0)) >>> 0), mathy2(Math.hypot(Math.fround(Math.min(Math.fround(0x100000000), ( + x))), (Math.expm1(( + (mathy0((x >>> 0), (y >>> 0)) >>> 0))) | 0)), ( + x)))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy4, [0, Math.PI, -0x0ffffffff, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x100000001, -1/0, 0x0ffffffff, 42, 0x080000000, 0x100000001, Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x100000000, Number.MAX_VALUE, 1/0, -0x07fffffff, 1, -0x100000000, 0x080000001, 0x07fffffff, -0, -0x080000001, -0x080000000, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0/0]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(263); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=627; tryItOut(", (function(j) { if (j) { Array.prototype.sort.apply(this.a2, [(function mcc_() { var iffnky = 0; return function() { ++iffnky; if (false) { dumpln('hit!'); try { h0.delete = f1; } catch(e0) { } try { t0[new (/(?=\\1)/gi)((\"\\uCD41\"))]; } catch(e1) { } /*MXX2*/g1.Date.prototype.toJSON = o0; } else { dumpln('miss!'); try { o1 + t1; } catch(e0) { }, -1, 12, x); } };})(), b1]); } else { try { a0 =; } catch(e0) { } try { o0.a0[7] = x; } catch(e1) { } v0 =, o1.s0); } }), p1, g2.p0, o2.b0);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(534); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=628; tryItOut("testMathyFunction(mathy2, [Number.MIN_VALUE, Math.PI, 42, -0x0ffffffff, 0x100000000, Number.MAX_VALUE, 0/0, 0, 0x080000001, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x100000001, 0x0ffffffff, -1/0, -Number.MIN_VALUE, -0, -0x080000000, 0x100000001, 1/0, 0x07fffffff, -0x100000000, -0x080000001, 0x080000000, -0x07fffffff, 1]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(566); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=629; tryItOut("print(x);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(576); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=630; tryItOut("mathy4 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; return ((Math.acosh((Math.acos((mathy1(Number.MIN_VALUE, (Math.imul(Math.fround(((y >>> 0) == (42 | 0))), (y >>> 0)) >>> 0)) >>> 0)) >>> 0)) | 0) % ( + (mathy3((((( ~ (x >>> 0)) ? Math.atan2(0x100000001, -0x080000001) : x) | 0) != ((Math.max(x, x) ? ( + ( + Math.log10(( + 0/0)))) : x) | 0)), Math.imul(y, x)) % ( + Math.pow(( ~ (y >>> 0)), Math.acosh(y)))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy4, [[], 0.1, null, undefined, '', '\\0', NaN, objectEmulatingUndefined(), /0/, ({valueOf:function(){return '0';}}), '/0/', (new Number(0)), 0, (new Boolean(false)), ({valueOf:function(){return 0;}}), (function(){return 0;}), true, 1, (new Number(-0)), (new Boolean(true)), ({toString:function(){return '0';}}), [0], (new String('')), false, '0', -0]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(270); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=631; tryItOut(";");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(279); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=632; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; e0.delete(g1);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(292); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=633; tryItOut("selectforgc(o1);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(301); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=634; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; testMathyFunction(mathy2, [-0x100000000, 0, 0x080000001, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x100000001, -0x07fffffff, -1/0, -0, 0x100000001, Number.MIN_VALUE, Math.PI, -0x0ffffffff, 0/0, Number.MAX_VALUE, 42, 1, 0x07fffffff, 1/0, 0x080000000, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x080000001, 0x100000000, 0x0ffffffff, -0x080000000]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(333); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=635; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; f1 = (function() { for (var j=0;j<21;++j) { f1(j%3==0); } });");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(351); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=636; tryItOut("h0.defineProperty = f2;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(364); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=637; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; p1.__proto__ = i1;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(376); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=638; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy1 = (function(x, y) { return (Math.log10(( + ( + ( + ( ~ Math.max(Math.fround((( + (Math.atan2((x >>> 0), (x >>> 0)) >>> 0)) < Math.fround((Math.fround((( ! x) >>> 0)) ** x)))), y)))))) | 0); }); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(502); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=639; tryItOut("let({} = c(NaN), w = x, \u3056 = /x/g , \u3056 = ((function factorial(vjwpbt) { ; if (vjwpbt == 0) { ; return 1; } {}; return vjwpbt * factorial(vjwpbt - 1); })(2)), \u3056) ((function(){let(y = x, a = length(/(?![^])([])*(?:[^]){2,4}(\\B\\b{1,4})(.|\\v*?)*?+?/gym)) { const o0 = new Object;}})());");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(187); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=640; tryItOut("/* no regression tests found */");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(196); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=641; tryItOut("mathy1 = (function(x, y) { return Math.fround(mathy0(Math.fround(Math.fround(Math.log1p(( + Math.sin(( ~ ((( + y) | 0) | 0))))))), Math.fround(Math.fround(mathy0(Math.fround(( + ((( + (( - x) | 0)) >>> 0) ? ( + (x > (x | 0))) : ( + ( ! ( + Math.cos(( + (x != Math.hypot(y, -0x07fffffff)))))))))), Math.fround(Math.fround(Math.min(Math.fround(Math.sqrt((y >>> 0))), ( ! (-1/0 | 0)))))))))); }); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(430); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=642; tryItOut("/*hhh*/function oqgxgh(\u3056){/* no regression tests found */}/*iii*/x = (p={}, (p.z = new XPCNativeWrapper((oqgxgh.yoyo(Math))))()), x = (ReferenceError.prototype.toString).call( /x/ , undefined, 6), \u3056, x = x|=\"\\u3118\" %= /x/g , z, oqgxgh = oqgxgh, x;;function x(x, a, x, a, oqgxgh, a = true, x, delete, oqgxgh, a, x = ({a1:1}), x, c = /(?:(?:\uf166).|(?!\\b{1,})|\\u002A$\\b$)/, x, w = function ([y]) { }, x, e = /x/ , oqgxgh, b, oqgxgh, e = /x/g ) /* Comment */oqgxghv0 = evaluate(\"/* no regression tests found */\", ({ global: g0, fileName: 'evaluate.js', lineNumber: 42, newContext: \"\\u03ED\", isRunOnce: true, noScriptRval: this, catchTermination: (x % 2 != 1), saveFrameChain: false }));\nvar okxipk = new ArrayBuffer(2); var okxipk_0 = new Float32Array(okxipk); okxipk_0[0] = -22; var okxipk_1 = new Uint8ClampedArray(okxipk); print(okxipk_1[0]); okxipk_1[0] = 10; var okxipk_2 = new Uint8ClampedArray(okxipk); okxipk_2[0] = -29; var okxipk_3 = new Int16Array(okxipk); okxipk_3[0] = -13; var okxipk_4 = new Uint16Array(okxipk); okxipk_4[0] = -9; print(-10);s2 += s2;a2 = r0.exec(this.g0.s0);\n");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(408); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=643; tryItOut("/*tLoop*/for (let e of /*MARR*/[({}), function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, ({}), function(){}, ({}), ({}), ({}), function(){}, ({}), function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, function(){}, ({}), function(){}, ({}), function(){}, ({}), ({})]) { print(e); }");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(492); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=644; tryItOut("Array.prototype.reverse.apply(a1, [x]);\ne1 + '';\n");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(533); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=645; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy1 = (function(x, y) { return ( + (Math.min((Math.cos((y ** y)) | 0), mathy0(Math.cos((x | 0)), ( + Math.max(x, ((mathy0((y >>> 0), (( - Math.fround(Math.sinh(x))) >>> 0)) >>> 0) >>> 0))))) >> ( ~ Math.pow(-0x100000000, Math.fround(Math.max(Math.fround(Math.imul((y ? x : x), ( + x))), Math.fround(Math.PI))))))); }); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(137); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=646; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; this.m1.set(s2, s2);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(154); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=647; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy3 = (function(x, y) { return (Math.sin(( + Math.fround(Math.pow(Math.fround(mathy0(y, (y ** -0x100000000))), (Math.tan(-0) ? -0x0ffffffff : (x >>> 0)))))) + Math.asin((Math.asinh(((( ! (0x080000000 | 0)) % y) >>> 0)) >>> 0))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy3, [-0x080000001, Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x0ffffffff, 1, -0x07fffffff, 1/0, -0, 0x07fffffff, -0x100000000, 0x080000000, Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x080000001, Math.PI, 0x100000000, 0x100000001, 0/0, -0x080000000, 42, 0x100000001, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -1/0, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0, -0x0ffffffff]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(346); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=648; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; /*RXUB*/var r = /\ua521(?!\\1)/yim; var s = \"\\u614c\\u00db\"; print(r.exec(s)); print(r.lastIndex); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(434); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=649; tryItOut("mathy3 = (function(x, y) { return ((Math.cbrt(mathy0(Math.max(x, ( ! (Math.min((x >>> 0), (y >>> 0)) >>> 0))), (( ~ ((Math.pow((y >>> 0), (( + ( - x)) | 0)) >>> 0) >>> 0)) >>> 0))) >> mathy1(Math.fround(Math.pow(Math.fround(( + ( + ( + (( - (x | 0)) | 0))))), Math.fround(x))), (x * Math.fround(y)))) | 0); }); testMathyFunction(mathy3, [-0x07fffffff, -Number.MIN_VALUE, Number.MIN_VALUE, -1/0, 1, 42, 0x100000001, 0/0, 0x100000001, -0x080000000, Math.PI, -0, 0x080000001, Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x07fffffff, 0x080000000, 0x100000000, 0, 0x0ffffffff, -0x0ffffffff, -0x100000000, 1/0, -0x080000001, -Number.MAX_VALUE]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(39); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=650; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; var jbbstp = new ArrayBuffer(0); var jbbstp_0 = new Float64Array(jbbstp); var jbbstp_1 = new Uint8Array(jbbstp); print(jbbstp_1[0]); var jbbstp_2 = new Uint16Array(jbbstp); e0.add(h1);return;/* no regression tests found */print(uneval(e1));break ;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(137); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=651; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; v0 =, g2.g0.e0);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(158); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=652; tryItOut("mathy2 = (function(x, y) { return mathy1(( - Math.fround(Math.max((Math.log(x) | 0), Math.fround(Math.acosh(-0x100000000))))), Math.imul(Math.fround(Math.max(( ! ( + Math.ceil((x | 0)))), y)), Math.fround(( - Math.exp((-1/0 >>> ( + (0x0ffffffff !== (y | 0))))))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy2, [1/0, 0x080000001, -0, 0x100000000, 0x100000001, 0x0ffffffff, 0/0, Math.PI, Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x07fffffff, -Number.MIN_VALUE, -1/0, 1, -0x100000000, 42, 0x080000000, 0x100000001, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x080000000, -0x080000001, -0x07fffffff, 0, Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x0ffffffff]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(366); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=653; tryItOut("mathy4 = (function(x, y) { \"use asm\"; return (( ! ((((Math.log1p(y) == Math.atan2((x % x), Math.fround(((((x >>> 0) & (0 | 0)) | 0) % y)))) ** (( ! y) | 0)) | 0) | 0)) | 0); }); testMathyFunction(mathy4, [42, -0x080000001, 0, -0, 0x0ffffffff, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x100000001, -0x07fffffff, 0x100000001, 1, -0x080000000, Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x0ffffffff, Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x07fffffff, 1/0, -Number.MIN_VALUE, Math.PI, -0x100000000, 0x080000001, -1/0, 0x080000000, 0x100000000, 0/0]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(533); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=654; tryItOut("a0 = new Array;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(543); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=655; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; null;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(567); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=656; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; e2 = new Set(p0);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(580); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=657; tryItOut("mathy2 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; return Math.min((( ! ( ~ ( + ( - ((( ~ (y >>> 0)) >>> 0) | 0))))) | 0), Math.fround(Math.imul(Math.fround((( + x) ? (Math.hypot((Math.imul(y, 0x07fffffff) | 0), (((x !== Math.fround(y)) ? Math.cosh(y) : x) | 0)) | 0) : Math.tanh(( + ((( ! (y >>> 0)) >>> 0) == ( + y)))))), Math.fround(((((Math.round(((Math.pow((Number.MIN_VALUE >>> 0), (x , Math.hypot(x, y))) | 0) | 0)) >>> 0) >>> 0) ? x : Math.fround(Math.pow(Math.fround(Math.asin(x)), Math.fround(x)))) | 0))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy2, [0x080000001, -0x07fffffff, -1/0, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x080000000, Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x100000000, Math.PI, 0x07fffffff, -0x080000001, -0x080000000, 0x100000000, 1/0, 0, 0/0, 42, 0x100000001, 1, -Number.MIN_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x0ffffffff, -0x0ffffffff, 0x100000001, -0]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(324); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=658; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy0 = (function(x, y) { return ( + Math.imul(( + (( ~ (Math.cosh(((Math.min(0, x) | 0) >>> (y | 0))) | 0)) | 0)), ( + ((( + ( + (Math.acos(Math.expm1(y)) >>> 0))) >>> 0) < (Math.hypot(((((y >>> 0) <= ( + (( + (x & ( + y))) << x))) | 0) >>> 0), y) >>> 0))))); }); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(509); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=659; tryItOut("mathy3 = (function(x, y) { return ( + Math.cbrt(Math.fround(Math.tanh(Math.fround(Math.min(Math.hypot((y >>> x), x), y)))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy3, [Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x080000001, 1/0, -0x0ffffffff, 0x100000001, 0/0, Math.PI, -1/0, 0x100000000, 42, -0, Number.MIN_VALUE, 1, 0x080000000, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x080000000, -0x100000000, 0, 0x100000001, 0x080000001, 0x07fffffff, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x0ffffffff, -0x07fffffff]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(618); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=660; tryItOut("e2.has(f0);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(7); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=661; tryItOut("mathy2 = (function(x, y) { return mathy1(Math.sqrt(( + Math.min((Math.imul((y * Math.fround(x)), 0) | 0), ((x === ((( + ( ~ x)) <= Math.min(x, ikmigy)) | 0)) | 0)))), Math.fround((Math.tan((( + (( + Number.MAX_VALUE) ? ( + y) : ( + y))) | 0)) | 0))); }); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(197); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=662; tryItOut("mathy3 = (function(x, y) { return ( ~ (Math.max((((Math.min(x, y) | 0) , ( ! ( + (mathy1((mathy0(y, Math.pow(y, 0x07fffffff)) | 0), y) >>> 0)))) | 0), (( + Math.pow(( + ( + ( + (Math.hypot((-1/0 >>> 0), (Math.atan2(-1/0, x) >>> 0)) >>> 0)))), ( + Math.fround(Math.ceil(Math.pow(1/0, (y % (Math.atan2((y | 0), (y | 0)) | 0)))))))) | 0)) | 0)); }); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(443); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=663; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy3 = (function(x, y) { return Math.atan2(Math.asinh(( + ( + ( + y)))), (( + Math.tan(( + ( - (((x < ( + (( + x) ** ( + y)))) - (x | 0)) | 0))))) >>> 0)); }); testMathyFunction(mathy3, [-0, -0x080000001, Math.PI, 42, -1/0, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x0ffffffff, -0x07fffffff, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 1, 0, -0x100000000, 0x100000001, 0/0, 0x080000001, 0x0ffffffff, Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x100000001, Number.MAX_VALUE, 1/0, 0x07fffffff, 0x080000000, -0x080000000, 0x100000000]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(590); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=664; tryItOut("testMathyFunction(mathy4, [0x0ffffffff, 0x080000000, 0, 42, 0x080000001, 0/0, -0x080000000, -0, 1, Math.PI, -0x100000000, 0x07fffffff, 1/0, -0x07fffffff, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x100000000, Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MIN_VALUE, -1/0, 0x100000001, -0x080000001, 0x100000001, -0x0ffffffff, -Number.MIN_VALUE]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(622); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=665; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; h0 + '';");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(7); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=666; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; for (var p in v0) { /*ADP-1*/Object.defineProperty(a1, 3, ({configurable: z, enumerable: \"\\u43FA\"})); }function x(x), 1e+81 instanceof \"\" , i2);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(134); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=667; tryItOut("mathy0 = (function(x, y) { return (Math.sin((Math.fround(Math.trunc(Math.atan2((y !== Math.pow(y, (Math.atan2((x | 0), y) | 0))), Math.fround(Math.cosh(( + (y ? y : -Number.MIN_VALUE))))))) | 0)) | 0); }); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(257); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=668; tryItOut("/*RXUB*/var r = new RegExp(\"((?!(?:(?=.[^]\\u73eb){0}))){4,}|(?:(?:(?:[^\\\\t-\\\\u0091\\\\s])[^]|^{1}{2,3}))(?=[^])((\\\\b$|\\\\d{1,3}|(?=[^]$|\\\\f)?))\", \"gm\"); var s = \"\"; print(uneval(r.exec(s))); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(296); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=669; tryItOut("v0 = (this.v2 instanceof p1);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(311); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=670; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy5 = (function(x, y) { return (Math.atan2((Math.log(Math.sinh(Math.fround(Math.pow(Math.fround((Math.fround(mathy2(Math.fround(y), Math.fround(y))) , Math.fround((( ! (x >>> 0)) >>> 0)))), y)))) | 0), (Math.acosh(Math.abs(Math.fround(((( ~ Number.MAX_VALUE) ^ (mathy2(x, y) >>> 0)) >>> 0)))) | 0)) | 0); }); testMathyFunction(mathy5, [(new Number(-0)), [], true, (new Boolean(true)), 0.1, NaN, false, '0', '', (new Number(0)), (new String('')), undefined, (function(){return 0;}), '\\0', -0, 0, /0/, (new Boolean(false)), objectEmulatingUndefined(), 1, '/0/', ({toString:function(){return '0';}}), null, ({valueOf:function(){return '0';}}), ({valueOf:function(){return 0;}}), [0]]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(506); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=671; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; let a = [,,z1];m2 = new WeakMap;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(550); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=672; tryItOut("mathy4 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; return Math.cbrt(Math.fround(Math.max(Math.fround((Math.expm1(x) === Math.fround(( - ( + y))))), (Math.acosh((Math.max(Math.fround(Math.trunc(( - ( + y)))), (([,] != ( + x)) | 0)) | 0)) | 0)))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy4, [(new Number(0)), [], '', (new Boolean(true)), /0/, (new Number(-0)), [0], null, NaN, ({valueOf:function(){return '0';}}), '/0/', (new Boolean(false)), false, (function(){return 0;}), '0', true, 0.1, 1, ({toString:function(){return '0';}}), ({valueOf:function(){return 0;}}), (new String('')), -0, '\\0', objectEmulatingUndefined(), undefined, 0]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(102); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=673; tryItOut("mathy4 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; return Math.fround(Math.min(((Math.hypot(( + Math.sign((Math.fround(Math.pow(Math.fround(( ! (0/0 >>> 0))), ( + 1/0))) >>> 0))), Math.acos(Math.min((0x080000000 <= Math.sign(x)), (( - Math.abs(y)) >>> 0)))) | 0) / (Math.max(Math.fround(y), Math.fround(mathy2(Math.fround(Math.exp(Math.fround(Math.atan2(-0x07fffffff, y)))), ( + Math.hypot(x, Math.fround(Math.PI)))))) | 0)), ( ~ Math.min(( + x), ((x + (( ! (x >>> 0)) >>> 0)) | 0))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy4, [(new Number(-0)), NaN, [0], false, (new String('')), '\\0', (new Boolean(false)), '/0/', [], '0', 0.1, 1, 0, /0/, ({toString:function(){return '0';}}), undefined, (new Boolean(true)), (function(){return 0;}), '', (new Number(0)), ({valueOf:function(){return 0;}}), true, null, -0, objectEmulatingUndefined(), ({valueOf:function(){return '0';}})]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(448); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=674; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; v0 = t0.length;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(461); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=675; tryItOut("v2 = r2.toString;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(475); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=676; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; /*MXX3*/g0.WeakSet = g1.WeakSet;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(488); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=677; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; i1 + '';");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(497); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=678; tryItOut("v1 = (e1 instanceof v1);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(512); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=679; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; for (var v of o1) { try { this.g1.e0.has(z); } catch(e0) { } try { p1.valueOf = (function() { for (var j=0;j<10;++j) { f0(j%2==0); } }); } catch(e1) { } m1.has(p2); }");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(558); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=680; tryItOut("delete f1[\"toLocaleString\"];");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(570); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=681; tryItOut("mathy3 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; return ( + Math.atan2(( + Math.fround(Math.tanh(Math.atan2(( + ( ~ (x && x))), ( + Math.pow(0x080000000, x)))))), (Math.pow(((Math.log1p(((( ! (x | 0)) | 0) | 0)) | 0) >>> 0), (Math.atan((((((( ! x) !== x) | 0) >>> 0) !== (Math.hypot(0x100000001, x) >>> 0)) | 0)) >>> 0)) >>> 0))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy3, [0/0, -0x080000000, -0x0ffffffff, 0x100000000, -0x100000000, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 1, 42, Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x07fffffff, -0x080000001, -1/0, 0x080000001, -0, -0x07fffffff, 0x080000000, Math.PI, 0x100000001, Number.MIN_VALUE, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x100000001, 0x0ffffffff, 1/0, 0]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(181); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=682; tryItOut("var mlecdv = new ArrayBuffer(1); var mlecdv_0 = new Int16Array(mlecdv); mlecdv_0[0] = -19; var mlecdv_1 = new Uint8ClampedArray(mlecdv); var mlecdv_2 = new Uint16Array(mlecdv); mlecdv_2[0] = -29; var mlecdv_3 = new Uint16Array(mlecdv); var mlecdv_4 = new Int8Array(mlecdv); continue ;a2.splice(NaN, x = (x) = window, a0);v2 = b2.byteLength; /x/ ;/*oLoop*/for (pugsad = 0; pugsad < 89 && (0); ++pugsad) { ( '' ); } ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(422); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=683; tryItOut("var qtpqdt = new ArrayBuffer(8); var qtpqdt_0 = new Float64Array(qtpqdt); qtpqdt_0[0] = -3; var qtpqdt_1 = new Uint8ClampedArray(qtpqdt); qtpqdt_1[0] = 27; var qtpqdt_2 = new Uint32Array(qtpqdt); var qtpqdt_3 = new Int8Array(qtpqdt); print(qtpqdt_3[0]); qtpqdt_3[0] = -18; var qtpqdt_4 = new Int16Array(qtpqdt); print(qtpqdt_4[0]); qtpqdt_4[0] = -10; var qtpqdt_5 = new Uint8Array(qtpqdt); qtpqdt_5[0] = -22; var qtpqdt_6 = new Float32Array(qtpqdt); print(qtpqdt_6[0]); qtpqdt_6[0] = -21; var qtpqdt_7 = new Float64Array(qtpqdt); qtpqdt_7[0] = y; var qtpqdt_8 = new Float32Array(qtpqdt); print(qtpqdt_8[0]); var qtpqdt_9 = new Uint32Array(qtpqdt); qtpqdt_9[0] = 5; m1.valueOf = (function() { try { m0.has(p1); } catch(e0) { } try { this.t1[({valueOf: function() { (new Function(\"( /x/ );\"))return 6; }})] = s1; } catch(e1) { } this.e2.has(this.g1.t1); return p2; });t0[({valueOf: function() { -11;\nthis.p2 + '';\nreturn 1; }})] = f1;if(qtpqdt_7) { if (this) Array.prototype.forEach.apply(a0, [(function() { g2.v0 = -0; throw t1; })]); else /*MXX2*/g2.Date.prototype = this.g0.a1;}this.v1 = Array.prototype.reduce, reduceRight.apply(a1, [(function(j) { if (j) { try { o2.f2 = s0; } catch(e0) { } try { t1[12] = g1.m0; } catch(e1) { } s2.toString = (function() { try { s1 = s2.charAt(13); } catch(e0) { } try { a0[10] = \"\\u753E\"; } catch(e1) { } try { for (var p in p2) { try { a0 = r1.exec(s2); } catch(e0) { } try { this.a1 = r1.exec(s0); } catch(e1) { } try { m2.delete(h0); } catch(e2) { } s2 += 'x'; } } catch(e2) { } s2.__iterator__ = (function() { a0.forEach(this.f0, g0.a2, this.g0, t2, s2); return a0; }); return o0.m1; }); } else { try { this.f0.toSource = (function() { try { h0.getPropertyDescriptor = window; } catch(e0) { } try { i0.send(m0); } catch(e1) { } v0 = o0.g0.g0.eval(\"a0.pop(t0, t0);\"); return g1.o1.b2; }); } catch(e0) { } try { this.t2[15]; } catch(e1) { } for (var v of t1) { try { this.a1.toString = (function() { const v2 = a1.length; return g2; }); } catch(e0) { } try { function shapeyConstructor(xsqoqd){\"use strict\"; return this; } } catch(e1) { } for (var p in g1.h2) { try { selectforgc(o2); } catch(e0) { } try { t0 = new Int16Array(a2); } catch(e1) { } try { selectforgc(o1); } catch(e2) { } v1 = a2.length; } } } }), o0.o2]);for (var p in this.e0) { this.o2.t1 + i1; }");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(484); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=684; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; h2.valueOf = (function() { for (var j=0;j<7;++j) { f0(j%5==0); } });");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(501); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=685; tryItOut("this.t1.toSource = function(y) { return y };");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(521); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=686; tryItOut("o2.v2 =, s1);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(539); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=687; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; /*RXUB*/var r = /\\3*(?!(?!\\d)${2,}|[^\\0\u0006-\\u77F8\\xAE\\u7B2F])?/gm; var s = \"\"; print(uneval(s.match(r))); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(387); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=688; tryItOut("const c = (([, , , x] = new Function));for(let z = (Math.max(18, x)) in (void options('strict'))) {print(x);(/^/gim); }");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(60); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=689; tryItOut("mathy3 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; \"use asm\"; return ((( + (( + Math.max((x / (y >>> 0)), x)) & ( + Math.fround((Math.fround(Math.sign(x)) | (x | 0)))))) != Math.fround((Math.trunc(((Math.imul((x | 0), (( + Math.fround(x)) | 0)) | 0) | 0)) | 0))) & mathy1(Math.fround(Math.atan2(Math.fround((( + x) <= -0x080000000)), y)), (((Math.tan(Math.fround(mathy1((function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; return Math.cos(y); }), ( + Math.hypot(x, x))))) >>> 0) <= ( + y)) | 0))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy3, [Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x080000000, Math.PI, 0/0, -0, 0x100000001, 1, 0x100000000, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x0ffffffff, 0x080000000, 0x0ffffffff, 1/0, -Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x100000000, 0x07fffffff, -0x07fffffff, -0x080000001, 42, Number.MAX_VALUE, -1/0, 0x100000001, 0x080000001, 0]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(365); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=690; tryItOut("print((yield /*UUV2*/(a.substr = a.getUTCHours)));");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(430); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=691; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; t0.set(a2, 13);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(444); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=692; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy4 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; return (((( ~ (mathy3(x, Math.fround(Math.max((((Math.atan(0x100000001) | 0) & (0x100000001 | 0)) | 0), Math.fround(-Number.MAX_VALUE)))) ^ ( ~ (Math.atan(Math.fround(x)) | 0)))) | 0) , (Math.fround(Math.hypot(Math.fround(Math.atan2(Math.fround((Math.min((Math.sqrt(-1/0) | 0), ((Math.cbrt(-0) >>> 0) | 0)) - Math.fround(x))), Math.log((y | 0)))), Math.fround(((-Number.MAX_VALUE * Math.fround(Math.cbrt(Math.pow(( + y), -0x100000000)))) | 0)))) | 0)) | 0); }); testMathyFunction(mathy4, [-0x080000001, 42, 0x100000001, 0/0, Math.PI, 0x07fffffff, 0x080000001, -1/0, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 1/0, -0, 0x100000000, -0x100000000, -0x080000000, 0x100000001, 0x0ffffffff, -0x0ffffffff, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 1, Number.MAX_VALUE, 0, 0x080000000, Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x07fffffff]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(122); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=693; tryItOut("M:for(y = x in let (a) \"\\u1B6A\") {a0.shift(b0);e0.has(h2); }");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(243); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=694; tryItOut("mathy2 = (function(x, y) { return Math.min(( + ( ! (( - y) | 0))), (mathy1((Math.cos(mathy0(x, (y >>> 0))) >>> 0), (Math.fround(Math.imul(((((( - mathy1(x, Number.MAX_VALUE)) >>> 0) !== (Number.MIN_VALUE >>> 0)) ? ( + x) : Math.fround(Math.sin((y >>> 0)))) | 0), (mathy0(y, Math.fround(Math.atan2(Math.fround(y), Math.fround(((0x100000001 >>> 0) << (Math.hypot(-0x080000000, x) >>> 0)))))) | 0))) >>> 0)) >>> 0)); }); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(483); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=695; tryItOut("\"use asm\"; mathy0 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; return (Math.fround(( ~ Math.fround(Math.hypot(Math.tanh(Math.acos(y)), (-0x080000001 ? x : Math.asin(x)))))) >= ( ~ (Math.sin((Math.imul(( ~ y), Math.fround(Math.log10(Math.log10((( - (y | 0)) | 0))))) >>> 0)) >>> 0))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy0, [0x0ffffffff, -0x07fffffff, -0x0ffffffff, 42, 0x100000001, 0x100000000, -0, 0x100000001, Number.MIN_VALUE, -Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x080000000, 1/0, Math.PI, -0x080000001, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0/0, 0x07fffffff, 0x080000001, -0x100000000, -1/0, 0, 1, 0x080000000, Number.MAX_VALUE]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(57); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=696; tryItOut("mathy3 = (function(stdlib, foreign, heap){ \"use asm\"; var cos = stdlib.Math.cos;\n var acos = stdlib.Math.acos;\n var imul = stdlib.Math.imul;\n var ff = foreign.ff;\n var Int32ArrayView = new stdlib.Int32Array(heap);\n var Float32ArrayView = new stdlib.Float32Array(heap);\n function f(i0, d1)\n {\n i0 = i0|0;\n d1 = +d1;\n var d2 = -1023.0;\n var i3 = 0;\n var i4 = 0;\n var i5 = 0;\n var i6 = 0;\n (Int32ArrayView[0]) = (0xfffff*((-0x46ad7f7)));\n i0 = ((-((+(~(((!(/*FFI*/ff(((2.3611832414348226e+21)), ((-2.4178516392292583e+24)))|0)) ? (i0) : ((-2251799813685249.0) != (295147905179352830000.0)))))))) < ((((yield 5))) ? (+cos(((d2)))) : (+((+acos(((Float32ArrayView[((0x983f4728)-(0xcd075414)) >> 2]))))))));\n i6 = (0x4f859643);\n i5 = (/*FFI*/ff(((d1)))|0);\n return (((imul((((+(0x5a1018ab))) ? (0xfe043d47) : ((255.0) <= (-68719476737.0))), (i0))|0) / ((-((i6) ? (i3) : (0xf99b7bbd))) ^ (-0xfffff*(i5)))))|0;\n }\n return f; })(this, {ff: void new RegExp(\"((\\\\b)(\\\\u0012?)\\\\w\\\\b)\", \"i\")}, new ArrayBuffer(4096)); testMathyFunction(mathy3, [-0x080000001, -0x0ffffffff, 1, 0x100000001, -0x080000000, Math.PI, 0/0, 0x100000000, 0, -1/0, -0x100000000, 0x07fffffff, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x0ffffffff, 1/0, -0x07fffffff, -0, 0x100000001, Number.MIN_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x080000001, 0x080000000, 42]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(138); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=697; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy4 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; return ((Math.sin(( + Math.imul(Math.fround(Math.cbrt(( + (0x100000001 && (Number.MIN_VALUE >> Math.ceil(x)))))), Math.fround(( - ( + Math.pow(( + x), ( + Number.MIN_VALUE)))))))) | 0) && ( + ( + ((Math.abs(((Math.max(x, (0x080000001 >>> 0)) >>> 0) | 0)) | 0) ^ x)))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy4, [-0x100000000, Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x080000001, -0x07fffffff, 0/0, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x100000000, -0x0ffffffff, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x0ffffffff, 0x100000001, 0x07fffffff, 42, Number.MIN_VALUE, 0, -0x080000001, -1/0, -0x080000000, 0x100000001, Math.PI, 1, 0x080000000, 1/0, -0]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(355); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=698; tryItOut("mathy3 = (function(x, y) { return Math.atan2(Math.asinh(Math.fround((Math.fround(( + (( + y) ? ( + x) : ( + (( ~ ( ! Number.MIN_VALUE)) >>> 0))))) ? Math.fround(Math.hypot(mathy0(1, ( + (y | x))), Math.fround(Math.fround(Math.cos(Math.fround(( + ( + 0x100000001)))))))) : (( ~ (Math.min((((y >>> 0) / Math.fround(x)) % ( + ( + ( + ( + 42))))), ( + ( + ( + y)))) >>> 0)) >>> 0)))), ( + Math.min(( - (Math.log(Math.fround((x - (-0x0ffffffff | 0)))) | 0)), ( + (Math.cos((Math.exp(Math.imul(x, (((y >>> 0) < (x >>> 0)) >>> 0))) >>> 0)) >>> 0))))); }); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(97); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=699; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; testMathyFunction(mathy4, [-0x0ffffffff, Number.MAX_VALUE, 1, 0x0ffffffff, 0x100000001, Math.PI, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 42, Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x080000001, 0x080000000, -0, 1/0, -0x080000001, -0x100000000, 0x07fffffff, 0, 0/0, 0x100000000, -0x07fffffff, 0x100000001, -Number.MIN_VALUE, -1/0, -0x080000000]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(129); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=700; tryItOut("testMathyFunction(mathy5, [1/0, -0x080000001, -0x080000000, 0/0, 0x080000001, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x100000001, 42, -0x100000000, Math.PI, -1/0, Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MIN_VALUE, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x07fffffff, 0x100000001, 0x080000000, -0x07fffffff, -0, 0x0ffffffff, 0, 0x100000000, 1, -0x0ffffffff]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(161); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=701; tryItOut("a0 + m1;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(173); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=702; tryItOut("Array.prototype.unshift.apply(a0, [b2, g0, b2]);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(200); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=703; tryItOut("s0 += 'x';");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(209); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=704; tryItOut("Array.prototype.unshift.apply(a0, [s1, h2, /*UUV2*/(d.toFixed = d.add) , (this).call((function shapeyConstructor(pthlfd){if ( '' ) for (var ytqtzbbur in this) { }this[\"length\"] = \"\\u8DB2\";return this; }).call((function ([y]) { })(), let, undefined), ((Array.prototype.reduce)(\"\\u97D1\").eval(\" /x/g \")), [,,z1]), e2, b1]);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(503); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=705; tryItOut("testMathyFunction(mathy4, [0x100000001, -0x0ffffffff, 0x100000000, -Number.MIN_VALUE, Number.MIN_VALUE, -0x080000001, 0x0ffffffff, 0x080000000, 1/0, -0, 0x080000001, Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x07fffffff, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -1/0, Math.PI, 0, 0x100000001, -0x080000000, 1, 0/0, -0x100000000, 42, 0x07fffffff]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(535); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=706; tryItOut("s0 += s2;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(547); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=707; tryItOut("/* no regression tests found */");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(556); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=708; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy0 = (function(x, y) { \"use asm\"; return Math.tanh(Math.acos(Math.fround((Math.fround(( + ( - ( + ( + ( ! (( + Math.asin(( + 42))) | 0))))))) >>> (y ? Math.fround((x >>> 0x100000001)) : ( + Math.max(( + Math.fround(Math.min(0x080000001, Math.fround(x)))), Math.sin(( + Math.sin(x)))))))))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy0, [-0x0ffffffff, 0x0ffffffff, 0x100000001, Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x080000000, 0x100000001, -0x07fffffff, 42, Math.PI, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -0, -0x080000000, -1/0, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x07fffffff, 1, Number.MAX_VALUE, -0x100000000, -0x080000001, 0x080000001, 1/0, 0/0, 0x100000000, 0]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(117); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=709; tryItOut("mathy4 = (function(x, y) { return ( ! (mathy3(((mathy3(y, y) || (Math.cos((x | 0)) >>> 0)) | 0), ( + Math.max(( + Math.max(( + (( + y) >> ( + Math.log2(Math.fround(Number.MIN_VALUE))))), y)), ( + Math.fround((Math.fround(y) === Math.fround(mathy0(x, x)))))))) % ( ~ x))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy4, [1/0, 1, Math.PI, 0/0, -0x080000001, -0x080000000, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 0x080000000, -0x100000000, Number.MAX_VALUE, -0, -0x07fffffff, -1/0, 0x100000001, 0, 0x100000000, -0x0ffffffff, 0x100000001, 0x0ffffffff, 42, 0x080000001, Number.MIN_VALUE, -Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x07fffffff]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(335); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=710; tryItOut("/*oLoop*/for (var aigyyf = 0; aigyyf < 111; ++aigyyf) { o0.__proto__ = g1; } ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(367); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=711; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy5 = (function(stdlib, foreign, heap){ \"use asm\"; var ff = foreign.ff;\n function f(i0, d1)\n {\n i0 = i0|0;\n d1 = +d1;\n var d2 = -1152921504606847000.0;\n var d3 = -17179869184.0;\n return (((0x602d8e93) / (((0x574e303b) / (\"\\u7BFB\"))>>>(((d3))))))|0;\n }\n return f; })(this, {ff: (function handlerFactory() {return {getOwnPropertyDescriptor: function(){}, getPropertyDescriptor: function(){}, defineProperty: function(){}, getOwnPropertyNames: undefined, delete: function(y) { yield y; y;; yield y; }, fix: function(y) { \"use strict\"; yield y; continue ;; yield y; }, has: '' , hasOwn: function() { return false; }, get: function(receiver, name) { var prop = x[name]; return (typeof prop) === 'function' ? prop.bind(x) : prop; }, set: function() { return true; }, iterate: function() { return (function() { throw StopIteration; }); }, enumerate: function() { return []; }, keys: function() { throw 3; }, }; })}, new ArrayBuffer(4096)); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(546); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=712; tryItOut("if(-21) print(22); else if (\"\\u2689\") {v1 = (h1 instanceof t0); }");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(10); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=713; tryItOut("mathy5 = (function(x, y) { return ( ! Math.min((( + Math.fround((Math.fround(( + (0x07fffffff | 0))) ? Math.fround(x) : Math.fround(y)))) >>> 0), Math.pow((Math.cosh((y ^ x)) >>> 0), (((0x080000001 >>> 0) ? (Math.expm1(x) >>> 0) : Math.fround(y)) >>> 0)))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy5, [-1/0, -0x080000001, 0x080000001, -Number.MIN_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE, 0, -0, 0/0, 1/0, -0x100000000, -0x07fffffff, 0x07fffffff, 0x0ffffffff, -Number.MAX_VALUE, 1, -0x080000000, Math.PI, 0x100000001, 42, 0x100000000, Number.MIN_VALUE, 0x100000001, 0x080000000, -0x0ffffffff]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(194); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=714; tryItOut("print(x);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(204); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=715; tryItOut("mathy4 = (function(x, y) { return ((mathy3((( ! (mathy2((Math.exp((-0x080000001 >>> 0)) >>> 0), Math.hypot(0/0, ((( + ( + Math.fround(x))) < (x | 0)) | 0))) | 0)) >>> 0), ( + Math.atan2(( + Math.sign(y)), ( + (( ~ (-0 >>> 0)) >>> 0))))) >>> 0) ? (((( + Math.ceil(( + Math.max(Math.acos(Math.fround(Math.min(Math.fround(( ~ x)), Math.fround(x)))), ( ! y))))) >>> 0) * ( + ( + mathy1(( + ( + (( + Math.fround(Math.atanh((x >>> 0)))) >> ( + y)))), ( + (y <= ( + y))))))) >>> 0) : Math.imul(Math.cbrt(Math.ceil(Math.fround((Math.pow(Math.fround(x), (Math.fround(( + Number.MIN_VALUE)) | 0)) | 0)))), Math.min((-Number.MAX_VALUE >>> 0), (y >>> 0)))); }); testMathyFunction(mathy4, /*MARR*/[(-1/0)]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(620); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=716; tryItOut("v1 = -0;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(7); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=717; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy4 = (function(x, y) { return (( + Math.acos((( + mathy3(( + (( ! y) >>> 0)), ( + (a = \"\\uFF73\" >>> y)))) >>> 0))) | 0); }); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(125); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=718; tryItOut("print(uneval(g0.f1));");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(137); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=719; tryItOut("mathy4 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; return ( ~ ( + ( ! (( ~ ([] = x)) | 0)))); }); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(212); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=720; tryItOut("mathy2 = (function(x, y) { return ((((((Math.exp(Math.fround((Math.atan2((( + ( + x)) >>> 0), y) >>> 0))) | 0) - (((y | ( ! x)) & (x && -0x080000000)) | 0)) | 0) | 0) ? (Math.fround(Math.imul(Math.fround(( + mathy1(Math.sinh((mathy0((x | 0), Math.fround(( ~ Math.fround(Math.fround(( ! Math.fround(y))))))) | 0)), Math.imul(( + x), (x <= x))))), Math.fround(( + Math.fround(x))))) | 0) : Math.fround(( ~ Math.pow((x , x), x)))) | 0); }); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(519); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=721; tryItOut("/*infloop*/for(let (4277).__proto__ in (4277)) v1 = t0.length;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(588); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=722; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; a2.splice(2, ({valueOf: function() { print(uneval(s1));return 0; }}));");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(612); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=723; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; mathy1 = (function(x, y) { return ( ~ ( + (( + ( ~ ( ~ (y ** 0/0)))) ? ( + (( + (Math.cos(y) ** x)) == ( ~ Math.max(-Number.MIN_VALUE, Math.sqrt(x))))) : ( + Math.log((y ? y : ((-1/0 + ( + ( + ( ~ ( + mathy0(( + 0x100000001), (x >>> 0))))))) | 0))))))); }); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(233); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=724; tryItOut("mathy2 = (function(x, y) { \"use asm\"; return (Math.acos(( + (( - (((Math.sinh(((x & (-1/0 | 0)) | 0)) >>> 0) ? Math.hypot(( + Math.hypot(Math.trunc(0x07fffffff), x)), -Number.MAX_VALUE) : Math.acos(Math.fround(mathy0(( + (mathy1(y, y) >> x)), ( + y))))) >>> 0)) >>> 0))) | 0); }); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(416); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=725; tryItOut("o0.m0 = new WeakMap;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(429); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=726; tryItOut("f0.__iterator__ = Array.prototype.concat;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(443); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=727; tryItOut("");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(450); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=728; tryItOut("/*vLoop*/for (let mnsxqv = 0; mnsxqv < 37; ++mnsxqv) { var a = mnsxqv; v2 =, b2); } ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(488); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=729; tryItOut("/*infloop*/for(x; \"\\u82EF\".eval(\"(\\u3056--).__proto__ = x\"); (yield (encodeURI)(\"callee\", XPCSafeJSObjectWrapper), (x.__defineGetter__(\"window\", function(q) { \"use strict\"; return q; })) %= (x = Proxy.create(({/*TOODEEP*/})(x), \"\\u758C\"))))) {/*RXUB*/var r = g1.r0; var s = s0; print(s.match(r)); }");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(245); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=730; tryItOut(";\nprint((4277));\n");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(294); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=731; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; e2.toString = (function(j) { if (j) { try { a1[ /x/g .eval(\"/* no regression tests found */\") << Object.defineProperty(b, \"eval\", ({value: b >= e, configurable: (d = [,,z1]), enumerable: (x % 2 == 0)}))] = (new EvalError()); } catch(e0) { } try { s2.toString = (function(stdlib, foreign, heap){ \"use asm\"; var NaN = stdlib.NaN;\n var ff = foreign.ff;\n var Uint8ArrayView = new stdlib.Uint8Array(heap);\n var Float32ArrayView = new stdlib.Float32Array(heap);\n function f(i0, i1)\n {\n i0 = i0|0;\n i1 = i1|0;\n var d2 = 288230376151711740.0;\n /*FFI*/ff(((d2)), (((+(((i0)) << ((Uint8ArrayView[((0x6eb4059b)-(0x2b895a08)-(0x8304730d)) >> 0])))))), ((((i1)*-0xee827) & (((((0x34b24d59)) & ((0xfddaf644))) == (~~(-131073.0)))))), ((d2)), ((((d2) <= ((0xf92f848c) ? (1025.0) : (-1.0078125))))), ((-((d2)))), ((-0x6adaece)), ((-288230376151711740.0)));\n return (((i1)-(/*FFI*/ff()|0)))|0;\n((4277)); i0 = (i0);\n (Float32ArrayView[((~((i0)*0xfffff)) % ((((0x46493d57) <= (-0x655abf5))+(i0)) & ((0x1e6a8bb2)-(0xca3cbb91)+(0xfcc770cb)))) >> 2]) = ((274877906945.0));\n i0 = (i0);\n i0 = ((0x1fe0396e) <= (( '' .unwatch(\"1\"))));\n i1 = (i0);\n (Float32ArrayView[1]) = ((NaN));\n return (((0x32058a2a)-((0x0) >= ((0x47d2b821)))))|0;\n }\n return f; })(this, {ff: (function handlerFactory() {return {getOwnPropertyDescriptor: function(){}, getPropertyDescriptor: function(){}, defineProperty: function(){}, getOwnPropertyNames: function() { return []; }, delete: function() { return true; }, fix: function() { return []; }, has: function() { return false; }, hasOwn: undefined, get: function() { return undefined }, set: function() { return true; }, iterate: function() { return (function() { throw StopIteration; }); }, enumerate: function() { return []; }, keys: function() { return []; }, }; })}, new ArrayBuffer(4096)); } catch(e1) { } try { Object.defineProperty(this, \"a2\", { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get: function() { g2 = this; return arguments; } }); } catch(e2) { } /*MXX2*/g0.Boolean.length = g0.o1; } else { try { m1.set(o1, f2); } catch(e0) { } i0.send(s1); } });");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(412); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=732; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; M:with(new XPCSafeJSObjectWrapper((new XPCSafeJSObjectWrapper([,] ? ({}) : e))))b0 + g0.b2;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(510); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=733; tryItOut("this.m0.delete(b0);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(523); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=734; tryItOut("b1.__proto__ = g2;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(535); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=735; tryItOut(" for each(let y in \"\\u475D\") print(x);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(585); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=736; tryItOut("mathy0 = (function(x, y) { \"use strict\"; return Math.fround(( ~ Math.fround(Math.ceil(((y ? Math.fround(Math.atan2(Math.atan(( + ((-0x07fffffff !== (1 | 0)) >>> 0))), y)) : (( ! ( + Math.max(( + Math.fround(Math.hypot(Math.fround(y), y))), Math.fround(x)))) | 0)) != (( ~ (y >>> 0)) >>> 0)))))); }); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(120); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=737; tryItOut(", \"getFullYear\", (function() { try { e2.delete(o0); } catch(e0) { } try { v0 = t1.byteOffset; } catch(e1) { } this.v2 = g0.eval(\"this.m1.set(e2, e1);\"); return g1; }));");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(177); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=738; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; for(y in ((new RegExp(\"(?!(\\\\b)*+)\", \"gyim\"))( '' )))h2.get = this.f1;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(415); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=739; tryItOut("s1 += s0;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(427); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=740; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; /*RXUB*/var r = r2; var s = s2; print(uneval(s.match(r))); print(r.lastIndex); \n/*MXX2*/g1.RangeError = o0;\n");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(541); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=741; tryItOut(", \"min\", f2);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(557); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=742; tryItOut("e1.has(g1.g1);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(573); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=743; tryItOut("mathy0 = (function(x, y) { return Math.log2((((( - y) | 0) << (((( - (x === Math.acos((( + (Number.MIN_VALUE >>> 0)) | 0)))) >>> 0) | (x | 0)) | 0)) | 0)); }); testMathyFunction(mathy0, [0, 0.1, ({valueOf:function(){return 0;}}), -0, undefined, '\\0', ({valueOf:function(){return '0';}}), NaN, (new String('')), (new Number(0)), (function(){return 0;}), (new Boolean(true)), '', null, '0', true, ({toString:function(){return '0';}}), objectEmulatingUndefined(), /0/, false, [0], 1, [], '/0/', (new Boolean(false)), (new Number(-0))]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(86); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=744; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; m2 = new Map;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(96); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=745; tryItOut("v2 = Infinity;");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(107); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=746; tryItOut("mathy1 = (function(stdlib, foreign, heap){ \"use asm\"; var Infinity = stdlib.Infinity;\n var ff = foreign.ff;\n var Float64ArrayView = new stdlib.Float64Array(heap);\n function f(d0, d1)\n {\n d0 = +d0;\n d1 = +d1;\n var i2 = 0;\n var i3 = 0;\n var i4 = 0;\n d0 = (Infinity);\n (Float64ArrayView[1]) = ((d0));\n {\n d0 = (288230376151711740.0);\n }\n return (((((0x163edd78)) ? ((0xf90ebb74) >= (0x20d3a3d8)) : (i3))-((0xffffffff) == (((i3)+(0x46af3416))>>>((i2)*0x89b4a)))))|0;\n }\n return f; })(this, {ff: /*wrap1*/(function(){ v0 = Infinity;return XPCNativeWrapper})()}, new ArrayBuffer(4096)); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(295); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=747; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; L:switch((void version(170))) { case 9: print(x);x = x != eval, a, osnpoo, yrukkm, this.x;this.m1.delete(p1);break; case 4: /*bLoop*/for (yocndb = 0; yocndb < 16; ++yocndb) { if (yocndb % 3 == 0) { print(x); } else {, (function mcc_() { var qzmxrd = 0; return function() { ++qzmxrd; if (qzmxrd > 5) { dumpln('hit!'); try { v1.__proto__ = f1; } catch(e0) { } f2 = x; } else { dumpln('miss!'); a0 = Array.prototype.concat.apply(g2.a0, [a1, this.t0]); } };})(), f1, b1, t2); } } break; case 4: /*RXUB*/var r = this.o1.r1; var s = s1; print(; case ((timeout(1800))(Float64Array(), '' )): print(\"\\uB8A4\");\np2 + m2;\n }");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(131); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=748; tryItOut("testMathyFunction(mathy3, /*MARR*/[ 'A' , x, objectEmulatingUndefined(), x, objectEmulatingUndefined(), 'A' , 'A' , x, x, objectEmulatingUndefined(), 'A' , x, objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), x, objectEmulatingUndefined(), 'A' , objectEmulatingUndefined(), 'A' , x, x, 'A' , x, objectEmulatingUndefined(), 'A' , 'A' , x, 'A' , x, objectEmulatingUndefined(), 'A' , 'A' , objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined(), x, objectEmulatingUndefined(), x, 'A' , objectEmulatingUndefined(), objectEmulatingUndefined()]); ");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(239); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=749; tryItOut("g2.m0.delete(i0);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(255); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=750; tryItOut("this.e2.delete(o2.h2);");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(271); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=751; tryItOut("\"use strict\"; f1 + '';");
/*FRC*/Random.twister.import_mti(280); void (makeScript(14));
/*FRC*/count=752; tryItOut("{ void 0; void gc('compartment'); }");