| Vulkan CTS README |
| ================= |
| |
| This document describes how to build and run Vulkan Conformance Test suite. |
| |
| Vulkan CTS is built on dEQP framework. dEQP documentation is available |
| at http://source.android.com/devices/graphics/testing.html |
| |
| |
| Requirements |
| ------------ |
| |
| ### Common |
| |
| The following tools must be installed and present in the PATH variable: |
| |
| * Git (for checking out sources) |
| * Python 3.x (for the build related scripts, some other scripts still use Python 2.7.x) |
| * CMake 3.10.2 or newer |
| |
| ### Win32 |
| |
| * Visual Studio 2015 or newer (glslang uses several C++11 features) |
| |
| ### Linux |
| |
| * Standard toolchain (make, gcc/clang) |
| * If you have X11 installed, then the build assumes you also have the `GL/glx.h` header |
| file. |
| * You can get this from the `mesa-common-dev` Ubuntu package. |
| |
| ### MacOS |
| |
| * Xcode |
| |
| Vulkan SDK for macOS includes a MoltenVK runtime library which is recommended method for |
| developing a Vulkan application. |
| |
| ### Android |
| |
| * Android NDK r17c or later. |
| * Android SDK with: SDK Tools, SDK Platform-tools, SDK Build-tools, and API 28 |
| * Java Development Kit (JDK) |
| * Windows: either NMake or Ninja in PATH |
| |
| If you have downloaded the Android SDK command line tools package (25.2.3 or higher) then |
| you can install the necessary components by running: |
| |
| tools/bin/sdkmanager tools platform-tools 'build-tools;25.0.2' 'platforms;android-28' |
| |
| |
| Building CTS |
| ------------ |
| |
| To build dEQP, you need first to download sources for zlib, libpng, glslang, |
| vulkan-docs, spirv-headers, and spirv-tools. |
| |
| To download sources, run: |
| |
| python external/fetch_sources.py |
| |
| You may need to re-run `fetch_sources.py` to update to the latest glslang, |
| vulkan-docs and spirv-tools revisions occasionally. |
| |
| You also need to install lxml python module by running: |
| |
| python -m pip install lxml |
| |
| With CMake out-of-source builds are always recommended. Create a build directory |
| of your choosing, and in that directory generate Makefiles or IDE project |
| using cmake. |
| |
| |
| ### Windows x86-32 |
| |
| cmake <path to vulkancts> -G"Visual Studio 14" |
| start dEQP-Core-default.sln |
| |
| ### Windows x86-64 |
| |
| cmake <path to vulkancts> -G"Visual Studio 14 Win64" |
| start dEQP-Core-default.sln |
| |
| ### Linux 32-bit Debug |
| |
| cmake <path to vulkancts> -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-m32 -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-m32 |
| make -j |
| |
| Release build can be done by using -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release |
| |
| If building for 32-bit x86 with GCC, you probably also want to add `-msse2 |
| -mfpmath=sse` to ensure that you get correct IEEE floating-point behavior. |
| |
| ### Linux 64-bit Debug |
| |
| cmake <path to vulkancts> -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-m64 -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-m64 |
| make -j |
| |
| |
| ### MacOS 64-bit Debug |
| |
| cmake <path to vulkancts> -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DDEQP_TARGET=osx -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-m64 -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-m64 |
| make -j |
| |
| ### Android |
| |
| Following command will build dEQP.apk: |
| |
| python scripts/android/build_apk.py --sdk <path to Android SDK> --ndk <path to Android NDK> |
| |
| By default the CTS package will be built for the Android API level 28. |
| Another API level may be supplied using --native-api command line option. |
| |
| The package can be installed by either running: |
| |
| python scripts/android/install_apk.py |
| |
| By default the CTS package will contain libdeqp.so built for armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, |
| x86, and x86_64 ABIs, but that can be changed at build time by passing the --abis command line |
| option to `scripts/android/build_apk.py`. |
| |
| To pick which ABI to use at _install time_, use the following command instead: |
| |
| adb install -g --abi <ABI name> <build-root>/package/dEQP.apk |
| |
| |
| Building Mustpass |
| ----------------- |
| |
| Current mustpass is checked into repository and can be found at: |
| |
| external/vulkancts/mustpass/master/vk-default.txt |
| |
| This file contains list of files located in vk-default subdirectory. Those files contain |
| tests from top-level groups and together they contain all test cases that should pass. |
| |
| Vulkan CTS mustpass can be re-generated by running: |
| |
| python <vulkancts>/external/vulkancts/scripts/build_mustpass.py |
| |
| |
| Running CTS |
| ----------- |
| |
| Following command line options MUST be used when running CTS: |
| |
| --deqp-caselist-file=<vulkancts>/external/vulkancts/mustpass/master/vk-default.txt |
| --deqp-log-images=disable |
| --deqp-log-shader-sources=disable |
| |
| If an implementation ships with [implicit layers](https://github.com/KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Loader/blob/master/loader/LoaderAndLayerInterface.md#implicit-vs-explicit-layers) enabled, then such layers must be enabled |
| when running CTS. |
| |
| In addition, on multi-device systems the device for which conformance is claimed |
| can be selected with: |
| |
| --deqp-vk-device-id=<value> |
| |
| To speed up the conformance run on some platforms the following command line |
| option may be used to disable frequent fflush() calls to the output logs: |
| |
| --deqp-log-flush=disable |
| |
| By default, the test log will be written into the path "TestResults.qpa". If the |
| platform requires a different path, it can be specified with: |
| |
| --deqp-log-filename=<path> |
| |
| By default, the CTS will expect to find its test resource files in the current |
| working directory. This can be overridden with: |
| |
| --deqp-archive-dir=<path> |
| |
| By default, the shader cache will be written into the path "shadercache.bin". If the |
| platform requires a different path, it can be specified with: |
| |
| --deqp-shadercache-filename=<path> |
| |
| If the shader cache is not desired, it can be disabled with: |
| |
| --deqp-shadercache=disable |
| |
| CTS execution may be split into N fractions ( for the purpose of running it in parallel ) using |
| |
| --deqp-fraction=I,N |
| |
| where I denotes index of current CTS execution ( I=[0..N-1], N=[1..8] ) |
| |
| When collecting results for a Conformance Submission Package the number of fractions must not exceed 8, |
| and a list of mandatory information tests for each fraction must be supplied: |
| |
| --deqp-fraction-mandatory-caselist-file=<vulkancts>external/vulkancts/mustpass/master/vk-fraction-mandatory-tests.txt |
| |
| To specify file containing waived tests that are omitted only by specified vendor and renderer/device |
| the following command line option may be used: |
| |
| --deqp-waiver-file=<path> |
| |
| To make log more clear for high level shader source analysis |
| output of decompiled SPIR-V shader sources can be disabled: |
| |
| --deqp-log-decompiled-spirv=disable |
| |
| Also non-informative empty LogInfo sections can be removed |
| from output into log by specifying: |
| |
| --deqp-log-empty-loginfo=disable |
| |
| No other command line options are allowed. |
| |
| ### Win32 |
| |
| cd <builddir>/external/vulkancts/modules/vulkan |
| Debug\deqp-vk.exe --deqp-caselist-file=... |
| |
| Test log will be written into TestResults.qpa |
| |
| ### Linux |
| |
| cd <builddir>/external/vulkancts/modules/vulkan |
| ./deqp-vk --deqp-caselist-file=... |
| |
| ### MacOS |
| |
| cd <builddir>/external/vulkancts/modules/vulkan |
| ./deqp-vk --deqp-caselist-file=... |
| |
| ### Android |
| |
| For Android build using SDK 29 or greater, it is recommended to use `/sdcard/Documents/` instead of `/sdcard/` due to scoped storage. |
| |
| adb push <vulkancts>/external/vulkancts/mustpass/main/vk-default.txt /sdcard/vk-default.txt |
| adb shell |
| |
| In device shell: |
| |
| am start -n com.drawelements.deqp/android.app.NativeActivity -e cmdLine "deqp --deqp-caselist-file=/sdcard/vk-default.txt --deqp-log-images=disable --deqp-log-shader-sources=disable --deqp-log-filename=/sdcard/TestResults.qpa" |
| |
| Test progress will be written to device log and can be displayed with: |
| |
| adb logcat -s dEQP |
| |
| Test log will be written into `/sdcard/TestResults.qpa`. |
| |
| |
| Conformance Submission Package Requirements |
| ------------------------------------------- |
| |
| The conformance submission package must contain the following: |
| |
| 1. Full test logs (`TestResults.qpa`) from CTS runs against all driver builds and all fractions |
| 2. Result of `git status` and `git log` from CTS source directory |
| 3. Any patches used on top of release tag |
| 4. Conformance statement |
| |
| Test logs (1) should be named `<submission pkg dir>/TestResults-<driver build type>-<fraction id>-of-<total fractions>.qpa`, |
| for example `TestResults-armeabi-v7a-1-of-8.qpa`. On platforms where multiple different driver |
| builds (for example 64-bit and 32-bit) are present, CTS logs must be provided |
| for each driver build as part of the submission package. If CTS run was split into multiple |
| fractions then result files for all fractions must be provided, each file must |
| contain results of the mandatory information tests. |
| |
| Fractions may be run on different physical devices but each device must represent |
| the same Conformant Product. |
| |
| Test logs generated on a system which exposes more than one physical device |
| in a device group can be used for products that expose one or more physical |
| devices in their device group. |
| |
| The CTS build must always be done from clean git repository that doesn't have any |
| uncommitted changes. Thus it is necessary to run and capture output of `git |
| status` and `git log` (2) in the source directory: |
| |
| git status > <submission pkg dir>/git-status.txt |
| git log --first-parent <release tag>^..HEAD > <submission pkg dir>/git-log.txt |
| |
| Any changes made to CTS must be committed to the local repository, and provided |
| as part of the submission package (3). This can be done by running: |
| |
| git format-patch -o <submission pkg dir> <release tag>..HEAD |
| |
| Changes to platform-specific code (mostly under `framework/platform`) |
| are allowed. The commit message for each change must include a clear |
| description of the change and why it is necessary. |
| |
| Bugfixes to the tests are allowed. Before being used for a submission, |
| bugfixes must be accepted and merged into the CTS repository. |
| `git cherry-pick` is strongly recommended as a method of applying bug fixes. |
| |
| Other changes must be accompanied by a waiver (see below). |
| |
| NOTE: When cherry-picking patches on top of release tag, please use `git cherry-pick -x` |
| to include original commit hash in the commit message. |
| |
| Conformance statement (4) must be included in a file called `STATEMENT-<adopter>` |
| and must contain following: |
| |
| CONFORM_VERSION: <git tag of CTS release> |
| PRODUCT: <string-value> |
| CPU: <string-value> |
| OS: <string-value> |
| |
| Note that product/cpu/os information is also captured in `dEQP-VK.info.*` tests |
| if `vk::Platform::describePlatform()` is implemented. |
| |
| If the submission package covers multiple products, you can list them by appending |
| additional `PRODUCT:` lines to the conformance statement. For example: |
| |
| CONFORM_VERSION: vulkan-cts- |
| PRODUCT: Product A |
| PRODUCT: Product B |
| ... |
| |
| The actual submission package consists of the above set of files which must |
| be bundled into a gzipped tar file named `VK<API major><API minor>_<adopter><_info>.tgz`. |
| `<API major>` is the major version of the Vulkan API specification, `<API minor>`is the minor |
| version of the Vulkan API specification. |
| `<adopter>` is the name of the Adopting member company, or some recognizable abbreviation. |
| The `<_info>` field is optional. It may be used to uniquely identify a submission |
| by OS, platform, date, or other criteria when making multiple submissions. |
| For example, a company XYZ may make a submission for a Vulkan 1.1 implementation named |
| `VK11_XYZ_PRODUCTA_Windows10.tgz` |
| |
| One way to create a suiteable gzipped tar file is to execute the command: |
| |
| tar -cvzf <filename.tgz> -C <submission pkg dir> . |
| |
| where `<submission pkg dir>` is the directory containing the files from (1)-(4) |
| from above. A submission package must contain all of the files listed above, |
| and only those files. |
| |
| As an example submission package could contain: |
| |
| STATEMENT-Khronos |
| git-log.txt |
| git-status.txt |
| 0001-Remove-Waived-Filtering-Tests.patch |
| 0002-Fix-Pipeline-Parameters.patch |
| TestResults-armeabi-v7a.qpa |
| TestResults-arm64-v8a.qpa |
| |
| |
| Waivers |
| ------- |
| |
| The process for requesting a waiver is to report the issue by filing a bug |
| report in the Gitlab VulkanCTS project (TODO Github?). When creating the |
| submission package, include references to the waiver in the commit message of |
| the relevant change. Including as much information as possible in your bug |
| report (including a unified diff or a merge request of suggested file changes) |
| will ensure the issue can be progressed as rapidly as possible. Issues must |
| be labeled "Waiver" (TODO!) and identify the version of the CTS and affected |
| tests. |
| |
| Conformance Criteria |
| -------------------- |
| |
| Conformance run is considered passing if all tests finish with allowed result |
| codes. Test results are contained in the TestResults.qpa log. Each |
| test case section contains XML tag Result, for example: |
| |
| <Result StatusCode="Pass">Not validated</Result> |
| |
| The result code is the value of the StatusCode attribute. Following status |
| codes are allowed: |
| |
| Pass |
| NotSupported |
| QualityWarning |
| CompatibilityWarning |
| Waiver |
| |
| Submission package can be verified using `verify_submission.py` |
| script located in [VK-GL-CTS-Tools](https://github.com/KhronosGroup/VK-GL-CTS-Tools). |
| |
| Vulkan platform port |
| -------------------- |
| |
| Vulkan support from Platform implementation requires providing |
| `getVulkanPlatform()` method in `tcu::Platform` class implementation. |
| |
| See `framework/common/tcuPlatform.hpp` and examples in |
| `framework/platform/win32/tcuWin32Platform.cpp` and |
| `framework/platform/android/tcuAndroidPlatform.cpp`. |
| |
| If any WSI extensions are supported, platform port must also implement |
| methods for creating native display (`vk::Platform::createWsiDisplay`) |
| and window handles (`vk::wsi::Display::createWindow`). Otherwise tests |
| under `dEQP-VK.wsi` will fail. |
| |
| |
| Null (dummy) driver |
| ------------------- |
| |
| For testing and development purposes it might be useful to be able to run |
| tests on dummy Vulkan implementation. One such implementation is provided in |
| vkNullDriver.cpp. To use that, implement `vk::Platform::createLibrary()` with |
| `vk::createNullDriver()`. |
| |
| |
| Validation Layers |
| ----------------- |
| |
| Vulkan CTS framework includes first-party support for validation layers, that |
| can be turned on with `--deqp-validation=enable` command line option. |
| |
| When validation is turned on, default instance and device will be created with |
| validation layers enabled and debug callback is registered to record any |
| messages. Debug messages collected during test execution will be included at |
| the end of the test case log. |
| |
| In addition, when the `--deqp-print-validation-errors` command line option is |
| used, validation errors are additionally printed to standard error in the |
| moment they are generated. |
| |
| If any validation errors are found, test result will be set to `InternalError`. |
| |
| are excluded from the log, but that can be customized by modifying |
| `vk::DebugReportMessage::shouldBeLogged()` in `vkDebugReportUtil.hpp`. |
| |
| On the Android target, layers can be added to the APK during the build process |
| by setting the `--layers-path` command line option to point into the NDK or to |
| a locally-built layers tree. The layers are expected to be found under $abi/ |
| under the layers path. |
| |
| |
| Cherry GUI |
| ---------- |
| |
| Vulkan test module can be used with Cherry (GUI for test execution and |
| analysis). Cherry is available at |
| https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/cherry. Please follow |
| instructions in README to get started. |
| |
| Before first launch, and every time test hierarchy has been modified, test |
| case list must be refreshed by running: |
| |
| python scripts/build_caselists.py path/to/cherry/data |
| |
| Cherry must be restarted for the case list update to take effect. |
| |
| |
| Shader Optimizer |
| ---------------- |
| |
| Vulkan CTS can be optionally run with the shader optimizer enabled. This |
| is an experimental feature which can be used to further stress both the |
| drivers as well as the optimizer itself. The shader optimizer is disabled |
| by default. |
| |
| The following command line options can be used to configure the shader |
| optimizer: |
| |
| --deqp-optimization-recipe=<number> |
| |
| The list of the optimization recipes can be found and customized in the |
| `optimizeCompiledBinary()` function in `vkPrograms.cpp`. |
| |
| As of this writing, there are 2 recipes to choose from: |
| |
| 0. Disabled (default) |
| 1. Optimize for performance |
| 2. Optimize for size |
| |
| The performance and size optimization recipes are defined by the spir-v |
| optimizer, and will change from time to time as the optimizer matures. |
| |
| --deqp-optimize-spirv=enable |
| |
| This option is not required to run the optimizer. By default, the shader |
| optimizer only optimizes shaders generated from GLSL or HLSL, and leaves |
| hand-written SPIR-V shaders alone. |
| |
| Many of the hand-written SPIR-V tests stress specific features of the |
| SPIR-V which might get optimized out. Using this option will enable the |
| optimizer on the hand-written SPIR-V as well, which may be useful in |
| finding new bugs in drivers or the optimizer itself, but will likely |
| invalidate the tests themselves. |
| |
| |
| Shader Cache |
| ------------ |
| |
| The Vulkan CTS framework contains a shader cache for speeding up the running |
| of the CTS. Skipping shader compilation can significantly reduce runtime, |
| especially for repeated runs. |
| |
| Default behavior is to have the shader cache enabled, but truncated at the |
| start of the CTS run. This still gives the benefit of skipping shader |
| compilation for identical shaders in different tests (which there are many), |
| while making sure that the shader cache file does not grow indefinitely. |
| |
| The shader cache identifies the shaders by hashing the shader source code |
| along with various bits of information that may affect the shader compilation |
| (such as shader stage, CTS version, possible compilation flags, etc). If a |
| cached shader with matching hash is found, a byte-by-byte comparison of the |
| shader sources is made to make sure that the correct shader is being |
| retrieved from the cache. |
| |
| The behavior of the shader cache can be modified with the following command |
| line options: |
| |
| --deqp-shadercache=disable |
| |
| Disable the shader cache. All shaders will be compiled every time. |
| |
| --deqp-shadercache-filename=<filename> |
| |
| Set the name of the file where the cached shaders will be stored. This |
| option may be required for the shader cache to work at all on Android |
| targets. |
| |
| --deqp-shadercache-truncate=disable |
| |
| Do not truncate the shader cache file at startup. No shader compilation will |
| occur on repeated runs of the CTS. |
| |
| |
| RenderDoc |
| --------- |
| The RenderDoc (https://renderdoc.org/) graphics debugger may be used to debug |
| Vulkan tests. |
| |
| Following command line option should be used when launching tests from |
| RenderDoc UI: |
| |
| --deqp-renderdoc=enable |
| |
| This causes the framework to interface with the debugger and mark each dEQP |
| test case as a separate 'frame', just for the purpose of capturing. The frames |
| are added using RenderDoc 'In-Application API', instead of swapchain operations. |
| |
| |
| Third Party Runners |
| ------------------- |
| |
| Some CTS tests use third-party runners. By default all tests are executed |
| regardless of runner type (`any`). To exclude all tests using any of the |
| external runners (`none`) or to only include tests using a certain runner: |
| |
| --deqp-runner-type=(any|none|amber) |
| |
| |
| Command Line |
| ------------ |
| Full list of parameters for the `deqp-vk` module: |
| |
| OpenGL and OpenCL parameters not affecting Vulkan API were suppressed. |
| |
| -h, --help |
| Show this help |
| |
| -n, --deqp-case=<value> |
| Test case(s) to run, supports wildcards (e.g. dEQP-GLES2.info.*) |
| |
| --deqp-caselist=<value> |
| Case list to run in trie format (e.g. {dEQP-GLES2{info{version,renderer}}}) |
| |
| --deqp-caselist-file=<value> |
| Read case list (in trie format) from given file |
| |
| --deqp-caselist-resource=<value> |
| Read case list (in trie format) from given file located application's assets |
| |
| --deqp-stdin-caselist |
| Read case list (in trie format) from stdin |
| |
| --deqp-log-filename=<value> |
| Write test results to given file |
| default: 'TestResults.qpa' |
| |
| --deqp-runmode=[execute|xml-caselist|txt-caselist|stdout-caselist] |
| Execute tests, or write list of test cases into a file |
| default: 'execute' |
| |
| --deqp-caselist-export-file=<value> |
| Set the target file name pattern for caselist export |
| default: '${packageName}-cases.${typeExtension}' |
| |
| --deqp-watchdog=[enable|disable] |
| Enable test watchdog |
| default: 'disable' |
| |
| --deqp-crashhandler=[enable|disable] |
| Enable crash handling |
| default: 'disable' |
| |
| --deqp-base-seed=<value> |
| Base seed for test cases that use randomization |
| default: '0' |
| |
| --deqp-test-iteration-count=<value> |
| Iteration count for cases that support variable number of iterations |
| default: '0' |
| |
| --deqp-visibility=[windowed|fullscreen|hidden] |
| Default test window visibility |
| default: 'windowed' |
| |
| --deqp-surface-width=<value> |
| Use given surface width if possible |
| default: '-1' |
| |
| --deqp-surface-height=<value> |
| Use given surface height if possible |
| default: '-1' |
| |
| --deqp-surface-type=[window|pixmap|pbuffer|fbo] |
| Use given surface type |
| default: 'window' |
| |
| --deqp-screen-rotation=[unspecified|0|90|180|270] |
| Screen rotation for platforms that support it |
| default: '0' |
| |
| --deqp-vk-device-id=<value> |
| Vulkan device ID (IDs start from 1) |
| default: '1' |
| |
| --deqp-vk-device-group-id=<value> |
| Vulkan device Group ID (IDs start from 1) |
| default: '1' |
| |
| --deqp-log-images=[enable|disable] |
| Enable or disable logging of result images |
| default: 'enable' |
| |
| --deqp-log-shader-sources=[enable|disable] |
| Enable or disable logging of shader sources |
| default: 'enable' |
| |
| --deqp-test-oom=[enable|disable] |
| Run tests that exhaust memory on purpose |
| default: 'enable' |
| |
| --deqp-archive-dir=<value> |
| Path to test resource files |
| default: '.' |
| |
| --deqp-log-flush=[enable|disable] |
| Enable or disable log file fflush |
| default: 'enable' |
| |
| --deqp-validation=[enable|disable] |
| Enable or disable test case validation |
| default: 'disable' |
| |
| --deqp-print-validation-errors |
| Print validation errors to standard error |
| |
| --deqp-optimization-recipe=<value> |
| Shader optimization recipe (0=disabled, 1=performance, 2=size) |
| default: '0' |
| |
| --deqp-optimize-spirv=[enable|disable] |
| Apply optimization to spir-v shaders as well |
| default: 'disable' |
| |
| --deqp-shadercache=[enable|disable] |
| Enable or disable shader cache |
| default: 'enable' |
| |
| --deqp-shadercache-filename=<value> |
| Write shader cache to given file |
| default: 'shadercache.bin' |
| |
| --deqp-shadercache-truncate=[enable|disable] |
| Truncate shader cache before running tests |
| default: 'enable' |
| |
| --deqp-renderdoc=[enable|disable] |
| Enable RenderDoc frame markers |
| default: 'disable' |
| |
| --deqp-fraction=<value> |
| Run a fraction of the test cases (e.g. N,M means run group%M==N) |
| default: '' |
| |
| --deqp-fraction-mandatory-caselist-file=<value> |
| Case list file that must be run for each fraction |
| default: '' |
| |
| --deqp-waiver-file=<value> |
| Read waived tests from given file |
| default: '' |
| |
| --deqp-runner-type=[any|none|amber] |
| Filter test cases based on runner |
| default: 'any' |
| |
| --deqp-terminate-on-fail=[enable|disable] |
| Terminate the run on first failure |
| default: 'disable' |