blob: 9d8dedd9a7660b9c6c4bfcbf98cb66394e175f86 [file] [log] [blame]
/* WARNING: This is auto-generated file. Do not modify, since changes will
* be lost! Modify the generating script instead.
* Generated from Khronos GL API description (gl.xml) revision 9d534f9312e56c72df763207e449c6719576fd54.
const char* getErrorName (int value);
const char* getTypeName (int value);
const char* getParamQueryName (int value);
const char* getProgramParamName (int value);
const char* getUniformParamName (int value);
const char* getFramebufferAttachmentName (int value);
const char* getFramebufferAttachmentParameterName (int value);
const char* getFramebufferTargetName (int value);
const char* getFramebufferStatusName (int value);
const char* getFramebufferAttachmentTypeName (int value);
const char* getFramebufferColorEncodingName (int value);
const char* getFramebufferParameterName (int value);
const char* getRenderbufferParameterName (int value);
const char* getPrimitiveTypeName (int value);
const char* getBlendFactorName (int value);
const char* getBlendEquationName (int value);
const char* getBufferTargetName (int value);
const char* getBufferBindingName (int value);
const char* getUsageName (int value);
const char* getBufferQueryName (int value);
const char* getFaceName (int value);
const char* getCompareFuncName (int value);
const char* getEnableCapName (int value);
const char* getIndexedEnableCapName (int value);
const char* getWindingName (int value);
const char* getHintModeName (int value);
const char* getHintName (int value);
const char* getStencilOpName (int value);
const char* getShaderTypeName (int value);
const char* getBufferName (int value);
const char* getInvalidateAttachmentName (int value);
const char* getDrawReadBufferName (int value);
const char* getTextureTargetName (int value);
const char* getTextureParameterName (int value);
const char* getTextureLevelParameterName (int value);
const char* getRepeatModeName (int value);
const char* getTextureFilterName (int value);
const char* getTextureWrapModeName (int value);
const char* getTextureSwizzleName (int value);
const char* getTextureCompareModeName (int value);
const char* getCubeMapFaceName (int value);
const char* getTextureDepthStencilModeName (int value);
const char* getPixelStoreParameterName (int value);
const char* getUncompressedTextureFormatName (int value);
const char* getCompressedTextureFormatName (int value);
const char* getShaderVarTypeName (int value);
const char* getShaderParamName (int value);
const char* getVertexAttribParameterNameName (int value);
const char* getBooleanName (int value);
const char* getGettableStateName (int value);
const char* getGettableIndexedStateName (int value);
const char* getGettableStringName (int value);
const char* getPointerStateName (int value);
const char* getInternalFormatParameterName (int value);
const char* getInternalFormatTargetName (int value);
const char* getMultisampleParameterName (int value);
const char* getQueryTargetName (int value);
const char* getQueryParamName (int value);
const char* getQueryObjectParamName (int value);
const char* getImageAccessName (int value);
const char* getProgramInterfaceName (int value);
const char* getProgramResourcePropertyName (int value);
const char* getPrecisionFormatTypeName (int value);
const char* getTransformFeedbackTargetName (int value);
const char* getProvokingVertexName (int value);
const char* getDebugMessageSourceName (int value);
const char* getDebugMessageTypeName (int value);
const char* getDebugMessageSeverityName (int value);
const char* getPipelineParamName (int value);
const char* getPatchParamName (int value);
const char* getTextureFormatName (int value);
const char* getGraphicsResetStatusName (int value);
tcu::Format::Bitfield<16> getBufferMaskStr (int value);
tcu::Format::Bitfield<16> getBufferMapFlagsStr (int value);
tcu::Format::Bitfield<16> getMemoryBarrierFlagsStr (int value);
tcu::Format::Bitfield<16> getShaderTypeMaskStr (int value);
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getErrorStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getErrorName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getTypeStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getTypeName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getParamQueryStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getParamQueryName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getProgramParamStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getProgramParamName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getUniformParamStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getUniformParamName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getFramebufferAttachmentStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getFramebufferAttachmentName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getFramebufferAttachmentParameterStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getFramebufferAttachmentParameterName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getFramebufferTargetStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getFramebufferTargetName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getFramebufferStatusStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getFramebufferStatusName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getFramebufferAttachmentTypeStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getFramebufferAttachmentTypeName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getFramebufferColorEncodingStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getFramebufferColorEncodingName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getFramebufferParameterStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getFramebufferParameterName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getRenderbufferParameterStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getRenderbufferParameterName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getPrimitiveTypeStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getPrimitiveTypeName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getBlendFactorStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getBlendFactorName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getBlendEquationStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getBlendEquationName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getBufferTargetStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getBufferTargetName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getBufferBindingStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getBufferBindingName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getUsageStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getUsageName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getBufferQueryStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getBufferQueryName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getFaceStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getFaceName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getCompareFuncStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getCompareFuncName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getEnableCapStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getEnableCapName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getIndexedEnableCapStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getIndexedEnableCapName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getWindingStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getWindingName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getHintModeStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getHintModeName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getHintStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getHintName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getStencilOpStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getStencilOpName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getShaderTypeStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getShaderTypeName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getBufferStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getBufferName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getInvalidateAttachmentStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getInvalidateAttachmentName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getDrawReadBufferStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getDrawReadBufferName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getTextureTargetStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getTextureTargetName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getTextureParameterStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getTextureParameterName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getTextureLevelParameterStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getTextureLevelParameterName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getRepeatModeStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getRepeatModeName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getTextureFilterStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getTextureFilterName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getTextureWrapModeStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getTextureWrapModeName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getTextureSwizzleStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getTextureSwizzleName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getTextureCompareModeStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getTextureCompareModeName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getCubeMapFaceStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getCubeMapFaceName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getTextureDepthStencilModeStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getTextureDepthStencilModeName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getPixelStoreParameterStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getPixelStoreParameterName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getUncompressedTextureFormatStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getUncompressedTextureFormatName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getCompressedTextureFormatStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getCompressedTextureFormatName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getShaderVarTypeStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getShaderVarTypeName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getShaderParamStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getShaderParamName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getVertexAttribParameterNameStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getVertexAttribParameterNameName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getBooleanStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getBooleanName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getGettableStateStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getGettableStateName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getGettableIndexedStateStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getGettableIndexedStateName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getGettableStringStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getGettableStringName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getPointerStateStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getPointerStateName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getInternalFormatParameterStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getInternalFormatParameterName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getInternalFormatTargetStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getInternalFormatTargetName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getMultisampleParameterStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getMultisampleParameterName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getQueryTargetStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getQueryTargetName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getQueryParamStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getQueryParamName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getQueryObjectParamStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getQueryObjectParamName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getImageAccessStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getImageAccessName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getProgramInterfaceStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getProgramInterfaceName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getProgramResourcePropertyStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getProgramResourcePropertyName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getPrecisionFormatTypeStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getPrecisionFormatTypeName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getTransformFeedbackTargetStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getTransformFeedbackTargetName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getProvokingVertexStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getProvokingVertexName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getDebugMessageSourceStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getDebugMessageSourceName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getDebugMessageTypeStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getDebugMessageTypeName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getDebugMessageSeverityStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getDebugMessageSeverityName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getPipelineParamStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getPipelineParamName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getPatchParamStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getPatchParamName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getTextureFormatStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getTextureFormatName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2> getGraphicsResetStatusStr (int value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getGraphicsResetStatusName, value); }
inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 1> getBooleanStr (deUint8 value) { return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 1>(getBooleanName, (int)value); }