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* drawElements Quality Program Reference Renderer
* -----------------------------------------------
* Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* \file
* \brief Reference rasterizer
#include "rrDefs.hpp"
#include "tcuVector.hpp"
#include "rrRenderState.hpp"
#include "rrFragmentPacket.hpp"
namespace rr
//! Rasterizer configuration
//! Get coverage bit value.
inline deUint64 getCoverageBit (int numSamples, int x, int y, int sampleNdx)
const int numBits = (int)sizeof(deUint64)*8;
const int maxSamples = numBits/4;
DE_ASSERT(de::inRange(numSamples, 1, maxSamples) && de::inBounds(x, 0, 2) && de::inBounds(y, 0, 2));
return 1ull << ((x*2 + y)*numSamples + sampleNdx);
//! Get all sample bits for fragment
inline deUint64 getCoverageFragmentSampleBits (int numSamples, int x, int y)
DE_ASSERT(de::inBounds(x, 0, 2) && de::inBounds(y, 0, 2));
const deUint64 fragMask = (1ull << numSamples) - 1;
return fragMask << (x*2 + y)*numSamples;
//! Set bit in coverage mask.
inline deUint64 setCoverageValue (deUint64 mask, int numSamples, int x, int y, int sampleNdx, bool val)
const deUint64 bit = getCoverageBit(numSamples, x, y, sampleNdx);
return val ? (mask | bit) : (mask & ~bit);
//! Get coverage bit value in mask.
inline bool getCoverageValue (deUint64 mask, int numSamples, int x, int y, int sampleNdx)
return (mask & getCoverageBit(numSamples, x, y, sampleNdx)) != 0;
//! Test if any sample for fragment is live
inline bool getCoverageAnyFragmentSampleLive (deUint64 mask, int numSamples, int x, int y)
return (mask & getCoverageFragmentSampleBits(numSamples, x, y)) != 0;
//! Get position of first coverage bit of fragment - equivalent to deClz64(getCoverageFragmentSampleBits(numSamples, x, y)).
inline int getCoverageOffset (int numSamples, int x, int y)
return (x*2 + y)*numSamples;
* \brief Edge function
* Edge function can be evaluated for point P (in fixed-point coordinates
* with SUBPIXEL_BITS fractional part) by computing
* D = a*Px + b*Py + c
* D will be fixed-point value where lower (SUBPIXEL_BITS*2) bits will
* be fractional part.
* a and b are stored with SUBPIXEL_BITS fractional part, while c is stored
* with SUBPIXEL_BITS*2 fractional bits.
struct EdgeFunction
inline EdgeFunction (void) : a(0), b(0), c(0), inclusive(false) {}
deInt64 a;
deInt64 b;
deInt64 c;
bool inclusive; //!< True if edge is inclusive according to fill rules.
* \brief Triangle rasterizer
* Triangle rasterizer implements following features:
* - Rasterization using fixed-point coordinates
* - 1, 4, and 16 -sample rasterization
* - Depth interpolation
* - Perspective-correct barycentric computation for interpolation
* - Visible face determination
* It does not (and will not) implement following:
* - Triangle setup
* - Clipping
* - Degenerate elimination
* - Coordinate transformation (inputs are in screen-space)
* - Culling - logic can be implemented outside by querying visible face
* - Scissoring (this can be done by controlling viewport rectangle)
* - Any per-fragment operations
class TriangleRasterizer
TriangleRasterizer (const tcu::IVec4& viewport, const int numSamples, const RasterizationState& state, const int suppixelBits);
void init (const tcu::Vec4& v0, const tcu::Vec4& v1, const tcu::Vec4& v2);
// Following functions are only available after init()
FaceType getVisibleFace (void) const { return m_face; }
void rasterize (FragmentPacket* const fragmentPackets, float* const depthValues, const int maxFragmentPackets, int& numPacketsRasterized);
void rasterizeSingleSample (FragmentPacket* const fragmentPackets, float* const depthValues, const int maxFragmentPackets, int& numPacketsRasterized);
template<int NumSamples>
void rasterizeMultiSample (FragmentPacket* const fragmentPackets, float* const depthValues, const int maxFragmentPackets, int& numPacketsRasterized);
// Constant rasterization state.
const tcu::IVec4 m_viewport;
const int m_numSamples;
const Winding m_winding;
const HorizontalFill m_horizontalFill;
const VerticalFill m_verticalFill;
const int m_subpixelBits;
// Per-triangle rasterization state.
tcu::Vec4 m_v0;
tcu::Vec4 m_v1;
tcu::Vec4 m_v2;
EdgeFunction m_edge01;
EdgeFunction m_edge12;
EdgeFunction m_edge20;
FaceType m_face; //!< Triangle orientation, eg. visible face.
tcu::IVec2 m_bboxMin; //!< Bounding box min (inclusive).
tcu::IVec2 m_bboxMax; //!< Bounding box max (inclusive).
tcu::IVec2 m_curPos; //!< Current rasterization position.
ViewportOrientation m_viewportOrientation; //!< Direction of +x+y axis
* \brief Single sample line rasterizer
* Line rasterizer implements following features:
* - Rasterization using fixed-point coordinates
* - Depth interpolation
* - Perspective-correct interpolation
* It does not (and will not) implement following:
* - Clipping
* - Multisampled line rasterization
class SingleSampleLineRasterizer
SingleSampleLineRasterizer (const tcu::IVec4& viewport, const int subpixelBits);
~SingleSampleLineRasterizer (void);
void init (const tcu::Vec4& v0, const tcu::Vec4& v1, float lineWidth, deUint32 stippleFactor, deUint16 stipplePattern);
// only available after init()
void rasterize (FragmentPacket* const fragmentPackets, float* const depthValues, const int maxFragmentPackets, int& numPacketsRasterized);
void resetStipple () { m_stippleCounter = 0; }
SingleSampleLineRasterizer (const SingleSampleLineRasterizer&); // not allowed
SingleSampleLineRasterizer& operator= (const SingleSampleLineRasterizer&); // not allowed
// Constant rasterization state.
const tcu::IVec4 m_viewport;
const int m_subpixelBits;
// Per-line rasterization state.
tcu::Vec4 m_v0;
tcu::Vec4 m_v1;
tcu::IVec2 m_bboxMin; //!< Bounding box min (inclusive).
tcu::IVec2 m_bboxMax; //!< Bounding box max (inclusive).
tcu::IVec2 m_curPos; //!< Current rasterization position.
deInt32 m_curRowFragment; //!< Current rasterization position of one fragment in column of lineWidth fragments
float m_lineWidth;
deUint32 m_stippleFactor;
deUint16 m_stipplePattern;
deUint32 m_stippleCounter;
* \brief Multisampled line rasterizer
* Line rasterizer implements following features:
* - Rasterization using fixed-point coordinates
* - Depth interpolation
* - Perspective-correct interpolation
* It does not (and will not) implement following:
* - Clipping
* - Aliased line rasterization
class MultiSampleLineRasterizer
MultiSampleLineRasterizer (const int numSamples, const tcu::IVec4& viewport, const int subpixelBits);
~MultiSampleLineRasterizer ();
void init (const tcu::Vec4& v0, const tcu::Vec4& v1, float lineWidth);
// only available after init()
void rasterize (FragmentPacket* const fragmentPackets, float* const depthValues, const int maxFragmentPackets, int& numPacketsRasterized);
MultiSampleLineRasterizer (const MultiSampleLineRasterizer&); // not allowed
MultiSampleLineRasterizer& operator= (const MultiSampleLineRasterizer&); // not allowed
// Constant rasterization state.
const int m_numSamples;
// Per-line rasterization state.
TriangleRasterizer m_triangleRasterizer0; //!< not in array because we want to initialize these in the initialization list
TriangleRasterizer m_triangleRasterizer1;
* \brief Pixel diamond
* Structure representing a diamond a line exits.
struct LineExitDiamond
tcu::IVec2 position;
* \brief Line exit diamond generator
* For a given line, generates list of diamonds the line exits using the
* line-exit rules of the line rasterization. Does not do scissoring.
* \note Not used by rr, but provided to prevent test cases requiring
* accurate diamonds from abusing SingleSampleLineRasterizer.
class LineExitDiamondGenerator
LineExitDiamondGenerator (const int subpixelBits);
~LineExitDiamondGenerator (void);
void init (const tcu::Vec4& v0, const tcu::Vec4& v1);
// only available after init()
void rasterize (LineExitDiamond* const lineDiamonds, const int maxDiamonds, int& numWritten);
LineExitDiamondGenerator (const LineExitDiamondGenerator&); // not allowed
LineExitDiamondGenerator& operator= (const LineExitDiamondGenerator&); // not allowed
const int m_subpixelBits;
// Per-line rasterization state.
tcu::Vec4 m_v0;
tcu::Vec4 m_v1;
tcu::IVec2 m_bboxMin; //!< Bounding box min (inclusive).
tcu::IVec2 m_bboxMax; //!< Bounding box max (inclusive).
tcu::IVec2 m_curPos; //!< Current rasterization position.
} // rr