blob: df6f7c2cbb42a285713f2622962517e0c10b901d [file] [log] [blame]
* drawElements Quality Program Tester Core
* ----------------------------------------
* Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* \file
* \brief Bilinear image comparison.
#include "tcuBilinearImageCompare.hpp"
#include "tcuTexture.hpp"
#include "tcuTextureUtil.hpp"
#include "tcuRGBA.hpp"
namespace tcu
NUM_SUBPIXEL_BITS = 8 //!< Number of subpixel bits used when doing bilinear interpolation.
// \note Algorithm assumes that colors are packed to 32-bit values as dictated by
// tcu::RGBA::*_SHIFT values.
template<int Channel>
static inline deUint8 getChannel (deUint32 color)
return (deUint8)((color >> (Channel*8)) & 0xff);
inline deUint32 readRGBA8Raw (const ConstPixelBufferAccess& src, deUint32 x, deUint32 y)
return *(const deUint32*)((const deUint8*)src.getDataPtr() + y*src.getRowPitch() + x*4);
inline deUint32 readRGBA8Raw (const ConstPixelBufferAccess& src, deUint32 x, deUint32 y)
return deReverseBytes32(*(const deUint32*)((const deUint8*)src.getDataPtr() + y*src.getRowPitch() + x*4));
inline RGBA readRGBA8 (const ConstPixelBufferAccess& src, deUint32 x, deUint32 y)
deUint32 raw = readRGBA8Raw(src, x, y);
deUint32 res = 0;
res |= getChannel<0>(raw) << RGBA::RED_SHIFT;
res |= getChannel<1>(raw) << RGBA::GREEN_SHIFT;
res |= getChannel<2>(raw) << RGBA::BLUE_SHIFT;
res |= getChannel<3>(raw) << RGBA::ALPHA_SHIFT;
return RGBA(res);
inline deUint8 interpolateChannel (deUint32 fx1, deUint32 fy1, deUint8 p00, deUint8 p01, deUint8 p10, deUint8 p11)
const deUint32 fx0 = (1u<<NUM_SUBPIXEL_BITS) - fx1;
const deUint32 fy0 = (1u<<NUM_SUBPIXEL_BITS) - fy1;
const deUint32 half = 1u<<(NUM_SUBPIXEL_BITS*2 - 1);
const deUint32 sum = fx0*fy0*p00 + fx1*fy0*p10 + fx0*fy1*p01 + fx1*fy1*p11;
const deUint32 rounded = (sum + half) >> (NUM_SUBPIXEL_BITS*2);
DE_ASSERT(de::inRange<deUint32>(rounded, 0, 0xff));
return (deUint8)rounded;
RGBA bilinearSampleRGBA8 (const ConstPixelBufferAccess& access, deUint32 u, deUint32 v)
deUint32 x0 = u>>NUM_SUBPIXEL_BITS;
deUint32 y0 = v>>NUM_SUBPIXEL_BITS;
deUint32 x1 = x0+1; //de::min(x0+1, (deUint32)(access.getWidth()-1));
deUint32 y1 = y0+1; //de::min(y0+1, (deUint32)(access.getHeight()-1));
DE_ASSERT(x1 < (deUint32)access.getWidth());
DE_ASSERT(y1 < (deUint32)access.getHeight());
deUint32 fx1 = u-(x0<<NUM_SUBPIXEL_BITS);
deUint32 fy1 = v-(y0<<NUM_SUBPIXEL_BITS);
deUint32 p00 = readRGBA8Raw(access, x0, y0);
deUint32 p10 = readRGBA8Raw(access, x1, y0);
deUint32 p01 = readRGBA8Raw(access, x0, y1);
deUint32 p11 = readRGBA8Raw(access, x1, y1);
deUint32 res = 0;
res |= interpolateChannel(fx1, fy1, getChannel<0>(p00), getChannel<0>(p01), getChannel<0>(p10), getChannel<0>(p11)) << RGBA::RED_SHIFT;
res |= interpolateChannel(fx1, fy1, getChannel<1>(p00), getChannel<1>(p01), getChannel<1>(p10), getChannel<1>(p11)) << RGBA::GREEN_SHIFT;
res |= interpolateChannel(fx1, fy1, getChannel<2>(p00), getChannel<2>(p01), getChannel<2>(p10), getChannel<2>(p11)) << RGBA::BLUE_SHIFT;
res |= interpolateChannel(fx1, fy1, getChannel<3>(p00), getChannel<3>(p01), getChannel<3>(p10), getChannel<3>(p11)) << RGBA::ALPHA_SHIFT;
return RGBA(res);
bool comparePixelRGBA8 (const ConstPixelBufferAccess& reference, const ConstPixelBufferAccess& result, const RGBA threshold, int x, int y)
const RGBA resPix = readRGBA8(result, (deUint32)x, (deUint32)y);
// Step 1: Compare result pixel to 3x3 neighborhood pixels in reference.
const deUint32 x0 = (deUint32)de::max(x-1, 0);
const deUint32 x1 = (deUint32)x;
const deUint32 x2 = (deUint32)de::min(x+1, reference.getWidth()-1);
const deUint32 y0 = (deUint32)de::max(y-1, 0);
const deUint32 y1 = (deUint32)y;
const deUint32 y2 = (deUint32)de::min(y+1, reference.getHeight()-1);
if (compareThreshold(resPix, readRGBA8(reference, x1, y1), threshold) ||
compareThreshold(resPix, readRGBA8(reference, x0, y1), threshold) ||
compareThreshold(resPix, readRGBA8(reference, x2, y1), threshold) ||
compareThreshold(resPix, readRGBA8(reference, x0, y0), threshold) ||
compareThreshold(resPix, readRGBA8(reference, x1, y0), threshold) ||
compareThreshold(resPix, readRGBA8(reference, x2, y0), threshold) ||
compareThreshold(resPix, readRGBA8(reference, x0, y2), threshold) ||
compareThreshold(resPix, readRGBA8(reference, x1, y2), threshold) ||
compareThreshold(resPix, readRGBA8(reference, x2, y2), threshold))
return true;
// Step 2: Compare using bilinear sampling.
// \todo [pyry] Optimize sample positions!
static const deUint32 s_offsets[][2] =
{ 226, 186 },
{ 335, 235 },
{ 279, 334 },
{ 178, 272 },
{ 112, 202 },
{ 306, 117 },
{ 396, 299 },
{ 206, 382 },
{ 146, 96 },
{ 423, 155 },
{ 361, 412 },
{ 84, 339 },
{ 48, 130 },
{ 367, 43 },
{ 455, 367 },
{ 105, 439 },
{ 83, 46 },
{ 217, 24 },
{ 461, 71 },
{ 450, 459 },
{ 239, 469 },
{ 67, 267 },
{ 459, 255 },
{ 13, 416 },
{ 10, 192 },
{ 141, 502 },
{ 503, 304 },
{ 380, 506 }
for (int sampleNdx = 0; sampleNdx < DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(s_offsets); sampleNdx++)
const int u = (x<<NUM_SUBPIXEL_BITS) + (int)s_offsets[sampleNdx][0] - (1<<NUM_SUBPIXEL_BITS);
const int v = (y<<NUM_SUBPIXEL_BITS) + (int)s_offsets[sampleNdx][1] - (1<<NUM_SUBPIXEL_BITS);
if (!de::inBounds(u, 0, (reference.getWidth()-1)<<NUM_SUBPIXEL_BITS) ||
!de::inBounds(v, 0, (reference.getHeight()-1)<<NUM_SUBPIXEL_BITS))
if (compareThreshold(resPix, bilinearSampleRGBA8(reference, (deUint32)u, (deUint32)v), threshold))
return true;
return false;
bool bilinearCompareRGBA8 (const ConstPixelBufferAccess& reference, const ConstPixelBufferAccess& result, const PixelBufferAccess& errorMask, const RGBA threshold)
DE_ASSERT(reference.getFormat() == TextureFormat(TextureFormat::RGBA, TextureFormat::UNORM_INT8) &&
result.getFormat() == TextureFormat(TextureFormat::RGBA, TextureFormat::UNORM_INT8));
// Clear error mask first to green (faster this way).
clear(errorMask, Vec4(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
bool allOk = true;
for (int y = 0; y < reference.getHeight(); y++)
for (int x = 0; x < reference.getWidth(); x++)
if (!comparePixelRGBA8(reference, result, threshold, x, y) &&
!comparePixelRGBA8(result, reference, threshold, x, y))
allOk = false;
errorMask.setPixel(Vec4(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), x, y);
return allOk;
} // anonymous
bool bilinearCompare (const ConstPixelBufferAccess& reference, const ConstPixelBufferAccess& result, const PixelBufferAccess& errorMask, const RGBA threshold)
DE_ASSERT(reference.getWidth() == result.getWidth() &&
reference.getHeight() == result.getHeight() &&
reference.getDepth() == result.getDepth() &&
reference.getFormat() == result.getFormat());
DE_ASSERT(reference.getWidth() == errorMask.getWidth() &&
reference.getHeight() == errorMask.getHeight() &&
reference.getDepth() == errorMask.getDepth());
if (reference.getFormat() == TextureFormat(TextureFormat::RGBA, TextureFormat::UNORM_INT8))
return bilinearCompareRGBA8(reference, result, errorMask, threshold);
throw InternalError("Unsupported format for bilinear comparison");
} // tcu