blob: 0063ce7d45244cb7e65ac31e56429d99bc0df047 [file] [log] [blame]
* OpenGL Conformance Test Suite
* -----------------------------
* Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Khronos Group Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
*/ /*!
* \file
* \brief
*/ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
* \file glcTextureBufferTests.cpp
* \brief Base test group for texture buffer tests
*/ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "esextcTextureBufferTests.hpp"
#include "esextcTextureBufferActiveUniformValidation.hpp"
#include "esextcTextureBufferAtomicFunctions.hpp"
#include "esextcTextureBufferBufferParameters.hpp"
#include "esextcTextureBufferErrors.hpp"
#include "esextcTextureBufferMAXSizeValidation.hpp"
#include "esextcTextureBufferOperations.hpp"
#include "esextcTextureBufferParamValueIntToFloatConversion.hpp"
#include "esextcTextureBufferParameters.hpp"
#include "esextcTextureBufferPrecision.hpp"
#include "esextcTextureBufferTextureBufferRange.hpp"
namespace glcts
/** Constructor
* @param context Test context
* @param glslVersion GLSL version
TextureBufferTests::TextureBufferTests(glcts::Context& context, const ExtParameters& extParams)
: TestCaseGroupBase(context, extParams, "texture_buffer", "Texture Buffer Tests")
/* No implementation needed */
/** Initializes test cases for texture buffer tests
void TextureBufferTests::init(void)
/* Initialize base class */
/* Texture Buffer Operations (Test 1) */
/* Case 1 - via buffer object loads*/
addChild(new TextureBufferOperationsViaBufferObjectLoad(m_context, m_extParams,
"texture_buffer_operations_buffer_load", "Test 1.1"));
/* Case 2 - via direct CPU writes*/
addChild(new TextureBufferOperationsViaCPUWrites(m_context, m_extParams, "texture_buffer_operations_cpu_writes",
"Test 1.2"));
/* Case 3 - via framebuffer readbacks to pixel buffer objects*/
addChild(new TextureBufferOperationsViaFrambufferReadBack(
m_context, m_extParams, "texture_buffer_operations_framebuffer_readback", "Test 1.3"));
/* Case 4 - via transform feedback*/
addChild(new TextureBufferOperationsViaTransformFeedback(
m_context, m_extParams, "texture_buffer_operations_transform_feedback", "Test 1.4"));
/* Case 5 - via image store*/
addChild(new TextureBufferOperationsViaImageStore(m_context, m_extParams, "texture_buffer_operations_image_store",
"Test 1.5"));
/* Case 6 - via ssbo writes*/
addChild(new TextureBufferOperationsViaSSBOWrites(m_context, m_extParams, "texture_buffer_operations_ssbo_writes",
"Test 1.6"));
/* Texture Buffer Max Size (Test 2)*/
addChild(new TextureBufferMAXSizeValidation(m_context, m_extParams, "texture_buffer_max_size", "Test 2"));
/* Texture Buffer Range (Test 3)*/
new TextureBufferTextureBufferRange(m_context, m_extParams, "texture_buffer_texture_buffer_range", "Test 3"));
/* Texture Buffer - Parameter Value from Integer To Float Conversion (Test 4)*/
addChild(new TextureBufferParamValueIntToFloatConversion(m_context, m_extParams, "texture_buffer_conv_int_to_float",
"Test 4"));
/* Texture Buffer Atomic Functions (Test 5) */
addChild(new TextureBufferAtomicFunctions(m_context, m_extParams, "texture_buffer_atomic_functions", "Test 5"));
/* Texture Buffer Parameters (Test 6) */
addChild(new TextureBufferParameters(m_context, m_extParams, "texture_buffer_parameters", "Test 6"));
/* Texture Buffer Errors (Test 7) */
addChild(new TextureBufferErrors(m_context, m_extParams, "texture_buffer_errors", "Test 7"));
/* Texture Buffer - Active Uniform Information Validation (Test 8)*/
/* Vertex/Fragment Shader */
addChild(new TextureBufferActiveUniformValidationVSFS(
m_context, m_extParams, "texture_buffer_active_uniform_validation_fragment_shader", "Test 8.1"));
/* Compute Shader */
addChild(new TextureBufferActiveUniformValidationCS(
m_context, m_extParams, "texture_buffer_active_uniform_validation_compute_shader", "Test 8.2"));
/* Texture Buffer Buffer Parameters (Test 9) */
addChild(new TextureBufferBufferParameters(m_context, m_extParams, "texture_buffer_buffer_parameters", "Test 9"));
/* Texture Buffer Precision (Test 10) */
addChild(new TextureBufferPrecision(m_context, m_extParams, "texture_buffer_precision", "Test 10"));
} // namespace glcts