blob: 9d9bba3b6ba4660470a04d7187674adb593763fa [file] [log] [blame]
* OpenGL Conformance Test Suite
* -----------------------------
* Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Khronos Group Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
*/ /*!
* \file
* \brief
*/ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
* \file esextcTextureBufferActiveUniformValidation.cpp
* \brief Texture Buffer - Active Uniform Value Validation (Test 8)
*/ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "esextcTextureBufferActiveUniformValidation.hpp"
#include "gluContextInfo.hpp"
#include "gluDefs.hpp"
#include "glwEnums.hpp"
#include "glwFunctions.hpp"
#include "tcuTestLog.hpp"
#include <cstring>
#include <map>
namespace glcts
/* Buffer size for uniform variable name */
const glw::GLuint TextureBufferActiveUniformValidation::m_param_value_size = 100;
/** Constructor
TextureParameters::TextureParameters() : m_texture_buffer_size(0), m_texture_format(0), m_texture_uniform_type(0)
/** Constructor
* @param textureBufferSize size of buffer object
* @param textureFormat texture format
* @param textureUniforType texture uniform type
* @param uniformName pointer to literal containing uniform name
TextureParameters::TextureParameters(glw::GLuint textureBufferSize, glw::GLenum textureFormat,
glw::GLenum textureUniforType, const char* uniformName)
m_texture_buffer_size = textureBufferSize;
m_texture_format = textureFormat;
m_texture_uniform_type = textureUniforType;
m_uniform_name = uniformName;
/** Constructor
* @param context Test context
* @param name Test case's name
* @param description Test case's description
TextureBufferActiveUniformValidation::TextureBufferActiveUniformValidation(Context& context,
const ExtParameters& extParams,
const char* name, const char* description)
: TestCaseBase(context, extParams, name, description), m_po_id(0), m_tbo_ids(0), m_tbo_tex_ids(0)
/* Nothing to be done here */
/** Add parameters to the vector of texture parameters
* @param uniformType enum with type of uniform
* @param format enum with texture format
* @param size texture size
* @param name uniform name
* @param params pointer to vector where parameters will be added
void TextureBufferActiveUniformValidation::addTextureParam(glw::GLenum uniformType, glw::GLenum format,
glw::GLuint size, const char* name,
std::vector<TextureParameters>* params)
TextureParameters texParam(size, format, uniformType, name);
/** Initializes GLES objects used during the test.
void TextureBufferActiveUniformValidation::initTest(void)
/* Check if required extensions are supported */
if (!m_is_texture_buffer_supported)
throw tcu::NotSupportedError(TEXTURE_BUFFER_EXTENSION_NOT_SUPPORTED, "", __FILE__, __LINE__);
/* Call specific implementation to configure texture params */
m_tbo_tex_ids = new glw::GLuint[m_texture_params.size()];
m_tbo_ids = new glw::GLuint[m_texture_params.size()];
memset(m_tbo_tex_ids, 0, m_texture_params.size() * sizeof(glw::GLuint));
memset(m_tbo_ids, 0, m_texture_params.size() * sizeof(glw::GLuint));
const glw::Functions& gl = m_context.getRenderContext().getFunctions();
/* Create buffers and textures */
for (glw::GLuint i = 0; i < m_texture_params.size(); ++i)
/* Create buffer object*/
gl.genBuffers(1, &m_tbo_ids[i]);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "Error generating buffer object!");
gl.bindBuffer(m_glExtTokens.TEXTURE_BUFFER, m_tbo_ids[i]);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "Error binding buffer object !");
gl.bufferData(m_glExtTokens.TEXTURE_BUFFER, m_texture_params[i].get_texture_buffer_size(), 0, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "Error allocating buffer object's data store!");
/* Create texture buffer */
gl.genTextures(1, &m_tbo_tex_ids[i]);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "Error generating texture object!");
gl.activeTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + i);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "Error activating texture unit!");
gl.bindTexture(m_glExtTokens.TEXTURE_BUFFER, m_tbo_tex_ids[i]);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "Error binding texture object!");
gl.texBuffer(m_glExtTokens.TEXTURE_BUFFER, m_texture_params[i].get_texture_format(), m_tbo_ids[i]);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "Error setting buffer object as data store for texture buffer!");
/* Create program */
/** Returns uniform type name
* @param uniformType enum value of uniform type
* @return pointer to literal with uniform type name
const char* TextureBufferActiveUniformValidation::getUniformTypeName(glw::GLenum uniformType)
static const char* str_GL_IMAGE_BUFFER_EXT = "GL_IMAGE_BUFFER_EXT";
static const char* str_UNKNOWN = "UNKNOWN";
if (uniformType == m_glExtTokens.SAMPLER_BUFFER)
else if (uniformType == m_glExtTokens.INT_SAMPLER_BUFFER)
else if (uniformType == m_glExtTokens.UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_BUFFER)
else if (uniformType == m_glExtTokens.IMAGE_BUFFER)
else if (uniformType == m_glExtTokens.INT_IMAGE_BUFFER)
else if (uniformType == m_glExtTokens.UNSIGNED_INT_IMAGE_BUFFER)
return str_UNKNOWN;
/** Returns pointer to texture parameters for specific uniform type
* @param uniformType enum specifying unform type
* @return if TextureParameters for specific uniformType was found returns pointer to the element, otherwise return NULL
const TextureParameters* TextureBufferActiveUniformValidation::getParamsForType(glw::GLenum uniformType) const
for (glw::GLuint i = 0; i < m_texture_params.size(); ++i)
if (m_texture_params[i].get_texture_uniform_type() == uniformType)
return &m_texture_params[i];
return DE_NULL;
/** Executes the test.
* Sets the test result to QP_TEST_RESULT_FAIL if the test failed, QP_TEST_RESULT_PASS otherwise.
* Note the function throws exception should an error occur!
* @return STOP if the test has finished, CONTINUE to indicate iterate should be called once again.
tcu::TestNode::IterateResult TextureBufferActiveUniformValidation::iterate(void)
/* Initialize */
/* Get GL entry points */
const glw::Functions& gl = m_context.getRenderContext().getFunctions();
bool testResult = true;
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "Error setting active program object!");
/* Configure Program */
configureProgram(&m_texture_params, m_tbo_tex_ids);
/* Get number of active uniforms for current program */
glw::GLint n_active_uniforms;
gl.getProgramiv(m_po_id, GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS, &n_active_uniforms);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "Error getting value of GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS!");
if ((glw::GLuint)n_active_uniforms != m_texture_params.size())
/* Log error if number of active uniforms different than expected */
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Result is different than expected!\n"
<< "Expected number of active uniforms: " << m_texture_params.size() << "\n"
<< "Result number of active uniforms: " << n_active_uniforms << "\n"
<< tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
testResult = false;
/* Retrieve parameters for specific indices */
std::vector<glw::GLchar> nameValue(m_param_value_size);
glw::GLsizei paramLength = 0;
glw::GLsizei uniformSize = 0;
glw::GLenum uniformType;
/* store map of indices and uniform types */
std::map<glw::GLuint, glw::GLenum> resultTypes;
for (glw::GLuint i = 0; i < (glw::GLuint)n_active_uniforms; ++i)
gl.getActiveUniform(m_po_id, i /* index */, (glw::GLsizei)(m_param_value_size - 1), &paramLength, &uniformSize,
&uniformType, &nameValue[0]);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "Error getting information about active uniform variable!");
/*Check if returned uniform type is one of types defined in current program*/
const TextureParameters* param = getParamsForType(uniformType);
if (0 == param)
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message
<< "Following uniform type was not expected to be defined in current program : \n"
<< getUniformTypeName(uniformType) << "\n"
<< tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
testResult = false;
else if (strncmp(&nameValue[0], param->get_uniform_name().c_str(), m_param_value_size))
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "For :" << getUniformTypeName(uniformType) << " type name \n"
<< "expected uniform name is: " << param->get_uniform_name().c_str() << "\n"
<< "result uniform name is: " << &nameValue[0] << "\n"
<< tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
testResult = false;
resultTypes[i] = uniformType;
/* Check if all uniform types defined in program were returned */
for (glw::GLuint i = 0; i < (glw::GLuint)n_active_uniforms; ++i)
/* Log error if expected uniform type is missing */
std::map<glw::GLuint, glw::GLenum>::iterator it = resultTypes.begin();
for (; it != resultTypes.end(); ++it)
if (it->second == m_texture_params[i].get_texture_uniform_type())
/* Log if there is some missing uniform type */
if (it == resultTypes.end())
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message
<< "Following uniform type is missing from active uniforms list: "
<< getUniformTypeName(m_texture_params[i].get_texture_uniform_type()) << "\n"
<< tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
testResult = false;
/* Get all active uniform types using glGetActiveUniformsiv and compare with results from glGetActiveUniform function */
std::vector<glw::GLuint> indicies(n_active_uniforms);
std::vector<glw::GLint> types(n_active_uniforms);
for (glw::GLuint i = 0; i < (glw::GLuint)n_active_uniforms; ++i)
indicies[i] = i;
gl.getActiveUniformsiv(m_po_id, n_active_uniforms, &indicies[0], GL_UNIFORM_TYPE, &types[0]);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "Error getting information about active uniform variables!");
for (glw::GLuint i = 0; i < (glw::GLuint)n_active_uniforms; ++i)
/* Log error if expected result is different from expected*/
if (resultTypes[i] != (glw::GLuint)types[i])
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Wrong uniform type for index(" << i << ")\n"
<< "expected uniform type: " << getUniformTypeName(resultTypes[i]) << "\n"
<< "result uniform type: " << getUniformTypeName(types[i]) << "\n"
<< tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
testResult = false;
glw::GLenum paramVal = GL_TYPE;
glw::GLint type = -1;
for (glw::GLuint i = 0; i < (glw::GLuint)n_active_uniforms; ++i)
gl.getProgramResourceiv(m_po_id, GL_UNIFORM, i /*index */, 1 /* parameters count */,
&paramVal /* parameter enum */, 1 /* buffer size */, 0, &type);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "Error getting information about one of program resources!");
if (resultTypes[i] != (glw::GLuint)type)
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Wrong uniform type for index(" << i << ")\n"
<< "expected uniform type: " << getUniformTypeName(resultTypes[i]) << "\n"
<< "result uniform type: " << getUniformTypeName(type) << "\n"
<< tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
testResult = false;
if (testResult)
m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_PASS, "Pass");
m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_FAIL, "Fail");
return STOP;
/** Deinitializes GLES objects created during the test.
void TextureBufferActiveUniformValidation::deinit(void)
const glw::Functions& gl = m_context.getRenderContext().getFunctions();
/* Reset GLES state */
gl.bindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
gl.bindBuffer(m_glExtTokens.TEXTURE_BUFFER, 0);
for (glw::GLuint i = 0; i < m_texture_params.size(); ++i)
gl.activeTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + i);
gl.bindTexture(m_glExtTokens.TEXTURE_BUFFER, 0);
/* Delete GLES objects */
if (0 != m_po_id)
m_po_id = 0;
if (0 != m_tbo_tex_ids)
gl.deleteTextures((glw::GLsizei)m_texture_params.size(), m_tbo_tex_ids);
delete[] m_tbo_tex_ids;
m_tbo_tex_ids = 0;
if (0 != m_tbo_ids)
gl.deleteBuffers((glw::GLsizei)m_texture_params.size(), m_tbo_ids);
delete[] m_tbo_ids;
m_tbo_ids = 0;
/* Call base class' deinit() */
/** Constructor
* @param context Test context
* @param name Test case's name
* @param description Test case's description
TextureBufferActiveUniformValidationVSFS::TextureBufferActiveUniformValidationVSFS(Context& context,
const ExtParameters& extParams,
const char* name,
const char* description)
: TextureBufferActiveUniformValidation(context, extParams, name, description), m_fs_id(0), m_vs_id(0)
/* Nothing to be done here */
/** Deinitializes GLES objects created during the test.
void TextureBufferActiveUniformValidationVSFS::deinit(void)
const glw::Functions& gl = m_context.getRenderContext().getFunctions();
if (0 != m_po_id)
m_po_id = 0;
if (0 != m_fs_id)
m_fs_id = 0;
if (0 != m_vs_id)
m_vs_id = 0;
/* Call base class' deinit() */
/** Returns Fragment shader Code
* @return pointer to literal with Fragment Shader Code
const char* TextureBufferActiveUniformValidationVSFS::getFragmentShaderCode() const
const char* result = "${VERSION}\n"
"precision highp float;\n"
"uniform highp samplerBuffer sampler_buffer;\n"
"uniform highp isamplerBuffer isampler_buffer;\n"
"uniform highp usamplerBuffer usampler_buffer;\n"
"layout(location = 0) out vec4 outColor;\n"
"void main(void)\n"
" outColor = texelFetch(sampler_buffer, 0);\n"
" outColor += vec4(texelFetch(isampler_buffer, 0));\n"
" outColor += vec4(texelFetch(usampler_buffer, 0));\n"
return result;
/** Returns Vertex shader Code
* @return pointer to literal with Vertex Shader Code
const char* TextureBufferActiveUniformValidationVSFS::getVertexShaderCode() const
const char* result = "${VERSION}\n"
"precision highp float;\n"
"void main(void)\n"
" gl_Position = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n"
return result;
/** Configure Texture parameters for test
* @param params pointer to the buffer where parameters will be added
void TextureBufferActiveUniformValidationVSFS::configureParams(std::vector<TextureParameters>* params)
addTextureParam(m_glExtTokens.SAMPLER_BUFFER, GL_R32F, sizeof(glw::GLfloat), "sampler_buffer", params);
addTextureParam(m_glExtTokens.INT_SAMPLER_BUFFER, GL_R32I, sizeof(glw::GLint), "isampler_buffer", params);
addTextureParam(m_glExtTokens.UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_BUFFER, GL_R32UI, sizeof(glw::GLuint), "usampler_buffer",
/** Create program used for test
void TextureBufferActiveUniformValidationVSFS::createProgram(void)
const glw::Functions& gl = m_context.getRenderContext().getFunctions();
m_po_id = gl.createProgram();
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "Error creating program object!");
m_fs_id = gl.createShader(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "Error creating shader object!");
m_vs_id = gl.createShader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "Error creating shader object!");
const char* fsCode = getFragmentShaderCode();
const char* vsCode = getVertexShaderCode();
if (!buildProgram(m_po_id, m_fs_id, 1, &fsCode, m_vs_id, 1, &vsCode))
TCU_FAIL("Error building a program!");
/** Configure Program elements
* @param params pointer to buffer with texture parameters
* @param params pointer to textures' ids
void TextureBufferActiveUniformValidationVSFS::configureProgram(std::vector<TextureParameters>* params,
glw::GLuint* texIds)
const glw::Functions& gl = m_context.getRenderContext().getFunctions();
for (glw::GLuint i = 0; i < params->size(); ++i)
glw::GLint location = gl.getUniformLocation(m_po_id, (*params)[i].get_uniform_name().c_str());
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "Error getting uniform location!");
if (location == -1)
TCU_FAIL("Could not get uniform location for active uniform variable");
gl.activeTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + i);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "Error activating texture unit!");
gl.bindTexture(m_glExtTokens.TEXTURE_BUFFER, texIds[i]);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "Error binding texture object!");
gl.uniform1i(location, i);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "Error setting value for uniform location!");
/** Constructor
* @param context Test context
* @param name Test case's name
* @param description Test case's description
TextureBufferActiveUniformValidationCS::TextureBufferActiveUniformValidationCS(Context& context,
const ExtParameters& extParams,
const char* name,
const char* description)
: TextureBufferActiveUniformValidation(context, extParams, name, description), m_cs_id(0)
/* Nothing to be done here */
/** Deinitializes GLES objects created during the test.
void TextureBufferActiveUniformValidationCS::deinit(void)
const glw::Functions& gl = m_context.getRenderContext().getFunctions();
if (0 != m_po_id)
m_po_id = 0;
if (0 != m_cs_id)
m_cs_id = 0;
/* Call base class' deinit() */
/** Returns Compute shader Code
* @return pointer to literal with Compute Shader Code
const char* TextureBufferActiveUniformValidationCS::getComputeShaderCode() const
const char* result = "${VERSION}\n"
"precision highp float;\n"
"layout(r32f) uniform highp imageBuffer image_buffer;\n"
"layout(r32i) uniform highp iimageBuffer iimage_buffer;\n"
"layout(r32ui) uniform highp uimageBuffer uimage_buffer;\n"
"layout (local_size_x = 1) in;\n"
"void main(void)\n"
" imageStore(image_buffer, 0, vec4 (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0));\n"
" imageStore(iimage_buffer, 0, ivec4(1, 1, 1, 1) );\n"
" imageStore(uimage_buffer, 0, uvec4(1, 1, 1, 1) );\n"
return result;
/** Configure Texture parameters for test
* @param params pointer to the buffer where parameters will be added
void TextureBufferActiveUniformValidationCS::configureParams(std::vector<TextureParameters>* params)
addTextureParam(m_glExtTokens.IMAGE_BUFFER, GL_R32F, sizeof(glw::GLfloat), "image_buffer", params);
addTextureParam(m_glExtTokens.INT_IMAGE_BUFFER, GL_R32I, sizeof(glw::GLint), "iimage_buffer", params);
addTextureParam(m_glExtTokens.UNSIGNED_INT_IMAGE_BUFFER, GL_R32UI, sizeof(glw::GLuint), "uimage_buffer", params);
/** Create program used for test
void TextureBufferActiveUniformValidationCS::createProgram(void)
const glw::Functions& gl = m_context.getRenderContext().getFunctions();
m_po_id = gl.createProgram();
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "Error creating program object!");
m_cs_id = gl.createShader(GL_COMPUTE_SHADER);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "Error creating shader object!");
const char* csCode = getComputeShaderCode();
if (!buildProgram(m_po_id, m_cs_id, 1, &csCode))
TCU_FAIL("Error building a program!");
/** Configure Program elements
* @param params pointer to buffer with texture parameters
* @param params pointer to textures' ids
void TextureBufferActiveUniformValidationCS::configureProgram(std::vector<TextureParameters>* params,
glw::GLuint* texIds)
const glw::Functions& gl = m_context.getRenderContext().getFunctions();
for (glw::GLuint i = 0; i < params->size(); ++i)
gl.bindImageTexture(i, texIds[i], 0, GL_FALSE, 0, GL_WRITE_ONLY, (*params)[i].get_texture_format());
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "Error binding texture to image unit!");
} // namespace glcts