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* OpenGL Conformance Test Suite
* -----------------------------
* Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Khronos Group Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
*/ /*!
* \file
* \brief
*/ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
* \file gl4cTextureViewTests.hpp
* \brief Declares test classes for "texture view" functionality.
*/ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "glcTestCase.hpp"
#include "glwDefs.hpp"
#include "glwEnums.hpp"
#include "tcuDefs.hpp"
#include "tcuVector.hpp"
namespace gl4cts
namespace TextureView
enum _format
enum _sampler_type
enum _view_class
/* Always last */
} // namespace TextureView
/** Helper class that implements various methods used across all Texture View tests. */
class TextureViewUtilities
/* Public type definitions */
typedef glw::GLenum _original_texture_internalformat;
typedef glw::GLenum _original_texture_target;
typedef glw::GLenum _view_texture_internalformat;
typedef glw::GLenum _view_texture_target;
typedef std::pair<_original_texture_internalformat, _view_texture_internalformat> _internalformat_pair;
typedef std::vector<glw::GLenum> _internalformats;
typedef _internalformats::const_iterator _internalformats_const_iterator;
typedef _internalformats::iterator _internalformats_iterator;
typedef std::pair<_original_texture_target, _view_texture_target> _texture_target_pair;
typedef std::vector<_internalformat_pair> _compatible_internalformat_pairs;
typedef _compatible_internalformat_pairs::const_iterator _compatible_internalformat_pairs_const_iterator;
typedef std::vector<_texture_target_pair> _compatible_texture_target_pairs;
typedef _compatible_texture_target_pairs::const_iterator _compatible_texture_target_pairs_const_iterator;
typedef std::vector<_internalformat_pair> _incompatible_internalformat_pairs;
typedef _incompatible_internalformat_pairs::const_iterator _incompatible_internalformat_pairs_const_iterator;
typedef _incompatible_internalformat_pairs::iterator _incompatible_internalformat_pairs_iterator;
typedef std::vector<_texture_target_pair> _incompatible_texture_target_pairs;
typedef _incompatible_texture_target_pairs::const_iterator _incompatible_texture_target_pairs_const_iterator;
typedef _incompatible_texture_target_pairs::iterator _incompatible_texture_target_pairs_iterator;
/* Public methods */
static unsigned int getAmountOfComponentsForInternalformat(const glw::GLenum internalformat);
static unsigned int getBlockSizeForCompressedInternalformat(const glw::GLenum internalformat);
static void getComponentSizeForInternalformat(const glw::GLenum internalformat, unsigned int* out_rgba_size);
static void getComponentSizeForType(const glw::GLenum type, unsigned int* out_rgba_size);
static const char* getErrorCodeString(const glw::GLint error_code);
static TextureView::_format getFormatOfInternalformat(const glw::GLenum internalformat);
static glw::GLenum getGLFormatOfInternalformat(const glw::GLenum internalformat);
static const char* getGLSLDataTypeForSamplerType(const TextureView::_sampler_type sampler_type,
const unsigned int n_components);
static const char* getGLSLTypeForSamplerType(const TextureView::_sampler_type sampler_type);
static _incompatible_internalformat_pairs getIllegalTextureAndViewInternalformatCombinations();
static _incompatible_texture_target_pairs getIllegalTextureAndViewTargetCombinations();
static _internalformats getInternalformatsFromViewClass(TextureView::_view_class view_class);
static const char* getInternalformatString(const glw::GLenum internalformat);
static _compatible_internalformat_pairs getLegalTextureAndViewInternalformatCombinations();
static _compatible_texture_target_pairs getLegalTextureAndViewTargetCombinations();
static void getMajorMinorVersionFromContextVersion(const glu::ContextType& context_type,
glw::GLint* out_major_version, glw::GLint* out_minor_version);
static TextureView::_sampler_type getSamplerTypeForInternalformat(const glw::GLenum internalformat);
static unsigned int getTextureDataSize(const glw::GLenum internalformat, const glw::GLenum type,
const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height);
static const char* getTextureTargetString(const glw::GLenum texture_target);
static glw::GLenum getTypeCompatibleWithInternalformat(const glw::GLenum internalformat);
static TextureView::_view_class getViewClassForInternalformat(const glw::GLenum internalformat);
static void initTextureStorage(const glw::Functions& gl, bool init_mutable_to, glw::GLenum texture_target,
glw::GLint texture_depth, glw::GLint texture_height, glw::GLint texture_width,
glw::GLenum texture_internalformat, glw::GLenum texture_format,
glw::GLenum texture_type, unsigned int n_levels_needed,
unsigned int n_cubemaps_needed, glw::GLint bo_id);
static bool isInternalformatCompatibleForTextureView(glw::GLenum original_internalformat,
glw::GLenum view_internalformat);
static bool isInternalformatCompressed(const glw::GLenum internalformat);
static bool isInternalformatSRGB(const glw::GLenum internalformat);
static bool isInternalformatSupported(glw::GLenum internalformat, const glw::GLint major_version,
const glw::GLint minor_version);
static bool isLegalTextureTargetForTextureView(glw::GLenum original_texture_target,
glw::GLenum view_texture_target);
* 1. Make sure glGetTexParameterfv() and glGetTexParameteriv() report
* correct values for the following texture view-specific
* properties:
* * GL_TEXTURE_IMMUTABLE_LEVELS; (in texture view-specific context
* only)
* These properties should be set to 0 (or GL_FALSE) by default.
* For textures created with glTexStorage() and glTextureView()
* functions, language from bullet (11) of GL_ARB_texture_view
* extension specification applies, as well as "Texture Views"
* section 8.18 of OpenGL 4.3 Core Profile specification.
* The conformance test should check values of the aforementioned
* properties for the following objects:
* 1) mutable texture objects generated with glTexImage*D() calls,
* then bound to all supported texture targets (as described
* under (*) ).
* 2) immutable texture objects generated with glTexStorage*D() calls
* for all supported texture targets (as described under (*) ).
* 3) texture views using all texture targets (as described under
* (*) ) compatible with parent texture object's texture target.
* All texture targets should be considered for the parent object.
* 4) texture views created on top of texture views described in 3).
* For texture view cases, the test should verify that:
* clamped as specified for cases where <numlayers> or <numlevels>
* arguments used for glTextureView() calls exceed beyond the
* original texture.
* 2) GL_TEXTURE_VIEW_MIN_LEVEL is set to <minlevel> + value of
* GL_TEXTURE_VIEW_MIN_LEVEL from the original texture.
* 3) GL_TEXTURE_VIEW_MIN_LAYER is set to <minlayer> + value of
* GL_TEXTURE_VIEW_MIN_LAYER from the original texture.
* 4) GL_TEXTURE_VIEW_NUM_LEVELS is set to the lesser of <numlevels>
* and the value of original texture's GL_TEXTURE_VIEW_NUM_LEVELS
* minus <minlevels>.
* 5) GL_TEXTURE_VIEW_NUM_LAYERS is set to the lesser of <numlayers>
* and the value of original texture's GL_TEXTURE_VIEW_NUM_LAYERS
* minus <minlayer>.
* A single configuration of a texture object and a texture view
* for each valid texture target should be considered for the
* purpose of the test.
* (*) Texture targets to use:
class TextureViewTestGetTexParameter : public deqp::TestCase
/* Public methods */
TextureViewTestGetTexParameter(deqp::Context& context);
virtual ~TextureViewTestGetTexParameter()
virtual void deinit();
virtual tcu::TestNode::IterateResult iterate();
/* Private type definitions */
enum _test_texture_type
/* Always last */
struct _test_run
glw::GLint expected_n_immutable_levels;
glw::GLint expected_n_min_layer;
glw::GLint expected_n_min_level;
glw::GLint expected_n_num_layers;
glw::GLint expected_n_num_levels;
glw::GLuint parent_texture_object_id;
glw::GLuint texture_view_object_created_from_immutable_to_id;
glw::GLuint texture_view_object_created_from_view_to_id;
glw::GLenum texture_target;
_test_texture_type texture_type;
/* Constructor */
expected_n_immutable_levels = 0;
expected_n_min_layer = 0;
expected_n_min_level = 0;
expected_n_num_layers = 0;
expected_n_num_levels = 0;
parent_texture_object_id = 0;
texture_view_object_created_from_immutable_to_id = 0;
texture_view_object_created_from_view_to_id = 0;
texture_target = GL_NONE;
typedef std::vector<_test_run> _test_runs;
typedef _test_runs::const_iterator _test_runs_const_iterator;
typedef _test_runs::iterator _test_runs_iterator;
/* Private methods */
void initTestRuns();
/* Private fields */
_test_runs m_test_runs;
/** Verify glTextureView() generates errors as described in the
* specification:
* a) GL_INVALID_VALUE should be generated if <texture> is 0.
* b) GL_INVALID_OPERATION should be generated if <texture> is not
* a valid name returned by glGenTextures().
* c) GL_INVALID_OPERATION should be generated if <texture> has
* already been bound and given a target.
* d) GL_INVALID_VALUE should be generated if <origtexture> is not
* the name of a texture object.
* e) GL_INVALID_OPERATION error should be generated if <origtexture>
* is a mutable texture object.
* f) GL_INVALID_OPERATION error should be generated whenever the
* application tries to generate a texture view for a target
* that is incompatible with original texture's target. (as per
* table 8.20 from OpenGL 4.4 specification)
* NOTE: All invalid original+view texture target combinations
* should be checked.
* g) GL_INVALID_OPERATION error should be generated whenever the
* application tries to create a texture view, internal format
* of which can be found in table 8.21 of OpenGL 4.4
* specification, and the texture view's internal format is
* incompatible with parent object's internal format. Both
* textures and views should be used as parent objects for the
* purpose of the test.
* NOTE: All invalid texture view internal formats should be
* checked for all applicable original object's internal
* formats.
* h) GL_INVALID_OPERATION error should be generated whenever the
* application tries to create a texture view using an internal
* format that does not match the original texture's, and the
* original texture's internalformat cannot be found in table
* 8.21 of OpenGL 4.4 specification.
* NOTE: All required base, sized and compressed texture internal
* formats (as described in section 8.5.1 and table 8.14
* of OpenGL 4.4 specification) that cannot be found in
* table 8.21 should be considered for the purpose of this
* test.
* i) GL_INVALID_VALUE error should be generated if <minlevel> is
* larger than the greatest level of <origtexture>.
* j) GL_INVALID_VALUE error should be generated if <minlayer> is
* larger than the greatest layer of <origtexture>.
* k) GL_INVALID_VALUE error should be generated if <target> is
* GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP and <numlayers> is not 6.
* l) GL_INVALID_VALUE error should be generated if <target> is
* GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY and <numlayers> is not a multiple
* of 6.
* m) GL_INVALID_VALUE error should be generated if <target> is
* GL_TEXTURE_1D and <numlayers> is not 1;
* n) GL_INVALID_VALUE error should be generated if <target> is
* GL_TEXTURE_2D and <numlayers> is not 1;
* o) GL_INVALID_VALUE error should be generated if <target> is
* GL_TEXTURE_3D and <numlayers> is not 1;
* p) GL_INVALID_VALUE error should be generated if <target> is
* GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE and <numlayers> is not 1;
* q) GL_INVALID_VALUE error should be generated if <target> is
* GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE and <numlayers> is not 1;
* r) GL_INVALID_OPERATION error should be generated if <target> is
* GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP and original texture's width does not
* match original texture's height for all levels.
* s) GL_INVALID_OPERATION error should be generated if <target> is
* GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY and original texture's width does
* not match original texture's height for all levels.
* NOTE: GL_INVALID_OPERATION error should also be generated for cases
* when any of the original texture's dimension is larger
* than the maximum supported corresponding dimension of the
* new target, but that condition can be very tricky to test
* in a portable manner. Hence, the conformance test will
* not verify if the error is generated as specified.
class TextureViewTestErrors : public deqp::TestCase
/* Public methods */
TextureViewTestErrors(deqp::Context& context);
virtual ~TextureViewTestErrors()
virtual void deinit();
virtual tcu::TestNode::IterateResult iterate();
/* Private fields */
glw::GLuint m_bo_id;
glw::GLuint m_reference_immutable_to_1d_id;
glw::GLuint m_reference_immutable_to_2d_id;
glw::GLuint m_reference_immutable_to_2d_array_id;
glw::GLuint m_reference_immutable_to_2d_array_32_by_33_id;
glw::GLuint m_reference_immutable_to_2d_multisample_id;
glw::GLuint m_reference_immutable_to_3d_id;
glw::GLuint m_reference_immutable_to_cube_map_id;
glw::GLuint m_reference_immutable_to_cube_map_array_id;
glw::GLuint m_reference_immutable_to_rectangle_id;
glw::GLuint m_reference_mutable_to_2d_id;
glw::GLuint m_test_modified_to_id_1;
glw::GLuint m_test_modified_to_id_2;
glw::GLuint m_test_modified_to_id_3;
glw::GLuint m_view_bound_to_id;
glw::GLuint m_view_never_bound_to_id;
/** Verify that sampling data from texture views, that use internal
* format which is compatible with the original texture's internal
* format, works correctly.
* For simplicity, both the parent object and its corresponding
* view should use the same GL_RGBA8 internal format. Both texture
* and view should be used as parent objects for the purpose of
* the test.
* The test should iterate over all texture targets enlisted in
* table 8.20 from OpenGL 4.4 specification, excluding GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER.
* For each such texture target, an immutable texture object that
* will be used as original object should be created. The object
* should be defined as follows:
* a) For 1D texture targets, width of 4 should be used.
* b) For 2D texture targets, width and height of 4 should be used.
* c) For 3D texture targets, depth, width and height of 4 should
* be used;
* d) Cube-map texture objects should use a 4x4 face size;
* e) Arrayed 1D/2D/cube-map texture objects should have a depth
* of 4.
* f) Each slice/face/layer-face mip-map should be filled with
* a static color. If original texture is multi-sampled, subsequent
* samples should be assigned a different color. Exact R/G/B/A
* intensities are arbitrary but they must be unique across all
* mip-maps and samples considered for a particular iteration.
* Mip-maps should *not* be generated - instead, it is expected
* the test will fill them manually with content using API (for
* non-multisampled cases), or by means of a simple FS+VS
* program (for multisampled render targets).
* For each such original texture object, texture views should be
* created for all compatible texture targets. These views should
* be configured as below:
* * minlayer: 1 (for arrayed/cube-map/cube-map arrayed views),
* 0 otherwise;
* * numlayers: 12 (for cube-map arrayed views),
* 6 (for cube-map views)
* 2 (for arrayed views),
* 1 otherwise;
* * minlevel: 1;
* * numlevels: 2;
* For testing purposes, the test should use the following rendering
* stages (forming a program object):
* - Vertex shader;
* - Tessellation control;
* - Tessellation evaluation;
* - Geometry shader; (should output a triangle strip forming
* a full-screen quad);
* - Fragment shader;
* In each stage (excluding fragment shader), as many samples as
* available (for multisample views) OR a single texel should be
* sampled at central (0.5, 0.5, ...) location using textureLod().
* The data should then be compared with reference values and the
* validation result should be passed to next stage using
* an output variable. Subsequent stages should pass validation results
* from all previous stages to following stages until geometry shader
* stage is reached. The information should be captured by the test
* using XFB and verified.
* Fragment shader should output a green colour, if the sampling
* operation returned a valid set of colors for (U, V) location,
* corresponding to rasterized fragment location, red otherwise.
* The test passes if the sampling operation worked correctly in
* all stages for all texture's internal format+view's internal
* format combinations.
class TextureViewTestViewSampling : public deqp::TestCase
/* Public methods */
TextureViewTestViewSampling(deqp::Context& context);
virtual tcu::TestNode::IterateResult iterate();
/* Protected methods */
virtual void deinit();
/* Private type declarations */
struct _reference_color_storage
tcu::Vec4* data;
unsigned int n_faces;
unsigned int n_layers;
unsigned int n_mipmaps;
unsigned int n_samples;
/** Constructor.
* @param in_n_faces Amount of faces to initialize the storage for.
* Must not be 0.
* @param in_n_layers Amount of layers to initialize the storage for.
* Must not be 0.
* @param in_n_mipmaps Amount of mip-maps to initialize the storage for.
* Must not be 0.
* @param in_n_samples Amount of samples to initialize the storage for.
* Must not be 0.
explicit _reference_color_storage(const unsigned int in_n_faces, const unsigned int in_n_layers,
const unsigned int in_n_mipmaps, const unsigned int in_n_samples)
DE_ASSERT(in_n_faces != 0);
DE_ASSERT(in_n_layers != 0);
DE_ASSERT(in_n_mipmaps != 0);
DE_ASSERT(in_n_samples != 0);
n_faces = in_n_faces;
n_layers = in_n_layers;
n_mipmaps = in_n_mipmaps;
n_samples = in_n_samples;
data = new tcu::Vec4[in_n_faces * in_n_layers * in_n_mipmaps * in_n_samples];
/** Destructor */
if (data != DE_NULL)
delete[] data;
data = DE_NULL;
/* Private methods */
void deinitIterationSpecificProgramAndShaderObjects();
void deinitPerSampleFillerProgramAndShaderObjects();
void deinitTextureObjects();
bool executeTest();
void initIterationSpecificProgramObject();
void initParentTextureContents();
void initPerSampleFillerProgramObject();
void initTest();
void initTextureObject(bool is_view_texture, glw::GLenum texture_target, glw::GLenum view_texture_target);
tcu::Vec4 getRandomReferenceColor();
tcu::Vec4 getReferenceColor(unsigned int n_layer, unsigned int n_face, unsigned int n_mipmap,
unsigned int n_sample);
glw::GLint getMaxConformantSampleCount(glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum internalFormat);
void resetReferenceColorStorage(unsigned int n_layers, unsigned int n_faces, unsigned int n_mipmaps,
unsigned int n_samples);
void setReferenceColor(unsigned int n_layer, unsigned int n_face, unsigned int n_mipmap, unsigned int n_sample,
tcu::Vec4 color);
/* Private variables */
glw::GLuint m_bo_id;
glw::GLuint m_fs_id;
glw::GLuint m_gs_id;
glw::GLuint m_po_id;
glw::GLint m_po_lod_location;
glw::GLint m_po_n_face_location;
glw::GLint m_po_reference_colors_location;
glw::GLint m_po_texture_location;
glw::GLint m_po_z_float_location;
glw::GLint m_po_z_int_location;
glw::GLuint m_tc_id;
glw::GLuint m_te_id;
glw::GLuint m_vs_id;
glw::GLuint m_per_sample_filler_fs_id;
glw::GLuint m_per_sample_filler_gs_id;
glw::GLuint m_per_sample_filler_po_id;
glw::GLint m_per_sample_filler_po_layer_id_location;
glw::GLint m_per_sample_filler_po_reference_colors_location;
glw::GLuint m_per_sample_filler_vs_id;
glw::GLuint m_result_to_id;
glw::GLuint m_to_id;
glw::GLuint m_view_to_id;
glw::GLuint m_fbo_id;
glw::GLuint m_vao_id;
glw::GLint m_max_color_texture_samples_gl_value;
glw::GLuint m_iteration_parent_texture_depth;
glw::GLuint m_iteration_parent_texture_height;
glw::GLuint m_iteration_parent_texture_n_levels;
glw::GLuint m_iteration_parent_texture_n_samples;
glw::GLenum m_iteration_parent_texture_target;
glw::GLuint m_iteration_parent_texture_width;
glw::GLuint m_iteration_view_texture_minlayer;
glw::GLuint m_iteration_view_texture_numlayers;
glw::GLuint m_iteration_view_texture_minlevel;
glw::GLuint m_iteration_view_texture_numlevels;
glw::GLenum m_iteration_view_texture_target;
const glw::GLuint m_reference_texture_depth;
const glw::GLuint m_reference_texture_height;
const glw::GLuint m_reference_texture_n_mipmaps;
const glw::GLuint m_reference_texture_width;
_reference_color_storage* m_reference_color_storage;
unsigned char* m_result_data;
/** Verify view class functionality.
* Consider all view classes presented in table 8.20 of OpenGL 4.4
* Specification. For each view class, consider all internal format
* combinations for the purpose of the test.
* For each internal format, a texture object of specified internal
* format and of 2x2 base mip-map resolution should be used.
* For each internal format, a program object consisting of a vertex
* shader stage should be used. The shader should sample all 4 texels
* of the view and store retrieved data in output variables.
* These values should then be XFBed to the test.
* The test passes if all retrieved values for all pairs considered
* are found to be valid.
class TextureViewTestViewClasses : public deqp::TestCase
/* Public methods */
TextureViewTestViewClasses(deqp::Context& context);
virtual tcu::TestNode::IterateResult iterate();
/* Protected methods */
virtual void deinit();
/* Private methods */
void getComponentDataForByteAlignedInternalformat(const unsigned char* data, const unsigned int n_components,
const unsigned int* component_sizes,
const TextureView::_format format, void* result);
void initBufferObject(glw::GLenum texture_internalformat, glw::GLenum view_internalformat);
void initProgramObject(glw::GLenum texture_internalformat, glw::GLenum view_internalformat);
void initTest();
void initTextureObject(bool should_init_parent_texture, glw::GLenum texture_internalformat,
glw::GLenum view_internalformat);
void verifyResultData(glw::GLenum texture_internalformat, glw::GLenum view_internalformat,
const unsigned char* texture_data_ptr, const unsigned char* view_data_ptr);
/* Private fields */
glw::GLuint m_bo_id;
glw::GLuint m_po_id;
glw::GLuint m_to_id;
glw::GLuint m_to_temp_id;
glw::GLuint m_vao_id;
glw::GLuint m_view_to_id;
glw::GLuint m_vs_id;
unsigned char* m_decompressed_mipmap_data;
unsigned char* m_mipmap_data;
unsigned int m_bo_size;
bool m_has_test_failed;
const unsigned int m_texture_height;
const glw::GLenum m_texture_unit_for_parent_texture;
const glw::GLenum m_texture_unit_for_view_texture;
const unsigned int m_texture_width;
unsigned int m_view_data_offset;
* Verify view/parent texture coherency.
* Consider an original 2D texture of 64x64 base mip-map resolution,
* using GL_RGBA8 internal format, filled with horizontal linear
* gradient from (0.0, 0.1, 1.0, 1.0) to (1.0, 0.9, 0.0, 0.0).
* All subsequent mip-maps are to be generated by glGenerateMipmap().
* A 2D texture view should be generated from this texture, using
* mipmaps from levels 1 to 2 (inclusive).
* The test should verify the following scenarios are handled
* correctly by GL implementation:
* 1) glTexSubImage2D() should be used on the view to replace portion
* of the gradient with a static color. A vertex shader should
* then be used to sample the parent texture at central
* location of that sub-region and verify it has been replaced
* with the static color. Result of the comparison (true/false)
* should be XFBed and verified by the test; *No* memory barrier
* is to be used between the first two steps.
* 2) The view should be updated as in step 1), with glTexSubImage2D()
* being replaced with glBlitFramebuffer(). A texture filled
* with a static color should be used as a source for the blitting
* operation.
* 3) A program object should be used to fill the view with
* reversed (1.0, 0.9, 0.0, 0.0)->(0.0, 0.1, 1.0, 1.0) gradient.
* Contents of the parent texture should then be validated with
* another program object and the result should be verified by
* XFBing the comparison outcome, similar to what has been
* described for step 1). Again, *no* memory barrier is to be
* used in-between.
* 4) The view should be bound to an image unit. The contents of
* that view should then be completely replaced with the reversed
* gradient by doing a sufficient amount of writes, assuming each vertex
* shader invocation performs a single store operation in an
* unique location. A GL_TEXTURE_FETCH_BARRIER_BIT memory
* barrier should be issued. The contents of the parent texture
* should then be verified, as described in step 1) and 3).
* 5) The view should be updated as in step 4). However, this time
* a GL_TEXTURE_UPDATE_BARRIER_BIT memory barrier should be issued.
* The contents of the parent texture should then be read with
* a glGetTexImage() call and verified by the test.
* (NOTE: cases 4) and 5) should only be executed on implementations
* reporting GL_ARB_shader_image_load_store extension
* support, owing to lack of glMemoryBarrier() support
* in OpenGL 4.0)
* 6), 7), 8), 9) Execute tests 1), 2), 3), 4), 5), replacing "texture
* views" with "parent textures" and "parent textures"
* with "texture views".
class TextureViewTestCoherency : public deqp::TestCase
/* Public methods */
TextureViewTestCoherency(deqp::Context& context);
virtual void deinit();
virtual tcu::TestNode::IterateResult iterate();
/* Private type definitions */
enum _barrier_type
enum _texture_type
enum _verification_mean
/* Private methods */
void checkAPICallCoherency(_texture_type texture_type, bool should_use_glTexSubImage2D);
void checkProgramWriteCoherency(_texture_type texture_type, bool should_use_images, _barrier_type barrier_type,
_verification_mean verification_mean);
unsigned char* getHorizontalGradientData() const;
void getReadPropertiesForTextureType(_texture_type texture_type, glw::GLuint* out_to_id,
unsigned int* out_read_lod) const;
unsigned char* getStaticColorTextureData(unsigned int width, unsigned int height) const;
void getWritePropertiesForTextureType(_texture_type texture_type, glw::GLuint* out_to_id, unsigned int* out_width,
unsigned int* out_height) const;
void initBufferObjects();
void initFBO();
void initPrograms();
void initTextureContents();
void initTextures();
void initVAO();
/* Private fields */
bool m_are_images_supported;
glw::GLuint m_bo_id;
glw::GLuint m_draw_fbo_id;
glw::GLuint m_gradient_verification_po_id;
glw::GLint m_gradient_verification_po_sample_exact_uv_location;
glw::GLint m_gradient_verification_po_lod_location;
glw::GLint m_gradient_verification_po_texture_location;
glw::GLuint m_gradient_verification_vs_id;
glw::GLint m_gradient_image_write_image_size_location;
glw::GLuint m_gradient_image_write_po_id;
glw::GLuint m_gradient_image_write_vs_id;
glw::GLuint m_gradient_write_po_id;
glw::GLuint m_gradient_write_fs_id;
glw::GLuint m_gradient_write_vs_id;
glw::GLuint m_read_fbo_id;
glw::GLuint m_static_to_id;
glw::GLuint m_to_id;
glw::GLuint m_vao_id;
glw::GLuint m_view_to_id;
glw::GLint m_verification_po_expected_color_location;
glw::GLint m_verification_po_lod_location;
glw::GLuint m_verification_po_id;
glw::GLuint m_verification_vs_id;
unsigned char m_static_color_byte[4 /* rgba */];
float m_static_color_float[4 /* rgba */];
const unsigned int m_static_texture_height;
const unsigned int m_static_texture_width;
const unsigned int m_texture_height;
const unsigned int m_texture_n_components;
const unsigned int m_texture_n_levels;
const unsigned int m_texture_width;
* interpreted relative to the view, not to the original data
* store.
* Consider original 2D texture of 64x64 base mip-map resolution,
* using GL_RGBA8 internal format, filled with:
* * horizontal linear gradient from (0.0, 0.1, 0,2, 0.3) to
* (1.0, 0.9, 0.8, 0.7) at level 0;
* * horizontal linear gradient from (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4) to
* (0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6) at level 1;
* * horizontal linear gradient from (0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5) to
* (0.8, 0.7, 0.6, 0.5) at level 2;
* * ..and so on.
* GL_TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL of the texture should be set at 2,
* GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL of the texture should be set at 4.
* A 2D texture view should be generated from this texture, using
* mipmaps from 0 to 5 (inclusive).
* GL_TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL of the view should be set at 1,
* GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL of the view should be set at 2.
* The test should perform the following:
* 1) First, a FS+VS program should be executed twice. The vertex
* shader should output 4 vertices forming a triangle-strip, forming
* a quad spanning from (-1, -1, 0, 1) to (1, 1, 0, 1). Each
* vertex should be assigned a corresponding UV location.
* The fragment shader should sample input texture view with
* textureLod() at fragment-specific UV using LOD 0 in the
* first run, and LOD 1 in the second run.
* The sampled vec4 should be written into a draw buffer, to which
* a texture has been attached of exactly the same resolution
* and internal format as the input texture view's mip-map being
* processed at the time of invocation.
* This pass should provide us with LOD 0 and LOD 1 texture data,
* as configured with GL_TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL and
* GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL view parameters.
* 2) Having executed the aforementioned program, the test should
* download the textures that step 1 has rendered to using
* glGetTexImage() and verify correct mipmaps have been sampled
* by textureLod().
* Test passes if the retrieved texture data is valid.
class TextureViewTestBaseAndMaxLevels : public deqp::TestCase
/* Public methods */
TextureViewTestBaseAndMaxLevels(deqp::Context& context);
virtual void deinit();
virtual tcu::TestNode::IterateResult iterate();
/* Private methods */
void initProgram();
void initTest();
void initTextures();
/* Private fields */
const unsigned int m_texture_height;
const unsigned int m_texture_n_components;
const unsigned int m_texture_n_levels;
const unsigned int m_texture_width;
const unsigned int m_view_height;
const unsigned int m_view_width;
unsigned char* m_layer_data_lod0;
unsigned char* m_layer_data_lod1;
glw::GLuint m_fbo_id;
glw::GLuint m_fs_id;
glw::GLuint m_po_id;
glw::GLint m_po_lod_index_uniform_location;
glw::GLint m_po_to_sampler_uniform_location;
glw::GLuint m_result_to_id;
glw::GLuint m_to_id;
glw::GLuint m_vao_id;
glw::GLuint m_view_to_id;
glw::GLuint m_vs_id;
/** Verify texture view reference counting is implemented correctly.
* Parent texture object A should be an immutable 2D texture of
* 64x64 resolution and of GL_RGBA8 internalformat. Each mip-map
* should be filled with a different static color.
* View B should be created from texture A, and view C should be
* instantiated from view B. The views should use the same texture
* target and internalformat as texture A. <minlayer> and <minlevel>
* values of 0 should be used for view generation. All available
* texture layers and levels should be used for the views.
* The test should:
* a) Sample the texture and both views, make sure correct data can
* be sampled in VS stage;
* b) Delete texture A;
* c) Sample both views, make sure correct data can be sampled in
* VS stage;
* d) Delete view B;
* e) Sample view C, make sure correct data can be sampled in VS
* stage;
* A program object consisting only of vertex shader should be used
* by the test. The shader should sample all mip-maps of the bound
* texture at (0.5, 0.5) and compare the retrieved texels against
* reference values. Comparison outcome should be XFBed back to
* the test implementation.
* Test passes if the sampling operation is reported to work
* correctly for all steps.
class TextureViewTestReferenceCounting : public deqp::TestCase
/* Public methods */
TextureViewTestReferenceCounting(deqp::Context& context);
virtual void deinit();
virtual tcu::TestNode::IterateResult iterate();
/* Private type definitions */
struct _norm_vec4
unsigned char rgba[4];
/* Constructor
* @param r Red value to store for the component
* @param g Green value to store for the component
* @param b Blue value to store for the component
* @param a Alpha value to store for the component.
explicit _norm_vec4(unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a)
rgba[0] = r;
rgba[1] = g;
rgba[2] = b;
rgba[3] = a;
/* Private methods */
void initProgram();
void initTest();
void initTextures();
void initXFB();
/* Private variables */
glw::GLuint m_bo_id;
glw::GLuint m_parent_to_id;
glw::GLuint m_po_id;
glw::GLint m_po_expected_texel_uniform_location;
glw::GLint m_po_lod_uniform_location;
glw::GLuint m_vao_id;
glw::GLuint m_view_to_id;
glw::GLuint m_view_view_to_id;
glw::GLuint m_vs_id;
const glw::GLuint m_texture_height;
const glw::GLuint m_texture_n_levels;
const glw::GLuint m_texture_width;
std::vector<_norm_vec4> m_mipmap_colors;
/** Group class for texture view conformance tests */
class TextureViewTests : public deqp::TestCaseGroup
/* Public methods */
TextureViewTests(deqp::Context& context);
virtual ~TextureViewTests()
virtual void init(void);
/* Private methods */
TextureViewTests(const TextureViewTests&);
TextureViewTests& operator=(const TextureViewTests&);
} /* gl4cts namespace */