blob: afc6c638b21bed0287b813f39c1f644adc299505 [file] [log] [blame]
* OpenGL Conformance Test Suite
* -----------------------------
* Copyright (c) 2016 Google Inc.
* Copyright (c) 2016 The Khronos Group Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
*/ /*!
* \file
* \brief Shader struct tests.
*/ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "glcShaderStructTests.hpp"
#include "glcShaderRenderCase.hpp"
#include "gluTexture.hpp"
#include "glwEnums.hpp"
#include "glwFunctions.hpp"
#include "tcuStringTemplate.hpp"
#include "tcuTextureUtil.hpp"
using tcu::StringTemplate;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
using std::ostringstream;
using namespace glu;
namespace deqp
TEXTURE_GRADIENT = 0 //!< Unit index for gradient texture
typedef void (*SetupUniformsFunc)(const glw::Functions& gl, deUint32 programID, const tcu::Vec4& constCoords);
class ShaderStructCase : public ShaderRenderCase
ShaderStructCase(Context& context, const char* name, const char* description, bool isVertexCase, bool usesTextures,
ShaderEvalFunc evalFunc, SetupUniformsFunc setupUniformsFunc, const char* vertShaderSource,
const char* fragShaderSource);
void init(void);
void deinit(void);
virtual void setupUniforms(deUint32 programID, const tcu::Vec4& constCoords);
ShaderStructCase(const ShaderStructCase&);
ShaderStructCase& operator=(const ShaderStructCase&);
SetupUniformsFunc m_setupUniforms;
bool m_usesTexture;
glu::Texture2D* m_gradientTexture;
ShaderStructCase::ShaderStructCase(Context& context, const char* name, const char* description, bool isVertexCase,
bool usesTextures, ShaderEvalFunc evalFunc, SetupUniformsFunc setupUniformsFunc,
const char* vertShaderSource, const char* fragShaderSource)
: ShaderRenderCase(context.getTestContext(), context.getRenderContext(), context.getContextInfo(), name,
description, isVertexCase, evalFunc)
, m_setupUniforms(setupUniformsFunc)
, m_usesTexture(usesTextures)
, m_gradientTexture(DE_NULL)
m_vertShaderSource = vertShaderSource;
m_fragShaderSource = fragShaderSource;
void ShaderStructCase::init(void)
if (m_usesTexture)
m_gradientTexture = new glu::Texture2D(m_renderCtx, GL_RGBA8, 128, 128);
tcu::fillWithComponentGradients(m_gradientTexture->getRefTexture().getLevel(0), tcu::Vec4(0.0f),
m_gradientTexture, tcu::Sampler(tcu::Sampler::CLAMP_TO_EDGE, tcu::Sampler::CLAMP_TO_EDGE,
tcu::Sampler::CLAMP_TO_EDGE, tcu::Sampler::LINEAR, tcu::Sampler::LINEAR)));
DE_ASSERT(m_textures.size() == 1);
void ShaderStructCase::deinit(void)
if (m_usesTexture)
delete m_gradientTexture;
void ShaderStructCase::setupUniforms(deUint32 programID, const tcu::Vec4& constCoords)
ShaderRenderCase::setupUniforms(programID, constCoords);
if (m_setupUniforms)
m_setupUniforms(m_renderCtx.getFunctions(), programID, constCoords);
static ShaderStructCase* createStructCase(Context& context, const char* name, const char* description,
glu::GLSLVersion glslVersion, bool isVertexCase, bool usesTextures,
ShaderEvalFunc evalFunc, SetupUniformsFunc setupUniforms,
const LineStream& shaderSrc)
const std::string versionDecl = glu::getGLSLVersionDeclaration(glslVersion);
const std::string defaultVertSrc = versionDecl + "\n"
"in highp vec4 a_position;\n"
"in highp vec4 a_coords;\n"
"out mediump vec4 v_coords;\n\n"
"void main (void)\n"
" v_coords = a_coords;\n"
" gl_Position = a_position;\n"
const std::string defaultFragSrc = versionDecl + "\n"
"in mediump vec4 v_color;\n"
"layout(location = 0) out mediump vec4 o_color;\n\n"
"void main (void)\n"
" o_color = v_color;\n"
// Fill in specialization parameters.
std::map<std::string, std::string> spParams;
if (isVertexCase)
spParams["HEADER"] = versionDecl + "\n"
"in highp vec4 a_position;\n"
"in highp vec4 a_coords;\n"
"out mediump vec4 v_color;";
spParams["COORDS"] = "a_coords";
spParams["DST"] = "v_color";
spParams["ASSIGN_POS"] = "gl_Position = a_position;";
spParams["HEADER"] = versionDecl + "\n"
"in mediump vec4 v_coords;\n"
"layout(location = 0) out mediump vec4 o_color;";
spParams["COORDS"] = "v_coords";
spParams["DST"] = "o_color";
spParams["ASSIGN_POS"] = "";
if (isVertexCase)
return new ShaderStructCase(context, name, description, isVertexCase, usesTextures, evalFunc, setupUniforms,
return new ShaderStructCase(context, name, description, isVertexCase, usesTextures, evalFunc, setupUniforms,
class LocalStructTests : public TestCaseGroup
LocalStructTests(Context& context, glu::GLSLVersion glslVersion)
: TestCaseGroup(context, "local", "Local structs"), m_glslVersion(glslVersion)
virtual void init(void);
glu::GLSLVersion m_glslVersion;
void LocalStructTests::init(void)
do \
{ \
struct Eval_##NAME \
{ \
static void eval(ShaderEvalContext& c) EVAL_FUNC_BODY \
}; \
addChild(createStructCase(m_context, #NAME "_vertex", DESCRIPTION, m_glslVersion, true, false, \
&Eval_##NAME::eval, DE_NULL, SHADER_SRC)); \
addChild(createStructCase(m_context, #NAME "_fragment", DESCRIPTION, m_glslVersion, false, false, \
&Eval_##NAME::eval, DE_NULL, SHADER_SRC)); \
} while (deGetFalse())
LOCAL_STRUCT_CASE(basic, "Basic struct usage",
LineStream() << "${HEADER}"
<< "uniform int ui_one;"
<< ""
<< "struct S {"
<< " mediump float a;"
<< " mediump vec3 b;"
<< " int c;"
<< "};"
<< ""
<< "void main (void)"
<< "{"
<< " S s = S(${COORDS}.x, vec3(0.0), ui_one);"
<< " s.b = ${COORDS}.yzw;"
<< " ${DST} = vec4(s.a, s.b.x, s.b.y, s.c);"
<< " ${ASSIGN_POS}"
<< "}",
{ = c.coords.swizzle(0, 1, 2); });
LOCAL_STRUCT_CASE(nested, "Nested struct",
LineStream() << "${HEADER}"
<< "uniform int ui_zero;"
<< "uniform int ui_one;"
<< ""
<< "struct T {"
<< " int a;"
<< " mediump vec2 b;"
<< "};"
<< "struct S {"
<< " mediump float a;"
<< " T b;"
<< " int c;"
<< "};"
<< ""
<< "void main (void)"
<< "{"
<< " S s = S(${COORDS}.x, T(0, vec2(0.0)), ui_one);"
<< " s.b = T(ui_zero, ${COORDS}.yz);"
<< " ${DST} = vec4(s.a, s.b.b, s.b.a + s.c);"
<< " ${ASSIGN_POS}"
<< "}",
{ = c.coords.swizzle(0, 1, 2); });
LOCAL_STRUCT_CASE(array_member, "Struct with array member",
LineStream() << "${HEADER}"
<< "uniform int ui_one;"
<< ""
<< "struct S {"
<< " mediump float a;"
<< " mediump float b[3];"
<< " int c;"
<< "};"
<< ""
<< "void main (void)"
<< "{"
<< " S s;"
<< " s.a = ${COORDS}.w;"
<< " s.c = ui_one;"
<< " s.b[0] = ${COORDS}.z;"
<< " s.b[1] = ${COORDS}.y;"
<< " s.b[2] = ${COORDS}.x;"
<< " ${DST} = vec4(s.a, s.b[0], s.b[1], s.c);"
<< " ${ASSIGN_POS}"
<< "}",
{ = c.coords.swizzle(3, 2, 1); });
LOCAL_STRUCT_CASE(array_member_dynamic_index, "Struct with array member, dynamic indexing",
LineStream() << "${HEADER}"
<< "uniform int ui_zero;"
<< "uniform int ui_one;"
<< "uniform int ui_two;"
<< ""
<< "struct S {"
<< " mediump float a;"
<< " mediump float b[3];"
<< " int c;"
<< "};"
<< ""
<< "void main (void)"
<< "{"
<< " S s;"
<< " s.a = ${COORDS}.w;"
<< " s.c = ui_one;"
<< " s.b[0] = ${COORDS}.z;"
<< " s.b[1] = ${COORDS}.y;"
<< " s.b[2] = ${COORDS}.x;"
<< " ${DST} = vec4(s.b[ui_one], s.b[ui_zero], s.b[ui_two], s.c);"
<< " ${ASSIGN_POS}"
<< "}",
{ = c.coords.swizzle(1, 2, 0); });
LOCAL_STRUCT_CASE(struct_array, "Struct array",
LineStream() << "${HEADER}"
<< "uniform int ui_zero;"
<< "uniform int ui_one;"
<< "uniform int ui_two;"
<< ""
<< "struct S {"
<< " mediump float a;"
<< " mediump int b;"
<< "};"
<< ""
<< "void main (void)"
<< "{"
<< " S s[3];"
<< " s[0] = S(${COORDS}.x, ui_zero);"
<< " s[1].a = ${COORDS}.y;"
<< " s[1].b = ui_one;"
<< " s[2] = S(${COORDS}.z, ui_two);"
<< " ${DST} = vec4(s[2].a, s[1].a, s[0].a, s[2].b - s[1].b + s[0].b);"
<< " ${ASSIGN_POS}"
<< "}",
{ = c.coords.swizzle(2, 1, 0); });
struct_array_dynamic_index, "Struct array with dynamic indexing",
<< "${HEADER}"
<< "uniform int ui_zero;"
<< "uniform int ui_one;"
<< "uniform int ui_two;"
<< ""
<< "struct S {"
<< " mediump float a;"
<< " mediump int b;"
<< "};"
<< ""
<< "void main (void)"
<< "{"
<< " S s[3];"
<< " s[0] = S(${COORDS}.x, ui_zero);"
<< " s[1].a = ${COORDS}.y;"
<< " s[1].b = ui_one;"
<< " s[2] = S(${COORDS}.z, ui_two);"
<< " ${DST} = vec4(s[ui_two].a, s[ui_one].a, s[ui_zero].a, s[ui_two].b - s[ui_one].b + s[ui_zero].b);"
<< " ${ASSIGN_POS}"
<< "}",
{ = c.coords.swizzle(2, 1, 0); });
nested_struct_array, "Nested struct array",
LineStream() << "${HEADER}"
<< "uniform int ui_zero;"
<< "uniform int ui_one;"
<< "uniform int ui_two;"
<< "uniform mediump float uf_two;"
<< "uniform mediump float uf_three;"
<< "uniform mediump float uf_four;"
<< "uniform mediump float uf_half;"
<< "uniform mediump float uf_third;"
<< "uniform mediump float uf_fourth;"
<< ""
<< "struct T {"
<< " mediump float a;"
<< " mediump vec2 b[2];"
<< "};"
<< "struct S {"
<< " mediump float a;"
<< " T b[3];"
<< " int c;"
<< "};"
<< ""
<< "void main (void)"
<< "{"
<< " S s[2];"
<< ""
<< " // S[0]"
<< " s[0].a = ${COORDS}.x;"
<< " s[0].b[0].a = uf_half;"
<< " s[0].b[0].b[0] = ${COORDS}.xy;"
<< " s[0].b[0].b[1] = ${COORDS}.zw;"
<< " s[0].b[1].a = uf_third;"
<< " s[0].b[1].b[0] = ${COORDS}.zw;"
<< " s[0].b[1].b[1] = ${COORDS}.xy;"
<< " s[0].b[2].a = uf_fourth;"
<< " s[0].b[2].b[0] = ${COORDS}.xz;"
<< " s[0].b[2].b[1] = ${COORDS}.yw;"
<< " s[0].c = ui_zero;"
<< ""
<< " // S[1]"
<< " s[1].a = ${COORDS}.w;"
<< " s[1].b[0].a = uf_two;"
<< " s[1].b[0].b[0] = ${COORDS}.xx;"
<< " s[1].b[0].b[1] = ${COORDS}.yy;"
<< " s[1].b[1].a = uf_three;"
<< " s[1].b[1].b[0] = ${COORDS}.zz;"
<< " s[1].b[1].b[1] = ${COORDS}.ww;"
<< " s[1].b[2].a = uf_four;"
<< " s[1].b[2].b[0] = ${COORDS}.yx;"
<< " s[1].b[2].b[1] = ${COORDS}.wz;"
<< " s[1].c = ui_one;"
<< ""
<< " mediump float r = (s[0].b[1].b[0].x + s[1].b[2].b[1].y) * s[0].b[0].a; // (z + z) * 0.5"
<< " mediump float g = s[1].b[0].b[0].y * s[0].b[2].a * s[1].b[2].a; // x * 0.25 * 4"
<< " mediump float b = (s[0].b[2].b[1].y + s[0].b[1].b[0].y + s[1].a) * s[0].b[1].a; // (w + w "
"+ w) * 0.333"
<< " mediump float a = float(s[0].c) + s[1].b[2].a - s[1].b[1].a; // 0 + 4.0 - 3.0"
<< " ${DST} = vec4(r, g, b, a);"
<< " ${ASSIGN_POS}"
<< "}",
{ = c.coords.swizzle(2, 0, 3); });
LOCAL_STRUCT_CASE(nested_struct_array_dynamic_index, "Nested struct array with dynamic indexing",
LineStream() << "${HEADER}"
<< "uniform int ui_zero;"
<< "uniform int ui_one;"
<< "uniform int ui_two;"
<< "uniform mediump float uf_two;"
<< "uniform mediump float uf_three;"
<< "uniform mediump float uf_four;"
<< "uniform mediump float uf_half;"
<< "uniform mediump float uf_third;"
<< "uniform mediump float uf_fourth;"
<< ""
<< "struct T {"
<< " mediump float a;"
<< " mediump vec2 b[2];"
<< "};"
<< "struct S {"
<< " mediump float a;"
<< " T b[3];"
<< " int c;"
<< "};"
<< ""
<< "void main (void)"
<< "{"
<< " S s[2];"
<< ""
<< " // S[0]"
<< " s[0].a = ${COORDS}.x;"
<< " s[0].b[0].a = uf_half;"
<< " s[0].b[0].b[0] = ${COORDS}.xy;"
<< " s[0].b[0].b[1] = ${COORDS}.zw;"
<< " s[0].b[1].a = uf_third;"
<< " s[0].b[1].b[0] = ${COORDS}.zw;"
<< " s[0].b[1].b[1] = ${COORDS}.xy;"
<< " s[0].b[2].a = uf_fourth;"
<< " s[0].b[2].b[0] = ${COORDS}.xz;"
<< " s[0].b[2].b[1] = ${COORDS}.yw;"
<< " s[0].c = ui_zero;"
<< ""
<< " // S[1]"
<< " s[1].a = ${COORDS}.w;"
<< " s[1].b[0].a = uf_two;"
<< " s[1].b[0].b[0] = ${COORDS}.xx;"
<< " s[1].b[0].b[1] = ${COORDS}.yy;"
<< " s[1].b[1].a = uf_three;"
<< " s[1].b[1].b[0] = ${COORDS}.zz;"
<< " s[1].b[1].b[1] = ${COORDS}.ww;"
<< " s[1].b[2].a = uf_four;"
<< " s[1].b[2].b[0] = ${COORDS}.yx;"
<< " s[1].b[2].b[1] = ${COORDS}.wz;"
<< " s[1].c = ui_one;"
<< ""
<< " mediump float r = (s[0].b[ui_one].b[ui_one-1].x + "
"s[ui_one].b[ui_two].b[ui_zero+1].y) * s[0].b[0].a; // (z + z) * 0.5"
<< " mediump float g = s[ui_two-1].b[ui_two-2].b[ui_zero].y * s[0].b[ui_two].a * "
"s[ui_one].b[2].a; // x * 0.25 * 4"
<< " mediump float b = (s[ui_zero].b[ui_one+1].b[1].y + "
"s[0].b[ui_one*ui_one].b[0].y + s[ui_one].a) * s[0].b[ui_two-ui_one].a; // (w + "
"w + w) * 0.333"
<< " mediump float a = float(s[ui_zero].c) + s[ui_one-ui_zero].b[ui_two].a - "
"s[ui_zero+ui_one].b[ui_two-ui_one].a; // 0 + 4.0 - 3.0"
<< " ${DST} = vec4(r, g, b, a);"
<< " ${ASSIGN_POS}"
<< "}",
{ = c.coords.swizzle(2, 0, 3); });
LOCAL_STRUCT_CASE(parameter, "Struct as a function parameter",
LineStream() << "${HEADER}"
<< "uniform int ui_one;"
<< ""
<< "struct S {"
<< " mediump float a;"
<< " mediump vec3 b;"
<< " int c;"
<< "};"
<< ""
<< "mediump vec4 myFunc (S s)"
<< "{"
<< " return vec4(s.a, s.b.x, s.b.y, s.c);"
<< "}"
<< ""
<< "void main (void)"
<< "{"
<< " S s = S(${COORDS}.x, vec3(0.0), ui_one);"
<< " s.b = ${COORDS}.yzw;"
<< " ${DST} = myFunc(s);"
<< " ${ASSIGN_POS}"
<< "}",
{ = c.coords.swizzle(0, 1, 2); });
LOCAL_STRUCT_CASE(parameter_nested, "Nested struct as a function parameter",
LineStream() << "${HEADER}"
<< "uniform int ui_zero;"
<< "uniform int ui_one;"
<< ""
<< "struct T {"
<< " int a;"
<< " mediump vec2 b;"
<< "};"
<< "struct S {"
<< " mediump float a;"
<< " T b;"
<< " int c;"
<< "};"
<< ""
<< "mediump vec4 myFunc (S s)"
<< "{"
<< " return vec4(s.a, s.b.b, s.b.a + s.c);"
<< "}"
<< ""
<< "void main (void)"
<< "{"
<< " S s = S(${COORDS}.x, T(0, vec2(0.0)), ui_one);"
<< " s.b = T(ui_zero, ${COORDS}.yz);"
<< " ${DST} = myFunc(s);"
<< " ${ASSIGN_POS}"
<< "}",
{ = c.coords.swizzle(0, 1, 2); });
LOCAL_STRUCT_CASE(return, "Struct as a return value",
LineStream() << "${HEADER}"
<< "uniform int ui_one;"
<< ""
<< "struct S {"
<< " mediump float a;"
<< " mediump vec3 b;"
<< " int c;"
<< "};"
<< ""
<< "S myFunc (void)"
<< "{"
<< " S s = S(${COORDS}.x, vec3(0.0), ui_one);"
<< " s.b = ${COORDS}.yzw;"
<< " return s;"
<< "}"
<< ""
<< "void main (void)"
<< "{"
<< " S s = myFunc();"
<< " ${DST} = vec4(s.a, s.b.x, s.b.y, s.c);"
<< " ${ASSIGN_POS}"
<< "}",
{ = c.coords.swizzle(0, 1, 2); });
LOCAL_STRUCT_CASE(return_nested, "Nested struct",
LineStream() << "${HEADER}"
<< "uniform int ui_zero;"
<< "uniform int ui_one;"
<< ""
<< "struct T {"
<< " int a;"
<< " mediump vec2 b;"
<< "};"
<< "struct S {"
<< " mediump float a;"
<< " T b;"
<< " int c;"
<< "};"
<< ""
<< "S myFunc (void)"
<< "{"
<< " S s = S(${COORDS}.x, T(0, vec2(0.0)), ui_one);"
<< " s.b = T(ui_zero, ${COORDS}.yz);"
<< " return s;"
<< "}"
<< ""
<< "void main (void)"
<< "{"
<< " S s = myFunc();"
<< " ${DST} = vec4(s.a, s.b.b, s.b.a + s.c);"
<< " ${ASSIGN_POS}"
<< "}",
{ = c.coords.swizzle(0, 1, 2); });
LOCAL_STRUCT_CASE(conditional_assignment, "Conditional struct assignment",
LineStream() << "${HEADER}"
<< "uniform int ui_zero;"
<< "uniform int ui_one;"
<< "uniform mediump float uf_one;"
<< ""
<< "struct S {"
<< " mediump float a;"
<< " mediump vec3 b;"
<< " int c;"
<< "};"
<< ""
<< "void main (void)"
<< "{"
<< " S s = S(${COORDS}.x, ${COORDS}.yzw, ui_zero);"
<< " if (uf_one > 0.0)"
<< " s = S(${COORDS}.w, ${COORDS}.zyx, ui_one);"
<< " ${DST} = vec4(s.a, s.b.xy, s.c);"
<< " ${ASSIGN_POS}"
<< "}",
{ = c.coords.swizzle(3, 2, 1); });
LOCAL_STRUCT_CASE(loop_assignment, "Struct assignment in loop",
LineStream() << "${HEADER}"
<< "uniform int ui_zero;"
<< "uniform int ui_one;"
<< ""
<< "struct S {"
<< " mediump float a;"
<< " mediump vec3 b;"
<< " int c;"
<< "};"
<< ""
<< "void main (void)"
<< "{"
<< " S s = S(${COORDS}.x, ${COORDS}.yzw, ui_zero);"
<< " for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)"
<< " {"
<< " if (i == 1)"
<< " s = S(${COORDS}.w, ${COORDS}.zyx, ui_one);"
<< " }"
<< " ${DST} = vec4(s.a, s.b.xy, s.c);"
<< " ${ASSIGN_POS}"
<< "}",
{ = c.coords.swizzle(3, 2, 1); });
LOCAL_STRUCT_CASE(dynamic_loop_assignment, "Struct assignment in loop",
LineStream() << "${HEADER}"
<< "uniform int ui_zero;"
<< "uniform int ui_one;"
<< "uniform int ui_three;"
<< ""
<< "struct S {"
<< " mediump float a;"
<< " mediump vec3 b;"
<< " int c;"
<< "};"
<< ""
<< "void main (void)"
<< "{"
<< " S s = S(${COORDS}.x, ${COORDS}.yzw, ui_zero);"
<< " for (int i = 0; i < ui_three; i++)"
<< " {"
<< " if (i == ui_one)"
<< " s = S(${COORDS}.w, ${COORDS}.zyx, ui_one);"
<< " }"
<< " ${DST} = vec4(s.a, s.b.xy, s.c);"
<< " ${ASSIGN_POS}"
<< "}",
{ = c.coords.swizzle(3, 2, 1); });
LOCAL_STRUCT_CASE(nested_conditional_assignment, "Conditional assignment of nested struct",
LineStream() << "${HEADER}"
<< "uniform int ui_zero;"
<< "uniform int ui_one;"
<< "uniform mediump float uf_one;"
<< ""
<< "struct T {"
<< " int a;"
<< " mediump vec2 b;"
<< "};"
<< "struct S {"
<< " mediump float a;"
<< " T b;"
<< " int c;"
<< "};"
<< ""
<< "void main (void)"
<< "{"
<< " S s = S(${COORDS}.x, T(ui_one, ${COORDS}.yz), ui_one);"
<< " if (uf_one > 0.0)"
<< " s.b = T(ui_zero, ${COORDS}.zw);"
<< " ${DST} = vec4(s.a, s.b.b, s.c - s.b.a);"
<< " ${ASSIGN_POS}"
<< "}",
{ = c.coords.swizzle(0, 2, 3); });
LOCAL_STRUCT_CASE(nested_loop_assignment, "Nested struct assignment in loop",
LineStream() << "${HEADER}"
<< "uniform int ui_zero;"
<< "uniform int ui_one;"
<< "uniform mediump float uf_one;"
<< ""
<< "struct T {"
<< " int a;"
<< " mediump vec2 b;"
<< "};"
<< "struct S {"
<< " mediump float a;"
<< " T b;"
<< " int c;"
<< "};"
<< ""
<< "void main (void)"
<< "{"
<< " S s = S(${COORDS}.x, T(ui_one, ${COORDS}.yz), ui_one);"
<< " for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)"
<< " {"
<< " if (i == 1)"
<< " s.b = T(ui_zero, ${COORDS}.zw);"
<< " }"
<< " ${DST} = vec4(s.a, s.b.b, s.c - s.b.a);"
<< " ${ASSIGN_POS}"
<< "}",
{ = c.coords.swizzle(0, 2, 3); });
LOCAL_STRUCT_CASE(nested_dynamic_loop_assignment, "Nested struct assignment in dynamic loop",
LineStream() << "${HEADER}"
<< "uniform int ui_zero;"
<< "uniform int ui_one;"
<< "uniform int ui_three;"
<< "uniform mediump float uf_one;"
<< ""
<< "struct T {"
<< " int a;"
<< " mediump vec2 b;"
<< "};"
<< "struct S {"
<< " mediump float a;"
<< " T b;"
<< " int c;"
<< "};"
<< ""
<< "void main (void)"
<< "{"
<< " S s = S(${COORDS}.x, T(ui_one, ${COORDS}.yz), ui_one);"
<< " for (int i = 0; i < ui_three; i++)"
<< " {"
<< " if (i == ui_one)"
<< " s.b = T(ui_zero, ${COORDS}.zw);"
<< " }"
<< " ${DST} = vec4(s.a, s.b.b, s.c - s.b.a);"
<< " ${ASSIGN_POS}"
<< "}",
{ = c.coords.swizzle(0, 2, 3); });
LOCAL_STRUCT_CASE(loop_struct_array, "Struct array usage in loop",
LineStream() << "${HEADER}"
<< "uniform int ui_zero;"
<< "uniform int ui_one;"
<< "uniform int ui_two;"
<< ""
<< "struct S {"
<< " mediump float a;"
<< " mediump int b;"
<< "};"
<< ""
<< "void main (void)"
<< "{"
<< " S s[3];"
<< " s[0] = S(${COORDS}.x, ui_zero);"
<< " s[1].a = ${COORDS}.y;"
<< " s[1].b = -ui_one;"
<< " s[2] = S(${COORDS}.z, ui_two);"
<< ""
<< " mediump float rgb[3];"
<< " int alpha = 0;"
<< " for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)"
<< " {"
<< " rgb[i] = s[2-i].a;"
<< " alpha += s[i].b;"
<< " }"
<< " ${DST} = vec4(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2], alpha);"
<< " ${ASSIGN_POS}"
<< "}",
{ = c.coords.swizzle(2, 1, 0); });
LOCAL_STRUCT_CASE(loop_nested_struct_array, "Nested struct array usage in loop",
LineStream() << "${HEADER}"
<< "uniform int ui_zero;"
<< "uniform int ui_one;"
<< "uniform int ui_two;"
<< "uniform mediump float uf_two;"
<< "uniform mediump float uf_three;"
<< "uniform mediump float uf_four;"
<< "uniform mediump float uf_half;"
<< "uniform mediump float uf_third;"
<< "uniform mediump float uf_fourth;"
<< "uniform mediump float uf_sixth;"
<< ""
<< "struct T {"
<< " mediump float a;"
<< " mediump vec2 b[2];"
<< "};"
<< "struct S {"
<< " mediump float a;"
<< " T b[3];"
<< " int c;"
<< "};"
<< ""
<< "void main (void)"
<< "{"
<< " S s[2];"
<< ""
<< " // S[0]"
<< " s[0].a = ${COORDS}.x;"
<< " s[0].b[0].a = uf_half;"
<< " s[0].b[0].b[0] = ${COORDS}.yx;"
<< " s[0].b[0].b[1] = ${COORDS}.zx;"
<< " s[0].b[1].a = uf_third;"
<< " s[0].b[1].b[0] = ${COORDS}.yy;"
<< " s[0].b[1].b[1] = ${COORDS}.wy;"
<< " s[0].b[2].a = uf_fourth;"
<< " s[0].b[2].b[0] = ${COORDS}.zx;"
<< " s[0].b[2].b[1] = ${COORDS}.zy;"
<< " s[0].c = ui_zero;"
<< ""
<< " // S[1]"
<< " s[1].a = ${COORDS}.w;"
<< " s[1].b[0].a = uf_two;"
<< " s[1].b[0].b[0] = ${COORDS}.zx;"
<< " s[1].b[0].b[1] = ${COORDS}.zy;"
<< " s[1].b[1].a = uf_three;"
<< " s[1].b[1].b[0] = ${COORDS}.zz;"
<< " s[1].b[1].b[1] = ${COORDS}.ww;"
<< " s[1].b[2].a = uf_four;"
<< " s[1].b[2].b[0] = ${COORDS}.yx;"
<< " s[1].b[2].b[1] = ${COORDS}.wz;"
<< " s[1].c = ui_one;"
<< ""
<< " mediump float r = 0.0; // (x*3 + y*3) / 6.0"
<< " mediump float g = 0.0; // (y*3 + z*3) / 6.0"
<< " mediump float b = 0.0; // (z*3 + w*3) / 6.0"
<< " mediump float a = 1.0;"
<< " for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)"
<< " {"
<< " for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)"
<< " {"
<< " r += s[0].b[j].b[i].y;"
<< " g += s[i].b[j].b[0].x;"
<< " b += s[i].b[j].b[1].x;"
<< " a *= s[i].b[j].a;"
<< " }"
<< " }"
<< " ${DST} = vec4(r*uf_sixth, g*uf_sixth, b*uf_sixth, a);"
<< " ${ASSIGN_POS}"
<< "}",
{ = (c.coords.swizzle(0, 1, 2) + c.coords.swizzle(1, 2, 3)) * 0.5f; });
LOCAL_STRUCT_CASE(dynamic_loop_struct_array, "Struct array usage in dynamic loop",
LineStream() << "${HEADER}"
<< "uniform int ui_zero;"
<< "uniform int ui_one;"
<< "uniform int ui_two;"
<< "uniform int ui_three;"
<< ""
<< "struct S {"
<< " mediump float a;"
<< " mediump int b;"
<< "};"
<< ""
<< "void main (void)"
<< "{"
<< " S s[3];"
<< " s[0] = S(${COORDS}.x, ui_zero);"
<< " s[1].a = ${COORDS}.y;"
<< " s[1].b = -ui_one;"
<< " s[2] = S(${COORDS}.z, ui_two);"
<< ""
<< " mediump float rgb[3];"
<< " int alpha = 0;"
<< " for (int i = 0; i < ui_three; i++)"
<< " {"
<< " rgb[i] = s[2-i].a;"
<< " alpha += s[i].b;"
<< " }"
<< " ${DST} = vec4(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2], alpha);"
<< " ${ASSIGN_POS}"
<< "}",
{ = c.coords.swizzle(2, 1, 0); });
LOCAL_STRUCT_CASE(dynamic_loop_nested_struct_array, "Nested struct array usage in dynamic loop",
LineStream() << "${HEADER}"
<< "uniform int ui_zero;"
<< "uniform int ui_one;"
<< "uniform int ui_two;"
<< "uniform int ui_three;"
<< "uniform mediump float uf_two;"
<< "uniform mediump float uf_three;"
<< "uniform mediump float uf_four;"
<< "uniform mediump float uf_half;"
<< "uniform mediump float uf_third;"
<< "uniform mediump float uf_fourth;"
<< "uniform mediump float uf_sixth;"
<< ""
<< "struct T {"
<< " mediump float a;"
<< " mediump vec2 b[2];"
<< "};"
<< "struct S {"
<< " mediump float a;"
<< " T b[3];"
<< " int c;"
<< "};"
<< ""
<< "void main (void)"
<< "{"
<< " S s[2];"
<< ""
<< " // S[0]"
<< " s[0].a = ${COORDS}.x;"
<< " s[0].b[0].a = uf_half;"
<< " s[0].b[0].b[0] = ${COORDS}.yx;"
<< " s[0].b[0].b[1] = ${COORDS}.zx;"
<< " s[0].b[1].a = uf_third;"
<< " s[0].b[1].b[0] = ${COORDS}.yy;"
<< " s[0].b[1].b[1] = ${COORDS}.wy;"
<< " s[0].b[2].a = uf_fourth;"
<< " s[0].b[2].b[0] = ${COORDS}.zx;"
<< " s[0].b[2].b[1] = ${COORDS}.zy;"
<< " s[0].c = ui_zero;"
<< ""
<< " // S[1]"
<< " s[1].a = ${COORDS}.w;"
<< " s[1].b[0].a = uf_two;"
<< " s[1].b[0].b[0] = ${COORDS}.zx;"
<< " s[1].b[0].b[1] = ${COORDS}.zy;"
<< " s[1].b[1].a = uf_three;"
<< " s[1].b[1].b[0] = ${COORDS}.zz;"
<< " s[1].b[1].b[1] = ${COORDS}.ww;"
<< " s[1].b[2].a = uf_four;"
<< " s[1].b[2].b[0] = ${COORDS}.yx;"
<< " s[1].b[2].b[1] = ${COORDS}.wz;"
<< " s[1].c = ui_one;"
<< ""
<< " mediump float r = 0.0; // (x*3 + y*3) / 6.0"
<< " mediump float g = 0.0; // (y*3 + z*3) / 6.0"
<< " mediump float b = 0.0; // (z*3 + w*3) / 6.0"
<< " mediump float a = 1.0;"
<< " for (int i = 0; i < ui_two; i++)"
<< " {"
<< " for (int j = 0; j < ui_three; j++)"
<< " {"
<< " r += s[0].b[j].b[i].y;"
<< " g += s[i].b[j].b[0].x;"
<< " b += s[i].b[j].b[1].x;"
<< " a *= s[i].b[j].a;"
<< " }"
<< " }"
<< " ${DST} = vec4(r*uf_sixth, g*uf_sixth, b*uf_sixth, a);"
<< " ${ASSIGN_POS}"
<< "}",
{ = (c.coords.swizzle(0, 1, 2) + c.coords.swizzle(1, 2, 3)) * 0.5f; });
class UniformStructTests : public TestCaseGroup
UniformStructTests(Context& context, glu::GLSLVersion glslVersion)
: TestCaseGroup(context, "uniform", "Uniform structs"), m_glslVersion(glslVersion)
virtual void init(void);
glu::GLSLVersion m_glslVersion;
#define CHECK_SET_UNIFORM(NAME) GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), (string("Failed to set ") + NAME).c_str())
void setUniform(const glw::Functions& gl, deUint32 programID, const char* name, const tcu::VECTYPE& vec) \
{ \
int loc = gl.getUniformLocation(programID, name); \
SETUNIFORM(loc, 1, vec.getPtr()); \
} \
struct SetUniform##VECTYPE##Dummy_s \
{ \
int unused; \
void setUniform(const glw::Functions& gl, deUint32 programID, const char* name, const tcu::VECTYPE* vec, \
int arraySize) \
{ \
int loc = gl.getUniformLocation(programID, name); \
SETUNIFORM(loc, arraySize, vec->getPtr()); \
} \
struct SetUniformPtr##VECTYPE##Dummy_s \
{ \
int unused; \
MAKE_SET_VEC_UNIFORM(Vec2, gl.uniform2fv);
MAKE_SET_VEC_UNIFORM(Vec3, gl.uniform3fv);
MAKE_SET_VEC_UNIFORM_PTR(Vec2, gl.uniform2fv);
void setUniform(const glw::Functions& gl, deUint32 programID, const char* name, float value)
int loc = gl.getUniformLocation(programID, name);
gl.uniform1f(loc, value);
void setUniform(const glw::Functions& gl, deUint32 programID, const char* name, int value)
int loc = gl.getUniformLocation(programID, name);
gl.uniform1i(loc, value);
void setUniform(const glw::Functions& gl, deUint32 programID, const char* name, const float* value, int arraySize)
int loc = gl.getUniformLocation(programID, name);
gl.uniform1fv(loc, arraySize, value);
} // anonymous
void UniformStructTests::init(void)
do \
{ \
struct SetUniforms_##NAME \
{ \
static void setUniforms(const glw::Functions& gl, deUint32 programID, \
const tcu::Vec4& constCoords) SET_UNIFORMS_BODY \
}; \
struct Eval_##NAME \
{ \
static void eval(ShaderEvalContext& c) EVAL_FUNC_BODY \
}; \
addChild(createStructCase(m_context, #NAME "_vertex", DESCRIPTION, m_glslVersion, true, TEXTURES, \
Eval_##NAME::eval, SetUniforms_##NAME::setUniforms, SHADER_SRC)); \
addChild(createStructCase(m_context, #NAME "_fragment", DESCRIPTION, m_glslVersion, false, TEXTURES, \
Eval_##NAME::eval, SetUniforms_##NAME::setUniforms, SHADER_SRC)); \
} while (deGetFalse())
UNIFORM_STRUCT_CASE(basic, "Basic struct usage", false,
LineStream() << "${HEADER}"
<< "uniform int ui_one;"
<< ""
<< "struct S {"
<< " mediump float a;"
<< " mediump vec3 b;"
<< " int c;"
<< "};"
<< "uniform S s;"
<< ""
<< "void main (void)"
<< "{"
<< " ${DST} = vec4(s.a, s.b.x, s.b.y, s.c);"
<< " ${ASSIGN_POS}"
<< "}",
setUniform(gl, programID, "s.a", constCoords.x());
setUniform(gl, programID, "s.b", constCoords.swizzle(1, 2, 3));
setUniform(gl, programID, "s.c", 1);
{ = c.constCoords.swizzle(0, 1, 2); });
UNIFORM_STRUCT_CASE(nested, "Nested struct", false,
LineStream() << "${HEADER}"
<< "uniform int ui_zero;"
<< "uniform int ui_one;"
<< ""
<< "struct T {"
<< " int a;"
<< " mediump vec2 b;"
<< "};"
<< "struct S {"
<< " mediump float a;"
<< " T b;"
<< " int c;"
<< "};"
<< "uniform S s;"
<< ""
<< "void main (void)"
<< "{"
<< " ${DST} = vec4(s.a, s.b.b, s.b.a + s.c);"
<< " ${ASSIGN_POS}"
<< "}",
setUniform(gl, programID, "s.a", constCoords.x());
setUniform(gl, programID, "s.b.a", 0);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s.b.b", constCoords.swizzle(1, 2));
setUniform(gl, programID, "s.c", 1);
{ = c.constCoords.swizzle(0, 1, 2); });
UNIFORM_STRUCT_CASE(array_member, "Struct with array member", false,
LineStream() << "${HEADER}"
<< "uniform int ui_one;"
<< ""
<< "struct S {"
<< " mediump float a;"
<< " mediump float b[3];"
<< " int c;"
<< "};"
<< "uniform S s;"
<< ""
<< "void main (void)"
<< "{"
<< " ${DST} = vec4(s.a, s.b[0], s.b[1], s.c);"
<< " ${ASSIGN_POS}"
<< "}",
setUniform(gl, programID, "s.a", constCoords.w());
setUniform(gl, programID, "s.c", 1);
float b[3];
b[0] = constCoords.z();
b[1] = constCoords.y();
b[2] = constCoords.x();
setUniform(gl, programID, "s.b", b, DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(b));
{ = c.constCoords.swizzle(3, 2, 1); });
UNIFORM_STRUCT_CASE(array_member_dynamic_index, "Struct with array member, dynamic indexing", false,
LineStream() << "${HEADER}"
<< "uniform int ui_zero;"
<< "uniform int ui_one;"
<< "uniform int ui_two;"
<< ""
<< "struct S {"
<< " mediump float a;"
<< " mediump float b[3];"
<< " int c;"
<< "};"
<< "uniform S s;"
<< ""
<< "void main (void)"
<< "{"
<< " ${DST} = vec4(s.b[ui_one], s.b[ui_zero], s.b[ui_two], s.c);"
<< " ${ASSIGN_POS}"
<< "}",
setUniform(gl, programID, "s.a", constCoords.w());
setUniform(gl, programID, "s.c", 1);
float b[3];
b[0] = constCoords.z();
b[1] = constCoords.y();
b[2] = constCoords.x();
setUniform(gl, programID, "s.b", b, DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(b));
{ = c.constCoords.swizzle(1, 2, 0); });
UNIFORM_STRUCT_CASE(struct_array, "Struct array", false,
LineStream() << "${HEADER}"
<< "uniform int ui_zero;"
<< "uniform int ui_one;"
<< "uniform int ui_two;"
<< ""
<< "struct S {"
<< " mediump float a;"
<< " mediump int b;"
<< "};"
<< "uniform S s[3];"
<< ""
<< "void main (void)"
<< "{"
<< " ${DST} = vec4(s[2].a, s[1].a, s[0].a, s[2].b - s[1].b + s[0].b);"
<< " ${ASSIGN_POS}"
<< "}",
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[0].a", constCoords.x());
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[0].b", 0);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[1].a", constCoords.y());
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[1].b", 1);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[2].a", constCoords.z());
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[2].b", 2);
{ = c.constCoords.swizzle(2, 1, 0); });
struct_array_dynamic_index, "Struct array with dynamic indexing", false,
<< "${HEADER}"
<< "uniform int ui_zero;"
<< "uniform int ui_one;"
<< "uniform int ui_two;"
<< ""
<< "struct S {"
<< " mediump float a;"
<< " mediump int b;"
<< "};"
<< "uniform S s[3];"
<< ""
<< "void main (void)"
<< "{"
<< " ${DST} = vec4(s[ui_two].a, s[ui_one].a, s[ui_zero].a, s[ui_two].b - s[ui_one].b + s[ui_zero].b);"
<< " ${ASSIGN_POS}"
<< "}",
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[0].a", constCoords.x());
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[0].b", 0);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[1].a", constCoords.y());
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[1].b", 1);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[2].a", constCoords.z());
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[2].b", 2);
{ = c.constCoords.swizzle(2, 1, 0); });
nested_struct_array, "Nested struct array", false,
LineStream() << "${HEADER}"
<< "struct T {"
<< " mediump float a;"
<< " mediump vec2 b[2];"
<< "};"
<< "struct S {"
<< " mediump float a;"
<< " T b[3];"
<< " int c;"
<< "};"
<< "uniform S s[2];"
<< ""
<< "void main (void)"
<< "{"
<< " mediump float r = (s[0].b[1].b[0].x + s[1].b[2].b[1].y) * s[0].b[0].a; // (z + z) * 0.5"
<< " mediump float g = s[1].b[0].b[0].y * s[0].b[2].a * s[1].b[2].a; // x * 0.25 * 4"
<< " mediump float b = (s[0].b[2].b[1].y + s[0].b[1].b[0].y + s[1].a) * s[0].b[1].a; // (w + w "
"+ w) * 0.333"
<< " mediump float a = float(s[0].c) + s[1].b[2].a - s[1].b[1].a; // 0 + 4.0 - 3.0"
<< " ${DST} = vec4(r, g, b, a);"
<< " ${ASSIGN_POS}"
<< "}",
tcu::Vec2 arr[2];
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[0].a", constCoords.x());
arr[0] = constCoords.swizzle(0, 1);
arr[1] = constCoords.swizzle(2, 3);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[0].b[0].a", 0.5f);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[0].b[0].b", &arr[0], DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(arr));
arr[0] = constCoords.swizzle(2, 3);
arr[1] = constCoords.swizzle(0, 1);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[0].b[1].a", 1.0f / 3.0f);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[0].b[1].b", &arr[0], DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(arr));
arr[0] = constCoords.swizzle(0, 2);
arr[1] = constCoords.swizzle(1, 3);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[0].b[2].a", 1.0f / 4.0f);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[0].b[2].b", &arr[0], DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(arr));
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[0].c", 0);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[1].a", constCoords.w());
arr[0] = constCoords.swizzle(0, 0);
arr[1] = constCoords.swizzle(1, 1);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[1].b[0].a", 2.0f);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[1].b[0].b", &arr[0], DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(arr));
arr[0] = constCoords.swizzle(2, 2);
arr[1] = constCoords.swizzle(3, 3);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[1].b[1].a", 3.0f);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[1].b[1].b", &arr[0], DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(arr));
arr[0] = constCoords.swizzle(1, 0);
arr[1] = constCoords.swizzle(3, 2);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[1].b[2].a", 4.0f);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[1].b[2].b", &arr[0], DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(arr));
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[1].c", 1);
{ = c.constCoords.swizzle(2, 0, 3); });
UNIFORM_STRUCT_CASE(nested_struct_array_dynamic_index, "Nested struct array with dynamic indexing", false,
LineStream() << "${HEADER}"
<< "uniform int ui_zero;"
<< "uniform int ui_one;"
<< "uniform int ui_two;"
<< ""
<< "struct T {"
<< " mediump float a;"
<< " mediump vec2 b[2];"
<< "};"
<< "struct S {"
<< " mediump float a;"
<< " T b[3];"
<< " int c;"
<< "};"
<< "uniform S s[2];"
<< ""
<< "void main (void)"
<< "{"
<< " mediump float r = (s[0].b[ui_one].b[ui_one-1].x + "
"s[ui_one].b[ui_two].b[ui_zero+1].y) * s[0].b[0].a; // (z + z) * 0.5"
<< " mediump float g = s[ui_two-1].b[ui_two-2].b[ui_zero].y * s[0].b[ui_two].a "
"* s[ui_one].b[2].a; // x * 0.25 * 4"
<< " mediump float b = (s[ui_zero].b[ui_one+1].b[1].y + "
"s[0].b[ui_one*ui_one].b[0].y + s[ui_one].a) * s[0].b[ui_two-ui_one].a; // (w "
"+ w + w) * 0.333"
<< " mediump float a = float(s[ui_zero].c) + s[ui_one-ui_zero].b[ui_two].a - "
"s[ui_zero+ui_one].b[ui_two-ui_one].a; // 0 + 4.0 - 3.0"
<< " ${DST} = vec4(r, g, b, a);"
<< " ${ASSIGN_POS}"
<< "}",
tcu::Vec2 arr[2];
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[0].a", constCoords.x());
arr[0] = constCoords.swizzle(0, 1);
arr[1] = constCoords.swizzle(2, 3);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[0].b[0].a", 0.5f);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[0].b[0].b", &arr[0], DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(arr));
arr[0] = constCoords.swizzle(2, 3);
arr[1] = constCoords.swizzle(0, 1);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[0].b[1].a", 1.0f / 3.0f);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[0].b[1].b", &arr[0], DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(arr));
arr[0] = constCoords.swizzle(0, 2);
arr[1] = constCoords.swizzle(1, 3);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[0].b[2].a", 1.0f / 4.0f);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[0].b[2].b", &arr[0], DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(arr));
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[0].c", 0);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[1].a", constCoords.w());
arr[0] = constCoords.swizzle(0, 0);
arr[1] = constCoords.swizzle(1, 1);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[1].b[0].a", 2.0f);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[1].b[0].b", &arr[0], DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(arr));
arr[0] = constCoords.swizzle(2, 2);
arr[1] = constCoords.swizzle(3, 3);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[1].b[1].a", 3.0f);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[1].b[1].b", &arr[0], DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(arr));
arr[0] = constCoords.swizzle(1, 0);
arr[1] = constCoords.swizzle(3, 2);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[1].b[2].a", 4.0f);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[1].b[2].b", &arr[0], DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(arr));
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[1].c", 1);
{ = c.constCoords.swizzle(2, 0, 3); });
UNIFORM_STRUCT_CASE(loop_struct_array, "Struct array usage in loop", false,
LineStream() << "${HEADER}"
<< "uniform int ui_zero;"
<< "uniform int ui_one;"
<< "uniform int ui_two;"
<< ""
<< "struct S {"
<< " mediump float a;"
<< " mediump int b;"
<< "};"
<< "uniform S s[3];"
<< ""
<< "void main (void)"
<< "{"
<< " mediump float rgb[3];"
<< " int alpha = 0;"
<< " for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)"
<< " {"
<< " rgb[i] = s[2-i].a;"
<< " alpha += s[i].b;"
<< " }"
<< " ${DST} = vec4(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2], alpha);"
<< " ${ASSIGN_POS}"
<< "}",
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[0].a", constCoords.x());
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[0].b", 0);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[1].a", constCoords.y());
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[1].b", -1);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[2].a", constCoords.z());
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[2].b", 2);
{ = c.constCoords.swizzle(2, 1, 0); });
UNIFORM_STRUCT_CASE(loop_nested_struct_array, "Nested struct array usage in loop", false,
LineStream() << "${HEADER}"
<< "uniform int ui_zero;"
<< "uniform int ui_one;"
<< "uniform int ui_two;"
<< "uniform mediump float uf_two;"
<< "uniform mediump float uf_three;"
<< "uniform mediump float uf_four;"
<< "uniform mediump float uf_half;"
<< "uniform mediump float uf_third;"
<< "uniform mediump float uf_fourth;"
<< "uniform mediump float uf_sixth;"
<< ""
<< "struct T {"
<< " mediump float a;"
<< " mediump vec2 b[2];"
<< "};"
<< "struct S {"
<< " mediump float a;"
<< " T b[3];"
<< " int c;"
<< "};"
<< "uniform S s[2];"
<< ""
<< "void main (void)"
<< "{"
<< " mediump float r = 0.0; // (x*3 + y*3) / 6.0"
<< " mediump float g = 0.0; // (y*3 + z*3) / 6.0"
<< " mediump float b = 0.0; // (z*3 + w*3) / 6.0"
<< " mediump float a = 1.0;"
<< " for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)"
<< " {"
<< " for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)"
<< " {"
<< " r += s[0].b[j].b[i].y;"
<< " g += s[i].b[j].b[0].x;"
<< " b += s[i].b[j].b[1].x;"
<< " a *= s[i].b[j].a;"
<< " }"
<< " }"
<< " ${DST} = vec4(r*uf_sixth, g*uf_sixth, b*uf_sixth, a);"
<< " ${ASSIGN_POS}"
<< "}",
tcu::Vec2 arr[2];
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[0].a", constCoords.x());
arr[0] = constCoords.swizzle(1, 0);
arr[1] = constCoords.swizzle(2, 0);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[0].b[0].a", 0.5f);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[0].b[0].b", &arr[0], DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(arr));
arr[0] = constCoords.swizzle(1, 1);
arr[1] = constCoords.swizzle(3, 1);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[0].b[1].a", 1.0f / 3.0f);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[0].b[1].b", &arr[0], DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(arr));
arr[0] = constCoords.swizzle(2, 1);
arr[1] = constCoords.swizzle(2, 1);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[0].b[2].a", 1.0f / 4.0f);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[0].b[2].b", &arr[0], DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(arr));
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[0].c", 0);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[1].a", constCoords.w());
arr[0] = constCoords.swizzle(2, 0);
arr[1] = constCoords.swizzle(2, 1);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[1].b[0].a", 2.0f);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[1].b[0].b", &arr[0], DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(arr));
arr[0] = constCoords.swizzle(2, 2);
arr[1] = constCoords.swizzle(3, 3);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[1].b[1].a", 3.0f);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[1].b[1].b", &arr[0], DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(arr));
arr[0] = constCoords.swizzle(1, 0);
arr[1] = constCoords.swizzle(3, 2);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[1].b[2].a", 4.0f);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[1].b[2].b", &arr[0], DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(arr));
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[1].c", 1);
{ = (c.constCoords.swizzle(0, 1, 2) + c.constCoords.swizzle(1, 2, 3)) * 0.5f; });
UNIFORM_STRUCT_CASE(dynamic_loop_struct_array, "Struct array usage in dynamic loop", false,
LineStream() << "${HEADER}"
<< "uniform int ui_zero;"
<< "uniform int ui_one;"
<< "uniform int ui_two;"
<< "uniform int ui_three;"
<< ""
<< "struct S {"
<< " mediump float a;"
<< " mediump int b;"
<< "};"
<< "uniform S s[3];"
<< ""
<< "void main (void)"
<< "{"
<< " mediump float rgb[3];"
<< " int alpha = 0;"
<< " for (int i = 0; i < ui_three; i++)"
<< " {"
<< " rgb[i] = s[2-i].a;"
<< " alpha += s[i].b;"
<< " }"
<< " ${DST} = vec4(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2], alpha);"
<< " ${ASSIGN_POS}"
<< "}",
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[0].a", constCoords.x());
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[0].b", 0);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[1].a", constCoords.y());
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[1].b", -1);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[2].a", constCoords.z());
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[2].b", 2);
{ = c.constCoords.swizzle(2, 1, 0); });
UNIFORM_STRUCT_CASE(dynamic_loop_nested_struct_array, "Nested struct array usage in dynamic loop", false,
LineStream() << "${HEADER}"
<< "uniform int ui_zero;"
<< "uniform int ui_one;"
<< "uniform int ui_two;"
<< "uniform int ui_three;"
<< "uniform mediump float uf_two;"
<< "uniform mediump float uf_three;"
<< "uniform mediump float uf_four;"
<< "uniform mediump float uf_half;"
<< "uniform mediump float uf_third;"
<< "uniform mediump float uf_fourth;"
<< "uniform mediump float uf_sixth;"
<< ""
<< "struct T {"
<< " mediump float a;"
<< " mediump vec2 b[2];"
<< "};"
<< "struct S {"
<< " mediump float a;"
<< " T b[3];"
<< " int c;"
<< "};"
<< "uniform S s[2];"
<< ""
<< "void main (void)"
<< "{"
<< " mediump float r = 0.0; // (x*3 + y*3) / 6.0"
<< " mediump float g = 0.0; // (y*3 + z*3) / 6.0"
<< " mediump float b = 0.0; // (z*3 + w*3) / 6.0"
<< " mediump float a = 1.0;"
<< " for (int i = 0; i < ui_two; i++)"
<< " {"
<< " for (int j = 0; j < ui_three; j++)"
<< " {"
<< " r += s[0].b[j].b[i].y;"
<< " g += s[i].b[j].b[0].x;"
<< " b += s[i].b[j].b[1].x;"
<< " a *= s[i].b[j].a;"
<< " }"
<< " }"
<< " ${DST} = vec4(r*uf_sixth, g*uf_sixth, b*uf_sixth, a);"
<< " ${ASSIGN_POS}"
<< "}",
tcu::Vec2 arr[2];
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[0].a", constCoords.x());
arr[0] = constCoords.swizzle(1, 0);
arr[1] = constCoords.swizzle(2, 0);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[0].b[0].a", 0.5f);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[0].b[0].b", &arr[0], DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(arr));
arr[0] = constCoords.swizzle(1, 1);
arr[1] = constCoords.swizzle(3, 1);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[0].b[1].a", 1.0f / 3.0f);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[0].b[1].b", &arr[0], DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(arr));
arr[0] = constCoords.swizzle(2, 1);
arr[1] = constCoords.swizzle(2, 1);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[0].b[2].a", 1.0f / 4.0f);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[0].b[2].b", &arr[0], DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(arr));
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[0].c", 0);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[1].a", constCoords.w());
arr[0] = constCoords.swizzle(2, 0);
arr[1] = constCoords.swizzle(2, 1);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[1].b[0].a", 2.0f);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[1].b[0].b", &arr[0], DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(arr));
arr[0] = constCoords.swizzle(2, 2);
arr[1] = constCoords.swizzle(3, 3);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[1].b[1].a", 3.0f);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[1].b[1].b", &arr[0], DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(arr));
arr[0] = constCoords.swizzle(1, 0);
arr[1] = constCoords.swizzle(3, 2);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[1].b[2].a", 4.0f);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[1].b[2].b", &arr[0], DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(arr));
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[1].c", 1);
{ = (c.constCoords.swizzle(0, 1, 2) + c.constCoords.swizzle(1, 2, 3)) * 0.5f; });
sampler, "Sampler in struct", true,
LineStream() << "${HEADER}"
<< "uniform int ui_one;"
<< ""
<< "struct S {"
<< " mediump float a;"
<< " mediump vec3 b;"
<< " sampler2D c;"
<< "};"
<< "uniform S s;"
<< ""
<< "void main (void)"
<< "{"
<< " ${DST} = vec4(texture(s.c, ${COORDS}.xy * s.b.xy + s.b.z).rgb, s.a);"
<< " ${ASSIGN_POS}"
<< "}",
setUniform(gl, programID, "s.a", 1.0f);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s.b", tcu::Vec3(0.75f, 0.75f, 0.1f));
setUniform(gl, programID, "s.c", TEXTURE_GRADIENT);
{ = c.texture2D(TEXTURE_GRADIENT, c.coords.swizzle(0, 1) * 0.75f + 0.1f).swizzle(0, 1, 2); });
sampler_nested, "Sampler in nested struct", true,
LineStream() << "${HEADER}"
<< "uniform int ui_zero;"
<< "uniform int ui_one;"
<< ""
<< "struct T {"
<< " sampler2D a;"
<< " mediump vec2 b;"
<< "};"
<< "struct S {"
<< " mediump float a;"
<< " T b;"
<< " int c;"
<< "};"
<< "uniform S s;"
<< ""
<< "void main (void)"
<< "{"
<< " ${DST} = vec4(texture(s.b.a, ${COORDS}.xy * s.b.b + s.a).rgb, s.c);"
<< " ${ASSIGN_POS}"
<< "}",
setUniform(gl, programID, "s.a", 0.1f);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s.b.a", TEXTURE_GRADIENT);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s.b.b", tcu::Vec2(0.75f, 0.75f));
setUniform(gl, programID, "s.c", 1);
{ = c.texture2D(TEXTURE_GRADIENT, c.coords.swizzle(0, 1) * 0.75f + 0.1f).swizzle(0, 1, 2); });
sampler_array, "Sampler in struct array", true,
LineStream() << "${HEADER}"
<< "uniform int ui_one;"
<< ""
<< "struct S {"
<< " mediump float a;"
<< " mediump vec3 b;"
<< " sampler2D c;"
<< "};"
<< "uniform S s[2];"
<< ""
<< "void main (void)"
<< "{"
<< " ${DST} = vec4(texture(s[1].c, ${COORDS}.xy * s[0].b.xy + s[1].b.z).rgb, s[0].a);"
<< " ${ASSIGN_POS}"
<< "}",
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[0].a", 1.0f);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[0].b", tcu::Vec3(0.75f, 0.75f, 0.25f));
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[0].c", 1);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[1].a", 0.0f);
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[1].b", tcu::Vec3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.1f));
setUniform(gl, programID, "s[1].c", TEXTURE_GRADIENT);
{ = c.texture2D(TEXTURE_GRADIENT, c.coords.swizzle(0, 1) * 0.75f + 0.1f).swizzle(0, 1, 2); });
ShaderStructTests::ShaderStructTests(Context& context, glu::GLSLVersion glslVersion)
: TestCaseGroup(context, "struct", "Struct Tests"), m_glslVersion(glslVersion)
void ShaderStructTests::init(void)
addChild(new LocalStructTests(m_context, m_glslVersion));
addChild(new UniformStructTests(m_context, m_glslVersion));
} // deqp