| /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| * Vulkan CTS Framework |
| * -------------------- |
| * |
| * Copyright (c) 2020 The Khronos Group Inc. |
| * |
| * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| * You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| * |
| * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| * |
| * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| * limitations under the License. |
| * |
| *//*! |
| * \file |
| * \brief Vulkan ray tracing utility. |
| *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| #include "vkDefs.hpp" |
| #include "vkRef.hpp" |
| #include "vkMemUtil.hpp" |
| #include "vkBufferWithMemory.hpp" |
| |
| #include "deFloat16.h" |
| |
| #include "tcuVector.hpp" |
| #include "tcuVectorType.hpp" |
| |
| #include <vector> |
| #include <limits> |
| |
| namespace vk |
| { |
| |
| const VkTransformMatrixKHR identityMatrix3x4 = { { { 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f } } }; |
| |
| template<typename T> |
| inline de::SharedPtr<Move<T>> makeVkSharedPtr(Move<T> move) |
| { |
| return de::SharedPtr<Move<T>>(new Move<T>(move)); |
| } |
| |
| template<typename T> |
| inline de::SharedPtr<de::MovePtr<T> > makeVkSharedPtr(de::MovePtr<T> movePtr) |
| { |
| return de::SharedPtr<de::MovePtr<T> >(new de::MovePtr<T>(movePtr)); |
| } |
| |
| template<typename T> |
| inline const T* dataOrNullPtr(const std::vector<T>& v) |
| { |
| return (v.empty() ? DE_NULL : v.data()); |
| } |
| |
| template<typename T> |
| inline T* dataOrNullPtr(std::vector<T>& v) |
| { |
| return (v.empty() ? DE_NULL : v.data()); |
| } |
| |
| inline std::string updateRayTracingGLSL (const std::string& str) |
| { |
| return str; |
| } |
| |
| std::string getCommonRayGenerationShader (void); |
| |
| // Get lowercase version of the format name with no VK_FORMAT_ prefix. |
| std::string getFormatSimpleName (vk::VkFormat format); |
| |
| // Checks the given vertex buffer format is valid for acceleration structures. |
| // Note: VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2 and VK_KHR_acceleration_structure are supposed to be supported. |
| void checkAccelerationStructureVertexBufferFormat (const vk::InstanceInterface &vki, vk::VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, vk::VkFormat format); |
| |
| class RaytracedGeometryBase |
| { |
| public: |
| RaytracedGeometryBase () = delete; |
| RaytracedGeometryBase (const RaytracedGeometryBase& geometry) = delete; |
| RaytracedGeometryBase (VkGeometryTypeKHR geometryType, VkFormat vertexFormat, VkIndexType indexType); |
| virtual ~RaytracedGeometryBase (); |
| |
| inline VkGeometryTypeKHR getGeometryType (void) const { return m_geometryType; } |
| inline bool isTrianglesType (void) const { return m_geometryType == VK_GEOMETRY_TYPE_TRIANGLES_KHR; } |
| inline VkFormat getVertexFormat (void) const { return m_vertexFormat; } |
| inline VkIndexType getIndexType (void) const { return m_indexType; } |
| inline bool usesIndices (void) const { return m_indexType != VK_INDEX_TYPE_NONE_KHR; } |
| inline VkGeometryFlagsKHR getGeometryFlags (void) const { return m_geometryFlags; } |
| inline void setGeometryFlags (const VkGeometryFlagsKHR geometryFlags) { m_geometryFlags = geometryFlags; } |
| virtual deUint32 getVertexCount (void) const = 0; |
| virtual const deUint8* getVertexPointer (void) const = 0; |
| virtual VkDeviceSize getVertexStride (void) const = 0; |
| virtual VkDeviceSize getAABBStride (void) const = 0; |
| virtual size_t getVertexByteSize (void) const = 0; |
| virtual deUint32 getIndexCount (void) const = 0; |
| virtual const deUint8* getIndexPointer (void) const = 0; |
| virtual VkDeviceSize getIndexStride (void) const = 0; |
| virtual size_t getIndexByteSize (void) const = 0; |
| virtual deUint32 getPrimitiveCount (void) const = 0; |
| virtual void addVertex (const tcu::Vec3& vertex) = 0; |
| virtual void addIndex (const deUint32& index) = 0; |
| private: |
| VkGeometryTypeKHR m_geometryType; |
| VkFormat m_vertexFormat; |
| VkIndexType m_indexType; |
| VkGeometryFlagsKHR m_geometryFlags; |
| }; |
| |
| template <typename T> |
| inline T convertSatRte (float f) |
| { |
| // \note Doesn't work for 64-bit types |
| DE_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(T) < sizeof(deUint64)); |
| DE_STATIC_ASSERT((-3 % 2 != 0) && (-4 % 2 == 0)); |
| |
| deInt64 minVal = std::numeric_limits<T>::min(); |
| deInt64 maxVal = std::numeric_limits<T>::max(); |
| float q = deFloatFrac(f); |
| deInt64 intVal = (deInt64)(f-q); |
| |
| // Rounding. |
| if (q == 0.5f) |
| { |
| if (intVal % 2 != 0) |
| intVal++; |
| } |
| else if (q > 0.5f) |
| intVal++; |
| // else Don't add anything |
| |
| // Saturate. |
| intVal = de::max(minVal, de::min(maxVal, intVal)); |
| |
| return (T)intVal; |
| } |
| |
| // Converts float to signed integer with variable width. |
| // Source float is assumed to be in the [-1, 1] range. |
| template <typename T> |
| inline T deFloat32ToSNorm (float src) |
| { |
| DE_STATIC_ASSERT(std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer && std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed); |
| const T range = std::numeric_limits<T>::max(); |
| const T intVal = convertSatRte<T>(src * static_cast<float>(range)); |
| return de::clamp<T>(intVal, -range, range); |
| } |
| |
| typedef tcu::Vector<deFloat16, 2> Vec2_16; |
| typedef tcu::Vector<deFloat16, 3> Vec3_16; |
| typedef tcu::Vector<deFloat16, 4> Vec4_16; |
| typedef tcu::Vector<deInt16, 2> Vec2_16SNorm; |
| typedef tcu::Vector<deInt16, 3> Vec3_16SNorm; |
| typedef tcu::Vector<deInt16, 4> Vec4_16SNorm; |
| typedef tcu::Vector<deInt8, 2> Vec2_8SNorm; |
| typedef tcu::Vector<deInt8, 3> Vec3_8SNorm; |
| typedef tcu::Vector<deInt8, 4> Vec4_8SNorm; |
| |
| template<typename V> VkFormat vertexFormatFromType (); |
| template<> inline VkFormat vertexFormatFromType<tcu::Vec2> () { return VK_FORMAT_R32G32_SFLOAT; } |
| template<> inline VkFormat vertexFormatFromType<tcu::Vec3> () { return VK_FORMAT_R32G32B32_SFLOAT; } |
| template<> inline VkFormat vertexFormatFromType<tcu::Vec4> () { return VK_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_SFLOAT; } |
| template<> inline VkFormat vertexFormatFromType<Vec2_16> () { return VK_FORMAT_R16G16_SFLOAT; } |
| template<> inline VkFormat vertexFormatFromType<Vec3_16> () { return VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16_SFLOAT; } |
| template<> inline VkFormat vertexFormatFromType<Vec4_16> () { return VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SFLOAT; } |
| template<> inline VkFormat vertexFormatFromType<Vec2_16SNorm> () { return VK_FORMAT_R16G16_SNORM; } |
| template<> inline VkFormat vertexFormatFromType<Vec3_16SNorm> () { return VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16_SNORM; } |
| template<> inline VkFormat vertexFormatFromType<Vec4_16SNorm> () { return VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SNORM; } |
| template<> inline VkFormat vertexFormatFromType<tcu::DVec2> () { return VK_FORMAT_R64G64_SFLOAT; } |
| template<> inline VkFormat vertexFormatFromType<tcu::DVec3> () { return VK_FORMAT_R64G64B64_SFLOAT; } |
| template<> inline VkFormat vertexFormatFromType<tcu::DVec4> () { return VK_FORMAT_R64G64B64A64_SFLOAT; } |
| template<> inline VkFormat vertexFormatFromType<Vec2_8SNorm> () { return VK_FORMAT_R8G8_SNORM; } |
| template<> inline VkFormat vertexFormatFromType<Vec3_8SNorm> () { return VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8_SNORM; } |
| template<> inline VkFormat vertexFormatFromType<Vec4_8SNorm> () { return VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_SNORM; } |
| |
| struct EmptyIndex {}; |
| template<typename I> VkIndexType indexTypeFromType (); |
| template<> inline VkIndexType indexTypeFromType<deUint16> () { return VK_INDEX_TYPE_UINT16; } |
| template<> inline VkIndexType indexTypeFromType<deUint32> () { return VK_INDEX_TYPE_UINT32; } |
| template<> inline VkIndexType indexTypeFromType<EmptyIndex> () { return VK_INDEX_TYPE_NONE_KHR; } |
| |
| template<typename V> V convertFloatTo (const tcu::Vec3& vertex); |
| template<> inline tcu::Vec2 convertFloatTo<tcu::Vec2> (const tcu::Vec3& vertex) { return tcu::Vec2(vertex.x(), vertex.y()); } |
| template<> inline tcu::Vec3 convertFloatTo<tcu::Vec3> (const tcu::Vec3& vertex) { return vertex; } |
| template<> inline tcu::Vec4 convertFloatTo<tcu::Vec4> (const tcu::Vec3& vertex) { return tcu::Vec4(vertex.x(), vertex.y(), vertex.z(), 0.0f); } |
| template<> inline Vec2_16 convertFloatTo<Vec2_16> (const tcu::Vec3& vertex) { return Vec2_16(deFloat32To16(vertex.x()), deFloat32To16(vertex.y())); } |
| template<> inline Vec3_16 convertFloatTo<Vec3_16> (const tcu::Vec3& vertex) { return Vec3_16(deFloat32To16(vertex.x()), deFloat32To16(vertex.y()), deFloat32To16(vertex.z())); } |
| template<> inline Vec4_16 convertFloatTo<Vec4_16> (const tcu::Vec3& vertex) { return Vec4_16(deFloat32To16(vertex.x()), deFloat32To16(vertex.y()), deFloat32To16(vertex.z()), deFloat32To16(0.0f)); } |
| template<> inline Vec2_16SNorm convertFloatTo<Vec2_16SNorm> (const tcu::Vec3& vertex) { return Vec2_16SNorm(deFloat32ToSNorm<deInt16>(vertex.x()), deFloat32ToSNorm<deInt16>(vertex.y())); } |
| template<> inline Vec3_16SNorm convertFloatTo<Vec3_16SNorm> (const tcu::Vec3& vertex) { return Vec3_16SNorm(deFloat32ToSNorm<deInt16>(vertex.x()), deFloat32ToSNorm<deInt16>(vertex.y()), deFloat32ToSNorm<deInt16>(vertex.z())); } |
| template<> inline Vec4_16SNorm convertFloatTo<Vec4_16SNorm> (const tcu::Vec3& vertex) { return Vec4_16SNorm(deFloat32ToSNorm<deInt16>(vertex.x()), deFloat32ToSNorm<deInt16>(vertex.y()), deFloat32ToSNorm<deInt16>(vertex.z()), deFloat32ToSNorm<deInt16>(0.0f)); } |
| template<> inline tcu::DVec2 convertFloatTo<tcu::DVec2> (const tcu::Vec3& vertex) { return tcu::DVec2(static_cast<double>(vertex.x()), static_cast<double>(vertex.y())); } |
| template<> inline tcu::DVec3 convertFloatTo<tcu::DVec3> (const tcu::Vec3& vertex) { return tcu::DVec3(static_cast<double>(vertex.x()), static_cast<double>(vertex.y()), static_cast<double>(vertex.z())); } |
| template<> inline tcu::DVec4 convertFloatTo<tcu::DVec4> (const tcu::Vec3& vertex) { return tcu::DVec4(static_cast<double>(vertex.x()), static_cast<double>(vertex.y()), static_cast<double>(vertex.z()), 0.0); } |
| template<> inline Vec2_8SNorm convertFloatTo<Vec2_8SNorm> (const tcu::Vec3& vertex) { return Vec2_8SNorm(deFloat32ToSNorm<deInt8>(vertex.x()), deFloat32ToSNorm<deInt8>(vertex.y())); } |
| template<> inline Vec3_8SNorm convertFloatTo<Vec3_8SNorm> (const tcu::Vec3& vertex) { return Vec3_8SNorm(deFloat32ToSNorm<deInt8>(vertex.x()), deFloat32ToSNorm<deInt8>(vertex.y()), deFloat32ToSNorm<deInt8>(vertex.z())); } |
| template<> inline Vec4_8SNorm convertFloatTo<Vec4_8SNorm> (const tcu::Vec3& vertex) { return Vec4_8SNorm(deFloat32ToSNorm<deInt8>(vertex.x()), deFloat32ToSNorm<deInt8>(vertex.y()), deFloat32ToSNorm<deInt8>(vertex.z()), deFloat32ToSNorm<deInt8>(0.0f)); } |
| |
| template<typename V> V convertIndexTo (deUint32 index); |
| template<> inline EmptyIndex convertIndexTo<EmptyIndex> (deUint32 index) { DE_UNREF(index); TCU_THROW(TestError, "Cannot add empty index"); } |
| template<> inline deUint16 convertIndexTo<deUint16> (deUint32 index) { return static_cast<deUint16>(index); } |
| template<> inline deUint32 convertIndexTo<deUint32> (deUint32 index) { return index; } |
| |
| template<typename V, typename I> |
| class RaytracedGeometry : public RaytracedGeometryBase |
| { |
| public: |
| RaytracedGeometry () = delete; |
| RaytracedGeometry (const RaytracedGeometry& geometry) = delete; |
| RaytracedGeometry (VkGeometryTypeKHR geometryType, deUint32 paddingBlocks = 0u); |
| RaytracedGeometry (VkGeometryTypeKHR geometryType, const std::vector<V>& vertices, const std::vector<I>& indices = std::vector<I>(), deUint32 paddingBlocks = 0u); |
| |
| deUint32 getVertexCount (void) const override; |
| const deUint8* getVertexPointer (void) const override; |
| VkDeviceSize getVertexStride (void) const override; |
| VkDeviceSize getAABBStride (void) const override; |
| size_t getVertexByteSize (void) const override; |
| deUint32 getIndexCount (void) const override; |
| const deUint8* getIndexPointer (void) const override; |
| VkDeviceSize getIndexStride (void) const override; |
| size_t getIndexByteSize (void) const override; |
| deUint32 getPrimitiveCount (void) const override; |
| |
| void addVertex (const tcu::Vec3& vertex) override; |
| void addIndex (const deUint32& index) override; |
| |
| private: |
| void init (); // To be run in constructors. |
| void checkGeometryType () const; // Checks geometry type is valid. |
| void calcBlockSize (); // Calculates and saves vertex buffer block size. |
| size_t getBlockSize () const; // Return stored vertex buffer block size. |
| void addNativeVertex (const V& vertex); // Adds new vertex in native format. |
| |
| // The implementation below stores vertices as byte blocks to take the requested padding into account. m_vertices is the array |
| // of bytes containing vertex data. |
| // |
| // For triangles, the padding block has a size that is a multiple of the vertex size and each vertex is stored in a byte block |
| // equivalent to: |
| // |
| // struct Vertex |
| // { |
| // V vertex; |
| // deUint8 padding[m_paddingBlocks * sizeof(V)]; |
| // }; |
| // |
| // For AABBs, the padding block has a size that is a multiple of kAABBPadBaseSize (see below) and vertices are stored in pairs |
| // before the padding block. This is equivalent to: |
| // |
| // struct VertexPair |
| // { |
| // V vertices[2]; |
| // deUint8 padding[m_paddingBlocks * kAABBPadBaseSize]; |
| // }; |
| // |
| // The size of each pseudo-structure above is saved to one of the correspoding union members below. |
| union BlockSize |
| { |
| size_t trianglesBlockSize; |
| size_t aabbsBlockSize; |
| }; |
| |
| const deUint32 m_paddingBlocks; |
| size_t m_vertexCount; |
| std::vector<deUint8> m_vertices; // Vertices are stored as byte blocks. |
| std::vector<I> m_indices; // Indices are stored natively. |
| BlockSize m_blockSize; // For m_vertices. |
| |
| // Data sizes. |
| static constexpr size_t kVertexSize = sizeof(V); |
| static constexpr size_t kIndexSize = sizeof(I); |
| static constexpr size_t kAABBPadBaseSize = 8; // As required by the spec. |
| }; |
| |
| template<typename V, typename I> |
| RaytracedGeometry<V, I>::RaytracedGeometry (VkGeometryTypeKHR geometryType, deUint32 paddingBlocks) |
| : RaytracedGeometryBase(geometryType, vertexFormatFromType<V>(), indexTypeFromType<I>()) |
| , m_paddingBlocks(paddingBlocks) |
| , m_vertexCount(0) |
| { |
| init(); |
| } |
| |
| template<typename V, typename I> |
| RaytracedGeometry<V,I>::RaytracedGeometry (VkGeometryTypeKHR geometryType, const std::vector<V>& vertices, const std::vector<I>& indices, deUint32 paddingBlocks) |
| : RaytracedGeometryBase(geometryType, vertexFormatFromType<V>(), indexTypeFromType<I>()) |
| , m_paddingBlocks(paddingBlocks) |
| , m_vertexCount(0) |
| , m_vertices() |
| , m_indices(indices) |
| { |
| init(); |
| for (const auto& vertex : vertices) |
| addNativeVertex(vertex); |
| } |
| |
| template<typename V, typename I> |
| deUint32 RaytracedGeometry<V,I>::getVertexCount (void) const |
| { |
| return (isTrianglesType() ? static_cast<deUint32>(m_vertexCount) : 0u); |
| } |
| |
| template<typename V, typename I> |
| const deUint8* RaytracedGeometry<V, I>::getVertexPointer (void) const |
| { |
| DE_ASSERT(!m_vertices.empty()); |
| return reinterpret_cast<const deUint8*>(m_vertices.data()); |
| } |
| |
| template<typename V, typename I> |
| VkDeviceSize RaytracedGeometry<V,I>::getVertexStride (void) const |
| { |
| return ((!isTrianglesType()) ? 0ull : static_cast<VkDeviceSize>(getBlockSize())); |
| } |
| |
| template<typename V, typename I> |
| VkDeviceSize RaytracedGeometry<V, I>::getAABBStride (void) const |
| { |
| return (isTrianglesType() ? 0ull : static_cast<VkDeviceSize>(getBlockSize())); |
| } |
| |
| template<typename V, typename I> |
| size_t RaytracedGeometry<V, I>::getVertexByteSize (void) const |
| { |
| return m_vertices.size(); |
| } |
| |
| template<typename V, typename I> |
| deUint32 RaytracedGeometry<V, I>::getIndexCount (void) const |
| { |
| return static_cast<deUint32>(isTrianglesType() ? m_indices.size() : 0); |
| } |
| |
| template<typename V, typename I> |
| const deUint8* RaytracedGeometry<V, I>::getIndexPointer (void) const |
| { |
| const auto indexCount = getIndexCount(); |
| DE_UNREF(indexCount); // For release builds. |
| DE_ASSERT(indexCount > 0u); |
| |
| return reinterpret_cast<const deUint8*>(m_indices.data()); |
| } |
| |
| template<typename V, typename I> |
| VkDeviceSize RaytracedGeometry<V, I>::getIndexStride (void) const |
| { |
| return static_cast<VkDeviceSize>(kIndexSize); |
| } |
| |
| template<typename V, typename I> |
| size_t RaytracedGeometry<V, I>::getIndexByteSize (void) const |
| { |
| const auto indexCount = getIndexCount(); |
| DE_ASSERT(indexCount > 0u); |
| |
| return (indexCount * kIndexSize); |
| } |
| |
| template<typename V, typename I> |
| deUint32 RaytracedGeometry<V,I>::getPrimitiveCount (void) const |
| { |
| return static_cast<deUint32>(isTrianglesType() ? (usesIndices() ? m_indices.size() / 3 : m_vertexCount / 3) : (m_vertexCount / 2)); |
| } |
| |
| template<typename V, typename I> |
| void RaytracedGeometry<V, I>::addVertex (const tcu::Vec3& vertex) |
| { |
| addNativeVertex(convertFloatTo<V>(vertex)); |
| } |
| |
| template<typename V, typename I> |
| void RaytracedGeometry<V, I>::addNativeVertex (const V& vertex) |
| { |
| const auto oldSize = m_vertices.size(); |
| const auto blockSize = getBlockSize(); |
| |
| if (isTrianglesType()) |
| { |
| // Reserve new block, copy vertex at the beginning of the new block. |
| m_vertices.resize(oldSize + blockSize, deUint8{0}); |
| deMemcpy(&m_vertices[oldSize], &vertex, kVertexSize); |
| } |
| else // AABB |
| { |
| if (m_vertexCount % 2 == 0) |
| { |
| // New block needed. |
| m_vertices.resize(oldSize + blockSize, deUint8{0}); |
| deMemcpy(&m_vertices[oldSize], &vertex, kVertexSize); |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| // Insert in the second position of last existing block. |
| // |
| // Vertex Size |
| // +-------+ |
| // +-------------+------------+----------------------------------------+ |
| // | | | ... | vertex vertex padding | |
| // +-------------+------------+----------------+-----------------------+ |
| // +-----------------------+ |
| // Block Size |
| // +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
| // Old Size |
| // |
| deMemcpy(&m_vertices[oldSize - blockSize + kVertexSize], &vertex, kVertexSize); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| ++m_vertexCount; |
| } |
| |
| template<typename V, typename I> |
| void RaytracedGeometry<V, I>::addIndex (const deUint32& index) |
| { |
| m_indices.push_back(convertIndexTo<I>(index)); |
| } |
| |
| template<typename V, typename I> |
| void RaytracedGeometry<V, I>::init () |
| { |
| checkGeometryType(); |
| calcBlockSize(); |
| } |
| |
| template<typename V, typename I> |
| void RaytracedGeometry<V, I>::checkGeometryType () const |
| { |
| const auto geometryType = getGeometryType(); |
| DE_UNREF(geometryType); // For release builds. |
| } |
| |
| template<typename V, typename I> |
| void RaytracedGeometry<V, I>::calcBlockSize () |
| { |
| if (isTrianglesType()) |
| m_blockSize.trianglesBlockSize = kVertexSize * static_cast<size_t>(1u + m_paddingBlocks); |
| else |
| m_blockSize.aabbsBlockSize = 2 * kVertexSize + m_paddingBlocks * kAABBPadBaseSize; |
| } |
| |
| template<typename V, typename I> |
| size_t RaytracedGeometry<V, I>::getBlockSize () const |
| { |
| return (isTrianglesType() ? m_blockSize.trianglesBlockSize : m_blockSize.aabbsBlockSize); |
| } |
| |
| de::SharedPtr<RaytracedGeometryBase> makeRaytracedGeometry (VkGeometryTypeKHR geometryType, VkFormat vertexFormat, VkIndexType indexType, bool padVertices = false); |
| |
| VkDeviceAddress getBufferDeviceAddress ( const DeviceInterface& vkd, |
| const VkDevice device, |
| const VkBuffer buffer, |
| VkDeviceSize offset ); |
| |
| // type used for creating a deep serialization/deserialization of top-level acceleration structures |
| class SerialInfo |
| { |
| std::vector<deUint64> m_addresses; |
| std::vector<VkDeviceSize> m_sizes; |
| public: |
| |
| SerialInfo() = default; |
| |
| // addresses: { (owner-top-level AS address) [, (first bottom_level AS address), (second bottom_level AS address), ...] } |
| // sizes: { (owner-top-level AS serial size) [, (first bottom_level AS serial size), (second bottom_level AS serial size), ...] } |
| SerialInfo(const std::vector<deUint64>& addresses, const std::vector<VkDeviceSize>& sizes) |
| : m_addresses(addresses), m_sizes(sizes) |
| { |
| DE_ASSERT(!addresses.empty() && addresses.size() == sizes.size()); |
| } |
| |
| const std::vector<deUint64>& addresses () const { return m_addresses; } |
| const std::vector<VkDeviceSize>& sizes () const { return m_sizes; } |
| }; |
| |
| class SerialStorage |
| { |
| public: |
| enum |
| { |
| DE_SERIALIZED_FIELD(DRIVER_UUID, VK_UUID_SIZE), // VK_UUID_SIZE bytes of data matching VkPhysicalDeviceIDProperties::driverUUID |
| DE_SERIALIZED_FIELD(COMPAT_UUID, VK_UUID_SIZE), // VK_UUID_SIZE bytes of data identifying the compatibility for comparison using vkGetDeviceAccelerationStructureCompatibilityKHR |
| DE_SERIALIZED_FIELD(SERIALIZED_SIZE, sizeof(deUint64)), // A 64-bit integer of the total size matching the value queried using VK_QUERY_TYPE_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_SERIALIZATION_SIZE_KHR |
| DE_SERIALIZED_FIELD(DESERIALIZED_SIZE, sizeof(deUint64)), // A 64-bit integer of the deserialized size to be passed in to VkAccelerationStructureCreateInfoKHR::size |
| DE_SERIALIZED_FIELD(HANDLES_COUNT, sizeof(deUint64)), // A 64-bit integer of the count of the number of acceleration structure handles following. This will be zero for a bottom-level acceleration structure. |
| }; |
| |
| // An old fashion C-style structure that simplifies an access to the AS header |
| struct alignas(16) AccelerationStructureHeader |
| { |
| union { |
| struct { |
| deUint8 driverUUID[VK_UUID_SIZE]; |
| deUint8 compactUUID[VK_UUID_SIZE]; |
| }; |
| deUint8 uuids[VK_UUID_SIZE * 2]; |
| }; |
| deUint64 serializedSize; |
| deUint64 deserializedSize; |
| deUint64 handleCount; |
| VkDeviceAddress handleArray[1]; |
| }; |
| |
| SerialStorage () = delete; |
| SerialStorage (const DeviceInterface& vk, |
| const VkDevice device, |
| Allocator& allocator, |
| const VkAccelerationStructureBuildTypeKHR buildType, |
| const VkDeviceSize storageSize); |
| // An additional constructor for creating a deep copy of top-level AS's. |
| SerialStorage (const DeviceInterface& vk, |
| const VkDevice device, |
| Allocator& allocator, |
| const VkAccelerationStructureBuildTypeKHR buildType, |
| const SerialInfo& SerialInfo); |
| |
| // below methods will return host addres if AS was build on cpu and device addres when it was build on gpu |
| VkDeviceOrHostAddressKHR getAddress (const DeviceInterface& vk, |
| const VkDevice device, |
| const VkAccelerationStructureBuildTypeKHR buildType); |
| VkDeviceOrHostAddressConstKHR getAddressConst (const DeviceInterface& vk, |
| const VkDevice device, |
| const VkAccelerationStructureBuildTypeKHR buildType); |
| |
| // this methods retun host address regardless of where AS was built |
| VkDeviceOrHostAddressKHR getHostAddress (VkDeviceSize offset = 0); |
| VkDeviceOrHostAddressConstKHR getHostAddressConst (VkDeviceSize offset = 0); |
| |
| // works the similar way as getHostAddressConst() but returns more readable/intuitive object |
| AccelerationStructureHeader* getASHeader (); |
| bool hasDeepFormat () const; |
| de::SharedPtr<SerialStorage> getBottomStorage (deUint32 index) const; |
| |
| VkDeviceSize getStorageSize () const; |
| const SerialInfo& getSerialInfo () const; |
| deUint64 getDeserializedSize (); |
| |
| protected: |
| const VkAccelerationStructureBuildTypeKHR m_buildType; |
| const VkDeviceSize m_storageSize; |
| const SerialInfo m_serialInfo; |
| de::MovePtr<BufferWithMemory> m_buffer; |
| std::vector<de::SharedPtr<SerialStorage>> m_bottoms; |
| }; |
| |
| class BottomLevelAccelerationStructure |
| { |
| public: |
| static deUint32 getRequiredAllocationCount (void); |
| |
| BottomLevelAccelerationStructure (); |
| BottomLevelAccelerationStructure (const BottomLevelAccelerationStructure& other) = delete; |
| virtual ~BottomLevelAccelerationStructure (); |
| |
| virtual void setGeometryData (const std::vector<tcu::Vec3>& geometryData, |
| const bool triangles, |
| const VkGeometryFlagsKHR geometryFlags = 0u ); |
| virtual void setDefaultGeometryData (const VkShaderStageFlagBits testStage, |
| const VkGeometryFlagsKHR geometryFlags = 0u ); |
| virtual void setGeometryCount (const size_t geometryCount); |
| virtual void addGeometry (de::SharedPtr<RaytracedGeometryBase>& raytracedGeometry); |
| virtual void addGeometry (const std::vector<tcu::Vec3>& geometryData, |
| const bool triangles, |
| const VkGeometryFlagsKHR geometryFlags = 0u ); |
| |
| virtual void setBuildType (const VkAccelerationStructureBuildTypeKHR buildType) = DE_NULL; |
| virtual void setCreateFlags (const VkAccelerationStructureCreateFlagsKHR createFlags) = DE_NULL; |
| virtual void setCreateGeneric (bool createGeneric) = 0; |
| virtual void setBuildFlags (const VkBuildAccelerationStructureFlagsKHR buildFlags) = DE_NULL; |
| virtual void setBuildWithoutGeometries (bool buildWithoutGeometries) = 0; |
| virtual void setBuildWithoutPrimitives (bool buildWithoutPrimitives) = 0; |
| virtual void setDeferredOperation (const bool deferredOperation, |
| const deUint32 workerThreadCount = 0u ) = DE_NULL; |
| virtual void setUseArrayOfPointers (const bool useArrayOfPointers) = DE_NULL; |
| virtual void setIndirectBuildParameters (const VkBuffer indirectBuffer, |
| const VkDeviceSize indirectBufferOffset, |
| const deUint32 indirectBufferStride) = DE_NULL; |
| virtual VkBuildAccelerationStructureFlagsKHR getBuildFlags () const = DE_NULL; |
| VkDeviceSize getStructureSize () const; |
| |
| // methods specific for each acceleration structure |
| virtual void create (const DeviceInterface& vk, |
| const VkDevice device, |
| Allocator& allocator, |
| VkDeviceSize structureSize, |
| VkDeviceAddress deviceAddress = 0u) = DE_NULL; |
| virtual void build (const DeviceInterface& vk, |
| const VkDevice device, |
| const VkCommandBuffer cmdBuffer) = DE_NULL; |
| virtual void copyFrom (const DeviceInterface& vk, |
| const VkDevice device, |
| const VkCommandBuffer cmdBuffer, |
| BottomLevelAccelerationStructure* accelerationStructure, |
| bool compactCopy) = DE_NULL; |
| |
| virtual void serialize (const DeviceInterface& vk, |
| const VkDevice device, |
| const VkCommandBuffer cmdBuffer, |
| SerialStorage* storage) = DE_NULL; |
| virtual void deserialize (const DeviceInterface& vk, |
| const VkDevice device, |
| const VkCommandBuffer cmdBuffer, |
| SerialStorage* storage) = DE_NULL; |
| |
| // helper methods for typical acceleration structure creation tasks |
| void createAndBuild (const DeviceInterface& vk, |
| const VkDevice device, |
| const VkCommandBuffer cmdBuffer, |
| Allocator& allocator, |
| VkDeviceAddress deviceAddress = 0u ); |
| void createAndCopyFrom (const DeviceInterface& vk, |
| const VkDevice device, |
| const VkCommandBuffer cmdBuffer, |
| Allocator& allocator, |
| BottomLevelAccelerationStructure* accelerationStructure, |
| VkDeviceSize compactCopySize = 0u, |
| VkDeviceAddress deviceAddress = 0u); |
| void createAndDeserializeFrom (const DeviceInterface& vk, |
| const VkDevice device, |
| const VkCommandBuffer cmdBuffer, |
| Allocator& allocator, |
| SerialStorage* storage, |
| VkDeviceAddress deviceAddress = 0u); |
| |
| virtual const VkAccelerationStructureKHR* getPtr (void) const = DE_NULL; |
| protected: |
| std::vector<de::SharedPtr<RaytracedGeometryBase>> m_geometriesData; |
| VkDeviceSize m_structureSize; |
| VkDeviceSize m_updateScratchSize; |
| VkDeviceSize m_buildScratchSize; |
| }; |
| |
| de::MovePtr<BottomLevelAccelerationStructure> makeBottomLevelAccelerationStructure (); |
| |
| struct InstanceData |
| { |
| InstanceData (VkTransformMatrixKHR matrix_, |
| deUint32 instanceCustomIndex_, |
| deUint32 mask_, |
| deUint32 instanceShaderBindingTableRecordOffset_, |
| VkGeometryInstanceFlagsKHR flags_) |
| : matrix(matrix_), instanceCustomIndex(instanceCustomIndex_), mask(mask_), instanceShaderBindingTableRecordOffset(instanceShaderBindingTableRecordOffset_), flags(flags_) |
| { |
| } |
| VkTransformMatrixKHR matrix; |
| deUint32 instanceCustomIndex; |
| deUint32 mask; |
| deUint32 instanceShaderBindingTableRecordOffset; |
| VkGeometryInstanceFlagsKHR flags; |
| }; |
| |
| class TopLevelAccelerationStructure |
| { |
| public: |
| static deUint32 getRequiredAllocationCount (void); |
| |
| TopLevelAccelerationStructure (); |
| TopLevelAccelerationStructure (const TopLevelAccelerationStructure& other) = delete; |
| virtual ~TopLevelAccelerationStructure (); |
| |
| virtual void setInstanceCount (const size_t instanceCount); |
| virtual void addInstance (de::SharedPtr<BottomLevelAccelerationStructure> bottomLevelStructure, |
| const VkTransformMatrixKHR& matrix = identityMatrix3x4, |
| deUint32 instanceCustomIndex = 0, |
| deUint32 mask = 0xFF, |
| deUint32 instanceShaderBindingTableRecordOffset = 0, |
| VkGeometryInstanceFlagsKHR flags = VkGeometryInstanceFlagBitsKHR(0u) ); |
| |
| virtual void setBuildType (const VkAccelerationStructureBuildTypeKHR buildType) = DE_NULL; |
| virtual void setCreateFlags (const VkAccelerationStructureCreateFlagsKHR createFlags) = DE_NULL; |
| virtual void setCreateGeneric (bool createGeneric) = 0; |
| virtual void setBuildFlags (const VkBuildAccelerationStructureFlagsKHR buildFlags) = DE_NULL; |
| virtual void setBuildWithoutPrimitives (bool buildWithoutPrimitives) = 0; |
| virtual void setInactiveInstances (bool inactiveInstances) = 0; |
| virtual void setDeferredOperation (const bool deferredOperation, |
| const deUint32 workerThreadCount = 0u) = DE_NULL; |
| virtual void setUseArrayOfPointers (const bool useArrayOfPointers) = DE_NULL; |
| virtual void setIndirectBuildParameters (const VkBuffer indirectBuffer, |
| const VkDeviceSize indirectBufferOffset, |
| const deUint32 indirectBufferStride) = DE_NULL; |
| virtual void setUsePPGeometries (const bool usePPGeometries) = 0; |
| virtual VkBuildAccelerationStructureFlagsKHR getBuildFlags () const = DE_NULL; |
| VkDeviceSize getStructureSize () const; |
| |
| // methods specific for each acceleration structure |
| virtual void create (const DeviceInterface& vk, |
| const VkDevice device, |
| Allocator& allocator, |
| VkDeviceSize structureSize = 0u, |
| VkDeviceAddress deviceAddress = 0u ) = DE_NULL; |
| virtual void build (const DeviceInterface& vk, |
| const VkDevice device, |
| const VkCommandBuffer cmdBuffer) = DE_NULL; |
| virtual void copyFrom (const DeviceInterface& vk, |
| const VkDevice device, |
| const VkCommandBuffer cmdBuffer, |
| TopLevelAccelerationStructure* accelerationStructure, |
| bool compactCopy) = DE_NULL; |
| |
| virtual void serialize (const DeviceInterface& vk, |
| const VkDevice device, |
| const VkCommandBuffer cmdBuffer, |
| SerialStorage* storage) = DE_NULL; |
| virtual void deserialize (const DeviceInterface& vk, |
| const VkDevice device, |
| const VkCommandBuffer cmdBuffer, |
| SerialStorage* storage) = DE_NULL; |
| |
| virtual std::vector<VkDeviceSize> getSerializingSizes (const DeviceInterface& vk, |
| const VkDevice device, |
| const VkQueue queue, |
| const deUint32 queueFamilyIndex) = DE_NULL; |
| |
| virtual std::vector<deUint64> getSerializingAddresses (const DeviceInterface& vk, |
| const VkDevice device) const = DE_NULL; |
| |
| // helper methods for typical acceleration structure creation tasks |
| void createAndBuild (const DeviceInterface& vk, |
| const VkDevice device, |
| const VkCommandBuffer cmdBuffer, |
| Allocator& allocator, |
| VkDeviceAddress deviceAddress = 0u ); |
| void createAndCopyFrom (const DeviceInterface& vk, |
| const VkDevice device, |
| const VkCommandBuffer cmdBuffer, |
| Allocator& allocator, |
| TopLevelAccelerationStructure* accelerationStructure, |
| VkDeviceSize compactCopySize = 0u, |
| VkDeviceAddress deviceAddress = 0u); |
| void createAndDeserializeFrom (const DeviceInterface& vk, |
| const VkDevice device, |
| const VkCommandBuffer cmdBuffer, |
| Allocator& allocator, |
| SerialStorage* storage, |
| VkDeviceAddress deviceAddress = 0u); |
| |
| virtual const VkAccelerationStructureKHR* getPtr (void) const = DE_NULL; |
| |
| virtual void updateInstanceMatrix (const DeviceInterface& vk, |
| const VkDevice device, |
| size_t instanceIndex, |
| const VkTransformMatrixKHR& matrix) = 0; |
| |
| protected: |
| std::vector<de::SharedPtr<BottomLevelAccelerationStructure> > m_bottomLevelInstances; |
| std::vector<InstanceData> m_instanceData; |
| VkDeviceSize m_structureSize; |
| VkDeviceSize m_updateScratchSize; |
| VkDeviceSize m_buildScratchSize; |
| |
| virtual void createAndDeserializeBottoms (const DeviceInterface& vk, |
| const VkDevice device, |
| const VkCommandBuffer cmdBuffer, |
| Allocator& allocator, |
| SerialStorage* storage) = DE_NULL; |
| }; |
| |
| de::MovePtr<TopLevelAccelerationStructure> makeTopLevelAccelerationStructure (); |
| |
| template<class ASType> de::MovePtr<ASType> makeAccelerationStructure (); |
| template<> inline de::MovePtr<BottomLevelAccelerationStructure> makeAccelerationStructure () { return makeBottomLevelAccelerationStructure(); } |
| template<> inline de::MovePtr<TopLevelAccelerationStructure> makeAccelerationStructure () { return makeTopLevelAccelerationStructure(); } |
| |
| bool queryAccelerationStructureSize (const DeviceInterface& vk, |
| const VkDevice device, |
| const VkCommandBuffer cmdBuffer, |
| const std::vector<VkAccelerationStructureKHR>& accelerationStructureHandles, |
| VkAccelerationStructureBuildTypeKHR buildType, |
| const VkQueryPool queryPool, |
| VkQueryType queryType, |
| deUint32 firstQuery, |
| std::vector<VkDeviceSize>& results); |
| |
| class RayTracingPipeline |
| { |
| public: |
| RayTracingPipeline (); |
| ~RayTracingPipeline (); |
| |
| void addShader (VkShaderStageFlagBits shaderStage, |
| Move<VkShaderModule> shaderModule, |
| deUint32 group, |
| const VkSpecializationInfo* specializationInfo = nullptr, |
| const VkPipelineShaderStageCreateFlags pipelineShaderStageCreateFlags = static_cast<VkPipelineShaderStageCreateFlags>(0), |
| const void* pipelineShaderStageCreateInfopNext = nullptr); |
| void addShader (VkShaderStageFlagBits shaderStage, |
| de::SharedPtr<Move<VkShaderModule>> shaderModule, |
| deUint32 group, |
| const VkSpecializationInfo* specializationInfoPtr = nullptr, |
| const VkPipelineShaderStageCreateFlags pipelineShaderStageCreateFlags = static_cast<VkPipelineShaderStageCreateFlags>(0), |
| const void* pipelineShaderStageCreateInfopNext = nullptr); |
| void addShader (VkShaderStageFlagBits shaderStage, |
| VkShaderModule shaderModule, |
| deUint32 group, |
| const VkSpecializationInfo* specializationInfo = nullptr, |
| const VkPipelineShaderStageCreateFlags pipelineShaderStageCreateFlags = static_cast<VkPipelineShaderStageCreateFlags>(0), |
| const void* pipelineShaderStageCreateInfopNext = nullptr); |
| void addLibrary (de::SharedPtr<de::MovePtr<RayTracingPipeline>> pipelineLibrary); |
| Move<VkPipeline> createPipeline (const DeviceInterface& vk, |
| const VkDevice device, |
| const VkPipelineLayout pipelineLayout, |
| const std::vector<de::SharedPtr<Move<VkPipeline>>>& pipelineLibraries = std::vector<de::SharedPtr<Move<VkPipeline>>>()); |
| std::vector<de::SharedPtr<Move<VkPipeline>>> createPipelineWithLibraries (const DeviceInterface& vk, |
| const VkDevice device, |
| const VkPipelineLayout pipelineLayout); |
| de::MovePtr<BufferWithMemory> createShaderBindingTable (const DeviceInterface& vk, |
| const VkDevice device, |
| const VkPipeline pipeline, |
| Allocator& allocator, |
| const deUint32& shaderGroupHandleSize, |
| const deUint32 shaderGroupBaseAlignment, |
| const deUint32& firstGroup, |
| const deUint32& groupCount, |
| const VkBufferCreateFlags& additionalBufferCreateFlags = VkBufferCreateFlags(0u), |
| const VkBufferUsageFlags& additionalBufferUsageFlags = VkBufferUsageFlags(0u), |
| const MemoryRequirement& additionalMemoryRequirement = MemoryRequirement::Any, |
| const VkDeviceAddress& opaqueCaptureAddress = 0u, |
| const deUint32 shaderBindingTableOffset = 0u, |
| const deUint32 shaderRecordSize = 0u, |
| const void** shaderGroupDataPtrPerGroup = nullptr); |
| void setCreateFlags (const VkPipelineCreateFlags& pipelineCreateFlags); |
| void setMaxRecursionDepth (const deUint32& maxRecursionDepth); |
| void setMaxPayloadSize (const deUint32& maxPayloadSize); |
| void setMaxAttributeSize (const deUint32& maxAttributeSize); |
| void setDeferredOperation (const bool deferredOperation, |
| const deUint32 workerThreadCount = 0); |
| void addDynamicState (const VkDynamicState& dynamicState); |
| |
| |
| protected: |
| Move<VkPipeline> createPipelineKHR (const DeviceInterface& vk, |
| const VkDevice device, |
| const VkPipelineLayout pipelineLayout, |
| const std::vector<de::SharedPtr<Move<VkPipeline>>>& pipelineLibraries); |
| |
| std::vector<de::SharedPtr<Move<VkShaderModule> > > m_shadersModules; |
| std::vector<de::SharedPtr<de::MovePtr<RayTracingPipeline>>> m_pipelineLibraries; |
| std::vector<VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo> m_shaderCreateInfos; |
| std::vector<VkRayTracingShaderGroupCreateInfoKHR> m_shadersGroupCreateInfos; |
| VkPipelineCreateFlags m_pipelineCreateFlags; |
| deUint32 m_maxRecursionDepth; |
| deUint32 m_maxPayloadSize; |
| deUint32 m_maxAttributeSize; |
| bool m_deferredOperation; |
| deUint32 m_workerThreadCount; |
| std::vector<VkDynamicState> m_dynamicStates; |
| }; |
| |
| class RayTracingProperties |
| { |
| protected: |
| RayTracingProperties () {} |
| |
| public: |
| RayTracingProperties (const InstanceInterface& vki, |
| const VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice) { DE_UNREF(vki); DE_UNREF(physicalDevice); } |
| virtual ~RayTracingProperties () {} |
| |
| virtual deUint32 getShaderGroupHandleSize (void) = DE_NULL; |
| virtual deUint32 getMaxRecursionDepth (void) = DE_NULL; |
| virtual deUint32 getMaxShaderGroupStride (void) = DE_NULL; |
| virtual deUint32 getShaderGroupBaseAlignment (void) = DE_NULL; |
| virtual deUint64 getMaxGeometryCount (void) = DE_NULL; |
| virtual deUint64 getMaxInstanceCount (void) = DE_NULL; |
| virtual deUint64 getMaxPrimitiveCount (void) = DE_NULL; |
| virtual deUint32 getMaxDescriptorSetAccelerationStructures (void) = DE_NULL; |
| virtual deUint32 getMaxRayDispatchInvocationCount (void) = DE_NULL; |
| virtual deUint32 getMaxRayHitAttributeSize (void) = DE_NULL; |
| }; |
| |
| de::MovePtr<RayTracingProperties> makeRayTracingProperties (const InstanceInterface& vki, |
| const VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice); |
| |
| void cmdTraceRays (const DeviceInterface& vk, |
| VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, |
| const VkStridedDeviceAddressRegionKHR* raygenShaderBindingTableRegion, |
| const VkStridedDeviceAddressRegionKHR* missShaderBindingTableRegion, |
| const VkStridedDeviceAddressRegionKHR* hitShaderBindingTableRegion, |
| const VkStridedDeviceAddressRegionKHR* callableShaderBindingTableRegion, |
| deUint32 width, |
| deUint32 height, |
| deUint32 depth); |
| |
| void cmdTraceRaysIndirect (const DeviceInterface& vk, |
| VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, |
| const VkStridedDeviceAddressRegionKHR* raygenShaderBindingTableRegion, |
| const VkStridedDeviceAddressRegionKHR* missShaderBindingTableRegion, |
| const VkStridedDeviceAddressRegionKHR* hitShaderBindingTableRegion, |
| const VkStridedDeviceAddressRegionKHR* callableShaderBindingTableRegion, |
| VkDeviceAddress indirectDeviceAddress); |
| } // vk |
| |