| /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| * Vulkan Conformance Tests |
| * ------------------------ |
| * |
| * Copyright (c) 2018 Google Inc. |
| * |
| * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| * You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| * |
| * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| * |
| * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| * limitations under the License. |
| * |
| *//*! |
| * \file |
| * \brief SPIR-V Assembly Tests for indexing with access chain operations. |
| *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| #include "vktSpvAsmIndexingTests.hpp" |
| #include "vktSpvAsmComputeShaderCase.hpp" |
| #include "vktSpvAsmComputeShaderTestUtil.hpp" |
| #include "vktSpvAsmGraphicsShaderTestUtil.hpp" |
| |
| #include "tcuStringTemplate.hpp" |
| #include "tcuVectorUtil.hpp" |
| |
| namespace vkt |
| { |
| namespace SpirVAssembly |
| { |
| |
| using namespace vk; |
| using std::map; |
| using std::string; |
| using std::vector; |
| using std::pair; |
| using tcu::IVec3; |
| using tcu::RGBA; |
| using tcu::UVec4; |
| using tcu::Vec4; |
| using tcu::Mat4; |
| using tcu::StringTemplate; |
| |
| namespace |
| { |
| |
| enum ChainOp |
| { |
| |
| }; |
| static const int idxSizes[] = { 16, 32, 64 }; |
| static const string chainOpTestNames[] = { "opaccesschain", "opinboundsaccesschain", "opptraccesschain" }; |
| |
| struct InputData |
| { |
| Mat4 matrix[32][32]; |
| }; |
| |
| void addComputeIndexingStructTests (tcu::TestCaseGroup* group) |
| { |
| tcu::TestContext& testCtx = group->getTestContext(); |
| de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> structGroup (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "struct", "Tests for indexing input struct.")); |
| de::Random rnd (deStringHash(group->getName())); |
| const int numItems = 128; |
| const int numStructs = 2; |
| const int numInputFloats = (int)sizeof(InputData) / 4 * numStructs; |
| vector<float> inputData; |
| vector<UVec4> indexSelectorData; |
| |
| inputData.reserve(numInputFloats); |
| for (deUint32 numIdx = 0; numIdx < numInputFloats; ++numIdx) |
| inputData.push_back(rnd.getFloat()); |
| |
| indexSelectorData.reserve(numItems); |
| for (deUint32 numIdx = 0; numIdx < numItems; ++numIdx) |
| indexSelectorData.push_back(tcu::randomVector<deUint32, 4>(rnd, UVec4(0), UVec4(31, 31, 3, 3))); |
| |
| for (int chainOpIdx = 0; chainOpIdx < CHAIN_OP_LAST; ++chainOpIdx) |
| { |
| for (int idxSizeIdx = 0; idxSizeIdx < DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(idxSizes); ++idxSizeIdx) |
| { |
| for (int sign = 0; sign < 2; ++sign) |
| { |
| const int idxSize = idxSizes[idxSizeIdx]; |
| const string testName = chainOpTestNames[chainOpIdx] + string(sign == 0 ? "_u" : "_s") + de::toString(idxSize); |
| VulkanFeatures vulkanFeatures; |
| map<string, string> specs; |
| vector<float> outputData; |
| ComputeShaderSpec spec; |
| int element = 0; |
| |
| // Index an input buffer containing 2D array of 4x4 matrices. The indices are read from another |
| // input and converted to the desired bit size and sign. |
| const StringTemplate shaderSource( |
| " OpCapability Shader\n" |
| " ${intcaps:opt}\n" |
| " ${variablepointercaps:opt}\n" |
| " ${extensions:opt}\n" |
| " %1 = OpExtInstImport \"GLSL.std.450\"\n" |
| " OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450\n" |
| " OpEntryPoint GLCompute %main \"main\" %gl_GlobalInvocationID\n" |
| " OpExecutionMode %main LocalSize 1 1 1\n" |
| " OpSource GLSL 430\n" |
| " OpDecorate %gl_GlobalInvocationID BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n" |
| " OpDecorate %_arr_float_uint_128 ArrayStride 4\n" |
| " OpMemberDecorate %Output 0 Offset 0\n" |
| " OpDecorate %Output BufferBlock\n" |
| " OpDecorate %dataOutput DescriptorSet 0\n" |
| " OpDecorate %dataOutput Binding 2\n" |
| " OpDecorate %_arr_mat4v4float_uint_32 ArrayStride 64\n" |
| " OpDecorate %_arr__arr_mat4v4float_uint_32_uint_32 ArrayStride 2048\n" |
| " OpMemberDecorate %InputStruct 0 ColMajor\n" |
| " OpMemberDecorate %InputStruct 0 Offset 0\n" |
| " OpMemberDecorate %InputStruct 0 MatrixStride 16\n" |
| " OpDecorate %InputStructArr ArrayStride 65536\n" |
| " OpDecorate %Input ${inputdecoration}\n" |
| " OpMemberDecorate %Input 0 Offset 0\n" |
| " OpDecorate %dataInput DescriptorSet 0\n" |
| " OpDecorate %dataInput Binding 0\n" |
| " OpDecorate %_ptr_buffer_InputStruct ArrayStride 65536\n" |
| " OpDecorate %_arr_v4uint_uint_128 ArrayStride 16\n" |
| " OpMemberDecorate %DataSelector 0 Offset 0\n" |
| " OpDecorate %DataSelector BufferBlock\n" |
| " OpDecorate %selector DescriptorSet 0\n" |
| " OpDecorate %selector Binding 1\n" |
| " %void = OpTypeVoid\n" |
| " %3 = OpTypeFunction %void\n" |
| " %u32 = OpTypeInt 32 0\n" |
| " %i32 = OpTypeInt 32 1\n" |
| "${intdecl:opt}" |
| " %idx_0 = OpConstant ${idx_int} 0\n" |
| " %idx_1 = OpConstant ${idx_int} 1\n" |
| " %idx_2 = OpConstant ${idx_int} 2\n" |
| " %idx_3 = OpConstant ${idx_int} 3\n" |
| " %_ptr_Function_uint32 = OpTypePointer Function %u32\n" |
| " %v3uint32 = OpTypeVector %u32 3\n" |
| " %_ptr_Input_v3uint32 = OpTypePointer Input %v3uint32\n" |
| " %gl_GlobalInvocationID = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_v3uint32 Input\n" |
| " %_ptr_Input_uint32 = OpTypePointer Input %u32\n" |
| " %float = OpTypeFloat 32\n" |
| " %uint_128 = OpConstant %u32 128\n" |
| " %uint_32 = OpConstant %u32 32\n" |
| " %uint_2 = OpConstant %u32 2\n" |
| " %_arr_float_uint_128 = OpTypeArray %float %uint_128\n" |
| " %Output = OpTypeStruct %_arr_float_uint_128\n" |
| " %_ptr_Uniform_Output = OpTypePointer Uniform %Output\n" |
| " %dataOutput = OpVariable %_ptr_Uniform_Output Uniform\n" |
| " %v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4\n" |
| " %mat4v4float = OpTypeMatrix %v4float 4\n" |
| " %_arr_mat4v4float_uint_32 = OpTypeArray %mat4v4float %uint_32\n" |
| " %_arr__arr_mat4v4float_uint_32_uint_32 = OpTypeArray %_arr_mat4v4float_uint_32 %uint_32\n" |
| " %InputStruct = OpTypeStruct %_arr__arr_mat4v4float_uint_32_uint_32\n" |
| " %InputStructArr = OpTypeArray %InputStruct %uint_2\n" |
| " %Input = OpTypeStruct %InputStructArr\n" |
| " %_ptr_buffer_Input = OpTypePointer ${inputstorageclass} %Input\n" |
| " %dataInput = OpVariable %_ptr_buffer_Input ${inputstorageclass}\n" |
| " %_ptr_buffer_InputStruct = OpTypePointer ${inputstorageclass} %InputStruct\n" |
| " %v4uint32 = OpTypeVector %u32 4\n" |
| " %_arr_v4uint_uint_128 = OpTypeArray %v4uint32 %uint_128\n" |
| " %DataSelector = OpTypeStruct %_arr_v4uint_uint_128\n" |
| "%_ptr_Uniform_DataSelector = OpTypePointer Uniform %DataSelector\n" |
| " %selector = OpVariable %_ptr_Uniform_DataSelector Uniform\n" |
| " %_ptr_Uniform_uint32 = OpTypePointer Uniform %u32\n" |
| " %_ptr_Uniform_float = OpTypePointer Uniform %float\n" |
| " ${ptr_buffer_float:opt}\n" |
| |
| " %main = OpFunction %void None %3\n" |
| " %5 = OpLabel\n" |
| " %i = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_uint32 Function\n" |
| " %14 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Input_uint32 %gl_GlobalInvocationID %idx_0\n" |
| " %15 = OpLoad %u32 %14\n" |
| " OpStore %i %15\n" |
| " %uint_i = OpLoad %u32 %i\n" |
| " %39 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Uniform_uint32 %selector %idx_0 %uint_i %idx_0\n" |
| " %40 = OpLoad %u32 %39\n" |
| " %43 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Uniform_uint32 %selector %idx_0 %uint_i %idx_1\n" |
| " %44 = OpLoad %u32 %43\n" |
| " %47 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Uniform_uint32 %selector %idx_0 %uint_i %idx_2\n" |
| " %48 = OpLoad %u32 %47\n" |
| " %51 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Uniform_uint32 %selector %idx_0 %uint_i %idx_3\n" |
| " %52 = OpLoad %u32 %51\n" |
| " %i0 = ${convert} ${idx_int} %40\n" |
| " %i1 = ${convert} ${idx_int} %44\n" |
| " %i2 = ${convert} ${idx_int} %48\n" |
| " %i3 = ${convert} ${idx_int} %52\n" |
| " %inputFirstElement = OpAccessChain %_ptr_buffer_InputStruct %dataInput %idx_0 %idx_0\n" |
| " %54 = ${accesschain}\n" |
| " %55 = OpLoad %float %54\n" |
| " %56 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Uniform_float %dataOutput %idx_0 %uint_i\n" |
| " OpStore %56 %55\n" |
| " OpReturn\n" |
| " OpFunctionEnd\n"); |
| |
| |
| switch (chainOpIdx) |
| { |
| specs["accesschain"] = "OpAccessChain %_ptr_Uniform_float %inputFirstElement %idx_0 %i0 %i1 %i2 %i3\n"; |
| specs["inputdecoration"] = "BufferBlock"; |
| specs["inputstorageclass"] = "Uniform"; |
| break; |
| specs["accesschain"] = "OpInBoundsAccessChain %_ptr_Uniform_float %inputFirstElement %idx_0 %i0 %i1 %i2 %i3\n"; |
| specs["inputdecoration"] = "BufferBlock"; |
| specs["inputstorageclass"] = "Uniform"; |
| break; |
| default: |
| specs["accesschain"] = "OpPtrAccessChain %_ptr_StorageBuffer_float %inputFirstElement %idx_1 %idx_0 %i0 %i1 %i2 %i3\n"; |
| specs["inputdecoration"] = "Block"; |
| specs["inputstorageclass"] = "StorageBuffer"; |
| specs["variablepointercaps"] = "OpCapability VariablePointersStorageBuffer"; |
| specs["ptr_buffer_float"] = "%_ptr_StorageBuffer_float = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %float"; |
| specs["extensions"] = "OpExtension \"SPV_KHR_variable_pointers\"\n " |
| "OpExtension \"SPV_KHR_storage_buffer_storage_class\""; |
| element = 1; |
| vulkanFeatures.extVariablePointers.variablePointersStorageBuffer = true; |
| spec.extensions.push_back("VK_KHR_variable_pointers"); |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| spec.inputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(inputData))); |
| spec.inputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Buffer<UVec4>(indexSelectorData))); |
| |
| outputData.reserve(numItems); |
| for (deUint32 numIdx = 0; numIdx < numItems; ++numIdx) |
| { |
| // Determine the selected output float for the selected indices. |
| const UVec4 vec = indexSelectorData[numIdx]; |
| outputData.push_back(inputData[element * sizeof(InputData) / 4 + vec.x() * (32 * 4 * 4) + vec.y() * 4 * 4 + vec.z() * 4 + vec.w()]); |
| } |
| |
| if (idxSize == 16) |
| { |
| specs["intcaps"] = "OpCapability Int16"; |
| specs["convert"] = "OpSConvert"; |
| specs["intdecl"] = " %u16 = OpTypeInt 16 0\n" |
| " %i16 = OpTypeInt 16 1\n"; |
| } |
| else if (idxSize == 64) |
| { |
| specs["intcaps"] = "OpCapability Int64"; |
| specs["convert"] = "OpSConvert"; |
| specs["intdecl"] = " %u64 = OpTypeInt 64 0\n" |
| " %i64 = OpTypeInt 64 1\n"; |
| } else { |
| specs["convert"] = "OpBitcast"; |
| } |
| |
| specs["idx_uint"] = "%u" + de::toString(idxSize); |
| specs["idx_int"] = (sign ? "%i" : "%u") + de::toString(idxSize); |
| |
| spec.assembly = shaderSource.specialize(specs); |
| spec.numWorkGroups = IVec3(numItems, 1, 1); |
| spec.requestedVulkanFeatures = vulkanFeatures; |
| spec.inputs[0].setDescriptorType(VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER); |
| spec.inputs[1].setDescriptorType(VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER); |
| |
| spec.outputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(outputData))); |
| |
| if (idxSize == 16) |
| spec.requestedVulkanFeatures.coreFeatures.shaderInt16 = VK_TRUE; |
| |
| if (idxSize == 64) |
| spec.requestedVulkanFeatures.coreFeatures.shaderInt64 = VK_TRUE; |
| |
| structGroup->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(testCtx, testName.c_str(), testName.c_str(), spec)); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| group->addChild(structGroup.release()); |
| } |
| |
| void addGraphicsIndexingStructTests (tcu::TestCaseGroup* group) |
| { |
| tcu::TestContext& testCtx = group->getTestContext(); |
| de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> structGroup (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "struct", "Tests for indexing input struct.")); |
| de::Random rnd (deStringHash(group->getName())); |
| const int numItems = 128; |
| const int numStructs = 2; |
| const int numInputFloats = (int)sizeof(InputData) / 4 * numStructs; |
| RGBA defaultColors[4]; |
| vector<float> inputData; |
| vector<UVec4> indexSelectorData; |
| |
| inputData.reserve(numInputFloats); |
| for (deUint32 numIdx = 0; numIdx < numInputFloats; ++numIdx) |
| inputData.push_back(rnd.getFloat()); |
| |
| indexSelectorData.reserve(numItems); |
| for (deUint32 numIdx = 0; numIdx < numItems; ++numIdx) |
| indexSelectorData.push_back(tcu::randomVector<deUint32, 4>(rnd, UVec4(0), UVec4(31, 31, 3, 3))); |
| |
| getDefaultColors(defaultColors); |
| |
| for (int chainOpIdx = 0; chainOpIdx < CHAIN_OP_LAST; ++chainOpIdx) |
| { |
| for (int idxSizeIdx = 0; idxSizeIdx < DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(idxSizes); ++idxSizeIdx) |
| { |
| for (int sign = 0; sign < 2; sign++) |
| { |
| const int idxSize = idxSizes[idxSizeIdx]; |
| const string testName = chainOpTestNames[chainOpIdx] + string(sign == 0 ? "_u" : "_s") + de::toString(idxSize); |
| VulkanFeatures vulkanFeatures; |
| vector<string> extensions; |
| SpecConstants noSpecConstants; |
| PushConstants noPushConstants; |
| GraphicsInterfaces noInterfaces; |
| map<string, string> specs; |
| map<string, string> fragments; |
| vector<float> outputData; |
| ComputeShaderSpec spec; |
| int element = 0; |
| GraphicsResources resources; |
| |
| const StringTemplate preMain( |
| "${intdecl:opt}" |
| " %c_i32_128 = OpConstant %i32 128\n" |
| " %uint_0 = OpConstant ${idx_uint} 0\n" |
| " %uint_128 = OpConstant %u32 128\n" |
| " %uint_32 = OpConstant %u32 32\n" |
| " %uint_1 = OpConstant ${idx_uint} 1\n" |
| " %uint_2 = OpConstant ${idx_uint} 2\n" |
| " %uint_3 = OpConstant ${idx_uint} 3\n" |
| " %_arr_float_uint_128 = OpTypeArray %f32 %uint_128\n" |
| " %Output = OpTypeStruct %_arr_float_uint_128\n" |
| " %_ptr_Uniform_Output = OpTypePointer Uniform %Output\n" |
| " %dataOutput = OpVariable %_ptr_Uniform_Output Uniform\n" |
| " %int_0 = OpConstant ${idx_int} 0\n" |
| " %mat4v4float = OpTypeMatrix %v4f32 4\n" |
| " %_arr_mat4v4float_uint_32 = OpTypeArray %mat4v4float %uint_32\n" |
| " %_arr__arr_mat4v4float_uint_32_uint_32 = OpTypeArray %_arr_mat4v4float_uint_32 %uint_32\n" |
| " %InputStruct = OpTypeStruct %_arr__arr_mat4v4float_uint_32_uint_32\n" |
| " %InputStructArr = OpTypeArray %InputStruct %uint_2\n" |
| " %Input = OpTypeStruct %InputStructArr\n" |
| " %_ptr_buffer_Input = OpTypePointer ${inputstorageclass} %Input\n" |
| " %dataInput = OpVariable %_ptr_buffer_Input ${inputstorageclass}\n" |
| " %_ptr_buffer_InputStruct = OpTypePointer ${inputstorageclass} %InputStruct\n" |
| " %_arr_v4uint_uint_128 = OpTypeArray %v4u32 %uint_128\n" |
| " %DataSelector = OpTypeStruct %_arr_v4uint_uint_128\n" |
| "%_ptr_Uniform_DataSelector = OpTypePointer Uniform %DataSelector\n" |
| " %selector = OpVariable %_ptr_Uniform_DataSelector Uniform\n" |
| " %_ptr_Uniform_uint32 = OpTypePointer Uniform %u32\n" |
| " %_ptr_Uniform_float = OpTypePointer Uniform %f32\n" |
| " ${ptr_buffer_float:opt}\n"); |
| |
| |
| const StringTemplate decoration( |
| "OpDecorate %_arr_float_uint_128 ArrayStride 4\n" |
| "OpMemberDecorate %Output 0 Offset 0\n" |
| "OpDecorate %Output BufferBlock\n" |
| "OpDecorate %dataOutput DescriptorSet 0\n" |
| "OpDecorate %dataOutput Binding 2\n" |
| "OpDecorate %_arr_mat4v4float_uint_32 ArrayStride 64\n" |
| "OpDecorate %_arr__arr_mat4v4float_uint_32_uint_32 ArrayStride 2048\n" |
| "OpMemberDecorate %InputStruct 0 ColMajor\n" |
| "OpMemberDecorate %InputStruct 0 Offset 0\n" |
| "OpMemberDecorate %InputStruct 0 MatrixStride 16\n" |
| "OpDecorate %InputStructArr ArrayStride 65536\n" |
| "OpDecorate %Input ${inputdecoration}\n" |
| "OpMemberDecorate %Input 0 Offset 0\n" |
| "OpDecorate %dataInput DescriptorSet 0\n" |
| "OpDecorate %dataInput Binding 0\n" |
| "OpDecorate %_ptr_buffer_InputStruct ArrayStride 65536\n" |
| "OpDecorate %_arr_v4uint_uint_128 ArrayStride 16\n" |
| "OpMemberDecorate %DataSelector 0 Offset 0\n" |
| "OpDecorate %DataSelector BufferBlock\n" |
| "OpDecorate %selector DescriptorSet 0\n" |
| "OpDecorate %selector Binding 1\n"); |
| |
| // Index an input buffer containing 2D array of 4x4 matrices. The indices are read from another |
| // input and converted to the desired bit size and sign. |
| const StringTemplate testFun( |
| " %test_code = OpFunction %v4f32 None %v4f32_v4f32_function\n" |
| " %param = OpFunctionParameter %v4f32\n" |
| |
| " %entry = OpLabel\n" |
| " %i = OpVariable %fp_i32 Function\n" |
| " OpStore %i %c_i32_0\n" |
| " OpBranch %loop\n" |
| |
| " %loop = OpLabel\n" |
| " %15 = OpLoad %i32 %i\n" |
| " %lt = OpSLessThan %bool %15 %c_i32_128\n" |
| " OpLoopMerge %merge %inc None\n" |
| " OpBranchConditional %lt %write %merge\n" |
| |
| " %write = OpLabel\n" |
| " %int_i = OpLoad %i32 %i\n" |
| " %39 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Uniform_uint32 %selector %int_0 %int_i %uint_0\n" |
| " %40 = OpLoad %u32 %39\n" |
| " %43 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Uniform_uint32 %selector %int_0 %int_i %uint_1\n" |
| " %44 = OpLoad %u32 %43\n" |
| " %47 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Uniform_uint32 %selector %int_0 %int_i %uint_2\n" |
| " %48 = OpLoad %u32 %47\n" |
| " %51 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Uniform_uint32 %selector %int_0 %int_i %uint_3\n" |
| " %52 = OpLoad %u32 %51\n" |
| " %i0 = ${convert} ${idx_uint} %40\n" |
| " %i1 = ${convert} ${idx_uint} %44\n" |
| " %i2 = ${convert} ${idx_uint} %48\n" |
| " %i3 = ${convert} ${idx_uint} %52\n" |
| "%inputFirstElement = OpAccessChain %_ptr_buffer_InputStruct %dataInput %uint_0 %uint_0\n" |
| " %54 = ${accesschain}\n" |
| " %55 = OpLoad %f32 %54\n" |
| " %56 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Uniform_float %dataOutput %int_0 %int_i\n" |
| " OpStore %56 %55\n" |
| " OpBranch %inc\n" |
| |
| " %inc = OpLabel\n" |
| " %67 = OpLoad %i32 %i\n" |
| " %69 = OpIAdd %i32 %67 %c_i32_1\n" |
| " OpStore %i %69\n" |
| " OpBranch %loop\n" |
| |
| " %merge = OpLabel\n" |
| " OpReturnValue %param\n" |
| |
| " OpFunctionEnd\n"); |
| |
| resources.inputs.push_back(Resource(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(inputData)), VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER)); |
| resources.inputs.push_back(Resource(BufferSp(new Buffer<UVec4>(indexSelectorData)), VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER)); |
| |
| if (idxSize == 16) |
| { |
| fragments["capability"] = "OpCapability Int16\n"; |
| vulkanFeatures.coreFeatures.shaderInt16 = VK_TRUE; |
| specs["convert"] = "OpUConvert"; |
| specs["intdecl"] = " %u16 = OpTypeInt 16 0\n" |
| " %i16 = OpTypeInt 16 1\n"; |
| } |
| else if (idxSize == 64) |
| { |
| fragments["capability"] = "OpCapability Int64\n"; |
| vulkanFeatures.coreFeatures.shaderInt64 = VK_TRUE; |
| specs["convert"] = "OpUConvert"; |
| specs["intdecl"] = " %u64 = OpTypeInt 64 0\n" |
| " %i64 = OpTypeInt 64 1\n"; |
| } else { |
| specs["convert"] = "OpCopyObject"; |
| } |
| |
| specs["idx_uint"] = "%u" + de::toString(idxSize); |
| specs["idx_int"] = (sign ? "%i" : "%u") + de::toString(idxSize); |
| |
| switch (chainOpIdx) |
| { |
| specs["accesschain"] = "OpAccessChain %_ptr_Uniform_float %inputFirstElement %int_0 %i0 %i1 %i2 %i3\n"; |
| specs["inputdecoration"] = "BufferBlock"; |
| specs["inputstorageclass"] = "Uniform"; |
| break; |
| specs["accesschain"] = "OpInBoundsAccessChain %_ptr_Uniform_float %inputFirstElement %int_0 %i0 %i1 %i2 %i3\n"; |
| specs["inputdecoration"] = "BufferBlock"; |
| specs["inputstorageclass"] = "Uniform"; |
| break; |
| default: |
| specs["accesschain"] = "OpPtrAccessChain %_ptr_StorageBuffer_float %inputFirstElement %uint_1 %int_0 %i0 %i1 %i2 %i3\n"; |
| specs["inputdecoration"] = "Block"; |
| specs["inputstorageclass"] = "StorageBuffer"; |
| specs["ptr_buffer_float"] = "%_ptr_StorageBuffer_float = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %f32"; |
| fragments["capability"] += "OpCapability VariablePointersStorageBuffer"; |
| fragments["extension"] = "OpExtension \"SPV_KHR_variable_pointers\"\nOpExtension \"SPV_KHR_storage_buffer_storage_class\""; |
| extensions.push_back ("VK_KHR_variable_pointers"); |
| vulkanFeatures.extVariablePointers.variablePointersStorageBuffer = true; |
| element = 1; |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| outputData.reserve(numItems); |
| for (deUint32 numIdx = 0; numIdx < numItems; ++numIdx) |
| { |
| // Determine the selected output float for the selected indices. |
| const UVec4 vec = indexSelectorData[numIdx]; |
| outputData.push_back(inputData[element * sizeof(InputData) / 4 + vec.x() * (32 * 4 * 4) + vec.y() * 4 * 4 + vec.z() * 4 + vec.w()]); |
| } |
| |
| resources.outputs.push_back(Resource(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(outputData)), VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER)); |
| |
| vulkanFeatures.coreFeatures.vertexPipelineStoresAndAtomics = true; |
| vulkanFeatures.coreFeatures.fragmentStoresAndAtomics = true; |
| |
| fragments["pre_main"] = preMain.specialize(specs); |
| fragments["decoration"] = decoration.specialize(specs); |
| fragments["testfun"] = testFun.specialize(specs); |
| |
| createTestsForAllStages( |
| testName.c_str(), defaultColors, defaultColors, fragments, noSpecConstants, |
| noPushConstants, resources, noInterfaces, extensions, vulkanFeatures, structGroup.get()); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| group->addChild(structGroup.release()); |
| } |
| |
| void addGraphicsOutputComponentIndexingTests (tcu::TestCaseGroup* testGroup) |
| { |
| RGBA defaultColors[4]; |
| vector<string> noExtensions; |
| map<string, string> fragments = passthruFragments(); |
| const deUint32 numItems = 4; |
| vector<deInt32> inputData; |
| vector<float> outputData; |
| const deInt32 pattern[] = { 2, 0, 1, 3 }; |
| |
| for (deUint32 itemIdx = 0; itemIdx < numItems; ++itemIdx) |
| { |
| Vec4 output(0.0f); |
| output[pattern[itemIdx]] = 1.0f; |
| outputData.push_back(output.x()); |
| outputData.push_back(output.y()); |
| outputData.push_back(output.z()); |
| outputData.push_back(output.w()); |
| inputData.push_back(pattern[itemIdx]); |
| } |
| |
| getDefaultColors(defaultColors); |
| |
| fragments["pre_main"] = |
| " %a3u32 = OpTypeArray %u32 %c_i32_3\n" |
| " %ip_a3u32 = OpTypePointer Input %a3u32\n" |
| "%v4f32_u32_function = OpTypeFunction %v4f32 %u32\n"; |
| |
| fragments["interface_op_call"] = "OpFunctionCall %v4f32 %interface_op_func"; |
| fragments["interface_op_func"] = |
| "%interface_op_func = OpFunction %v4f32 None %v4f32_u32_function\n" |
| " %io_param1 = OpFunctionParameter %u32\n" |
| " %entry = OpLabel\n" |
| " %ret = OpCompositeConstruct %v4f32 %c_f32_0 %c_f32_0 %c_f32_0 %c_f32_0\n" |
| " OpReturnValue %ret\n" |
| " OpFunctionEnd\n"; |
| |
| fragments["post_interface_op_vert"] = fragments["post_interface_op_frag"] = |
| "%cpntPtr = OpAccessChain %op_f32 %IF_output %IF_input_val\n" |
| " OpStore %cpntPtr %c_f32_1\n"; |
| |
| fragments["post_interface_op_tessc"] = |
| "%cpntPtr0 = OpAccessChain %op_f32 %IF_output %c_i32_0 %IF_input_val0\n" |
| " OpStore %cpntPtr0 %c_f32_1\n" |
| "%cpntPtr1 = OpAccessChain %op_f32 %IF_output %c_i32_1 %IF_input_val1\n" |
| " OpStore %cpntPtr1 %c_f32_1\n" |
| "%cpntPtr2 = OpAccessChain %op_f32 %IF_output %c_i32_2 %IF_input_val2\n" |
| " OpStore %cpntPtr2 %c_f32_1\n"; |
| |
| fragments["post_interface_op_tesse"] = fragments["post_interface_op_geom"] = |
| "%cpntPtr = OpAccessChain %op_f32 %IF_output %IF_input_val0\n" |
| " OpStore %cpntPtr %c_f32_1\n"; |
| |
| fragments["input_type"] = "u32"; |
| fragments["output_type"] = "v4f32"; |
| |
| GraphicsInterfaces interfaces; |
| |
| interfaces.setInputOutput(std::make_pair(IFDataType(1, NUMBERTYPE_UINT32), BufferSp(new Int32Buffer(inputData))), |
| std::make_pair(IFDataType(4, NUMBERTYPE_FLOAT32), BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(outputData)))); |
| |
| createTestsForAllStages("component", defaultColors, defaultColors, fragments, interfaces, noExtensions, testGroup); |
| } |
| |
| void addComputeIndexingNon16BaseAlignmentTests (tcu::TestCaseGroup* group) |
| { |
| tcu::TestContext& testCtx = group->getTestContext(); |
| de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> non16BaseAlignmentGroup (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "non16basealignment", "Tests for indexing array with base alignment less than 16.")); |
| de::Random rnd (deStringHash(group->getName())); |
| const int floatArraySize = 18; |
| const int numFloatArrays = 32; |
| |
| const int numInputFloats = floatArraySize * numFloatArrays; |
| const int numOutputFloats = numFloatArrays; |
| vector<float> inputData; |
| VulkanFeatures vulkanFeatures; |
| vector<float> outputData; |
| ComputeShaderSpec spec; |
| const ChainOp chainOps[] = { CHAIN_OP_ACCESS_CHAIN, CHAIN_OP_PTR_ACCESS_CHAIN }; |
| |
| // Input is the following structure: |
| // |
| // struct |
| // { |
| // struct |
| // { |
| // float f[18]; |
| // } struct1[]; |
| // } struct 0; |
| // |
| // Each instance calculates a sum of f[0]..f[17] and outputs the result into float array. |
| string shaderStr = |
| " OpCapability Shader\n" |
| " ${variablepointercaps:opt}\n" |
| " ${extensions:opt}\n" |
| " %1 = OpExtInstImport \"GLSL.std.450\"\n" |
| " OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450\n" |
| " OpEntryPoint GLCompute %main \"main\" %gl_GlobalInvocationID\n" |
| " OpExecutionMode %main LocalSize 1 1 1\n" |
| " OpSource GLSL 430\n" |
| " OpDecorate %gl_GlobalInvocationID BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n" |
| " OpDecorate %input_array ArrayStride 4\n" |
| " OpDecorate %output_array ArrayStride 4\n"; |
| shaderStr += |
| " OpDecorate %runtimearr_struct1 ArrayStride " + de::toString(floatArraySize * 4) + "\n"; |
| shaderStr += |
| " OpDecorate %_ptr_struct1_sb ArrayStride " + de::toString(floatArraySize * 4) + "\n"; |
| shaderStr += |
| " OpMemberDecorate %Output 0 Offset 0\n" |
| " OpDecorate %Output Block\n" |
| " OpDecorate %dataOutput DescriptorSet 0\n" |
| " OpDecorate %dataOutput Binding 1\n" |
| " OpMemberDecorate %struct0 0 Offset 0\n" |
| " OpMemberDecorate %struct1 0 Offset 0\n" |
| " OpDecorate %struct0 Block\n" |
| " OpDecorate %dataInput DescriptorSet 0\n" |
| " OpDecorate %dataInput Binding 0\n" |
| " %void = OpTypeVoid\n" |
| " %3 = OpTypeFunction %void\n" |
| " %u32 = OpTypeInt 32 0\n" |
| " %i32 = OpTypeInt 32 1\n" |
| " %_ptr_Function_uint32 = OpTypePointer Function %u32\n" |
| " %v3uint32 = OpTypeVector %u32 3\n" |
| " %_ptr_Input_v3uint32 = OpTypePointer Input %v3uint32\n" |
| " %gl_GlobalInvocationID = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_v3uint32 Input\n" |
| " %_ptr_Input_uint32 = OpTypePointer Input %u32\n" |
| " %float = OpTypeFloat 32\n"; |
| for (deUint32 floatIdx = 0; floatIdx < floatArraySize + 1; ++floatIdx) |
| shaderStr += string("%uint_") + de::toString(floatIdx) + " = OpConstant %u32 " + de::toString(floatIdx) + "\n"; |
| shaderStr += |
| " %uint_" + de::toString(numFloatArrays) + " = OpConstant %u32 " + de::toString(numFloatArrays) + "\n"; |
| shaderStr += |
| " %input_array = OpTypeArray %float %uint_" + de::toString(floatArraySize) + "\n"; |
| shaderStr += |
| " %output_array = OpTypeArray %float %uint_" + de::toString(numFloatArrays) + "\n"; |
| shaderStr += |
| " %Output = OpTypeStruct %output_array\n" |
| " %_ptr_sb_Output = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %Output\n" |
| " %dataOutput = OpVariable %_ptr_sb_Output StorageBuffer\n" |
| " %struct1 = OpTypeStruct %input_array\n" |
| " %runtimearr_struct1 = OpTypeRuntimeArray %struct1\n" |
| " %struct0 = OpTypeStruct %runtimearr_struct1\n" |
| " %_ptr_struct0_sb = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %struct0\n" |
| " %_ptr_struct1_sb = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %struct1\n" |
| " %_ptr_float_sb = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %float\n" |
| " %dataInput = OpVariable %_ptr_struct0_sb StorageBuffer\n" |
| " %main = OpFunction %void None %3\n" |
| " %entry = OpLabel\n" |
| " %base = OpAccessChain %_ptr_struct1_sb %dataInput %uint_0 %uint_0\n" |
| " %invid_ptr = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Input_uint32 %gl_GlobalInvocationID %uint_0\n" |
| " %invid = OpLoad %u32 %invid_ptr\n"; |
| for (deUint32 floatIdx = 0; floatIdx < floatArraySize; ++floatIdx) |
| { |
| shaderStr += string("%dataPtr") + de::toString(floatIdx) + " = ${chainop} %invid %uint_0 %uint_" + de::toString(floatIdx) + "\n"; |
| if (floatIdx == 0) |
| { |
| shaderStr += "%acc0 = OpLoad %float %dataPtr0\n"; |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| shaderStr += string("%tmp") + de::toString(floatIdx) + " = OpLoad %float %dataPtr" + de::toString(floatIdx) + "\n"; |
| shaderStr += string("%acc") + de::toString(floatIdx) + " = OpFAdd %float %tmp" + de::toString(floatIdx) + " %acc" + de::toString(floatIdx - 1) + "\n"; |
| } |
| } |
| shaderStr += |
| " %outPtr = OpAccessChain %_ptr_float_sb %dataOutput %uint_0 %invid\n"; |
| shaderStr += |
| " OpStore %outPtr %acc" + de::toString(floatArraySize - 1) + "\n"; |
| shaderStr += |
| " OpReturn\n" |
| " OpFunctionEnd\n"; |
| |
| vulkanFeatures.extVariablePointers.variablePointersStorageBuffer = true; |
| spec.extensions.push_back("VK_KHR_variable_pointers"); |
| |
| inputData.reserve(numInputFloats); |
| for (deUint32 numIdx = 0; numIdx < numInputFloats; ++numIdx) |
| { |
| float f = rnd.getFloat(); |
| |
| // CPU might not use the same rounding mode as the GPU. Use whole numbers to avoid rounding differences. |
| f = deFloatFloor(f); |
| |
| inputData.push_back(f); |
| } |
| |
| spec.inputs.push_back(Resource(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(inputData)), VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER)); |
| |
| outputData.reserve(numOutputFloats); |
| for (deUint32 outputIdx = 0; outputIdx < numOutputFloats; ++outputIdx) |
| { |
| float f = 0.0f; |
| for (deUint32 arrIdx = 0; arrIdx < floatArraySize; ++arrIdx) |
| f += inputData[outputIdx * floatArraySize + arrIdx]; |
| outputData.push_back(f); |
| } |
| |
| spec.numWorkGroups = IVec3(numFloatArrays, 1, 1); |
| spec.requestedVulkanFeatures = vulkanFeatures; |
| spec.outputs.push_back(Resource(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(outputData)), VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER)); |
| |
| for (int chainOpIdx = 0; chainOpIdx < DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(chainOps); ++chainOpIdx) |
| { |
| const ChainOp chainOp = chainOps[chainOpIdx]; |
| const string testName = chainOpTestNames[chainOp]; |
| map<string, string> specs; |
| |
| specs["variablepointercaps"] = "OpCapability VariablePointersStorageBuffer"; |
| specs["extensions"] = "OpExtension \"SPV_KHR_variable_pointers\"\n " |
| "OpExtension \"SPV_KHR_storage_buffer_storage_class\""; |
| switch(chainOp) |
| { |
| specs["chainop"] = "OpAccessChain %_ptr_float_sb %dataInput %uint_0"; |
| break; |
| specs["chainop"] = "OpPtrAccessChain %_ptr_float_sb %base"; |
| break; |
| default: |
| DE_FATAL("Unexpected chain op"); |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| spec.assembly = StringTemplate(shaderStr).specialize(specs); |
| |
| non16BaseAlignmentGroup->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(testCtx, testName.c_str(), testName.c_str(), spec)); |
| } |
| |
| group->addChild(non16BaseAlignmentGroup.release()); |
| } |
| |
| } // anonymous |
| |
| tcu::TestCaseGroup* createIndexingComputeGroup (tcu::TestContext& testCtx) |
| { |
| de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> indexingGroup (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "indexing", "Compute tests for data indexing.")); |
| de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> inputGroup (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "input", "Tests for indexing input data.")); |
| |
| addComputeIndexingStructTests(inputGroup.get()); |
| addComputeIndexingNon16BaseAlignmentTests(inputGroup.get()); |
| |
| indexingGroup->addChild(inputGroup.release()); |
| |
| return indexingGroup.release(); |
| } |
| |
| tcu::TestCaseGroup* createIndexingGraphicsGroup (tcu::TestContext& testCtx) |
| { |
| de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> indexingGroup (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "indexing", "Graphics tests for data indexing.")); |
| de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> inputGroup (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "input", "Tests for indexing input data.")); |
| de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> outputGroup (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "output", "Tests for indexing output data.")); |
| |
| addGraphicsIndexingStructTests(inputGroup.get()); |
| addGraphicsOutputComponentIndexingTests(outputGroup.get()); |
| |
| indexingGroup->addChild(inputGroup.release()); |
| indexingGroup->addChild(outputGroup.release()); |
| |
| return indexingGroup.release(); |
| } |
| |
| } // SpirVAssembly |
| } // vkt |