| /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| * Vulkan Conformance Tests |
| * ------------------------ |
| * |
| * Copyright (c) 2018 Google Inc. |
| * |
| * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| * You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| * |
| * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| * |
| * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| * limitations under the License. |
| * |
| *//*! |
| * \file |
| * \brief SPIR-V Assembly tests for composite insert. |
| *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| #include "vktSpvAsmCompositeInsertTests.hpp" |
| #include "vktSpvAsmComputeShaderCase.hpp" |
| #include "vktSpvAsmComputeShaderTestUtil.hpp" |
| #include "vktSpvAsmGraphicsShaderTestUtil.hpp" |
| |
| namespace vkt |
| { |
| namespace SpirVAssembly |
| { |
| |
| using namespace vk; |
| using std::map; |
| using std::string; |
| using std::vector; |
| using tcu::IVec3; |
| using tcu::RGBA; |
| |
| namespace |
| { |
| |
| string getColType (deUint32 rows) |
| { |
| return string("%v") + de::toString(rows) + "f32"; |
| } |
| |
| string getMatrixType (deUint32 cols, deUint32 rows) |
| { |
| return string("%mat") + de::toString(cols) + "v" + de::toString(rows) + "f"; |
| } |
| |
| string getMatrixDeclarations (deUint32 cols, deUint32 rows, bool skipColDecl = false) |
| { |
| string colType = getColType(rows); |
| string colDecl = skipColDecl ? "" : string(" ") + colType + " = OpTypeVector %f32 " + de::toString(rows) + "\n"; |
| string matType = getMatrixType(cols, rows); |
| string matDecl = string(" ") + matType + " = OpTypeMatrix " + colType + " " + de::toString(cols) + "\n"; |
| string outputDecl = string(" %Output = OpTypeStruct ") + matType + "\n"; |
| |
| return colDecl + matDecl + outputDecl; |
| } |
| |
| string getIdentityVectors (deUint32 cols, deUint32 rows) |
| { |
| string ret; |
| |
| for (deUint32 c = 0; c < cols; c++) |
| { |
| string identity = " %identity" + de::toString(c) + " = OpConstantComposite " + getColType(rows) + " "; |
| |
| for (deUint32 r = 0; r < rows; r++) |
| { |
| identity += string("%c_f32_") + (c == r ? "1" : "0") + " "; |
| } |
| |
| identity += "\n"; |
| ret += identity; |
| } |
| |
| return ret; |
| } |
| |
| string getVectorCompositeInserts (deUint32 elements, bool useUndef) |
| { |
| string ret; |
| |
| if (useUndef) |
| ret = " %tmp0 = OpUndef %v" + de::toString(elements) + "f32\n"; |
| else |
| ret = " %tmp0 = OpLoad %v" + de::toString(elements) + "f32 %vec\n"; |
| |
| for (deUint32 e = 0; e < elements; e++) |
| ret += " %tmp" + de::toString(e + 1) + " = OpCompositeInsert %v" + de::toString(elements) + "f32 %c_f32_" + de::toString(e) + " %tmp" + de::toString(e) + " " + de::toString(e) + "\n"; |
| |
| return ret; |
| } |
| |
| string getMatrixCompositeInserts (deUint32 cols, deUint32 rows, bool useUndef) |
| { |
| string matType = getMatrixType(cols, rows); |
| string ret; |
| |
| if (useUndef) |
| ret = " %tmp0 = OpUndef " + matType + "\n"; |
| else |
| ret = " %tmp0 = OpLoad " + matType + " %mat\n"; |
| |
| for (deUint32 c = 0; c < cols; c++) |
| ret += " %tmp" + de::toString(c + 1) + " = OpCompositeInsert " + matType + " %identity" + de::toString(c) + " %tmp" + de::toString(c) + " " + de::toString(c) + "\n"; |
| |
| return ret; |
| } |
| |
| bool verifyMatrixOutput (const std::vector<Resource>& inputs, const vector<AllocationSp>& outputAllocs, const std::vector<Resource>& expectedOutputs, tcu::TestLog& log) |
| { |
| DE_UNREF(inputs); |
| |
| if (outputAllocs.size() != 1) |
| return false; |
| |
| vector<deUint8> expectedBytes; |
| expectedOutputs[0].getBytes(expectedBytes); |
| |
| const float* const expectedOutputAsFloat = reinterpret_cast<const float*>(&expectedBytes.front()); |
| const float* const outputAsFloat = static_cast<const float*>(outputAllocs[0]->getHostPtr()); |
| bool ret = true; |
| |
| for (size_t idx = 0; idx < expectedBytes.size() / sizeof(float); ++idx) |
| { |
| if (outputAsFloat[idx] != expectedOutputAsFloat[idx] && expectedOutputAsFloat[idx] != -1.0f) |
| { |
| log << tcu::TestLog::Message << "ERROR: Result data at index " << idx << " failed. Expected: " << expectedOutputAsFloat[idx] << ", got: " << outputAsFloat[idx] << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage; |
| ret = false; |
| } |
| } |
| return ret; |
| } |
| |
| string getNestedStructCompositeInserts (deUint32 arraySize, bool useUndef) |
| { |
| string ret; |
| |
| if (useUndef) |
| ret = " %tmp0 = OpUndef %Output\n"; |
| else |
| ret = " %tmp0 = OpLoad %Output %nestedstruct\n"; |
| |
| for (deUint32 arrayIdx = 0; arrayIdx < arraySize; arrayIdx++) |
| for (deUint32 vectorIdx = 0; vectorIdx < 4; vectorIdx++) |
| ret += string("%tmp") + de::toString(arrayIdx * 4 + vectorIdx + 1) + " = OpCompositeInsert %Output %identity" + de::toString(vectorIdx) + " %tmp" + de::toString(arrayIdx * 4 + vectorIdx) + " 0 0 " + de::toString(arrayIdx) + " " + de::toString(vectorIdx) + "\n"; |
| |
| return ret; |
| } |
| |
| void addComputeVectorCompositeInsertTests (tcu::TestCaseGroup* group) |
| { |
| tcu::TestContext& testCtx = group->getTestContext(); |
| |
| for (bool useUndef : {true, false}) |
| for (deUint32 elements = 2; elements <= 4; elements++) |
| { |
| ComputeShaderSpec spec; |
| vector<float> refData; |
| const string vecType = string("%v") + de::toString(elements) + "f32"; |
| |
| // Generate a vector using OpCompositeInsert |
| const string shaderSource = |
| " OpCapability Shader\n" |
| " %1 = OpExtInstImport \"GLSL.std.450\"\n" |
| " OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450\n" |
| " OpEntryPoint GLCompute %main \"main\"\n" |
| " OpExecutionMode %main LocalSize 1 1 1\n" |
| " OpSource GLSL 430\n" |
| " OpMemberDecorate %Output 0 Offset 0\n" |
| " OpDecorate %Output BufferBlock\n" |
| " OpDecorate %dataOutput DescriptorSet 0\n" |
| " OpDecorate %dataOutput Binding 0\n" |
| " %f32 = OpTypeFloat 32\n" |
| " %v2f32 = OpTypeVector %f32 2\n" |
| " %v3f32 = OpTypeVector %f32 3\n" |
| " %v4f32 = OpTypeVector %f32 4\n" |
| " %Output = OpTypeStruct " + vecType + "\n" |
| " %_ptr_Uniform_Output = OpTypePointer Uniform %Output\n" |
| " %dataOutput = OpVariable %_ptr_Uniform_Output Uniform\n" |
| " %_ptr_Function_vec = OpTypePointer Function " + vecType + "\n" |
| " %_ptr_Uniform_vec = OpTypePointer Uniform " + vecType + "\n" |
| " %c_f32_0 = OpConstant %f32 0\n" |
| " %c_f32_1 = OpConstant %f32 1\n" |
| " %c_f32_2 = OpConstant %f32 2\n" |
| " %c_f32_3 = OpConstant %f32 3\n" |
| " %i32 = OpTypeInt 32 1\n" |
| " %c_i32_0 = OpConstant %i32 0\n" |
| " %void = OpTypeVoid\n" |
| " %3 = OpTypeFunction %void\n" |
| " %main = OpFunction %void None %3\n" |
| " %entry = OpLabel\n" |
| " %vec = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_vec Function\n" |
| + getVectorCompositeInserts(elements, useUndef) + |
| " %vecOutPtr = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Uniform_vec %dataOutput %c_i32_0\n" |
| " OpStore %vecOutPtr %tmp" + de::toString(elements) + "\n" |
| " OpReturn\n" |
| " OpFunctionEnd\n"; |
| |
| spec.assembly = shaderSource; |
| spec.numWorkGroups = IVec3(1, 1, 1); |
| |
| // Expect running counter |
| for (deUint32 e = 0; e < elements; e++) |
| refData.push_back((float)e); |
| |
| spec.outputs.push_back(Resource(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(refData)))); |
| |
| string testName; |
| |
| if (useUndef) |
| testName += "undef_"; |
| |
| testName += string("vec") + de::toString(elements); |
| |
| group->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(testCtx, testName.c_str(), "Tests vector composite insert.", spec)); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void addGraphicsVectorCompositeInsertTests (tcu::TestCaseGroup* group) |
| { |
| for (bool useUndef : { true, false }) |
| for (deUint32 elements = 2; elements <= 4; elements++) |
| { |
| map<string, string> fragments; |
| RGBA defaultColors[4]; |
| GraphicsResources resources; |
| |
| SpecConstants noSpecConstants; |
| PushConstants noPushConstants; |
| GraphicsInterfaces noInterfaces; |
| vector<string> noExtensions; |
| VulkanFeatures vulkanFeatures = VulkanFeatures(); |
| vector<float> refData; |
| const string testName = string(useUndef ? "undef_" : "") + "vec" + de::toString(elements); |
| const string vecType = string("%v") + de::toString(elements) + "f32"; |
| |
| // Expect running counter |
| for (deUint32 e = 0; e < elements; e++) |
| refData.push_back((float)e); |
| resources.outputs.push_back(Resource(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(refData)), VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER)); |
| |
| getDefaultColors(defaultColors); |
| |
| // Generate a vector using OpCompositeInsert |
| fragments["pre_main"] = |
| " %Output = OpTypeStruct " + vecType + "\n" |
| " %_ptr_Uniform_Output = OpTypePointer Uniform %Output\n" |
| " %dataOutput = OpVariable %_ptr_Uniform_Output Uniform\n" |
| " %fp_v2f32 = OpTypePointer Function %v2f32\n" |
| " %fp_v3f32 = OpTypePointer Function %v3f32\n" |
| " %_ptr_Uniform_vec = OpTypePointer Uniform " + vecType + "\n" |
| " %c_f32_2 = OpConstant %f32 2\n" |
| " %c_f32_3 = OpConstant %f32 3\n"; |
| |
| fragments["decoration"] = |
| " OpMemberDecorate %Output 0 Offset 0\n" |
| " OpDecorate %Output BufferBlock\n" |
| " OpDecorate %dataOutput DescriptorSet 0\n" |
| " OpDecorate %dataOutput Binding 0\n"; |
| |
| fragments["testfun"] = |
| " %test_code = OpFunction %v4f32 None %v4f32_v4f32_function\n" |
| " %param = OpFunctionParameter %v4f32\n" |
| " %entry = OpLabel\n" |
| " %vec = OpVariable %fp_v" + de::toString(elements) + "f32 Function\n" |
| + getVectorCompositeInserts(elements, useUndef) + |
| " %vecOutPtr = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Uniform_vec %dataOutput %c_i32_0\n" |
| " OpStore %vecOutPtr %tmp" + de::toString(elements) + "\n" |
| " OpReturnValue %param\n" |
| " OpFunctionEnd\n"; |
| |
| vulkanFeatures.coreFeatures.vertexPipelineStoresAndAtomics = DE_TRUE; |
| vulkanFeatures.coreFeatures.fragmentStoresAndAtomics = DE_FALSE; |
| createTestForStage(VK_SHADER_STAGE_VERTEX_BIT, (testName + "_vert").c_str(), defaultColors, defaultColors, fragments, noSpecConstants, |
| noPushConstants, resources, noInterfaces, noExtensions, vulkanFeatures, group); |
| |
| createTestForStage(VK_SHADER_STAGE_TESSELLATION_CONTROL_BIT, (testName + "_tessc").c_str(), defaultColors, defaultColors, fragments, noSpecConstants, |
| noPushConstants, resources, noInterfaces, noExtensions, vulkanFeatures, group); |
| |
| createTestForStage(VK_SHADER_STAGE_TESSELLATION_EVALUATION_BIT, (testName + "_tesse").c_str(), defaultColors, defaultColors, fragments, noSpecConstants, |
| noPushConstants, resources, noInterfaces, noExtensions, vulkanFeatures, group); |
| |
| createTestForStage(VK_SHADER_STAGE_GEOMETRY_BIT, (testName + "_geom").c_str(), defaultColors, defaultColors, fragments, noSpecConstants, |
| noPushConstants, resources, noInterfaces, noExtensions, vulkanFeatures, group); |
| |
| vulkanFeatures.coreFeatures.vertexPipelineStoresAndAtomics = DE_FALSE; |
| vulkanFeatures.coreFeatures.fragmentStoresAndAtomics = DE_TRUE; |
| createTestForStage(VK_SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT_BIT, (testName + "_frag").c_str(), defaultColors, defaultColors, fragments, noSpecConstants, |
| noPushConstants, resources, noInterfaces, noExtensions, vulkanFeatures, group); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void addComputeMatrixCompositeInsertTests (tcu::TestCaseGroup* group) |
| { |
| tcu::TestContext& testCtx = group->getTestContext(); |
| |
| for (bool useUndef : { true, false }) |
| for (deUint32 rows = 2; rows <= 4; rows++) |
| { |
| const deUint32 matrixStride = rows == 3 ? 16 : rows * 4; |
| |
| for (deUint32 cols = 2; cols <= 4; cols++) |
| { |
| ComputeShaderSpec spec; |
| vector<float> identityData; |
| string colType = getColType(rows); |
| string matType = getMatrixType(cols, rows); |
| |
| // Generate a matrix using OpCompositeInsert with identity vectors and write the matrix into output storage buffer. |
| const string shaderSource = |
| " OpCapability Shader\n" |
| " %1 = OpExtInstImport \"GLSL.std.450\"\n" |
| " OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450\n" |
| " OpEntryPoint GLCompute %main \"main\"\n" |
| " OpExecutionMode %main LocalSize 1 1 1\n" |
| " OpSource GLSL 430\n" |
| " OpMemberDecorate %Output 0 Offset 0\n" |
| " OpMemberDecorate %Output 0 ColMajor\n" |
| " OpMemberDecorate %Output 0 MatrixStride " + de::toString(matrixStride) + "\n" |
| " OpDecorate %Output BufferBlock\n" |
| " OpDecorate %dataOutput DescriptorSet 0\n" |
| " OpDecorate %dataOutput Binding 0\n" |
| " %f32 = OpTypeFloat 32\n" |
| + getMatrixDeclarations(cols, rows) + |
| " %_ptr_Uniform_Output = OpTypePointer Uniform %Output\n" |
| " %dataOutput = OpVariable %_ptr_Uniform_Output Uniform\n" |
| " %_ptr_Function_mat = OpTypePointer Function " + matType + "\n" |
| " %_ptr_Uniform_mat = OpTypePointer Uniform " + matType + "\n" |
| " %c_f32_0 = OpConstant %f32 0\n" |
| " %c_f32_1 = OpConstant %f32 1\n" |
| " %i32 = OpTypeInt 32 1\n" |
| " %c_i32_0 = OpConstant %i32 0\n" |
| + getIdentityVectors(cols, rows) + |
| " %void = OpTypeVoid\n" |
| " %3 = OpTypeFunction %void\n" |
| " %main = OpFunction %void None %3\n" |
| " %entry = OpLabel\n" |
| " %mat = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_mat Function\n" |
| + getMatrixCompositeInserts(cols, rows, useUndef) + |
| " %matOutPtr = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Uniform_mat %dataOutput %c_i32_0\n" |
| " OpStore %matOutPtr %tmp" + de::toString(cols) + "\n" |
| " OpReturn\n" |
| " OpFunctionEnd\n"; |
| |
| |
| spec.assembly = shaderSource; |
| spec.numWorkGroups = IVec3(1, 1, 1); |
| |
| // Expect identity matrix as output |
| for (deUint32 c = 0; c < cols; c++) |
| { |
| for (deUint32 r = 0; r < rows; r++) |
| identityData.push_back(c == r ? 1.0f : 0.0f); |
| if (rows == 3) |
| identityData.push_back(-1.0f); // Padding |
| } |
| |
| spec.outputs.push_back(Resource(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(identityData)))); |
| spec.verifyIO = verifyMatrixOutput; |
| |
| string testName = string(useUndef ? "undef_" : "") + "mat" + de::toString(cols) + "x" + de::toString(rows); |
| |
| group->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(testCtx, testName.c_str(), "Tests matrix composite insert.", spec)); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void addGraphicsMatrixCompositeInsertTests (tcu::TestCaseGroup* group) |
| { |
| for (bool useUndef : { true, false }) |
| for (deUint32 rows = 2; rows <= 4; rows++) |
| { |
| const deUint32 matrixStride = rows == 3 ? 16 : rows * 4; |
| |
| for (deUint32 cols = 2; cols <= 4; cols++) |
| { |
| map<string, string> fragments; |
| RGBA defaultColors[4]; |
| GraphicsResources resources; |
| |
| SpecConstants noSpecConstants; |
| PushConstants noPushConstants; |
| GraphicsInterfaces noInterfaces; |
| vector<string> noExtensions; |
| VulkanFeatures vulkanFeatures = VulkanFeatures(); |
| vector<float> identityData; |
| string testName = string(useUndef ? "undef_" : "") + "mat" + de::toString(cols) + "x" + de::toString(rows); |
| string matType = getMatrixType(cols, rows); |
| |
| // Expect identity matrix as output |
| for (deUint32 c = 0; c < cols; c++) |
| { |
| for (deUint32 r = 0; r < rows; r++) |
| identityData.push_back(c == r ? 1.0f : 0.0f); |
| if (rows == 3) |
| identityData.push_back(-1.0f); // Padding |
| } |
| resources.outputs.push_back(Resource(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(identityData)), VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER)); |
| resources.verifyIO = verifyMatrixOutput; |
| |
| getDefaultColors(defaultColors); |
| |
| // Generate a matrix using OpCompositeInsert with identity vectors and write the matrix into output storage buffer. |
| fragments["pre_main"] = |
| getMatrixDeclarations(cols, rows, true) + |
| " %_ptr_Uniform_Output = OpTypePointer Uniform %Output\n" |
| " %dataOutput = OpVariable %_ptr_Uniform_Output Uniform\n" |
| " %_ptr_Function_mat = OpTypePointer Function " + matType + "\n" |
| " %_ptr_Uniform_mat = OpTypePointer Uniform " + matType + "\n" |
| + getIdentityVectors(cols, rows); |
| |
| fragments["decoration"] = |
| " OpMemberDecorate %Output 0 Offset 0\n" |
| " OpMemberDecorate %Output 0 ColMajor\n" |
| " OpMemberDecorate %Output 0 MatrixStride " + de::toString(matrixStride) + "\n" |
| " OpDecorate %Output BufferBlock\n" |
| " OpDecorate %dataOutput DescriptorSet 0\n" |
| " OpDecorate %dataOutput Binding 0\n"; |
| |
| fragments["testfun"] = |
| " %test_code = OpFunction %v4f32 None %v4f32_v4f32_function\n" |
| " %param = OpFunctionParameter %v4f32\n" |
| " %entry = OpLabel\n" |
| " %mat = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_mat Function\n" |
| + getMatrixCompositeInserts(cols, rows, useUndef) + |
| " %matOutPtr = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Uniform_mat %dataOutput %c_i32_0\n" |
| " OpStore %matOutPtr %tmp" + de::toString(cols) + "\n" |
| " OpReturnValue %param\n" |
| " OpFunctionEnd\n"; |
| |
| vulkanFeatures.coreFeatures.vertexPipelineStoresAndAtomics = DE_TRUE; |
| vulkanFeatures.coreFeatures.fragmentStoresAndAtomics = DE_FALSE; |
| createTestForStage(VK_SHADER_STAGE_VERTEX_BIT, (testName + "_vert").c_str(), defaultColors, defaultColors, fragments, noSpecConstants, |
| noPushConstants, resources, noInterfaces, noExtensions, vulkanFeatures, group); |
| |
| createTestForStage(VK_SHADER_STAGE_TESSELLATION_CONTROL_BIT, (testName + "_tessc").c_str(), defaultColors, defaultColors, fragments, noSpecConstants, |
| noPushConstants, resources, noInterfaces, noExtensions, vulkanFeatures, group); |
| |
| createTestForStage(VK_SHADER_STAGE_TESSELLATION_EVALUATION_BIT, (testName + "_tesse").c_str(), defaultColors, defaultColors, fragments, noSpecConstants, |
| noPushConstants, resources, noInterfaces, noExtensions, vulkanFeatures, group); |
| |
| createTestForStage(VK_SHADER_STAGE_GEOMETRY_BIT, (testName + "_geom").c_str(), defaultColors, defaultColors, fragments, noSpecConstants, |
| noPushConstants, resources, noInterfaces, noExtensions, vulkanFeatures, group); |
| |
| vulkanFeatures.coreFeatures.vertexPipelineStoresAndAtomics = DE_FALSE; |
| vulkanFeatures.coreFeatures.fragmentStoresAndAtomics = DE_TRUE; |
| createTestForStage(VK_SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT_BIT, (testName + "_frag").c_str(), defaultColors, defaultColors, fragments, noSpecConstants, |
| noPushConstants, resources, noInterfaces, noExtensions, vulkanFeatures, group); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void addComputeNestedStructCompositeInsertTests (tcu::TestCaseGroup* group) |
| { |
| tcu::TestContext& testCtx = group->getTestContext(); |
| |
| for (bool useUndef : { true, false }) |
| { |
| ComputeShaderSpec spec; |
| vector<float> identityData; |
| const deUint32 arraySize = 8u; |
| const string testName = string(useUndef ? "undef_" : "") + "nested_struct"; |
| |
| const string shaderSource = |
| " OpCapability Shader\n" |
| " %1 = OpExtInstImport \"GLSL.std.450\"\n" |
| " OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450\n" |
| " OpEntryPoint GLCompute %main \"main\"\n" |
| " OpExecutionMode %main LocalSize 1 1 1\n" |
| " OpSource GLSL 430\n" |
| " OpDecorate %_arr_mat4v4f32_uint_8 ArrayStride 64\n" |
| " OpMemberDecorate %S 0 ColMajor\n" |
| " OpMemberDecorate %S 0 Offset 0\n" |
| " OpMemberDecorate %S 0 MatrixStride 16\n" |
| " OpMemberDecorate %Output 0 Offset 0\n" |
| " OpDecorate %Output BufferBlock\n" |
| " OpDecorate %dataOutput DescriptorSet 0\n" |
| " OpDecorate %dataOutput Binding 0\n" |
| " %f32 = OpTypeFloat 32\n" |
| " %v4f32 = OpTypeVector %f32 4\n" |
| " %mat4v4f32 = OpTypeMatrix %v4f32 4\n" |
| " %uint = OpTypeInt 32 0\n" |
| " %uint_8 = OpConstant %uint 8\n" |
| "%_arr_mat4v4f32_uint_8 = OpTypeArray %mat4v4f32 %uint_8\n" |
| " %S = OpTypeStruct %_arr_mat4v4f32_uint_8\n" |
| " %Output = OpTypeStruct %S\n" |
| " %_ptr_Uniform_Output = OpTypePointer Uniform %Output\n" |
| " %_ptr_Function_Output = OpTypePointer Function %Output\n" |
| " %dataOutput = OpVariable %_ptr_Uniform_Output Uniform\n" |
| " %c_f32_0 = OpConstant %f32 0\n" |
| " %c_f32_1 = OpConstant %f32 1\n" |
| " %i32 = OpTypeInt 32 1\n" |
| " %c_i32_0 = OpConstant %i32 0\n" |
| + getIdentityVectors(4, 4) + |
| " %void = OpTypeVoid\n" |
| " %3 = OpTypeFunction %void\n" |
| " %main = OpFunction %void None %3\n" |
| " %entry = OpLabel\n" |
| " %nestedstruct = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_Output Function\n" |
| + getNestedStructCompositeInserts(arraySize, useUndef) + |
| " OpStore %dataOutput %tmp" + de::toString(arraySize * 4) + "\n" |
| " OpReturn\n" |
| " OpFunctionEnd\n"; |
| |
| spec.assembly = shaderSource; |
| spec.numWorkGroups = IVec3(1, 1, 1); |
| |
| // Expect an array of identity matrix as output |
| for (deUint32 a = 0; a < arraySize; a++) |
| for (deUint32 c = 0; c < 4; c++) |
| for (deUint32 r = 0; r < 4; r++) |
| identityData.push_back(c == r ? 1.0f : 0.0f); |
| |
| spec.outputs.push_back(Resource(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(identityData)))); |
| |
| group->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(testCtx, testName.c_str(), "Tests nested struct composite insert.", spec)); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void addGraphicsNestedStructCompositeInsertTests (tcu::TestCaseGroup* group) |
| { |
| for (bool useUndef : { true, false }) |
| { |
| map<string, string> fragments; |
| RGBA defaultColors[4]; |
| GraphicsResources resources; |
| |
| SpecConstants noSpecConstants; |
| PushConstants noPushConstants; |
| GraphicsInterfaces noInterfaces; |
| vector<string> noExtensions; |
| VulkanFeatures vulkanFeatures = VulkanFeatures(); |
| vector<float> identityData; |
| const deUint32 arraySize = 8u; |
| const string testName = string(useUndef ? "undef_" : "") + "nested_struct"; |
| |
| // Expect an array of identity matrix as output |
| for (deUint32 a = 0; a < arraySize; a++) |
| for (deUint32 c = 0; c < 4; c++) |
| for (deUint32 r = 0; r < 4; r++) |
| identityData.push_back(c == r ? 1.0f : 0.0f); |
| resources.outputs.push_back(Resource(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(identityData)), VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER)); |
| |
| getDefaultColors(defaultColors); |
| |
| fragments["pre_main"] = |
| " %uint_8 = OpConstant %u32 8\n" |
| " %mat4v4f32 = OpTypeMatrix %v4f32 4\n" |
| "%_arr_mat4v4f32_uint_8 = OpTypeArray %mat4v4f32 %uint_8\n" |
| " %S = OpTypeStruct %_arr_mat4v4f32_uint_8\n" |
| " %Output = OpTypeStruct %S\n" |
| " %_ptr_Uniform_Output = OpTypePointer Uniform %Output\n" |
| " %_ptr_Function_Output = OpTypePointer Function %Output\n" |
| " %dataOutput = OpVariable %_ptr_Uniform_Output Uniform\n" |
| + getIdentityVectors(4, 4); |
| |
| fragments["decoration"] = |
| " OpDecorate %_arr_mat4v4f32_uint_8 ArrayStride 64\n" |
| " OpMemberDecorate %S 0 ColMajor\n" |
| " OpMemberDecorate %S 0 Offset 0\n" |
| " OpMemberDecorate %S 0 MatrixStride 16\n" |
| " OpMemberDecorate %Output 0 Offset 0\n" |
| " OpDecorate %Output BufferBlock\n" |
| " OpDecorate %dataOutput DescriptorSet 0\n" |
| " OpDecorate %dataOutput Binding 0\n"; |
| |
| fragments["testfun"] = |
| " %test_code = OpFunction %v4f32 None %v4f32_v4f32_function\n" |
| " %param = OpFunctionParameter %v4f32\n" |
| " %entry = OpLabel\n" |
| " %nestedstruct = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_Output Function\n" |
| + getNestedStructCompositeInserts(arraySize, useUndef) + |
| " OpStore %dataOutput %tmp" + de::toString(arraySize * 4) + "\n" |
| " OpReturnValue %param\n" |
| " OpFunctionEnd\n"; |
| |
| vulkanFeatures.coreFeatures.vertexPipelineStoresAndAtomics = DE_TRUE; |
| vulkanFeatures.coreFeatures.fragmentStoresAndAtomics = DE_FALSE; |
| createTestForStage(VK_SHADER_STAGE_VERTEX_BIT, (testName + "_vert").c_str(), defaultColors, defaultColors, fragments, noSpecConstants, |
| noPushConstants, resources, noInterfaces, noExtensions, vulkanFeatures, group); |
| |
| createTestForStage(VK_SHADER_STAGE_TESSELLATION_CONTROL_BIT, (testName + "_tessc").c_str(), defaultColors, defaultColors, fragments, noSpecConstants, |
| noPushConstants, resources, noInterfaces, noExtensions, vulkanFeatures, group); |
| |
| createTestForStage(VK_SHADER_STAGE_TESSELLATION_EVALUATION_BIT, (testName + "_tesse").c_str(), defaultColors, defaultColors, fragments, noSpecConstants, |
| noPushConstants, resources, noInterfaces, noExtensions, vulkanFeatures, group); |
| |
| createTestForStage(VK_SHADER_STAGE_GEOMETRY_BIT, (testName + "_geom").c_str(), defaultColors, defaultColors, fragments, noSpecConstants, |
| noPushConstants, resources, noInterfaces, noExtensions, vulkanFeatures, group); |
| |
| vulkanFeatures.coreFeatures.vertexPipelineStoresAndAtomics = DE_FALSE; |
| vulkanFeatures.coreFeatures.fragmentStoresAndAtomics = DE_TRUE; |
| createTestForStage(VK_SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT_BIT, (testName + "_frag").c_str(), defaultColors, defaultColors, fragments, noSpecConstants, |
| noPushConstants, resources, noInterfaces, noExtensions, vulkanFeatures, group); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| } // anonymous |
| |
| tcu::TestCaseGroup* createCompositeInsertComputeGroup (tcu::TestContext& testCtx) |
| { |
| de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> group (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "composite_insert", "Compute tests for composite insert.")); |
| addComputeVectorCompositeInsertTests(group.get()); |
| addComputeMatrixCompositeInsertTests(group.get()); |
| addComputeNestedStructCompositeInsertTests(group.get()); |
| |
| return group.release(); |
| } |
| |
| tcu::TestCaseGroup* createCompositeInsertGraphicsGroup (tcu::TestContext& testCtx) |
| { |
| de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> group (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "composite_insert", "Graphics tests for composite insert.")); |
| addGraphicsVectorCompositeInsertTests(group.get()); |
| addGraphicsMatrixCompositeInsertTests(group.get()); |
| addGraphicsNestedStructCompositeInsertTests(group.get()); |
| |
| return group.release(); |
| } |
| |
| } // SpirVAssembly |
| } // vkt |