blob: 8323a8b0a61f9f40b6ba74e082ade0b4de6a6108 [file] [log] [blame]
* drawElements Quality Program Tester Core
* ----------------------------------------
* Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* \file
* \brief Test Log C++ Wrapper.
#include "tcuDefs.hpp"
#include "qpTestLog.h"
#include "tcuTexture.hpp"
#include <sstream>
namespace tcu
class Surface;
class MessageBuilder;
class LogImageSet;
class LogImage;
class LogSection;
class LogShaderProgram;
class LogShader;
class LogSpirVAssemblySource;
class LogKernelSource;
class LogSampleList;
class LogValueInfo;
class SampleBuilder;
template<typename T> class LogNumber;
* \brief Test log
* TestLog provides convinient C++ API for logging. The API has been designed
* around stream operators much like STL iostream library. The following
* examples demonstrate how to use TestLog.
* \code
* TestLog& log = m_testCtx.getLog();
* // Write message to log.
* log << TestLog::Message << "Hello, World!" << TestLog::EndMessage;
* int myNumber = 3;
* log << TestLog::Message << "Diff is " << myNumber << TestLog::EndMessage;
* // Write image
* Surface myImage(256, 256);
* log << TestLog::Image("TestImage", "My test image", myImage);
* // Multiple commands can be combined:
* log << TestLog::Section("Details", "Test case details")
* << TestLog::Message << "Here be dragons" << TestLog::EndMessage
* << TestLog::ImageSet("Result", "Result images")
* << TestLog::Image("ImageA", "Image A", imageA)
* << TestLog::Image("ImageB", "Image B", imageB)
* << TestLog::EndImageSet << TestLog::EndSection;
* \endcode
class TestLog
// Tokens
static const class BeginMessageToken {} Message;
static const class EndMessageToken {} EndMessage;
static const class EndImageSetToken {} EndImageSet;
static const class EndSectionToken {} EndSection;
static const class EndShaderProgramToken {} EndShaderProgram;
static const class SampleInfoToken {} SampleInfo;
static const class EndSampleInfoToken {} EndSampleInfo;
static const class BeginSampleToken {} Sample;
static const class EndSampleToken {} EndSample;
static const class EndSampleListToken {} EndSampleList;
// Typedefs.
typedef LogImageSet ImageSet;
typedef LogImage Image;
typedef LogSection Section;
typedef LogShaderProgram ShaderProgram;
typedef LogShader Shader;
typedef LogSpirVAssemblySource SpirVAssemblySource;
typedef LogKernelSource KernelSource;
typedef LogSampleList SampleList;
typedef LogValueInfo ValueInfo;
typedef LogNumber<float> Float;
typedef LogNumber<deInt64> Integer;
explicit TestLog (const char* fileName, int argc = 0, char** argv = DE_NULL, deUint32 flags = 0);
explicit TestLog (const char* fileName, const std::string& cmdLine, deUint32 flags = 0);
~TestLog (void);
MessageBuilder operator<< (const BeginMessageToken&);
MessageBuilder message (void);
TestLog& operator<< (const ImageSet& imageSet);
TestLog& operator<< (const Image& image);
TestLog& operator<< (const EndImageSetToken&);
TestLog& operator<< (const Section& section);
TestLog& operator<< (const EndSectionToken&);
TestLog& operator<< (const ShaderProgram& shaderProgram);
TestLog& operator<< (const EndShaderProgramToken&);
TestLog& operator<< (const Shader& shader);
TestLog& operator<< (const SpirVAssemblySource& module);
TestLog& operator<< (const KernelSource& kernelSrc);
template<typename T>
TestLog& operator<< (const LogNumber<T>& number);
TestLog& operator<< (const SampleList& sampleList);
TestLog& operator<< (const SampleInfoToken&);
TestLog& operator<< (const ValueInfo& valueInfo);
TestLog& operator<< (const EndSampleInfoToken&);
SampleBuilder operator<< (const BeginSampleToken&);
TestLog& operator<< (const EndSampleListToken&);
// Raw api
void writeMessage (const char* message);
void startImageSet (const char* name, const char* description);
void endImageSet (void);
void writeImage (const char* name, const char* description, const ConstPixelBufferAccess& surface, const Vec4& scale, const Vec4& bias, qpImageCompressionMode compressionMode = QP_IMAGE_COMPRESSION_MODE_BEST);
void writeImage (const char* name, const char* description, qpImageCompressionMode compressionMode, qpImageFormat format, int width, int height, int stride, const void* data);
void startSection (const char* name, const char* description);
void endSection (void);
void startShaderProgram (bool linkOk, const char* linkInfoLog);
void endShaderProgram (void);
void writeShader (qpShaderType type, const char* source, bool compileOk, const char* infoLog);
void writeSpirVAssemblySource(const char* source);
void writeKernelSource (const char* source);
void writeCompileInfo (const char* name, const char* description, bool compileOk, const char* infoLog);
void writeFloat (const char* name, const char* description, const char* unit, qpKeyValueTag tag, float value);
void writeInteger (const char* name, const char* description, const char* unit, qpKeyValueTag tag, deInt64 value);
void startEglConfigSet (const char* name, const char* description);
void writeEglConfig (const qpEglConfigInfo* config);
void endEglConfigSet (void);
void startCase (const char* testCasePath, qpTestCaseType testCaseType);
void endCase (qpTestResult result, const char* description);
void terminateCase (qpTestResult result);
void startTestsCasesTime (void);
void endTestsCasesTime (void);
void startSampleList (const std::string& name, const std::string& description);
void startSampleInfo (void);
void writeValueInfo (const std::string& name, const std::string& description, const std::string& unit, qpSampleValueTag tag);
void endSampleInfo (void);
void startSample (void);
void writeSampleValue (double value);
void writeSampleValue (deInt64 value);
void endSample (void);
void endSampleList (void);
bool isShaderLoggingEnabled (void);
TestLog (const TestLog& other); // Not allowed!
TestLog& operator= (const TestLog& other); // Not allowed!
qpTestLog* m_log;
class MessageBuilder
explicit MessageBuilder (TestLog* log) : m_log(log) {}
~MessageBuilder (void) {}
std::string toString (void) const { return m_str.str(); }
TestLog& operator<< (const TestLog::EndMessageToken&);
template <typename T>
MessageBuilder& operator<< (const T& value);
MessageBuilder (const MessageBuilder& other);
MessageBuilder& operator= (const MessageBuilder& other);
TestLog* m_log;
std::ostringstream m_str;
class SampleBuilder
SampleBuilder (TestLog* log) : m_log(log) {}
SampleBuilder& operator<< (int v) { m_values.push_back(Value((deInt64)v)); return *this; }
SampleBuilder& operator<< (deInt64 v) { m_values.push_back(Value(v)); return *this; }
SampleBuilder& operator<< (float v) { m_values.push_back(Value((double)v)); return *this; }
SampleBuilder& operator<< (double v) { m_values.push_back(Value(v)); return *this; }
TestLog& operator<< (const TestLog::EndSampleToken&);
struct Value
enum Type { TYPE_INT64 = 0, TYPE_FLOAT64, TYPE_LAST };
Type type;
deInt64 int64;
double float64;
} value;
Value (void) : type(TYPE_LAST) { value.int64 = 0; }
Value (double v) : type(TYPE_FLOAT64) { value.float64 = v; }
Value (deInt64 v) : type(TYPE_INT64) { value.int64 = v; }
TestLog* m_log;
std::vector<Value> m_values;
class LogImageSet
LogImageSet (const std::string& name, const std::string& description)
: m_name (name)
, m_description (description)
void write (TestLog& log) const;
std::string m_name;
std::string m_description;
// \note Doesn't take copy of surface contents
class LogImage
LogImage (const std::string& name, const std::string& description, const Surface& surface, qpImageCompressionMode compression = QP_IMAGE_COMPRESSION_MODE_BEST);
LogImage (const std::string& name, const std::string& description, const ConstPixelBufferAccess& access, qpImageCompressionMode compression = QP_IMAGE_COMPRESSION_MODE_BEST);
LogImage (const std::string& name, const std::string& description, const ConstPixelBufferAccess& access, const Vec4& scale, const Vec4& bias, qpImageCompressionMode compression = QP_IMAGE_COMPRESSION_MODE_BEST);
void write (TestLog& log) const;
std::string m_name;
std::string m_description;
ConstPixelBufferAccess m_access;
Vec4 m_scale;
Vec4 m_bias;
qpImageCompressionMode m_compression;
class LogSection
LogSection (const std::string& name, const std::string& description)
: m_name (name)
, m_description (description)
void write (TestLog& log) const;
std::string m_name;
std::string m_description;
class LogShaderProgram
LogShaderProgram (bool linkOk, const std::string& linkInfoLog)
: m_linkOk (linkOk)
, m_linkInfoLog (linkInfoLog)
void write (TestLog& log) const;
bool m_linkOk;
std::string m_linkInfoLog;
class LogShader
LogShader (qpShaderType type, const std::string& source, bool compileOk, const std::string& infoLog)
: m_type (type)
, m_source (source)
, m_compileOk (compileOk)
, m_infoLog (infoLog)
void write (TestLog& log) const;
qpShaderType m_type;
std::string m_source;
bool m_compileOk;
std::string m_infoLog;
class LogSpirVAssemblySource
LogSpirVAssemblySource (const std::string& source)
: m_source (source)
void write (TestLog& log) const;
std::string m_source;
class LogKernelSource
explicit LogKernelSource (const std::string& source)
: m_source(source)
void write (TestLog& log) const;
std::string m_source;
class LogSampleList
LogSampleList (const std::string& name, const std::string& description)
: m_name (name)
, m_description (description)
void write (TestLog& log) const;
std::string m_name;
std::string m_description;
class LogValueInfo
LogValueInfo (const std::string& name, const std::string& description, const std::string& unit, qpSampleValueTag tag)
: m_name (name)
, m_description (description)
, m_unit (unit)
, m_tag (tag)
void write (TestLog& log) const;
std::string m_name;
std::string m_description;
std::string m_unit;
qpSampleValueTag m_tag;
template<typename T>
class LogNumber
LogNumber (const std::string& name, const std::string& desc, const std::string& unit, qpKeyValueTag tag, T value)
: m_name (name)
, m_desc (desc)
, m_unit (unit)
, m_tag (tag)
, m_value (value)
void write (TestLog& log) const;
std::string m_name;
std::string m_desc;
std::string m_unit;
qpKeyValueTag m_tag;
T m_value;
// Section helper that closes section when leaving scope.
class ScopedLogSection
ScopedLogSection (TestLog& log, const std::string& name, const std::string& description)
: m_log(log)
m_log << TestLog::Section(name, description);
~ScopedLogSection (void)
m_log << TestLog::EndSection;
TestLog& m_log;
// TestLog stream operators.
inline TestLog& TestLog::operator<< (const ImageSet& imageSet) { imageSet.write(*this); return *this; }
inline TestLog& TestLog::operator<< (const Image& image) { image.write(*this); return *this; }
inline TestLog& TestLog::operator<< (const EndImageSetToken&) { endImageSet(); return *this; }
inline TestLog& TestLog::operator<< (const Section& section) { section.write(*this); return *this; }
inline TestLog& TestLog::operator<< (const EndSectionToken&) { endSection(); return *this; }
inline TestLog& TestLog::operator<< (const ShaderProgram& shaderProg) { shaderProg.write(*this); return *this; }
inline TestLog& TestLog::operator<< (const EndShaderProgramToken&) { endShaderProgram(); return *this; }
inline TestLog& TestLog::operator<< (const Shader& shader) { shader.write(*this); return *this; }
inline TestLog& TestLog::operator<< (const SpirVAssemblySource& module) { module.write(*this); return *this; }
inline TestLog& TestLog::operator<< (const KernelSource& kernelSrc) { kernelSrc.write(*this); return *this; }
inline TestLog& TestLog::operator<< (const SampleList& sampleList) { sampleList.write(*this); return *this; }
inline TestLog& TestLog::operator<< (const SampleInfoToken&) { startSampleInfo(); return *this; }
inline TestLog& TestLog::operator<< (const ValueInfo& valueInfo) { valueInfo.write(*this); return *this; }
inline TestLog& TestLog::operator<< (const EndSampleInfoToken&) { endSampleInfo(); return *this; }
inline TestLog& TestLog::operator<< (const EndSampleListToken&) { endSampleList(); return *this; }
template<typename T>
inline TestLog& TestLog::operator<< (const LogNumber<T>& number)
return *this;
inline TestLog& operator<< (TestLog& log, const std::exception& e)
// \todo [2012-10-18 pyry] Print type info?
return log << TestLog::Message << e.what() << TestLog::EndMessage;
// Utility class inline implementations.
template <typename T>
inline MessageBuilder& MessageBuilder::operator<< (const T& value)
// Overload stream operator to implement custom format
m_str << value;
return *this;
inline MessageBuilder TestLog::operator<< (const BeginMessageToken&)
return MessageBuilder(this);
inline MessageBuilder TestLog::message (void)
return MessageBuilder(this);
inline SampleBuilder TestLog::operator<< (const BeginSampleToken&)
return SampleBuilder(this);
inline void LogImageSet::write (TestLog& log) const
log.startImageSet(m_name.c_str(), m_description.c_str());
inline void LogSection::write (TestLog& log) const
log.startSection(m_name.c_str(), m_description.c_str());
inline void LogShaderProgram::write (TestLog& log) const
log.startShaderProgram(m_linkOk, m_linkInfoLog.c_str());
inline void LogShader::write (TestLog& log) const
log.writeShader(m_type, m_source.c_str(), m_compileOk, m_infoLog.c_str());
inline void LogSpirVAssemblySource::write (TestLog& log) const
inline void LogKernelSource::write (TestLog& log) const
inline void LogSampleList::write (TestLog& log) const
log.startSampleList(m_name, m_description);
inline void LogValueInfo::write (TestLog& log) const
log.writeValueInfo(m_name, m_description, m_unit, m_tag);
inline void LogNumber<float>::write (TestLog& log) const
log.writeFloat(m_name.c_str(), m_desc.c_str(), m_unit.c_str(), m_tag, m_value);
inline void LogNumber<deInt64>::write (TestLog& log) const
log.writeInteger(m_name.c_str(), m_desc.c_str(), m_unit.c_str(), m_tag, m_value);
} // tcu