blob: fa2a5f5e3b240631623b976e715ff0e0a3b5da3f [file] [log] [blame]
* OpenGL Conformance Test Suite
* -----------------------------
* Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Khronos Group Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
*/ /*!
* \file
* \brief
*/ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
* \file esextcTextureBufferActiveUniformValidation.hpp
* \brief Texture Buffer - Active Uniform Value Validation (Test 8)
*/ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "../esextcTestCaseBase.hpp"
#include <map>
namespace glcts
/** Implementation of (Test 8) from CTS_EXT_texture_buffer. Description follows
* Check whether glGetActiveUniform, glGetActiveUniformsiv and
* glGetProgramResourceiv functions return correct information about active
* uniform variables of the type:
* Category: API.
* Write a fragment shader that defines the following uniform variables:
* uniform highp samplerBuffer sampler_buffer;
* uniform highp isamplerBuffer isampler_buffer;
* uniform highp usamplerBuffer usampler_buffer;
* Make sure each of the uniform variables will be considered active.
* A uniform variable is considered active if it is determined during the link
* operation that it may be accessed during program execution. The easiest way
* to make sure the above variables are active is to call texelFetch on each
* texture sampler and imageLoad on each image sampler and use the returned
* values to determine the output color.
* Pair the fragment shader with a boilerplate vertex shader.
* Compile vertex and fragment shader, attach them to a program object and link
* the program object.
* Get the number of active uniforms in the program object by calling
* glGetProgramiv with the value GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS and store the result in
* n_active_uniforms variable.
* For index values ranging from zero to n_active_uniforms - 1 get the information
* about the uniform variable by calling glGetActiveUniform.
* This phase of the test passes if among the returned information
* about active uniforms for the specified program object we can identify:
* Name: Type:
* "sampler_buffer" SAMPLER_BUFFER_EXT
* "isampler_buffer" INT_SAMPLER_BUFFER_EXT
* Store which index corresponds to which variable type.
* Create an array holding uniform variables' indices ranging from
* zero to n_active_uniforms - 1.
* Call
* glGetActiveUniformsiv( po_id, n_active_uniforms, indices_array,
* GL_UNIFORM_TYPE, types_array );
* This phase of the test passes if the resulting types array holds for each
* index value in indices_array the same uniform type as returned previously by
* glGetActiveUniform called for this index.
* For index values ranging from zero to n_active_uniforms - 1
* get the type information about the uniform variable by calling
* glGetProgramResourceiv with GL_UNIFORM program interface and GL_TYPE property.
* This phase of the test passes if for each index value the returned type is
* equal to the one previously returned by glGetActiveUniform.
* Repeat the test for a compute shader that defines the following uniform
* variables:
* uniform highp imageBuffer image_buffer;
* uniform highp iimageBuffer iimage_buffer;
* uniform highp uimageBuffer uimage_buffer;
* The corresponding types for the above uniform variables are:
/* Helper Sctructure storing texture confituration parameters */
class TextureParameters
TextureParameters(glw::GLuint textureBufferSize, glw::GLenum textureFormat, glw::GLenum textureUniformType,
const char* uniformName);
glw::GLuint get_texture_buffer_size() const
return m_texture_buffer_size;
glw::GLenum get_texture_format() const
return m_texture_format;
glw::GLenum get_texture_uniform_type() const
return m_texture_uniform_type;
std::string get_uniform_name() const
return m_uniform_name;
glw::GLenum m_texture_buffer_size;
glw::GLenum m_texture_format;
glw::GLenum m_texture_uniform_type;
std::string m_uniform_name;
/* Base Class */
class TextureBufferActiveUniformValidation : public TestCaseBase
/* Public methods */
TextureBufferActiveUniformValidation(Context& context, const ExtParameters& extParams, const char* name,
const char* description);
virtual ~TextureBufferActiveUniformValidation()
virtual void deinit(void);
virtual IterateResult iterate(void);
/* Protected methods */
void addTextureParam(glw::GLenum uniformType, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLuint size, const char* name,
std::vector<TextureParameters>* params);
/* Protected variables */
glw::GLuint m_po_id;
static const glw::GLuint m_param_value_size;
/* Private methods */
virtual void configureParams(std::vector<TextureParameters>* params) = 0;
virtual void configureProgram(std::vector<TextureParameters>* params, glw::GLuint* texIds) = 0;
virtual void createProgram(void) = 0;
virtual void initTest(void);
const char* getUniformTypeName(glw::GLenum uniformType);
const TextureParameters* getParamsForType(glw::GLenum uniformType) const;
/* Variables for general usage */
glw::GLuint* m_tbo_ids;
glw::GLuint* m_tbo_tex_ids;
std::vector<TextureParameters> m_texture_params;
/* Vertex/Fragment Shader (Case 1)*/
class TextureBufferActiveUniformValidationVSFS : public TextureBufferActiveUniformValidation
/* Public methods */
TextureBufferActiveUniformValidationVSFS(Context& context, const ExtParameters& extParams, const char* name,
const char* description);
virtual ~TextureBufferActiveUniformValidationVSFS()
virtual void deinit(void);
/* Private methods */
virtual void configureParams(std::vector<TextureParameters>* params);
virtual void configureProgram(std::vector<TextureParameters>* params, glw::GLuint* texIds);
virtual void createProgram(void);
const char* getFragmentShaderCode(void) const;
const char* getVertexShaderCode(void) const;
/* Variables for general usage */
glw::GLuint m_fs_id;
glw::GLuint m_vs_id;
/* Compute Shader (Case 2)*/
class TextureBufferActiveUniformValidationCS : public TextureBufferActiveUniformValidation
/* Public methods */
TextureBufferActiveUniformValidationCS(Context& context, const ExtParameters& extParams, const char* name,
const char* description);
virtual ~TextureBufferActiveUniformValidationCS()
virtual void deinit(void);
/* Private methods */
virtual void configureParams(std::vector<TextureParameters>* params);
virtual void configureProgram(std::vector<TextureParameters>* params, glw::GLuint* texIds);
virtual void createProgram(void);
const char* getComputeShaderCode(void) const;
/* Variables for general usage */
glw::GLuint m_cs_id;
} // namespace glcts