| # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- |
| |
| #------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| # Vulkan CTS |
| # ---------- |
| # |
| # Copyright (c) 2015 Google Inc. |
| # |
| # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| # You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| # |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| # limitations under the License. |
| # |
| #------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| |
| import os |
| import re |
| import sys |
| import glob |
| import json |
| import argparse |
| import datetime |
| import collections |
| import ast |
| import logging |
| from lxml import etree |
| |
| scriptPath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..", "..", "scripts") |
| sys.path.insert(0, scriptPath) |
| |
| from ctsbuild.common import * |
| from khr_util.format import indentLines, writeInlFile |
| |
| VULKAN_XML_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..", "vulkan-docs", "src", "xml") |
| SCRIPTS_SRC_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "src") |
| DEFAULT_OUTPUT_DIR = { "" : os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "framework", "vulkan", "generated", "vulkan"), |
| "SC" : os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "framework", "vulkan", "generated", "vulkansc") } |
| |
| INL_HEADER = """\ |
| /* WARNING: This is auto-generated file. Do not modify, since changes will |
| * be lost! Modify the generating script instead. |
| * This file was generated by /scripts/gen_framework.py |
| */\ |
| |
| """ |
| |
| "VK_MAX_DRIVER_NAME_SIZE": "size_t", |
| "VK_MAX_DRIVER_INFO_SIZE": "size_t", |
| "VK_UUID_SIZE": "size_t", |
| "VK_LUID_SIZE": "size_t", |
| "VK_MAX_MEMORY_TYPES": "size_t", |
| "VK_MAX_MEMORY_HEAPS": "size_t", |
| "VK_MAX_DESCRIPTION_SIZE": "size_t", |
| "VK_MAX_DEVICE_GROUP_SIZE": "size_t", |
| "VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED": "uint32_t", |
| "VK_SUBPASS_EXTERNAL": "uint32_t", |
| "VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED": "uint32_t", |
| "VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_EXTERNAL": "uint32_t", |
| "VK_REMAINING_MIP_LEVELS": "uint32_t", |
| "VK_REMAINING_ARRAY_LAYERS": "uint32_t", |
| "VK_WHOLE_SIZE": "vk::VkDeviceSize", |
| "VK_TRUE": "vk::VkBool32", |
| "VK_FALSE": "vk::VkBool32", |
| } |
| |
| # VK_KHR_xlib_surface |
| (["Display","*"], ["XlibDisplayPtr"], "void*"), |
| (["Window"], ["XlibWindow"], "uintptr_t",), |
| (["VisualID"], ["XlibVisualID"], "uint32_t"), |
| |
| # VK_KHR_xcb_surface |
| (["xcb_connection_t", "*"], ["XcbConnectionPtr"], "void*"), |
| (["xcb_window_t"], ["XcbWindow"], "uintptr_t"), |
| (["xcb_visualid_t"], ["XcbVisualid"], "uint32_t"), |
| |
| # VK_KHR_wayland_surface |
| (["struct", "wl_display","*"], ["WaylandDisplayPtr"], "void*"), |
| (["struct", "wl_surface", "*"], ["WaylandSurfacePtr"], "void*"), |
| |
| # VK_KHR_mir_surface |
| (["MirConnection", "*"], ["MirConnectionPtr"], "void*"), |
| (["MirSurface", "*"], ["MirSurfacePtr"], "void*"), |
| |
| # VK_KHR_android_surface |
| (["ANativeWindow", "*"], ["AndroidNativeWindowPtr"], "void*"), |
| |
| # VK_KHR_win32_surface |
| (["HINSTANCE"], ["Win32InstanceHandle"], "void*"), |
| (["HWND"], ["Win32WindowHandle"], "void*"), |
| (["HANDLE"], ["Win32Handle"], "void*"), |
| (["const", "SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES", "*"], ["Win32SecurityAttributesPtr"], "const void*"), |
| (["AHardwareBuffer", "*"], ["AndroidHardwareBufferPtr"], "void*"), |
| (["HMONITOR"], ["Win32MonitorHandle"], "void*"), |
| (["LPCWSTR"], ["Win32LPCWSTR"], "const void*"), |
| |
| # VK_EXT_acquire_xlib_display |
| (["RROutput"], ["RROutput"], "void*"), |
| |
| (["zx_handle_t"], ["zx_handle_t"], "uint32_t"), |
| (["GgpFrameToken"], ["GgpFrameToken"], "int32_t"), |
| (["GgpStreamDescriptor"], ["GgpStreamDescriptor"], "int32_t"), |
| (["CAMetalLayer"], ["CAMetalLayer"], "void*"), |
| (["struct", "_screen_context", "*"], ["QNXScreenContextPtr"], "void*"), |
| (["struct", "_screen_window", "*"], ["QNXScreenWindowPtr"], "void*"), |
| |
| # VK_EXT_metal_objects |
| (["MTLDevice_id"], ["MTLDevice_id"], "void*"), |
| (["MTLCommandQueue_id"], ["MTLCommandQueue_id"], "void*"), |
| (["MTLBuffer_id"], ["MTLBuffer_id"], "void*"), |
| (["MTLTexture_id"], ["MTLTexture_id"], "void*"), |
| (["IOSurfaceRef"], ["IOSurfaceRef"], "void*"), |
| (["MTLSharedEvent_id"], ["MTLSharedEvent_id"], "void*"), |
| |
| # VK_NV_external_sci_sync |
| (["NvSciBufObj"], ["NvSciBufObj"], "int"), |
| (["NvSciSyncObj"], ["NvSciSyncObj"], "int"), |
| (["NvSciSyncFence"], ["NvSciSyncFence"], "int"), |
| (["NvSciBufAttrList"], ["NvSciBufAttrList"], "int"), |
| (["NvSciSyncAttrList"], ["NvSciSyncAttrList"], "int"), |
| ] |
| |
| |
| # Platform-specific |
| ("DWORD", "uint32_t"), |
| ("HANDLE*", PLATFORM_TYPE_NAMESPACE + "::" + "Win32Handle*"), |
| ] |
| |
| |
| # Converts the dependecies expression into an Abstract Syntax Tree that uses boolean operators |
| def parseDependsEpression(string): |
| try: |
| # Parse the input string into an abstract syntax tree (AST) |
| tree = ast.parse(string.replace('+', ' and ').replace(',', ' or '), mode='eval') |
| expression = tree.body |
| return expression |
| except SyntaxError as e: |
| print(f"Syntax error in the input string: {e}") |
| return None |
| |
| # Checks the dependencies AST against the passed extensions |
| def checkDependencyAST(node, extensions): |
| if isinstance(node, ast.BoolOp): |
| assert(len(node.values) >= 2) |
| value = checkDependencyAST(node.values.pop(), extensions) |
| while node.values: |
| nextValue = checkDependencyAST(node.values.pop(), extensions) |
| if isinstance(node.op, ast.And): |
| value = value and nextValue |
| if isinstance(node.op, ast.Or): |
| value = value or nextValue |
| return value |
| elif isinstance(node, ast.Name): |
| if '_VERSION_' in node.id: |
| return True |
| for ext in extensions: |
| if node.id == ext.name: |
| return True |
| return False |
| elif isinstance(node, ast.Constant): |
| return node.value |
| |
| # helper function that check if dependency is in list of extension |
| def isDependencyMet(dependsExpression, extensionList): |
| if dependsExpression is None: |
| return True |
| tree = parseDependsEpression(dependsExpression) |
| # check if requirement dependencies are meet; if not then struct/function is not used |
| ret = checkDependencyAST(tree, extensionList) |
| return ret |
| |
| def substituteType(object): # both CompositeMember and FunctionArgument can be passed to this function |
| for src, dst in TYPE_SUBSTITUTIONS: |
| object.type = object.type.replace(src, dst) |
| for platformType, substitute, _ in PLATFORM_TYPES: |
| platformTypeName = platformType[0] |
| platformTypeName = platformType[-2] if "*" in platformType else platformType[0] |
| if object.type == platformTypeName: |
| object.type = PLATFORM_TYPE_NAMESPACE + '::' + substitute[0] |
| object.qualifiers = None if 'struct' in platformType else object.qualifiers |
| object.qualifiers = None if 'const' in platformType else object.qualifiers |
| if "*" in platformType: |
| object.pointer = "*" if object.pointer == "**" else None |
| |
| class Define: |
| def __init__ (self, name, aType, alias, value): |
| self.name = name |
| self.type = aType |
| self.alias = alias |
| self.value = value |
| |
| class Handle: |
| def __init__ (self, name, aType, alias, parent, objtypeenum): |
| self.name = name |
| self.type = aType |
| self.alias = alias |
| self.parent = parent |
| self.objtypeenum = objtypeenum |
| |
| class Bitmask: |
| def __init__ (self, name, aType, requires, bitvalues): |
| self.name = name |
| self.type = aType |
| self.alias = None # initialy None but may be filled while parsing next tag |
| self.requires = requires |
| self.bitvalues = bitvalues |
| |
| class Enumerator: |
| def __init__ (self, name, value, bitpos): |
| self.name = name |
| self.aliasList = [] # list of strings |
| self.value = value # some enums specify value and some bitpos |
| self.bitpos = bitpos |
| self.extension = None # name of extension that added this enumerator |
| |
| class Enum: |
| def __init__ (self, name): |
| self.name = name |
| self.alias = None # name of enum alias or None |
| self.type = None # enum or bitmask |
| self.bitwidth = "32" |
| self.enumeratorList = [] # list of Enumerator objects |
| |
| def areValuesLinear (self): |
| if self.type == 'bitmask': |
| return False |
| curIndex = 0 |
| for enumerator in self.enumeratorList: |
| intValue = parseInt(enumerator.value) |
| if intValue != curIndex: |
| return False |
| curIndex += 1 |
| return True |
| |
| class CompositeMember: |
| def __init__ (self, name, aType, pointer, qualifiers, arraySizeList, optional, limittype, values, fieldWidth): |
| self.name = name |
| self.type = aType # member type |
| self.pointer = pointer # None, '*' or '**' |
| self.qualifiers = qualifiers # 'const' or 'struct' or None |
| self.arraySizeList = arraySizeList # can contain digits or enums |
| self.optional = optional |
| self.limittype = limittype |
| self.values = values # allowed member values |
| self.fieldWidth = fieldWidth # ':' followed by number of bits |
| |
| # check if type should be swaped |
| substituteType(self) |
| |
| class Composite: |
| def __init__ (self, name, category, allowduplicate, structextends, returnedonly, members): |
| self.name = name |
| self.category = category # is it struct or union |
| self.aliasList = [] # most composite types have single alias but there are cases like VkPhysicalDeviceVariablePointersFeatures that have 3 |
| self.allowduplicate = allowduplicate |
| self.structextends = structextends |
| self.returnedonly = returnedonly |
| self.members = members # list of CompositeMember objects |
| self.notSupportedAlias = None # alias used in not supported api e.g. VkPhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesKHR is alias available only in vulkan but not in SC |
| |
| class FunctionArgument: |
| def __init__ (self, name, qualifiers, aType, pointer = None, secondPointerIsConst = False, arraySize = None, len = None): |
| self.name = name |
| self.qualifiers = qualifiers |
| self.type = aType |
| self.pointer = pointer # None, '*' or '**' |
| self.secondPointerIsConst = secondPointerIsConst |
| self.arraySize = arraySize |
| self.len = len |
| |
| # check if type should be swaped |
| substituteType(self) |
| |
| class Function: |
| TYPE_PLATFORM = 0 # Not bound to anything |
| TYPE_INSTANCE = 1 # Bound to VkInstance |
| TYPE_DEVICE = 2 # Bound to VkDevice |
| |
| def __init__ (self, name, returnType = None, arguments = None): |
| self.name = name |
| self.aliasList = [] |
| self.queuesList = [] |
| self.returnType = returnType |
| self.arguments = arguments # list of FunctionArgument objects |
| self.functionType = Function.TYPE_PLATFORM |
| |
| # Determine function type based on first argument but use TYPE_PLATFORM for vkGetInstanceProcAddr |
| if self.name == "vkGetInstanceProcAddr": |
| return |
| assert len(self.arguments) > 0 |
| firstArgType = self.arguments[0].type |
| if firstArgType in ["VkInstance", "VkPhysicalDevice"]: |
| self.functionType = Function.TYPE_INSTANCE |
| elif firstArgType in ["VkDevice", "VkCommandBuffer", "VkQueue"]: |
| self.functionType = Function.TYPE_DEVICE |
| |
| def getType (self): |
| return self.functionType |
| |
| class FeatureEnumerator: |
| def __init__ (self, name, extends, offset, extnumber): |
| self.name = name |
| self.extends = extends |
| self.offset = offset |
| self.extnumber = extnumber |
| |
| class FeatureRequirement: |
| def __init__ (self, operation, comment, enumList, typeList, commandList): |
| self.operation = operation # "require" or "remove" |
| self.comment = comment |
| self.enumList = enumList # list of FeatureEnumerator objects |
| self.typeList = typeList # list of strings, each representing required structure name |
| self.commandList = commandList # list of strings, each representing required function name |
| |
| class Feature: |
| def __init__ (self, api, name, number, requirementsList): |
| self.api = api |
| self.name = name |
| self.number = number |
| self.requirementsList = requirementsList # list of FeatureRequirement objects |
| |
| class ExtensionEnumerator: |
| def __init__ (self, name, extends, alias, value, extnumber, offset, bitpos, vdir, comment): |
| self.name = name |
| self.extends = extends |
| self.alias = alias |
| self.value = value |
| self.extnumber = extnumber |
| self.offset = offset |
| self.bitpos = bitpos |
| self.dir = vdir |
| self.comment = comment # note: comment is used to mark not promoted features for partially promoted extensions |
| |
| class ExtensionCommand: |
| def __init__ (self, name, comment): |
| self.name = name |
| self.comment = comment |
| |
| class ExtensionType: |
| def __init__ (self, name, comment): |
| self.name = name |
| self.comment = comment |
| |
| class ExtensionRequirements: |
| def __init__ (self, depends, extendedEnums, newCommands, newTypes): |
| self.depends = depends # None when requirement apply to all implementations of extension or string with dependencies |
| # string with extension name when requirements apply to implementations that also support given extension |
| self.extendedEnums = extendedEnums # list of ExtensionEnumerator objects |
| self.newCommands = newCommands # list of ExtensionCommand objects |
| self.newTypes = newTypes # list of ExtensionType objects |
| |
| class Extension: |
| def __init__ (self, name, number, type, depends, platform, promotedto, partiallyPromoted, requirementsList): |
| self.name = name # extension name |
| self.number = number # extension version |
| self.type = type # extension type - "device" or "instance" |
| self.depends = depends # string containig grammar for required core vulkan version and/or other extensions |
| self.platform = platform # None, "win32", "ios", "android" etc. |
| self.promotedto = promotedto # vulkan version, other extension or None |
| self.partiallyPromoted = partiallyPromoted # when True then some of requirements were not promoted |
| self.requirementsList = requirementsList # list of ExtensionRequirements objects |
| |
| class API: |
| def __init__ (self, apiName): |
| self.apiName = apiName # string "vulkan" or "vulkansc" |
| self.basetypes = {} # dictionary, e.g. one of keys is VkFlags and its value is uint32_t |
| self.defines = [] |
| self.handles = [] # list of Handle objects |
| self.bitmasks = [] # list of Bitmask objects |
| self.enums = [] # list of Enum objects - each contains individual enum definition (including extension enums) |
| self.compositeTypes = [] # list of Composite objects - each contains individual structure/union definition (including extension structures) |
| self.functions = [] # list of Function objects - each contains individual command definition (including extension functions) |
| self.features = [] # list of Feature objects |
| self.extensions = [] # list of Extension objects - each contains individual, supported extension definition |
| self.notSupportedExtensions = [] # list of Extension objects - it contains NOT supported extensions; this is filled and needed only for SC |
| self.basicCTypes = [] # list of basic C types e.g. 'void', 'int8_t' |
| self.tempAliasesList = [] # list of aliases for enums that could not be added because enum is defined later than its alias; this is needed for SC |
| |
| # read all files from extensions directory |
| additionalExtensionData = {} |
| for fileName in glob.glob(os.path.join(SCRIPTS_SRC_DIR, "extensions", "*.json")): |
| if "schema.json" in fileName: |
| continue |
| extensionName = os.path.basename(fileName)[:-5] |
| fileContent = readFile(fileName) |
| try: |
| additionalExtensionData[extensionName] = json.loads(fileContent) |
| with open(fileName, 'w') as file: |
| file.write(json.dumps(additionalExtensionData[extensionName], indent=4)) |
| except ValueError as err: |
| print("Error in %s: %s" % (os.path.basename(fileName), str(err))) |
| sys.exit(-1) |
| self.additionalExtensionData = sorted(additionalExtensionData.items(), key=lambda e: e[0]) |
| |
| def addEnumerator(self, targetEnum, name, value, offset, extnumber, bitpos, dir = None): |
| # calculate enumerator value if offset attribute is present |
| if value is None and offset is not None: |
| value = 1000000000 + (int(extnumber) - 1) * 1000 + int(offset) |
| # check if value should be negative |
| value = -value if dir == "-" else value |
| # convert to string so that type matches the type in which values |
| # are stored for enums that were read from enums xml section |
| value = str(value) |
| # add new enumerator |
| targetEnum.enumeratorList.append(Enumerator(name, value, bitpos)) |
| |
| def addAliasToEnumerator (self, targetEnum, name, alias): |
| assert(alias is not None) |
| for e in reversed(targetEnum.enumeratorList): |
| if alias == e.name or alias in e.aliasList: |
| # make sure same alias is not already on the list; this handles special case like |
| # VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_ID_PROPERTIES_KHR alais which is defined in three places |
| if name not in e.aliasList: |
| e.aliasList.append(name) |
| return True |
| return False |
| |
| def readEnum (self, enumsNode): |
| enumName = enumsNode.get("name") |
| # special case for vulkan hardcoded constants that are specified as enum in vk.xml |
| if enumName == "API Constants": |
| for enumItem in enumsNode: |
| self.defines.append(Define( |
| enumItem.get("name"), |
| enumItem.get("type"), |
| enumItem.get("alias"), |
| enumItem.get("value") |
| )) |
| return |
| # initial enum definition is read while processing types section; |
| # we need to find this enum definition and add data to it |
| enumDefinition = [enumDef for enumDef in self.enums if enumName == enumDef.name][0] |
| # add type and bitwidth to enum definition |
| enumDefinition.type = enumsNode.get("type") |
| enumDefinition.bitwidth = enumsNode.get("bitwidth") |
| if enumDefinition.bitwidth is None: |
| enumDefinition.bitwidth = "32" |
| # add components to enum definition |
| for enumeratorItem in enumsNode: |
| # skip comment tags |
| if enumeratorItem.tag != "enum": |
| continue |
| # when api attribute is present it limits param to specific api |
| supportedApi = enumeratorItem.get("api") |
| if supportedApi != None and supportedApi != self.apiName: |
| continue |
| name = enumeratorItem.get("name") |
| alias = enumeratorItem.get("alias") |
| if alias is None: |
| self.addEnumerator( |
| enumDefinition, |
| name, |
| enumeratorItem.get("value"), |
| enumeratorItem.get("offset"), |
| enumeratorItem.get("extnumber"), |
| enumeratorItem.get("bitpos"), |
| enumeratorItem.get("dir")) |
| else: |
| self.addAliasToEnumerator(enumDefinition, name, alias) |
| |
| def readCommand (self, commandNode): |
| # when api attribute is present it limits command just to specified api |
| dedicatedForApi = commandNode.get("api") |
| if dedicatedForApi is not None and dedicatedForApi != self.apiName: |
| # we dont need to parse this command |
| return |
| # check if this is alias |
| alias = commandNode.get("alias") |
| # if node is alias then use the fact that alias definition follows aliased structure |
| if alias is not None: |
| # aliased command has usually been added recently, so we iterate in reverse order |
| found = False |
| for f in reversed(self.functions): |
| found = (f.name == alias) |
| if found: |
| f.aliasList.append(commandNode.get("name")) |
| break |
| assert found |
| # go to next node |
| return |
| # memorize all parameters |
| functionParams = [] |
| queuesList = [] |
| |
| protoNode = None |
| for paramNode in commandNode: |
| # memorize prototype node |
| if paramNode.tag == "proto": |
| protoNode = paramNode |
| continue |
| # skip implicitexternsyncparams |
| if paramNode.tag != "param": |
| continue |
| # when api attribute is present it limits param to specific api |
| supportedApi = paramNode.get("api") |
| if supportedApi != None and supportedApi != self.apiName: |
| continue |
| nameNode = paramNode.find("name") |
| typeNode = paramNode.find("type") |
| starCount = typeNode.tail.count('*') |
| lenAttr = paramNode.get("len") |
| functionParams.append(FunctionArgument( |
| nameNode.text, |
| paramNode.text, |
| paramNode.find("type").text, |
| '*' * starCount if starCount > 0 else None, |
| 'const' in typeNode.tail, |
| nameNode.tail, |
| lenAttr |
| )) |
| |
| queuesAttr = commandNode.get("queues") |
| if queuesAttr: |
| queuesList = queuesAttr.split(",") |
| |
| # memorize whole function |
| func = Function( |
| protoNode.find("name").text, |
| protoNode.find("type").text, |
| functionParams, |
| ) |
| |
| func.queuesList = queuesList |
| self.functions.append(func) |
| |
| def readExtension (self, extensionNode): |
| # check to which list this extension should be added |
| supportedList = extensionNode.get("supported") |
| isExtensionSupported = self.apiName in supportedList.split(',') |
| targetExtensionList = self.extensions if isExtensionSupported else self.notSupportedExtensions |
| # read extension definition to proper list |
| extensionName = extensionNode.get("name") |
| extensionNumber = extensionNode.get("number") |
| partiallyPromoted = False |
| # before reading extension data first read extension |
| # requirements by iterating over all require tags |
| requirementsList = [] |
| for requireItem in extensionNode: |
| extendedEnums = [] |
| newCommands = [] |
| newTypes = [] |
| # iterate over all children in current require tag |
| # and add them to proper list |
| for individualRequirement in requireItem: |
| requirementName = individualRequirement.get("name") |
| requirementComment = individualRequirement.get("comment") |
| # check if this requirement was not promoted and mark |
| # this extension as not fully promoted |
| if requirementComment is not None and "Not promoted to" in requirementComment: |
| partiallyPromoted = True |
| # check if this requirement describes enum, command or type |
| if individualRequirement.tag == "enum": |
| # when api attribute is present it limits enumerator to specific api |
| supportedApi = individualRequirement.get("api") |
| if supportedApi != None and supportedApi != self.apiName: |
| continue |
| extendedEnumName = individualRequirement.get("extends") |
| extendedEnums.append(ExtensionEnumerator( |
| requirementName, |
| extendedEnumName, |
| individualRequirement.get("alias"), |
| individualRequirement.get("value"), |
| individualRequirement.get("extnumber"), |
| individualRequirement.get("offset"), |
| individualRequirement.get("bitpos"), |
| individualRequirement.get("dir"), |
| requirementComment)) |
| elif individualRequirement.tag == "command": |
| newCommands.append(ExtensionCommand(requirementName, requirementComment)) |
| elif individualRequirement.tag == "type": |
| newTypes.append(ExtensionType(requirementName, requirementComment)) |
| elif individualRequirement.tag == "comment" and "not promoted to" in individualRequirement.text: |
| # partial promotion of VK_EXT_ycbcr_2plane_444_formats and VK_EXT_4444_formats |
| # is marked with comment tag in first require section |
| partiallyPromoted = True |
| # construct requirement object and add it to the list |
| requirementsList.append(ExtensionRequirements( |
| requireItem.get("depends"), # dependencies that can include "and/or" grammar |
| extendedEnums, # extendedEnums |
| newCommands, # newCommands |
| newTypes # newTypes |
| )) |
| # add extension definition to proper api object |
| targetExtensionList.append(Extension( |
| extensionName, # name |
| extensionNumber, # number |
| extensionNode.get("type"), # type |
| extensionNode.get("depends"), # depends |
| extensionNode.get("platform"), # platform |
| extensionNode.get("promotedto"), # promotedto |
| partiallyPromoted, # partiallyPromoted |
| requirementsList # requirementsList |
| )) |
| |
| def readFeature (self, featureNode): |
| # api attribute limits feature just to specified api |
| supportedApis = featureNode.get("api") |
| isFeatureSupportedByApi = self.apiName in supportedApis.split(',') |
| requirementsList = [] |
| for requirementGroup in featureNode: |
| enumList = [] |
| typeList = [] |
| commandList = [] |
| for requirement in requirementGroup: |
| requirementName = requirement.get("name") |
| if requirement.tag == "enum": |
| extendedEnumName = requirement.get("extends") |
| offset = requirement.get("offset") |
| extnumber = requirement.get("extnumber") |
| enumList.append(FeatureEnumerator(requirementName, extendedEnumName, offset, extnumber)) |
| if isFeatureSupportedByApi and extendedEnumName is not None: |
| # find extended enum in api.enums list |
| for e in self.enums: |
| if extendedEnumName == e.name: |
| # read enumerator and add it to enum |
| alias = requirement.get("alias") |
| if alias is None: |
| self.addEnumerator( |
| e, |
| requirementName, |
| requirement.get("value"), |
| offset, |
| extnumber, |
| requirement.get("bitpos"), |
| requirement.get("dir")) |
| elif not self.addAliasToEnumerator(e, requirementName, alias): |
| self.tempAliasesList.append((e, requirementName, alias)) |
| break |
| elif requirement.tag == "type": |
| typeList.append(requirementName) |
| elif requirement.tag == "command": |
| commandList.append(requirementName) |
| requirementsList.append(FeatureRequirement( |
| requirementGroup.tag, |
| requirementGroup.get("comment"), |
| enumList, |
| typeList, |
| commandList |
| )) |
| self.features.append(Feature( |
| supportedApis, |
| featureNode.get("name"), |
| featureNode.get("number"), |
| requirementsList |
| )) |
| |
| def readType (self, typeNode): |
| name = typeNode.get("name") |
| alias = typeNode.get("alias") |
| category = typeNode.get("category") |
| if category == "enum": |
| if alias is None: |
| self.enums.append(Enum(name)) |
| else: |
| for e in reversed(self.enums): |
| if alias == e.name: |
| e.alias = name |
| break |
| elif category == "handle": |
| type = None |
| if alias is None: |
| name = typeNode.find("name").text |
| type = typeNode.find("type").text |
| self.handles.append(Handle( |
| name, |
| type, |
| alias, |
| typeNode.get("parent"), |
| typeNode.get("objtypeenum"), |
| )) |
| else: |
| for h in reversed(self.handles): |
| if alias == h.name: |
| h.alias = name |
| break |
| elif category == "basetype": |
| # processing only those basetypes that have type child |
| type = typeNode.find("type") |
| if type is not None: |
| self.basetypes[typeNode.find("name").text] = type.text |
| elif category == "bitmask": |
| # when api attribute is present it limits bitmask to specific api |
| supportedApi = typeNode.get("api") |
| if supportedApi != None and supportedApi != self.apiName: |
| # go to next node |
| return |
| # if node is alias then use the fact that alias definition follows aliased bitmasks; |
| # in majoriti of cases it follows directly aliased bitmasks but in some cases there |
| # is a unrelated bitmasks definition in between - to handle this traverse in reverse order |
| if alias is not None: |
| for bm in reversed(self.bitmasks): |
| if alias == bm.name: |
| bm.alias = name |
| break |
| else: |
| self.bitmasks.append(Bitmask( |
| typeNode.find("name").text, |
| typeNode.find("type").text, |
| typeNode.get("requires"), |
| typeNode.get("bitvalues") |
| )) |
| elif category in ["struct", "union"]: |
| # if node is alias then use the fact that alias definition follows aliased structure; |
| # in majoriti of cases it follows directly aliased structure but in some cases there |
| # is a unrelated structure definition in between - to handle this traverse in reverse order |
| if alias is not None: |
| for ct in reversed(self.compositeTypes): |
| if alias == ct.name or alias in ct.aliasList: |
| ct.aliasList.append(name) |
| break |
| # go to next node |
| return |
| # read structure members |
| structMembers = [] |
| for memberNode in typeNode: |
| if memberNode.tag != "member": |
| continue |
| # when api attribute is present it limits bitmask to specific api |
| supportedApi = memberNode.get("api") |
| if supportedApi != None and supportedApi != self.apiName: |
| # go to next member |
| continue |
| # handle enum nodes that can be used for array dimensions |
| arraySizeList = [] |
| for node in memberNode: |
| if node.tag == "enum": |
| arraySizeList.append(node.text) |
| # check if there are array dimension that are not enums |
| if '[' in node.tail and len(node.tail) > 2: |
| arraySizeList += node.tail.replace(']', ' ').replace('[', ' ').split() |
| # handle additional text after name tag; it can represent array |
| # size like in VkPipelineFragmentShadingRateEnumStateCreateInfoNV |
| # or number of bits like in VkAccelerationStructureInstanceKHR |
| nameNode = memberNode.find("name") |
| nameTail = nameNode.tail |
| fieldWidth = None |
| if nameTail: |
| if ':' in nameTail: |
| fieldWidth = nameTail.replace(':', '').replace(' ', '') |
| elif '[' in nameTail and ']' in nameTail: |
| nameTail = nameTail.replace(']', ' ').replace('[', ' ') |
| arraySizeList = nameTail.split() + arraySizeList |
| # handle additional text after type tag; it can represent pointers like *pNext |
| memberTypeNode = memberNode.find("type") |
| pointer = memberTypeNode.tail.strip() if memberTypeNode.tail is not None else None |
| structMembers.append(CompositeMember( |
| nameNode.text, # name |
| memberTypeNode.text, # type |
| pointer, # pointer |
| memberNode.text, # qualifiers |
| arraySizeList, # arraySizeList |
| memberNode.get("optional"), # optional |
| memberNode.get("limittype"), # limittype |
| memberNode.get("values"), # values |
| fieldWidth # fieldWidth |
| )) |
| # create structure definition |
| self.compositeTypes.append(Composite( |
| name, |
| category, |
| typeNode.get("allowduplicate"), |
| typeNode.get("structextends"), |
| typeNode.get("returnedonly"), |
| structMembers |
| )) |
| elif category == "define": |
| nNode = typeNode.find("name") |
| tNode = typeNode.find("type") |
| if nNode == None or tNode == None: |
| return |
| requires = typeNode.get("requires") |
| name = nNode.text |
| if "API_VERSION_" in name or requires == "VK_MAKE_VIDEO_STD_VERSION": |
| value = tNode.tail |
| value = tNode.text + value[:value.find(')')+1] |
| value = value.replace('VKSC_API_VARIANT', '1') |
| self.defines.append(Define( |
| name, |
| "uint32_t", |
| None, |
| value |
| )) |
| else: |
| requires = typeNode.get("requires") |
| if requires == 'vk_platform': |
| self.basicCTypes.append(name) |
| |
| def build (self, rawVkXml): |
| # iterate over all *.xml root children |
| for rootChild in rawVkXml.getroot(): |
| |
| # each enum is defined in separate enums node directly under root node |
| if rootChild.tag == "enums": |
| self.readEnum(rootChild) |
| |
| # read function definitions |
| if rootChild.tag == "commands": |
| commandsNode = rootChild |
| for commandItem in commandsNode: |
| self.readCommand(commandItem) |
| |
| # read vulkan versions |
| if rootChild.tag == "feature": |
| self.readFeature(rootChild) |
| |
| # read extensions |
| if rootChild.tag == "extensions": |
| extensionsNode = rootChild |
| for extensionItem in extensionsNode: |
| self.readExtension(extensionItem) |
| |
| # "types" is a first child of root so it's optimal to check for it |
| # last and don't repeat this check for all other iterations |
| if rootChild.tag == "types": |
| typesNode = rootChild |
| for typeItem in typesNode: |
| self.readType(typeItem) |
| |
| def postProcess (self): |
| |
| # verify that promotedto extensions are supported by the api |
| for ext in self.extensions: |
| if ext.promotedto is not None and "VK_VERSION" not in ext.promotedto: |
| if not any(x.name == ext.promotedto for x in self.extensions): |
| ext.promotedto = None |
| |
| # temporary workaround for extensions that are marked only for vulkan api in xml while |
| # they are need by vulkan_json_data.hpp and vulkan_json_parser.hpp in vulkansc |
| if self.apiName == "vulkansc": |
| workAroundList = [ |
| "VK_NV_device_diagnostic_checkpoints", |
| "VK_KHR_format_feature_flags2", |
| "VK_EXT_vertex_attribute_divisor", |
| "VK_EXT_global_priority", |
| "VK_EXT_calibrated_timestamps", |
| ] |
| for extName in workAroundList: |
| extData = [e for e in self.notSupportedExtensions if e.name == extName] |
| if len(extData): |
| extData = extData[0] |
| self.extensions.append(extData) |
| self.notSupportedExtensions.remove(extData) |
| |
| # add new enumerators that were added by extensions to api.enums |
| # we have to do it at the end for SC because some enums are dependent from extensions/api versions |
| # and those dependencies can be checked only after all extensions were read |
| for ext in self.extensions: |
| logging.debug("Considering extension %s for API %s" % (ext.name, apiName)) |
| for requirement in ext.requirementsList: |
| # check if this requirement is supported by current implementation |
| isRequirementSupported = isDependencyMet(requirement.depends, self.extensions) |
| # add enumerator to proper enum from api.enums |
| if isRequirementSupported: |
| for enumerator in requirement.extendedEnums: |
| if enumerator.extends is None: |
| continue |
| # find enum in api.enums |
| matchedEnums = [enum for enum in self.enums if enumerator.extends == enum.name or enumerator.extends == enum.alias] |
| if len(matchedEnums) == 0: |
| logging.error("Could not find enum %s extends %s in %s " % (enumerator.name, enumerator.extends, self.apiName)) |
| matchedEnum = matchedEnums[0] |
| # add enumerator only when it is not already in enum |
| if len([e for e in matchedEnum.enumeratorList if e.name == enumerator.name]) == 0: |
| if enumerator.alias == None: |
| logging.debug("Adding enum value %s for extension %s in API %s" % (enumerator.name, ext.name, apiName)) |
| self.addEnumerator( |
| matchedEnum, |
| enumerator.name, |
| enumerator.value, |
| enumerator.offset, |
| enumerator.extnumber if enumerator.extnumber else ext.number, |
| enumerator.bitpos, |
| enumerator.dir) |
| elif not self.addAliasToEnumerator(matchedEnum, enumerator.name, enumerator.alias): |
| # we might not be able to add alias as we might be missing what we are aliasing |
| # this will happen when aliased enum is added later then definition of alias |
| logging.debug("Adding alias %s to enum %s for extension %s in API %s" % (enumerator.name, matchedEnum.name, ext.name, apiName)) |
| self.tempAliasesList.append((matchedEnum, enumerator.name, enumerator.alias)) |
| else: |
| logging.warning("Skipping requirement in extension %s because dependencies are not met: %s" % (ext.name, requirement.depends)) |
| |
| # add aliases to enumerators that were defined after alias definition |
| for enum, name, alias in self.tempAliasesList: |
| if not self.addAliasToEnumerator(enum, name, alias): |
| # if enumerator that should be aliased was not found then try to insert it without alias |
| # (this happens for vulkansc as in xml enumerator might be defined in extension that is |
| # not supported by sc or in normal vulkan version) |
| def tryToFindEnumValueInNotSupportedExtensions(searchedName): |
| for nsExt in self.notSupportedExtensions: |
| for r in nsExt.requirementsList: |
| for enumerator in r.extendedEnums: |
| if enumerator.name == searchedName: |
| self.addEnumerator( |
| enum, |
| name, |
| enumerator.value, |
| enumerator.offset, |
| enumerator.extnumber if enumerator.extnumber else ext.number, |
| enumerator.bitpos, |
| enumerator.dir) |
| # there is still 1 case where alias that is not part of SC needs to be added for SC |
| self.addAliasToEnumerator(enum, alias, name) |
| return True |
| return False |
| def tryToFindEnumValueInNotSupportedVersions(searchedName): |
| for f in self.features: |
| # check only not supported features |
| if self.apiName in f.api.split(','): |
| continue |
| for r in f.requirementsList: |
| for enumerator in r.enumList: |
| if enumerator.name == searchedName: |
| assert enumerator.extnumber is not None |
| self.addEnumerator( |
| enum, |
| name, |
| None, |
| enumerator.offset, |
| enumerator.extnumber, |
| None, |
| None) |
| self.addAliasToEnumerator(enum, alias, name) |
| return True |
| return False |
| # using functions for fast stack unwinding |
| if tryToFindEnumValueInNotSupportedExtensions(alias): |
| continue |
| if tryToFindEnumValueInNotSupportedVersions(alias): |
| continue |
| self.tempAliasesList = None |
| |
| if self.apiName == "vulkan": |
| def removeExtensionFromApi(extName, structureNameList, commandNameList): |
| extObjectList = [e for e in api.extensions if e.name == extName] |
| if len(extObjectList) > 0: |
| api.extensions.remove(extObjectList[0]) |
| structObjectList = [ct for ct in api.compositeTypes if ct.name in structureNameList] |
| for s in structObjectList: |
| api.compositeTypes.remove(s) |
| commandObjectList = [f for f in api.functions if f.name in commandNameList] |
| for f in commandObjectList: |
| api.functions.remove(f) |
| |
| # remove structures and commands added by VK_EXT_directfb_surface extension |
| removeExtensionFromApi("VK_EXT_directfb_surface", |
| ["VkDirectFBSurfaceCreateFlagsEXT", "VkDirectFBSurfaceCreateInfoEXT"], |
| ["vkCreateDirectFBSurfaceEXT", "vkGetPhysicalDeviceDirectFBPresentationSupportEXT"]) |
| |
| # remove structures and commands added by disabled VK_ANDROID_native_buffer extension; |
| # disabled extensions aren't read but their structures and commands will be in types and commands sections in vk.xml |
| removeExtensionFromApi("VK_ANDROID_native_buffer", |
| ["VkNativeBufferANDROID", "VkSwapchainImageCreateInfoANDROID", |
| "VkPhysicalDevicePresentationPropertiesANDROID", "VkNativeBufferUsage2ANDROID", |
| "VkSwapchainImageUsageFlagBitsANDROID", "VkSwapchainImageUsageFlagsANDROID"], |
| ["vkGetSwapchainGrallocUsageANDROID", "vkAcquireImageANDROID", |
| "vkQueueSignalReleaseImageANDROID", "vkGetSwapchainGrallocUsage2ANDROID"]) |
| |
| # remove empty enums e.g. VkQueryPoolCreateFlagBits, VkDeviceCreateFlagBits |
| enumsToRemove = [enum for enum in self.enums if len(enum.enumeratorList) == 0] |
| for er in enumsToRemove: |
| self.enums.remove(er) |
| |
| # add alias for VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentShaderBarycentricFeaturesKHR (in vk.xml for this struct alias is defined before struct |
| # where in all other cases it is defined after structure definition) |
| barycentricFeaturesStruct = [c for c in api.compositeTypes if c.name == 'VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentShaderBarycentricFeaturesKHR'][0] |
| barycentricFeaturesStruct.aliasList.append('VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentShaderBarycentricFeaturesNV') |
| |
| elif self.apiName == "vulkansc": |
| # remove commands that are marked with <remove> tag in SC feature specification; |
| # e.g. there is no vkCreateShaderModule in SC |
| functionsToRemove = [] |
| scFeatures = [f for f in self.features if f.api == "vulkansc"][0] |
| for featureRequirement in scFeatures.requirementsList: |
| if featureRequirement.operation == "remove": |
| for removeFun in featureRequirement.commandList: |
| # find function in the list of all functions |
| for fun in self.functions: |
| if removeFun == fun.name: |
| functionsToRemove.append(fun) |
| break |
| for fun in functionsToRemove: |
| self.functions.remove(fun) |
| # sc is based on vk1.2 so we need to check features of vk1.3+ |
| # and rename functions and structures that were promoted in |
| # those versions to their previous names (aliases) |
| renamedStructuresDict = {} |
| for feature in self.features: |
| # skip vk versions smaller than 1.3 |
| if int(feature.number[-1]) < 3: |
| continue |
| # iterate over all requirements and enums/commands/structs added in them |
| for featureRequirement in feature.requirementsList: |
| for promotedEnumerator in featureRequirement.enumList: |
| # iterate over all enums and find one that was extended |
| for enum in self.enums: |
| logging.debug("Considering enum %s for API %s" % (enum.name, api.apiName)) |
| if enum.name != promotedEnumerator.extends: |
| continue |
| enumeratorReplaced = False |
| # find enumerator that should have changed name |
| for enumerator in enum.enumeratorList: |
| if enumerator.name != promotedEnumerator.name or len(enumerator.aliasList) == 0: |
| continue |
| # replace enumerator name with its first alias |
| enumerator.name = enumerator.aliasList[0] |
| enumerator.aliasList = enumerator.aliasList[1:] |
| # first member of almost all structures is VkStructureType and in xml that member |
| # has defined value - we need to change those values to versions supported by SC |
| if "STRUCTURE_TYPE" in enumerator.name: |
| for struct in self.compositeTypes: |
| if struct.members[0].values == promotedEnumerator.name: |
| struct.members[0].values = enumerator.name |
| break |
| enumeratorReplaced = True |
| break |
| if enumeratorReplaced: |
| break |
| renamedFunctionsList = [] |
| for promotedFun in featureRequirement.commandList: |
| # find promotedFun in list of all functions |
| for fun in self.functions: |
| if fun.name != promotedFun: |
| continue |
| # replace function name with its last alias |
| fun.name = fun.aliasList[-1] |
| fun.aliasList = fun.aliasList[:-1] |
| # memorize renamed functions |
| renamedFunctionsList.append(fun) |
| break |
| for promotedStruct in featureRequirement.typeList: |
| # find promotedStruct in list of all structures |
| for struct in self.compositeTypes: |
| if struct.name != promotedStruct: |
| continue |
| # skip structures without alias |
| if len(struct.aliasList) == 0: |
| break |
| # replace struct name with its last alias |
| struct.notSupportedAlias = struct.name |
| struct.name = struct.aliasList[-1] |
| struct.aliasList = struct.aliasList[:-1] |
| # memorize all renamed structures |
| renamedStructuresDict[promotedStruct] = struct |
| # check all renamed functions and make sure that argument types are also renamed |
| for renamedFun in renamedFunctionsList: |
| for arg in renamedFun.arguments: |
| if arg.type == promotedStruct: |
| arg.type = struct.name |
| break |
| # iterate over all renamed structures and make sure that all their attributes are also renamed |
| for newName in renamedStructuresDict: |
| for member in renamedStructuresDict[newName].members: |
| if member.type in renamedStructuresDict: |
| member.type = renamedStructuresDict[member.type].name |
| |
| # remove enums that are not part of any vulkan version nor extension |
| # (SC specific enums are in vk.xml without any attribute identifying that they are SC specific; same for enums for disabled extensions) |
| def isEnumUsed(enumName, enumAlias): |
| for feature in self.features: |
| if self.apiName not in feature.api.split(','): |
| continue |
| for requirement in feature.requirementsList: |
| for typeName in requirement.typeList: |
| if (typeName == enumName) or (typeName == enumAlias): |
| return True |
| for ext in self.extensions: |
| for requirement in ext.requirementsList: |
| for newType in requirement.newTypes: |
| if (newType.name == enumName) or (newType.name == enumAlias): |
| return True |
| for extendedEnum in requirement.extendedEnums: |
| if extendedEnum.extends == enumName: |
| return True |
| return False |
| # do removal using above function |
| enumsToRemove = [] |
| for enum in self.enums: |
| if isEnumUsed(enum.name, enum.alias): |
| continue |
| enumsToRemove.append(enum) |
| for er in enumsToRemove: |
| logging.debug("Removing enum %s because not used in API %s" % (er.name, self.apiName)) |
| self.enums.remove(er) |
| |
| # remove structures that are not part of any vulkan version nor extension; SC specific |
| # structures are in vk.xml without any attribute identifying that they are SC specific |
| def isStructUsed(structNameList): |
| for feature in self.features: |
| if self.apiName not in feature.api.split(','): |
| continue |
| for requirement in feature.requirementsList: |
| for typeName in requirement.typeList: |
| if typeName in structNameList: |
| return True |
| for ext in self.extensions: |
| for requirement in ext.requirementsList: |
| for newType in requirement.newTypes: |
| if newType.name in structNameList: |
| return isDependencyMet(requirement.depends, self.extensions) |
| return False |
| |
| structsToRemove = [] |
| for struct in self.compositeTypes: |
| structNameList = [struct.name] + struct.aliasList |
| if isStructUsed(structNameList): |
| continue |
| structsToRemove.append(struct) |
| for st in structsToRemove: |
| self.compositeTypes.remove(st) |
| |
| # remove commands that are not part of any vulkan version nor extension |
| # (SC specific commands are in vk.xml without any attribute identifying that they are SC specific) |
| def isFunctionUsed(functionNameList): |
| for feature in self.features: |
| if self.apiName not in feature.api.split(','): |
| continue |
| for requirement in feature.requirementsList: |
| for commandName in requirement.commandList: |
| if commandName in functionNameList: |
| return True |
| for ext in self.extensions: |
| for requirement in ext.requirementsList: |
| for newCommand in requirement.newCommands: |
| if newCommand.name in functionNameList: |
| return isDependencyMet(requirement.depends, self.extensions) |
| return False |
| |
| functionsToRemove = [] |
| for fun in self.functions: |
| functionNameList = [fun.name] + fun.aliasList |
| if isFunctionUsed(functionNameList): |
| continue |
| functionsToRemove.append(fun) |
| for fun in functionsToRemove: |
| logging.debug("Removing function %s because not used in API %s" % (fun.name, self.apiName)) |
| self.functions.remove(fun) |
| |
| # remove handles that are not part of any vulkan command or structure |
| def isHandleUsed(structList, functionList, handleName): |
| for struct in structList: |
| for member in struct.members: |
| if handleName in member.type: |
| return True |
| for fun in functionList: |
| for arg in fun.arguments: |
| if handleName in arg.type: |
| return True |
| return False |
| |
| handlesToRemove = [] |
| for h in self.handles: |
| if isHandleUsed(self.compositeTypes, self.functions, h.name): |
| continue |
| handlesToRemove.append(h) |
| for h in handlesToRemove: |
| logging.debug("Removing unused handle %s from API %s" % (h.name, self.apiName)) |
| self.handles.remove(h) |
| |
| # sort enumerators in enums |
| sortLambda = lambda enumerator: int(enumerator.bitpos) if enumerator.value is None else int(enumerator.value, 16 if 'x' in enumerator.value else 10) |
| for enum in self.enums: |
| # skip enums that have no items or just one in enumeratorList (e.g. VkQueryPoolCreateFlagBits) |
| if len(enum.enumeratorList) < 2: |
| continue |
| # construct list of enumerators in which value and bitpos are not None |
| enumeratorsToSort = [e for e in enum.enumeratorList if e.value != e.bitpos] |
| # construct list of enumerators in which value and bitpos are equal to None |
| remainingEnumerators = [e for e in enum.enumeratorList if e.value == e.bitpos] |
| # construct sorted enumerator list with aliases at the end |
| enum.enumeratorList = sorted(enumeratorsToSort, key=sortLambda) |
| enum.enumeratorList.extend(remainingEnumerators) |
| |
| def prefixName (prefix, name): |
| name = re.sub(r'([a-z0-9])([A-Z])', r'\1_\2', name[2:]) |
| name = re.sub(r'([a-zA-Z])([0-9])', r'\1_\2', name) |
| name = name.upper() |
| return prefix + name |
| |
| def parseInt (value): |
| return int(value, 16 if ("0x" in value) else 10) |
| |
| def readFile (filename): |
| with open(filename, 'rt') as f: |
| return f.read() |
| |
| def getInterfaceName (functionName): |
| assert functionName[:2] == "vk" |
| return functionName[2].lower() + functionName[3:] |
| |
| def getFunctionTypeName (functionName): |
| assert functionName[:2] == "vk" |
| return functionName[2:] + "Func" |
| |
| def endsWith (str, postfix): |
| return str[-len(postfix):] == postfix |
| |
| def writeHandleType (api, filename): |
| |
| def getHandleName (name): |
| return prefixName("HANDLE_TYPE_", name) |
| |
| def genHandles (): |
| yield "\t%s\t= 0," % getHandleName(api.handles[0].name) |
| for h in api.handles[1:]: |
| yield "\t%s," % getHandleName(h.name) |
| for h in api.handles: |
| if h.alias is not None: |
| yield "\t%s\t= %s," % (getHandleName(h.alias), getHandleName(h.name)) |
| yield "\tHANDLE_TYPE_LAST\t= %s + 1" % (getHandleName(api.handles[-1].name)) |
| |
| def genHandlesBlock (): |
| yield "enum HandleType" |
| yield "{" |
| |
| for line in indentLines(genHandles()): |
| yield line |
| |
| yield "};" |
| yield "" |
| |
| writeInlFile(filename, INL_HEADER, genHandlesBlock()) |
| |
| def getEnumValuePrefixAndPostfix (enum): |
| prefix = enum.name[0] |
| for i in range(1, len(enum.name)): |
| if enum.name[i].isupper() and not enum.name[i-1].isupper(): |
| prefix += "_" |
| prefix += enum.name[i].upper() |
| if prefix.endswith(p): |
| return prefix[:-len(p)-1], '_'+p |
| return prefix, '' |
| |
| def genEnumSrc (enum): |
| yield "enum %s" % enum.name |
| yield "{" |
| lines = [] |
| for ed in enum.enumeratorList: |
| if ed.value is not None: |
| lines.append(f"\t{ed.name}\t= {ed.value},") |
| for ed in enum.enumeratorList: |
| for alias in ed.aliasList: |
| lines.append(f"\t{alias}\t= {ed.name},") |
| |
| # add *_LAST item when enum is linear |
| prefix, postfix = getEnumValuePrefixAndPostfix(enum) |
| if enum.areValuesLinear(): |
| lines.append(f"\t{prefix}{postfix}_LAST,") |
| |
| # add _MAX_ENUM item with the ext postifix at the end |
| lines.append(f"\t{prefix}_MAX_ENUM{postfix}\t= 0x7FFFFFFF") |
| |
| for line in indentLines(lines): |
| yield line |
| |
| yield "};" |
| |
| def genBitfieldSrc (bitfield): |
| lines = [] |
| for ev in bitfield.enumeratorList: |
| # bitfields may use mix of bitpos and values |
| if ev.bitpos is not None: |
| value = pow(2, int(ev.bitpos)) |
| lines.append(f"\t{ev.name}\t= {value:#010x},") |
| if ev.value is not None: |
| lines.append(f"\t{ev.name}\t= {ev.value},") |
| for ev in bitfield.enumeratorList: |
| for alias in ev.aliasList: |
| lines.append(f"\t{alias}\t= {ev.name},") |
| # add _MAX_ENUM item |
| prefix, postfix = getEnumValuePrefixAndPostfix(bitfield) |
| lines.append(f"\t{prefix}_MAX_ENUM{postfix}\t= 0x7FFFFFFF") |
| yield f"enum {bitfield.name}" |
| yield "{" |
| for line in indentLines(lines): |
| yield line |
| yield "};" |
| |
| def genBitfield64Src (bitfield64): |
| def generateEntry(lines, bitfieldName, entryName, bitpos, value): |
| if entryName is None: |
| return |
| # bitfields may use mix of bitpos and values |
| if ev.bitpos is not None: |
| v = pow(2, int(bitpos)) |
| lines.append(f"static const {bitfieldName} {entryName}\t= {v:#010x}ULL;") |
| if value is not None: |
| lines.append(f"static const {bitfieldName} {entryName}\t= {value}ULL;") |
| |
| yield f"typedef uint64_t {bitfield64.name};" |
| lines = [] |
| for ev in bitfield64.enumeratorList: |
| generateEntry(lines, bitfield64.name, ev.name, ev.bitpos, ev.value) |
| for alias in ev.aliasList: |
| generateEntry(lines, bitfield64.name, alias, ev.bitpos, ev.value) |
| # write indented lines |
| for line in indentLines(lines): |
| yield line |
| yield "" |
| |
| def genDefinesSrc (apiName, defines): |
| def genLines (defines): |
| for d in defines: |
| if d.alias is not None: |
| continue |
| defineType = DEFINITIONS.get(d.name, d.type) |
| yield f"#define {d.name}\t(static_cast<{defineType}>\t({d.value}))" |
| for line in indentLines(genLines(defines)): |
| yield line |
| major, minor = 1, 0 |
| # In vk.xml, vulkan features (1.1, 1.2, 1.3) are marked as vulkan,vulkansc |
| api_feature_name = "vulkan,vulkansc" if api.apiName == "vulkan" else api.apiName |
| sorted_features = reversed(sorted(api.features, key=lambda feature: feature.number)) |
| for feature in sorted_features: |
| if feature.api == api_feature_name: |
| major, minor = feature.number.split('.') |
| break |
| logging.debug("Found max framework version for API '%s': %s.%s" % (api.apiName, major, minor)) |
| yield f"#define VK{apiName}_API_MAX_FRAMEWORK_VERSION\tVK{apiName}_API_VERSION_{major}_{minor}" |
| |
| def genHandlesSrc (handles): |
| def genLines (handles): |
| for h in handles: |
| handleType = h.type |
| handleObjtype = h.objtypeenum |
| if h.alias is not None: |
| # search for aliased handle |
| for searchedHandle in handles: |
| if h.alias == searchedHandle.name: |
| handleType = searchedHandle.type |
| handleObjtype = searchedHandle.objtypeenum |
| break |
| yield f"{handleType}\t({h.name},\tHANDLE{handleObjtype[9:]});" |
| for line in indentLines(genLines(handles)): |
| yield line |
| |
| def genHandlesSrc (handles): |
| def genLines (handles): |
| for h in handles: |
| handleType = h.type |
| handleObjtype = h.objtypeenum |
| line = f"{handleType}\t({{}},\tHANDLE{handleObjtype[9:]});" |
| yield line.format(h.name) |
| if h.alias is not None: |
| yield line.format(h.alias) |
| |
| for line in indentLines(genLines(handles)): |
| yield line |
| |
| def writeBasicTypes (api, filename): |
| |
| def gen (): |
| yield "// Defines" |
| for line in genDefinesSrc("SC" if api.apiName == "vulkansc" else "", api.defines): |
| yield line |
| yield "" |
| |
| yield "// Handles" |
| for line in genHandlesSrc(api.handles): |
| yield line |
| yield "" |
| |
| yield "// Enums" |
| for enum in api.enums: |
| # skip empty enums only for vulkan |
| # vulkan_json_data.hpp and vulkan_json_parser.hpp in SC need many empty enums |
| if len(enum.enumeratorList) == 0 and api.apiName == "vulkan": |
| continue |
| if enum.type == "bitmask": |
| if enum.bitwidth == "32": |
| for line in genBitfieldSrc(enum): |
| yield line |
| else: |
| for line in genBitfield64Src(enum): |
| yield line |
| else: |
| for line in genEnumSrc(enum): |
| yield line |
| if enum.alias is not None: |
| yield f"typedef {enum.name} {enum.alias};" |
| yield "" |
| |
| yield "// Bitmasks" |
| for bitmask in api.bitmasks: |
| plainType = api.basetypes[bitmask.type] |
| yield f"typedef {plainType} {bitmask.name};\n" |
| if bitmask.alias: |
| yield f"typedef {bitmask.name} {bitmask.alias};\n" |
| |
| yield "" |
| for line in indentLines(["VK_DEFINE_PLATFORM_TYPE(%s,\t%s)" % (s[0], c) for n, s, c in PLATFORM_TYPES]): |
| yield line |
| yield "" |
| |
| yield "// Extensions" |
| for ext in api.extensions: |
| firstRequirementEnums = ext.requirementsList[0].extendedEnums |
| for e in firstRequirementEnums: |
| if e.extends is None and e.value is not None: |
| yield "#define " + e.name + " " + e.value |
| |
| writeInlFile(filename, INL_HEADER, gen()) |
| |
| def writeCompositeTypes (api, filename): |
| # function that returns definition of structure member |
| def memberAsString (member): |
| result = '' |
| if member.qualifiers: |
| result += member.qualifiers |
| result += member.type |
| if member.pointer: |
| result += member.pointer |
| result += '\t' + member.name |
| for size in member.arraySizeList: |
| result += f"[{size}]" |
| if member.fieldWidth: |
| result += f":{member.fieldWidth}" |
| return result |
| |
| # function that prints single structure definition |
| def genCompositeTypeSrc (type): |
| structLines = "%s %s\n{\n" % (type.category, type.name) |
| for line in indentLines(['\t'+memberAsString(m)+';' for m in type.members]): |
| structLines += line + '\n' |
| return structLines + "};\n" |
| |
| # function that prints all structure definitions and alias typedefs |
| def gen (): |
| # structures in xml are not ordered in a correct way for C++ |
| # we need to save structures that are used in other structures first |
| allStructureNamesList = [s.name for s in api.compositeTypes] |
| commonTypesList = api.basicCTypes + ['VkStructureType'] |
| savedStructureNamesList = [] |
| delayedStructureObjectsList = [] |
| |
| # helper function that checks if all structure members were already saved |
| def canStructBeSaved(compositeObject): |
| for m in compositeObject.members: |
| # check first commonTypesList to speed up the algorithm |
| if m.type in commonTypesList: |
| continue |
| # make sure that member is not of same type as compositeObject |
| # (this hadles cases like VkBaseOutStructure) |
| if m.type == compositeObject.name: |
| continue |
| # if member is of compositeType that was not saved we cant save it now |
| if m.type in allStructureNamesList and m.type not in savedStructureNamesList: |
| return False |
| return True |
| |
| # iterate over all composite types |
| lastDelayedComposite = None |
| for ct in api.compositeTypes: |
| # check if one of delayed structures can be saved |
| delayedButSaved = [] |
| for dct in delayedStructureObjectsList: |
| if lastDelayedComposite != dct and canStructBeSaved(dct): |
| yield genCompositeTypeSrc(dct) |
| delayedButSaved.append(dct) |
| lastDelayedComposite = None |
| for dsct in delayedButSaved: |
| savedStructureNamesList.append(dsct.name) |
| delayedStructureObjectsList.remove(dsct) |
| # check if current structure can be saved |
| if canStructBeSaved(ct): |
| yield genCompositeTypeSrc(ct) |
| savedStructureNamesList.append(ct.name) |
| else: |
| delayedStructureObjectsList.append(ct) |
| # memorize structure that was delayed in last iteration to |
| # avoid calling for it canStructBeSaved in next iteration |
| lastDelayedComposite = ct |
| # save remaining delayed composite types (~4 video related structures) |
| while len(delayedStructureObjectsList) > 0: |
| for dct in delayedStructureObjectsList: |
| if canStructBeSaved(dct): |
| yield genCompositeTypeSrc(dct) |
| savedStructureNamesList.append(dct.name) |
| delayedStructureObjectsList.remove(dct) |
| break |
| # write all alias typedefs |
| for ct in api.compositeTypes: |
| for alias in ct.aliasList: |
| yield "typedef %s %s;" % (ct.name, alias) |
| yield "" |
| |
| writeInlFile(filename, INL_HEADER, gen()) |
| |
| def argListToStr (args): |
| def argumentToString(arg): |
| # args can be instance of FunctionArgument or CompositeMember |
| # but CompositeMember has no arraySize atrribute nor secondPointerIsConst |
| workingOnFunctionArgument = True if hasattr(arg, 'arraySize') else False |
| result = '' |
| if arg.qualifiers: |
| result += arg.qualifiers |
| result += arg.type |
| if arg.pointer: |
| if workingOnFunctionArgument and arg.secondPointerIsConst: |
| result += '* const*' |
| else: |
| result += arg.pointer |
| result += ' ' + arg.name |
| if workingOnFunctionArgument: |
| if arg.arraySize: |
| result += arg.arraySize |
| return result |
| return ", ".join(argumentToString(arg) for arg in args) |
| |
| def writeInterfaceDecl (api, filename, functionTypes, concrete): |
| def genProtos (): |
| postfix = "" if concrete else " = 0" |
| for function in api.functions: |
| if not function.getType() in functionTypes: |
| continue |
| yield "virtual %s\t%s\t(%s) const%s;" % (function.returnType, getInterfaceName(function.name), argListToStr(function.arguments), postfix) |
| |
| writeInlFile(filename, INL_HEADER, indentLines(genProtos())) |
| |
| def writeFunctionPtrTypes (api, filename): |
| def genTypes (): |
| pattern = "typedef VKAPI_ATTR {}\t(VKAPI_CALL* {})\t({});" |
| for function in api.functions: |
| argList = argListToStr(function.arguments) |
| yield pattern.format(function.returnType, getFunctionTypeName(function.name), argList) |
| for alias in function.aliasList: |
| yield pattern.format(function.returnType, getFunctionTypeName(alias), argList) |
| |
| writeInlFile(filename, INL_HEADER, indentLines(genTypes())) |
| |
| def writeFunctionPointers (api, filename, functionTypes): |
| def FunctionsYielder (): |
| for function in api.functions: |
| if function.getType() in functionTypes: |
| interfaceName = getInterfaceName(function.name) |
| functionTypeName = getFunctionTypeName(function.name) |
| yield f"{functionTypeName}\t{interfaceName};" |
| if function.getType() == Function.TYPE_INSTANCE: |
| for alias in function.aliasList: |
| interfaceName = getInterfaceName(alias) |
| functionTypeName = getFunctionTypeName(alias) |
| yield f"{functionTypeName}\t{interfaceName};" |
| |
| writeInlFile(filename, INL_HEADER, indentLines(FunctionsYielder())) |
| |
| def getPromotedFunctions (api): |
| apiNum = 0 if api.apiName == "vulkan" else 1 |
| promotedFunctions = collections.defaultdict(lambda: list()) |
| for feature in api.features: |
| versionSplit = feature.name.split('_') |
| apiMajor = int(versionSplit[-2]) |
| apiMinor = int(versionSplit[-1]) |
| apiPrefix = '_'.join(versionSplit[:-2]) |
| if apiNum == 0 and apiPrefix != 'VK_VERSION': |
| continue |
| if apiNum == 1 and apiPrefix == 'VK_VERSION': |
| # Map of "standard" Vulkan versions to VulkanSC version. |
| stdToSCMap = { |
| (1, 0): (1, 0), |
| (1, 1): (1, 0), |
| (1, 2): (1, 0), |
| } |
| mapKey = (apiMajor, apiMinor) |
| if mapKey not in stdToSCMap: |
| continue |
| (apiMajor, apiMinor) = stdToSCMap[mapKey] |
| apituple = (apiNum, apiMajor, apiMinor) |
| for featureRequirement in feature.requirementsList: |
| for promotedFun in featureRequirement.commandList: |
| promotedFunctions[promotedFun].append(apituple) |
| return promotedFunctions |
| |
| def writeInitFunctionPointers (api, filename, functionTypes, cond = None): |
| promotedFunctions = getPromotedFunctions(api) if Function.TYPE_DEVICE in functionTypes else None |
| def makeInitFunctionPointers (): |
| for function in api.functions: |
| if function.getType() in functionTypes and (cond == None or cond(function)): |
| condition = '' |
| if function.getType() == Function.TYPE_DEVICE: |
| versionCheck = '' |
| if function.name in promotedFunctions: |
| for versionTuple in promotedFunctions[function.name]: |
| if len(versionCheck) > 0: |
| versionCheck += ' || ' |
| versionCheck = 'usedApiVersion >= VK_MAKE_API_VERSION(%s, %s, %s, 0)' % versionTuple |
| if len(versionCheck) > 0: |
| condition = f"if ({versionCheck})\n " |
| interfaceName = getInterfaceName(function.name) |
| functionTypeName = getFunctionTypeName(function.name) |
| yield f"{condition}m_vk.{interfaceName} = ({functionTypeName}) GET_PROC_ADDR(\"{function.name}\");" |
| for alias in function.aliasList: |
| yield f"if (!m_vk.{interfaceName})" |
| yield f" m_vk.{interfaceName} = ({functionTypeName}) GET_PROC_ADDR(\"{alias}\");" |
| if function.getType() == Function.TYPE_INSTANCE and function.arguments[0].type == "VkPhysicalDevice": |
| interfaceName = getInterfaceName(alias) |
| functionTypeName = getFunctionTypeName(alias) |
| yield f"m_vk.{interfaceName} = ({functionTypeName}) GET_PROC_ADDR(\"{alias}\");" |
| |
| lines = makeInitFunctionPointers() |
| writeInlFile(filename, INL_HEADER, lines) |
| |
| # List pre filled manually with commands forbidden for computation only implementations |
| computeOnlyForbiddenCommands = [ |
| "destroyRenderPass", |
| "createRenderPass2", |
| "createRenderPass", |
| "createGraphicsPipelines" |
| ] |
| |
| computeOnlyRestrictedCommands = { |
| "createComputePipelines" : "\t\tfor (uint32_t i=0; i<createInfoCount; ++i)\n\t\t\tif ((pCreateInfos[i].stage.stage & VK_SHADER_STAGE_ALL_GRAPHICS) != 0) THROW_NOT_SUPPORTED_COMPUTE_ONLY();", |
| } |
| |
| def writeFuncPtrInterfaceImpl (api, filename, functionTypes, className): |
| |
| # populate compute only forbidden commands |
| for fun in api.functions: |
| if "graphics" in fun.queuesList and "compute" not in fun.queuesList: |
| # remove the 'vk' prefix and change the first character of the remaining string to lowercase |
| commandName = fun.name[2:3].lower() + fun.name[3:] |
| computeOnlyForbiddenCommands.append(commandName) |
| |
| # if the command has an alias, also add it |
| for alias_name in fun.aliasList: |
| alias_name_without_vk = alias_name[2:3].lower() + alias_name[3:] |
| computeOnlyForbiddenCommands.append(alias_name_without_vk) |
| |
| def makeFuncPtrInterfaceImpl (): |
| for function in api.functions: |
| if function.getType() in functionTypes: |
| yield "" |
| yield "%s %s::%s (%s) const" % (function.returnType, className, getInterfaceName(function.name), argListToStr(function.arguments)) |
| yield "{" |
| # Check for compute only forbidden commands |
| if getInterfaceName(function.name) in computeOnlyForbiddenCommands: |
| yield " if( m_computeOnlyMode ) THROW_NOT_SUPPORTED_COMPUTE_ONLY();" |
| # Check for compute only restricted commands |
| if getInterfaceName(function.name) in computeOnlyRestrictedCommands: |
| yield "\tif( m_computeOnlyMode )" |
| yield "\t{" |
| yield computeOnlyRestrictedCommands[getInterfaceName(function.name)] |
| yield "\t}" |
| if function.name == "vkEnumerateInstanceVersion": |
| yield " if (m_vk.enumerateInstanceVersion)" |
| yield " return m_vk.enumerateInstanceVersion(pApiVersion);" |
| yield "" |
| yield " *pApiVersion = VK_API_VERSION_1_0;" |
| yield " return VK_SUCCESS;" |
| elif function.getType() == Function.TYPE_INSTANCE and function.arguments[0].type == "VkPhysicalDevice" and len(function.aliasList) > 0 and getInterfaceName(function.name) in getInterfaceName(function.aliasList[0]): |
| yield " vk::VkPhysicalDeviceProperties props;" |
| yield " m_vk.getPhysicalDeviceProperties(physicalDevice, &props);" |
| yield " if (props.apiVersion >= VK_API_VERSION_1_1)" |
| yield " %sm_vk.%s(%s);" % ("return " if function.returnType != "void" else "", getInterfaceName(function.name), ", ".join(a.name for a in function.arguments)) |
| yield " else" |
| yield " %sm_vk.%s(%s);" % ("return " if function.returnType != "void" else "", getInterfaceName(function.aliasList[0]), ", ".join(a.name for a in function.arguments)) |
| else: |
| yield " %sm_vk.%s(%s);" % ("return " if function.returnType != "void" else "", getInterfaceName(function.name), ", ".join(a.name for a in function.arguments)) |
| yield "}" |
| |
| writeInlFile(filename, INL_HEADER, makeFuncPtrInterfaceImpl()) |
| |
| def writeFuncPtrInterfaceSCImpl (api, filename, functionTypes, className): |
| normFuncs = { |
| "createGraphicsPipelines" : "\t\treturn createGraphicsPipelinesHandlerNorm(device, pipelineCache, createInfoCount, pCreateInfos, pAllocator, pPipelines);", |
| "createComputePipelines" : "\t\treturn createComputePipelinesHandlerNorm(device, pipelineCache, createInfoCount, pCreateInfos, pAllocator, pPipelines);", |
| "createSampler" : "\t\treturn createSamplerHandlerNorm(device, pCreateInfo, pAllocator, pSampler);", |
| "createSamplerYcbcrConversion" : "\t\treturn createSamplerYcbcrConversionHandlerNorm(device, pCreateInfo, pAllocator, pYcbcrConversion);", |
| "createDescriptorSetLayout" : "\t\treturn createDescriptorSetLayoutHandlerNorm(device, pCreateInfo, pAllocator, pSetLayout);", |
| "createPipelineLayout" : "\t\treturn createPipelineLayoutHandlerNorm(device, pCreateInfo, pAllocator, pPipelineLayout);", |
| "createRenderPass" : "\t\treturn createRenderPassHandlerNorm(device, pCreateInfo, pAllocator, pRenderPass);", |
| "createRenderPass2" : "\t\treturn createRenderPass2HandlerNorm(device, pCreateInfo, pAllocator, pRenderPass);", |
| "createCommandPool" : "\t\treturn createCommandPoolHandlerNorm(device, pCreateInfo, pAllocator, pCommandPool);", |
| "resetCommandPool" : "\t\treturn resetCommandPoolHandlerNorm(device, commandPool, flags);", |
| "createFramebuffer" : "\t\treturn createFramebufferHandlerNorm(device, pCreateInfo, pAllocator, pFramebuffer);", |
| } |
| statFuncs = { |
| "destroyDevice" : "\t\tdestroyDeviceHandler(device, pAllocator);", |
| "createDescriptorSetLayout" : "\t\tcreateDescriptorSetLayoutHandlerStat(device, pCreateInfo, pAllocator, pSetLayout);", |
| "destroyDescriptorSetLayout" : "\t\tdestroyDescriptorSetLayoutHandler(device, descriptorSetLayout, pAllocator);", |
| "createImageView" : "\t\tcreateImageViewHandler(device, pCreateInfo, pAllocator, pView);", |
| "destroyImageView" : "\t\tdestroyImageViewHandler(device, imageView, pAllocator);", |
| "createSemaphore" : "\t{\n\t\tDDSTAT_LOCK();\n\t\tDDSTAT_HANDLE_CREATE(semaphoreRequestCount,1);\n\t\t*pSemaphore = m_resourceInterface->incResourceCounter<VkSemaphore>();\n\t}", |
| "destroySemaphore" : "\t{\n\t\tDDSTAT_LOCK();\n\t\tDDSTAT_HANDLE_DESTROY_IF(semaphore,semaphoreRequestCount,1);\n\t}", |
| "createFence" : "\t{\n\t\tDDSTAT_LOCK();\n\t\tDDSTAT_HANDLE_CREATE(fenceRequestCount,1);\n\t\t*pFence = m_resourceInterface->incResourceCounter<VkFence>();\n\t}", |
| "destroyFence" : "\t{\n\t\tDDSTAT_LOCK();\n\t\tDDSTAT_HANDLE_DESTROY_IF(fence,fenceRequestCount,1);\n\t}", |
| "allocateMemory" : "\t{\n\t\tDDSTAT_LOCK();\n\t\tDDSTAT_HANDLE_CREATE(deviceMemoryRequestCount,1);\n\t\t*pMemory = m_resourceInterface->incResourceCounter<VkDeviceMemory>();\n\t}", |
| "createBuffer" : "\t{\n\t\tDDSTAT_LOCK();\n\t\tDDSTAT_HANDLE_CREATE(bufferRequestCount,1);\n\t\t*pBuffer = m_resourceInterface->incResourceCounter<VkBuffer>();\n\t}", |
| "destroyBuffer" : "\t{\n\t\tDDSTAT_LOCK();\n\t\tDDSTAT_HANDLE_DESTROY_IF(buffer,bufferRequestCount,1);\n\t}", |
| "createImage" : "\t{\n\t\tDDSTAT_LOCK();\n\t\tDDSTAT_HANDLE_CREATE(imageRequestCount,1);\n\t\t*pImage = m_resourceInterface->incResourceCounter<VkImage>();\n\t}", |
| "destroyImage" : "\t{\n\t\tDDSTAT_LOCK();\n\t\tDDSTAT_HANDLE_DESTROY_IF(image,imageRequestCount,1);\n\t}", |
| "createEvent" : "\t{\n\t\tDDSTAT_LOCK();\n\t\tDDSTAT_HANDLE_CREATE(eventRequestCount,1);\n\t\t*pEvent = m_resourceInterface->incResourceCounter<VkEvent>();\n\t}", |
| "destroyEvent" : "\t{\n\t\tDDSTAT_LOCK();\n\t\tDDSTAT_HANDLE_DESTROY_IF(event,eventRequestCount,1);\n\t}", |
| "createQueryPool" : "\t\tcreateQueryPoolHandler(device, pCreateInfo, pAllocator, pQueryPool);", |
| "createBufferView" : "\t{\n\t\tDDSTAT_LOCK();\n\t\tDDSTAT_HANDLE_CREATE(bufferViewRequestCount,1);\n\t\t*pView = m_resourceInterface->incResourceCounter<VkBufferView>();\n\t}", |
| "destroyBufferView" : "\t{\n\t\tDDSTAT_LOCK();\n\t\tDDSTAT_HANDLE_DESTROY_IF(bufferView,bufferViewRequestCount,1);\n\t}", |
| "createPipelineLayout" : "\t\tcreatePipelineLayoutHandlerStat(device, pCreateInfo, pAllocator, pPipelineLayout);", |
| "destroyPipelineLayout" : "\t{\n\t\tDDSTAT_LOCK();\n\t\tDDSTAT_HANDLE_DESTROY_IF(pipelineLayout,pipelineLayoutRequestCount,1);\n\t}", |
| "createRenderPass" : "\t\tcreateRenderPassHandlerStat(device, pCreateInfo, pAllocator, pRenderPass);", |
| "createRenderPass2" : "\t\tcreateRenderPass2HandlerStat(device, pCreateInfo, pAllocator, pRenderPass);", |
| "destroyRenderPass" : "\t\tdestroyRenderPassHandler(device, renderPass, pAllocator);", |
| "createGraphicsPipelines" : "\t\tcreateGraphicsPipelinesHandlerStat(device, pipelineCache, createInfoCount, pCreateInfos, pAllocator, pPipelines);", |
| "createComputePipelines" : "\t\tcreateComputePipelinesHandlerStat(device, pipelineCache, createInfoCount, pCreateInfos, pAllocator, pPipelines);", |
| "destroyPipeline" : "\t\tdestroyPipelineHandler(device, pipeline, pAllocator);", |
| "createSampler" : "\t\tcreateSamplerHandlerStat(device, pCreateInfo, pAllocator, pSampler);", |
| "destroySampler" : "\t{\n\t\tDDSTAT_LOCK();\n\t\tDDSTAT_HANDLE_DESTROY_IF(sampler,samplerRequestCount,1);\n\t}", |
| "createDescriptorPool" : "\t{\n\t\tDDSTAT_LOCK();\n\t\tDDSTAT_HANDLE_CREATE(descriptorPoolRequestCount,1);\n\t\t*pDescriptorPool = m_resourceInterface->incResourceCounter<VkDescriptorPool>();\n\t}", |
| "resetDescriptorPool" : "\t\tresetDescriptorPoolHandlerStat(device, descriptorPool, flags);", |
| "allocateDescriptorSets" : "\t\tallocateDescriptorSetsHandlerStat(device, pAllocateInfo, pDescriptorSets);", |
| "freeDescriptorSets" : "\t\tfreeDescriptorSetsHandlerStat(device, descriptorPool, descriptorSetCount, pDescriptorSets);", |
| "createFramebuffer" : "\t\tcreateFramebufferHandlerStat(device, pCreateInfo, pAllocator, pFramebuffer);", |
| "destroyFramebuffer" : "\t{\n\t\tDDSTAT_LOCK();\n\t\tDDSTAT_HANDLE_DESTROY_IF(framebuffer,framebufferRequestCount,1);\n\t}", |
| "createCommandPool" : "\t\tcreateCommandPoolHandlerStat(device, pCreateInfo, pAllocator, pCommandPool);", |
| "resetCommandPool" : "\t\tresetCommandPoolHandlerStat(device, commandPool, flags);", |
| "allocateCommandBuffers" : "\t\tallocateCommandBuffersHandler(device, pAllocateInfo, pCommandBuffers);", |
| "freeCommandBuffers" : "\t\tfreeCommandBuffersHandler(device, commandPool, commandBufferCount, pCommandBuffers);", |
| "createSamplerYcbcrConversion" : "\t\tcreateSamplerYcbcrConversionHandlerStat(device, pCreateInfo, pAllocator, pYcbcrConversion);", |
| "destroySamplerYcbcrConversion" : "\t{\n\t\tDDSTAT_LOCK();\n\t\tDDSTAT_HANDLE_DESTROY_IF(ycbcrConversion,samplerYcbcrConversionRequestCount,1);\n\t}", |
| "getDescriptorSetLayoutSupport" : "\t\tgetDescriptorSetLayoutSupportHandler(device, pCreateInfo, pSupport);", |
| # "" : "surfaceRequestCount", |
| # "" : "swapchainRequestCount", |
| # "" : "displayModeRequestCount" |
| "mapMemory" : "\t{\n\t\tDDSTAT_LOCK();\n\t\tif(m_falseMemory.size() < (static_cast<std::size_t>(offset+size)))\n\t\t\tm_falseMemory.resize(static_cast<std::size_t>(offset+size));\n\t\t*ppData = (void*)m_falseMemory.data();\n\t}", |
| "getBufferMemoryRequirements" : "\t{\n\t\tDDSTAT_LOCK();\n\t\tpMemoryRequirements->size = 1048576U;\n\t\tpMemoryRequirements->alignment = 1U;\n\t\tpMemoryRequirements->memoryTypeBits = ~0U;\n\t}", |
| "getImageMemoryRequirements" : "\t{\n\t\tDDSTAT_LOCK();\n\t\tpMemoryRequirements->size = 1048576U;\n\t\tpMemoryRequirements->alignment = 1U;\n\t\tpMemoryRequirements->memoryTypeBits = ~0U;\n\t}", |
| "getBufferMemoryRequirements2" : "\t{\n\t\tDDSTAT_LOCK();\n\t\tpMemoryRequirements->memoryRequirements.size = 1048576U;\n\t\tpMemoryRequirements->memoryRequirements.alignment = 1U;\n\t\tpMemoryRequirements->memoryRequirements.memoryTypeBits = ~0U;\n\t}", |
| "getImageMemoryRequirements2" : "\t{\n\t\tDDSTAT_LOCK();\n\t\tpMemoryRequirements->memoryRequirements.size = 1048576U;\n\t\tpMemoryRequirements->memoryRequirements.alignment = 1U;\n\t\tpMemoryRequirements->memoryRequirements.memoryTypeBits = ~0U;\n\t}", |
| "getImageSubresourceLayout" : "\t{\n\t\tDDSTAT_LOCK();\n\t\tpLayout->offset = 0U;\n\t\tpLayout->size = 1048576U;\n\t\tpLayout->rowPitch = 0U;\n\t\tpLayout->arrayPitch = 0U;\n\t\tpLayout->depthPitch = 0U;\n\t}", |
| "createPipelineCache" : "\t{\n\t\tDDSTAT_LOCK();\n\t\tDDSTAT_HANDLE_CREATE(pipelineCacheRequestCount,1);\n\t\t*pPipelineCache = m_resourceInterface->incResourceCounter<VkPipelineCache>();\n\t}", |
| "destroyPipelineCache" : "\t{\n\t\tDDSTAT_LOCK();\n\t\tDDSTAT_HANDLE_DESTROY_IF(pipelineCache,pipelineCacheRequestCount,1);\n\t}", |
| "cmdUpdateBuffer" : "\t\tincreaseCommandBufferSize(commandBuffer, dataSize);", |
| "getDeviceQueue" : "\t\tm_vk.getDeviceQueue(device, queueFamilyIndex, queueIndex, pQueue);", |
| } |
| |
| statReturns = { |
| "VkResult" : "return VK_SUCCESS;", |
| "VkDeviceAddress" : "return 0u;", |
| "uint64_t" : "return 0u;", |
| } |
| |
| def makeFuncPtrInterfaceStatisticsImpl (): |
| for function in api.functions: |
| if function.getType() in functionTypes: |
| ifaceName = getInterfaceName(function.name) |
| yield "" |
| yield "%s %s::%s (%s) const" % (function.returnType, className, ifaceName, argListToStr(function.arguments)) |
| yield "{" |
| # Check for compute only forbidden commands |
| if ifaceName in computeOnlyForbiddenCommands: |
| yield "\tif( m_computeOnlyMode ) THROW_NOT_SUPPORTED_COMPUTE_ONLY();" |
| # Check for compute only restricted commands |
| if ifaceName in computeOnlyRestrictedCommands: |
| yield "\tif( m_computeOnlyMode )" |
| yield "\t{" |
| yield computeOnlyRestrictedCommands[ifaceName] |
| yield "\t}" |
| if ( ifaceName in normFuncs ) or ( ifaceName in statFuncs ): |
| yield "\tstd::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(functionMutex);" |
| if ifaceName != "getDeviceProcAddr" : |
| yield "\tif (m_normalMode)" |
| if ifaceName in normFuncs : |
| yield "%s" % ( normFuncs[ifaceName] ) |
| else: |
| yield "\t\t%sm_vk.%s(%s);" % ("return " if function.returnType != "void" else "", ifaceName, ", ".join(a.name for a in function.arguments)) |
| if ifaceName in statFuncs : |
| yield "\telse" |
| yield "%s" % ( statFuncs[ifaceName] ) |
| elif ifaceName[:3] == "cmd" : |
| yield "\telse" |
| yield "\t\tincreaseCommandBufferSize(commandBuffer, 0u);" |
| if function.returnType in statReturns: |
| yield "\t%s" % ( statReturns[function.returnType] ) |
| yield "}" |
| |
| writeInlFile(filename, INL_HEADER, makeFuncPtrInterfaceStatisticsImpl()) |
| |
| def writeStrUtilProto (api, filename): |
| def makeStrUtilProto (): |
| for line in indentLines(["const char*\tget%sName\t(%s value);" % (enum.name[2:], enum.name) for enum in api.enums if enum.type == "enum"]): |
| yield line |
| yield "" |
| for line in indentLines(["inline tcu::Format::Enum<%s>\tget%sStr\t(%s value)\t{ return tcu::Format::Enum<%s>(get%sName, value);\t}" % (e.name, e.name[2:], e.name, e.name, e.name[2:]) for e in api.enums if e.type == "enum"]): |
| yield line |
| yield "" |
| for line in indentLines(["inline std::ostream&\toperator<<\t(std::ostream& s, %s value)\t{ return s << get%sStr(value);\t}" % (e.name, e.name[2:]) for e in api.enums if e.type == "enum"]): |
| yield line |
| yield "" |
| for line in indentLines(["tcu::Format::Bitfield<%s>\tget%sStr\t(%s value);" % (("64" if b.type == "VkFlags64" else "32"), b.name[2:], b.name) for b in api.bitmasks]): |
| yield line |
| yield "" |
| for line in indentLines(["std::ostream&\toperator<<\t(std::ostream& s, const %s& value);" % (s.name) for s in api.compositeTypes]): |
| yield line |
| |
| writeInlFile(filename, INL_HEADER, makeStrUtilProto()) |
| |
| def writeStrUtilImpl (api, filename): |
| def makeStrUtilImpl (): |
| for line in indentLines(["template<> const char*\tgetTypeName<%s>\t(void) { return \"%s\";\t}" % (handle.name, handle.name) for handle in api.handles]): |
| yield line |
| |
| yield "" |
| yield "namespace %s" % PLATFORM_TYPE_NAMESPACE |
| yield "{" |
| |
| for line in indentLines("std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& s, %s\tv) { return s << tcu::toHex(v.internal); }" % ''.join(s) for n, s, c in PLATFORM_TYPES): |
| yield line |
| |
| yield "}" |
| |
| savedBitmasks = [] |
| for enum in api.enums: |
| if enum.type == "enum": |
| yield "" |
| yield "const char* get%sName (%s value)" % (enum.name[2:], enum.name) |
| yield "{" |
| yield "\tswitch (value)" |
| yield "\t{" |
| enumValues = [] |
| lastValue = 0x7FFFFFFF |
| for e in enum.enumeratorList: |
| enumValues.append(f"\t\tcase {e.name}:\treturn \"{e.name}\";") |
| enumValues.append("\t\tdefault:\treturn nullptr;") |
| for line in indentLines(enumValues): |
| yield line |
| yield "\t}" |
| yield "}" |
| elif enum.type == "bitmask": |
| # find bitfield that uses those bitmasks |
| foundBitmask = None |
| for bitmask in api.bitmasks: |
| if bitmask.requires == enum.name or bitmask.bitvalues == enum.name: |
| foundBitmask = bitmask |
| break |
| if foundBitmask == None: |
| continue |
| savedBitmasks.append(foundBitmask.name) |
| bitSize = "64" if foundBitmask.type == "VkFlags64" else "32" |
| yield "" |
| yield f"tcu::Format::Bitfield<{bitSize}> get{bitmask.name[2:]}Str ({bitmask.name} value)" |
| yield "{" |
| yield "\tstatic const tcu::Format::BitDesc s_desc[] =" |
| yield "\t{" |
| if len(enum.enumeratorList) == 0: |
| # some bitfields in SC have no items |
| yield f"\t\ttcu::Format::BitDesc(0, \"0\")" |
| else: |
| for line in indentLines([f"\t\ttcu::Format::BitDesc({e.name},\t\"{e.name}\")," for e in enum.enumeratorList]): |
| yield line |
| yield "\t};" |
| yield f"\treturn tcu::Format::Bitfield<{bitSize}>(value, DE_ARRAY_BEGIN(s_desc), DE_ARRAY_END(s_desc));" |
| yield "}" |
| |
| for bitmask in api.bitmasks: |
| if bitmask.name not in savedBitmasks: |
| bitSize = "64" if bitmask.type == "VkFlags64" else "32" |
| yield "" |
| yield f"tcu::Format::Bitfield<{bitSize}> get{bitmask.name[2:]}Str ({bitmask.name} value)" |
| yield "{" |
| yield f"\treturn tcu::Format::Bitfield<{bitSize}>(value, nullptr, nullptr);" |
| yield "}" |
| |
| bitfieldTypeNames = set([bitmask.name for bitmask in api.bitmasks]) |
| |
| for type in api.compositeTypes: |
| yield "" |
| yield "std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& s, const %s& value)" % type.name |
| yield "{" |
| yield "\ts << \"%s = {\\n\";" % type.name |
| for member in type.members: |
| memberName = member.name |
| valFmt = None |
| newLine = "" |
| if member.type in bitfieldTypeNames: |
| operator = '*' if member.pointer == '*' else '' |
| valFmt = "get%sStr(%svalue.%s)" % (member.type[2:], operator, member.name) |
| elif member.type == "char" and member.pointer == '*': |
| valFmt = "getCharPtrStr(value.%s)" % member.name |
| elif member.type == PLATFORM_TYPE_NAMESPACE + "::Win32LPCWSTR": |
| valFmt = "getWStr(value.%s)" % member.name |
| elif len(member.arraySizeList) == 1: |
| if member.name in ["extensionName", "deviceName", "layerName", "description"]: |
| valFmt = "(const char*)value.%s" % member.name |
| elif member.type == 'char' or member.type == 'uint8_t': |
| newLine = "'\\n' << " |
| valFmt = "tcu::formatArray(tcu::Format::HexIterator<%s>(DE_ARRAY_BEGIN(value.%s)), tcu::Format::HexIterator<%s>(DE_ARRAY_END(value.%s)))" % (member.type, member.name, member.type, member.name) |
| else: |
| if member.name == "memoryTypes" or member.name == "memoryHeaps": |
| endIter = "DE_ARRAY_BEGIN(value.%s) + value.%sCount" % (member.name, member.name[:-1]) |
| else: |
| endIter = "DE_ARRAY_END(value.%s)" % member.name |
| newLine = "'\\n' << " |
| valFmt = "tcu::formatArray(DE_ARRAY_BEGIN(value.%s), %s)" % (member.name, endIter) |
| memberName = member.name |
| elif len(member.arraySizeList) > 1: |
| yield f"\ts << \"\\t{member.name} = \" << '\\n';" |
| dim = 0 |
| index = '' |
| dimensionCount = len(member.arraySizeList) |
| while dim < dimensionCount-1: |
| yield f"\tfor(uint32_t i{dim} = 0 ; i{dim} < {member.arraySizeList[dim]} ; ++i{dim})" |
| index += f"[i{dim}]" |
| dim +=1 |
| yield f"\t\ts << tcu::formatArray(DE_ARRAY_BEGIN(value.{member.name}{index}), DE_ARRAY_END(value.{member.name}{index})) << '\\n';" |
| # move to next member |
| continue |
| else: |
| valFmt = "value.%s" % member.name |
| yield ("\ts << \"\\t%s = \" << " % memberName) + newLine + valFmt + " << '\\n';" |
| yield "\ts << '}';" |
| yield "\treturn s;" |
| yield "}" |
| writeInlFile(filename, INL_HEADER, makeStrUtilImpl()) |
| |
| def writeObjTypeImpl (api, filename): |
| def makeObjTypeImpl (): |
| |
| yield "namespace vk" |
| yield "{" |
| |
| yield "template<typename T> VkObjectType getObjectType (void);" |
| |
| for line in indentLines(["template<> inline VkObjectType\tgetObjectType<%s>\t(void) { return %s;\t}" % (handle.name, prefixName("VK_OBJECT_TYPE_", handle.name)) for handle in api.handles]): |
| yield line |
| |
| yield "}" |
| |
| writeInlFile(filename, INL_HEADER, makeObjTypeImpl()) |
| |
| class ConstructorFunction: |
| def __init__ (self, type, name, objectType, ifaceArgs, arguments): |
| self.type = type |
| self.name = name |
| self.objectType = objectType |
| self.ifaceArgs = ifaceArgs |
| self.arguments = arguments |
| |
| def getConstructorFunctions (api): |
| funcs = [] |
| |
| ifacesDict = { |
| Function.TYPE_PLATFORM: [FunctionArgument("vk", "const ", "PlatformInterface&")], |
| Function.TYPE_INSTANCE: [FunctionArgument("vk", "const ", "InstanceInterface&")], |
| Function.TYPE_DEVICE: [FunctionArgument("vk", "const ", "DeviceInterface&")]} |
| |
| for function in api.functions: |
| if (function.name[:8] == "vkCreate" or function.name == "vkAllocateMemory") and not "createInfoCount" in [a.name for a in function.arguments]: |
| if function.name in ["vkCreatePipelineBinariesKHR", "vkCreateDisplayModeKHR"]: |
| continue # No way to delete display modes (bug?) |
| |
| ifaceArgs = [] |
| if function.name == "vkCreateDevice": |
| ifaceArgs = [FunctionArgument("vkp", "const ", "PlatformInterface&"), |
| FunctionArgument("instance", "", "VkInstance")] |
| ifaceArgs.extend(ifacesDict[function.getType()]) |
| |
| allocatorArg = function.arguments[-2] |
| assert (allocatorArg.type == "VkAllocationCallbacks" and \ |
| "const" in allocatorArg.qualifiers and \ |
| allocatorArg.pointer == "*") |
| |
| objectType = function.arguments[-1].type |
| arguments = function.arguments[:-1] |
| funcs.append(ConstructorFunction(function.getType(), getInterfaceName(function.name), objectType, ifaceArgs, arguments)) |
| return funcs |
| |
| def addVersionDefines(versionSpectrum): |
| output = ["#define " + ver.getDefineName() + " " + ver.getInHex() for ver in versionSpectrum if not ver.isStandardVersion()] |
| return output |
| |
| def writeRefUtilProto (api, filename): |
| functions = getConstructorFunctions(api) |
| |
| def makeRefUtilProto (): |
| unindented = [] |
| for line in indentLines(["Move<%s>\t%s\t(%s = nullptr);" % (function.objectType, function.name, argListToStr(function.ifaceArgs + function.arguments)) for function in functions]): |
| yield line |
| |
| writeInlFile(filename, INL_HEADER, makeRefUtilProto()) |
| |
| def writeRefUtilImpl (api, filename): |
| functions = getConstructorFunctions(api) |
| |
| def makeRefUtilImpl (): |
| yield "namespace refdetails" |
| yield "{" |
| yield "" |
| |
| for function in api.functions: |
| if function.getType() == Function.TYPE_DEVICE \ |
| and (function.name[:9] == "vkDestroy" or function.name == "vkFreeMemory") \ |
| and not function.name == "vkDestroyDevice": |
| objectType = function.arguments[-2].type |
| yield "template<>" |
| yield "void Deleter<%s>::operator() (%s obj) const" % (objectType, objectType) |
| yield "{" |
| yield "\tm_deviceIface->%s(m_device, obj, m_allocator);" % (getInterfaceName(function.name)) |
| yield "}" |
| yield "" |
| |
| yield "} // refdetails" |
| yield "" |
| |
| dtorDict = { |
| Function.TYPE_PLATFORM: "object", |
| Function.TYPE_INSTANCE: "instance", |
| Function.TYPE_DEVICE: "device" |
| } |
| |
| for function in functions: |
| deleterArgsString = '' |
| if function.name == "createDevice": |
| # createDevice requires two additional parameters to setup VkDevice deleter |
| deleterArgsString = "vkp, instance, object, " + function.arguments[-1].name |
| else: |
| deleterArgsString = "vk, %s, %s" % (dtorDict[function.type], function.arguments[-1].name) |
| |
| yield "Move<%s> %s (%s)" % (function.objectType, function.name, argListToStr(function.ifaceArgs + function.arguments)) |
| yield "{" |
| yield "\t%s object = VK_NULL_HANDLE;" % function.objectType |
| yield "\tVK_CHECK(vk.%s(%s));" % (function.name, ", ".join([a.name for a in function.arguments] + ["&object"])) |
| yield "\treturn Move<%s>(check<%s>(object), Deleter<%s>(%s));" % (function.objectType, function.objectType, function.objectType, deleterArgsString) |
| yield "}" |
| yield "" |
| |
| writeInlFile(filename, INL_HEADER, makeRefUtilImpl()) |
| |
| def writeStructTraitsImpl (api, filename): |
| def gen (): |
| for cType in api.compositeTypes: |
| if cType.category == "struct" and cType.members[0].name == "sType" and cType.name != "VkBaseOutStructure" and cType.name != "VkBaseInStructure": |
| yield "template<> VkStructureType getStructureType<%s> (void)" % cType.name |
| yield "{" |
| yield "\treturn %s;" % cType.members[0].values |
| yield "}" |
| yield "" |
| |
| writeInlFile(filename, INL_HEADER, gen()) |
| |
| def writeNullDriverImpl (api, filename): |
| def genNullDriverImpl (): |
| specialFuncNames = [ |
| "vkCreateGraphicsPipelines", |
| "vkCreateComputePipelines", |
| "vkCreateRayTracingPipelinesNV", |
| "vkCreateRayTracingPipelinesKHR", |
| "vkGetInstanceProcAddr", |
| "vkGetDeviceProcAddr", |
| "vkEnumeratePhysicalDevices", |
| "vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties", |
| "vkEnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties", |
| "vkGetPhysicalDeviceFeatures", |
| "vkGetPhysicalDeviceFeatures2KHR", |
| "vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties", |
| "vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties2KHR", |
| "vkGetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties", |
| "vkGetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties", |
| "vkGetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties", |
| "vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties", |
| "vkGetDeviceQueue", |
| "vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements", |
| "vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements2KHR", |
| "vkGetImageMemoryRequirements", |
| "vkGetImageMemoryRequirements2KHR", |
| "vkAllocateMemory", |
| "vkMapMemory", |
| "vkUnmapMemory", |
| "vkAllocateDescriptorSets", |
| "vkFreeDescriptorSets", |
| "vkResetDescriptorPool", |
| "vkAllocateCommandBuffers", |
| "vkFreeCommandBuffers", |
| "vkCreateDisplayModeKHR", |
| "vkCreateSharedSwapchainsKHR", |
| "vkGetPhysicalDeviceExternalBufferPropertiesKHR", |
| "vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2KHR", |
| "vkGetMemoryAndroidHardwareBufferANDROID", |
| "vkCreateShadersEXT", |
| ] |
| |
| specialFuncs = [f for f in api.functions if f.name in specialFuncNames] |
| createFuncs = [f for f in api.functions if (f.name[:8] == "vkCreate" or f.name == "vkAllocateMemory") and not f in specialFuncs] |
| destroyFuncs = [f for f in api.functions if (f.name[:9] == "vkDestroy" or f.name == "vkFreeMemory") and not f in specialFuncs] |
| dummyFuncs = [f for f in api.functions if f not in specialFuncs + createFuncs + destroyFuncs] |
| |
| def getHandle (name): |
| for handle in api.handles: |
| if handle.name == name: |
| return handle |
| raise Exception("No such handle: %s" % name) |
| |
| for function in createFuncs: |
| objectType = function.arguments[-1].type |
| argsStr = ", ".join([a.name for a in function.arguments[:-1]]) |
| |
| yield "VKAPI_ATTR %s VKAPI_CALL %s (%s)" % (function.returnType, getInterfaceName(function.name), argListToStr(function.arguments)) |
| yield "{" |
| yield "\tDE_UNREF(%s);" % function.arguments[-2].name |
| |
| if function.arguments[-1].len != None: |
| yield "\tVK_NULL_RETURN((allocateNonDispHandleArray<%s, %s>(%s, %s)));" % (objectType[2:], objectType, argsStr, function.arguments[-1].name) |
| else: |
| if function.name == "vkCreatePipelineBinariesKHR": |
| yield "\tDE_UNREF(device);" |
| yield "\tDE_UNREF(pCreateInfo);" |
| yield "\tDE_UNREF(pAllocator);" |
| yield "\tDE_UNREF(pBinaries);" |
| yield "\treturn VK_SUCCESS;" |
| elif getHandle(objectType).type == "VK_DEFINE_NON_DISPATCHABLE_HANDLE": |
| yield "\tVK_NULL_RETURN((*%s = allocateNonDispHandle<%s, %s>(%s)));" % (function.arguments[-1].name, objectType[2:], objectType, argsStr) |
| else: |
| yield "\tVK_NULL_RETURN((*%s = allocateHandle<%s, %s>(%s)));" % (function.arguments[-1].name, objectType[2:], objectType, argsStr) |
| yield "}" |
| yield "" |
| |
| for function in destroyFuncs: |
| objectArg = function.arguments[-2] |
| |
| yield "VKAPI_ATTR %s VKAPI_CALL %s (%s)" % (function.returnType, getInterfaceName(function.name), argListToStr(function.arguments)) |
| yield "{" |
| for arg in function.arguments[:-2]: |
| yield "\tDE_UNREF(%s);" % arg.name |
| |
| if getHandle(objectArg.type).type == 'VK_DEFINE_NON_DISPATCHABLE_HANDLE': |
| yield "\tfreeNonDispHandle<%s, %s>(%s, %s);" % (objectArg.type[2:], objectArg.type, objectArg.name, function.arguments[-1].name) |
| else: |
| yield "\tfreeHandle<%s, %s>(%s, %s);" % (objectArg.type[2:], objectArg.type, objectArg.name, function.arguments[-1].name) |
| |
| yield "}" |
| yield "" |
| |
| for function in dummyFuncs: |
| yield "VKAPI_ATTR %s VKAPI_CALL %s (%s)" % (function.returnType, getInterfaceName(function.name), argListToStr(function.arguments)) |
| yield "{" |
| for arg in function.arguments: |
| yield "\tDE_UNREF(%s);" % arg.name |
| if function.returnType != "void": |
| yield "\treturn VK_SUCCESS;" |
| yield "}" |
| yield "" |
| |
| def genFuncEntryTable (type, name): |
| |
| entries = [] |
| pattern = "\tVK_NULL_FUNC_ENTRY(%s,\t%s)," |
| for f in api.functions: |
| if f.getType() != type: |
| continue |
| entries.append(pattern % (f.name, getInterfaceName(f.name))) |
| |
| yield "static const tcu::StaticFunctionLibrary::Entry %s[] =" % name |
| yield "{" |
| |
| for line in indentLines(entries): |
| yield line |
| yield "};" |
| yield "" |
| |
| # Func tables |
| for line in genFuncEntryTable(Function.TYPE_PLATFORM, "s_platformFunctions"): |
| yield line |
| |
| for line in genFuncEntryTable(Function.TYPE_INSTANCE, "s_instanceFunctions"): |
| yield line |
| |
| for line in genFuncEntryTable(Function.TYPE_DEVICE, "s_deviceFunctions"): |
| yield line |
| |
| writeInlFile(filename, INL_HEADER, genNullDriverImpl()) |
| |
| def writeTypeUtil (api, filename): |
| # Structs filled by API queries are not often used in test code |
| "VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures", |
| "VkPhysicalDeviceLimits", |
| "VkFormatProperties", |
| "VkImageFormatProperties", |
| "VkPhysicalDeviceSparseProperties", |
| "VkQueueFamilyProperties", |
| "VkMemoryType", |
| "VkMemoryHeap", |
| "StdVideoH264SpsVuiFlags", |
| "StdVideoH264SpsFlags", |
| "StdVideoH264PpsFlags", |
| "StdVideoDecodeH264PictureInfoFlags", |
| "StdVideoDecodeH264ReferenceInfoFlags", |
| "StdVideoEncodeH264SliceHeaderFlags", |
| "StdVideoEncodeH264PictureInfoFlags", |
| "StdVideoEncodeH264ReferenceInfoFlags", |
| "StdVideoEncodeH264ReferenceInfoFlags", |
| "StdVideoH265HrdFlags", |
| "StdVideoH265VpsFlags", |
| "StdVideoH265SpsVuiFlags", |
| "StdVideoH265SpsFlags", |
| "StdVideoH265PpsFlags", |
| "StdVideoDecodeH265PictureInfoFlags", |
| "StdVideoDecodeH265ReferenceInfoFlags", |
| "StdVideoEncodeH265PictureInfoFlags", |
| "StdVideoEncodeH265ReferenceInfoFlags", |
| "StdVideoEncodeH265SliceSegmentHeaderFlags", |
| "StdVideoH265ProfileTierLevelFlags", |
| "StdVideoH265ShortTermRefPicSetFlags", |
| "StdVideoEncodeH264ReferenceListsInfoFlags", |
| "StdVideoEncodeH265ReferenceListsInfoFlags", |
| ]) |
| |
| def isSimpleStruct (type): |
| def hasArrayMember (type): |
| for member in type.members: |
| if len(member.arraySizeList) > 0: |
| return True |
| return False |
| |
| def hasCompositeMember (type): |
| for member in type.members: |
| if member.pointer is not None and '*' not in member.pointer: |
| match = [c for c in api.compositeTypes if member.type == c.name] |
| if len(match) > 0: |
| return True |
| return False |
| |
| return type.category == "struct" and \ |
| type.members[0].type != "VkStructureType" and \ |
| not type.name in QUERY_RESULT_TYPES and \ |
| not hasArrayMember(type) and \ |
| not hasCompositeMember(type) |
| |
| def gen (): |
| for type in api.compositeTypes: |
| if not isSimpleStruct(type): |
| continue |
| |
| if "StdVideoAV1" in type.name or "StdVideoDecodeAV1" in type.name: |
| continue |
| |
| name = type.name[2:] if type.name[:2].lower() == "vk" else type.name |
| |
| yield "" |
| yield "inline %s make%s (%s)" % (type.name, name, argListToStr(type.members)) |
| yield "{" |
| yield "\t%s res;" % type.name |
| for line in indentLines(["\tres.%s\t= %s;" % (m.name, m.name) for m in type.members]): |
| yield line |
| yield "\treturn res;" |
| yield "}" |
| |
| writeInlFile(filename, INL_HEADER, gen()) |
| |
| def writeDriverIds(api, filename): |
| driverIdsString = [] |
| driverIdsString.append("static const struct\n" |
| "{\n" |
| "\tstd::string driver;\n" |
| "\tuint32_t id;\n" |
| "} driverIds [] =\n" |
| "{") |
| driverItems = dict() |
| driverIdEnum = [enum for enum in api.enums if enum.name == 'VkDriverId'][0] |
| for enumerator in driverIdEnum.enumeratorList: |
| driverIdsString.append(f"\t{{\"{enumerator.name}\", {enumerator.value}}},") |
| driverItems[enumerator.name] = enumerator.value |
| for enumerator in driverIdEnum.enumeratorList: |
| if len(enumerator.aliasList) > 0: |
| driverIdsString.append(f"\t{{\"{enumerator.aliasList[0]}\", {enumerator.value}}},\t// {enumerator.name}") |
| driverIdsString.append("\t{\"VK_DRIVER_ID_MAX_ENUM\", 0x7FFFFFFF}") |
| driverIdsString.append("};") |
| |
| writeInlFile(filename, INL_HEADER, driverIdsString) |
| |
| def writeSupportedExtensions(api, filename): |
| |
| def writeExtensionsForVersions(map): |
| result = [] |
| for version in map: |
| result.append(" if (coreVersion >= " + str(version) + ")") |
| result.append(" {") |
| for extension in map[version]: |
| result.append(' dst.push_back("' + extension.name + '");') |
| result.append(" }") |
| |
| if not map: |
| result.append(" DE_UNREF(coreVersion);") |
| |
| return result |
| |
| isSC = api.apiName == 'vulkansc' |
| instanceMap = {} |
| deviceMap = {} |
| |
| for ext in api.extensions: |
| if ext.promotedto is None or "VK_VERSION" not in ext.promotedto: |
| continue |
| # skip partialy promoted extensions |
| if ext.partiallyPromoted is True: |
| continue |
| major = int(ext.promotedto[-3]) |
| minor = int(ext.promotedto[-1]) |
| currVersion = "VK_API_VERSION_" + ext.promotedto[-3:] |
| # VulkanSC is based on Vulkan 1.2. Any Vulkan version greater than 1.2 should be excluded |
| if isSC and major==1 and minor>2: |
| continue |
| if ext.type == 'instance': |
| list = instanceMap.get(currVersion) |
| instanceMap[currVersion] = list + [ext] if list else [ext] |
| else: |
| list = deviceMap.get(currVersion) |
| deviceMap[currVersion] = list + [ext] if list else [ext] |
| |
| # add list of extensions missing in Vulkan SC specification |
| if isSC: |
| for extensionName, data in api.additionalExtensionData: |
| # make sure that this extension was registered |
| if 'register_extension' not in data.keys(): |
| continue |
| # save array containing 'device' or 'instance' string followed by the optional vulkan version in which this extension is core; |
| # note that register_extension section is also required for partialy promoted extensions like VK_EXT_extended_dynamic_state2 |
| # but those extensions should not fill 'core' tag |
| match = re.match(r"(\d).(\d).(\d).(\d)", data['register_extension']['core']) |
| if match == None: |
| continue |
| major = int(match.group(2)) |
| minor = int(match.group(3)) |
| if major==1 and minor>2: |
| continue |
| currVersion = f"VK_API_VERSION_{major}_{minor}" |
| ext = Extension(extensionName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) |
| if data['register_extension']['type'] == 'instance': |
| list = instanceMap.get(currVersion) |
| instanceMap[currVersion] = list + [ext] if list else [ext] |
| else: |
| list = deviceMap.get(currVersion) |
| deviceMap[currVersion] = list + [ext] if list else [ext] |
| |
| lines = [ |
| "", |
| "void getCoreDeviceExtensionsImpl (uint32_t coreVersion, ::std::vector<const char*>&%s)" % (" dst" if len(deviceMap) != 0 or isSC else ""), |
| "{"] + writeExtensionsForVersions(deviceMap) + [ |
| "}", |
| "", |
| "void getCoreInstanceExtensionsImpl (uint32_t coreVersion, ::std::vector<const char*>&%s)" % (" dst" if len(instanceMap) != 0 or isSC else ""), |
| "{"] + writeExtensionsForVersions(instanceMap) + [ |
| "}", |
| ""] |
| writeInlFile(filename, INL_HEADER, lines) |
| |
| |
| def writeExtensionFunctions (api, filename): |
| |
| def writeExtensionNameArrays (): |
| instanceExtensionNames = [f"\t\"{ext.name}\"," for ext in api.extensions if ext.type == "instance"] |
| deviceExtensionNames = [f"\t\"{ext.name}\"," for ext in api.extensions if ext.type == "device"] |
| yield '::std::string instanceExtensionNames[] =\n{' |
| for instanceExtName in instanceExtensionNames: |
| yield instanceExtName |
| yield '};\n' |
| yield '::std::string deviceExtensionNames[] =\n{' |
| for deviceExtName in deviceExtensionNames: |
| yield deviceExtName |
| yield '};' |
| |
| def writeExtensionFunctions (functionType): |
| isFirstWrite = True |
| dg_list = [] # Device groups functions need special casing, as Vulkan 1.0 keeps them in VK_KHR_device_groups whereas 1.1 moved them into VK_KHR_swapchain |
| if functionType == Function.TYPE_INSTANCE: |
| yield 'void getInstanceExtensionFunctions (uint32_t apiVersion, const std::vector<std::string> vIEP, const std::vector<std::string> vDEP, const std::string extName, ::std::vector<const char*>& functions)\n{' |
| yield '\t(void)vIEP;\n(void)vDEP;' |
| dg_list = ["vkGetPhysicalDevicePresentRectanglesKHR"] |
| elif functionType == Function.TYPE_DEVICE: |
| yield 'void getDeviceExtensionFunctions (uint32_t apiVersion, const std::vector<std::string> vIEP, const std::vector<std::string> vDEP, const std::string extName, ::std::vector<const char*>& functions)\n{' |
| yield '\t(void)vIEP;\n(void)vDEP;' |
| dg_list = ["vkGetDeviceGroupPresentCapabilitiesKHR", "vkGetDeviceGroupSurfacePresentModesKHR", "vkAcquireNextImage2KHR"] |
| for ext in api.extensions: |
| parsedRequirements = [] |
| for requirement in ext.requirementsList: |
| funcNames = [] |
| for requiredCommand in requirement.newCommands: |
| commandName = requiredCommand.name |
| # find function that has specified name |
| func = None |
| funcList = [f for f in api.functions if f.name == commandName] |
| # if name was not found check if this is alias |
| if len(funcList) == 0: |
| for f in api.functions: |
| for aliasName in f.aliasList: |
| if aliasName == commandName: |
| func = f |
| break |
| if func: |
| break |
| else: |
| func = funcList[0] |
| if func == None: |
| if api.apiName == "vulkansc": |
| continue |
| # something went wrong, for "vulkan" func should always be found |
| logging.error("%s in %s not valid" % (commandName, ext.name)) |
| assert(False) |
| if func.getType() == functionType: |
| funcNames.append(commandName) |
| condition = None |
| if requirement.depends is not None: |
| try: |
| condition = transformDependsToCondition(requirement.depends, api, 'checkVersion(%s, %s, apiVersion)', 'extensionIsSupported(%s, "%s")') |
| except Exception as e: |
| if api.apiName != "vulkansc": |
| raise e |
| parsedRequirements.append((requirement.depends, condition, funcNames)) |
| if ext.name: |
| yield '\tif (extName == "%s")' % ext.name |
| yield '\t{' |
| for depends, condition, funcNames in parsedRequirements: |
| if len(funcNames) == 0: |
| continue |
| indent = '\t\t' |
| if depends is not None: |
| yield '\t\t// Dependencies: %s' % depends |
| yield '\t\tif (%s) {' % condition |
| indent = '\t\t\t' |
| for funcName in funcNames: |
| if funcName in dg_list: |
| yield '%sif(apiVersion >= VK_API_VERSION_1_1) functions.push_back("%s");' % (indent, funcName) |
| else: |
| yield '%sfunctions.push_back("%s");' % (indent, funcName) |
| if depends is not None: |
| yield '\t\t}' |
| if ext.name == "VK_KHR_device_group": |
| for dg_func in dg_list: |
| yield '\t\tif(apiVersion < VK_API_VERSION_1_1) functions.push_back("%s");' % dg_func |
| yield '\t\treturn;' |
| yield '\t}' |
| isFirstWrite = False |
| if not isFirstWrite: |
| yield '\tDE_FATAL("Extension name not found");' |
| yield '}' |
| |
| def genHelperFunctions(): |
| yield 'bool checkVersion(uint32_t major, uint32_t minor, const uint32_t testedApiVersion)' |
| yield '{' |
| yield '\tuint32_t testedMajor = VK_API_VERSION_MAJOR(testedApiVersion);' |
| yield '\tuint32_t testedMinor = VK_API_VERSION_MINOR(testedApiVersion);' |
| yield '\t// return true when tested api version is greater' |
| yield '\t// or equal to version represented by two uints' |
| yield '\tif (major == testedMajor)' |
| yield '\t\treturn minor <= testedMinor;' |
| yield '\treturn major < testedMajor;' |
| yield '}\n' |
| yield 'bool extensionIsSupported(const std::vector<std::string> extNames, const std::string& ext)' |
| yield '{' |
| yield '\tfor (const std::string& supportedExtension : extNames)' |
| yield '\t{' |
| yield '\t\tif (supportedExtension == ext) return true;' |
| yield '\t}' |
| yield '\treturn false;' |
| yield '}\n' |
| |
| lines = [''] |
| lines.extend(genHelperFunctions()) |
| for line in writeExtensionFunctions(Function.TYPE_INSTANCE): |
| lines += [line] |
| lines += [''] |
| for line in writeExtensionFunctions(Function.TYPE_DEVICE): |
| lines += [line] |
| lines += [''] |
| for line in writeExtensionNameArrays(): |
| lines += [line] |
| |
| writeInlFile(filename, INL_HEADER, lines) |
| |
| def writeCoreFunctionalities(api, filename): |
| |
| functionNamesPerApiVersionDict = {} |
| for feature in api.features: |
| if api.apiName not in feature.api.split(','): |
| continue |
| apiVersion = "VK_API_VERSION_" + feature.number.replace('.', '_') |
| functionNamesPerApiVersionDict[apiVersion] = [] |
| for r in feature.requirementsList: |
| # skip optional promotions like for VK_EXT_host_image_copy |
| if float(feature.number) > 1.35 and r.comment is not None and 'Promoted from ' not in r.comment: |
| continue |
| functionNamesPerApiVersionDict[apiVersion].extend(r.commandList) |
| |
| lines = [ |
| "", |
| 'enum FunctionOrigin', '{'] + [line for line in indentLines([ |
| '\t' + functionOriginValues[0] + '\t= 0,', |
| '\t' + functionOriginValues[1] + ',', |
| '\t' + functionOriginValues[2]])] + [ |
| "};", |
| "", |
| "typedef ::std::pair<const char*, FunctionOrigin> FunctionInfo;", |
| "typedef ::std::vector<FunctionInfo> FunctionInfosList;", |
| "typedef ::std::map<uint32_t, FunctionInfosList> ApisMap;", |
| "", |
| "void initApisMap (ApisMap& apis)", |
| "{", |
| " apis.clear();"] + [ |
| " apis.insert(::std::pair<uint32_t, FunctionInfosList>(" + v + ", FunctionInfosList()));" for v in functionNamesPerApiVersionDict] + [ |
| ""] |
| |
| apiVersions = [] |
| functionLines = [] |
| for apiVersion in functionNamesPerApiVersionDict: |
| lines += [f'\tapis[{apiVersion}] = {{'] |
| # iterate over names of functions added with api |
| for functionName in functionNamesPerApiVersionDict[apiVersion]: |
| # search for data of this function in all functions list |
| functionData = None |
| for f in api.functions: |
| if functionName == f.name or functionName in f.aliasList: |
| functionData = f |
| break |
| if functionData == None: |
| if api.apiName == "vulkansc": |
| continue |
| # something went wrong, for "vulkan" functionData should always be found |
| assert(False) |
| # add line coresponding to this function |
| functionLines.append('\t\t{"' + functionName + '",\t' + functionOriginValues[functionData.getType()] + '},') |
| # indent all functions of specified api and add them to main list |
| lines = lines + [line for line in indentLines(functionLines)] + ["\t};"] |
| |
| lines = lines + ["}"] |
| writeInlFile(filename, INL_HEADER, lines) |
| |
| def camelToSnake(name): |
| name = re.sub('([a-z])([23])D([A-Z])', r'\1_\2d\3', name) |
| name = re.sub('(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)', r'\1_\2', name) |
| return re.sub('([a-z0-9])([A-Z])', r'\1_\2', name).lower() |
| |
| def writeDeviceFeatures2(api, filename): |
| |
| def structInAPI(compositeObject): |
| for c in api.compositeTypes: |
| if c.name == compositeObject.name: |
| return True |
| return False |
| |
| # helper class used to encapsulate all data needed during generation |
| class StructureDetail: |
| def __init__ (self, compositeObject): |
| self.nameList = [compositeObject.name] + compositeObject.aliasList |
| self.sType = compositeObject.members[0].values |
| self.instanceName = 'd' + compositeObject.name[11:] |
| self.flagName = 'is' + compositeObject.name[16:] |
| self.extension = None |
| self.api = None |
| self.major = None |
| self.minor = None |
| structureMembers = compositeObject.members[2:] |
| self.members = [m.name for m in structureMembers] |
| |
| # helper extension class used in algorith below |
| class StructureFoundContinueToNextOne(Exception): |
| pass |
| |
| # find structures that extend VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2 |
| structures = [c for c in api.compositeTypes if c.structextends is not None and 'VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2' in c.structextends] |
| # remove structures that were added by extensions other than KHR and EXT |
| testedStructures = [] |
| for s in structures: |
| if all([postfix not in s.name for postfix in EXTENSION_POSTFIXES_VENDOR]): |
| testedStructures.append(s) |
| |
| existingStructures = list(filter(structInAPI, testedStructures)) # remove features not found in API ( important for Vulkan SC ) |
| testedStructureDetail = [StructureDetail(struct) for struct in existingStructures] |
| # list of partially promoted extensions that are not marked in vk.xml as partially promoted in extension definition |
| # note: for VK_EXT_host_image_copy there is a comment in require section for vk1.4 |
| partiallyPromotedExtensions = ['VK_EXT_pipeline_protected_access', 'VK_EXT_host_image_copy'] |
| # iterate over all searched structures and find extensions that enabled them |
| for structureDetail in testedStructureDetail: |
| try: |
| # iterate over all extensions |
| for extension in api.extensions: |
| for requirement in extension.requirementsList: |
| for extensionStructure in requirement.newTypes: |
| if extensionStructure.name in structureDetail.nameList: |
| structureDetail.extension = extension.name |
| if extension.promotedto is not None and extension.partiallyPromoted is False and extension.name not in partiallyPromotedExtensions: |
| # check if extension was promoted to vulkan version or other extension; |
| if 'VK_VERSION' in extension.promotedto: |
| versionSplit = extension.promotedto.split('_') |
| structureDetail.api = 0 if api.apiName == "vulkan" else 1 |
| structureDetail.major = versionSplit[-2] |
| structureDetail.minor = versionSplit[-1] |
| else: |
| structureDetail.extension = extension.promotedto |
| raise StructureFoundContinueToNextOne |
| except StructureFoundContinueToNextOne: |
| continue |
| structureDetailToRemove = [] |
| for structureDetail in testedStructureDetail: |
| if structureDetail.major is not None or structureDetail.extension in partiallyPromotedExtensions: |
| continue |
| # if structure was not added with extension then check if |
| # it was added directly with one of vulkan versions |
| structureName = structureDetail.nameList[0] |
| for feature in api.features: |
| for requirement in feature.requirementsList: |
| if structureName in requirement.typeList: |
| if api.apiName == "vulkansc" and int(feature.number[-1]) > 2: |
| structureDetailToRemove.append(structureDetail) |
| else: |
| versionSplit = feature.name.split('_') |
| structureDetail.api = 0 if api.apiName == "vulkan" else 1 |
| structureDetail.major = versionSplit[-2] |
| structureDetail.minor = versionSplit[-1] |
| break |
| if structureDetail.major is not None: |
| break |
| # remove structures that should not be tested for given api version |
| for sd in structureDetailToRemove: |
| testedStructureDetail.remove(sd) |
| # generate file content |
| structureDefinitions = [] |
| featureEnabledFlags = [] |
| clearStructures = [] |
| structureChain = [] |
| logStructures = [] |
| verifyStructures = [] |
| for index, structureDetail in enumerate(testedStructureDetail): |
| structureName = structureDetail.nameList[0] |
| # create two instances of each structure |
| nameSpacing = '\t' |
| structureDefinitions.append(structureName + nameSpacing + structureDetail.instanceName + '[count];') |
| # create flags that check if proper extension or vulkan version is available |
| condition = '' |
| extension = structureDetail.extension |
| major = structureDetail.major |
| if extension is not None: |
| condition = ' checkExtension(properties, "' + extension + '")' |
| if major is not None: |
| condition = ' ' if condition == '' else condition + ' || ' |
| condition += 'context.contextSupports(vk::ApiVersion(' + str(structureDetail.api) + ', ' + str(major) + ', ' + str(structureDetail.minor) + ', 0))' |
| if condition == '': |
| condition = ' true' |
| condition += ';' |
| nameSpacing = '\t' * int((len(structureName) - 4) / 4) |
| featureEnabledFlags.append('const bool' + nameSpacing + structureDetail.flagName + ' =' + condition) |
| # clear memory of each structure |
| clearStructures.append('\tdeMemset(&' + structureDetail.instanceName + '[ndx], 0xFF * ndx, sizeof(' + structureName + '));') |
| # construct structure chain |
| nextInstanceName = 'nullptr'; |
| if index < len(testedStructureDetail)-1: |
| nextInstanceName = '&' + testedStructureDetail[index+1].instanceName + '[ndx]' |
| structureChain.append([ |
| '\t\t' + structureDetail.instanceName + '[ndx].sType = ' + structureDetail.flagName + ' ? ' + structureDetail.sType + ' : VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_MAX_ENUM;', |
| '\t\t' + structureDetail.instanceName + '[ndx].pNext = nullptr;']) |
| # construct log section |
| logStructures.append([ |
| '\tif (' + structureDetail.flagName + ')', |
| '\t\tlog << TestLog::Message << ' + structureDetail.instanceName + '[0] << TestLog::EndMessage;' |
| ]) |
| #construct verification section |
| verifyStructure = [] |
| verifyStructure.append('\tif (' + structureDetail.flagName + ' &&') |
| for index, m in enumerate(structureDetail.members): |
| prefix = '\t\t(' if index == 0 else '\t\t ' |
| postfix = '))' if index == len(structureDetail.members)-1 else ' ||' |
| verifyStructure.append(prefix + structureDetail.instanceName + '[0].' + m + ' != ' + structureDetail.instanceName + '[1].' + m + postfix) |
| if len(structureDetail.members) == 0: |
| verifyStructure.append('\t\tfalse)') |
| verifyStructure.append('\t{\n\t\tTCU_FAIL("Mismatch between ' + structureName + '");\n\t}') |
| verifyStructures.append(verifyStructure) |
| |
| # construct file content |
| stream = [] |
| |
| # individual test functions |
| for n, x in enumerate(testedStructureDetail): |
| stream.append("tcu::TestStatus testPhysicalDeviceFeature" + x.instanceName[len('device'):]+" (Context& context)") |
| stream.append("""{ |
| const VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice = context.getPhysicalDevice(); |
| const CustomInstance instance (createCustomInstanceWithExtension(context, "VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2")); |
| const InstanceDriver& vki (instance.getDriver()); |
| const int count = 2u; |
| TestLog& log = context.getTestContext().getLog(); |
| VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2 extFeatures; |
| vector<VkExtensionProperties> properties = enumerateDeviceExtensionProperties(vki, physicalDevice, nullptr); |
| """) |
| stream.append("\t"+structureDefinitions[n]) |
| stream.append("\t"+featureEnabledFlags[n]) |
| stream.append('') |
| stream.append('\tfor (int ndx = 0; ndx < count; ++ndx)\n\t{') |
| stream.append("\t" + clearStructures[n]) |
| stream.extend(structureChain[n]) |
| stream.append('') |
| stream.append( |
| '\t\tdeMemset(&extFeatures.features, 0xcd, sizeof(extFeatures.features));\n' |
| '\t\textFeatures.pNext = &' + testedStructureDetail[n].instanceName + '[ndx];\n\n' |
| '\t\tvki.getPhysicalDeviceFeatures2(physicalDevice, &extFeatures);') |
| stream.append('\t}\n') |
| stream.extend(logStructures[n]) |
| stream.append('') |
| stream.extend(verifyStructures[n]) |
| stream.append('\treturn tcu::TestStatus::pass("Querying succeeded");') |
| stream.append("}\n") |
| |
| allApiVersions = [f.number for f in api.features] |
| promotedTests = [] |
| if api.apiName == "vulkan": |
| for feature in api.features: |
| if api.apiName not in feature.api.split(','): |
| continue |
| major = feature.number[0] |
| minor = feature.number[-1] |
| promotedFeatures = [] |
| if feature.name == 'VK_VERSION_1_0': |
| continue |
| for requirement in feature.requirementsList: |
| for type in requirement.typeList: |
| matchedStructType = re.search(r'VkPhysicalDevice(\w+)Features', type, re.IGNORECASE) |
| matchedCoreStructType = re.search(r'VkPhysicalDeviceVulkan(\d+)Features', type, re.IGNORECASE) |
| if matchedStructType and not matchedCoreStructType: |
| promotedFeatures.append(type) |
| if promotedFeatures: |
| testName = "createDeviceWithPromoted" + feature.number.replace('.', '') + "Structures" |
| promotedTests.append(testName) |
| stream.append("tcu::TestStatus " + testName + " (Context& context)") |
| stream.append("{") |
| stream.append( |
| ' if (!context.contextSupports(vk::ApiVersion(0, ' + major + ', ' + minor + ', 0)))\n' |
| ' TCU_THROW(NotSupportedError, "Vulkan ' + major + '.' + minor + ' is not supported");') |
| stream.append(""" |
| const PlatformInterface& platformInterface = context.getPlatformInterface(); |
| const CustomInstance instance (createCustomInstanceFromContext(context)); |
| const InstanceDriver& instanceDriver (instance.getDriver()); |
| const VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice = chooseDevice(instanceDriver, instance, context.getTestContext().getCommandLine()); |
| const uint32_t queueFamilyIndex = 0; |
| const uint32_t queueCount = 1; |
| const uint32_t queueIndex = 0; |
| const float queuePriority = 1.0f; |
| |
| const vector<VkQueueFamilyProperties> queueFamilyProperties = getPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties(instanceDriver, physicalDevice); |
| |
| const VkDeviceQueueCreateInfo deviceQueueCreateInfo = |
| { |
| nullptr, |
| (VkDeviceQueueCreateFlags)0u, |
| queueFamilyIndex, //queueFamilyIndex; |
| queueCount, //queueCount; |
| &queuePriority, //pQueuePriorities; |
| }; |
| """) |
| lastFeature = '' |
| usedFeatures = [] |
| for feature in promotedFeatures: |
| for struct in testedStructureDetail: |
| if (struct.instanceName in usedFeatures): |
| continue |
| if feature in struct.nameList: |
| if lastFeature: |
| stream.append("\t" + feature + " " + struct.instanceName + " = initVulkanStructure(&" + lastFeature + ");") |
| else: |
| stream.append("\t" + feature + " " + struct.instanceName + " = initVulkanStructure();") |
| lastFeature = struct.instanceName |
| usedFeatures.append(struct.instanceName) |
| break |
| stream.append("\tVkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2 extFeatures = initVulkanStructure(&" + lastFeature + ");") |
| stream.append(""" |
| instanceDriver.getPhysicalDeviceFeatures2 (physicalDevice, &extFeatures); |
| |
| const VkDeviceCreateInfo deviceCreateInfo = |
| { |
| &extFeatures, //pNext; |
| (VkDeviceCreateFlags)0u, |
| 1, //queueRecordCount; |
| &deviceQueueCreateInfo, //pRequestedQueues; |
| 0, //layerCount; |
| nullptr, //ppEnabledLayerNames; |
| 0, //extensionCount; |
| nullptr, //ppEnabledExtensionNames; |
| nullptr, //pEnabledFeatures; |
| }; |
| |
| const Unique<VkDevice> device (createCustomDevice(context.getTestContext().getCommandLine().isValidationEnabled(), platformInterface, instance, instanceDriver, physicalDevice, &deviceCreateInfo)); |
| const DeviceDriver deviceDriver (platformInterface, instance, device.get(), context.getUsedApiVersion(), context.getTestContext().getCommandLine()); |
| const VkQueue queue = getDeviceQueue(deviceDriver, *device, queueFamilyIndex, queueIndex); |
| |
| VK_CHECK(deviceDriver.queueWaitIdle(queue)); |
| |
| return tcu::TestStatus::pass("Pass"); |
| } |
| """) |
| |
| # function to create tests |
| stream.append("void addSeparateFeatureTests (tcu::TestCaseGroup* testGroup)\n{") |
| for x in testedStructureDetail: |
| stream.append('\taddFunctionCase(testGroup, "' + camelToSnake(x.instanceName[len('device'):]) + '", testPhysicalDeviceFeature' + x.instanceName[len('device'):] + ');') |
| for x in promotedTests: |
| stream.append('\taddFunctionCase(testGroup, "' + camelToSnake(x) + '", ' + x + ');') |
| stream.append('}\n') |
| |
| # write out |
| writeInlFile(filename, INL_HEADER, stream) |
| |
| class FeaturesOrPropertiesDefs: |
| def __init__ (self, structureType, structureTypeName): |
| self.structureType = structureType # string with most important part from structure type e.g. 'LINE_RASTERIZATION' |
| # (for VkPhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT) without prefix nor postfix |
| self.verSuffix = '' # string containing version, this is needed to handle corner case like e.g. |
| self.extSuffix = '' # string with extension type e.g. '_EXT' for VkPhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT |
| self.structureTypeName = structureTypeName # full structure name e.g. 'VkPhysicalDeviceCustomBorderColorFeaturesEXT' |
| self.extensionName = None # name of extension that added this structure eg. 'VK_EXT_depth_clip_enable' |
| self.nameString = None # e.g. 'VK_EXT_ASTC_DECODE_MODE_EXTENSION_NAME' |
| self.versionString = '0' # e.g. 'VK_EXT_SHADER_ATOMIC_FLOAT_SPEC_VERSION' |
| self.compositeType = None # None or pointer to composite type |
| def __iter__(self): |
| return iter((self.structureType, self.verSuffix, self.extSuffix, self.structureTypeName, self.extensionName, self.nameString, self.versionString)) |
| |
| def generateDeviceFeaturesOrPropertiesDefs(api, FeaturesOrProperties): |
| assert(FeaturesOrProperties in ['Features', 'Properties']) |
| defs = [] |
| foundStructureEnums = [] |
| structureEnumPattern = fr'VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_(\w+)_{FeaturesOrProperties.upper()}(\w+)' |
| structureEnumPatternNotExtension = structureEnumPattern[:-5] + '$' |
| structureTypePattern = fr'VkPhysicalDevice(\w+){FeaturesOrProperties}(\w+)' |
| structureTypePatternNotExtension = structureTypePattern[:-5] + '$' |
| structureTypeToSkipPattern = fr'VkPhysicalDeviceVulkan\d\d{FeaturesOrProperties}' |
| structureExtendsPattern = f'VkPhysicalDevice{FeaturesOrProperties}2' |
| # iterate over all extensions to find extension that adds enum value matching pattern; |
| # this will always be in first requirement section |
| for ext in api.extensions: |
| # skip extensions that were promoted to other extensions (not vk version) |
| if ext.promotedto is not None and "VK_VERSION" not in ext.promotedto: |
| continue |
| allExtendedEnums = ext.requirementsList[0].extendedEnums |
| for extendedEnum in allExtendedEnums: |
| matchedStructEnum = re.search(structureEnumPattern, extendedEnum.name, re.IGNORECASE) |
| if matchedStructEnum: |
| # find feature/property structure type name |
| structureTypeName = "" |
| for stRequirement in ext.requirementsList[0].newTypes: |
| stName = stRequirement.name |
| matchedStructType = re.search(structureTypePattern, stName, re.IGNORECASE) |
| if matchedStructType: |
| structureTypeName = stName |
| break |
| # iterate over all composite types to check if structureTypeName is not alias |
| # this handles case where extension was promoted and with it feature/property structure |
| structureType = None |
| for ct in api.compositeTypes: |
| if structureTypeName == ct.name: |
| structureType = ct |
| break |
| elif structureTypeName in ct.aliasList: |
| structureType = ct |
| structureTypeName = structureType.name |
| break |
| # use data in structextends to skip structures that should not be passed to vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties(/Features)2 function |
| if structureType is None or structureType.structextends is None or structureExtendsPattern not in structureType.structextends: |
| continue |
| # meke sure that structure was not added earlier - this handles special |
| # cases like VkPhysicalDeviceIDPropertiesKHR added by 3 extensions |
| if len([d for d in defs if d.structureTypeName == structureTypeName]) > 0: |
| continue |
| foundStructureEnums.append(matchedStructEnum.group(1)) |
| fop = FeaturesOrPropertiesDefs(matchedStructEnum.group(1), structureTypeName) |
| fop.extensionName = ext.name |
| fop.nameString = allExtendedEnums[1].name |
| fop.versionString = allExtendedEnums[0].name |
| fop.compositeType = structureType |
| defs.append(fop) |
| # where 2 is after PROPERTIES - to handle this we need to split suffix to two parts |
| fop.extSuffix = matchedStructEnum.group(2) |
| suffixStart = fop.extSuffix.rfind('_') |
| if suffixStart > 0: |
| fop.verSuffix = fop.extSuffix[:suffixStart] |
| fop.extSuffix = fop.extSuffix[suffixStart:] |
| # accept single feature/property structure per extension - this also handles cases |
| # like VK_KHR_variable_pointers which specify feature structure and its alias |
| break |
| |
| # iterate over all structures to find Feature/Property structures that were not added with extension |
| # but with vulkan version; to do that we need to skip extension part from pattern |
| for ct in api.compositeTypes: |
| matchedStructType = re.search(structureTypePatternNotExtension, ct.name, re.IGNORECASE) |
| if matchedStructType: |
| if ct.members[0].name != "sType": |
| continue |
| if ct.structextends is None or structureExtendsPattern not in ct.structextends: |
| continue |
| matchedStructEnum = re.search(structureEnumPatternNotExtension, ct.members[0].values, re.IGNORECASE) |
| if (matchedStructEnum.group(1) not in foundStructureEnums) and (re.match(structureTypeToSkipPattern, ct.name) == None): |
| defs.append(FeaturesOrPropertiesDefs(matchedStructEnum.group(1), ct.name)) |
| return defs |
| |
| def writeDeviceFeatures(api, dfDefs, filename): |
| # find VkPhysicalDeviceVulkan[1-9][0-9]Features blob structurs |
| # and construct dictionary with all of their attributes |
| blobMembers = {} |
| blobStructs = {} |
| blobPattern = re.compile("^VkPhysicalDeviceVulkan([1-9][0-9])Features[0-9]*$") |
| for structureType in api.compositeTypes: |
| match = blobPattern.match(structureType.name) |
| if match: |
| allMembers = [member.name for member in structureType.members] |
| vkVersion = match.group(1) |
| blobMembers[vkVersion] = allMembers[2:] |
| blobStructs[vkVersion] = set() |
| initFromBlobDefinitions = [] |
| emptyInitDefinitions = [] |
| # iterate over all feature structures |
| allFeaturesPattern = re.compile(r"^VkPhysicalDevice\w+Features[1-9]*") |
| nonExtFeaturesPattern = re.compile(r"^VkPhysicalDevice\w+Features[1-9]*$") |
| for structureType in api.compositeTypes: |
| # skip structures that are not feature structures |
| if not allFeaturesPattern.match(structureType.name): |
| continue |
| # skip structures that were previously identified as blobs |
| if blobPattern.match(structureType.name): |
| continue |
| # skip sType and pNext and just grab third and next attributes |
| structureMembers = structureType.members[2:] |
| notPartOfBlob = True |
| if nonExtFeaturesPattern.match(structureType.name): |
| # check if this member is part of any of the blobs |
| for blobName, blobMemberList in blobMembers.items(): |
| # if just one member is not part of this blob go to the next blob |
| # (we asume that all members are part of blob - no need to check all) |
| if structureMembers[0].name not in blobMemberList: |
| continue |
| # add another feature structure name to this blob |
| blobStructs[blobName].add(structureType) |
| # add specialization for this feature structure |
| memberCopying = "" |
| for member in structureMembers: |
| memberCopying += "\tfeatureType.{0} = allFeaturesBlobs.vk{1}.{0};\n".format(member.name, blobName) |
| wholeFunction = \ |
| "template<> void initFeatureFromBlob<{0}>({0}& featureType, const AllFeaturesBlobs& allFeaturesBlobs)\n" \ |
| "{{\n" \ |
| "{1}" \ |
| "}}".format(structureType.name, memberCopying) |
| initFromBlobDefinitions.append(wholeFunction) |
| notPartOfBlob = False |
| # assuming that all members are part of blob, goto next |
| break |
| # add empty template definition as on Fedora there are issue with |
| # linking using just generic template - all specializations are needed |
| if notPartOfBlob: |
| emptyFunction = "template<> void initFeatureFromBlob<{0}>({0}&, const AllFeaturesBlobs&) {{}}" |
| emptyInitDefinitions.append(emptyFunction.format(structureType.name)) |
| extensionDefines = [] |
| makeFeatureDescDefinitions = [] |
| featureStructWrappers = [] |
| for idx, (sType, sVerSuffix, sExtSuffix, extStruct, _, extNameDef, specVersionDef) in enumerate(dfDefs): |
| extensionNameDefinition = extNameDef |
| if not extensionNameDefinition: |
| extensionNameDefinition = 'DECL{0}_{1}_EXTENSION_NAME'.format((sExtSuffix if sExtSuffix else ''), sType) |
| extensionDefines.append(f'#define {extensionNameDefinition} "core_feature"') |
| # construct makeFeatureDesc template function definitions |
| sTypeName = "VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_{0}_FEATURES{1}".format(sType, sVerSuffix + sExtSuffix) |
| makeFeatureDescDefinitions.append("template<> FeatureDesc makeFeatureDesc<{0}>(void) " \ |
| "{{ return FeatureDesc{{{1}, {2}, {3}, {4}}}; }}".format(extStruct, sTypeName, extensionNameDefinition, specVersionDef, len(dfDefs)-idx)) |
| # construct CreateFeatureStruct wrapper block |
| featureStructWrappers.append("\t{{ createFeatureStructWrapper<{0}>, {1}, {2} }},".format(extStruct, extensionNameDefinition, specVersionDef)) |
| # construct function that will check for which vk version structure sType is part of blob |
| blobChecker = "uint32_t getBlobFeaturesVersion (VkStructureType sType)\n{\n" \ |
| "\tconst std::map<VkStructureType, uint32_t> sTypeBlobMap\n" \ |
| "\t{\n" |
| # iterate over blobs with list of structures |
| for blobName in sorted(blobStructs.keys()): |
| blobChecker += "\t\t// Vulkan{0}\n".format(blobName) |
| # iterate over all feature structures in current blob |
| structuresList = list(blobStructs[blobName]) |
| structuresList = sorted(structuresList, key=lambda s: s.name) |
| for structType in structuresList: |
| # find definition of this structure in dfDefs |
| structDef = None |
| allNamesToCheck = [structType.name] |
| if len(structType.aliasList) > 0: |
| allNamesToCheck.extend(structType.aliasList) |
| for structName in allNamesToCheck: |
| structDefList = [s for s in dfDefs if s.structureTypeName == structName] |
| if len(structDefList) > 0: |
| structDef = structDefList[0] |
| break |
| sType = structDef.structureType |
| sSuffix = structDef.verSuffix + structDef.extSuffix |
| sTypeName = "VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_{0}_FEATURES{1}".format(sType, sSuffix) |
| tabs = "\t" * int((88 - len(sTypeName)) / 4) |
| blobChecker += "\t\t{{ {0},{1}VK_API_VERSION_{2}_{3} }},\n".format(sTypeName, tabs, blobName[0], blobName[1]) |
| blobChecker += "\t};\n\n" \ |
| "\tauto it = sTypeBlobMap.find(sType);\n" \ |
| "\tif(it == sTypeBlobMap.end())\n" \ |
| "\t\treturn 0;\n" \ |
| "\treturn it->second;\n" \ |
| "}\n" |
| # combine all definition lists |
| stream = [ |
| '#include "vkDeviceFeatures.hpp"\n', |
| 'namespace vk\n{'] |
| stream.extend(extensionDefines) |
| stream.append('\n') |
| stream.extend(initFromBlobDefinitions) |
| stream.append('\n// generic template is not enough for some compilers') |
| stream.extend(emptyInitDefinitions) |
| stream.append('\n') |
| stream.extend(makeFeatureDescDefinitions) |
| stream.append('\n') |
| stream.append('static const FeatureStructCreationData featureStructCreationArray[]\n{') |
| stream.extend(featureStructWrappers) |
| stream.append('};\n') |
| stream.append(blobChecker) |
| stream.append('} // vk\n') |
| writeInlFile(filename, INL_HEADER, stream) |
| |
| def writeDeviceFeatureTest(api, filename): |
| |
| coreFeaturesPattern = re.compile("^VkPhysicalDeviceVulkan([1-9][0-9])Features[0-9]*$") |
| featureItems = [] |
| testFunctions = [] |
| # iterate over all feature structures |
| allFeaturesPattern = re.compile(r"^VkPhysicalDevice\w+Features[1-9]*") |
| for structureType in api.compositeTypes: |
| # skip structures that are not feature structures |
| if not allFeaturesPattern.match(structureType.name): |
| continue |
| # skip sType and pNext and just grab third and next attributes |
| structureMembers = structureType.members[2:] |
| |
| items = [] |
| for member in structureMembers: |
| items.append(" FEATURE_ITEM ({0}, {1}),".format(structureType.name, member.name)) |
| |
| testBlock = """ |
| tcu::TestStatus createDeviceWithUnsupportedFeaturesTest{4} (Context& context) |
| {{ |
| const PlatformInterface& vkp = context.getPlatformInterface(); |
| tcu::TestLog& log = context.getTestContext().getLog(); |
| tcu::ResultCollector resultCollector (log); |
| const CustomInstance instance (createCustomInstanceWithExtensions(context, context.getInstanceExtensions(), nullptr, true)); |
| const InstanceDriver& instanceDriver (instance.getDriver()); |
| const VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice = chooseDevice(instanceDriver, instance, context.getTestContext().getCommandLine()); |
| const uint32_t queueFamilyIndex = 0; |
| const uint32_t queueCount = 1; |
| const float queuePriority = 1.0f; |
| const DeviceFeatures deviceFeaturesAll (context.getInstanceInterface(), context.getUsedApiVersion(), physicalDevice, context.getInstanceExtensions(), context.getDeviceExtensions(), true); |
| const VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2 deviceFeatures2 = deviceFeaturesAll.getCoreFeatures2(); |
| int numErrors = 0; |
| const tcu::CommandLine& commandLine = context.getTestContext().getCommandLine(); |
| bool isSubProcess = context.getTestContext().getCommandLine().isSubProcess(); |
| {6} |
| |
| VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures emptyDeviceFeatures; |
| deMemset(&emptyDeviceFeatures, 0, sizeof(emptyDeviceFeatures)); |
| |
| // Only non-core extensions will be used when creating the device. |
| const auto& extensionNames = context.getDeviceCreationExtensions(); |
| DE_UNREF(extensionNames); // In some cases this is not used. |
| |
| if (const void* featuresStruct = findStructureInChain(const_cast<const void*>(deviceFeatures2.pNext), getStructureType<{0}>())) |
| {{ |
| static const Feature features[] = |
| {{ |
| {1} |
| }}; |
| auto* supportedFeatures = reinterpret_cast<const {0}*>(featuresStruct); |
| checkFeatures(vkp, instance, instanceDriver, physicalDevice, {2}, features, supportedFeatures, queueFamilyIndex, queueCount, queuePriority, numErrors, resultCollector, {3}, emptyDeviceFeatures, {5}, context.getUsedApiVersion(), commandLine); |
| }} |
| |
| if (numErrors > 0) |
| return tcu::TestStatus(resultCollector.getResult(), "Enabling unsupported features didn't return VK_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_PRESENT."); |
| |
| return tcu::TestStatus(resultCollector.getResult(), resultCollector.getMessage()); |
| }} |
| """ |
| additionalParams = ( 'memReservationStatMax, isSubProcess' if api.apiName == 'vulkansc' else 'isSubProcess' ) |
| additionalDefs = ( ' VkDeviceObjectReservationCreateInfo memReservationStatMax = context.getResourceInterface()->getStatMax();' if apiName == 'vulkansc' else '') |
| featureItems.append(testBlock.format(structureType.name, "\n".join(items), len(items), ("nullptr" if coreFeaturesPattern.match(structureType.name) else "&extensionNames"), structureType.name[len('VkPhysicalDevice'):], additionalParams, additionalDefs)) |
| |
| testFunctions.append("createDeviceWithUnsupportedFeaturesTest" + structureType.name[len('VkPhysicalDevice'):]) |
| |
| stream = [''] |
| stream.extend(featureItems) |
| stream.append(""" |
| void addSeparateUnsupportedFeatureTests (tcu::TestCaseGroup* testGroup) |
| { |
| """) |
| for x in testFunctions: |
| stream.append('\taddFunctionCase(testGroup, "' + camelToSnake(x[len('createDeviceWithUnsupportedFeaturesTest'):]) + '", ' + x + ');') |
| stream.append('}\n') |
| |
| writeInlFile(filename, INL_HEADER, stream) |
| |
| def writeDeviceProperties(api, dpDefs, filename): |
| # find VkPhysicalDeviceVulkan[1-9][0-9]Features blob structurs |
| # and construct dictionary with all of their attributes |
| blobMembers = {} |
| blobStructs = {} |
| blobPattern = re.compile("^VkPhysicalDeviceVulkan([1-9][0-9])Properties[0-9]*$") |
| for structureType in api.compositeTypes: |
| match = blobPattern.match(structureType.name) |
| if match: |
| allMembers = [member.name for member in structureType.members] |
| vkVersion = match.group(1) |
| blobMembers[vkVersion] = allMembers[2:] |
| blobStructs[vkVersion] = set() |
| initFromBlobDefinitions = [] |
| emptyInitDefinitions = [] |
| # iterate over all property structures |
| allPropertiesPattern = re.compile(r"^VkPhysicalDevice\w+Properties[1-9]*") |
| nonExtPropertiesPattern = re.compile(r"^VkPhysicalDevice\w+Properties[1-9]*$") |
| for structureType in api.compositeTypes: |
| # skip structures that are not property structures |
| if not allPropertiesPattern.match(structureType.name): |
| continue |
| # skip structures that were previously identified as blobs |
| if blobPattern.match(structureType.name): |
| continue |
| # skip sType and pNext and just grab third and next attributes |
| structureMembers = structureType.members[2:] |
| notPartOfBlob = True |
| if nonExtPropertiesPattern.match(structureType.name): |
| # check if this member is part of any of the blobs |
| for blobName, blobMemberList in blobMembers.items(): |
| # if just one member is not part of this blob go to the next blob |
| # (we asume that all members are part of blob - no need to check all) |
| if structureMembers[0].name not in blobMemberList: |
| continue |
| # add another property structure name to this blob |
| blobStructs[blobName].add(structureType) |
| # add specialization for this property structure |
| memberCopying = "" |
| for member in structureMembers: |
| if len(member.arraySizeList) == 0: |
| # handle special case |
| if structureType.name == "VkPhysicalDeviceSubgroupProperties" and "subgroup" not in member.name : |
| blobMemberName = "subgroup" + member.name[0].capitalize() + member.name[1:] |
| memberCopying += "\tpropertyType.{0} = allPropertiesBlobs.vk{1}.{2};\n".format(member.name, blobName, blobMemberName) |
| # end handling special case |
| else: |
| memberCopying += "\tpropertyType.{0} = allPropertiesBlobs.vk{1}.{0};\n".format(member.name, blobName) |
| else: |
| memberCopying += "\tmemcpy(propertyType.{0}, allPropertiesBlobs.vk{1}.{0}, sizeof({2}) * {3});\n".format(member.name, blobName, member.type, member.arraySizeList[0]) |
| wholeFunction = \ |
| "template<> void initPropertyFromBlob<{0}>({0}& propertyType, const AllPropertiesBlobs& allPropertiesBlobs)\n" \ |
| "{{\n" \ |
| "{1}" \ |
| "}}".format(structureType.name, memberCopying) |
| initFromBlobDefinitions.append(wholeFunction) |
| notPartOfBlob = False |
| # assuming that all members are part of blob, goto next |
| break |
| # add empty template definition as on Fedora there are issue with |
| # linking using just generic template - all specializations are needed |
| if notPartOfBlob: |
| emptyFunction = "template<> void initPropertyFromBlob<{0}>({0}&, const AllPropertiesBlobs&) {{}}" |
| emptyInitDefinitions.append(emptyFunction.format(structureType.name)) |
| extensionDefines = [] |
| makePropertyDescDefinitions = [] |
| propertyStructWrappers = [] |
| for idx, (sType, sVerSuffix, sExtSuffix, extStruct, _, extNameDef, specVersionDef) in enumerate(dpDefs): |
| extensionNameDefinition = extNameDef |
| if not extensionNameDefinition: |
| extensionNameDefinition = 'DECL{0}_{1}_EXTENSION_NAME'.format((sExtSuffix if sExtSuffix else ''), sType) |
| extensionDefines.append(f'#define {extensionNameDefinition} "core_property"') |
| # construct makePropertyDesc template function definitions |
| sTypeName = "VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_{0}_PROPERTIES{1}".format(sType, sVerSuffix + sExtSuffix) |
| makePropertyDescDefinitions.append("template<> PropertyDesc makePropertyDesc<{0}>(void) " \ |
| "{{ return PropertyDesc{{{1}, {2}, {3}, {4}}}; }}".format(extStruct, sTypeName, extensionNameDefinition, specVersionDef, len(dpDefs)-idx)) |
| # construct CreateProperty struct wrapper block |
| propertyStructWrappers.append("\t{{ createPropertyStructWrapper<{0}>, {1}, {2} }},".format(extStruct, extensionNameDefinition, specVersionDef)) |
| # construct method that will check if structure sType is part of blob |
| blobChecker = "uint32_t getBlobPropertiesVersion (VkStructureType sType)\n{\n" \ |
| "\tconst std::map<VkStructureType, uint32_t> sTypeBlobMap\n" \ |
| "\t{\n" |
| # iterate over blobs with list of structures |
| for blobName in sorted(blobStructs.keys()): |
| blobChecker += "\t\t// Vulkan{0}\n".format(blobName) |
| # iterate over all feature structures in current blob |
| structuresList = list(blobStructs[blobName]) |
| structuresList = sorted(structuresList, key=lambda s: s.name) |
| for structType in structuresList: |
| # find definition of this structure in dpDefs |
| structName = structType.name |
| structDef = None |
| foundDefs = [s for s in dpDefs if s.structureTypeName == structName] |
| if len(foundDefs) > 0: |
| structDef = foundDefs[0] |
| else: |
| for alias in structType.aliasList: |
| foundDefs = [s for s in dpDefs if s.structureTypeName == alias] |
| if len(foundDefs) > 0: |
| structDef = foundDefs[0] |
| break |
| sType = structDef.structureType |
| sSuffix = structDef.verSuffix + structDef.extSuffix |
| sTypeName = "VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_{0}_PROPERTIES{1}".format(sType, sSuffix) |
| tabs = "\t" * int((80 - len(sTypeName)) / 4) |
| blobChecker += "\t\t{{ {0},{1}VK_API_VERSION_{2}_{3} }},\n".format(sTypeName, tabs, blobName[0], blobName[1]) |
| blobChecker += "\t};\n\n" \ |
| "\tauto it = sTypeBlobMap.find(sType);\n" \ |
| "\tif(it == sTypeBlobMap.end())\n" \ |
| "\t\treturn 0;\n" \ |
| "\treturn it->second;\n" \ |
| "}\n" |
| # combine all definition lists |
| stream = [ |
| '#include "vkDeviceProperties.hpp"\n', |
| 'namespace vk\n{'] |
| stream.extend(extensionDefines) |
| stream.append('\n') |
| stream.extend(initFromBlobDefinitions) |
| stream.append('\n// generic template is not enough for some compilers') |
| stream.extend(emptyInitDefinitions) |
| stream.append('\n') |
| stream.extend(makePropertyDescDefinitions) |
| stream.append('\n') |
| stream.append('static const PropertyStructCreationData propertyStructCreationArray[] =\n{') |
| stream.extend(propertyStructWrappers) |
| stream.append('};\n') |
| stream.append(blobChecker) |
| stream.append('} // vk\n') |
| writeInlFile(filename, INL_HEADER, stream) |
| |
| def genericDeviceFeaturesOrPropertiesWriter(dfDefs, pattern, filename): |
| "CornerSampledImage", |
| "ShaderSMBuiltins", |
| "ShadingRateImage", |
| "RayTracing", |
| "RepresentativeFragmentTest", |
| "ComputeShaderDerivatives", |
| "MeshShader", |
| "ShaderImageFootprint", |
| "ExclusiveScissor", |
| "DedicatedAllocationImageAliasing", |
| "CoverageReductionMode", |
| "DeviceGeneratedCommands", |
| "InheritedViewportScissor", |
| "PresentBarrier", |
| "DiagnosticsConfig", |
| "FragmentShadingRateEnums", |
| "RayTracingMotionBlur", |
| "ExternalMemoryRDMA", |
| "CopyMemoryIndirect", |
| "MemoryDecompression", |
| "LinearColorAttachment", |
| "OpticalFlow", |
| "RayTracingInvocationReorder", |
| "DisplacementMicromap"] |
| stream = [] |
| for fop in dfDefs: |
| # remove VkPhysicalDevice prefix from structure name |
| nameSubStr = fop.structureTypeName[16:] |
| # remove extension type in some cases |
| if nameSubStr[-3:] == "KHR": |
| nameSubStr = nameSubStr[:-3] |
| elif fop.compositeType and fop.compositeType.notSupportedAlias: |
| # remove KHR also for extensions that were promoted in Vulkan but |
| # not in VulkanSC this reduces number of ifdefs for SC in CTS code |
| nameSubStr = nameSubStr[:-3] |
| elif nameSubStr[-2:] == "NV": |
| suffix = nameSubStr[-2:] |
| nameSubStr = nameSubStr[:-2] |
| if nameSubStr[-8:] == "Features": |
| infix = nameSubStr[-8:] |
| nameSubStr = nameSubStr[:-8] |
| elif nameSubStr[-10:] == "Properties": |
| infix = nameSubStr[-10:] |
| nameSubStr = nameSubStr[:-10] |
| if (nameSubStr in UNSUFFIXED_STRUCTURES): |
| suffix = "" |
| nameSubStr = nameSubStr + infix + suffix |
| stream.append(pattern.format(fop.structureTypeName, nameSubStr)) |
| writeInlFile(filename, INL_HEADER, indentLines(stream)) |
| |
| def writeDeviceFeaturesDefaultDeviceDefs(dfDefs, filename): |
| pattern = "const {0}&\tget{1}\t(void) const {{ return m_deviceFeatures.getFeatureType<{0}>();\t}}" |
| genericDeviceFeaturesOrPropertiesWriter(dfDefs, pattern, filename) |
| |
| def writeDeviceFeaturesContextDecl(dfDefs, filename): |
| pattern = "const vk::{0}&\tget{1}\t(void) const;" |
| genericDeviceFeaturesOrPropertiesWriter(dfDefs, pattern, filename) |
| |
| def writeDeviceFeaturesContextDefs(dfDefs, filename): |
| pattern = "const vk::{0}&\tContext::get{1}\t(void) const {{ return m_device->get{1}();\t}}" |
| genericDeviceFeaturesOrPropertiesWriter(dfDefs, pattern, filename) |
| |
| def writeDevicePropertiesDefaultDeviceDefs(dfDefs, filename): |
| pattern = "const {0}&\tget{1}\t(void) const {{ return m_deviceProperties.getPropertyType<{0}>();\t}}" |
| genericDeviceFeaturesOrPropertiesWriter(dfDefs, pattern, filename) |
| |
| def writeDevicePropertiesContextDecl(dfDefs, filename): |
| pattern = "const vk::{0}&\tget{1}\t(void) const;" |
| genericDeviceFeaturesOrPropertiesWriter(dfDefs, pattern, filename) |
| |
| def writeDevicePropertiesContextDefs(dfDefs, filename): |
| pattern = "const vk::{0}&\tContext::get{1}\t(void) const {{ return m_device->get{1}();\t}}" |
| genericDeviceFeaturesOrPropertiesWriter(dfDefs, pattern, filename) |
| |
| def writeMandatoryFeatures(api, filename): |
| |
| def structInAPI(name): |
| for c in api.compositeTypes: |
| if c.name == name: |
| return True |
| for alias in c.aliasList: |
| if alias == name: |
| return True |
| return False |
| stream = [] |
| |
| dictStructs = {} |
| dictData = [] |
| extData = [] |
| usedFeatureStructs = {} |
| for _, data in api.additionalExtensionData: |
| if 'mandatory_features' in data.keys(): |
| # sort to have same results for py2 and py3 |
| listStructFeatures = sorted(data['mandatory_features'].items(), key=lambda tup: tup[0]) |
| for structure, featuresList in listStructFeatures: |
| for featureData in featuresList: |
| # allow for featureless VKSC only extensions |
| if not 'features' in featureData.keys() or 'requirements' not in featureData.keys(): |
| continue |
| requirements = featureData['requirements'] |
| |
| mandatory_variant = '' |
| try: |
| mandatory_variant = featureData['mandatory_variant'] |
| except KeyError: |
| mandatory_variant = '' |
| |
| dictData.append( [ structure, featureData['features'], requirements, mandatory_variant] ) |
| |
| if structure == 'VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures': |
| continue |
| |
| # if structure is not in dict construct name of variable and add is as a first item |
| if (structure not in dictStructs): |
| dictStructs[structure] = ([structure[2:3].lower() + structure[3:]], mandatory_variant) |
| # add first requirement if it is unique |
| if requirements and (requirements[0] not in dictStructs[structure][0]): |
| dictStructs[structure][0].append(requirements[0]) |
| |
| usedFeatureStructs[structure] = [] |
| |
| if requirements: |
| for req in requirements: |
| if '.' in req: |
| req = req.split('.')[0] |
| reqStruct = 'Vk' + req[0].upper() + req[1:] |
| usedFeatureStructs[reqStruct] = [] |
| |
| if 'mandatory_extensions' in data: |
| mandatoryExtensions = [] |
| for mandatoryExt in data['mandatory_extensions']: |
| if 'extension' in mandatoryExt: |
| extName = mandatoryExt.pop('extension') |
| mandatoryExtensions.append((extName, mandatoryExt)) |
| |
| for extension, extensionData in mandatoryExtensions: |
| # requirements are actually mandatory. |
| if 'requirements' not in extensionData: |
| continue |
| |
| requirements = extensionData['requirements'] |
| mandatory_variant = '' if 'mandatory_variant' not in extensionData else extensionData['mandatory_variant'] |
| extData.append((extension, requirements, mandatory_variant)) |
| |
| for req in requirements: |
| if '.' in req: |
| req = req.split('.')[0] |
| reqStruct = 'Vk' + req[0].upper() + req[1:] |
| usedFeatureStructs[reqStruct] = [] |
| |
| stream.extend(['bool canUseFeaturesStruct (const vector<VkExtensionProperties>& deviceExtensions, uint32_t usedApiVersion, const char* extension)', |
| '{', |
| '\treturn (isExtensionStructSupported(deviceExtensions, RequiredExtension(extension))', |
| '\t\t\t|| isCoreDeviceExtension(usedApiVersion, extension));', |
| '}', |
| '', |
| 'bool checkBasicMandatoryFeatures(const vkt::Context& context)\n{', |
| '\tif (!context.isInstanceFunctionalitySupported("VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2"))', |
| '\t\tTCU_THROW(NotSupportedError, "Extension VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2 is not present");', |
| '', |
| '\tVkPhysicalDevice\t\t\t\t\tphysicalDevice\t\t= context.getPhysicalDevice();', |
| '\tconst InstanceInterface&\t\t\tvki\t\t\t\t\t= context.getInstanceInterface();', |
| '\tconst vector<VkExtensionProperties>\tdeviceExtensions\t= enumerateDeviceExtensionProperties(vki, physicalDevice, nullptr);', |
| '\tconst uint32_t\t\t\t\t\t\tusedApiVersion\t\t= context.getUsedApiVersion();', |
| '', |
| '\ttcu::TestLog& log = context.getTestContext().getLog();', |
| '\tvk::VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures2 coreFeatures;', |
| '\tdeMemset(&coreFeatures, 0, sizeof(coreFeatures));', |
| '\tvoid** nextPtr = &coreFeatures.pNext;', |
| '']) |
| |
| # Find the extensions that added the required feature structs. |
| class StructFoundContinue(Exception): |
| pass |
| |
| for usedStruct in usedFeatureStructs: |
| for compType in api.compositeTypes: |
| nameList = [compType.name] + compType.aliasList |
| if usedStruct in nameList: |
| # Found the official name list for the struct. |
| for extension in api.extensions: |
| try: |
| for requirement in extension.requirementsList: |
| for extensionStructure in requirement.newTypes: |
| if extensionStructure.name in nameList: |
| # Found extension for the struct. |
| usedFeatureStructs[usedStruct].append(extension.name) |
| raise StructFoundContinue |
| except StructFoundContinue: |
| pass |
| |
| structList = sorted(usedFeatureStructs.items(), key=lambda tup: tup[0]) # sort to have same results for py2 and py3 |
| apiStructs = list( filter(lambda x : structInAPI(x[0]), structList)) # remove items not defined in current API |
| varVariants = {} # Some variables are going to be declared only for specific variants. |
| |
| for structName, extensions in apiStructs: |
| # The variable name will be the structure name without the Vk prefix and starting in lowercase. |
| newVar = structName[2].lower() + structName[3:] |
| |
| metaCondition = '' |
| if structName in dictStructs: |
| mandatoryVariantList = dictStructs[structName][1] |
| if len(mandatoryVariantList) > 0: |
| mandatoryVariant = mandatoryVariantList[0] |
| metaCondition = 'defined(CTS_USES_' + mandatoryVariant.upper() + ')' |
| stream.append('#if ' + metaCondition) |
| varVariants[newVar] = mandatoryVariant |
| |
| stream.extend(['\tvk::' + structName + ' ' + newVar + ';', |
| '\tdeMemset(&' + newVar + ', 0, sizeof(' + newVar + '));', |
| '']) |
| |
| if len(extensions) > 0: |
| canUseCond = '\tif (' |
| for (i, extName) in enumerate(extensions): |
| canUseCond += ' ' if i == 0 else ' || ' |
| canUseCond += 'canUseFeaturesStruct(deviceExtensions, usedApiVersion, "' + extName + '")' |
| canUseCond += ' )' |
| stream.append(canUseCond) |
| elif api.apiName == "vulkan" and structName in dictStructs: |
| #reqs = v[0][1:] |
| reqs = dictStructs[structName][0][1:] |
| cond = 'if ( ' |
| for i, req in enumerate(reqs): |
| if i > 0: |
| cond = cond + ' || ' |
| if (req.startswith("ApiVersion")): |
| cond = cond + 'context.contextSupports(vk::' + req + ')' |
| cond = cond + ' )' |
| stream.append('\t' + cond) |
| |
| stream.extend(['\t{', |
| '\t\t' + newVar + '.sType = getStructureType<' + structName + '>();', |
| '\t\t*nextPtr = &' + newVar + ';', |
| '\t\tnextPtr = &' + newVar + '.pNext;', |
| '\t}']) |
| |
| if len(metaCondition) > 0: |
| stream.append('#endif // ' + metaCondition) |
| |
| stream.append('') |
| |
| stream.extend(['\tcontext.getInstanceInterface().getPhysicalDeviceFeatures2(context.getPhysicalDevice(), &coreFeatures);', |
| '\tbool result = true;', |
| '']) |
| |
| for v in dictData: |
| if not structInAPI(v[0]): # remove items not defined in current API ( important for Vulkan SC ) |
| continue |
| structType = v[0] |
| structName = 'coreFeatures.features' |
| metaCondition = '' |
| if len(v) == 4 and v[3] != '': |
| # for x in v[3].split('_'): |
| metaCondition = metaCondition + ' || defined(CTS_USES_' + v[3][0].upper() + ')' |
| stream.extend(['#if ' + metaCondition[4:]]) |
| if v[0] != 'VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures' : |
| structName = dictStructs[v[0]][0][0] |
| if len(v[2]) > 0 : |
| condition = 'if ( ' |
| for i, req in enumerate(v[2]) : |
| if (req.startswith("ApiVersion")): |
| condition = condition + 'context.contextSupports(vk::' + req + ')' |
| elif '.' in req: |
| condition = condition + req |
| else: |
| condition = condition + 'isExtensionStructSupported(deviceExtensions, RequiredExtension("' + req + '"))' |
| if i+1 < len(v[2]) : |
| condition = condition + ' && ' |
| condition = condition + ' )' |
| stream.append('\t' + condition) |
| stream.append('\t{') |
| # Don't need to support an AND case since that would just be another line in the .txt |
| reqMetaCondition = '' |
| if len(v[1]) == 1: |
| # If the req struct type has a mandatory variant we need to add an #ifdef block, unless we're already inside one. |
| if len(metaCondition) == 0 and structName in varVariants: |
| reqMetaCondition = 'defined(CTS_USES_' + varVariants[structName].upper() + ')' |
| stream.append('#if ' + reqMetaCondition) |
| stream.append('\t\tif ( ' + structName + '.' + v[1][0] + ' == VK_FALSE )') |
| else: |
| condition = 'if ( ' |
| for i, feature in enumerate(v[1]): |
| if i != 0: |
| condition = condition + ' && ' |
| condition = condition + '( ' + structName + '.' + feature + ' == VK_FALSE )' |
| condition = condition + ' )' |
| stream.append('\t\t' + condition) |
| featureSet = " or ".join(v[1]) |
| stream.extend(['\t\t{', |
| '\t\t\tlog << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Mandatory feature ' + featureSet + ' not supported" << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;', |
| '\t\t\tresult = false;', |
| '\t\t}']) |
| if reqMetaCondition != '': |
| stream.append('#endif // ' + reqMetaCondition) |
| stream.append('\t}') |
| if metaCondition != '': |
| stream.extend(['#endif // ' + metaCondition[4:], |
| '']) |
| else: |
| stream.extend(['']) |
| |
| for extension, requirements, mandatory_variant in extData: |
| metaCondition = '' |
| if mandatory_variant != '': |
| metaCondition = metaCondition + ' || defined(CTS_USES_' + mandatory_variant[0].upper() + ')' |
| stream.extend(['#if ' + metaCondition[4:]]) |
| if len(requirements) > 0 : |
| condition = 'if ( ' |
| for i, req in enumerate(requirements) : |
| if (req.startswith("ApiVersion")): |
| condition = condition + 'context.contextSupports(vk::' + req + ')' |
| elif '.' in req: |
| condition = condition + req |
| else: |
| condition = condition + 'isExtensionStructSupported(deviceExtensions, RequiredExtension("' + req + '"))' |
| if i+1 < len(requirements) : |
| condition = condition + ' && ' |
| condition = condition + ' )' |
| stream.append('\t' + condition) |
| stream.append('\t{') |
| stream.extend(['\t\tif (!(isExtensionStructSupported(deviceExtensions, RequiredExtension("' + extension + '")) || isCoreDeviceExtension(usedApiVersion, "' + extension + '")))', |
| '\t\t{', |
| '\t\t\tlog << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Mandatory extension ' + extension + ' not supported" << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;', |
| '\t\t\tresult = false;', |
| '\t\t}', |
| '\t}']) |
| if metaCondition != '': |
| stream.extend(['#endif // ' + metaCondition[4:], |
| '']) |
| else: |
| stream.append('') |
| |
| stream.append('\treturn result;') |
| stream.append('}\n') |
| |
| writeInlFile(filename, INL_HEADER, stream) |
| |
| def writeExtensionList(api, filename, extensionType): |
| extensionList = [] |
| for extensionName, data in api.additionalExtensionData: |
| # make sure extension name starts with VK_KHR |
| if not extensionName.startswith('VK_KHR'): |
| continue |
| # make sure that this extension was registered |
| if 'register_extension' not in data.keys(): |
| continue |
| # skip extensions that are not supported in Vulkan SC |
| if api.apiName == 'vulkansc': |
| if any(ext.name == extensionName for ext in api.notSupportedExtensions): |
| continue |
| # make sure extension is intended for the vulkan variant |
| is_sc_only = False |
| |
| if api.apiName != 'vulkansc': |
| if 'mandatory_features' in data.keys(): |
| for structure, listStruct in data['mandatory_features'].items(): |
| for featureData in listStruct: |
| mandatory_variant = '' |
| try: |
| mandatory_variant = featureData['mandatory_variant'] |
| except KeyError: |
| mandatory_variant = '' |
| # VKSC only |
| if 'vulkansc' in mandatory_variant: |
| is_sc_only = True |
| if is_sc_only: |
| continue |
| |
| # make sure extension has proper type |
| if extensionType == data['register_extension']['type']: |
| extensionList.append(extensionName) |
| extensionList.sort() |
| # write list of all found extensions |
| stream = [] |
| stream.append('static const char* s_allowed{0}KhrExtensions[] =\n{{'.format(extensionType.title())) |
| for n in extensionList: |
| stream.append('\t"' + n + '",') |
| stream.append('};\n') |
| writeInlFile(filename, INL_HEADER, stream) |
| |
| def transformDependsToCondition(depends, api, checkVersionString, checkExtensionString): |
| depList = re.split(r'(\W+)', depends) |
| for idx, depPart in enumerate(depList): |
| if ',' in depPart: |
| depList[idx] = depList[idx].replace(',', ' || ') |
| elif '+' in depPart: |
| depList[idx] = depList[idx].replace('+', ' && ') |
| elif 'VK_' in depPart: |
| if 'VK_VERSION' in depPart: |
| if idx > 0 and ' || ' in depList[idx-1]: |
| # some vk.xml entries include "promoted to" version preceded by logical OR operator in the extension "depends" attribute |
| # script don't rely on this optional information and will find "promoted to" versions for all dependencies of all extensions in the below code |
| # accordingly the one from vk.xml is ignored to avoid redundant isCompatibile() checks |
| depList[idx-1] = depList[idx-1].replace(' || ', '') |
| depList[idx] = '' |
| continue |
| # when dependency is vulkan version then replace it with proper condition |
| depList[idx] = checkVersionString % (depPart[-3], depPart[-1]) |
| else: |
| # when dependency is extension check if it was promoted |
| extNotFound = True |
| for dExt in api.extensions: |
| if depPart == dExt.name: |
| depExtVector = 'vDEP' if dExt.type == 'device' else 'vIEP' |
| isSupportedCheck = checkExtensionString % (depExtVector, depPart) |
| if dExt.promotedto is not None: |
| p = dExt.promotedto |
| # check if dependency was promoted to vulkan version or other extension |
| if 'VK_VERSION' in p: |
| depList[idx] = f'({checkVersionString % (p[-3], p[-1])} || {isSupportedCheck})' |
| else: |
| depList[idx] = f'({checkExtensionString % (depExtVector, depPart)} || {isSupportedCheck})' |
| else: |
| depList[idx] = isSupportedCheck |
| extNotFound = False |
| break |
| # for SC when extension was not found try checking also not supported |
| # extensions and see if this extension is part of core |
| if extNotFound and api.apiName == "vulkansc": |
| for dExt in api.notSupportedExtensions: |
| if depPart == dExt.name: |
| p = dExt.promotedto |
| if p is None: |
| break |
| if int(p[-1]) > 2: |
| break |
| extNotFound = False |
| depList[idx] = "true" |
| if extNotFound: |
| assert False, f"{depPart} from dependencies ({depends}) not found" |
| return ''.join(depList) |
| |
| def writeApiExtensionDependencyInfo(api, filename): |
| |
| def genHelperFunctions(): |
| yield 'using namespace tcu;' |
| yield 'using ExtPropVect = std::vector<vk::VkExtensionProperties>;' |
| yield 'using IsSupportedFun = bool (*)(const tcu::UVec2&, const ExtPropVect&, const ExtPropVect&);' |
| yield 'using DependencyCheckVect = std::vector<std::pair<const char*, IsSupportedFun> >;\n' |
| yield 'bool isCompatibile(uint32_t major, uint32_t minor, const tcu::UVec2& testedApiVersion)' |
| yield '{' |
| yield '\t// return true when tested api version is greater' |
| yield '\t// or equal to version represented by two uints' |
| yield '\tif (major == testedApiVersion.x())' |
| yield '\t\treturn minor <= testedApiVersion.y();' |
| yield '\treturn major < testedApiVersion.x();' |
| yield '}\n' |
| yield 'bool isSupported(const ExtPropVect& extensions, const char* ext)' |
| yield '{' |
| yield '\treturn isExtensionStructSupported(extensions, vk::RequiredExtension(ext));' |
| yield '}\n' |
| |
| def genExtDepArray(extType): |
| extensionList = [] |
| maxExtLength = 0 |
| extVector = 'vIEP' |
| othVector = 'vDEP' |
| if extType == 'device': |
| extVector, othVector = othVector, extVector # swap |
| # iterate over all extension that are of specified type and that have requirements |
| for ext in api.extensions: |
| if ext.type != extType: |
| continue |
| if ext.depends is None: |
| continue |
| # memorize extension name and dependencies for future vector generation |
| extensionList.append(ext.name) |
| # memorize max extension name and dependency length |
| maxExtLength = max(maxExtLength, len(ext.name)) |
| # generate check function for this extension |
| yield f'bool check_{ext.name}(const tcu::UVec2& v, const ExtPropVect& vIEP, const ExtPropVect& vDEP)' |
| yield '{' |
| # check if extension was promoted; for SC we need to check vulkan version as sc10 is based on vk12 |
| if ext.promotedto is not None and 'VK_VERSION' in ext.promotedto: |
| p = ext.promotedto |
| yield f'\tif (isCompatibile({p[-3]}, {p[-1]}, v))' |
| yield '\t\treturn true;\n' |
| else: |
| yield '\tDE_UNREF(v);' |
| # there is a high chance that other vector won't be used |
| yield f'\tDE_UNREF({othVector});' |
| # check if extension is supported |
| yield f'\n\tif (!isSupported({extVector}, "{ext.name}"))' |
| yield '\t\treturn true;\n' |
| # replace dependent extensions/versions with proper conditions |
| finalCondition = transformDependsToCondition(ext.depends, api, 'isCompatibile(%s, %s, v)', 'isSupported(%s, "%s")') |
| yield f'\t// depends attribute in xml: {ext.depends}' |
| yield f'\treturn {finalCondition};' |
| yield '}\n' |
| # save list of all device/instance extensions |
| yield 'static const DependencyCheckVect {}ExtensionDependencies'.format(extType) |
| yield '{' |
| for ext in extensionList: |
| extTabCount = (maxExtLength - len(ext)) / 4 |
| eTabs = '\t'*int(round(extTabCount+1.49)) |
| yield f'\tstd::make_pair("{ext}",{eTabs}&check_{ext}),' |
| yield '};\n' |
| |
| def genApiVersions(): |
| yield 'static const std::tuple<uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t>\treleasedApiVersions[]\t=' |
| yield '{' |
| for f in reversed(api.features): |
| apiVariant = '0' if f.api == 'vulkan' else '1' |
| major, minor = f.number.split('.') |
| version = (int(apiVariant) << 29) | (int(major) << 22) | (int(minor) << 12) |
| yield '\tstd::make_tuple({}, {}, {}, {}),'.format(version, apiVariant, major, minor) |
| yield '};' |
| |
| def parseExtensionDependencies(extDeps, ext): |
| major, minor = 1, 0 |
| requiredVerFound = False; |
| # return in case nothing more left to be processed |
| if extDeps is None or extDeps == "": |
| return major, minor, requiredVerFound |
| ungrpPartLen = 0 |
| versionPattern = "[A-Z]+_VERSION_([0-9]+)_([0-9]+)" |
| ungroupedPattern = r"^.*?\(+|^.*?$" |
| # look for non-grouped part, it may include the required vulkan version |
| ungroupPart = re.search(ungroupedPattern, extDeps) |
| if ungroupPart is not None and ungroupPart[0].replace(r"(", "") != "": |
| ungrpPartLen = len(ungroupPart[0].replace(r"(", "")) |
| # is specific version explicitly requested? |
| match = re.search(versionPattern, ungroupPart[0]) |
| if match is not None: |
| if len(match[0]) != len(extDeps): |
| # there is more than just a version; check if it's accompanied by AND operator(s) |
| ext_pattern = r".*\+*"+versionPattern+r"\++.*|.*\++"+versionPattern+r"\+*.*" |
| match = re.search(ext_pattern, ungroupPart[0]) |
| if match is not None: |
| # specific version is explicitly requested |
| major, minor = int(match[1]), int(match[2]) |
| return major, minor, True |
| # no explicit version is requested, continue parsing the remaining part |
| extDeps = extDeps[ungrpPartLen:] |
| groupedPattern = r"(.*)\+|(.*)$" |
| match = re.search(groupedPattern, extDeps) |
| if match is not None and match[0] != "": |
| # groups may include the dependency "promoted to" versions accompanied by OR operator |
| # but they don't include the extension explicit required version; continue parsing the remaining part |
| groupLength = len(match[0]) |
| major, minor, requiredVerFound = parseExtensionDependencies(extDeps[groupLength:], ext) |
| return major, minor, requiredVerFound |
| |
| def genRequiredCoreVersions(): |
| yield 'static const std::tuple<uint32_t, uint32_t, const char*>\textensionRequiredCoreVersion[]\t =' |
| yield '{' |
| versionPattern = "[A-Z]+_VERSION_([0-9]+)_([0-9]+)" |
| for ext in api.extensions: |
| # skip video extensions |
| if 'vulkan_video_' in ext.name: |
| continue |
| major, minor = 1, 0 |
| if ext.depends is not None: |
| major, minor, requiredVerFound = parseExtensionDependencies(ext.depends, ext) |
| if not requiredVerFound: |
| # find all extensions that are dependencies of this one |
| matches = re.findall(r"VK_\w+", ext.depends, re.M) |
| for m in matches: |
| for de in api.extensions: |
| if de.name == m: |
| if de.depends is not None: |
| # check if the dependency states explicitly the required vulkan version and pick the higher one |
| newMajor, newMinor, requiredVerFound = parseExtensionDependencies(de.depends, de) |
| if requiredVerFound: |
| if newMajor > major: |
| major, minor = newMajor, newMinor |
| elif newMajor == major and newMinor > minor: |
| minor = newMinor |
| break |
| yield '\tstd::make_tuple({}, {}, "{}"),'.format(major, minor, ext.name) |
| yield '};' |
| |
| stream = [] |
| stream.extend(genHelperFunctions()) |
| stream.extend(genExtDepArray('instance')) |
| stream.extend(genExtDepArray('device')) |
| stream.extend(genApiVersions()) |
| stream.extend(genRequiredCoreVersions()) |
| |
| writeInlFile(filename, INL_HEADER, stream) |
| |
| def writeEntryPointValidation(api, filename): |
| # keys are instance extension names and value is list of device-level functions |
| instExtDeviceFunDict = {} |
| # iterate over all extensions and find instance extensions |
| for ext in api.extensions: |
| if ext.type == "instance": |
| # iterate over all functions instance extension adds |
| for requirement in ext.requirementsList: |
| for extCommand in requirement.newCommands: |
| # to get a type of command we need to find this command definition in list of all functions |
| for command in api.functions: |
| if extCommand.name == command.name or extCommand.name in command.aliasList: |
| # check if this is device-level entry-point |
| if command.getType() == Function.TYPE_DEVICE: |
| if ext.name not in instExtDeviceFunDict: |
| instExtDeviceFunDict[ext.name] = [] |
| instExtDeviceFunDict[ext.name].append(extCommand.name) |
| stream = ['std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string> > instExtDeviceFun', '{'] |
| for extName in instExtDeviceFunDict: |
| stream.append(f'\t{{ "{extName}",\n\t\t{{') |
| for fun in instExtDeviceFunDict[extName]: |
| stream.append(f'\t\t\t"{fun}",') |
| stream.append('\t\t}\n\t},') |
| stream.append('};') |
| writeInlFile(filename, INL_HEADER, stream) |
| |
| def writeGetDeviceProcAddr(api, filename): |
| testBlockStart = '''tcu::TestStatus testGetDeviceProcAddr (Context& context) |
| { |
| tcu::TestLog& log (context.getTestContext().getLog()); |
| const PlatformInterface& platformInterface = context.getPlatformInterface(); |
| const auto validationEnabled = context.getTestContext().getCommandLine().isValidationEnabled(); |
| const CustomInstance instance (createCustomInstanceFromContext(context)); |
| const InstanceDriver& instanceDriver = instance.getDriver(); |
| const VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice = chooseDevice(instanceDriver, instance, context.getTestContext().getCommandLine()); |
| const uint32_t queueFamilyIndex = 0; |
| const uint32_t queueCount = 1; |
| const float queuePriority = 1.0f; |
| const std::vector<VkQueueFamilyProperties> queueFamilyProperties = getPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties(instanceDriver, physicalDevice); |
| |
| const VkDeviceQueueCreateInfo deviceQueueCreateInfo = |
| { |
| nullptr, // const void* pNext; |
| (VkDeviceQueueCreateFlags)0u, // VkDeviceQueueCreateFlags flags; |
| queueFamilyIndex, // uint32_t queueFamilyIndex; |
| queueCount, // uint32_t queueCount; |
| &queuePriority, // const float* pQueuePriorities; |
| }; |
| |
| const VkDeviceCreateInfo deviceCreateInfo = |
| { |
| nullptr, // const void* pNext; |
| (VkDeviceCreateFlags)0u, // VkDeviceCreateFlags flags; |
| 1u, // uint32_t queueCreateInfoCount; |
| &deviceQueueCreateInfo, // const VkDeviceQueueCreateInfo* pQueueCreateInfos; |
| 0u, // uint32_t enabledLayerCount; |
| nullptr, // const char* const* ppEnabledLayerNames; |
| 0u, // uint32_t enabledExtensionCount; |
| nullptr, // const char* const* ppEnabledExtensionNames; |
| nullptr, // const VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures* pEnabledFeatures; |
| }; |
| const Unique<VkDevice> device (createCustomDevice(validationEnabled, platformInterface, instance, instanceDriver, physicalDevice, &deviceCreateInfo)); |
| const DeviceDriver deviceDriver (platformInterface, instance, device.get(), context.getUsedApiVersion(), context.getTestContext().getCommandLine()); |
| |
| const std::vector<std::string> functions{''' |
| testBlockEnd = ''' }; |
| |
| bool fail = false; |
| for (const auto& function : functions) |
| { |
| if (deviceDriver.getDeviceProcAddr(device.get(), function.c_str()) != nullptr) |
| { |
| fail = true; |
| log << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Function " << function << " is not NULL" << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage; |
| } |
| } |
| if (fail) |
| return tcu::TestStatus::fail("Fail"); |
| return tcu::TestStatus::pass("All functions are NULL"); |
| } |
| ''' |
| |
| def functions(functionType): |
| for ext in api.extensions: |
| for requirement in ext.requirementsList: |
| for requiredCommand in requirement.newCommands: |
| yield '\t\t"' + requiredCommand.name + '",' |
| stream = [] |
| stream.append('#include "tcuCommandLine.hpp"') |
| stream.append('#include "vktTestCase.hpp"') |
| stream.append('#include "vkPlatform.hpp"') |
| stream.append('#include "vkDeviceUtil.hpp"') |
| stream.append('#include "vkQueryUtil.hpp"') |
| stream.append('#include "vktCustomInstancesDevices.hpp"') |
| stream.append('#include "vktTestCase.hpp"') |
| stream.append('#include "vktTestCaseUtil.hpp"') |
| stream.append('\nnamespace vkt\n{\n') |
| stream.append('using namespace vk;\n') |
| stream.append(testBlockStart) |