Add tests for VK_KHR_shader_non_semantic_info

VK-GL-CTS issue: 2076

Components: Vulkan


Change-Id: I0554c1a3dea49a66d28d1058b3fa63cc4a378a1f
(cherry picked from commit a1c717411059c366058008e86c94d9f8d9b01d1a)
diff --git a/ b/
index 9d59585..4be2f0b 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -332,6 +332,7 @@
 	external/vulkancts/modules/vulkan/spirv_assembly/vktSpvAsmInstructionTests.cpp \
 	external/vulkancts/modules/vulkan/spirv_assembly/vktSpvAsmLoopDepInfTests.cpp \
 	external/vulkancts/modules/vulkan/spirv_assembly/vktSpvAsmLoopDepLenTests.cpp \
+	external/vulkancts/modules/vulkan/spirv_assembly/vktSpvAsmNonSemanticInfoTests.cpp \
 	external/vulkancts/modules/vulkan/spirv_assembly/vktSpvAsmPointerParameterTests.cpp \
 	external/vulkancts/modules/vulkan/spirv_assembly/vktSpvAsmPtrAccessChainTests.cpp \
 	external/vulkancts/modules/vulkan/spirv_assembly/vktSpvAsmSignedIntCompareTests.cpp \
diff --git a/android/cts/master/vk-master-2020-03-01.txt b/android/cts/master/vk-master-2020-03-01.txt
index a4e92fb..9010059 100644
--- a/android/cts/master/vk-master-2020-03-01.txt
+++ b/android/cts/master/vk-master-2020-03-01.txt
@@ -78975,6 +78975,14 @@
diff --git a/android/cts/master/vk-master.txt b/android/cts/master/vk-master.txt
index 7f2f69a..5a17a98 100644
--- a/android/cts/master/vk-master.txt
+++ b/android/cts/master/vk-master.txt
Binary files differ
diff --git a/external/vulkancts/modules/vulkan/spirv_assembly/CMakeLists.txt b/external/vulkancts/modules/vulkan/spirv_assembly/CMakeLists.txt
index 78d039d..404c1d8 100644
--- a/external/vulkancts/modules/vulkan/spirv_assembly/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/external/vulkancts/modules/vulkan/spirv_assembly/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -59,6 +59,8 @@
+	vktSpvAsmNonSemanticInfoTests.cpp
+	vktSpvAsmNonSemanticInfoTests.hpp
diff --git a/external/vulkancts/modules/vulkan/spirv_assembly/vktSpvAsmInstructionTests.cpp b/external/vulkancts/modules/vulkan/spirv_assembly/vktSpvAsmInstructionTests.cpp
index c614b21..8a0d866 100644
--- a/external/vulkancts/modules/vulkan/spirv_assembly/vktSpvAsmInstructionTests.cpp
+++ b/external/vulkancts/modules/vulkan/spirv_assembly/vktSpvAsmInstructionTests.cpp
@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@
 #include "vktSpvAsmSignedIntCompareTests.hpp"
 #include "vktSpvAsmPtrAccessChainTests.hpp"
 #include "vktSpvAsmFloatControlsExtensionlessTests.hpp"
+#include "vktSpvAsmNonSemanticInfoTests.hpp"
 #include "vktSpvAsm64bitCompareTests.hpp"
 #include <cmath>
@@ -19831,6 +19832,7 @@
 	computeTests->addChild(createSpivVersionCheckTests(testCtx, testComputePipeline));
+	computeTests->addChild(createNonSemanticInfoGroup(testCtx));
 	computeTests->addChild(createOpFUnordGroup(testCtx, TEST_WITHOUT_NAN));
 	computeTests->addChild(createOpFUnordGroup(testCtx, TEST_WITH_NAN));
diff --git a/external/vulkancts/modules/vulkan/spirv_assembly/vktSpvAsmNonSemanticInfoTests.cpp b/external/vulkancts/modules/vulkan/spirv_assembly/vktSpvAsmNonSemanticInfoTests.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd6089d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/external/vulkancts/modules/vulkan/spirv_assembly/vktSpvAsmNonSemanticInfoTests.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+ * Vulkan Conformance Tests
+ * ------------------------
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2019 The Khronos Group Inc.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ *//*!
+ * \file
+ * \brief SPIR-V non semantic info tests
+ *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "vkApiVersion.hpp"
+#include "vktSpvAsmNonSemanticInfoTests.hpp"
+#include "vktTestCase.hpp"
+#include "vktSpvAsmComputeShaderCase.hpp"
+#include "vktSpvAsmGraphicsShaderTestUtil.hpp"
+namespace vkt
+namespace SpirVAssembly
+using namespace vk;
+enum TestType
+	TT_BASIC					= 0,
+static ComputeShaderSpec getComputeShaderSpec ()
+	deUint32 numElements = 10;
+	std::vector<float>	inoutFloats	(10, 0);
+	for (size_t ndx = 0; ndx < numElements; ++ndx)
+		inoutFloats[ndx] = 1.0f * static_cast<float>(ndx);
+	// in one of tests we need to do imageLoad
+	// we don't need any special values in here
+	std::vector<int> inputInts(256, 0);
+	ComputeShaderSpec spec;
+	spec.extensions.push_back("VK_KHR_shader_non_semantic_info");
+	spec.inputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(inoutFloats)));
+	spec.inputs.push_back(Resource(BufferSp(new Int32Buffer(inputInts)), vk::VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_IMAGE));
+	spec.outputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(inoutFloats)));
+	spec.numWorkGroups = tcu::IVec3(numElements, 1, 1);
+	return spec;
+class SpvAsmSpirvNonSemanticInfoBasicInstance : public ComputeShaderSpec, public SpvAsmComputeShaderInstance
+	SpvAsmSpirvNonSemanticInfoBasicInstance		(Context& ctx, TestType type);
+	tcu::TestStatus			iterate				(void);
+	TestType m_testType;
+SpvAsmSpirvNonSemanticInfoBasicInstance::SpvAsmSpirvNonSemanticInfoBasicInstance(Context& ctx, TestType type)
+	: ComputeShaderSpec(getComputeShaderSpec())
+	, SpvAsmComputeShaderInstance(ctx, *this)
+	, m_testType(type)
+tcu::TestStatus SpvAsmSpirvNonSemanticInfoBasicInstance::iterate (void)
+	return SpvAsmComputeShaderInstance::iterate();
+class SpvAsmSpirvNonSemanticInfoBasicCase : public TestCase
+	SpvAsmSpirvNonSemanticInfoBasicCase		(tcu::TestContext& testCtx, const char* name, TestType type);
+	void			checkSupport			(Context& context) const;
+	void			initPrograms			(vk::SourceCollections& programCollection) const;
+	TestInstance*	createInstance			(Context& context) const;
+	TestType m_testType;
+SpvAsmSpirvNonSemanticInfoBasicCase::SpvAsmSpirvNonSemanticInfoBasicCase(tcu::TestContext& testCtx, const char* name, TestType type)
+	: TestCase (testCtx, name, "")
+	, m_testType(type)
+void SpvAsmSpirvNonSemanticInfoBasicCase::checkSupport(Context& context) const
+	context.requireDeviceFunctionality("VK_KHR_shader_non_semantic_info");
+void SpvAsmSpirvNonSemanticInfoBasicCase::initPrograms (SourceCollections& programCollection) const
+	std::string extendedInstructions	= "%extInstSet = OpExtInstImport \"NonSemantic.KHR.DebugInfo\"\n";
+	std::string additionalDecorations	= "";
+	std::string additionalPreamble		= "";
+	std::string additionalTypesAndConst = "";
+	std::string beginningOfMain			= "";
+	std::string middleOfMain			= "";
+	switch (m_testType)
+	{
+	case TT_BASIC:
+		// Minimal test of basic functionality
+		additionalPreamble +=
+			"%fileStr = OpString \"path\\to\\source.file\"\n"
+			"OpSource GLSL 430 %fileStr\n";
+		middleOfMain +=
+			"%tmp = OpExtInst %void %extInstSet 1 %main %fileStr\n";
+		break;
+		// Testing non existing instruction set
+		extendedInstructions =
+			"%extInstSet = OpExtInstImport \"NonSemantic.P.B.DummySet\"\n";
+		additionalPreamble +=
+			"%testStrA = OpString \"\"\n"
+			"%testStrB = OpString \"yet another test\"\n";
+		middleOfMain +=
+			"%tmpA = OpExtInst %void %extInstSet 55 %id %testStrA %testStrB\n"
+			"OpLine %testStrA 1 1\n"
+			"%tmpB = OpExtInst %void %extInstSet 99 %testStrA %main %testStrA\n"
+			"OpLine %testStrB 2 2\n"
+			"OpNoLine\n";
+		break;
+	{
+		// Any instruction number should work - testing large values near uint::max
+		deUint32 instNr = std::numeric_limits<deUint32>::max() - 1;
+		middleOfMain +=
+			"%tmpA = OpExtInst %void %extInstSet " + std::to_string(instNr) + " %main\n" +
+			"%tmpB = OpExtInst %void %extInstSet 4294967290 %main\n";
+		break;
+	}
+		// Many parameters should work - testing 100 parameters
+		middleOfMain +=
+			"%tmp = OpExtInst %void %extInstSet 1234";
+		for (deUint32 parameterIndex = 0; parameterIndex < 100; parameterIndex++)
+		{
+			std::string iStr = std::to_string(parameterIndex);
+			std::string strVarName = std::string("%testStr") + iStr;
+			additionalPreamble += strVarName + " = OpString \"" + iStr +"\"\n";
+			middleOfMain += std::string(" ") + strVarName;
+		}
+		middleOfMain += "\n";
+		break;
+	{
+		// Any type of constant parameter should work - testing undef,
+		// int, uint, float, struct, vector, array, string, matrix
+		additionalDecorations =
+			"OpMemberDecorate %struct 0 Offset 0\n"
+			"OpMemberDecorate %struct 1 Offset 4\n"
+			"OpMemberDecorate %struct 2 Offset 16\n";
+		std::string types =
+			"%struct             = OpTypeStruct %f32 %fvec3 %i32\n"
+			"%c_array_size       = OpConstant %u32 4\n"
+			"%array4             = OpTypeArray %f32 %c_array_size\n"
+			"%matrix3x3          = OpTypeMatrix %fvec3 3\n";
+		std::string constans =
+			"%undef      = OpUndef %i32\n"
+			"%c_i32      = OpConstant %i32 -45\n"
+			"%c_u32      = OpConstant %u32 99\n"
+			"%c_f32      = OpConstant %f32 0.0\n"
+			"%c_fvec3    = OpConstantComposite %fvec3 %c_f32 %c_f32 %c_f32\n"
+			"%c_struct   = OpConstantComposite %struct %c_f32 %c_fvec3 %undef\n"
+			"%c_array    = OpConstantComposite %array4 %c_f32 %c_f32 %c_f32 %c_f32\n"
+			"%c_matrix   = OpConstantComposite %matrix3x3 %c_fvec3 %c_fvec3 %c_fvec3\n";
+		additionalPreamble +=
+			"%testStr = OpString \"\"\n";
+		additionalTypesAndConst = types + constans;
+		middleOfMain += "%tmp = OpExtInst %void %extInstSet 999 %main %undef %c_i32 %c_u32 %c_f32 %c_struct %c_fvec3 %c_array %testStr %c_matrix\n";
+		if (m_testType == TT_ANY_CONSTANT_TYPE)
+			break;
+		// use all constans outside of OpExtInst
+		middleOfMain +=
+			"%tmp01      = OpCompositeExtract %f32 %c_fvec3 2\n"
+			"%tmp02      = OpFAdd %f32 %tmp01 %c_f32\n"
+			"%tmp03      = OpCompositeExtract %f32 %c_struct 0\n"
+			"%tmp04      = OpFAdd %f32 %tmp02 %tmp03\n"
+			"%tmp05      = OpCompositeExtract %f32 %c_array 1\n"
+			"%tmp06      = OpFAdd %f32 %tmp04 %tmp05\n"
+			"%tmp07      = OpCompositeExtract %fvec3 %c_matrix 1\n"
+			"%tmp08      = OpCompositeExtract %f32 %tmp07 1\n"
+			"%tmp09      = OpFMul %f32 %tmp06 %tmp08\n"
+			"%tmp10      = OpConvertSToF %f32 %c_i32\n"
+			"%tmp11      = OpFMul %f32 %tmp09 %tmp10\n"
+			"              OpStore %outloc %tmp11\n";
+		break;
+	}
+	{
+		// Any type of existing semantic result ID should be referencable. Testing
+		// the result of a semantic OpExtInst, an entry point, variables of different types,
+		// result IDs of buffer and texture loads, result IDs of arithmetic instructions,
+		// result of an OpLoad, result of a comparison / logical instruction.
+		additionalDecorations =
+			"OpMemberDecorate %struct 0 Offset 0\n"
+			"OpMemberDecorate %struct 1 Offset 4\n"
+			"OpMemberDecorate %struct 2 Offset 16\n";
+		extendedInstructions +=
+			"%std450 = OpExtInstImport \"GLSL.std.450\"\n";
+		additionalTypesAndConst =
+			"%struct             = OpTypeStruct %f32 %fvec3 %f32\n"
+			"%struct_ptr         = OpTypePointer Function %struct\n"
+			"%c_array_size       = OpConstant %u32 4\n"
+			"%array4             = OpTypeArray %f32 %c_array_size\n"
+			"%array4_ptr         = OpTypePointer Function %array4\n"
+			"%matrix3x3          = OpTypeMatrix %fvec3 3\n"
+			"%matrix3x3_ptr      = OpTypePointer Function %matrix3x3\n"
+			"%uvec2              = OpTypeVector %u32 2\n"
+			"%fvec4              = OpTypeVector %f32 4\n"
+			"%uv                 = OpConstantComposite %uvec2 %zero %zero\n";
+		beginningOfMain =
+			"%struct_var = OpVariable %struct_ptr Function\n"
+			"%array_var  = OpVariable %array4_ptr Function\n"
+			"%matrix_var = OpVariable %matrix3x3_ptr Function\n";
+		middleOfMain =
+			"%tmp01      = OpExtInst %void %extInstSet 486 %main %id %x %idval %struct_var %array_var %matrix_var %uvec3ptr %indata\n"
+			"%arithmRes  = OpIAdd %u32 %x %x\n"
+			"%extInstRes = OpExtInst %f32 %std450 FAbs %inval\n"
+			"%logicRes   = OpIsNan %bool %inval\n"
+			"%imgLoadRes = OpLoad %image_type %image\n"
+			"%tmp02      = OpExtInst %void %extInstSet 963 %tmp01 %arithmRes %inloc %outloc %inval %extInstRes %logicRes %imgLoadRes %std450\n";
+		break;
+	}
+		// The instructions should be able to be placed at global scope,
+		// in the types/constants section and between function definitions
+		additionalTypesAndConst =
+			"%extInstA   = OpExtInst %void %extInstSet 1 %id\n"			// at global scope
+			"%floatf     = OpTypeFunction %f32 %f32\n"
+			"%funDefA    = OpFunction %f32 None %floatf\n"
+			"%funApa     = OpFunctionParameter %f32\n"
+			"%funA       = OpLabel\n"
+			"              OpReturnValue %funApa\n"
+			"              OpFunctionEnd\n"
+			"%extInstB  = OpExtInst %void %extInstSet 3 %id\n";			// between definitions
+		middleOfMain +=
+			"%aRes       = OpFunctionCall %f32 %funDefA %inval\n"
+			"%extInstC   = OpExtInst %void %extInstSet 4 %aRes\n"		// within a block
+			"              OpStore %outloc %aRes\n";
+		break;
+	}
+	std::string source =
+		getComputeAsmShaderPreamble("", "OpExtension \"SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info\"\n" + extendedInstructions) +
+		additionalPreamble +
+		"OpDecorate %id BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n" +
+		"OpDecorate %buf BufferBlock\n"
+		"OpDecorate %indata DescriptorSet 0\n"
+		"OpDecorate %indata Binding 0\n"
+		"OpDecorate %image DescriptorSet 0\n"
+		"OpDecorate %image Binding 1\n"
+		"OpDecorate %image NonWritable\n"
+		"OpDecorate %outdata DescriptorSet 0\n"
+		"OpDecorate %outdata Binding 2\n"
+		"OpDecorate %f32arr ArrayStride 4\n"
+		"OpMemberDecorate %buf 0 Offset 0\n" +
+		additionalDecorations +
+		std::string(getComputeAsmCommonTypes()) +
+		std::string(getComputeAsmInputOutputBuffer()) +
+		"%id         = OpVariable %uvec3ptr Input\n"
+		"%image_type = OpTypeImage %f32 2D 0 0 0 2 Rgba8\n"
+		"%image_ptr  = OpTypePointer UniformConstant %image_type\n"
+		"%image      = OpVariable %image_ptr UniformConstant\n"
+		"%zero       = OpConstant %i32 0\n" +
+		additionalTypesAndConst +
+		"%main       = OpFunction %void None %voidf\n"
+		"%label      = OpLabel\n" +
+		beginningOfMain +
+		"%idval      = OpLoad %uvec3 %id\n"
+		"%x          = OpCompositeExtract %u32 %idval 0\n"
+		"%inloc      = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %indata %zero %x\n"
+		"%outloc     = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %outdata %zero %x\n"
+		"%inval      = OpLoad %f32 %inloc\n" +
+		middleOfMain +
+		"             OpStore %outloc %inval\n"
+		"             OpReturn\n"
+		"             OpFunctionEnd\n";
+	programCollection.spirvAsmSources.add("compute") << source;
+TestInstance* SpvAsmSpirvNonSemanticInfoBasicCase::createInstance (Context& context) const
+	return new SpvAsmSpirvNonSemanticInfoBasicInstance(context, m_testType);
+tcu::TestCaseGroup* createNonSemanticInfoGroup(tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
+	de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> group (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "non_semantic_info", "Test for VK_KHR_shader_non_semantic_info"));
+	struct TestData
+	{
+		const char*	name;
+		TestType	type;
+	};
+	std::vector<TestData> testList =
+	{
+		{ "basic",						TT_BASIC },
+		{ "dummy_instruction_set",		TT_DUMMY_INSTRUCTION_SET },
+		{ "large_instruction_number",	TT_LARGE_INSTRUCTION_NUMBER },
+		{ "many_parameters",			TT_MANY_PARAMETERS },
+		{ "any_constant_type",			TT_ANY_CONSTANT_TYPE },
+		{ "any_constant_type_used",		TT_ANY_CONSTANT_TYPE_USED },
+		{ "any_non_constant_type",		TT_ANY_NON_CONSTANT_TYPE },
+		{ "placement",					TT_PLACEMENT },
+	};
+	for (const auto& item : testList)
+		group->addChild(new SpvAsmSpirvNonSemanticInfoBasicCase(testCtx,, item.type));
+	return group.release();
+} // SpirVAssembly
+} // vkt
diff --git a/external/vulkancts/modules/vulkan/spirv_assembly/vktSpvAsmNonSemanticInfoTests.hpp b/external/vulkancts/modules/vulkan/spirv_assembly/vktSpvAsmNonSemanticInfoTests.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b54b07a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/external/vulkancts/modules/vulkan/spirv_assembly/vktSpvAsmNonSemanticInfoTests.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ * Vulkan Conformance Tests
+ * ------------------------
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2019 The Khronos Group Inc.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ *//*!
+ * \file
+ * \brief SPIR-V non semantic info tests
+ *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "vkPrograms.hpp"
+#include "vktTestCase.hpp"
+#include "vktSpvAsmComputeShaderTestUtil.hpp"
+namespace vkt
+namespace SpirVAssembly
+tcu::TestCaseGroup* createNonSemanticInfoGroup(tcu::TestContext& testCtx);
+} // SpirVAssembly
+} // vkt
diff --git a/external/vulkancts/mustpass/master/vk-default-no-waivers.txt b/external/vulkancts/mustpass/master/vk-default-no-waivers.txt
index c61b228..4c3cccc 100644
--- a/external/vulkancts/mustpass/master/vk-default-no-waivers.txt
+++ b/external/vulkancts/mustpass/master/vk-default-no-waivers.txt
Binary files differ
diff --git a/external/vulkancts/mustpass/master/vk-default.txt b/external/vulkancts/mustpass/master/vk-default.txt
index 688bee3..9d72f7a 100644
--- a/external/vulkancts/mustpass/master/vk-default.txt
+++ b/external/vulkancts/mustpass/master/vk-default.txt
Binary files differ