blob: 0e1a6dfd54552710314b158ba17430fc609bfea3 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Common key generation functions.
SCRIPT_DIR="$(dirname "$0")"
# 0 = (RSA1024 SHA1)
# 1 = (RSA1024 SHA256)
# 2 = (RSA1024 SHA512)
# 3 = (RSA2048 SHA1)
# 4 = (RSA2048 SHA256)
# 5 = (RSA2048 SHA512)
# 6 = (RSA4096 SHA1)
# 7 = (RSA4096 SHA256)
# 8 = (RSA4096 SHA512)
# 9 = (RSA8192 SHA1)
# 10 = (RSA8192 SHA256)
# 11 = (RSA8192 SHA512)
function alg_to_keylen {
echo $(( 1 << (10 + ($1 / 3)) ))
# Emit .vbpubk and .vbprivk using given basename and algorithm
# NOTE: This function also appears in ../../utility/dev_make_keypair. Making
# the two implementations the same would require some, which is more
# likely to cause problems than just keeping an eye out for any differences. If
# you feel the need to change this file, check the history of that other file
# to see what may need updating here too.
function make_pair {
local base=$1
local alg=$2
local len=$(alg_to_keylen $alg)
echo "creating $base keypair..."
# make the RSA keypair
openssl genrsa -F4 -out "${base}_${len}.pem" $len
# create a self-signed certificate
openssl req -batch -new -x509 -key "${base}_${len}.pem" \
-out "${base}_${len}.crt"
# generate pre-processed RSA public key
dumpRSAPublicKey -cert "${base}_${len}.crt" > "${base}_${len}.keyb"
# wrap the public key
vbutil_key \
--pack "${base}.vbpubk" \
--key "${base}_${len}.keyb" \
--version 1 \
--algorithm $alg
# wrap the private key
vbutil_key \
--pack "${base}.vbprivk" \
--key "${base}_${len}.pem" \
--algorithm $alg
# remove intermediate files
rm -f "${base}_${len}.pem" "${base}_${len}.crt" "${base}_${len}.keyb"
# Emit a .keyblock containing flags and a public key, signed by a private key
# flags are the bitwise OR of these (passed in decimal, though)
# 0x01 Developer switch off
# 0x02 Developer switch on
# 0x04 Not recovery mode
# 0x08 Recovery mode
function make_keyblock {
local base=$1
local flags=$2
local pubkey=$3
local signkey=$4
echo "creating $base keyblock..."
# create it
vbutil_keyblock \
--pack "${base}.keyblock" \
--flags $flags \
--datapubkey "${pubkey}.vbpubk" \
--signprivate "${signkey}.vbprivk"
# verify it
vbutil_keyblock \
--unpack "${base}.keyblock" \
--signpubkey "${signkey}.vbpubk"