blob: 0949e0b1b25a9affe8f865ca693be2785d1abfa1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# At the time of writing, we assume this GN will only be used from Fuchsia
# where the vboot_reference repo lives at //third_party/vboot_reference
# and build root is the Fuchsia repo.
config("includes") {
include_dirs = [
sdk_source_set("headers") {
sdk_name = "vboot_firmware_lib_headers"
category = "experimental"
sources = [
public_configs = [ ":includes" ]
sdk_source_set("gpt_misc") {
sdk_name = "vboot_firmware_lib_gpt_misc"
category = "experimental"
include_base = "cgptlib/include"
sources = [
public_deps = [
cflags_c = [
# TODO( Remove -Wno-unknown-warning-option after the next Clang roll.