% FUTILITY(1) Version 1.0 | Futility GBB Documentation


futility gbb - allows for the printing and manipulation of GBB flag state.


| futility gbb [--help] | futility gbb [-g|--get] [GET mode options] [image_file] | futility gbb [-s|--set] [SET mode options] [image_file] [output_file] | futility gbb [-c|--create] [CREATE mode options] | futility gbb [-g|-s] [--flash] [GET|SET mode options] [FLASH options]


The GBB sub-command allows for the printing and manipulation of the GBB flag state machine.



: Prints brief usage information.

-g, --get

: Puts the GBB command into GET mode. (default)

-s, --set

: Puts the GBB command into SET mode.

-c, --create=hwid_size,rootkey_size,bmpfv_size,recoverykey_size

: Puts the GBB command into CREATE mode. Create a GBB blob by given size list.

GET Mode Options

Get (read) from image_file or flash, with following options:


: Read from and write to flash, ignore file arguments.

Report Fields

The following options are available for reporting different types of information from image_file or flash. The default is returning hwid. There could be multiple fields to be reported at one time.


: Report hardware id (default).

    hardware_id: EXAMPLE


: Report header flags.

    flags: 0x00000000


: Report digest of hwid (>= v1.2)

    digest: DIGEST_STRING

-e, --explicit

: Report header flags by name. This implies --flags.

    flags: 0x00000000

File Names to Export

-k, --rootkey=FILE

: File name to export Root Key.

-b, --bmpfv=FILE

: File name to export Bitmap FV.

-r, --recoverykey=FILE

: File name to export Recovery Key.

SET Mode Options

Set (write) to flash or file, with following options:


: Read from and write to flash, ignore file arguments.

-o, --output=FILE

: New file name for ouptput.

If no output file is specified, futility gbb will write back to image_file.

Values to be Changed

There could be multiple values to be changed at one time.


: The new hardware id to be changed.


: The new (numeric) flags value or +/- diff value.

New File Names of Output

-k, --rootkey=FILE

: File name of new Root Key.

-b, --bmpfv=FILE

: File name of new Bitmap FV.

-r --recoverykey=FILE

: File name of new Recovery Key.

FLASH Options

In GET and SET mode, the following options modify the behaviour of flashing. Presence of any of these implies --flash.

-p, --programmer=PRG

: Change AP (host) flashrom programmer


: Do fast,force,wp=0,p=raiden_debug_spi


: Emulate system firmware using file


: Flash using Servo (v2, v4, micro, ...)


: Override servod port, implies --servo


Get information from $FILE

    futility gbb --get $FILE
    futility gbb --get --hwid $FILE
    futility gbb --get --flags $FILE
    futility gbb --get --digest $FILE
    futility gbb --get --hwid --flags --digest $FILE

Get the names of GBB flags

    futility gbb --get -e $FILE

Get information from host flash

    futility gbb --get --flash
    futility gbb --get --hwid --flash
    futility gbb --get --flags --flash
    futility gbb --get --digest --flash

Get information from flash using servo

    futility gbb --get --servo
    futility gbb --get --flash --servo

Export the rootkey from $FILE to $ROOTKEY_FILE

    futility gbb --rootkey=$ROOTKEY_FILE $FILE

Set values from $FILE and overwrite it

    futility gbb --set --flags=$FLAGS $FILE
    futility gbb --set --hwid=$HWID $FILE
    futility gbb --set --flags=$FLAGS $FILE --hwid=$HWID $FILE

Set values from $FILE to $OUT_FILE

    futility gbb --set --flags=$FLAGS $FILE $OUT_FILE
    futility gbb --set --flags=$FLAGS $FILE -o $OUT_FILE

Read from flash and write back new values using host flash

    futility gbb --set --flags=$FLAGS --flash

Read from servo and write back new values using servo

    futility gbb --set --flags=$FLAGS --servo

Create a GBB blob