| # Tink for Python HOW-TO |
| |
| This document presents instructions and Python code snippets for common tasks in |
| [Tink](https://github.com/google/tink). |
| |
| ## Setup instructions |
| |
| Tink requires Python 3.7 or above. |
| |
| The simplest way is to install a binary release from |
| [PyPi](https://pypi.org/project/tink/): |
| |
| ```shell |
| pip3 install tink |
| ``` |
| |
| Currently, the following set of binary wheels are published: |
| |
| * Linux |
| * Python 3.7 |
| * Python 3.8 |
| * macOS |
| * Python 3.7 |
| * Python 3.8 |
| |
| In addition to the binary wheels, a source distribution is also published. If |
| `pip` does not find a suitable binary wheel for your environment, it will fall |
| back to building the project using the source distribution. This process has the |
| same requirements as building from source instructions below. |
| |
| ### Common setup issues |
| |
| * If you get an error regarding the root certs when using the GCP KMS |
| integration, you will have to install the |
| [root certs](https://github.com/googleapis/google-cloud-cpp/blob/master/google/cloud/bigtable/examples/README.md#configure-grpc-root-certificates). |
| |
| ## Building from source |
| |
| Tink currently supports two build systems for use with Python: |
| |
| * [Bazel](https://bazel.build/) |
| * Setuptools to create a Python package |
| |
| Note that in both cases [Bazel](https://bazel.build/) is required, as it is |
| needed to compile the wrapper around the C++ implementation which uses |
| [pybind11](https://github.com/pybind/pybind11). |
| |
| ### Build with Bazel |
| |
| To build the Python implementation: |
| |
| ```shell |
| cd python |
| bazel build ... |
| ``` |
| |
| ### Build a Python package using pip |
| |
| A setup script is provided which allows building a Python package using pip. |
| |
| The setup script requires: |
| |
| * Bazel |
| * [protobuf compiler](https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf#protocol-compiler-installation). |
| |
| To build and install the Python package: |
| |
| ```shell |
| cd python |
| pip3 install . |
| ``` |
| |
| ### Running tests |
| |
| To run all tests, you can: |
| |
| ```shell |
| cd python |
| bazel test ... |
| ``` |
| |
| ## Initializing Tink |
| |
| Tink provides customizable initialization, which allows for choosing specific |
| implementations (identified by _key types_) of desired primitives. This |
| initialization happens via _registration_ of the implementations. |
| |
| For example, if you want to use all standard implementations of all primitives |
| in the current release of Tink, the initialization would look as follows: |
| |
| ```python |
| import tink |
| from tink import tink_config |
| tink_config.register() |
| ``` |
| |
| To use standard implementations of only one primitive, say AEAD: |
| |
| ```python |
| import tink |
| from tink import aead |
| aead.register() |
| ``` |
| |
| The registration of custom key managers can proceed directly via |
| the `core.Registry` class: |
| |
| ```python |
| import tink |
| from tink import core |
| core.Registry.register_key_manager(CustomAeadKeyManager()) |
| ``` |
| |
| ## Generating new keys and keysets |
| |
| Each `KeyManager` implementation provides a `new_key_data(key_template)` method |
| that generates new keys of the corresponding key type. However, to avoid |
| accidental leakage of sensitive key material you should avoid mixing key(set) |
| generation with key(set) usage in code. |
| |
| To support the separation between these activities Tink package provides a |
| command-line tool called [Tinkey](TINKEY.md), which can be used for common key |
| management tasks. |
| |
| Still, if there is a need to generate a KeysetHandle with fresh key material |
| directly in Python code, you can use `tink.new_keyset_handle`: |
| |
| ```python |
| import tink |
| from tink import aead |
| |
| key_template = aead.aead_key_templates.AES128_EAX |
| keyset_handle = tink.new_keyset_handle(key_template) |
| # use the keyset... |
| ``` |
| |
| where `key_template` can be obtained from util classes corresponding to Tink |
| primitives, e.g. |
| [mac_key_templates](https://github.com/google/tink/blob/master/python/tink/mac/_mac_key_templates.py), |
| [aead_key_templates](https://github.com/google/tink/blob/master/python/tink/aead/_aead_key_templates.py), |
| or |
| [hybrid_key_templates](https://github.com/google/tink/blob/master/python/tink/hybrid/_hybrid_key_templates.py). |
| |
| ## Loading existing keysets |
| |
| To load encrypted keysets, use `tink.read_keyset_handle` |
| and an appropriate [`KeysetReader`](https://github.com/google/tink/blob/master/python/tink/_keyset_reader.py), |
| depending on the wire format of the stored keyset, for example a |
| `tink.BinaryKeysetReader` or a `tink.JsonKeysetReader`. |
| |
| ```python |
| import tink |
| |
| json_encrypted_keyset = ... |
| reader = tink.JsonKeysetReader(json_encrypted_keyset) |
| keyset_handle = tink.read_keyset_handle(reader, master_key_aead) |
| ``` |
| |
| To load cleartext keysets, use [`cleartext_keyset_handle`](https://github.com/google/tink/blob/master/python/tink/cleartext_keyset_handle.py) |
| and an appropriate `KeysetReader`. |
| |
| ```python |
| import tink |
| from tink import cleartext_keyset_handle |
| |
| json_keyset = ... |
| reader = tink.JsonKeysetReader(json_keyset) |
| keyset_handle = cleartext_keyset_handle.read(reader) |
| ``` |
| ## Obtaining and using primitives |
| |
| [_Primitives_](PRIMITIVES.md) represent cryptographic operations offered by |
| Tink, hence they form the core of the Tink API. A primitive is just an interface |
| that specifies what operations are offered by the primitive. A primitive can |
| have multiple implementations, and you choose a desired implementation by using |
| a key of corresponding type (see [this |
| section](KEY-MANAGEMENT.md#key-keyset-and-keysethandle) for further details). |
| |
| Tink for Python supports the same primitives as Tink for C++. A list of |
| primitives and their implementations currently supported by Tink in C++ can be |
| found [here](PRIMITIVES.md#c). |
| |
| You obtain a primitive by calling the method `primitive` of the `KeysetHandle`. |
| |
| ### Symmetric key encryption |
| |
| You can obtain and use an [AEAD (Authenticated Encryption with Associated |
| Data)](PRIMITIVES.md#authenticated-encryption-with-associated-data) primitive to |
| encrypt or decrypt data: |
| |
| ```python |
| import tink |
| from tink import aead |
| |
| plaintext = b'your data...' |
| associated_data = b'context' |
| |
| # Register all AEAD primitives |
| aead.register() |
| |
| # 1. Get a handle to the key material. |
| keyset_handle = tink.new_keyset_handle(aead.aead_key_templates.AES256_GCM) |
| |
| # 2. Get the primitive. |
| aead_primitive = keyset_handle.primitive(aead.Aead) |
| |
| # 3. Use the primitive. |
| ciphertext = aead_primitive.encrypt(plaintext, associated_data) |
| ``` |
| |
| ### Deterministic symmetric key encryption |
| |
| You can obtain and use a |
| [DeterministicAEAD (Deterministic Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data](PRIMITIVES.md#deterministic-authenticated-encryption-with-associated-data) |
| primitive to encrypt or decrypt data: |
| |
| ```python |
| import tink |
| from tink import daead |
| |
| plaintext = b'your data...' |
| associated_data = b'context' |
| |
| # Register all deterministic AEAD primitives |
| daead.register() |
| |
| # 1. Get a handle to the key material. |
| keyset_handle = tink.new_keyset_handle(daead.deterministic_aead_key_templates.AES256_SIV) |
| |
| # 2. Get the primitive. |
| daead_primitive = keyset_handle.primitive(daead.DeterministicAead) |
| |
| # 3. Use the primitive. |
| ciphertext = daead_primitive.encrypt_deterministically(plaintext, associated_data) |
| ``` |
| |
| ### Symmetric key encryption of streaming data |
| |
| You can obtain and use a |
| [Streaming AEAD (Streaming Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data)](PRIMITIVES.md#streaming-authenticated-encryption-with-associated-data) |
| primitive to encrypt or decrypt data streams: |
| |
| ```python |
| import tink |
| from tink import streaming_aead |
| |
| long_plaintext = b'your data...' |
| associated_data = b'context' |
| |
| # Register all streaming AEAD primitives |
| streaming_aead.register() |
| |
| # 1. Get a handle to the key material |
| keyset_handle = tink.new_keyset_handle(streaming_aead.streaming_aead_key_templates.AES256_CTR_HMAC_SHA256_4KB) |
| |
| # 2. Get the primitive. |
| streaming_aead_primitive = keyset_handle.primitive(streaming_aead.StreamingAead) |
| |
| # 3. Use the primitive. |
| output_file = open("ciphertext.out", 'wb') |
| with streaming_aead_primitive.new_encrypting_stream(output_file, associated_data) as enc_stream: |
| bytes_written = enc_stream.write(long_plaintext) |
| ``` |
| |
| ### Message Authentication Code |
| |
| You can compute or verify a |
| [MAC (Message Authentication Code)](PRIMITIVES.md#message-authentication-code): |
| |
| ```python |
| import tink |
| from tink import mac |
| |
| data = b'your data...' |
| |
| # Register all MAC primitives |
| mac.register() |
| |
| # 1. Get a handle to the key material. |
| keyset_handle = tink.new_keyset_handle(mac.mac_key_templates.HMAC_SHA256_128BITTAG) |
| |
| # 2. Get the primitive. |
| mac = keyset_handle.primitive(mac.Mac) |
| |
| # 3. Use the primitive to compute a tag, |
| tag = mac.compute_mac(data) |
| |
| # ... or to verify a tag. |
| mac.verify_mac(tag, data) |
| ``` |
| |
| ### Hybrid Encryption |
| |
| To encrypt or decrypt using |
| [a combination of public key encryption and symmetric key encryption](PRIMITIVES.md#hybrid-encryption) |
| one can use the following: |
| |
| ```python |
| import tink |
| from tink import hybrid |
| |
| plaintext = b'your data...' |
| context = b'context' |
| |
| # Register all Hybrid primitives |
| hybrid.register() |
| |
| # 1. Generate the private key material. |
| private_keyset_handle = tink.new_keyset_handle(hybrid.hybrid_key_templates.ECIES_P256_HKDF_HMAC_SHA256_AES128_GCM) |
| |
| # Obtain the public key material. |
| public_keyset_handle = private_keyset_handle.public_keyset_handle() |
| |
| # Encryption |
| |
| # 2. Get the primitive. |
| hybrid_encrypt = public_keyset_handle.primitive(hybrid.HybridEncrypt) |
| |
| # 3. Use the primitive. |
| ciphertext = hybrid_encrypt.encrypt(plaintext, context) |
| |
| # Decryption |
| |
| # 2. Get the primitive. |
| hybrid_decrypt = private_keyset_handle.primitive(hybrid.HybridDecrypt) |
| |
| # 3. Use the primitive. |
| plaintext = hybrid_decrypt.decrypt(ciphertext, context) |
| ``` |
| |
| ### Digital Signatures |
| |
| You can sign or verify using a |
| [digital signature](PRIMITIVES.md#digital-signatures): |
| |
| ```python |
| import tink |
| from tink import signature |
| |
| # Register key manager for signatures |
| signature.register() |
| |
| # Signing |
| # 1. Generate the private key material. |
| keyset_handle = tink.new_keyset_handle(signature.signature_key_templates.ED25519) |
| |
| # 2. Get the primitive. |
| signer = keyset_handle.primitive(signature.PublicKeySign) |
| |
| # 3. Use the primitive to sign. |
| signature_data = signer.sign(b'your data') |
| |
| # Verifying |
| # 1. Obtain the public key material. |
| public_keyset_handle = keyset_handle.public_keyset_handle() |
| |
| # 2. Get the primitive. |
| verifier = public_keyset_handle.primitive(signature.PublicKeyVerify) |
| |
| # 3. Use the primitive to verify. |
| verifier.verify(signature_data, b'your data') |
| ``` |
| |
| ### Envelope encryption |
| |
| Via the AEAD interface, Tink supports |
| [envelope encryption](KEY-MANAGEMENT.md#envelope-encryption). |
| |
| For example, you can perform envelope encryption with a Google Cloud KMS key at |
| `gcp-kms://projects/tink-examples/locations/global/keyRings/foo/cryptoKeys/bar` |
| using the credentials in `credentials.json` as follows: |
| |
| ```python |
| import tink |
| from tink import aead |
| from tink.integration import gcpkms |
| |
| key_uri = 'gcp-kms://projects/tink-examples/locations/global/keyRings/foo/cryptoKeys/bar' |
| gcp_credentials = 'credentials.json' |
| |
| plaintext = b'your data...' |
| associated_data = b'context' |
| |
| # Read the GCP credentials and setup client |
| try: |
| gcp_client = gcpkms.GcpKmsClient(key_uri, gcp_credentials) |
| gcp_aead = gcp_client.get_aead(key_uri) |
| except tink.TinkError as e: |
| logging.error('Error initializing GCP client: %s', e) |
| return 1 |
| |
| # Create envelope AEAD primitive using AES256 GCM for encrypting the data |
| try: |
| key_template = aead.aead_key_templates.AES256_GCM |
| env_aead = aead.KmsEnvelopeAead(key_template, gcp_aead) |
| except tink.TinkError as e: |
| logging.error('Error creating primitive: %s', e) |
| return 1 |
| |
| # Use env_aead to encrypt data |
| ciphertext = env_aead.encrypt(plaintext, associated_data) |
| ``` |