blob: decfa52f29db6dd3a95df482dc964efbc621e923 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
const CryptoFormat = goog.require('tink.CryptoFormat');
const {SecurityException} = goog.require('google3.third_party.tink.javascript.exception.security_exception');
const {PbKeyStatusType, PbKeyset, PbOutputPrefixType} = goog.require('google3.third_party.tink.javascript.internal.proto');
* Auxiliary class for PrimitiveSet
* Entry-objects hold individual instances of primitives in the set.
* @template P
* @final
class Entry {
* @param {!P} primitive
* @param {!Uint8Array} identifier
* @param {!PbKeyStatusType} keyStatus
* @param {!PbOutputPrefixType} outputPrefixType
constructor(primitive, identifier, keyStatus, outputPrefixType) {
/** @const @private {!P} */
this.primitive_ = primitive;
/** @const @private {!Uint8Array} */
this.identifier_ = identifier;
/** @const @private {!PbKeyStatusType} */
this.status_ = keyStatus;
/** @const @private {!PbOutputPrefixType} */
this.outputPrefixType_ = outputPrefixType;
* @return {!P}
getPrimitive() {
return this.primitive_;
* @return {!Uint8Array}
getIdentifier() {
return this.identifier_;
* @return {!PbKeyStatusType}
getKeyStatus() {
return this.status_;
* @return {!PbOutputPrefixType}
getOutputPrefixType() {
return this.outputPrefixType_;
* A container class for a set of primitives (i.e. implementations of
* cryptographic primitives offered by Tink). It provides also additional
* properties for the primitives it holds. In particular, one of the primitives
* in the set can be distinguished as "the primary" one.
* PrimitiveSet is an auxiliary class used for supporting key rotation:
* primitives in a set correspond to keys in a keyset. Users will usually work
* with primitive instances which essentially wrap primitive sets. For example
* an instance of an Aead-primitive for a given keyset holds a set of
* Aead-primitives corresponding to the keys in the keyset, and uses the set
* members to do the actual crypto operations: to encrypt data the primary
* Aead-primitive from the set is used, and upon decryption the ciphertext's
* prefix determines the identifier of the primitive from the set.
* PrimitiveSet is a public class to allow its use in implementations of custom
* primitives.
* @template P
* @final
class PrimitiveSet {
* @param {!Object} primitiveType
constructor(primitiveType) {
* @private {!Object}
this.primitiveType_ = primitiveType;
* @private {?Entry<P>}
this.primary_ = null;
// Keys have to be stored as strings as two Uint8Arrays holding the same
// digits are still different objects.
* @private {!Map<string, !Array<!Entry<P>>>}
this.identifierToPrimitivesMap_ = new Map();
* Returns the type of primitives contained in this set.
* @return {!Object}
getPrimitiveType() {
return this.primitiveType_;
* Creates an entry in the primitive table and returns it.
* @param {!P} primitive
* @param {!PbKeyset.Key} key
* @return {!Entry<P>}
addPrimitive(primitive, key) {
if (!primitive) {
throw new SecurityException('Primitive has to be non null.');
if (!key) {
throw new SecurityException('Key has to be non null.');
const identifier = CryptoFormat.getOutputPrefix(key);
const entry = new Entry(primitive, identifier, key.getStatus(),
return entry;
* Returns the entry with the primary primitive.
* @return {?Entry<P>}
getPrimary() {
return this.primary_;
* Sets given Entry as the primary one.
* @param {!Entry<P>} primitive
setPrimary(primitive) {
if (!primitive) {
throw new SecurityException('Primary cannot be set to null.');
if (primitive.getKeyStatus() != PbKeyStatusType.ENABLED) {
throw new SecurityException('Primary has to be enabled.');
// There has to be exactly one key enabled with this identifier.
const entries = this.getPrimitives(primitive.getIdentifier());
let entryFound = false;
const entriesLength = entries.length;
for (let i = 0; i < entriesLength; i++) {
if (entries[i].getKeyStatus() === PbKeyStatusType.ENABLED) {
entryFound = true;
if (!entryFound) {
throw new SecurityException(
'Primary cannot be set to an entry which is ' +
'not held by this primitive set.');
this.primary_ = primitive;
* Returns all primitives using RAW prefix.
* @return {!Array<!Entry<P>>}
getRawPrimitives() {
return this.getPrimitives(CryptoFormat.RAW_PREFIX);
* Returns the entries with primitive identified with identifier.
* @param {!Uint8Array} identifier
* @return {!Array<!Entry<P>>}
getPrimitives(identifier) {
const result = this.getPrimitivesFromMap_(identifier);
if (!result) {
return [];
} else {
return result;
* Returns a set of primitives which corresponds to the given identifier.
* @private
* @param {!Uint8Array|string} identifier
* @return {!Array<!Entry<P>>|undefined}
getPrimitivesFromMap_(identifier) {
if (identifier instanceof Uint8Array) {
identifier = [...identifier].toString();
return this.identifierToPrimitivesMap_.get(identifier);
* Add primitive to map.
* @private
* @param {!Entry<P>} entry
addPrimitiveToMap_(entry) {
const identifier = entry.getIdentifier();
const id = [...identifier].toString();
let existing = this.getPrimitivesFromMap_(id);
if (!existing) {
this.identifierToPrimitivesMap_.set(id, [entry]);
} else {
this.identifierToPrimitivesMap_.set(id, existing);
exports = {