blob: 493afe4ebf5947883c379281af52eeef2780581d [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright 2017 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@class TINKKeyTemplate;
@class TINKKeysetReader;
@protocol TINKAead;
* KeysetHandle provides abstracted access to Keysets, to limit the exposure of actual protocol
* buffers that hold sensitive key material.
@interface TINKKeysetHandle : NSObject
* Use -initWithKeysetReader:andKey:error: or -initWithTemplate:error: to get an instance of
* TINKKeysetHandle.
- (nullable instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
* Creates a TINKKeysetHandle from an encrypted keyset obtained via @c reader using @c aeadKey to
* decrypt the keyset.
* @param reader An instance of TINKKeysetReader.
* @param aeadKey An instance of TINKAead that's used to decrypt the keyset.
* @param error If non-nil it will be populated with a descriptive error message.
* @return A TINKKeysetHandle, or nil in case of error.
- (nullable instancetype)initWithKeysetReader:(TINKKeysetReader *)reader
error:(NSError **)error;
* Creates a TINKKeysetHandle from a serialized keyset which contains no secret key material.
* This can be used to load public keysets or envelope encryption keysets.
* @param keyset A serialized keyset.
* @param error If non-nil it will be populated with a descriptive error message.
* @return A TINKKeysetHandle, or nil in case of error.
- (nullable instancetype)initWithNoSecretKeyset:(NSData *)keyset error:(NSError **)error;
* Returns a new TINKKeysetHandle that contains a single fresh key generated according to
* @c keyTemplate. @c keyTemplate can be obtained by using one of the subclasses such as
* TINKAeadKeyTemplate, TINKHybridKeyTemplate etc.
* @param keyTemplate An instance of TINKKeyTemplate that describes the key to be generated.
* To get an instance of TINKKeyTemplate use one of the primitive-specific
* subclasses such as: TINKAeadKeyTemplate, TINKHybridKeyTemplate etc.
* @param error If non-nil it will be populated with a descriptive error message.
* @return A TINKKeysetHandle, or nil in case of error.
- (nullable instancetype)initWithKeyTemplate:(TINKKeyTemplate *)keyTemplate error:(NSError **)error;
* Creates a TINKKeysetHandle from a keyset obtained from the iOS keychain.
* @param keysetName The keyset name that was used to store the keyset to the iOS keychain.
* @param error If non-nil it will be populated with a descriptive error message.
* @return A TINKKeysetHandle, or nil in case of error.
- (nullable instancetype)initFromKeychainWithName:(NSString *)keysetName error:(NSError **)error;
* Returns a new TINKKeysetHandle that contains the public keys corresponding to the private keys
* from @c aHandle.
* @param aHandle A handle that contains private keys.
* @param error If non-nil it will be populated with a descriptive error message.
* return An instance of TINKKeysetHandle that contains the corresponding public keys or
* nil in case of error.
+ (nullable instancetype)publicKeysetHandleWithHandle:(TINKKeysetHandle *)aHandle
error:(NSError **)error;
* Writes the underlying keyset to the iOS keychain under the name specified by @c keysetName.
* The keyset can be retrieved from the keychain by using -initFromKeychainWithName:error:.
* @param keysetName A unique keyset name that's used to store and retrieve the keyset from the iOS
* keychain. If an item with the same name exists in the keychain an error will
* be returned.
* @param overwrite If a keyset with the same name exists in the keychain it will be overwritten
* when this property is set to YES.
* @param error If non-nill it will be populated with a descriptive error message.
* @return YES if the keyset was successfully written in the keychain.
* Otherwise, returns NO and sets @c error.
- (BOOL)writeToKeychainWithName:(NSString *)keysetName
error:(NSError **)error;
* Deletes a keyset from the iOS keychain.
* @param keysetName The name of the keyset to be deleted.
* @param error If non-nil it will be populated with a descriptive error message.
* @return YES if the keyset was successfully deleted or if there was no keyset
* with that name in the keychain. Otherwise, returns NO and sets @c error.
+ (BOOL)deleteFromKeychainWithName:(NSString *)keysetName error:(NSError **)error;