tree: afc0862f069be69703ef48e4520d8a87c25a0326 [path history] [tgz]
  1. aes_ctr_go_proto/
  2. aes_ctr_hmac_aead_go_proto/
  3. aes_gcm_go_proto/
  4. aes_siv_go_proto/
  5. chacha20_poly1305_go_proto/
  6. common_go_proto/
  7. ecdsa_go_proto/
  8. ecies_aead_hkdf_go_proto/
  9. ed25519_go_proto/
  10. hmac_go_proto/
  11. kms_envelope_go_proto/
  12. tink_go_proto/
  13. xchacha20_poly1305_go_proto/
  14. aes_ctr.proto
  15. aes_ctr_hmac_aead.proto
  16. aes_ctr_hmac_streaming.proto
  17. aes_eax.proto
  18. aes_gcm.proto
  19. aes_gcm_hkdf_streaming.proto
  20. aes_gcm_siv.proto
  21. aes_siv.proto
  22. BUILD.bazel
  23. chacha20_poly1305.proto
  24. CMakeLists.txt
  25. common.proto
  26. config.proto
  27. ecdsa.proto
  28. ecies_aead_hkdf.proto
  29. ed25519.proto
  30. empty.proto
  31. hmac.proto
  32. kms_aead.proto
  33. kms_envelope.proto
  35. rsa_ssa_pkcs1.proto
  36. rsa_ssa_pss.proto
  37. tink.proto
  38. xchacha20_poly1305.proto

This folder contains protobuf definitions.

The subfolders (e.g., aes_gcm_go_proto) contain Go auto-generated code of the protobuf definitions. These files facilitate using go get to install the Tink library. This is only applicable outside of google3. To update them, execute the following script:

$ g4d tink
$ ./third_party/tink/tools/

The script performs a Blaze query for the current Go proto dependencies, generates the required files.