blob: eee48e9f8aee8c2fbc16fb853d8ec9c5ee4b51e0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
* @fileoverview Common enums.
const Bytes = goog.require('tink.subtle.Bytes');
const {InvalidArgumentsException} = goog.require('google3.third_party.tink.javascript.exception.invalid_arguments_exception');
* Supported elliptic curves.
* @enum {number}
const CurveType = {
P256: 1,
P384: 2,
P521: 3,
* Supported point format.
* @enum {number}
const PointFormatType = {
// Like UNCOMPRESSED but without the \x04 prefix. Crunchy uses this format.
// DO NOT USE unless you are a Crunchy user moving to Tink.
* Supported ECDSA signature encoding.
* @enum {number}
const EcdsaSignatureEncodingType = {
// The DER signature is encoded using ASN.1
// (
// ECDSA-Sig-Value :: = SEQUENCE { r INTEGER, s INTEGER }. In particular, the
// encoding is:
// 0x30 || totalLength || 0x02 || r's length || r || 0x02 || s's length || s.
DER: 1,
// The IEEE_P1363 signature's format is r || s, where r and s are zero-padded
// and have the same size in bytes as the order of the curve. For example, for
// NIST P-256 curve, r and s are zero-padded to 32 bytes.
IEEE_P1363: 2,
* Transform an ECDSA signature in DER encoding to IEEE P1363 encoding.
* @param {!Uint8Array} der the ECDSA signature in DER encoding
* @param {number} ieeeLength the length of the ECDSA signature in IEEE
* encoding. This is usually 2 * size of the elliptic curve field.
* @return {!Uint8Array} ECDSA signature in IEEE encoding
const ecdsaDer2Ieee = function(der, ieeeLength) {
if (!isValidDerEcdsaSignature(der)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentsException('invalid DER signature');
if (!Number.isInteger(ieeeLength) || ieeeLength < 0) {
throw new InvalidArgumentsException(
'ieeeLength must be a nonnegative integer');
const ieee = new Uint8Array(ieeeLength);
const length = der[1] & 0xff;
let offset = 1 /* 0x30 */ + 1 /* totalLength */;
if (length >= 128) {
offset++; // Long form length
offset++; // 0x02
const rLength = der[offset++];
let extraZero = 0;
if (der[offset] === 0) {
extraZero = 1;
const rOffset = ieeeLength / 2 - rLength + extraZero;
ieee.set(der.subarray(offset + extraZero, offset + rLength), rOffset);
offset += rLength /* r byte array */ + 1 /* 0x02 */;
const sLength = der[offset++];
extraZero = 0;
if (der[offset] === 0) {
extraZero = 1;
const sOffset = ieeeLength - sLength + extraZero;
ieee.set(der.subarray(offset + extraZero, offset + sLength), sOffset);
return ieee;
* Transform an ECDSA signature in IEEE 1363 encoding to DER encoding.
* @param {!Uint8Array} ieee the ECDSA signature in IEEE encoding
* @return {!Uint8Array} ECDSA signature in DER encoding
const ecdsaIeee2Der = function(ieee) {
if (ieee.length % 2 != 0 || ieee.length == 0 || ieee.length > 132) {
throw new InvalidArgumentsException(
'Invalid IEEE P1363 signature encoding. Length: ' + ieee.length);
const r = toUnsignedBigNum(ieee.subarray(0, ieee.length / 2));
const s = toUnsignedBigNum(ieee.subarray(ieee.length / 2, ieee.length));
let offset = 0;
const length = 1 + 1 + r.length + 1 + 1 + s.length;
let der;
if (length >= 128) {
der = new Uint8Array(length + 3);
der[offset++] = 0x30;
der[offset++] = 0x80 + 0x01;
der[offset++] = length;
} else {
der = new Uint8Array(length + 2);
der[offset++] = 0x30;
der[offset++] = length;
der[offset++] = 0x02;
der[offset++] = r.length;
der.set(r, offset);
offset += r.length;
der[offset++] = 0x02;
der[offset++] = s.length;
der.set(s, offset);
return der;
* Validate that the ECDSA signature is in DER encoding, based on
* @param {!Uint8Array} sig an ECDSA siganture
* @return {boolean}
const isValidDerEcdsaSignature = function(sig) {
// Format: 0x30 [total-length] 0x02 [R-length] [R] 0x02 [S-length] [S]
// * total-length: 1-byte or 2-byte length descriptor of everything that
// follows.
// * R-length: 1-byte length descriptor of the R value that follows.
// * R: arbitrary-length big-endian encoded R value. It must use the shortest
// possible encoding for a positive integers (which means no null bytes at
// the start, except a single one when the next byte has its highest bit
// set).
// * S-length: 1-byte length descriptor of the S value that follows.
// * S: arbitrary-length big-endian encoded S value. The same rules apply.
if (sig.length < 1 /* 0x30 */
+ 1 /* total-length */
+ 1 /* 0x02 */
+ 1 /* R-length */
+ 1 /* R */
+ 1 /* 0x02 */
+ 1 /* S-length */
+ 1 /* S */) {
// Signature is too short.
return false;
// Checking bytes from left to right.
// byte #1: a signature is of type 0x30 (compound).
if (sig[0] != 0x30) {
return false;
// byte #2 and maybe #3: the total length of the signature.
let totalLen = sig[1] & 0xff;
let totalLenLen =
1; // the length of the total length field, could be 2-byte.
if (totalLen == 129) {
// The signature is >= 128 bytes thus total length field is in long-form
// encoding and occupies 2 bytes.
totalLenLen = 2;
// byte #3 is the total length.
totalLen = sig[2] & 0xff;
if (totalLen < 128) {
// Length in long-form encoding must be >= 128.
return false;
} else if (totalLen == 128 || totalLen > 129) {
// Impossible values for the second byte.
return false;
// Make sure the length covers the entire sig.
if (totalLen != sig.length - 1 - totalLenLen) {
return false;
// Start checking R.
// Check whether the R element is an integer.
if (sig[1 + totalLenLen] != 0x02) {
return false;
// Extract the length of the R element.
const rLen = sig[1 /* 0x30 */ + totalLenLen + 1 /* 0x02 */] & 0xff;
// Make sure the length of the S element is still inside the signature.
if (1 /* 0x30 */ + totalLenLen + 1 /* 0x02 */ + 1 /* rLen */ + rLen +
1 /* 0x02 */
>= sig.length) {
return false;
// Zero-length integers are not allowed for R.
if (rLen == 0) {
return false;
// Negative numbers are not allowed for R.
if ((sig[3 + totalLenLen] & 0xff) >= 128) {
return false;
// Null bytes at the start of R are not allowed, unless R would
// otherwise be interpreted as a negative number.
if (rLen > 1 && (sig[3 + totalLenLen] == 0x00) &&
((sig[4 + totalLenLen] & 0xff) < 128)) {
return false;
// Start checking S.
// Check whether the S element is an integer.
if (sig[3 + totalLenLen + rLen] != 0x02) {
return false;
// Extract the length of the S element.
const sLen = sig[1 /* 0x30 */ + totalLenLen + 1 /* 0x02 */ + 1 /* rLen */ +
rLen + 1 /* 0x02 */] &
// Verify that the length of the signature matches the sum of the length of
// the elements.
if (1 /* 0x30 */
+ totalLenLen + 1 /* 0x02 */
+ 1 /* rLen */
+ rLen + 1 /* 0x02 */
+ 1 /* sLen */
+ sLen !=
sig.length) {
return false;
// Zero-length integers are not allowed for S.
if (sLen == 0) {
return false;
// Negative numbers are not allowed for S.
if ((sig[5 + totalLenLen + rLen] & 0xff) >= 128) {
return false;
// Null bytes at the start of S are not allowed, unless S would
// otherwise be interpreted as a negative number.
if (sLen > 1 && (sig[5 + totalLenLen + rLen] == 0x00) &&
((sig[6 + totalLenLen + rLen] & 0xff) < 128)) {
return false;
return true;
* Transform a big integer in big endian to minimal unsigned form which has
* no extra zero at the beginning except when the highest bit is set.
* @param {!Uint8Array} bytes
* @return {!Uint8Array}
const toUnsignedBigNum = function(bytes) {
// Remove zero prefixes.
let start = 0;
while (start < bytes.length && bytes[start] == 0) {
if (start == bytes.length) {
start = bytes.length - 1;
let extraZero = 0;
// If the 1st bit is not zero, add 1 zero byte.
if ((bytes[start] & 0x80) == 0x80) {
// Add extra zero.
extraZero = 1;
const res = new Uint8Array(bytes.length - start + extraZero);
res.set(bytes.subarray(start), extraZero);
return res;
* @param {!CurveType} curve
* @return {string}
const curveToString = function(curve) {
switch (curve) {
case CurveType.P256:
return 'P-256';
case CurveType.P384:
return 'P-384';
case CurveType.P521:
return 'P-521';
throw new InvalidArgumentsException('unknown curve: ' + curve);
* @param {string} curve
* @return {!CurveType}
const curveFromString = function(curve) {
switch (curve) {
case 'P-256':
return CurveType.P256;
case 'P-384':
return CurveType.P384;
case 'P-521':
return CurveType.P521;
throw new InvalidArgumentsException('unknown curve: ' + curve);
* @param {string} curve
* @param {!PointFormatType} format
* @param {!webCrypto.JsonWebKey} point
* @return {!Uint8Array}
const pointEncode = function(curve, format, point) {
const fieldSize = fieldSizeInBytes(curveFromString(curve));
switch (format) {
case PointFormatType.UNCOMPRESSED:
let result = new Uint8Array(1 + 2 * fieldSize);
result[0] = 0x04;
result.set(Bytes.fromBase64(point.x, /* opt_webSafe = */ true), 1);
Bytes.fromBase64(point.y, /* opt_webSafe = */ true), 1 + fieldSize);
return result;
throw new InvalidArgumentsException('invalid format');
* @param {string} curve
* @param {!PointFormatType} format
* @param {!Uint8Array} point
* @return {!webCrypto.JsonWebKey}
const pointDecode = function(curve, format, point) {
const fieldSize = fieldSizeInBytes(curveFromString(curve));
switch (format) {
case PointFormatType.UNCOMPRESSED:
if (point.length != 1 + 2 * fieldSize || point[0] != 0x04) {
throw new InvalidArgumentsException('invalid point');
let result = /** @type {!webCrypto.JsonWebKey} */ ({
'kty': 'EC',
'crv': curve,
'x': Bytes.toBase64(
new Uint8Array(point.subarray(1, 1 + fieldSize)),
true /* websafe */),
'y': Bytes.toBase64(
new Uint8Array(point.subarray(1 + fieldSize, point.length)),
true /* websafe */),
'ext': true,
return result;
throw new InvalidArgumentsException('invalid format');
* @param {!CurveType} curve
* @param {!Uint8Array} x
* @param {!Uint8Array} y
* @param {?Uint8Array=} d
* @return {!webCrypto.JsonWebKey}
const getJsonWebKey = function(curve, x, y, d) {
const key = /** @type {!webCrypto.JsonWebKey} */ ({
'kty': 'EC',
'crv': curveToString(curve),
'x': Bytes.toBase64(x, true /* websafe */),
'y': Bytes.toBase64(y, true /* websafe */),
'ext': true,
if (d) {
key['d'] = Bytes.toBase64(d, true /* websafe */);
return key;
* @param {!CurveType} curve
* @return {number}
const fieldSizeInBytes = function(curve) {
switch (curve) {
case CurveType.P256:
return 32;
case CurveType.P384:
return 48;
case CurveType.P521:
return 66;
throw new InvalidArgumentsException('unknown curve: ' + curve);
* @param {!CurveType} curve
* @param {!PointFormatType} pointFormat
* @return {number}
const encodingSizeInBytes = function(curve, pointFormat) {
switch (pointFormat) {
case PointFormatType.UNCOMPRESSED:
return 2 * fieldSizeInBytes(curve) + 1;
case PointFormatType.COMPRESSED:
return fieldSizeInBytes(curve) + 1;
return 2 * fieldSizeInBytes(curve);
throw new InvalidArgumentsException('invalid format');
* @param {!webCrypto.CryptoKey} privateKey
* @param {!webCrypto.CryptoKey} publicKey
* @return {!Promise<!Uint8Array>}
const computeEcdhSharedSecret = async function(privateKey, publicKey) {
const ecdhParams =
/** @type {!webCrypto.AlgorithmIdentifier} */ (privateKey.algorithm);
ecdhParams['public'] = publicKey;
const fieldSizeInBits =
8 * fieldSizeInBytes(curveFromString(ecdhParams['namedCurve']));
const sharedSecret = await window.crypto.subtle.deriveBits(
ecdhParams, privateKey, fieldSizeInBits);
return new Uint8Array(sharedSecret);
* @param {string} algorithm
* @param {string} curve
* @return {!Promise<!webCrypto.CryptoKeyPair>}
const generateKeyPair = async function(algorithm, curve) {
if (algorithm != 'ECDH' && algorithm != 'ECDSA') {
throw new InvalidArgumentsException(
'algorithm must be either ECDH or ECDSA');
const params = /** @type {!webCrypto.AlgorithmIdentifier} */ (
{'name': algorithm, 'namedCurve': curve});
const ephemeralKeyPair = await window.crypto.subtle.generateKey(
params, true /* extractable */,
algorithm == 'ECDH' ? ['deriveKey', 'deriveBits'] :
['sign', 'verify'] /* usage */);
return /** @type {!webCrypto.CryptoKeyPair} */ (ephemeralKeyPair);
* @param {!webCrypto.CryptoKey} cryptoKey
* @return {!Promise<!webCrypto.JsonWebKey>}
const exportCryptoKey = async function(cryptoKey) {
const jwk = await window.crypto.subtle.exportKey('jwk', cryptoKey);
return /** @type {!webCrypto.JsonWebKey} */ (jwk);
* @param {string} algorithm
* @param {!webCrypto.JsonWebKey} jwk
* @return {!Promise<!webCrypto.CryptoKey>}
const importPublicKey = async function(algorithm, jwk) {
if (algorithm != 'ECDH' && algorithm != 'ECDSA') {
throw new InvalidArgumentsException(
'algorithm must be either ECDH or ECDSA');
const publicKey = await window.crypto.subtle.importKey(
'jwk' /* format */, jwk,
{'name': algorithm, 'namedCurve': jwk.crv} /* algorithm */,
true /* extractable */,
algorithm == 'ECDH' ? [] : ['verify'] /* usage */);
return publicKey;
* @param {string} algorithm
* @param {!webCrypto.JsonWebKey} jwk
* @return {!Promise<!webCrypto.CryptoKey>}
const importPrivateKey = async function(algorithm, jwk) {
if (algorithm != 'ECDH' && algorithm != 'ECDSA') {
throw new InvalidArgumentsException(
'algorithm must be either ECDH or ECDSA');
const privateKey = await window.crypto.subtle.importKey(
'jwk' /* format */, jwk /* key material */,
{'name': algorithm, 'namedCurve': jwk.crv} /* algorithm */,
true /* extractable */,
algorithm == 'ECDH' ? ['deriveKey', 'deriveBits'] : ['sign'] /* usage */);
return privateKey;
exports = {