C++ Hello World

This is a command-line tool that can encrypt and decrypt small files using AEAD (Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data).

It demonstrates the basic steps of using Tink, namely loading key material, obtaining a primitive, and using the primitive to do crypto.

Build and Run


# Build the code.
git clone https://github.com/google/tink
cd tink/cc/examples
bazel build ...

# Create some input.
echo "some plaintext" > foo.txt

# Encrypt.
./bazel-bin/helloworld/hello_world \
  ./helloworld/aes128_gcm_test_keyset_json.txt \
  encrypt \
  foo.txt \
  "some aad" \

# Decrypt.
./bazel-bin/helloworld/hello_world \
  ./helloworld/aes128_gcm_test_keyset_json.txt \
  decrypt \
  foo.encrypted \
  "some aad" \

# Inspect the output.
cat foo-decrypted.txt


# Clone the Tink repository. git clone https://github.com/google/tink cd tink/cc/examples/helloworld # Build the hello world example. ( mkdir build && cd build # Note: Specify -DTINK_USE_SYSTEM_OPENSSL=ON if you want to build Tink against # OpenSSL rather than BoringSSL. CMake will search for a suitable OpenSSL # library in the system's library path. cmake .. -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=11 make -j"$(nproc)" ) # Create some input. echo "some plaintext" > foo.txt ./build/hello_world \ aes128_gcm_test_keyset_json.txt \ encrypt \ foo.txt \ "some aad" \ foo.txt.encrypted ./build/hello_world \ aes128_gcm_test_keyset_json.txt \ decrypt \ foo.txt.encrypted \ "some aad" \ foo.txt.decrypted if [[ "$(diff foo.txt foo.txt.decrypted)" == "" ]]; then echo "File correctly encrypted and decrypted" else echo "Failed to encrypt-and-decrypt. Diff:" diff foo.txt foo.txt.decrypted fi

The cmake_build_test.sh script will run an encrypt-then-decrypt test with AEAD. You can build Tink against OpenSSL by passing the --openssl option -- the script will download, build and install OpenSSL in a temporary directory.