blob: 134873f0dad5b54e837fabd2db6535b638fd8929 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
const Aead = goog.require('tink.Aead');
const AeadWrapper = goog.require('tink.aead.AeadWrapper');
const Bytes = goog.require('tink.subtle.Bytes');
const CryptoFormat = goog.require('tink.CryptoFormat');
const PbKeyStatusType = goog.require('');
const PbKeysetKey = goog.require('');
const PbOutputPrefixType = goog.require('');
const PrimitiveSet = goog.require('tink.PrimitiveSet');
const SecurityException = goog.require('tink.exception.SecurityException');
const testSuite = goog.require('goog.testing.testSuite');
async testNewAeadNullPrimitiveSet() {
try {
new AeadWrapper().wrap(null);
} catch (e) {
assertEquals(ExceptionText.nullPrimitiveSet(), e.toString());
fail('Should throw an exception.');
async testNewAeadPrimitiveSetWithoutPrimary() {
const primitiveSet = createPrimitiveSet(/* opt_withPrimary = */ false);
try {
new AeadWrapper().wrap(primitiveSet);
} catch (e) {
assertEquals(ExceptionText.primitiveSetWithoutPrimary(), e.toString());
fail('Should throw an exception.');
async testNewAeadPrimitiveShouldWork() {
const primitiveSet = createPrimitiveSet();
const aead = new AeadWrapper().wrap(primitiveSet);
assertTrue(aead != null && aead != undefined);
async testEncrypt() {
const primitiveSet = createPrimitiveSet();
const aead = new AeadWrapper().wrap(primitiveSet);
const plaintext = new Uint8Array([0, 1, 2, 3]);
const ciphertext = await aead.encrypt(plaintext);
assertTrue(ciphertext != null);
// Ciphertext should begin with primary key output prefix.
ciphertext.subarray(0, CryptoFormat.NON_RAW_PREFIX_SIZE));
async testDecryptBadCiphertext() {
const primitiveSet = createPrimitiveSet();
const aead = new AeadWrapper().wrap(primitiveSet);
const ciphertext = new Uint8Array([9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3]);
try {
await aead.decrypt(ciphertext);
} catch (e) {
assertEquals(ExceptionText.cannotBeDecrypted(), e.toString());
fail('Should throw an exception');
async testDecryptWithCiphertextEncryptedByPrimaryKey() {
const primitiveSet = createPrimitiveSet();
const aead = new AeadWrapper().wrap(primitiveSet);
const plaintext = new Uint8Array([12, 51, 45, 200, 120, 111]);
const ciphertext = await aead.encrypt(plaintext);
const decryptResult = await aead.decrypt(ciphertext);
assertObjectEquals(plaintext, decryptResult);
async testDecryptCiphertextEncryptedByNonPrimaryKey() {
const primitiveSet = createPrimitiveSet();
const aead = new AeadWrapper().wrap(primitiveSet);
// Encrypt the plaintext with primary.
const plaintext = new Uint8Array([0xAA, 0xBB, 0xAB, 0xBA, 0xFF]);
const ciphertext = await aead.encrypt(plaintext);
// Add a new primary to primitive set and make new AeadSetWrapper with the
// updated primitive set.
const keyId = 0xFFFFFFFF;
const key =
createKey(keyId, PbOutputPrefixType.LEGACY, /* enabled = */ true);
const entry =
primitiveSet.addPrimitive(new DummyAead(Uint8Array[0xFF]), key);
const aead2 = new AeadWrapper().wrap(primitiveSet);
// Check that the ciphertext can be decrypted by the setWrapper with new
// primary and that the decryption corresponds to the plaintext.
const decryptResult = await aead2.decrypt(ciphertext);
assertObjectEquals(plaintext, decryptResult);
async testDecryptCiphertextRawPrimitive() {
const primitiveSet = createPrimitiveSet();
// Create a RAW primitive and add it to primitiveSet.
const keyId = 0xFFFFFFFF;
const rawKey =
createKey(keyId, PbOutputPrefixType.RAW, /* enabled = */ true);
const rawKeyAead = new DummyAead(new Uint8Array([0xFF]));
primitiveSet.addPrimitive(rawKeyAead, rawKey);
// Encrypt the plaintext by aead corresponding to the rawKey.
const plaintext = new Uint8Array([0x11, 0x15, 0xAA, 0x54]);
const ciphertext = await rawKeyAead.encrypt(plaintext);
// Create aead which should be able to decrypt the ciphertext.
const aead = new AeadWrapper().wrap(primitiveSet);
// Try to decrypt the ciphertext by aead and check that the result
// corresponds to the plaintext.
const decryptResult = await aead.decrypt(ciphertext);
assertObjectEquals(plaintext, decryptResult);
async testDecryptCiphertextDisabledPrimitive() {
const primitiveSet = createPrimitiveSet();
// Create a primitive with disabled key and add it to primitiveSet.
const keyId = 0xFFFFFFFF;
const key = createKey(keyId, PbOutputPrefixType.RAW, /* enabled = */ false);
const disabledKeyAead = new DummyAead(new Uint8Array([0xFF]));
primitiveSet.addPrimitive(disabledKeyAead, key);
// Encrypt the plaintext by a primitive with disabled key.
const plaintext = new Uint8Array([0, 1, 2, 3]);
const ciphertext = await disabledKeyAead.encrypt(plaintext);
// Create aead containing the primitive with disabled key.
const aead = new AeadWrapper().wrap(primitiveSet);
// Check that the ciphertext cannot be decrypted as disabled keys cannot be
// used to neither encryption nor decryption.
try {
await aead.decrypt(ciphertext);
} catch (e) {
assertEquals(ExceptionText.cannotBeDecrypted(), e.toString());
fail('An exception should be thrown.');
async testEncryptDecrypt_AssociatedDataShouldBePassed() {
const primitiveSet = createPrimitiveSet();
const aead = new AeadWrapper().wrap(primitiveSet);
const plaintext = new Uint8Array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]);
const aad = new Uint8Array([8, 9, 10, 11, 12]);
// Encrypt the plaintext with aad. The ciphertext should end with aad if
// it was passed correctly.
const ciphertext = await aead.encrypt(plaintext, aad);
const ciphertextAad =
ciphertext.slice(ciphertext.length - aad.length, ciphertext.length);
assertObjectEquals(aad, ciphertextAad);
// Decrypt the ciphertext with aad. It is possible only if aad was passed
// correctly.
const decryptedCiphertext = await aead.decrypt(ciphertext, aad);
assertObjectEquals(plaintext, decryptedCiphertext);
* Class holding texts for each type of exception.
* @final
class ExceptionText {
/** @return {string} */
static nullPrimitiveSet() {
return 'CustomError: Primitive set has to be non-null.';
/** @return {string} */
static primitiveSetWithoutPrimary() {
return 'CustomError: Primary has to be non-null.';
/** @return {string} */
static cannotBeDecrypted() {
return 'CustomError: Decryption failed for the given ciphertext.';
* Function for creating keys for testing purposes.
* @param {number} keyId
* @param {!PbOutputPrefixType} outputPrefix
* @param {boolean} enabled
* @return {!PbKeysetKey}
const createKey = function(keyId, outputPrefix, enabled) {
let key = new PbKeysetKey();
if (enabled) {
} else {
return key;
* Creates a primitive set with 'numberOfPrimitives' primitives. The keys
* corresponding to the primitives have ids from the set
* [1, ..., numberOfPrimitives] and the primitive corresponding to key with id
* 'numberOfPrimitives' is set to be primary whenever opt_withPrimary is set to
* true (where true is the default value).
* @param {boolean=} opt_withPrimary
* @return {!PrimitiveSet.PrimitiveSet}
const createPrimitiveSet = function(opt_withPrimary = true) {
const numberOfPrimitives = 5;
const primitiveSet = new PrimitiveSet.PrimitiveSet();
for (let i = 1; i < numberOfPrimitives; i++) {
let /** @type {!PbOutputPrefixType} */ outputPrefix;
switch (i % 3) {
case 0:
outputPrefix = PbOutputPrefixType.TINK;
case 1:
outputPrefix = PbOutputPrefixType.LEGACY;
outputPrefix = PbOutputPrefixType.RAW;
const key = createKey(i, outputPrefix, /* enabled = */ i % 4 < 2);
primitiveSet.addPrimitive(new DummyAead(new Uint8Array([i])), key);
const key = createKey(
numberOfPrimitives, PbOutputPrefixType.TINK, /* enabled = */ true);
const aead = new DummyAead(new Uint8Array([numberOfPrimitives]));
const entry = primitiveSet.addPrimitive(aead, key);
if (opt_withPrimary) {
return primitiveSet;
* @implements {Aead}
* @final
class DummyAead {
* @param {!Uint8Array} primitiveIdentifier
constructor(primitiveIdentifier) {
/** @private @const {!Uint8Array} */
this.primitiveIdentifier_ = primitiveIdentifier;
/** @override*/
async encrypt(plaintext, opt_associatedData) {
const result = Bytes.concat(plaintext, this.primitiveIdentifier_);
if (opt_associatedData) {
return Bytes.concat(result, opt_associatedData);
return result;
/** @override*/
async decrypt(ciphertext, opt_associatedData) {
if (opt_associatedData) {
const aad = ciphertext.subarray(
ciphertext.length - opt_associatedData.length, ciphertext.length);
if ([...aad].toString() != [...opt_associatedData].toString()) {
throw new SecurityException(ExceptionText.cannotBeDecrypted());
ciphertext = ciphertext.subarray(0, ciphertext.length - aad.length);
const primitiveIdentifier = ciphertext.subarray(
ciphertext.length - this.primitiveIdentifier_.length,
if ([...primitiveIdentifier].toString() !=
[...this.primitiveIdentifier_].toString()) {
throw new SecurityException(ExceptionText.cannotBeDecrypted());
return ciphertext.subarray(
0, ciphertext.length - this.primitiveIdentifier_.length);