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This folder contains scripts to build binary and source wheels of the Tink Python package.

Building the release

In order to generate a release run ./tools/distribution/ from the python/ folder. Note that this requires Docker to be installed, as it makes use of the pypa images to build PEP 599 conformant wheels.

This will carry out the following three steps:

  • Create binary wheels in a Docker container for Linux.
  • Create a source distribution of the Python package.
  • Run automatic tests against the packages created.

The resulting packages of this process will be stored in python/release and can be distributed. The binary wheels can be installed on Linux without Bazel/protoc being available. Currently this supports building binary wheels for:

  • manylinux2014_x86_64: Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10

The binary wheels are tested inside a Docker container with the corresponding Python versions.

The source distribution still needs to compile the C++ bindings, which requires Bazel, protoc and the Tink repository to be available. The path to the Tink repository can be set with TINK_PYTHON_SETUPTOOLS_OVERRIDE_BASE_PATH. The source distribution is tested on the machine where the script is run.

Publishing the release

The output generated in the previous step can directly be used for upload to PyPI. It is recommended to first upload it to the test repository:

python3 -m twine upload --repository testpypi release/*

The package can then be installed using

pip3 install -i tink

In order to upload it to the PyPI repository run

python3 -m twine upload release/*