
syz-bisect program can be used to bisect culprit and fix commits for crashes found by syzkaller. It can also identify configuration options that are triggers for the crash.


Build syz-bisect with make bisect.

During bisection different compilers depending on kernel revision are used. These compilers are available here.

Install ccache to speed up kernel compilations during bisecton.

Create user-space (chroot) using

Create a config file with following lines adjusted for your environment:

	"bin_dir": "/home/syzkaller/bisect_bin",
	"ccache": "/usr/bin/ccache",
	"kernel_repo": "git://",
	"kernel_branch": "master",
	"syzkaller_repo": "",
	"userspace": "/home/syzkaller/image/chroot",
	"kernel_config": "/home/syzkaller/go/src/",
	"kernel_baseline_config": "/home/syzkaller/go/src/",
	"syzctl": /home/syzkaller/go/src/,
	"cmdline": /home/syzkaller/go/src/,
		"name" : "bisect",
		"target": "linux/amd64",
		"http": "",
		"workdir": "/home/syzkaller/workdir",
		"kernel_obj": "/home/syzkaller/linux",
		"image": "/home/syzkaller/workdir/image/image",
		"sshkey": "/home/syzkaller/workdir/image/key",
		"syzkaller": "/home/syzkaller/go/src/",
		"procs": 8,
		"type": "qemu",
		"kernel_src": "/syzkaller/linux",
		"vm": {
		      "count": 4,
		      "kernel": "/home/syzkaller/linux/arch/x86/boot/bzImage",
		      "cpu": 2,
		      "mem": 2048,
		      "cmdline": "root=/dev/sda1 rw console=ttyS0 kaslr crashkernel=512M minnowboard_1:eth0::: security=none"

And run bisection with bin/syz-bisect -config vm_bisect.cfg -crash /syzkaller/workdir/crashes/03ee30ae11dfd0ddd062af26566c34a8c853698d.

Syz-bisect is expecting finding repro.cprog or repro.prog in given crash directory. It will also utilize repro.opts, but it's not mandatory.

Additional Arguments

-syzkaller_commit use this if you want to use specific version of syzkaller

-kernel_commit kernel commit where crash is known to reproduce. You want to use this when bisecting fixing commit

-fix use this if you want to bisect a fixing commit.


It takes some time, but after syz-bisect completes it dumps out it's results into console It also stores results into files in given crash directory:

cause.commit commit identified causing the crash or text “the crash already happened on the oldest tested release”

fix.commit commit identified fixing the crash or text “the crash still happens on HEAD”

cause.config config options identified working as one trigger for the crash

original.config, baseline.config, minimized.config config files used in config bisection