blob: acaec8ae8626c7283a6cf64a1c6bf5ab622172e2 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
module runme;
import std.stdio;
import example;
void main() {
writeln( "Printing out some enum values:" );
writeln(" color:");
writefln(" %s = %s", color.RED, cast(int)color.RED);
writefln(" %s = %s", color.BLUE, cast(int)color.BLUE);
writefln(" %s = %s", color.GREEN, cast(int)color.GREEN);
writeln("\n Foo.speed:");
writefln(" Foo.%s = %s", Foo.speed.IMPULSE, cast(int)Foo.speed.IMPULSE);
writefln(" Foo.%s = %s", Foo.speed.WARP, cast(int)Foo.speed.WARP);
writefln(" Foo.%s = %s", Foo.speed.LUDICROUS , cast(int)Foo.speed.LUDICROUS);
writeln("\nTesting use of enums with functions:");
example.enum_test(color.RED, Foo.speed.IMPULSE);
example.enum_test(color.BLUE, Foo.speed.WARP);
example.enum_test(color.GREEN, Foo.speed.LUDICROUS);
writeln( "\nTesting use of enum with class method:" );
scope f = new Foo();