[CLISP] Remove code for GNU Common Lisp

We dropped support for it in SWIG 4.0.0 and nobody has stepped forward
to revive it in over 2 years.

See #2009.
diff --git a/CHANGES.current b/CHANGES.current
index 46fcadc..b38a765 100644
--- a/CHANGES.current
+++ b/CHANGES.current
@@ -8,6 +8,11 @@
 2021-05-13: olly
+	    [CLISP] #2009 Remove code for GNU Common Lisp.  We dropped support
+	    for it in SWIG 4.0.0 and nobody has stepped forward to revive it in
+	    over 2 years.
+2021-05-13: olly
 	    [Chicken] #2009 Remove code for Chicken.  We dropped support for it
 	    in SWIG 4.0.0 and nobody has stepped forward to revive it in over 2
diff --git a/Examples/test-suite/clisp/Makefile.in b/Examples/test-suite/clisp/Makefile.in
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d20717..0000000
--- a/Examples/test-suite/clisp/Makefile.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile for clisp test-suite
-LANGUAGE     = clisp
-CLISP        = @CLISPBIN@
-SCRIPTSUFFIX = _runme.lisp
-srcdir       = @srcdir@
-top_srcdir   = @top_srcdir@
-top_builddir = @top_builddir@
-include $(srcdir)/../common.mk
-# Overridden variables here
-# no C++ tests for now
-# Custom tests - tests with additional commandline options
-# none!
-# Rules for the different types of tests
-	$(setup)
-	+$(swig_and_compile_cpp)
-	$(run_testcase)
-	$(setup)
-	+$(swig_and_compile_c)
-	$(run_testcase)
-	$(setup)
-	+$(swig_and_compile_multi_cpp)
-	$(run_testcase)
-# Runs the testcase. A testcase is only run if
-# a file is found which has _runme.lisp appended after the testcase name.
-run_testcase = \
-	fi
-# Clean: (does nothing, we dont generate extra clisp code)
-	@exit 0
-	$(MAKE) -f $(top_builddir)/$(EXAMPLES)/Makefile SRCDIR='$(SRCDIR)' clisp_clean
diff --git a/Lib/clisp/clisp.swg b/Lib/clisp/clisp.swg
deleted file mode 100644
index e1d330c..0000000
--- a/Lib/clisp/clisp.swg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * clisp.swg
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* Define a C preprocessor symbol that can be used in interface files
-   to distinguish between the SWIG language modules. */ 
-#define SWIG_CLISP
-/* Typespecs for basic types. */
-%typemap(in) void "NIL";
-%typemap(in) char "character";
-%typemap(in) char * "ffi:c-string";
-%typemap(in) unsigned char "ffi:uchar";
-%typemap(in) signed char "ffi:char";
-%typemap(in) short "ffi:short";
-%typemap(in) signed short "ffi:short";
-%typemap(in) unsigned short "ffi:ushort";
-%typemap(in) int "ffi:int";
-%typemap(in) signed int "ffi:int";
-%typemap(in) unsigned int "ffi:uint";
-%typemap(in) long "ffi:long";
-%typemap(in) signed long "ffi:long";
-%typemap(in) unsigned long "ffi:ulong";
-%typemap(in) float "SINGLE-FLOAT";
-%typemap(in) double "DOUBLE-FLOAT";
diff --git a/Source/Modules/clisp.cxx b/Source/Modules/clisp.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index d7f1971..0000000
--- a/Source/Modules/clisp.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,515 +0,0 @@
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * This file is part of SWIG, which is licensed as a whole under version 3 
- * (or any later version) of the GNU General Public License. Some additional
- * terms also apply to certain portions of SWIG. The full details of the SWIG
- * license and copyrights can be found in the LICENSE and COPYRIGHT files
- * included with the SWIG source code as distributed by the SWIG developers
- * and at http://www.swig.org/legal.html.
- *
- * clisp.cxx
- *
- * clisp language module for SWIG.
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#include "swigmod.h"
-static const char *usage = "\
-CLISP Options (available with -clisp)\n\
-     -extern-all       - Create clisp definitions for all the functions and\n\
-                         global variables otherwise only definitions for\n\
-                         externed functions and variables are created.\n\
-     -generate-typedef - Use def-c-type to generate shortcuts according to the\n\
-                         typedefs in the input.\n\
-class CLISP:public Language {
-  File *f_cl;
-  String *module;
-  virtual void main(int argc, char *argv[]);
-  virtual int top(Node *n);
-  virtual int functionWrapper(Node *n);
-  virtual int variableWrapper(Node *n);
-  virtual int constantWrapper(Node *n);
-  virtual int classDeclaration(Node *n);
-  virtual int enumDeclaration(Node *n);
-  virtual int typedefHandler(Node *n);
-  List *entries;
-  String *get_ffi_type(Node *n, SwigType *ty);
-  String *convert_literal(String *num_param, String *type);
-  String *strip_parens(String *string);
-  int extern_all_flag;
-  int generate_typedef_flag;
-  int is_function;
-void CLISP::main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
-  int i;
-  Preprocessor_define("SWIGCLISP 1", 0);
-  SWIG_library_directory("clisp");
-  SWIG_config_file("clisp.swg");
-  generate_typedef_flag = 0;
-  extern_all_flag = 0;
-  for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
-    if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-help")) {
-      Printf(stdout, "%s\n", usage);
-    } else if ((Strcmp(argv[i], "-extern-all") == 0)) {
-      extern_all_flag = 1;
-      Swig_mark_arg(i);
-    } else if ((Strcmp(argv[i], "-generate-typedef") == 0)) {
-      generate_typedef_flag = 1;
-      Swig_mark_arg(i);
-    }
-  }
-int CLISP::top(Node *n) {
-  File *f_null = NewString("");
-  module = Getattr(n, "name");
-  String *output_filename;
-  entries = NewList();
-  /* Get the output file name */
-  String *outfile = Getattr(n, "outfile");
-  if (!outfile) {
-    Printf(stderr, "Unable to determine outfile\n");
-  }
-  output_filename = NewStringf("%s%s.lisp", SWIG_output_directory(), module);
-  f_cl = NewFile(output_filename, "w+", SWIG_output_files());
-  if (!f_cl) {
-    FileErrorDisplay(output_filename);
-  }
-  Swig_register_filebyname("header", f_null);
-  Swig_register_filebyname("begin", f_null);
-  Swig_register_filebyname("runtime", f_null);
-  Swig_register_filebyname("wrapper", f_null);
-  String *header = NewString("");
-  Swig_banner_target_lang(header, ";;");
-  Printf(header, "\n(defpackage :%s\n  (:use :common-lisp :ffi)", module);
-  Language::top(n);
-  Iterator i;
-  long len = Len(entries);
-  if (len > 0) {
-    Printf(header, "\n  (:export");
-  }
-  //else nothing to export
-  for (i = First(entries); i.item; i = Next(i)) {
-    Printf(header, "\n\t:%s", i.item);
-  }
-  if (len > 0) {
-    Printf(header, ")");
-  }
-  Printf(header, ")\n");
-  Printf(header, "\n(in-package :%s)\n", module);
-  Printf(header, "\n(default-foreign-language :stdc)\n");
-  len = Tell(f_cl);
-  Printf(f_cl, "%s", header);
-  long end = Tell(f_cl);
-  for (len--; len >= 0; len--) {
-    end--;
-    (void)Seek(f_cl, len, SEEK_SET);
-    int ch = Getc(f_cl);
-    (void)Seek(f_cl, end, SEEK_SET);
-    Putc(ch, f_cl);
-  }
-  Seek(f_cl, 0, SEEK_SET);
-  Write(f_cl, Char(header), Len(header));
-  Delete(f_cl);
-  return SWIG_OK;
-int CLISP::functionWrapper(Node *n) {
-  is_function = 1;
-  String *storage = Getattr(n, "storage");
-  if (!extern_all_flag && (!storage || (!Swig_storage_isextern(n) && !Swig_storage_isexternc(n))))
-    return SWIG_OK;
-  String *func_name = Getattr(n, "sym:name");
-  ParmList *pl = Getattr(n, "parms");
-  int argnum = 0, first = 1;
-  Printf(f_cl, "\n(ffi:def-call-out %s\n\t(:name \"%s\")\n", func_name, func_name);
-  Append(entries, func_name);
-  if (ParmList_len(pl) != 0) {
-    Printf(f_cl, "\t(:arguments ");
-  }
-  for (Parm *p = pl; p; p = nextSibling(p), argnum++) {
-    String *argname = Getattr(p, "name");
-    //    SwigType *argtype;
-    String *ffitype = get_ffi_type(n, Getattr(p, "type"));
-    int tempargname = 0;
-    if (!argname) {
-      argname = NewStringf("arg%d", argnum);
-      tempargname = 1;
-    }
-    if (!first) {
-      Printf(f_cl, "\n\t\t");
-    }
-    Printf(f_cl, "(%s %s)", argname, ffitype);
-    first = 0;
-    Delete(ffitype);
-    if (tempargname)
-      Delete(argname);
-  }
-  if (ParmList_len(pl) != 0) {
-    Printf(f_cl, ")\n");	/* finish arg list */
-  }
-  String *ffitype = get_ffi_type(n, Getattr(n, "type"));
-  if (Strcmp(ffitype, "NIL")) {	//when return type is not nil
-    Printf(f_cl, "\t(:return-type %s)\n", ffitype);
-  }
-  Printf(f_cl, "\t(:library +library-name+))\n");
-  return SWIG_OK;
-int CLISP::constantWrapper(Node *n) {
-  is_function = 0;
-  String *type = Getattr(n, "type");
-  String *converted_value = convert_literal(Getattr(n, "value"), type);
-  String *name = Getattr(n, "sym:name");
-  Printf(f_cl, "\n(defconstant %s %s)\n", name, converted_value);
-  Append(entries, name);
-  Delete(converted_value);
-  return SWIG_OK;
-int CLISP::variableWrapper(Node *n) {
-  is_function = 0;
-  String *storage = Getattr(n, "storage");
-  if (!extern_all_flag && (!storage || (!Swig_storage_isextern(n) && !Swig_storage_isexternc(n))))
-    return SWIG_OK;
-  String *var_name = Getattr(n, "sym:name");
-  String *lisp_type = get_ffi_type(n, Getattr(n, "type"));
-  Printf(f_cl, "\n(ffi:def-c-var %s\n (:name \"%s\")\n (:type %s)\n", var_name, var_name, lisp_type);
-  Printf(f_cl, "\t(:library +library-name+))\n");
-  Append(entries, var_name);
-  Delete(lisp_type);
-  return SWIG_OK;
-int CLISP::typedefHandler(Node *n) {
-  if (generate_typedef_flag) {
-    is_function = 0;
-    Printf(f_cl, "\n(ffi:def-c-type %s %s)\n", Getattr(n, "name"), get_ffi_type(n, Getattr(n, "type")));
-  }
-  return Language::typedefHandler(n);
-int CLISP::enumDeclaration(Node *n) {
-  if (getCurrentClass() && (cplus_mode != PUBLIC))
-    return SWIG_NOWRAP;
-  is_function = 0;
-  String *name = Getattr(n, "sym:name");
-  Printf(f_cl, "\n(ffi:def-c-enum %s ", name);
-  for (Node *c = firstChild(n); c; c = nextSibling(c)) {
-    String *slot_name = Getattr(c, "name");
-    String *value = Getattr(c, "enumvalue");
-    Printf(f_cl, "(%s %s)", slot_name, value);
-    Append(entries, slot_name);
-    Delete(value);
-  }
-  Printf(f_cl, ")\n");
-  return SWIG_OK;
-// Includes structs
-int CLISP::classDeclaration(Node *n) {
-  is_function = 0;
-  String *name = Getattr(n, "sym:name");
-  String *kind = Getattr(n, "kind");
-  if (Strcmp(kind, "struct")) {
-    Printf(stderr, "Don't know how to deal with %s kind of class yet.\n", kind);
-    Printf(stderr, " (name: %s)\n", name);
-  }
-  Printf(f_cl, "\n(ffi:def-c-struct %s", name);
-  Append(entries, NewStringf("make-%s", name));
-  for (Node *c = firstChild(n); c; c = nextSibling(c)) {
-    if (Strcmp(nodeType(c), "cdecl")) {
-      Printf(stderr, "Structure %s has a slot that we can't deal with.\n", name);
-      Printf(stderr, "nodeType: %s, name: %s, type: %s\n", nodeType(c), Getattr(c, "name"), Getattr(c, "type"));
-      SWIG_exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
-    }
-    String *temp = Copy(Getattr(c, "decl"));
-    if (temp) {
-      Append(temp, Getattr(c, "type"));	//appending type to the end, otherwise wrong type
-      String *lisp_type = get_ffi_type(n, temp);
-      Delete(temp);
-      String *slot_name = Getattr(c, "sym:name");
-      Printf(f_cl, "\n\t(%s %s)", slot_name, lisp_type);
-      Append(entries, NewStringf("%s-%s", name, slot_name));
-      Delete(lisp_type);
-    }
-  }
-  Printf(f_cl, ")\n");
-  /* Add this structure to the known lisp types */
-  //Printf(stdout, "Adding %s foreign type\n", name);
-  //  add_defined_foreign_type(name);
-  return SWIG_OK;
-/* utilities */
-/* returns new string w/ parens stripped */
-String *CLISP::strip_parens(String *string) {
-  char *s = Char(string), *p;
-  int len = Len(string);
-  String *res;
-  if (len == 0 || s[0] != '(' || s[len - 1] != ')') {
-    return NewString(string);
-  }
-  p = (char *) malloc(len - 2 + 1);
-  if (!p) {
-    Printf(stderr, "Malloc failed\n");
-  }
-  strncpy(p, s + 1, len - 1);
-  p[len - 2] = 0;		/* null terminate */
-  res = NewString(p);
-  free(p);
-  return res;
-String *CLISP::convert_literal(String *num_param, String *type) {
-  String *num = strip_parens(num_param), *res;
-  char *s = Char(num);
-  /* Make sure doubles use 'd' instead of 'e' */
-  if (!Strcmp(type, "double")) {
-    String *updated = Copy(num);
-    if (Replace(updated, "e", "d", DOH_REPLACE_ANY) > 1) {
-      Printf(stderr, "Weird!! number %s looks invalid.\n", num);
-      SWIG_exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
-    }
-    Delete(num);
-    return updated;
-  }
-  if (SwigType_type(type) == T_CHAR) {
-    /* Use CL syntax for character literals */
-    return NewStringf("#\\%s", num_param);
-  } else if (SwigType_type(type) == T_STRING) {
-    /* Use CL syntax for string literals */
-    return NewStringf("\"%s\"", num_param);
-  }
-  if (Len(num) < 2 || s[0] != '0') {
-    return num;
-  }
-  /* octal or hex */
-  res = NewStringf("#%c%s", s[1] == 'x' ? 'x' : 'o', s + 2);
-  Delete(num);
-  return res;
-String *CLISP::get_ffi_type(Node *n, SwigType *ty) {
-  Node *node = NewHash();
-  Setattr(node, "type", ty);
-  Setfile(node, Getfile(n));
-  Setline(node, Getline(n));
-  const String *tm = Swig_typemap_lookup("in", node, "", 0);
-  Delete(node);
-  if (tm) {
-    return NewString(tm);
-  } else if (SwigType_ispointer(ty)) {
-    SwigType *cp = Copy(ty);
-    SwigType_del_pointer(cp);
-    String *inner_type = get_ffi_type(n, cp);
-    if (SwigType_isfunction(cp)) {
-      return inner_type;
-    }
-    SwigType *base = SwigType_base(ty);
-    String *base_name = SwigType_str(base, 0);
-    String *str;
-    if (!Strcmp(base_name, "int") || !Strcmp(base_name, "float") || !Strcmp(base_name, "short")
-	|| !Strcmp(base_name, "double") || !Strcmp(base_name, "long") || !Strcmp(base_name, "char")) {
-      str = NewStringf("(ffi:c-ptr %s)", inner_type);
-    } else {
-      str = NewStringf("(ffi:c-pointer %s)", inner_type);
-    }
-    Delete(base_name);
-    Delete(base);
-    Delete(cp);
-    Delete(inner_type);
-    return str;
-  } else if (SwigType_isarray(ty)) {
-    SwigType *cp = Copy(ty);
-    String *array_dim = SwigType_array_getdim(ty, 0);
-    if (!Strcmp(array_dim, "")) {	//dimension less array convert to pointer
-      Delete(array_dim);
-      SwigType_del_array(cp);
-      SwigType_add_pointer(cp);
-      String *str = get_ffi_type(n, cp);
-      Delete(cp);
-      return str;
-    } else {
-      SwigType_pop_arrays(cp);
-      String *inner_type = get_ffi_type(n, cp);
-      Delete(cp);
-      int ndim = SwigType_array_ndim(ty);
-      String *dimension;
-      if (ndim == 1) {
-	dimension = array_dim;
-      } else {
-	dimension = array_dim;
-	for (int i = 1; i < ndim; i++) {
-	  array_dim = SwigType_array_getdim(ty, i);
-	  Append(dimension, " ");
-	  Append(dimension, array_dim);
-	  Delete(array_dim);
-	}
-	String *temp = dimension;
-	dimension = NewStringf("(%s)", dimension);
-	Delete(temp);
-      }
-      String *str;
-      if (is_function)
-	str = NewStringf("(ffi:c-ptr (ffi:c-array %s %s))", inner_type, dimension);
-      else
-	str = NewStringf("(ffi:c-array %s %s)", inner_type, dimension);
-      Delete(inner_type);
-      Delete(dimension);
-      return str;
-    }
-  } else if (SwigType_isfunction(ty)) {
-    SwigType *cp = Copy(ty);
-    SwigType *fn = SwigType_pop_function(cp);
-    String *args = NewString("");
-    ParmList *pl = SwigType_function_parms(fn, n);
-    if (ParmList_len(pl) != 0) {
-      Printf(args, "(:arguments ");
-    }
-    int argnum = 0, first = 1;
-    for (Parm *p = pl; p; p = nextSibling(p), argnum++) {
-      String *argname = Getattr(p, "name");
-      SwigType *argtype = Getattr(p, "type");
-      String *ffitype = get_ffi_type(n, argtype);
-      int tempargname = 0;
-      if (!argname) {
-	argname = NewStringf("arg%d", argnum);
-	tempargname = 1;
-      }
-      if (!first) {
-	Printf(args, "\n\t\t");
-      }
-      Printf(args, "(%s %s)", argname, ffitype);
-      first = 0;
-      Delete(ffitype);
-      if (tempargname)
-	Delete(argname);
-    }
-    if (ParmList_len(pl) != 0) {
-      Printf(args, ")\n");	/* finish arg list */
-    }
-    String *ffitype = get_ffi_type(n, cp);
-    String *str = NewStringf("(ffi:c-function %s \t\t\t\t(:return-type %s))", args, ffitype);
-    Delete(fn);
-    Delete(args);
-    Delete(cp);
-    Delete(ffitype);
-    return str;
-  }
-  String *str = SwigType_str(ty, 0);
-  if (str) {
-    char *st = Strstr(str, "struct");
-    if (st) {
-      st += 7;
-      return NewString(st);
-    }
-    char *cl = Strstr(str, "class");
-    if (cl) {
-      cl += 6;
-      return NewString(cl);
-    }
-  }
-  return str;
-extern "C" Language *swig_clisp(void) {
-  return new CLISP();