blob: a3de3125b5535e9060ca59706d4deeabc08d8410 [file] [log] [blame]
namespace swig {
template <class T, size_t N>
struct traits_asptr<std::array<T, N> > {
static int asptr(PyObject *obj, std::array<T, N> **vec) {
return traits_asptr_stdseq<std::array<T, N> >::asptr(obj, vec);
template <class T, size_t N>
struct traits_from<std::array<T, N> > {
static PyObject *from(const std::array<T, N>& vec) {
return traits_from_stdseq<std::array<T, N> >::from(vec);
template <class SwigPySeq, class T, size_t N>
inline void
assign(const SwigPySeq& swigpyseq, std::array<T, N>* seq) {
if (swigpyseq.size() < seq->size())
throw std::invalid_argument("std::array cannot be expanded in size");
else if (swigpyseq.size() > seq->size())
throw std::invalid_argument("std::array cannot be reduced in size");
std::copy(swigpyseq.begin(), swigpyseq.end(), seq->begin());
template <class T, size_t N>
inline void
erase(std::array<T, N>* SWIGUNUSEDPARM(seq), const typename std::array<T, N>::iterator& SWIGUNUSEDPARM(position)) {
throw std::invalid_argument("std::array object does not support item deletion");
// Only limited slicing is supported as std::array is fixed in size
template <class T, size_t N, class Difference>
inline std::array<T, N>*
getslice(const std::array<T, N>* self, Difference i, Difference j, Py_ssize_t step) {
typedef std::array<T, N> Sequence;
typename Sequence::size_type size = self->size();
Difference ii = 0;
Difference jj = 0;
swig::slice_adjust(i, j, step, size, ii, jj);
if (step == 1 && ii == 0 && static_cast<typename Sequence::size_type>(jj) == size) {
Sequence *sequence = new Sequence();
std::copy(self->begin(), self->end(), sequence->begin());
return sequence;
} else if (step == -1 && static_cast<typename Sequence::size_type>(ii) == (size - 1) && jj == -1) {
Sequence *sequence = new Sequence();
std::copy(self->rbegin(), self->rend(), sequence->begin());
return sequence;
} else {
throw std::invalid_argument("std::array object only supports getting a slice that is the size of the array");
template <class T, size_t N, class Difference, class InputSeq>
inline void
setslice(std::array<T, N>* self, Difference i, Difference j, Py_ssize_t step, const InputSeq& is = InputSeq()) {
typedef std::array<T, N> Sequence;
typename Sequence::size_type size = self->size();
Difference ii = 0;
Difference jj = 0;
swig::slice_adjust(i, j, step, size, ii, jj, true);
if (step == 1 && ii == 0 && static_cast<typename Sequence::size_type>(jj) == size) {
std::copy(is.begin(), is.end(), self->begin());
} else if (step == -1 && static_cast<typename Sequence::size_type>(ii) == (size - 1) && jj == -1) {
std::copy(is.rbegin(), is.rend(), self->begin());
} else {
throw std::invalid_argument("std::array object only supports setting a slice that is the size of the array");
template <class T, size_t N, class Difference>
inline void
delslice(std::array<T, N>* SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), Difference SWIGUNUSEDPARM(i), Difference SWIGUNUSEDPARM(j), Py_ssize_t SWIGUNUSEDPARM(step)) {
throw std::invalid_argument("std::array object does not support item deletion");
#define %swig_array_methods(Type...) %swig_sequence_methods_non_resizable(Type)
#define %swig_array_methods_val(Type...) %swig_sequence_methods_non_resizable_val(Type);
%include <std/std_array.i>