Merge branch 'RMemberListTrialSimplify2019'

* RMemberListTrialSimplify2019:
  ENH R abstract_access_runme
  ENH R accessor processing test
  Removed some remaining commented sections
  moved registration routine and use swig_name_get
  calling Swig_name_setget
  Used Swig_name_register so that Swig_name_wrapper produces the correct name without a separate replace call.
  Removed last instance of using Strcmp to check for a set/get method. Replaced with check for flag.
  Alternative version of using memberlist processing. This clarifies the logic within OutputMemberReferenceMethod by filtering the lists into classes, rather than doing it internally. Code isn't any shorter.
  commenting out unused code
  first pass at removing string comparisons for set/get methods
  trial changing member list processing