blob: 168490f76036976d740edb4287d8b3e08a6dd869 [file] [log] [blame]
;; This file demonstrates the overloading capabilities of SWIG
(load-library 'example "")
;; Low level
;; ---------
(display "
Trying low level code ...
(foo 1)
(foo \"some string\")
(define A-FOO (new-Foo))
(define ANOTHER-FOO (new-Foo A-FOO)) ;; copy constructor
(Foo-bar A-FOO 2)
(Foo-bar ANOTHER-FOO \"another string\" 3)
(primitive:foo 1)
(primitive:foo "some string")
(define A-FOO (slot-ref (primitive:new-Foo) 'swig-this))
(define ANOTHER-FOO (slot-ref (primitive:new-Foo A-FOO) 'swig-this)) ;; copy constructor
(primitive:Foo-bar A-FOO 2)
(primitive:Foo-bar ANOTHER-FOO "another string" 3)
;; TinyCLOS
;; --------
(display "
Trying TinyCLOS code ...
(+foo+ 1)
(+foo+ \"some string\")
(define A-FOO (make <Foo>))
(define ANOTHER-FOO (make <Foo> A-FOO)) ;; copy constructor
(-bar- A-FOO 2)
(-bar- ANOTHER-FOO \"another string\" 3)
(foo 1)
(foo "some string")
(define A-FOO (make <Foo>))
(define ANOTHER-FOO (make <Foo> A-FOO)) ;; copy constructor
(bar A-FOO 2)
(bar ANOTHER-FOO "another string" 3)