blob: 5ba1d6adb1428c204dcac170206c16ac5ef03998 [file] [log] [blame]
;; This file illustrates the proxy C++ interface generated
;; by SWIG.
(load-library 'example "")
(declare (uses example))
(declare (uses tinyclos))
;; ----- Object creation -----
(display "Creating some objects:\n")
(define c (make <Circle> 10.0))
(display " Created circle ")
(display c)
(display "\n")
(define s (make <Square> 10.0))
(display " Created square ")
(display s)
(display "\n")
;; ----- Access a static member -----
(display "\nA total of ")
(display (Shape-nshapes))
(display " shapes were created\n")
;; ----- Member data access -----
;; Set the location of the object
(slot-set! c 'x 20.0)
(slot-set! c 'y 30.0)
(slot-set! s 'x -10.0)
(slot-set! s 'y 5.0)
(display "\nHere is their current position:\n")
(display " Circle = (")
(display (slot-ref c 'x))
(display ", ")
(display (slot-ref c 'y))
(display ")\n")
(display " Square = (")
(display (slot-ref s 'x))
(display ", ")
(display (slot-ref s 'y))
(display ")\n")
;; ----- Call some methods -----
(display "\nHere are some properties of the shapes:\n")
((disp (lambda (o)
(display " ")
(display o)
(display "\n")
(display " area = ")
(display (area o))
(display "\n")
(display " perimeter = ")
(display (perimeter o))
(display "\n"))))
(disp c)
(disp s))
(display "\nGuess I'll clean up now\n")
;; Note: Invoke the virtual destructors by forcing garbage collection
(set! c 77)
(set! s 88)
(gc #t)
(display (Shape-nshapes))
(display " shapes remain\n")
(display "Goodbye\n")