| %module rename_predicates |
| |
| // Test a few of the predicates - %$isfunction etc |
| %rename("AF_%(utitle)s", %$isfunction) ""; |
| %rename("MF_%(utitle)s", %$isfunction, %$ismember) ""; |
| %rename("GF_%(utitle)s", %$isfunction, %$not %$ismember) ""; |
| %rename("MV_%(utitle)s", %$isvariable) ""; |
| %rename("GV_%(utitle)s", %$isvariable, %$isglobal) ""; |
| |
| %extend RenamePredicates { |
| void extend_function_before() {} |
| } |
| |
| %inline %{ |
| struct RenamePredicates { |
| RenamePredicates(int v = 0) : member_variable(v) {} |
| void member_function() {} |
| static void static_member_function() {} |
| int member_variable; |
| static int static_member_variable; |
| }; |
| int RenamePredicates::static_member_variable = 456; |
| int global_variable = 789; |
| void global_function() {} |
| %} |
| |
| %extend RenamePredicates { |
| void extend_function_after() {} |
| } |
| |
| // Test the various %rename functions - %(upper) etc |
| %rename("UC_%(upper)s") "uppercase"; |
| %rename("LC_%(lower)s") "LOWERcase"; |
| %rename("TI_%(title)s") "title"; |
| %rename("FU_%(firstuppercase)s") "firstUpperCase"; |
| %rename("FL_%(firstlowercase)s") "FirstLowerCase"; |
| %rename("CA_%(camelcase)s") "camel_Case"; |
| %rename("LC_%(lowercamelcase)s") "Lower_camel_Case"; |
| %rename("UC_%(undercase)s") "UnderCaseIt"; |
| |
| %inline %{ |
| void uppercase() {} |
| void LOWERcase() {} |
| void title() {} |
| void firstUpperCase() {} |
| void FirstLowerCase() {} |
| void camel_Case() {} |
| void Lower_camel_Case() {} |
| void UnderCaseIt() {} |
| %} |
| |
| // Test renaming only member functions in %extend |
| %rename("EX_%(upper)s", %$isfunction, %$isextendmember) ""; |
| %extend ExtendCheck { |
| void ExtendMethod1() {} |
| } |
| %inline %{ |
| struct ExtendCheck { |
| void RealMember1() {} |
| #ifdef SWIG |
| %extend { |
| void ExtendMethod2() {} |
| } |
| #endif |
| void RealMember2() {} |
| }; |
| %} |
| %extend ExtendCheck { |
| void ExtendMethod3() {} |
| } |
| |