blob: b43df9e0b21c15595a048491e9e1f6aab338498a [file] [log] [blame]
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More tests => 20;
BEGIN { use_ok('default_constructor') }
isa_ok(eval { default_constructor::A->new() }, "default_constructor::A");
isa_ok(eval { default_constructor::AA->new() }, "default_constructor::AA");
is( eval { default_constructor::B->new() }, undef, "private default constructor");
isa_ok(eval { default_constructor::B->new(0, 0) }, "default_constructor::B");
is( eval { default_constructor::BB->new() }, undef, "inherited private default constructor");
is( eval { default_constructor::C->new() }, undef, "protected default constructor");
isa_ok(eval { default_constructor::CC->new() }, "default_constructor::CC");
is( eval { default_constructor::D->new() }, undef, "private constructor");
is( eval { default_constructor::DD->new() }, undef, "inherited private constructor");
{ local $TODO = "default_constructor.i disagrees with our result";
is( eval { default_constructor::AD->new() }, undef, "MI on A, D");
isa_ok(eval { default_constructor::E->new() }, "default_constructor::E");
isa_ok(eval { default_constructor::EE->new() }, "default_constructor::EE");
{ local $TODO = "default_constructor.i disagrees with our result";
is( eval { default_constructor::EB->new() }, undef, "MI on E, B");
{ local $TODO = "destructor hiding seems off";
my $hit = 0;
eval {
my $F = default_constructor::F->new();
undef $F;
$hit = 1;
ok(not($hit), "private destructor");
$hit = 0;
eval {
my $G = default_constructor::G->new();
undef $G;
$hit = 1;
ok(not($hit), "protected destructor");
$hit = 0;
eval {
my $G = default_constructor::GG->new();
undef $G;
$hit = 1;
ok(not($hit), "inherited protected destructor");
isa_ok(eval { default_constructor::HH->new(0, 0) }, "default_constructor::HH");
is( eval { default_constructor::HH->new() }, undef, "templated protected constructor");
# TODO: sort out what needs to be tested from OSRSpatialReferenceShadow