blob: 44c3b811ce6d8509ad5e95193b47e2043aba9fb3 [file] [log] [blame]
%module overload_numeric
// Tests overloading of integral and floating point types to verify the range checking required
// for dispatch to the correct overloaded method
#ifdef SWIGLUA
// lua only has one numeric type, so most of the overloads shadow each other creating warnings
%warnfilter(SWIGWARN_LANG_OVERLOAD_SHADOW) Nums::over;
#include <iostream>
%inline %{
#include <limits.h>
#include <float.h>
struct Limits {
signed char schar_min() { return SCHAR_MIN; }
signed char schar_max() { return SCHAR_MAX; }
short shrt_min() { return SHRT_MIN; }
short shrt_max() { return SHRT_MAX; }
int int_min() { return INT_MIN; }
int int_max() { return INT_MAX; }
float flt_min() { return FLT_MIN; }
float flt_max() { return FLT_MAX; }
double dbl_max() { return DBL_MAX; }
struct Nums {
const char * over(signed char v) {
return "signed char";
const char * over(short v) {
return "short";
const char * over(int v) {
return "int";
const char * over(float v) {
return "float";
const char * over(double v) {
return "double";
double doublebounce(double v) {
return v;