blob: e2be55a610cba0aa13af2a5b70bad59c2e302218 [file] [log] [blame]
%module mixed_types
%warnfilter(SWIGWARN_RUBY_WRONG_NAME) hi; /* Ruby, wrong constant name */
%warnfilter(SWIGWARN_RUBY_WRONG_NAME) hello; /* Ruby, wrong constant name */
%warnfilter(SWIGWARN_GO_NAME_CONFLICT); /* Ignoring 'hello' due to Go name ('Hello') conflict with 'Hello' */
const void* ref_pointer(const void*& a) {
return a;
struct A
const A* ref_pointer(A* const& a) {
return a;
const A** ref_pointer_1(const A**& a) {
return a;
A* pointer_1(A* a) {
return a;
const A& ref_const(const A& a) {
return a;
enum Hello { hi,hello };
int sint(int a) {
return a;
const int& ref_int(const int& a) {
return a;
Hello senum(Hello a) {
return a;
const Hello& ref_enum(const Hello& a) {
return a;
typedef A *Aptr;
const Aptr& rptr_const(const Aptr& a) {
return a;
const Aptr& rptr_const2(const Aptr& a) {
return a;
const void*& rptr_void(const void*& a) {
return a;
const A& cref_a(const A& a) {
return a;
A& ref_a(A& a) {
return a;
template <class T> struct NameT {
typedef char name[8];
typedef char namea[];
typedef NameT<char> name_t[8];
char* test_a(char hello[8],
char hi[],
const char chello[8],
const char chi[]) {
return hi;
int test_b(name n2) {
return 1;
/* gcc doesn't like this one. Removing until reason resolved.*/
int test_c(const name& n1) {
return 1;
int test_d(name* n1) {
return 1;
int test_e(const name_t& n1) {
return 1;
int test_f(name_t n1) {
return 1;
int test_g(name_t* n1) {
return 1;
struct Foo
int foo(const Aptr&a);
int foon(const char (&a)[8]);
inline int Foo::foo(A* const& a) { return 1; }
inline int Foo::foon(const name& a) { return a[0]; }
%inline %{
#define ARRAY_LEN_X 2
#define ARRAY_LEN_Y 4
typedef enum {One, Two, Three, Four, Five} finger;
typedef struct {
double double_field;
} SimpleStruct;
char array_c [ARRAY_LEN_X][ARRAY_LEN_Y];
signed char array_sc[ARRAY_LEN_X][ARRAY_LEN_Y];
unsigned char array_uc[ARRAY_LEN_X][ARRAY_LEN_Y];
short array_s [ARRAY_LEN_X][ARRAY_LEN_Y];
unsigned short array_us[ARRAY_LEN_X][ARRAY_LEN_Y];
int array_i [ARRAY_LEN_X][ARRAY_LEN_Y];
unsigned int array_ui[ARRAY_LEN_X][ARRAY_LEN_Y];
long array_l [ARRAY_LEN_X][ARRAY_LEN_Y];
unsigned long array_ul[ARRAY_LEN_X][ARRAY_LEN_Y];
long long array_ll[ARRAY_LEN_X][ARRAY_LEN_Y];
float array_f [ARRAY_LEN_X][ARRAY_LEN_Y];
double array_d [ARRAY_LEN_X][ARRAY_LEN_Y];
SimpleStruct array_struct[ARRAY_LEN_X][ARRAY_LEN_Y];
SimpleStruct* array_structpointers[ARRAY_LEN_X][ARRAY_LEN_Y];
int* array_ipointers [ARRAY_LEN_X][ARRAY_LEN_Y];
finger array_enum[ARRAY_LEN_X][ARRAY_LEN_Y];
finger* array_enumpointers[ARRAY_LEN_X][ARRAY_LEN_Y];
const int array_const_i[ARRAY_LEN_X][ARRAY_LEN_Y] = { {10, 11, 12, 13}, {14, 15, 16, 17} };
void fn_taking_arrays(SimpleStruct array_struct[ARRAY_LEN_X][ARRAY_LEN_Y]) {}
int get_2d_array(int (*array)[ARRAY_LEN_Y], int x, int y){
return array[x][y];