blob: 33be80618c8f3b00c11932d6f8144ae000a958bf [file] [log] [blame]
module director_classic_runme;
import director_classic.Caller;
import director_classic.Person;
import director_classic.Child;
import director_classic.GrandChild;
import director_classic.OrphanPerson;
import director_classic.OrphanChild;
const bool TRACE = false;
void main() {
scope person = new Person();
check(person, "Person");
scope person = new Child();
check(person, "Child");
scope person = new GrandChild();
check(person, "GrandChild");
scope person = new TargetLangPerson();
check(person, "TargetLangPerson");
scope person = new TargetLangChild();
check(person, "TargetLangChild");
scope person = new TargetLangGrandChild();
check(person, "TargetLangGrandChild");
// Semis - don't override id() in target language
scope person = new TargetLangSemiPerson();
check(person, "Person");
scope person = new TargetLangSemiChild();
check(person, "Child");
scope person = new TargetLangSemiGrandChild();
check(person, "GrandChild");
// Orphans - don't override id() in C++
scope person = new OrphanPerson();
check(person, "Person");
scope person = new OrphanChild();
check(person, "Child");
scope person = new TargetLangOrphanPerson();
check(person, "TargetLangOrphanPerson");
scope person = new TargetLangOrphanChild();
check(person, "TargetLangOrphanChild");
// Duals - id() makes an upcall to the base id()
scope person = new TargetLangDualPerson();
check(person, "TargetLangDualPerson + Person");
scope person = new TargetLangDualChild();
check(person, "TargetLangDualChild + Child");
scope person = new TargetLangDualGrandChild();
check(person, "TargetLangDualGrandChild + GrandChild");
// Mix Orphans and Duals
scope person = new TargetLangDualOrphanPerson();
check(person, "TargetLangDualOrphanPerson + Person");
scope person = new TargetLangDualOrphanChild();
check(person, "TargetLangDualOrphanChild + Child");
void check(Person person, char[] expected) {
char[] ret;
// Normal D polymorphic call.
ret =;
if (TRACE)
if (ret != expected)
throw new Exception("Failed. Received: " ~ ret ~ " Expected: " ~ expected);
// Polymorphic call from C++.
Caller caller = new Caller();
ret =;
if (TRACE)
if (ret != expected)
throw new Exception("Failed. Received: " ~ ret ~ " Expected: " ~ expected);
// Polymorphic call of object created in D and passed to C++ and back again.
Person baseclass = caller.baseClass();
ret =;
if (TRACE)
if (ret != expected)
throw new Exception("Failed. Received: " ~ ret ~ " Expected: " ~ expected);
if (TRACE)
// »Full« target language persons.
class TargetLangPerson : Person {
public override char[] id() {
return "TargetLangPerson";
class TargetLangChild : Child {
public override char[] id() {
return "TargetLangChild";
class TargetLangGrandChild : GrandChild {
public override char[] id() {
return "TargetLangGrandChild";
// Semis - don't override id() in target language
class TargetLangSemiPerson : Person {
// No id() override
class TargetLangSemiChild : Child {
// No id() override
class TargetLangSemiGrandChild : GrandChild {
// No id() override
// Orphans - don't override id() in C++
class TargetLangOrphanPerson : OrphanPerson {
public override char[] id() {
return "TargetLangOrphanPerson";
class TargetLangOrphanChild : OrphanChild {
public override char[] id() {
return "TargetLangOrphanChild";
// Duals - id() makes an upcall to the base id()
class TargetLangDualPerson : Person {
public override char[] id() {
return "TargetLangDualPerson + " ~;
class TargetLangDualChild : Child {
public override char[] id() {
return "TargetLangDualChild + " ~;
class TargetLangDualGrandChild : GrandChild {
public override char[] id() {
return "TargetLangDualGrandChild + " ~;
// Mix Orphans and Duals
class TargetLangDualOrphanPerson : OrphanPerson {
public override char[] id() {
return "TargetLangDualOrphanPerson + " ~;
class TargetLangDualOrphanChild : OrphanChild {
public override char[] id() {
return "TargetLangDualOrphanChild + " ~;