Merge branch 'shared_ptr_directors'

* shared_ptr_directors:
  Add director typemaps for pointer const ref types
  Generation of director method declarations fixes
  Add director shared_ptr typemaps for D
  Add director shared_ptr typemaps for C#
  Typo correction in changes file
  Enhancements for directorin typemaps
  Add director shared_ptr typemaps for Java
  Director shared_ptr typemaps for scripting languages
  R memory handling standardisation
  Scilab, R and Octave shared_ptr typemaps null fix
  Octave and R shared_ptr typemaps update
  Remove duplicate director shared_ptr pointer reference typemaps
  For shared_ptr directorin, make copy of shared_ptr in all cases.
  Add directorin typemap for Python and Ruby shared_ptr.