blob: eabe0f50ece59d4d9bce52d8810297bb10f6597f [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-run-simple-swift
// REQUIRES: executable_test
import StdlibUnittest
var StringIndexTests = TestSuite("StringIndexTests")
enum SimpleString: String {
case smallASCII = "abcdefg"
case smallUnicode = "abéÏ𓀀"
case largeASCII = "012345678901234567890"
case largeUnicode = "abéÏ012345678901234567890𓀀"
case emoji = "😀😃🤢🤮👩🏿‍🎤🧛🏻‍♂️🧛🏻‍♂️👩‍👩‍👦‍👦"
let simpleStrings: [String] = [
StringIndexTests.test("basic sanity checks") {
for s in simpleStrings {
let utf8 = Array(s.utf8)
let subUTF8 = Array(s[...].utf8)
let utf16 = Array(s.utf16)
let subUTF16 = Array(s[...].utf16)
let utf32 = Array( { $0.value })
let subUTF32 = Array(s[...] { $0.value })
expectEqual(s, String(decoding: utf8, as: UTF8.self))
expectEqual(s, String(decoding: subUTF8, as: UTF8.self))
expectEqual(s, String(decoding: utf16, as: UTF16.self))
expectEqual(s, String(decoding: subUTF16, as: UTF16.self))
expectEqual(s, String(decoding: utf32, as: UTF32.self))
expectEqual(s, String(decoding: subUTF32, as: UTF32.self))
StringIndexTests.test("view counts") {
func validateViewCount<View: BidirectionalCollection>(
_ view: View, for string: String,
stackTrace: SourceLocStack = SourceLocStack(),
showFrame: Bool = true,
file: String = #file, line: UInt = #line
) where View.Element: Equatable, View.Index == String.Index {
var stackTrace = stackTrace.pushIf(showFrame, file: file, line: line)
let count = view.count
func expect(_ i: Int,
file: String = #file, line: UInt = #line
) {
expectEqual(count, i, "for String: \(string)",
stackTrace: stackTrace.pushIf(showFrame, file: file, line: line),
showFrame: false)
let reversedView = view.reversed()
expect(view.distance(from: view.startIndex, to: view.endIndex))
from: reversedView.startIndex, to: reversedView.endIndex))
// Access the elements from the indices
expectEqual(Array(view), { view[$0] })
Array(reversedView), { reversedView[$0] })
let indicesArray = Array<String.Index>(view.indices)
for i in 0..<indicesArray.count {
var idx = view.startIndex
idx = view.index(idx, offsetBy: i)
expectEqual(indicesArray[i], idx)
for s in simpleStrings {
validateViewCount(s, for: s)
validateViewCount(s.utf8, for: s)
validateViewCount(s.utf16, for: s)
validateViewCount(s.unicodeScalars, for: s)
validateViewCount(s[...], for: s)
validateViewCount(s[...].utf8, for: s)
validateViewCount(s[...].utf16, for: s)
validateViewCount(s[...].unicodeScalars, for: s)
StringIndexTests.test("interchange") {
// Basic index alignment
func validateIndices(_ s: String) {
let utf8Indices = s.utf8.indices
let utf16Indices = s.utf16.indices
let unicodeScalarIndices = s.unicodeScalars.indices
let characterIndices = s.indices
for idx in utf8Indices {
let char = s.utf8[idx]
// ASCII or leading code unit in the scalar
if char <= 0x7F || char >= 0b1100_0000 {
expectEqual(idx, idx.samePosition(in: s.unicodeScalars))
expectEqual(idx, idx.samePosition(in: s.utf16))
if char <= 0x7F {
expectEqual(UInt16(char), s.utf16[idx])
expectEqual(UInt32(char), s.unicodeScalars[idx].value)
} else {
// Continuation code unit
assert(char & 0b1100_0000 == 0b1000_0000)
expectNil(idx.samePosition(in: s))
expectNil(idx.samePosition(in: s.utf16))
expectNil(idx.samePosition(in: s.unicodeScalars))
for s in simpleStrings {
StringIndexTests.test("UTF-16 Offsets") {
func validateOffsets(_ s: String) {
let end = s.endIndex
let utf16Count = s.utf16.count
expectEqual(end, String.Index(utf16Offset: utf16Count, in: s))
expectEqual(end, String.Index(utf16Offset: utf16Count, in: s[...]))
let pastEnd = String.Index(utf16Offset: utf16Count+1, in: s)
expectNotEqual(end, pastEnd)
expectEqual(pastEnd, String.Index(utf16Offset: utf16Count+1, in: s[...]))
expectEqual(pastEnd, String.Index(utf16Offset: utf16Count+2, in: s))
expectEqual(pastEnd, String.Index(utf16Offset: -1, in: s))
pastEnd, String.Index(utf16Offset: Swift.max(1, utf16Count), in: s.dropFirst()))
let utf16Indices = Array(s.utf16.indices)
expectEqual(utf16Count, utf16Indices.count)
for i in 0..<utf16Indices.count {
let idx = String.Index(utf16Offset: i, in: s)
expectEqual(utf16Indices[i], idx)
expectEqual(i, idx.utf16Offset(in: s))
expectEqual(i, idx.utf16Offset(in: s[...]))
if i < s.dropLast().utf16.count {
utf16Indices[i], String.Index(utf16Offset: i, in: s.dropLast()))
expectEqual(i, idx.utf16Offset(in: s.dropLast()))
} else if i == s.dropLast().utf16.count {
utf16Indices[i], String.Index(utf16Offset: i, in: s.dropLast()))
} else {
utf16Indices[i], String.Index(utf16Offset: i, in: s.dropLast()))
for s in simpleStrings {
func swift5ScalarAlign(_ idx: String.Index, in str: String) -> String.Index {
var idx = idx
while str.utf8[idx] & 0xC0 == 0x80 { str.utf8.formIndex(before: &idx) }
return idx
StringIndexTests.test("Scalar Align UTF-8 indices") {
// TODO: Test a new aligning API when we add it. For now, we
// test scalar-aligning UTF-8 indices
let str = "a😇"
let subScalarIdx = str.utf8.index(str.utf8.startIndex, offsetBy: 2)
let roundedIdx = swift5ScalarAlign(subScalarIdx, in: str)
expectEqual(1, roundedIdx.utf16Offset(in: str))
let roundedIdx2 = str.utf8[...subScalarIdx].lastIndex { $0 & 0xC0 != 0x80 }
expectEqual(roundedIdx, roundedIdx)
var roundedIdx3 = subScalarIdx
while roundedIdx3.samePosition(in: str.unicodeScalars) == nil {
str.utf8.formIndex(before: &roundedIdx3)
expectEqual(roundedIdx, roundedIdx3)
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
import Foundation
StringIndexTests.test("String.Index(_:within) / Range<String.Index>(_:in:)") {
guard #available(macOS 9999, iOS 9999, tvOS 9999, watchOS 9999, *) else {
let str = simpleStrings.joined()
let substr = str[...]
for idx in str.utf8.indices {
String.Index(idx, within: str), String.Index(idx, within: substr))
expectNil(String.Index(str.startIndex, within: str.dropFirst()))
expectNil(String.Index(str.endIndex, within: str.dropLast()))
expectNotNil(String.Index(str.startIndex, within: str))
expectNotNil(String.Index(str.endIndex, within: str))
let utf16Count = str.utf16.count
let utf16Indices = Array(str.utf16.indices) + [str.utf16.endIndex]
for location in 0..<utf16Count {
for length in 0...(utf16Count - location) {
let strLB = String.Index(utf16Indices[location], within: str)
let substrLB = String.Index(utf16Indices[location], within: substr)
let strUB = String.Index(utf16Indices[location+length], within: str)
let substrUB = String.Index(utf16Indices[location+length], within: substr)
expectEqual(strLB, substrLB)
expectEqual(strUB, substrUB)
if #available(macOS 9999, iOS 9999, tvOS 9999, watchOS 9999, *) {
let nsRange = NSRange(location: location, length: length)
let strRange = Range<String.Index>(nsRange, in: str)
let substrRange = Range<String.Index>(nsRange, in: substr)
expectEqual(strRange, substrRange)
guard strLB != nil && strUB != nil else {
expectEqual(strRange, Range(uncheckedBounds: (strLB!, strUB!)))
#endif // _runtime(_ObjC)