blob: 73694cd7fd10bc370ac9bdaa76f49d7151328b7e [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift -parse-stdlib
// This disables importing the stdlib intentionally.
infix operator == : Equal
precedencegroup Equal {
associativity: left
higherThan: FatArrow
infix operator & : BitAnd
precedencegroup BitAnd {
associativity: left
higherThan: Equal
infix operator => : FatArrow
precedencegroup FatArrow {
associativity: right
higherThan: AssignmentPrecedence
precedencegroup AssignmentPrecedence {
assignment: true
precedencegroup DefaultPrecedence {}
struct Man {}
struct TheDevil {}
struct God {}
struct Five {}
struct Six {}
struct Seven {}
struct ManIsFive {}
struct TheDevilIsSix {}
struct GodIsSeven {}
struct TheDevilIsSixThenGodIsSeven {}
func == (x: Man, y: Five) -> ManIsFive {}
func == (x: TheDevil, y: Six) -> TheDevilIsSix {}
func == (x: God, y: Seven) -> GodIsSeven {}
func => (x: TheDevilIsSix, y: GodIsSeven) -> TheDevilIsSixThenGodIsSeven {}
func => (x: ManIsFive, y: TheDevilIsSixThenGodIsSeven) {}
func test1() {
Man() == Five() => TheDevil() == Six() => God() == Seven()
postfix operator *!*
prefix operator *!*
struct LOOK {}
struct LOOKBang {
func exclaim() {}
postfix func *!* (x: LOOK) -> LOOKBang {}
prefix func *!* (x: LOOKBang) {}
func test2() {
// This should be parsed as (x*!*).exclaim()
prefix operator ^
infix operator ^
postfix operator ^
postfix func ^ (x: God) -> TheDevil {}
prefix func ^ (x: TheDevil) -> God {}
func ^ (x: TheDevil, y: God) -> Man {}
var _ : TheDevil = God()^
var _ : God = ^TheDevil()
var _ : Man = TheDevil() ^ God()
var _ : Man = God()^ ^ ^TheDevil()
let _ = God()^TheDevil() // expected-error{{cannot convert value of type 'God' to expected argument type 'TheDevil'}}
postfix func ^ (x: Man) -> () -> God {
return { return God() }
var _ : God = Man()^() // expected-error{{cannot convert value of type 'Man' to expected argument type 'TheDevil'}}
func &(x : Man, y : Man) -> Man { return x } // forgive amp_prefix token
prefix operator ⚽️
prefix func ⚽️(x: Man) { }
infix operator ?? : OptTest
precedencegroup OptTest {
associativity: right
func ??(x: Man, y: TheDevil) -> TheDevil {
return y
func test3(a: Man, b: Man, c: TheDevil) -> TheDevil {
return a ?? b ?? c
// <rdar://problem/17821399> We don't parse infix operators bound on both
// sides that begin with ! or ? correctly yet.
infix operator !!
func !!(x: Man, y: Man) {}
let foo = Man()
let bar = TheDevil()
// expected-error@-1 {{cannot force unwrap value of non-optional type 'Man'}} {{4-5=}}
// expected-error@-2 {{cannot force unwrap value of non-optional type 'Man'}} {{5-6=}}
// expected-error@-3 {{consecutive statements}} {{6-6=;}}
// expected-warning@-4 {{expression of type 'Man' is unused}}
foo??bar // expected-error{{broken standard library}} expected-error{{consecutive statements}} {{6-6=;}}
// expected-warning @-1 {{expression of type 'TheDevil' is unused}}