blob: 264b6243a6586cde420224ef10b36eaa3c500fa3 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
func my_print<T>(_ t: T) {}
class 你好 {
class שלום {
class வணக்கம் {
class Γειά {
class func привет() {
// Identifiers cannot start with combining chars.
_ = duh() // expected-error {{use of unresolved operator '.́'}} // expected-error{{use of unresolved identifier 'duh'}}
// Combining characters can be used within identifiers.
func s̈pin̈al_tap̈() {}
// Private-use characters aren't valid in Swift source.
() // expected-error{{invalid character in source file}} {{1-4= }}
// Placeholders are recognized as identifiers but with error.
func <#some name#>() {} // expected-error 2 {{editor placeholder in source file}}
// Keywords as identifiers
class switch {} // expected-error {{keyword 'switch' cannot be used as an identifier here}} expected-note {{if this name is unavoidable, use backticks to escape it}} {{7-13=`switch`}}
struct Self {} // expected-error {{keyword 'Self' cannot be used as an identifier here}} expected-note {{if this name is unavoidable, use backticks to escape it}} {{8-12=`Self`}}
protocol enum {} // expected-error {{keyword 'enum' cannot be used as an identifier here}} expected-note {{if this name is unavoidable, use backticks to escape it}} {{10-14=`enum`}}
protocol test { // expected-note{{in declaration of 'test'}}
associatedtype public // expected-error {{keyword 'public' cannot be used as an identifier here}} expected-note {{if this name is unavoidable, use backticks to escape it}} {{18-24=`public`}} expected-error {{consecutive declarations on a line must be separated by ';'}}
} // expected-error{{expected declaration}}
func _(_ x: Int) {} // expected-error {{keyword '_' cannot be used as an identifier here}} // expected-note {{if this name is unavoidable, use backticks to escape it}} {{6-7=`_`}}
// SIL keywords are tokenized as normal identifiers in non-SIL mode.
_ = undef // expected-error {{use of unresolved identifier 'undef'}}
_ = sil // expected-error {{use of unresolved identifier 'sil'}}
_ = sil_stage // expected-error {{use of unresolved identifier 'sil_stage'}}
_ = sil_vtable // expected-error {{use of unresolved identifier 'sil_vtable'}}
_ = sil_global // expected-error {{use of unresolved identifier 'sil_global'}}
_ = sil_witness_table // expected-error {{use of unresolved identifier 'sil_witness_table'}}
_ = sil_default_witness_table // expected-error {{use of unresolved identifier 'sil_default_witness_table'}}
_ = sil_coverage_map // expected-error {{use of unresolved identifier 'sil_coverage_map'}}
_ = sil_scope // expected-error {{use of unresolved identifier 'sil_scope'}}