blob: 82d973b0fe14cb4bf3d3679a82d311713cb4412d [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -emit-ir %s | %FileCheck %s
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -emit-ir -enable-anonymous-context-mangled-names %s | %FileCheck %s -check-prefix CHECK-MANGLED
import Builtin
import Swift
protocol P { }
class Blah<T: P> {
private struct Inner<U: P> { }
// Mangled name of the anonymous descriptor
// CHECK-NOT: private constant [84 x i8] c"$s29anonymous_context_descriptors4BlahC5Inner33_4F495173994818481DD703D65EB08308LLV\00"
// CHECK-MANGLED: [[INNER_MANGLED:@[0-9]+]] = private constant [84 x i8] c"$s29anonymous_context_descriptors4BlahC5Inner33_4F495173994818481DD703D65EB08308LLV\00"
// Anonymous descriptor
// CHECK: @"$s29anonymous_context_descriptors4BlahC5Inner33{{.*}}MXX" =
// CHECK-MANGLED: @"$s29anonymous_context_descriptors4BlahC5Inner33{{.*}}MXX" =
// Flags: anonymous (2) + generic (0x80) + unique (0x40)
// CHECK-SAME: i32 194
// Flags: anonymous (2) + generic (0x80) + unique (0x40) + has mangled name (0x10000)
// CHECK-MANGLED-SAME: i32 65730
// Parent
// CHECK-SAME: $s29anonymous_context_descriptors4BlahCMn
// CHECK-MANGLED-SAME: $s29anonymous_context_descriptors4BlahCMn
// # generic header
// CHECK-SAME: i16 2, i16 2
// CHECK-SAME: i16 4, i16 0
// CHECK-MANGLED-SAME: i16 2, i16 2
// CHECK-MANGLED-SAME: i16 4, i16 0
// # mangled name