What's in this pull request?

Resolved bug number: (SR-)

Before merging this pull request to apple/swift repository:

  • [ ] Test pull request on Swift continuous integration.

The swift-ci is triggered by writing a comment on this PR addressed to the GitHub user @swift-ci. Different tests will run depending on the specific comment that you use. The currently available comments are:

Smoke Testing

    Platform     | Comment
    ------------ | -------------
    All supported platforms     | @swift-ci Please smoke test
    All supported platforms     | @swift-ci Please smoke test and merge
    OS X platform               | @swift-ci Please smoke test OS X platform
    Linux platform              | @swift-ci Please smoke test Linux platform

A smoke test on macOS does the following:

  1. Builds the compiler incrementally.
  2. Builds the standard library only for macOS. Simulator standard libraries and device standard libraries are not built.
  3. lldb is not built.
  4. The test and validation-test targets are run only for macOS. The optimized version of these tests are not run.

A smoke test on Linux does the following:

  1. Builds the compiler incrementally.
  2. Builds the standard library incrementally.
  3. lldb is built incrementally.
  4. The swift test and validation-test targets are run. The optimized version of these tests are not run.
  5. lldb is tested.

Validation Testing

    Platform     | Comment
    ------------ | -------------
    All supported platforms     | @swift-ci Please test
    All supported platforms     | @swift-ci Please test and merge
    OS X platform               | @swift-ci Please test OS X platform
    OS X platform               | @swift-ci Please benchmark
    Linux platform              | @swift-ci Please test Linux platform

Lint Testing

    Language     | Comment
    ------------ | -------------
    Python       | @swift-ci Please Python lint

Note: Only members of the Apple organization can trigger swift-ci.