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//===--- SILGenPoly.cpp - Function Type Thunks ----------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// Swift function types can be equivalent or have a subtyping relationship even
// if the SIL-level lowering of the calling convention is different. The
// routines in this file implement thunking between lowered function types.
// Re-abstraction thunks
// =====================
// After SIL type lowering, generic substitutions become explicit, for example
// the AST type (Int) -> Int passes the Ints directly, whereas (T) -> T with Int
// substituted for T will pass the Ints like a T, as an address-only value with
// opaque type metadata. Such a thunk is called a "re-abstraction thunk" -- the
// AST-level type of the function value does not change, only the manner in
// which parameters and results are passed. See the comment in
// AbstractionPattern.h for details.
// Function conversion thunks
// ==========================
// In Swift's AST-level type system, certain types have a subtype relation
// involving a representation change. For example, a concrete type is always
// a subtype of any protocol it conforms to. The upcast from the concrete
// type to an existential type for the protocol requires packaging the
// payload together with type metadata and witness tables.
// Between function types, the type (A) -> B is defined to be a subtype of
// (A') -> B' iff A' is a subtype of A, and B is a subtype of B' -- parameters
// are contravariant, and results are covariant.
// A subtype conversion of a function value (A) -> B is performed by wrapping
// the function value in a thunk of type (A') -> B'. The thunk takes an A' and
// converts it into an A, calls the inner function value, and converts the
// result from B to B'.
// VTable thunks
// =============
// If a base class is generic and a derived class substitutes some generic
// parameter of the base with a concrete type, the derived class can override
// methods in the base that involved generic types. In the derived class, a
// method override that involves substituted types will have a different
// SIL lowering than the base method. In this case, the overridden vtable entry
// will point to a thunk which transforms parameters and results and invokes
// the derived method.
// Some limited forms of subtyping are also supported for method overrides;
// namely, a derived method's parameter can be a superclass of, or more
// optional than, a parameter of the base, and result can be a subclass of,
// or less optional than, the result of the base.
// Witness thunks
// ==============
// Protocol witness methods are called with an additional generic parameter
// bound to the Self type, and thus always require a thunk. Thunks are also
// required for conditional conformances, since the extra requirements aren't
// part of the protocol and so any witness tables need to be loaded from the
// original protocol's witness table and passed into the real witness method.
// Thunks for class method witnesses dispatch through the vtable allowing
// inherited witnesses to be overridden in subclasses. Hence a witness thunk
// might require two levels of abstraction difference -- the method might
// override a base class method with more generic types, and the protocol
// requirement may involve associated types which are always concrete in the
// conforming class.
// Other thunks
// ============
// Foreign-to-native, native-to-foreign thunks for declarations and function
// values are implemented in SILGenBridging.cpp.
#include "Initialization.h"
#include "LValue.h"
#include "RValue.h"
#include "SILGen.h"
#include "SILGenFunction.h"
#include "SILGenFunctionBuilder.h"
#include "Scope.h"
#include "swift/AST/ASTMangler.h"
#include "swift/AST/Decl.h"
#include "swift/AST/DiagnosticsSIL.h"
#include "swift/AST/ExistentialLayout.h"
#include "swift/AST/GenericEnvironment.h"
#include "swift/AST/ProtocolConformance.h"
#include "swift/AST/TypeCheckRequests.h"
#include "swift/AST/Types.h"
#include "swift/SIL/PrettyStackTrace.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILArgument.h"
#include "swift/SIL/TypeLowering.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
using namespace swift;
using namespace Lowering;
/// A helper function that pulls an element off the front of an array.
template <class T>
static const T &claimNext(ArrayRef<T> &array) {
assert(!array.empty() && "claiming next from empty array!");
const T &result = array.front();
array = array.slice(1);
return result;
namespace {
/// An abstract class for transforming first-class SIL values.
class Transform {
SILGenFunction &SGF;
SILLocation Loc;
Transform(SILGenFunction &SGF, SILLocation loc) : SGF(SGF), Loc(loc) {}
virtual ~Transform() = default;
/// Transform an arbitrary value.
RValue transform(RValue &&input,
AbstractionPattern inputOrigType,
CanType inputSubstType,
AbstractionPattern outputOrigType,
CanType outputSubstType,
SILType outputLoweredTy,
SGFContext ctxt);
/// Transform an arbitrary value.
ManagedValue transform(ManagedValue input,
AbstractionPattern inputOrigType,
CanType inputSubstType,
AbstractionPattern outputOrigType,
CanType outputSubstType,
SILType outputLoweredTy,
SGFContext ctxt);
/// Transform a metatype value.
ManagedValue transformMetatype(ManagedValue fn,
AbstractionPattern inputOrigType,
CanMetatypeType inputSubstType,
AbstractionPattern outputOrigType,
CanMetatypeType outputSubstType,
SILType outputLoweredTy);
/// Transform a tuple value.
ManagedValue transformTuple(ManagedValue input,
AbstractionPattern inputOrigType,
CanTupleType inputSubstType,
AbstractionPattern outputOrigType,
CanTupleType outputSubstType,
SILType outputLoweredTy,
SGFContext ctxt);
/// Transform a function value.
ManagedValue transformFunction(ManagedValue fn,
AbstractionPattern inputOrigType,
CanAnyFunctionType inputSubstType,
AbstractionPattern outputOrigType,
CanAnyFunctionType outputSubstType,
const TypeLowering &expectedTL);
} // end anonymous namespace
static ArrayRef<ProtocolConformanceRef>
collectExistentialConformances(ModuleDecl *M, CanType fromType, CanType toType) {
auto layout = toType.getExistentialLayout();
auto protocols = layout.getProtocols();
SmallVector<ProtocolConformanceRef, 4> conformances;
for (auto proto : protocols) {
auto conformance =
M->lookupConformance(fromType, proto->getDecl());
return M->getASTContext().AllocateCopy(conformances);
static ManagedValue emitTransformExistential(SILGenFunction &SGF,
SILLocation loc,
ManagedValue input,
CanType inputType,
CanType outputType,
SGFContext ctxt) {
assert(inputType != outputType);
FormalEvaluationScope scope(SGF);
if (inputType->isAnyExistentialType()) {
CanType openedType = OpenedArchetypeType::getAny(inputType);
SILType loweredOpenedType = SGF.getLoweredType(openedType);
input = SGF.emitOpenExistential(loc, input,
loweredOpenedType, AccessKind::Read);
inputType = openedType;
// Build conformance table
CanType fromInstanceType = inputType;
CanType toInstanceType = outputType;
// Look through metatypes
while (isa<MetatypeType>(fromInstanceType) &&
isa<ExistentialMetatypeType>(toInstanceType)) {
fromInstanceType = cast<MetatypeType>(fromInstanceType)
toInstanceType = cast<ExistentialMetatypeType>(toInstanceType)
ArrayRef<ProtocolConformanceRef> conformances =
// Build result existential
AbstractionPattern opaque = AbstractionPattern::getOpaque();
const TypeLowering &concreteTL = SGF.getTypeLowering(opaque, inputType);
const TypeLowering &expectedTL = SGF.getTypeLowering(outputType);
return SGF.emitExistentialErasure(
loc, inputType, concreteTL, expectedTL,
conformances, ctxt,
[&](SGFContext C) -> ManagedValue {
return SGF.manageOpaqueValue(input, loc, C);
/// Apply this transformation to an arbitrary value.
RValue Transform::transform(RValue &&input,
AbstractionPattern inputOrigType,
CanType inputSubstType,
AbstractionPattern outputOrigType,
CanType outputSubstType,
SILType outputLoweredTy,
SGFContext ctxt) {
// Fast path: we don't have a tuple.
auto inputTupleType = dyn_cast<TupleType>(inputSubstType);
if (!inputTupleType) {
assert(!isa<TupleType>(outputSubstType) &&
"transformation introduced a tuple?");
auto result = transform(std::move(input).getScalarValue(),
inputOrigType, inputSubstType,
outputOrigType, outputSubstType,
outputLoweredTy, ctxt);
return RValue(SGF, Loc, outputSubstType, result);
// Okay, we have a tuple. The output type will also be a tuple unless
// there's a subtyping conversion that erases tuples, but that's currently
// not allowed by the typechecker, which considers existential erasure to
// be a conversion relation, not a subtyping one. Anyway, it would be
// possible to support that here, but since it's not currently required...
assert(isa<TupleType>(outputSubstType) &&
"subtype constraint erasing tuple is not currently implemented");
auto outputTupleType = cast<TupleType>(outputSubstType);
assert(inputTupleType->getNumElements() == outputTupleType->getNumElements());
assert(<TupleType>() &&
"expected lowered output type wasn't a tuple when formal type was");
assert(outputLoweredTy.castTo<TupleType>()->getNumElements() ==
// Pull the r-value apart.
SmallVector<RValue, 8> inputElts;
// Emit into the context initialization if it's present and possible
// to split.
SmallVector<InitializationPtr, 4> eltInitsBuffer;
MutableArrayRef<InitializationPtr> eltInits;
auto tupleInit = ctxt.getEmitInto();
if (!ctxt.getEmitInto()
|| !ctxt.getEmitInto()->canSplitIntoTupleElements()) {
tupleInit = nullptr;
} else {
eltInits = tupleInit->splitIntoTupleElements(SGF, Loc, outputTupleType,
// At this point, if tupleInit is non-null, we must emit all of the
// elements into their corresponding contexts.
assert(tupleInit == nullptr ||
eltInits.size() == inputTupleType->getNumElements());
SmallVector<ManagedValue, 8> outputExpansion;
for (auto eltIndex : indices(inputTupleType->getElementTypes())) {
// Determine the appropriate context for the element.
SGFContext eltCtxt;
if (tupleInit) eltCtxt = SGFContext(eltInits[eltIndex].get());
// Recurse.
RValue outputElt = transform(std::move(inputElts[eltIndex]),
// Force the r-value into its context if necessary.
assert(!outputElt.isInContext() || tupleInit != nullptr);
if (tupleInit && !outputElt.isInContext()) {
std::move(outputElt).forwardInto(SGF, Loc, eltInits[eltIndex].get());
} else {
// If we emitted into context, be sure to finish the overall initialization.
if (tupleInit) {
return RValue::forInContext();
return RValue(SGF, outputExpansion, outputTupleType);
// Single @objc protocol value metatypes can be converted to the ObjC
// Protocol class type.
static bool isProtocolClass(Type t) {
auto classDecl = t->getClassOrBoundGenericClass();
if (!classDecl)
return false;
ASTContext &ctx = classDecl->getASTContext();
return (classDecl->getName() == ctx.Id_Protocol &&
classDecl->getModuleContext()->getName() == ctx.Id_ObjectiveC);
static ManagedValue emitManagedLoad(SILGenFunction &SGF, SILLocation loc,
ManagedValue addr,
const TypeLowering &addrTL) {
// SEMANTIC ARC TODO: When the verifier is finished, revisit this.
if (!addr.hasCleanup())
return SGF.B.createLoadBorrow(loc, addr);
auto loadedValue = addrTL.emitLoad(SGF.B, loc, addr.forward(SGF),
return SGF.emitManagedRValueWithCleanup(loadedValue, addrTL);
/// Apply this transformation to an arbitrary value.
ManagedValue Transform::transform(ManagedValue v,
AbstractionPattern inputOrigType,
CanType inputSubstType,
AbstractionPattern outputOrigType,
CanType outputSubstType,
SILType loweredResultTy,
SGFContext ctxt) {
// Load if the result isn't address-only. All the translation routines
// expect this.
if (v.getType().isAddress()) {
auto &inputTL = SGF.getTypeLowering(v.getType());
if (!inputTL.isAddressOnly()) {
v = emitManagedLoad(SGF, Loc, v, inputTL);
// Downstream code expects the lowered result type to be an object if
// it's loadable, so make sure that's satisfied.
auto &expectedTL = SGF.getTypeLowering(loweredResultTy);
loweredResultTy = expectedTL.getLoweredType();
// Nothing to convert
if (v.getType() == loweredResultTy)
return v;
CanType inputObjectType = inputSubstType.getOptionalObjectType();
bool inputIsOptional = (bool) inputObjectType;
CanType outputObjectType = outputSubstType.getOptionalObjectType();
bool outputIsOptional = (bool) outputObjectType;
// If the value is less optional than the desired formal type, wrap in
// an optional.
if (outputIsOptional && !inputIsOptional) {
return SGF.emitInjectOptional(
Loc, expectedTL, ctxt, [&](SGFContext objectCtxt) {
return transform(v, inputOrigType, inputSubstType,
// If the value is an optional, but the desired formal type isn't an
// optional or Any, force it.
if (inputIsOptional && !outputIsOptional &&
!outputSubstType->isExistentialType()) {
// isImplicitUnwrap is hardcoded true because the looseness in types of
// @objc witnesses/overrides that we're handling here only allows IUOs,
// not explicit Optionals.
v = SGF.emitCheckedGetOptionalValueFrom(Loc, v,
/*isImplicitUnwrap*/ true,
// Check if we have any more conversions remaining.
if (v.getType() == loweredResultTy)
return v;
inputIsOptional = false;
// Optional-to-optional conversion.
if (inputIsOptional && outputIsOptional) {
// If the conversion is trivial, just cast.
if (SGF.SGM.Types.checkForABIDifferences(SGF.SGM.M,
v.getType(), loweredResultTy)
== TypeConverter::ABIDifference::CompatibleRepresentation) {
if (v.getType().isAddress())
return SGF.B.createUncheckedAddrCast(Loc, v, loweredResultTy);
return SGF.B.createUncheckedBitCast(Loc, v, loweredResultTy);
auto transformOptionalPayload =
[&](SILGenFunction &SGF, SILLocation loc, ManagedValue input,
SILType loweredResultTy, SGFContext context) -> ManagedValue {
return transform(input, inputOrigType.getOptionalObjectType(),
inputObjectType, outputOrigType.getOptionalObjectType(),
outputObjectType, loweredResultTy, context);
return SGF.emitOptionalToOptional(Loc, v, loweredResultTy,
// Abstraction changes:
// - functions
if (auto outputFnType = dyn_cast<AnyFunctionType>(outputSubstType)) {
auto inputFnType = cast<AnyFunctionType>(inputSubstType);
return transformFunction(v,
inputOrigType, inputFnType,
outputOrigType, outputFnType,
// - tuples of transformable values
if (auto outputTupleType = dyn_cast<TupleType>(outputSubstType)) {
auto inputTupleType = cast<TupleType>(inputSubstType);
return transformTuple(v,
inputOrigType, inputTupleType,
outputOrigType, outputTupleType,
loweredResultTy, ctxt);
// - metatypes
if (auto outputMetaType = dyn_cast<MetatypeType>(outputSubstType)) {
if (auto inputMetaType = dyn_cast<MetatypeType>(inputSubstType)) {
return transformMetatype(v,
inputOrigType, inputMetaType,
outputOrigType, outputMetaType,
// Subtype conversions:
// A base class method returning Self can be used in place of a derived
// class method returning Self.
if (auto inputSelfType = dyn_cast<DynamicSelfType>(inputSubstType)) {
inputSubstType = inputSelfType.getSelfType();
// - casts for classes
if (outputSubstType->getClassOrBoundGenericClass() &&
inputSubstType->getClassOrBoundGenericClass()) {
auto class1 = inputSubstType->getClassOrBoundGenericClass();
auto class2 = outputSubstType->getClassOrBoundGenericClass();
// CF <-> Objective-C via toll-free bridging.
if ((class1->getForeignClassKind() == ClassDecl::ForeignKind::CFType) ^
(class2->getForeignClassKind() == ClassDecl::ForeignKind::CFType)) {
return SGF.B.createUncheckedRefCast(Loc, v, loweredResultTy);
if (outputSubstType->isExactSuperclassOf(inputSubstType)) {
// Upcast to a superclass.
return SGF.B.createUpcast(Loc, v, loweredResultTy);
} else {
// FIXME: Should only happen with the DynamicSelfType case above,
// except that convenience inits return the static self and not
// DynamicSelfType.
&& "should be inheritance relationship between input and output");
return SGF.B.createUncheckedRefCast(Loc, v, loweredResultTy);
// - upcasts for collections
if (outputSubstType->getStructOrBoundGenericStruct() &&
inputSubstType->getStructOrBoundGenericStruct()) {
auto *inputStruct = inputSubstType->getStructOrBoundGenericStruct();
auto *outputStruct = outputSubstType->getStructOrBoundGenericStruct();
// Attempt collection upcast only if input and output declarations match.
if (inputStruct == outputStruct) {
FuncDecl *fn = nullptr;
auto &ctx = SGF.getASTContext();
if (inputStruct == ctx.getArrayDecl()) {
fn = SGF.SGM.getArrayForceCast(Loc);
} else if (inputStruct == ctx.getDictionaryDecl()) {
fn = SGF.SGM.getDictionaryUpCast(Loc);
} else if (inputStruct == ctx.getSetDecl()) {
fn = SGF.SGM.getSetUpCast(Loc);
} else {
llvm_unreachable("unsupported collection upcast kind");
return SGF.emitCollectionConversion(Loc, fn, inputSubstType,
outputSubstType, v, ctxt)
// - upcasts from an archetype
if (outputSubstType->getClassOrBoundGenericClass()) {
if (auto archetypeType = dyn_cast<ArchetypeType>(inputSubstType)) {
if (archetypeType->getSuperclass()) {
// Replace the cleanup with a new one on the superclass value so we
// always use concrete retain/release operations.
return SGF.B.createUpcast(Loc, v, loweredResultTy);
// - metatype to Protocol conversion
if (isProtocolClass(outputSubstType)) {
if (auto metatypeTy = dyn_cast<MetatypeType>(inputSubstType)) {
return SGF.emitProtocolMetatypeToObject(Loc, metatypeTy,
// - metatype to AnyObject conversion
if (outputSubstType->isAnyObject() &&
isa<MetatypeType>(inputSubstType)) {
return SGF.emitClassMetatypeToObject(Loc, v,
// - existential metatype to AnyObject conversion
if (outputSubstType->isAnyObject() &&
isa<ExistentialMetatypeType>(inputSubstType)) {
return SGF.emitExistentialMetatypeToObject(Loc, v,
// - block to AnyObject conversion (under ObjC interop)
if (outputSubstType->isAnyObject() &&
SGF.getASTContext().LangOpts.EnableObjCInterop) {
if (auto inputFnType = dyn_cast<AnyFunctionType>(inputSubstType)) {
if (inputFnType->getRepresentation() == FunctionTypeRepresentation::Block)
return SGF.B.createBlockToAnyObject(Loc, v, loweredResultTy);
// - existentials
if (outputSubstType->isAnyExistentialType()) {
// We have to re-abstract payload if its a metatype or a function
v = SGF.emitSubstToOrigValue(Loc, v, AbstractionPattern::getOpaque(),
return emitTransformExistential(SGF, Loc, v,
inputSubstType, outputSubstType,
// - upcasting class-constrained existentials or metatypes thereof
if (inputSubstType->isAnyExistentialType()) {
auto instanceType = inputSubstType;
while (auto metatypeType = dyn_cast<ExistentialMetatypeType>(instanceType))
instanceType = metatypeType.getInstanceType();
auto layout = instanceType.getExistentialLayout();
if (layout.getSuperclass()) {
CanType openedType = OpenedArchetypeType::getAny(inputSubstType);
SILType loweredOpenedType = SGF.getLoweredType(openedType);
FormalEvaluationScope scope(SGF);
auto payload = SGF.emitOpenExistential(Loc, v,
payload = payload.ensurePlusOne(SGF, Loc);
return transform(payload,
// - T : Hashable to AnyHashable
if (isa<StructType>(outputSubstType) &&
outputSubstType->getAnyNominal() ==
SGF.getASTContext().getAnyHashableDecl()) {
auto *protocol = SGF.getASTContext().getProtocol(
auto conformance = SGF.SGM.M.getSwiftModule()->lookupConformance(
inputSubstType, protocol);
auto addr = v.getType().isAddress() ? v : v.materialize(SGF, Loc);
auto result = SGF.emitAnyHashableErasure(Loc, addr, inputSubstType,
conformance, ctxt);
if (result.isInContext())
return ManagedValue::forInContext();
return std::move(result).getAsSingleValue(SGF, Loc);
// Should have handled the conversion in one of the cases above.
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled transform?");
ManagedValue Transform::transformMetatype(ManagedValue meta,
AbstractionPattern inputOrigType,
CanMetatypeType inputSubstType,
AbstractionPattern outputOrigType,
CanMetatypeType outputSubstType,
SILType expectedType) {
assert(!meta.hasCleanup() && "metatype with cleanup?!");
auto wasRepr = meta.getType().castTo<MetatypeType>()->getRepresentation();
auto willBeRepr = expectedType.castTo<MetatypeType>()->getRepresentation();
SILValue result;
if ((wasRepr == MetatypeRepresentation::Thick &&
willBeRepr == MetatypeRepresentation::Thin) ||
(wasRepr == MetatypeRepresentation::Thin &&
willBeRepr == MetatypeRepresentation::Thick)) {
// If we have a thin-to-thick abstraction change, cook up new a metatype
// value out of nothing -- thin metatypes carry no runtime state.
result = SGF.B.createMetatype(Loc, expectedType);
} else {
// Otherwise, we have a metatype subtype conversion of thick metatypes.
assert(wasRepr == willBeRepr && "Unhandled metatype conversion");
result = SGF.B.createUpcast(Loc, meta.getUnmanagedValue(), expectedType);
return ManagedValue::forUnmanaged(result);
/// Explode a managed tuple into a bunch of managed elements.
/// If the tuple is in memory, the result elements will also be in
/// memory.
static void explodeTuple(SILGenFunction &SGF, SILLocation loc,
ManagedValue managedTuple,
SmallVectorImpl<ManagedValue> &out) {
// If the tuple is empty, there's nothing to do.
if (managedTuple.getType().castTo<TupleType>()->getNumElements() == 0)
SmallVector<SILValue, 16> elements;
bool isPlusOne = managedTuple.hasCleanup();
if (managedTuple.getType().isAddress()) {
SGF.B.emitDestructureAddressOperation(loc, managedTuple.forward(SGF),
} else {
SGF.B.emitDestructureValueOperation(loc, managedTuple.forward(SGF),
for (auto element : elements) {
if (!isPlusOne)
else if (element->getType().isAddress())
/// Apply this transformation to all the elements of a tuple value,
/// which just entails mapping over each of its component elements.
ManagedValue Transform::transformTuple(ManagedValue inputTuple,
AbstractionPattern inputOrigType,
CanTupleType inputSubstType,
AbstractionPattern outputOrigType,
CanTupleType outputSubstType,
SILType outputLoweredTy,
SGFContext ctxt) {
const TypeLowering &outputTL =
assert((outputTL.isAddressOnly() == inputTuple.getType().isAddress() ||
!SGF.silConv.useLoweredAddresses()) &&
"expected loadable inputs to have been loaded");
// If there's no representation difference, we're done.
if (outputLoweredTy == inputTuple.getType().copyCategory(outputLoweredTy))
return inputTuple;
auto inputType = inputTuple.getType().castTo<TupleType>();
assert(outputSubstType->getNumElements() == inputType->getNumElements());
// If the tuple is address only, we need to do the operation in memory.
SILValue outputAddr;
if (outputTL.isAddressOnly() && SGF.silConv.useLoweredAddresses())
outputAddr = SGF.getBufferForExprResult(Loc, outputLoweredTy, ctxt);
// Explode the tuple into individual managed values.
SmallVector<ManagedValue, 4> inputElts;
explodeTuple(SGF, Loc, inputTuple, inputElts);
// Track all the managed elements whether or not we're actually
// emitting to an address, just so that we can disable them after.
SmallVector<ManagedValue, 4> outputElts;
for (auto index : indices(inputType->getElementTypes())) {
auto &inputEltTL = SGF.getTypeLowering(inputElts[index].getType());
ManagedValue inputElt = inputElts[index];
if (inputElt.getType().isAddress() && !inputEltTL.isAddressOnly()) {
inputElt = emitManagedLoad(SGF, Loc, inputElt, inputEltTL);
auto inputEltOrigType = inputOrigType.getTupleElementType(index);
auto inputEltSubstType = inputSubstType.getElementType(index);
auto outputEltOrigType = outputOrigType.getTupleElementType(index);
auto outputEltSubstType = outputSubstType.getElementType(index);
auto outputEltLoweredTy = outputLoweredTy.getTupleElementType(index);
// If we're emitting to memory, project out this element in the
// destination buffer, then wrap that in an Initialization to
// track the cleanup.
Optional<TemporaryInitialization> outputEltTemp;
if (outputAddr) {
SILValue outputEltAddr =
SGF.B.createTupleElementAddr(Loc, outputAddr, index);
auto &outputEltTL = SGF.getTypeLowering(outputEltLoweredTy);
assert(outputEltTL.isAddressOnly() == inputEltTL.isAddressOnly());
auto cleanup =
SGF.enterDormantTemporaryCleanup(outputEltAddr, outputEltTL);
outputEltTemp.emplace(outputEltAddr, cleanup);
SGFContext eltCtxt =
(outputEltTemp ? SGFContext(&outputEltTemp.getValue()) : SGFContext());
auto outputElt = transform(inputElt,
inputEltOrigType, inputEltSubstType,
outputEltOrigType, outputEltSubstType,
outputEltLoweredTy, eltCtxt);
// If we're not emitting to memory, remember this element for
// later assembly into a tuple.
if (!outputEltTemp) {
assert(!inputEltTL.isAddressOnly() || !SGF.silConv.useLoweredAddresses());
// Otherwise, make sure we emit into the slot.
auto &temp = outputEltTemp.getValue();
auto outputEltAddr = temp.getManagedAddress();
// That might involve storing directly.
if (!outputElt.isInContext()) {
outputElt.forwardInto(SGF, Loc, outputEltAddr.getValue());
// Okay, disable all the individual element cleanups and collect
// the values for a potential tuple aggregate.
SmallVector<SILValue, 4> outputEltValues;
for (auto outputElt : outputElts) {
SILValue value = outputElt.forward(SGF);
if (!outputAddr) outputEltValues.push_back(value);
// If we're emitting to an address, just manage that.
if (outputAddr)
return SGF.manageBufferForExprResult(outputAddr, outputTL, ctxt);
// Otherwise, assemble the tuple value and manage that.
auto outputTuple =
SGF.B.createTuple(Loc, outputLoweredTy, outputEltValues);
return SGF.emitManagedRValueWithCleanup(outputTuple, outputTL);
void SILGenFunction::collectThunkParams(
SILLocation loc, SmallVectorImpl<ManagedValue> &params,
SmallVectorImpl<SILArgument *> *indirectResults) {
// Add the indirect results.
for (auto resultTy : F.getConventions().getIndirectSILResultTypes(
getTypeExpansionContext())) {
auto paramTy = F.mapTypeIntoContext(resultTy);
// Lower result parameters in the context of the function: opaque result
// types will be lowered to their underlying type if allowed by resilience.
auto inContextParamTy = F.getLoweredType(paramTy.getASTType())
SILArgument *arg = F.begin()->createFunctionArgument(inContextParamTy);
if (indirectResults)
// Add the parameters.
auto paramTypes = F.getLoweredFunctionType()->getParameters();
for (auto param : paramTypes) {
auto paramTy = F.mapTypeIntoContext(
F.getConventions().getSILType(param, getTypeExpansionContext()));
// Lower parameters in the context of the function: opaque result types will
// be lowered to their underlying type if allowed by resilience.
auto inContextParamTy = F.getLoweredType(paramTy.getASTType())
params.push_back(B.createInputFunctionArgument(inContextParamTy, loc));
/// Force a ManagedValue to be stored into a temporary initialization
/// if it wasn't emitted that way directly.
static void emitForceInto(SILGenFunction &SGF, SILLocation loc,
ManagedValue result, TemporaryInitialization &temp) {
if (result.isInContext()) return;
result.ensurePlusOne(SGF, loc).forwardInto(SGF, loc, temp.getAddress());
namespace {
class TranslateIndirect : public Cleanup {
AbstractionPattern InputOrigType, OutputOrigType;
CanType InputSubstType, OutputSubstType;
SILValue Input, Output;
TranslateIndirect(AbstractionPattern inputOrigType, CanType inputSubstType,
AbstractionPattern outputOrigType, CanType outputSubstType,
SILValue input, SILValue output)
: InputOrigType(inputOrigType), OutputOrigType(outputOrigType),
InputSubstType(inputSubstType), OutputSubstType(outputSubstType),
Input(input), Output(output) {
void emit(SILGenFunction &SGF, CleanupLocation loc,
ForUnwind_t forUnwind) override {
FullExpr scope(SGF.Cleanups, loc);
// Re-assert ownership of the input value.
auto inputMV = SGF.emitManagedBufferWithCleanup(Input);
// Set up an initialization of the output buffer.
auto &outputTL = SGF.getTypeLowering(Output->getType());
auto outputInit = SGF.useBufferAsTemporary(Output, outputTL);
// Transform into the output buffer.
auto mv = SGF.emitTransformedValue(loc, inputMV,
InputOrigType, InputSubstType,
OutputOrigType, OutputSubstType,
emitForceInto(SGF, loc, mv, *outputInit);
// Disable the cleanup; we've kept our promise to leave the inout
// initialized.
void dump(SILGenFunction &SGF) const override {
llvm::errs() << "TranslateIndirect("
<< InputOrigType << ", " << InputSubstType << ", "
<< OutputOrigType << ", " << OutputSubstType << ", "
<< Output << ", " << Input << ")\n";
class TranslateArguments {
SILGenFunction &SGF;
SILLocation Loc;
ArrayRef<ManagedValue> Inputs;
SmallVectorImpl<ManagedValue> &Outputs;
CanSILFunctionType OutputTypesFuncTy;
ArrayRef<SILParameterInfo> OutputTypes;
TranslateArguments(SILGenFunction &SGF, SILLocation loc,
ArrayRef<ManagedValue> inputs,
SmallVectorImpl<ManagedValue> &outputs,
CanSILFunctionType outputTypesFuncTy,
ArrayRef<SILParameterInfo> outputTypes)
: SGF(SGF), Loc(loc), Inputs(inputs), Outputs(outputs),
OutputTypesFuncTy(outputTypesFuncTy), OutputTypes(outputTypes) {}
void translate(AbstractionPattern inputOrigFunctionType,
AnyFunctionType::CanParamArrayRef inputSubstTypes,
AbstractionPattern outputOrigFunctionType,
AnyFunctionType::CanParamArrayRef outputSubstTypes) {
if (inputSubstTypes.size() == 1 &&
outputSubstTypes.size() != 1) {
// SE-0110 tuple splat. Turn the output into a single value of tuple
// type, and translate.
auto inputOrigType = inputOrigFunctionType.getFunctionParamType(0);
auto inputSubstType = inputSubstTypes[0].getPlainType();
// Build an abstraction pattern for the output.
SmallVector<AbstractionPattern, 8> outputOrigTypes;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = outputOrigFunctionType.getNumFunctionParams();
i < e; ++i) {
auto outputOrigType = AbstractionPattern::getTuple(outputOrigTypes);
// Build the substituted output tuple type. Note that we deliberately
// don't use composeInput() because we want to drop ownership
// qualifiers.
SmallVector<TupleTypeElt, 8> elts;
for (auto param : outputSubstTypes) {
auto outputSubstType = cast<TupleType>(
TupleType::get(elts, SGF.getASTContext())
// Translate the input tuple value into the output tuple value. Note
// that the output abstraction pattern is a tuple, and we explode tuples
// into multiple parameters, so if the input abstraction pattern is
// opaque, this will explode the input value. Otherwise, the input
// parameters will be mapped one-to-one to the output parameters.
translate(inputOrigType, inputSubstType,
outputOrigType, outputSubstType);
// Otherwise, parameters are always reabstracted one-to-one.
assert(inputSubstTypes.size() == outputSubstTypes.size());
SmallVector<AbstractionPattern, 8> inputOrigTypes;
SmallVector<AbstractionPattern, 8> outputOrigTypes;
for (auto i : indices(inputSubstTypes)) {
translate(inputOrigTypes, inputSubstTypes,
outputOrigTypes, outputSubstTypes);
void translate(ArrayRef<AbstractionPattern> inputOrigTypes,
AnyFunctionType::CanParamArrayRef inputSubstTypes,
ArrayRef<AbstractionPattern> outputOrigTypes,
AnyFunctionType::CanParamArrayRef outputSubstTypes) {
assert(inputOrigTypes.size() == inputSubstTypes.size());
assert(outputOrigTypes.size() == outputSubstTypes.size());
assert(inputOrigTypes.size() == outputOrigTypes.size());
for (auto i : indices(inputOrigTypes)) {
translate(inputOrigTypes[i], inputSubstTypes[i],
outputOrigTypes[i], outputSubstTypes[i]);
void translate(AbstractionPattern inputOrigType,
AnyFunctionType::CanParam inputSubstType,
AbstractionPattern outputOrigType,
AnyFunctionType::CanParam outputSubstType) {
// Note that it's OK for the input to be inout but not the output;
// this means we're just going to load the inout and pass it on as a
// scalar.
if (outputSubstType.isInOut()) {
auto inputValue = claimNextInput();
auto outputLoweredTy = claimNextOutputType();
translateInOut(inputOrigType, inputSubstType.getParameterType(),
outputOrigType, outputSubstType.getParameterType(),
inputValue, outputLoweredTy);
} else {
translate(inputOrigType, inputSubstType.getParameterType(),
outputOrigType, outputSubstType.getParameterType());
void translate(AbstractionPattern inputOrigType,
CanType inputSubstType,
AbstractionPattern outputOrigType,
CanType outputSubstType) {
// Most of this function is about tuples: tuples can be represented
// as one or many values, with varying levels of indirection.
auto inputTupleType = dyn_cast<TupleType>(inputSubstType);
auto outputTupleType = dyn_cast<TupleType>(outputSubstType);
// Case where the input type is an exploded tuple.
if (inputOrigType.isTuple()) {
if (outputOrigType.isTuple()) {
// Both input and output are exploded tuples, easy case.
return translateParallelExploded(inputOrigType,
// Tuple types are subtypes of their optionals
if (auto outputObjectType = outputSubstType.getOptionalObjectType()) {
auto outputOrigObjectType = outputOrigType.getOptionalObjectType();
if (auto outputTupleType = dyn_cast<TupleType>(outputObjectType)) {
// The input is exploded and the output is an optional tuple.
// Translate values and collect them into a single optional
// payload.
auto result =
// Tuple types are subtypes of optionals of Any, too.
// First, construct the existential.
auto result =
// Now, convert it to an optional.
translateSingle(outputOrigObjectType, outputObjectType,
outputOrigType, outputSubstType,
result, claimNextOutputType());
if (outputSubstType->isAny()) {
auto result =
if (outputTupleType) {
// The input is exploded and the output is not. Translate values
// and store them to a result tuple in memory.
assert(outputOrigType.isTypeParameter() &&
"Output is not a tuple and is not opaque?");
auto outputTy = SGF.getSILType(claimNextOutputType(),
auto &outputTL = SGF.getTypeLowering(outputTy);
if (SGF.silConv.useLoweredAddresses()) {
auto temp = SGF.emitTemporary(Loc, outputTL);
translateAndImplodeInto(inputOrigType, inputTupleType,
outputOrigType, outputTupleType, *temp);
} else {
auto result = translateAndImplodeIntoValue(
inputOrigType, inputTupleType, outputOrigType, outputTupleType,
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled conversion from exploded tuple");
// Handle output being an exploded tuple when the input is opaque.
if (outputOrigType.isTuple()) {
if (inputTupleType) {
// The input is exploded and the output is not. Translate values
// and store them to a result tuple in memory.
assert(inputOrigType.isTypeParameter() &&
"Input is not a tuple and is not opaque?");
return translateAndExplodeOutOf(inputOrigType,
// FIXME: IUO<Tuple> to Tuple
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled conversion to exploded tuple");
// Okay, we are now working with a single value turning into a
// single value.
auto inputElt = claimNextInput();
auto outputEltType = claimNextOutputType();
translateSingle(inputOrigType, inputSubstType,
outputOrigType, outputSubstType,
inputElt, outputEltType);
/// Take a tuple that has been exploded in the input and turn it into
/// a tuple value in the output.
ManagedValue translateAndImplodeIntoValue(AbstractionPattern inputOrigType,
CanTupleType inputType,
AbstractionPattern outputOrigType,
CanTupleType outputType,
SILType loweredOutputTy) {
SmallVector<ManagedValue, 4> elements;
assert(outputType->getNumElements() == inputType->getNumElements());
assert(loweredOutputTy.castTo<TupleType>()->getNumElements() ==
for (unsigned i : indices(outputType->getElementTypes())) {
auto inputOrigEltType = inputOrigType.getTupleElementType(i);
auto inputEltType = inputType.getElementType(i);
auto outputOrigEltType = outputOrigType.getTupleElementType(i);
auto outputEltType = outputType.getElementType(i);
SILType loweredOutputEltTy = loweredOutputTy.getTupleElementType(i);
ManagedValue elt;
if (auto inputEltTupleType = dyn_cast<TupleType>(inputEltType)) {
elt = translateAndImplodeIntoValue(inputOrigEltType,
} else {
elt = claimNextInput();
// Load if necessary.
if (elt.getType().isAddress()) {
// This code assumes that we have each element at +1. So, if we do
// not have a cleanup, we emit a load [copy]. This can occur if we
// are translating in_guaranteed parameters.
IsTake_t isTakeVal = elt.isPlusZero() ? IsNotTake : IsTake;
elt = SGF.emitLoad(Loc, elt.forward(SGF),
SGF.getTypeLowering(elt.getType()), SGFContext(),
if (elt.getType() != loweredOutputEltTy)
elt = translatePrimitive(inputOrigEltType, inputEltType,
outputOrigEltType, outputEltType,
elt, loweredOutputEltTy);
SmallVector<SILValue, 4> forwarded;
for (auto &elt : elements)
auto tuple = SGF.B.createTuple(Loc, loweredOutputTy, forwarded);
return SGF.emitManagedRValueWithCleanup(tuple);
/// Handle a tuple that has been exploded in the input but wrapped in
/// an optional in the output.
translateAndImplodeIntoOptional(AbstractionPattern inputOrigType,
CanTupleType inputTupleType,
AbstractionPattern outputOrigType,
CanTupleType outputTupleType) {
assert(!inputTupleType->hasElementWithOwnership() &&
assert(inputTupleType->getNumElements() ==
// Collect the tuple elements.
auto &loweredTL = SGF.getTypeLowering(outputOrigType, outputTupleType);
auto loweredTy = loweredTL.getLoweredType();
auto optionalTy = SGF.getSILType(claimNextOutputType(),
auto someDecl = SGF.getASTContext().getOptionalSomeDecl();
if (loweredTL.isLoadable() || !SGF.silConv.useLoweredAddresses()) {
auto payload =
translateAndImplodeIntoValue(inputOrigType, inputTupleType,
outputOrigType, outputTupleType,
return SGF.B.createEnum(Loc, payload, someDecl, optionalTy);
} else {
auto optionalBuf = SGF.emitTemporaryAllocation(Loc, optionalTy);
auto tupleBuf = SGF.B.createInitEnumDataAddr(Loc, optionalBuf, someDecl,
auto tupleTemp = SGF.useBufferAsTemporary(tupleBuf, loweredTL);
translateAndImplodeInto(inputOrigType, inputTupleType,
outputOrigType, outputTupleType,
SGF.B.createInjectEnumAddr(Loc, optionalBuf, someDecl);
auto payload = tupleTemp->getManagedAddress();
if (payload.hasCleanup()) {
return SGF.emitManagedBufferWithCleanup(optionalBuf);
return ManagedValue::forUnmanaged(optionalBuf);
/// Handle a tuple that has been exploded in the input but wrapped
/// in an existential in the output.
translateAndImplodeIntoAny(AbstractionPattern inputOrigType,
CanTupleType inputTupleType,
AbstractionPattern outputOrigType,
CanType outputSubstType) {
auto existentialTy = SGF.getLoweredType(outputOrigType, outputSubstType);
auto existentialBuf = SGF.emitTemporaryAllocation(Loc, existentialTy);
auto opaque = AbstractionPattern::getOpaque();
auto &concreteTL = SGF.getTypeLowering(opaque, inputTupleType);
auto tupleBuf =
SGF.B.createInitExistentialAddr(Loc, existentialBuf,
auto tupleTemp = SGF.useBufferAsTemporary(tupleBuf, concreteTL);
translateAndImplodeInto(inputOrigType, inputTupleType,
opaque, inputTupleType,
auto payload = tupleTemp->getManagedAddress();
if (SGF.silConv.useLoweredAddresses()) {
// We always need to return the existential buf with a cleanup even if
// we stored trivial values, since SILGen maintains the invariant that
// forwarding a non-trivial value (i.e. an Any) into memory must be done
// at +1.
return SGF.emitManagedBufferWithCleanup(existentialBuf);
// We are under opaque value(s) mode - load the any and init an opaque
auto loadedPayload = SGF.B.createLoadCopy(Loc, payload);
auto &anyTL = SGF.getTypeLowering(opaque, outputSubstType);
return SGF.B.createInitExistentialValue(
Loc, anyTL.getLoweredType(), inputTupleType, loadedPayload,
/// Handle a tuple that has been exploded in both the input and
/// the output.
void translateParallelExploded(AbstractionPattern inputOrigType,
CanTupleType inputSubstType,
AbstractionPattern outputOrigType,
CanTupleType outputSubstType) {
assert(!inputSubstType->hasElementWithOwnership() &&
assert(inputSubstType->getNumElements() ==
for (auto index : indices(outputSubstType.getElementTypes())) {
/// Given that a tuple value is being passed indirectly in the
/// input, explode it and translate the elements.
void translateAndExplodeOutOf(AbstractionPattern inputOrigType,
CanTupleType inputSubstType,
AbstractionPattern outputOrigType,
CanTupleType outputSubstType,
ManagedValue inputTupleAddr) {
assert(!inputSubstType->hasElementWithOwnership() &&
assert(inputSubstType->getNumElements() ==
SmallVector<ManagedValue, 4> inputEltAddrs;
explodeTuple(SGF, Loc, inputTupleAddr, inputEltAddrs);
assert(inputEltAddrs.size() == outputSubstType->getNumElements());
for (auto index : indices(outputSubstType.getElementTypes())) {
auto inputEltOrigType = inputOrigType.getTupleElementType(index);
auto inputEltSubstType = inputSubstType.getElementType(index);
auto outputEltOrigType = outputOrigType.getTupleElementType(index);
auto outputEltSubstType = outputSubstType.getElementType(index);
auto inputEltAddr = inputEltAddrs[index];
assert(inputEltAddr.getType().isAddress() ||
if (auto outputEltTupleType = dyn_cast<TupleType>(outputEltSubstType)) {
auto inputEltTupleType = cast<TupleType>(inputEltSubstType);
} else {
auto outputType = claimNextOutputType();
/// Given that a tuple value is being passed indirectly in the
/// output, translate the elements and implode it.
void translateAndImplodeInto(AbstractionPattern inputOrigType,
CanTupleType inputSubstType,
AbstractionPattern outputOrigType,
CanTupleType outputSubstType,
TemporaryInitialization &tupleInit) {
assert(!inputSubstType->hasElementWithOwnership() &&
assert(inputSubstType->getNumElements() ==
auto outputLoweredTy = tupleInit.getAddress()->getType();
assert(outputLoweredTy.castTo<TupleType>()->getNumElements() ==
SmallVector<CleanupHandle, 4> cleanups;
for (auto index : indices(outputSubstType.getElementTypes())) {
auto inputEltOrigType = inputOrigType.getTupleElementType(index);
auto inputEltSubstType = inputSubstType.getElementType(index);
auto outputEltOrigType = outputOrigType.getTupleElementType(index);
auto outputEltSubstType = outputSubstType.getElementType(index);
auto eltAddr =
SGF.B.createTupleElementAddr(Loc, tupleInit.getAddress(), index);
auto &outputEltTL = SGF.getTypeLowering(eltAddr->getType());
CleanupHandle eltCleanup =
SGF.enterDormantTemporaryCleanup(eltAddr, outputEltTL);
if (eltCleanup.isValid()) cleanups.push_back(eltCleanup);
TemporaryInitialization eltInit(eltAddr, eltCleanup);
if (auto outputEltTupleType = dyn_cast<TupleType>(outputEltSubstType)) {
auto inputEltTupleType = cast<TupleType>(inputEltSubstType);
translateAndImplodeInto(inputEltOrigType, inputEltTupleType,
outputEltOrigType, outputEltTupleType,
} else {
// Otherwise, we come from a single value.
auto input = claimNextInput();
translateSingleInto(inputEltOrigType, inputEltSubstType,
outputEltOrigType, outputEltSubstType,
input, eltInit);
// Deactivate all the element cleanups and activate the tuple cleanup.
for (auto cleanup : cleanups)
// Translate into a temporary.
void translateIndirect(AbstractionPattern inputOrigType,
CanType inputSubstType,
AbstractionPattern outputOrigType,
CanType outputSubstType, ManagedValue input,
SILType resultTy) {
auto &outputTL = SGF.getTypeLowering(resultTy);
auto temp = SGF.emitTemporary(Loc, outputTL);
translateSingleInto(inputOrigType, inputSubstType, outputOrigType,
outputSubstType, input, *temp);
// Translate into an owned argument.
void translateIntoOwned(AbstractionPattern inputOrigType,
CanType inputSubstType,
AbstractionPattern outputOrigType,
CanType outputSubstType,
ManagedValue input,
SILType outputLoweredTy) {
auto output = translatePrimitive(inputOrigType, inputSubstType,
outputOrigType, outputSubstType,
input, outputLoweredTy);
// If our output is guaranteed or unowned, we need to create a copy here.
if (output.getOwnershipKind() != OwnershipKind::Owned)
output = output.copyUnmanaged(SGF, Loc);
// Translate into a guaranteed argument.
void translateIntoGuaranteed(AbstractionPattern inputOrigType,
CanType inputSubstType,
AbstractionPattern outputOrigType,
CanType outputSubstType,
ManagedValue input,
SILType outputLoweredTy) {
auto output = translatePrimitive(inputOrigType, inputSubstType,
outputOrigType, outputSubstType,
input, outputLoweredTy);
// If our output value is not guaranteed, we need to:
// 1. Unowned - Copy + Borrow.
// 2. Owned - Borrow.
// 3. Trivial - do nothing.
// This means we can first transition unowned => owned and then handle
// the new owned value using the same code path as values that are
// initially owned.
if (output.getOwnershipKind() == OwnershipKind::Unowned) {
output = SGF.emitManagedRetain(Loc, output.getValue());
// If the output is unowned or owned, create a borrow.
if (output.getOwnershipKind() != OwnershipKind::Guaranteed) {
output = SGF.emitManagedBeginBorrow(Loc, output.getValue());
/// Translate a single value and add it as an output.
void translateSingle(AbstractionPattern inputOrigType,
CanType inputSubstType,
AbstractionPattern outputOrigType,
CanType outputSubstType,
ManagedValue input,
SILParameterInfo result) {
auto resultTy = SGF.getSILType(result, OutputTypesFuncTy);
// Easy case: we want to pass exactly this value.
if (input.getType() == resultTy) {
switch (result.getConvention()) {
case ParameterConvention::Direct_Owned:
case ParameterConvention::Indirect_In:
if (!input.hasCleanup() &&
input.getOwnershipKind() != OwnershipKind::None)
input = input.copyUnmanaged(SGF, Loc);
switch (result.getConvention()) {
// Direct translation is relatively easy.
case ParameterConvention::Direct_Owned:
case ParameterConvention::Direct_Unowned:
translateIntoOwned(inputOrigType, inputSubstType, outputOrigType,
outputSubstType, input, resultTy);
case ParameterConvention::Direct_Guaranteed:
translateIntoGuaranteed(inputOrigType, inputSubstType, outputOrigType,
outputSubstType, input, resultTy);
case ParameterConvention::Indirect_In: {
if (SGF.silConv.useLoweredAddresses()) {
translateIndirect(inputOrigType, inputSubstType, outputOrigType,
outputSubstType, input, resultTy);
translateIntoOwned(inputOrigType, inputSubstType, outputOrigType,
outputSubstType, input, resultTy);
case ParameterConvention::Indirect_In_Guaranteed: {
if (SGF.silConv.useLoweredAddresses()) {
translateIndirect(inputOrigType, inputSubstType, outputOrigType,
outputSubstType, input, resultTy);
translateIntoGuaranteed(inputOrigType, inputSubstType, outputOrigType,
outputSubstType, input, resultTy);
case ParameterConvention::Indirect_Inout:
llvm_unreachable("inout reabstraction handled elsewhere");
case ParameterConvention::Indirect_InoutAliasable:
llvm_unreachable("abstraction difference in aliasable argument not "
case ParameterConvention::Indirect_In_Constant:
llvm_unreachable("in_constant convention not allowed in SILGen");
llvm_unreachable("Covered switch isn't covered?!");
void translateInOut(AbstractionPattern inputOrigType,
CanType inputSubstType,
AbstractionPattern outputOrigType,
CanType outputSubstType,
ManagedValue input,
SILParameterInfo result) {
auto resultTy = SGF.getSILType(result, OutputTypesFuncTy);
if (input.getType() == resultTy) {
// Create a temporary of the right type.
auto &temporaryTL = SGF.getTypeLowering(resultTy);
auto temporary = SGF.emitTemporary(Loc, temporaryTL);
// Take ownership of the input value. This leaves the input l-value
// effectively uninitialized, but we'll push a cleanup that will put
// a value back into it.
FullExpr scope(SGF.Cleanups, CleanupLocation::get(Loc));
auto ownedInput =
// Translate the input value into the temporary.
translateSingleInto(inputOrigType, inputSubstType,
outputOrigType, outputSubstType,
ownedInput, *temporary);
// Forward the cleanup on the temporary. We're about to push a new
// cleanup that will re-assert ownership of this value.
auto temporaryAddr = temporary->getManagedAddress().forward(SGF);
// Leave the scope in which we did the forward translation. This
// ensures that the value in the input buffer is destroyed
// immediately rather than (potentially) arbitrarily later
// at a point where we want to put new values in the input buffer.
// Push the cleanup to perform the reverse translation. This cleanup
// asserts ownership of the value of the temporary.
// Add the temporary as an l-value argument.
/// Translate a single value and initialize the given temporary with it.
void translateSingleInto(AbstractionPattern inputOrigType,
CanType inputSubstType,
AbstractionPattern outputOrigType,
CanType outputSubstType,
ManagedValue input,
TemporaryInitialization &temp) {
auto output = translatePrimitive(inputOrigType, inputSubstType,
outputOrigType, outputSubstType,
input, temp.getAddress()->getType(),
forceInto(output, temp);
/// Apply primitive translation to the given value.
ManagedValue translatePrimitive(AbstractionPattern inputOrigType,
CanType inputSubstType,
AbstractionPattern outputOrigType,
CanType outputSubstType,
ManagedValue input,
SILType loweredOutputTy,
SGFContext context = SGFContext()) {
return SGF.emitTransformedValue(Loc, input,
inputOrigType, inputSubstType,
outputOrigType, outputSubstType,
loweredOutputTy, context);
/// Force the given result into the given initialization.
void forceInto(ManagedValue result, TemporaryInitialization &temp) {
emitForceInto(SGF, Loc, result, temp);
ManagedValue claimNextInput() {
return claimNext(Inputs);
SILParameterInfo claimNextOutputType() {
return claimNext(OutputTypes);
} // end anonymous namespace
/// Apply trivial conversions to a value to handle differences between the inner
/// and outer types of a function conversion thunk.
static ManagedValue applyTrivialConversions(SILGenFunction &SGF,
SILLocation loc,
ManagedValue innerValue,
SILType outerType) {
auto innerASTTy = innerValue.getType().getASTType();
auto outerASTTy = outerType.getASTType();
if (innerASTTy->hasArchetype())
innerASTTy = innerASTTy->mapTypeOutOfContext()->getCanonicalType();
if (outerASTTy->hasArchetype())
outerASTTy = outerASTTy->mapTypeOutOfContext()->getCanonicalType();
if (innerASTTy == outerASTTy) {
return innerValue;
if (innerASTTy->getClassOrBoundGenericClass()
&& outerASTTy->getClassOrBoundGenericClass()) {
if (outerASTTy->isExactSuperclassOf(innerASTTy)) {
return SGF.B.createUpcast(loc, innerValue, outerType);
} else if (innerASTTy->isExactSuperclassOf(outerASTTy)) {
return SGF.B.createUncheckedRefCast(loc, innerValue, outerType);
} else if (auto innerFnTy = dyn_cast<SILFunctionType>(innerASTTy)) {
if (auto outerFnTy = dyn_cast<SILFunctionType>(outerASTTy)) {
auto abiDiffA =
auto abiDiffB =
if (abiDiffA == TypeConverter::ABIDifference::CompatibleRepresentation
|| abiDiffA == TypeConverter::ABIDifference::CompatibleCallingConvention
|| abiDiffB == TypeConverter::ABIDifference::CompatibleRepresentation
|| abiDiffB == TypeConverter::ABIDifference::CompatibleCallingConvention) {
return SGF.B.createConvertFunction(loc, innerValue, outerType);
llvm_unreachable("unhandled reabstraction type mismatch");
/// Forward arguments according to a function type's ownership conventions.
static void forwardFunctionArguments(SILGenFunction &SGF,
SILLocation loc,
CanSILFunctionType fTy,
ArrayRef<ManagedValue> managedArgs,
SmallVectorImpl<SILValue> &forwardedArgs) {
auto argTypes = fTy->getParameters();
for (auto index : indices(managedArgs)) {
auto arg = managedArgs[index];
auto argTy = argTypes[index];
auto argSubstTy =
argTy.getArgumentType(SGF.SGM.M, fTy, SGF.getTypeExpansionContext());
arg = applyTrivialConversions(SGF, loc, arg,
if (argTy.isConsumed()) {
forwardedArgs.push_back(arg.ensurePlusOne(SGF, loc).forward(SGF));
if (isGuaranteedParameter(argTy.getConvention())) {
SGF.emitManagedBeginBorrow(loc, arg.getValue()).getValue());
namespace {
class YieldInfo {
SmallVector<AbstractionPattern, 1> OrigTypes;
SmallVector<AnyFunctionType::Param, 1> Yields;
ArrayRef<SILYieldInfo> LoweredInfos;
YieldInfo(SILGenModule &SGM, SILDeclRef function,
CanSILFunctionType loweredType, SubstitutionMap subs) {
LoweredInfos = loweredType->getUnsubstitutedType(SGM.M)->getYields();
auto accessor = cast<AccessorDecl>(function.getDecl());
auto storage = accessor->getStorage();
SGM.Types.getAbstractionPattern(storage, /*nonobjc*/ true));
SmallVector<AnyFunctionType::Yield, 1> yieldsBuffer;
auto yields = AnyFunctionRef(accessor).getYieldResults(yieldsBuffer);
assert(yields.size() == 1);
ArrayRef<AbstractionPattern> getOrigTypes() const { return OrigTypes; }
AnyFunctionType::CanParamArrayRef getSubstTypes() const {
return AnyFunctionType::CanParamArrayRef(Yields);
ArrayRef<SILYieldInfo> getLoweredTypes() const { return LoweredInfos; }
static ManagedValue manageYield(SILGenFunction &SGF, SILValue value,
SILYieldInfo info) {
switch (info.getConvention()) {
case ParameterConvention::Indirect_Inout:
case ParameterConvention::Indirect_InoutAliasable:
return ManagedValue::forLValue(value);
case ParameterConvention::Direct_Owned:
case ParameterConvention::Indirect_In:
case ParameterConvention::Indirect_In_Constant:
return SGF.emitManagedRValueWithCleanup(value);
case ParameterConvention::Direct_Guaranteed:
case ParameterConvention::Direct_Unowned:
if (value.getOwnershipKind() == OwnershipKind::None)
return ManagedValue::forUnmanaged(value);
return ManagedValue::forBorrowedObjectRValue(value);
case ParameterConvention::Indirect_In_Guaranteed:
return ManagedValue::forBorrowedAddressRValue(value);
llvm_unreachable("bad kind");
static void manageYields(SILGenFunction &SGF, ArrayRef<SILValue> yields,
ArrayRef<SILYieldInfo> yieldInfos,
SmallVectorImpl<ManagedValue> &yieldMVs) {
assert(yields.size() == yieldInfos.size());
for (auto i : indices(yields)) {
yieldMVs.push_back(manageYield(SGF, yields[i], yieldInfos[i]));
/// Translate the values yielded to us back out to the caller.
static void translateYields(SILGenFunction &SGF, SILLocation loc,
ArrayRef<SILValue> innerYields,
const YieldInfo &innerInfos,
const YieldInfo &outerInfos) {
assert(innerInfos.getOrigTypes().size() == innerInfos.getSubstTypes().size());
assert(outerInfos.getOrigTypes().size() == outerInfos.getSubstTypes().size());
assert(innerInfos.getOrigTypes().size() == outerInfos.getOrigTypes().size());
SmallVector<ManagedValue, 4> innerMVs;
manageYields(SGF, innerYields, innerInfos.getLoweredTypes(), innerMVs);
FullExpr scope(SGF.Cleanups, CleanupLocation::get(loc));
// Map the SILYieldInfos into the local context and incidentally turn
// them into SILParameterInfos.
SmallVector<SILParameterInfo, 4> outerLoweredTypesAsParameters;
for (auto unmappedInfo : outerInfos.getLoweredTypes()) {
auto mappedTy = SGF.F.mapTypeIntoContext(
// Translate the yields as if they were arguments.
SmallVector<ManagedValue, 4> outerMVs;
TranslateArguments translator(SGF, loc, innerMVs, outerMVs,
translator.translate(innerInfos.getOrigTypes(), innerInfos.getSubstTypes(),
outerInfos.getOrigTypes(), outerInfos.getSubstTypes());
// Prepare a destination for the unwind; use the current cleanup stack
// as the depth so that we branch right to it.
SILBasicBlock *unwindBB = SGF.createBasicBlock(FunctionSection::Postmatter);
JumpDest unwindDest(unwindBB, SGF.Cleanups.getCleanupsDepth(),
// Emit the yield.
SGF.emitRawYield(loc, outerMVs, unwindDest, /*unique*/ true);
// Emit the unwind block.
SILGenSavedInsertionPoint savedIP(SGF, unwindBB,
// Emit all active cleanups.
SGF.Cleanups.emitCleanupsForReturn(CleanupLocation::get(loc), IsForUnwind);
namespace {
/// A helper class to translate the inner results to the outer results.
/// Creating a result-translation plan involves three basic things:
/// - building SILArguments for each of the outer indirect results
/// - building a list of SILValues for each of the inner indirect results
/// - building a list of Operations to perform which will reabstract
/// the inner results to match the outer.
class ResultPlanner {
SILGenFunction &SGF;
SILLocation Loc;
/// A single result-translation operation.
struct Operation {
enum Kind {
/// Take the last N direct outer results, tuple them, and make that a
/// new direct outer result.
/// Valid: NumElements, OuterResult
/// Take the last direct outer result, inject it into an optional
/// type, and make that a new direct outer result.
/// Valid: SomeDecl, OuterResult
/// Finish building an optional Some in the given address.
/// Valid: SomeDecl, OuterResultAddr
/// Take the next direct inner result and just make it a direct
/// outer result.
/// Valid: InnerResult, OuterResult.
/// Take the next direct inner result and store it into an
/// outer result address.
/// Valid: InnerDirect, OuterResultAddr.
/// Take from an indirect inner result and make it the next outer
/// direct result.
/// Valid: InnerResultAddr, OuterResult.
/// Take from an indirect inner result into an outer indirect result.
/// Valid: InnerResultAddr, OuterResultAddr.
/// Take a value out of the source inner result address, reabstract
/// it, and initialize the destination outer result address.
/// Valid: reabstraction info, InnerAddress, OuterAddress.
/// Take a value out of the source inner result address, reabstract
/// it, and add it as the next direct outer result.
/// Valid: reabstraction info, InnerAddress, OuterResult.
/// Take the next direct inner result, reabstract it, and initialize
/// the destination outer result address.
/// Valid: reabstraction info, InnerResult, OuterAddress.
/// Take the next direct inner result, reabstract it, and add it as
/// the next direct outer result.
/// Valid: reabstraction info, InnerResult, OuterResult.
Operation(Kind kind) : TheKind(kind) {}
Kind TheKind;
// Reabstraction information. Only valid for reabstraction kinds.
AbstractionPattern InnerOrigType = AbstractionPattern::getInvalid();
AbstractionPattern OuterOrigType = AbstractionPattern::getInvalid();
CanType InnerSubstType, OuterSubstType;
union {
SILValue InnerResultAddr;
SILResultInfo InnerResult;
unsigned NumElements;
EnumElementDecl *SomeDecl;
union {
SILValue OuterResultAddr;
SILResultInfo OuterResult;
struct PlanData {
ArrayRef<SILResultInfo> OuterResults;
ArrayRef<SILResultInfo> InnerResults;
SmallVectorImpl<SILValue> &InnerIndirectResultAddrs;
size_t NextOuterIndirectResultIndex;
SmallVector<Operation, 8> Operations;
ResultPlanner(SILGenFunction &SGF, SILLocation loc) : SGF(SGF), Loc(loc) {}
void plan(AbstractionPattern innerOrigType, CanType innerSubstType,
AbstractionPattern outerOrigType, CanType outerSubstType,
CanSILFunctionType innerFnType, CanSILFunctionType outerFnType,
SmallVectorImpl<SILValue> &innerIndirectResultAddrs) {
// Assert that the indirect results are set up like we expect.
>= SILFunctionConventions(outerFnType, SGF.SGM.M)
SILFunctionConventions(innerFnType, SGF.SGM.M)
PlanData data = {outerFnType->getUnsubstitutedType(SGF.SGM.M)->getResults(),
innerIndirectResultAddrs, 0};
// Recursively walk the result types.
plan(innerOrigType, innerSubstType, outerOrigType, outerSubstType, data);
// Assert that we consumed and produced all the indirect result
// information we needed.
assert(data.InnerIndirectResultAddrs.size() ==
SILFunctionConventions(innerFnType, SGF.SGM.M)
== SILFunctionConventions(outerFnType, SGF.SGM.M)
SILValue execute(SILValue innerResult);
void execute(ArrayRef<SILValue> innerDirectResults,
SmallVectorImpl<SILValue> &outerDirectResults);
void executeInnerTuple(SILValue innerElement,
SmallVector<SILValue, 4> &innerDirectResults);
void plan(AbstractionPattern innerOrigType, CanType innerSubstType,
AbstractionPattern outerOrigType, CanType outerSubstType,
PlanData &planData);
void planIntoIndirectResult(AbstractionPattern innerOrigType,
CanType innerSubstType,
AbstractionPattern outerOrigType,
CanType outerSubstType,
PlanData &planData,
SILValue outerResultAddr);
void planTupleIntoIndirectResult(AbstractionPattern innerOrigType,
CanTupleType innerSubstType,
AbstractionPattern outerOrigType,
CanType outerSubstType,
PlanData &planData,
SILValue outerResultAddr);
void planScalarIntoIndirectResult(AbstractionPattern innerOrigType,
CanType innerSubstType,
AbstractionPattern outerOrigType,
CanType outerSubstType,
PlanData &planData,
SILResultInfo innerResult,
SILValue outerResultAddr);
void planIntoDirectResult(AbstractionPattern innerOrigType,
CanType innerSubstType,
AbstractionPattern outerOrigType,
CanType outerSubstType,
PlanData &planData,
SILResultInfo outerResult);
void planScalarIntoDirectResult(AbstractionPattern innerOrigType,
CanType innerSubstType,
AbstractionPattern outerOrigType,
CanType outerSubstType,
PlanData &planData,
SILResultInfo innerResult,
SILResultInfo outerResult);
void planTupleIntoDirectResult(AbstractionPattern innerOrigType,
CanTupleType innerSubstType,
AbstractionPattern outerOrigType,
CanType outerSubstType,
PlanData &planData,
SILResultInfo outerResult);
void planFromIndirectResult(AbstractionPattern innerOrigType,
CanType innerSubstType,
AbstractionPattern outerOrigType,
CanType outerSubstType,
PlanData &planData,
SILValue innerResultAddr);
void planTupleFromIndirectResult(AbstractionPattern innerOrigType,
CanTupleType innerSubstType,
AbstractionPattern outerOrigType,
CanTupleType outerSubstType,
PlanData &planData,
SILValue innerResultAddr);
void planTupleFromDirectResult(AbstractionPattern innerOrigType,
CanTupleType innerSubstType,
AbstractionPattern outerOrigType,
CanTupleType outerSubstType,
PlanData &planData, SILResultInfo innerResult);
void planScalarFromIndirectResult(AbstractionPattern innerOrigType,
CanType innerSubstType,
AbstractionPattern outerOrigType,
CanType outerSubstType,
SILValue innerResultAddr,
SILResultInfo outerResult,
SILValue optOuterResultAddr);
/// Claim the next inner result from the plan data.
SILResultInfo claimNextInnerResult(PlanData &data) {
return claimNext(data.InnerResults);
/// Claim the next outer result from the plan data. If it's indirect,
/// grab its SILArgument.
std::pair<SILResultInfo, SILValue> claimNextOuterResult(PlanData &data) {
SILResultInfo result = claimNext(data.OuterResults);
SILValue resultAddr;
if (SGF.silConv.isSILIndirect(result)) {
resultAddr =
return { result, resultAddr };
/// Create a temporary address suitable for passing to the given inner
/// indirect result and add it as an inner indirect result.
SILValue addInnerIndirectResultTemporary(PlanData &data,
SILResultInfo innerResult) {
assert(SGF.silConv.isSILIndirect(innerResult) ||
auto temporary =
SGF.getSILType(innerResult, CanSILFunctionType()));
return temporary;
/// Cause the next inner indirect result to be emitted directly into
/// the given outer result address.
void addInPlace(PlanData &data, SILValue outerResultAddr) {
// Does not require an Operation.
Operation &addOperation(Operation::Kind kind) {
return Operations.back();
void addDirectToDirect(SILResultInfo innerResult, SILResultInfo outerResult) {
auto &op = addOperation(Operation::DirectToDirect);
op.InnerResult = innerResult;
op.OuterResult = outerResult;
void addDirectToIndirect(SILResultInfo innerResult,
SILValue outerResultAddr) {
auto &op = addOperation(Operation::DirectToIndirect);
op.InnerResult = innerResult;
op.OuterResultAddr = outerResultAddr;
void addIndirectToDirect(SILValue innerResultAddr,
SILResultInfo outerResult) {
auto &op = addOperation(Operation::IndirectToDirect);
op.InnerResultAddr = innerResultAddr;
op.OuterResult = outerResult;
void addIndirectToIndirect(SILValue innerResultAddr,
SILValue outerResultAddr) {
auto &op = addOperation(Operation::IndirectToIndirect);
op.InnerResultAddr = innerResultAddr;
op.OuterResultAddr = outerResultAddr;
void addTupleDirect(unsigned numElements, SILResultInfo outerResult) {
auto &op = addOperation(Operation::TupleDirect);
op.NumElements = numElements;
op.OuterResult = outerResult;
void addInjectOptionalDirect(EnumElementDecl *someDecl,
SILResultInfo outerResult) {
auto &op = addOperation(Operation::InjectOptionalDirect);
op.SomeDecl = someDecl;
op.OuterResult = outerResult;
void addInjectOptionalIndirect(EnumElementDecl *someDecl,
SILValue outerResultAddr) {
auto &op = addOperation(Operation::InjectOptionalIndirect);
op.SomeDecl = someDecl;
op.OuterResultAddr = outerResultAddr;
void addReabstractDirectToDirect(AbstractionPattern innerOrigType,
CanType innerSubstType,
AbstractionPattern outerOrigType,
CanType outerSubstType,
SILResultInfo innerResult,
SILResultInfo outerResult) {
auto &op = addOperation(Operation::ReabstractDirectToDirect);
op.InnerResult = innerResult;
op.OuterResult = outerResult;
op.InnerOrigType = innerOrigType;
op.InnerSubstType = innerSubstType;
op.OuterOrigType = outerOrigType;
op.OuterSubstType = outerSubstType;
void addReabstractDirectToIndirect(AbstractionPattern innerOrigType,
CanType innerSubstType,
AbstractionPattern outerOrigType,
CanType outerSubstType,
SILResultInfo innerResult,
SILValue outerResultAddr) {
auto &op = addOperation(Operation::ReabstractDirectToIndirect);
op.InnerResult = innerResult;
op.OuterResultAddr = outerResultAddr;
op.InnerOrigType = innerOrigType;
op.InnerSubstType = innerSubstType;
op.OuterOrigType = outerOrigType;
op.OuterSubstType = outerSubstType;
void addReabstractIndirectToDirect(AbstractionPattern innerOrigType,
CanType innerSubstType,
AbstractionPattern outerOrigType,
CanType outerSubstType,
SILValue innerResultAddr,
SILResultInfo outerResult) {
auto &op = addOperation(Operation::ReabstractIndirectToDirect);
op.InnerResultAddr = innerResultAddr;
op.OuterResult = outerResult;
op.InnerOrigType = innerOrigType;
op.InnerSubstType = innerSubstType;
op.OuterOrigType = outerOrigType;
op.OuterSubstType = outerSubstType;
void addReabstractIndirectToIndirect(AbstractionPattern innerOrigType,
CanType innerSubstType,
AbstractionPattern outerOrigType,
CanType outerSubstType,
SILValue innerResultAddr,
SILValue outerResultAddr) {
auto &op = addOperation(Operation::ReabstractIndirectToIndirect);
op.InnerResultAddr = innerResultAddr;
op.OuterResultAddr = outerResultAddr;
op.InnerOrigType = innerOrigType;
op.InnerSubstType = innerSubstType;
op.OuterOrigType = outerOrigType;
op.OuterSubstType = outerSubstType;
} // end anonymous namespace
/// Plan the reabstraction of a call result.
void ResultPlanner::plan(AbstractionPattern innerOrigType,
CanType innerSubstType,
AbstractionPattern outerOrigType,
CanType outerSubstType,
PlanData &planData) {
// The substituted types must match up in tuple-ness and arity.
isa<TupleType>(innerSubstType) == isa<TupleType>(outerSubstType) ||
(isa<TupleType>(innerSubstType) &&
(outerSubstType->isAny() || outerSubstType->getOptionalObjectType())));
assert(!isa<TupleType>(outerSubstType) ||
cast<TupleType>(innerSubstType)->getNumElements() ==
// If the inner abstraction pattern is a tuple, that result will be expanded.
if (innerOrigType.isTuple()) {
auto innerSubstTupleType = cast<TupleType>(innerSubstType);
// If the outer abstraction pattern is also a tuple, that result will also
// be expanded, in parallel with the inner pattern.
if (outerOrigType.isTuple()) {
auto outerSubstTupleType = cast<TupleType>(outerSubstType);
== outerSubstTupleType->getNumElements());
// Otherwise, recursively descend into the tuples.
for (auto eltIndex : indices(innerSubstTupleType.getElementTypes())) {
// Otherwise, the next outer result must be either opaque or optional.
// In either case, it corresponds to a single result.
auto outerResult = claimNextOuterResult(planData);
// Base the plan on whether the single result is direct or indirect.
if (SGF.silConv.isSILIndirect(outerResult.first)) {
planTupleIntoIndirectResult(innerOrigType, innerSubstTupleType,
outerOrigType, outerSubstType,
planData, outerResult.second);
} else {
planTupleIntoDirectResult(innerOrigType, innerSubstTupleType,
outerOrigType, outerSubstType,
planData, outerResult.first);
// Otherwise, the inner pattern is a scalar; claim the next inner result.
SILResultInfo innerResult = claimNextInnerResult(planData);
assert((!outerOrigType.isTuple() || innerResult.isFormalIndirect()) &&
"outer pattern is a tuple, inner pattern is not, but inner result is "
"not indirect?");
// If the inner result is a tuple, we need to expand from a temporary.
if (innerResult.isFormalIndirect() && outerOrigType.isTuple()) {
if (SGF.silConv.isSILIndirect(innerResult)) {
SILValue innerResultAddr =
addInnerIndirectResultTemporary(planData, innerResult);
innerOrigType, cast<TupleType>(innerSubstType), outerOrigType,
cast<TupleType>(outerSubstType), planData, innerResultAddr);
} else {
assert(!SGF.silConv.useLoweredAddresses() &&
"Formal Indirect Results that are not SIL Indirect are only "
"allowed in opaque values mode");
planTupleFromDirectResult(innerOrigType, cast<TupleType>(innerSubstType),
outerOrigType, cast<TupleType>(outerSubstType),
planData, innerResult);
// Otherwise, the outer pattern is a scalar; claim the next outer result.
auto outerResult = claimNextOuterResult(planData);
// If the outer result is indirect, plan to emit into that.
if (SGF.silConv.isSILIndirect(outerResult.first)) {
planScalarIntoIndirectResult(innerOrigType, innerSubstType,
outerOrigType, outerSubstType,
planData, innerResult, outerResult.second);
} else {
planScalarIntoDirectResult(innerOrigType, innerSubstType,
outerOrigType, outerSubstType,
planData, innerResult, outerResult.first);
/// Plan the emission of a call result into an outer result address.
void ResultPlanner::planIntoIndirectResult(AbstractionPattern innerOrigType,
CanType innerSubstType,
AbstractionPattern outerOrigType,
CanType outerSubstType,
PlanData &planData,
SILValue outerResultAddr) {
// outerOrigType can be a tuple if we're also injecting into an optional.
// If the inner pattern is a tuple, expand it.
if (innerOrigType.isTuple()) {
planTupleIntoIndirectResult(innerOrigType, cast<TupleType>(innerSubstType),
outerOrigType, outerSubstType,
planData, outerResultAddr);
// Otherwise, it's scalar.
} else {
// Claim the next inner result.
SILResultInfo innerResult = claimNextInnerResult(planData);
planScalarIntoIndirectResult(innerOrigType, innerSubstType,
outerOrigType, outerSubstType,
planData, innerResult, outerResultAddr);
/// Plan the emission of a call result into an outer result address,
/// given that the inner abstraction pattern is a tuple.
ResultPlanner::planTupleIntoIndirectResult(AbstractionPattern innerOrigType,
CanTupleType innerSubstType,
AbstractionPattern outerOrigType,
CanType outerSubstType,
PlanData &planData,
SILValue outerResultAddr) {
// outerOrigType can be a tuple if we're doing something like
// injecting into an optional tuple.
auto outerSubstTupleType = dyn_cast<TupleType>(outerSubstType);
// If the outer type is not a tuple, it must be optional.
if (!outerSubstTupleType) {
// Figure out what kind of optional it is.
CanType outerSubstObjectType = outerSubstType.getOptionalObjectType();
if (outerSubstObjectType) {
auto someDecl = SGF.getASTContext().getOptionalSomeDecl();
// Prepare the value slot in the optional value.
SILType outerObjectType =
SILValue outerObjectResultAddr
= SGF.B.createInitEnumDataAddr(Loc, outerResultAddr, someDecl,
// Emit into that address.
innerOrigType, innerSubstType, outerOrigType.getOptionalObjectType(),
outerSubstObjectType, planData, outerObjectResultAddr);
// Add an operation to finish the enum initialization.
addInjectOptionalIndirect(someDecl, outerResultAddr);
// Prepare the value slot in the existential.
auto opaque = AbstractionPattern::getOpaque();
SILValue outerConcreteResultAddr
= SGF.B.createInitExistentialAddr(Loc, outerResultAddr, innerSubstType,
SGF.getLoweredType(opaque, innerSubstType),
// Emit into that address.
planTupleIntoIndirectResult(innerOrigType, innerSubstType,
innerOrigType, innerSubstType,
planData, outerConcreteResultAddr);
== outerSubstTupleType->getNumElements());
for (auto eltIndex : indices(innerSubstType.getElementTypes())) {
// Project the address of the element.
SILValue outerEltResultAddr =
SGF.B.createTupleElementAddr(Loc, outerResultAddr, eltIndex);
// Plan to emit into that location.
planData, outerEltResultAddr);
/// Plan the emission of a call result as a single outer direct result.
ResultPlanner::planIntoDirectResult(AbstractionPattern innerOrigType,
CanType innerSubstType,
AbstractionPattern outerOrigType,
CanType outerSubstType,
PlanData &planData,
SILResultInfo outerResult) {
assert(!outerOrigType.isTuple() || !SGF.silConv.useLoweredAddresses());
// If the inner pattern is a tuple, expand it.
if (innerOrigType.isTuple()) {
planTupleIntoDirectResult(innerOrigType, cast<TupleType>(innerSubstType),
outerOrigType, outerSubstType,
planData, outerResult);
// Otherwise, it's scalar.
} else {
// Claim the next inner result.
SILResultInfo innerResult = claimNextInnerResult(planData);
planScalarIntoDirectResult(innerOrigType, innerSubstType,
outerOrigType, outerSubstType,
planData, innerResult, outerResult);
/// Plan the emission of a call result as a single outer direct result,
/// given that the inner abstraction pattern is a tuple.
ResultPlanner::planTupleIntoDirectResult(AbstractionPattern innerOrigType,
CanTupleType innerSubstType,
AbstractionPattern outerOrigType,
CanType outerSubstType,
PlanData &planData,
SILResultInfo outerResult) {
auto outerSubstTupleType = dyn_cast<TupleType>(outerSubstType);
// If the outer type is not a tuple, it must be optional or we are under
// opaque value mode
if (!outerSubstTupleType) {
CanType outerSubstObjectType = outerSubstType.getOptionalObjectType();
if (outerSubstObjectType) {
auto someDecl = SGF.getASTContext().getOptionalSomeDecl();
SILType outerObjectType =
SGF.getSILType(outerResult, CanSILFunctionType())
SILResultInfo outerObjectResult(outerObjectType.getASTType(),
// Plan to leave the tuple elements as a single direct outer result.
innerOrigType, innerSubstType, outerOrigType.getOptionalObjectType(),
outerSubstObjectType, planData, outerObjectResult);
// Take that result and inject it into an optional.
addInjectOptionalDirect(someDecl, outerResult);
} else {
assert(!SGF.silConv.useLoweredAddresses() &&
"inner type was a tuple but outer type was neither a tuple nor "
"optional nor are we under opaque value mode");
auto opaque = AbstractionPattern::getOpaque();
auto anyType = SGF.getLoweredType(opaque, outerSubstType);
auto outerResultAddr = SGF.emitTemporaryAllocation(Loc, anyType);
SILValue outerConcreteResultAddr = SGF.B.createInitExistentialAddr(
Loc, outerResultAddr, innerSubstType,
SGF.getLoweredType(opaque, innerSubstType), /*conformances=*/{});
planTupleIntoIndirectResult(innerOrigType, innerSubstType, innerOrigType,
innerSubstType, planData,
addReabstractIndirectToDirect(innerOrigType, innerSubstType,
outerOrigType, outerSubstType,
outerConcreteResultAddr, outerResult);
// Otherwise, the outer type is a tuple.
== outerSubstTupleType->getNumElements());
// Create direct outer results for each of the elements.
for (auto eltIndex : indices(innerSubstType.getElementTypes())) {
auto outerEltType =
SGF.getSILType(outerResult, CanSILFunctionType())
SILResultInfo outerEltResult(outerEltType.getASTType(),
planData, outerEltResult);
// Bind them together into a single tuple.
addTupleDirect(innerSubstType->getNumElements(), outerResult);
/// Plan the emission of a call result as a single outer direct result,
/// given that the inner abstraction pattern is not a tuple.
void ResultPlanner::planScalarIntoDirectResult(AbstractionPattern innerOrigType,
CanType innerSubstType,
AbstractionPattern outerOrigType,
CanType outerSubstType,
PlanData &planData,
SILResultInfo innerResult,
SILResultInfo outerResult) {
// If the inner result is indirect, plan to emit from that.
if (SGF.silConv.isSILIndirect(innerResult)) {
SILValue innerResultAddr =
addInnerIndirectResultTemporary(planData, innerResult);
planScalarFromIndirectResult(innerOrigType, innerSubstType,
outerOrigType, outerSubstType,
innerResultAddr, outerResult, SILValue());
// Otherwise, we have two direct results.
// If there's no abstraction difference, it's just returned directly.
if (SGF.getSILType(innerResult, CanSILFunctionType())
== SGF.getSILType(outerResult, CanSILFunctionType())) {
addDirectToDirect(innerResult, outerResult);
// Otherwise, we need to reabstract.
} else {
addReabstractDirectToDirect(innerOrigType, innerSubstType,
outerOrigType, outerSubstType,
innerResult, outerResult);
/// Plan the emission of a call result into an outer result address,
/// given that the inner abstraction pattern is not a tuple.
ResultPlanner::planScalarIntoIndirectResult(AbstractionPattern innerOrigType,
CanType innerSubstType,
AbstractionPattern outerOrigType,
CanType outerSubstType,
PlanData &planData,
SILResultInfo innerResult,
SILValue outerResultAddr) {
bool hasAbstractionDifference =
(innerResult.getInterfaceType() != outerResultAddr->getType().getASTType());
// If the inner result is indirect, we need some memory to emit it into.
if (SGF.silConv.isSILIndirect(innerResult)) {
// If there's no abstraction difference, that can just be
// in-place into the outer result address.
if (!hasAbstractionDifference) {
addInPlace(planData, outerResultAddr);
// Otherwise, we'll need a temporary.
} else {
SILValue innerResultAddr =
addInnerIndirectResultTemporary(planData, innerResult);
addReabstractIndirectToIndirect(innerOrigType, innerSubstType,
outerOrigType, outerSubstType,
innerResultAddr, outerResultAddr);
// Otherwise, the inner result is direct.
} else {
// If there's no abstraction difference, we just need to store.
if (!hasAbstractionDifference) {
addDirectToIndirect(innerResult, outerResultAddr);
// Otherwise, we need to reabstract and store.
} else {
addReabstractDirectToIndirect(innerOrigType, innerSubstType,
outerOrigType, outerSubstType,
innerResult, outerResultAddr);
/// Plan the emission of a call result from an inner result address.
void ResultPlanner::planFromIndirectResult(AbstractionPattern innerOrigType,
CanType innerSubstType,
AbstractionPattern outerOrigType,
CanType outerSubstType,
PlanData &planData,
SILValue innerResultAddr) {
if (outerOrigType.isTuple()) {
planTupleFromIndirectResult(innerOrigType, cast<TupleType>(innerSubstType),
outerOrigType, cast<TupleType>(outerSubstType),
planData, innerResultAddr);
} else {
auto outerResult = claimNextOuterResult(planData);
planScalarFromIndirectResult(innerOrigType, innerSubstType,
outerOrigType, outerSubstType,
outerResult.first, outerResult.second);
/// Plan the emission of a call result from an inner result address, given
/// that the outer abstraction pattern is a tuple.
ResultPlanner::planTupleFromIndirectResult(AbstractionPattern innerOrigType,
CanTupleType innerSubstType,
AbstractionPattern outerOrigType,
CanTupleType outerSubstType,
PlanData &planData,
SILValue innerResultAddr) {
assert(innerSubstType->getNumElements() == outerSubstType->getNumElements());
for (auto eltIndex : indices(innerSubstType.getElementTypes())) {
// Project the address of the element.
SILValue innerEltResultAddr =
SGF.B.createTupleElementAddr(Loc, innerResultAddr, eltIndex);
// Plan to expand from that location.
planData, innerEltResultAddr);
void ResultPlanner::planTupleFromDirectResult(AbstractionPattern innerOrigType,
CanTupleType innerSubstType,
AbstractionPattern outerOrigType,
CanTupleType outerSubstType,
PlanData &planData,
SILResultInfo innerResult) {
auto outerSubstTupleType = dyn_cast<TupleType>(outerSubstType);
assert(outerSubstTupleType && "Outer type must be a tuple");
assert(innerSubstType->getNumElements() ==
// Create direct outer results for each of the elements.
for (auto eltIndex : indices(innerSubstType.getElementTypes())) {
AbstractionPattern newOuterOrigType =
AbstractionPattern newInnerOrigType =
if (newOuterOrigType.isTuple()) {
planData, innerResult);
auto outerResult = claimNextOuterResult(planData);
auto elemType = outerSubstTupleType.getElementType(eltIndex);
SILResultInfo eltResult(elemType, outerResult.first.getConvention());
newInnerOrigType, innerSubstType.getElementType(eltIndex),
newOuterOrigType, outerSubstTupleType.getElementType(eltIndex),
planData, eltResult, outerResult.first);
/// Plan the emission of a call result from an inner result address,
/// given that the outer abstraction pattern is not a tuple.
ResultPlanner::planScalarFromIndirectResult(AbstractionPattern innerOrigType,
CanType innerSubstType,
AbstractionPattern outerOrigType,
CanType outerSubstType,
SILValue innerResultAddr,
SILResultInfo outerResult,
SILValue optOuterResultAddr) {
assert(SGF.silConv.isSILIndirect(outerResult) == bool(optOuterResultAddr));
bool hasAbstractionDifference =
(innerResultAddr->getType().getASTType() != outerResult.getInterfaceType());
// The outer result can be indirect, and it doesn't necessarily have an
// abstraction difference. Note that we should only end up in this path
// in cases where simply forwarding the outer result address wasn't possible.
if (SGF.silConv.isSILIndirect(outerResult)) {
if (!hasAbstractionDifference) {
addIndirectToIndirect(innerResultAddr, optOuterResultAddr);
} else {
addReabstractIndirectToIndirect(innerOrigType, innerSubstType,
outerOrigType, outerSubstType,
innerResultAddr, optOuterResultAddr);
} else {
if (!hasAbstractionDifference) {
addIndirectToDirect(innerResultAddr, outerResult);
} else {
addReabstractIndirectToDirect(innerOrigType, innerSubstType,
outerOrigType, outerSubstType,
innerResultAddr, outerResult);
void ResultPlanner::executeInnerTuple(
SILValue innerElement, SmallVector<SILValue, 4> &innerDirectResults) {
// NOTE: We know that our value is at +1 here.
assert(innerElement->getType().getAs<TupleType>() &&
"Only supports tuple inner types");
Loc, innerElement, [&](unsigned index, SILValue elt) {
if (elt->getType().is<TupleType>())
return executeInnerTuple(elt, innerDirectResults);
SILValue ResultPlanner::execute(SILValue innerResult) {
// The code emission here assumes that we don't need to have
// active cleanups for all the result values we're not actively
// transforming. In other words, it's not "exception-safe".
// Explode the inner direct results.
SmallVector<SILValue, 4> innerDirectResults;
auto innerResultTupleType = innerResult->getType().getAs<TupleType>();
if (!innerResultTupleType) {
} else {
Scope S(SGF.Cleanups, CleanupLocation::get(Loc));
// First create an rvalue cleanup for our direct result.
executeInnerTuple(innerResult, innerDirectResults);
// Then allow the cleanups to be emitted in the proper reverse order.
// Translate the result values.
SmallVector<SILValue, 4> outerDirectResults;
execute(innerDirectResults, outerDirectResults);
// Implode the outer direct results.
SILValue outerResult;
if (outerDirectResults.size() == 1) {
outerResult = outerDirectResults[0];
} else {
outerResult = SGF.B.createTuple(Loc, outerDirectResults);
return outerResult;
void ResultPlanner::execute(ArrayRef<SILValue> innerDirectResults,
SmallVectorImpl<SILValue> &outerDirectResults) {
// A helper function to claim an inner direct result.
auto claimNextInnerDirectResult = [&](SILResultInfo result) -> ManagedValue {
auto resultValue = claimNext(innerDirectResults);
assert(resultValue->getType() == SGF.getSILType(result, CanSILFunctionType()));
auto &resultTL = SGF.getTypeLowering(result.getInterfaceType());
switch (result.getConvention()) {
case ResultConvention::Indirect:
&& "claiming indirect result as direct!");
case ResultConvention::Owned:
case ResultConvention::Autoreleased:
return SGF.emitManagedRValueWithCleanup(resultValue, resultTL);
case ResultConvention::UnownedInnerPointer:
// FIXME: We can't reasonably lifetime-extend an inner-pointer result
// through a thunk. We don't know which parameter to the thunk was
// originally 'self'.
SGF.SGM.diagnose(Loc.getSourceLoc(), diag::not_implemented,
"reabstraction of returns_inner_pointer function");
case ResultConvention::Unowned:
return SGF.emitManagedRetain(Loc, resultValue, resultTL);
llvm_unreachable("bad result convention!");
// A helper function to add an outer direct result.
auto addOuterDirectResult = [&](ManagedValue resultValue,
SILResultInfo result) {
resultValue = applyTrivialConversions(SGF, Loc, resultValue,
SGF.getSILTypeInContext(result, CanSILFunctionType()));
auto emitReabstract =
[&](Operation &op, bool innerIsIndirect, bool outerIsIndirect) {
// Set up the inner result.
ManagedValue innerResult;
if (innerIsIndirect) {
innerResult = SGF.emitManagedBufferWithCleanup(op.InnerResultAddr);
} else {
innerResult = claimNextInnerDirectResult(op.InnerResult);
// Set up the context into which to emit the outer result.
SGFContext outerResultCtxt;
Optional<TemporaryInitialization> outerResultInit;
SILType outerResultTy;
if (outerIsIndirect) {
outerResultTy = op.OuterResultAddr->getType();
outerResultInit.emplace(op.OuterResultAddr, CleanupHandle::invalid());
outerResultCtxt = SGFContext(&*outerResultInit);
} else {
outerResultTy =
SGF.getSILType(op.OuterResult, CanSILFunctionType()));
// Perform the translation.
auto translated =
SGF.emitTransformedValue(Loc, innerResult,
op.InnerOrigType, op.InnerSubstType,
op.OuterOrigType, op.OuterSubstType,
outerResultTy, outerResultCtxt);
// If the outer is indirect, force it into the context.
if (outerIsIndirect) {
if (!translated.isInContext()) {
translated.forwardInto(SGF, Loc, op.OuterResultAddr);
// Otherwise, it's a direct result.
} else {
addOuterDirectResult(translated, op.OuterResult);
// Execute each operation.
for (auto &op : Operations) {
switch (op.TheKind) {
case Operation::DirectToDirect: {
auto result = claimNextInnerDirectResult(op.InnerResult);
addOuterDirectResult(result, op.OuterResult);
case Operation::DirectToIndirect: {
auto result = claimNextInnerDirectResult(op.InnerResult);
SGF.B.emitStoreValueOperation(Loc, result.forward(SGF),
case Operation::IndirectToDirect: {
auto resultAddr = op.InnerResultAddr;
auto &resultTL = SGF.getTypeLowering(resultAddr->getType());
auto result = SGF.emitManagedRValueWithCleanup(
resultTL.emitLoad(SGF.B, Loc, resultAddr,
addOuterDirectResult(result, op.OuterResult);
case Operation::IndirectToIndirect: {
// The type could be address-only; just take.
SGF.B.createCopyAddr(Loc, op.InnerResultAddr, op.OuterResultAddr,
IsTake, IsInitialization);
case Operation::ReabstractIndirectToIndirect:
emitReabstract(op, /*indirect source*/ true, /*indirect dest*/ true);
case Operation::ReabstractIndirectToDirect:
emitReabstract(op, /*indirect source*/ true, /*indirect dest*/ false);
case Operation::ReabstractDirectToIndirect:
emitReabstract(op, /*indirect source*/ false, /*indirect dest*/ true);
case Operation::ReabstractDirectToDirect:
emitReabstract(op, /*indirect source*/ false, /*indirect dest*/ false);
case Operation::TupleDirect: {
auto firstEltIndex = outerDirectResults.size() - op.NumElements;
auto elts = makeArrayRef(outerDirectResults).slice(firstEltIndex);
auto tupleType = SGF.F.mapTypeIntoContext(
SGF.getSILType(op.OuterResult, CanSILFunctionType()));
auto tuple = SGF.B.createTuple(Loc, tupleType, elts);
case Operation::InjectOptionalDirect: {
SILValue value = outerDirectResults.pop_back_val();
auto tupleType = SGF.F.mapTypeIntoContext(
SGF.getSILType(op.OuterResult, CanSILFunctionType()));
SILValue optValue = SGF.B.createEnum(Loc,