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//===--- LValue.h - Logical LValue Representation ---------------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// A storage structure for keeping track of logical lvalues during SILGen.
// In general, only the routines in SILGenLValue.cpp should actually be
// accessing LValues and their components. Everything else should just
// pass them around opaquely.
#include "FormalEvaluation.h"
#include "SILGenFunction.h"
#include "Scope.h"
namespace swift {
namespace Lowering {
class ArgumentSource;
class LogicalPathComponent;
class ManagedValue;
class PhysicalPathComponent;
class SILGenFunction;
class TranslationPathComponent;
/// Information about the type of an l-value.
struct LValueTypeData {
/// The abstraction pattern of the l-value.
/// The type-of-rvalue should always be the substituted formal type
/// lowered under this abstraction pattern.
AbstractionPattern OrigFormalType = AbstractionPattern::getInvalid();
/// The substituted formal object type of the l-value.
/// Tn the most common case, this is the type of an l-value
/// expression as recorded in the AST, only with the
/// LValueType/InOutType stripped off.
CanType SubstFormalType;
/// The lowered type of value that should be stored in the l-value.
/// On physical path components, projection yields an address of
/// this type. On logical path components, materialize yields an
/// address of this type, set expects a value of this type, and
/// get yields an object of this type.
CanType TypeOfRValue;
SGFAccessKind AccessKind;
LValueTypeData() = default;
LValueTypeData(SGFAccessKind accessKind, AbstractionPattern origFormalType,
CanType substFormalType, CanType typeOfRValue)
: OrigFormalType(origFormalType), SubstFormalType(substFormalType),
TypeOfRValue(typeOfRValue), AccessKind(accessKind) {
SGFAccessKind getAccessKind() const { return AccessKind; }
/// An l-value path component represents a chunk of the access path to
/// an object. Path components may be either "physical" or "logical".
/// A physical path involves elementary address manipulations; these
/// address manipulations may be in some way dynamic, but they are
/// ultimately just pointer arithmetic. A logical path requires
/// getter/setter logic.
/// This divide between physical/logical is closely related to the
/// fragile/resilient split, with two primary differences:
/// - Any sort of implementation can be fragile. For example, a
/// computed variable can still be fragile, meaning that it is known
/// to be implemented with a getter/setter. The known
/// implementation must be a direct offset in order to qualify as
/// physical.
/// - A path component's implementation can be resilient and yet
/// still qualify for physical access if we are in a privileged
/// component.
class PathComponent {
LValueTypeData TypeData;
friend class LValue;
unsigned AllocatedSize;
enum KindTy {
// Physical lvalue kinds
RefElementKind, // ref_element_addr
TupleElementKind, // tuple_element_addr
StructElementKind, // struct_element_addr
OptionalObjectKind, // optional projection
OpenOpaqueExistentialKind, // opened opaque existential
AddressorKind, // var/subscript addressor
CoroutineAccessorKind, // coroutine accessor
ValueKind, // random base pointer as an lvalue
PhysicalKeyPathApplicationKind, // applying a key path
// Logical LValue kinds
GetterSetterKind, // property or subscript getter/setter
OwnershipKind, // weak pointer remapping
AutoreleasingWritebackKind, // autorelease pointer on set
WritebackPseudoKind, // a fake component to customize writeback
OpenNonOpaqueExistentialKind, // opened class or metatype existential
LogicalKeyPathApplicationKind, // applying a key path
// Translation LValue kinds (a subtype of logical)
OrigToSubstKind, // generic type substitution
SubstToOrigKind, // generic type substitution
FirstLogicalKind = GetterSetterKind,
FirstTranslationKind = OrigToSubstKind,
const KindTy Kind : 8;
// This anchor method serves three purposes: it aligns the class to
// a pointer boundary, it makes the class a primary base so that
// subclasses will be at offset zero, and it anchors the v-table
// to a specific file.
virtual void _anchor();
PathComponent(const PathComponent &) = delete;
PathComponent &operator=(const PathComponent &) = delete;
PathComponent(LValueTypeData typeData, KindTy Kind)
: TypeData(typeData), Kind(Kind) {}
virtual ~PathComponent() {}
/// Returns sizeof(the final type), plus any extra storage required.
size_t allocated_size() const { return AllocatedSize; }
/// Is this component physical or logical? If physical, this will
/// be a subclass of PhysicalPathComponent. If logical, this will
/// be a subclass of LogicalPathComponent.
bool isPhysical() const { return Kind < FirstLogicalKind; }
bool isLogical() const { return Kind >= FirstLogicalKind; }
bool isTranslation() const { return Kind >= FirstTranslationKind; }
// These are implemented inline after the respective class declarations.
PhysicalPathComponent &asPhysical();
const PhysicalPathComponent &asPhysical() const;
LogicalPathComponent &asLogical();
const LogicalPathComponent &asLogical() const;
TranslationPathComponent &asTranslation();
const TranslationPathComponent &asTranslation() const;
/// Apply this component as a projection to the given base component,
/// producing something usable as the base of the next component.
virtual ManagedValue project(SILGenFunction &SGF,
SILLocation loc,
ManagedValue base) && = 0;
/// Is this some form of open-existential component?
bool isOpenExistential() const {
return getKind() == OpenOpaqueExistentialKind ||
getKind() == OpenNonOpaqueExistentialKind;
/// Is loading a value from this component guaranteed to have no observable
/// side effects?
virtual bool isLoadingPure() const {
// By default, don't assume any component is pure; components must opt-in.
return false;
virtual bool isRValue() const { return false; }
/// Returns the logical type-as-rvalue of the value addressed by the
/// component. This is always an object type, never an address.
SILType getTypeOfRValue() const {
return SILType::getPrimitiveObjectType(TypeData.TypeOfRValue);
AbstractionPattern getOrigFormalType() const {
return TypeData.OrigFormalType;
CanType getSubstFormalType() const { return TypeData.SubstFormalType; }
const LValueTypeData &getTypeData() const { return TypeData; }
SGFAccessKind getAccessKind() const { return getTypeData().getAccessKind(); }
KindTy getKind() const { return Kind; }
void dump() const;
virtual void dump(raw_ostream &OS, unsigned indent = 0) const = 0;
/// An abstract class for "physical" path components, i.e. path
/// components that can be accessed as address manipulations. See the
/// comment for PathComponent for more information.
/// The only operation on this component is `project`.
class PhysicalPathComponent : public PathComponent {
virtual void _anchor() override;
PhysicalPathComponent(LValueTypeData typeData, KindTy Kind)
: PathComponent(typeData, Kind) {
assert(isPhysical() && "PhysicalPathComponent Kind isn't physical");
inline PhysicalPathComponent &PathComponent::asPhysical() {
return static_cast<PhysicalPathComponent&>(*this);
inline const PhysicalPathComponent &PathComponent::asPhysical() const {
return static_cast<const PhysicalPathComponent&>(*this);
/// An abstract class for "logical" path components, i.e. path
/// components that require getter/setter methods to access. See the
/// comment for PathComponent for more information.
class LogicalPathComponent : public PathComponent {
LogicalPathComponent(LValueTypeData typeData, KindTy Kind)
: PathComponent(typeData, Kind) {
assert(isLogical() && "LogicalPathComponent Kind isn't logical");
/// Read the value of this component, producing the right kind of result
/// for the given access kind (which is always some kind of read access).
ManagedValue projectForRead(SILGenFunction &SGF, SILLocation loc,
ManagedValue base, SGFAccessKind kind) &&;
/// Clone the path component onto the heap.
virtual std::unique_ptr<LogicalPathComponent>
clone(SILGenFunction &SGF, SILLocation l) const = 0;
/// Set the property.
/// \param base - always an address, but possibly an r-value
virtual void set(SILGenFunction &SGF, SILLocation loc,
ArgumentSource &&value, ManagedValue base) && = 0;
/// Get the property.
/// \param base - always an address, but possibly an r-value
virtual RValue get(SILGenFunction &SGF, SILLocation loc,
ManagedValue base, SGFContext c) && = 0;
/// The default implementation of project performs a get or materializes
/// to a temporary as necessary.
ManagedValue project(SILGenFunction &SGF, SILLocation loc,
ManagedValue base) && override;
struct AccessedStorage {
AbstractStorageDecl *Storage;
bool IsSuper;
const PreparedArguments *Indices;
Expr *IndexExprForDiagnostics;
/// Get the storage accessed by this component.
virtual Optional<AccessedStorage> getAccessedStorage() const = 0;
/// Perform a writeback on the property.
/// \param base - always an address, but possibly an r-value
virtual void writeback(SILGenFunction &SGF, SILLocation loc,
ManagedValue base,
MaterializedLValue materialized,
bool isFinal);
inline LogicalPathComponent &PathComponent::asLogical() {
return static_cast<LogicalPathComponent&>(*this);
inline const LogicalPathComponent &PathComponent::asLogical() const {
return static_cast<const LogicalPathComponent&>(*this);
/// An abstract class for components which translate values in some way.
class TranslationPathComponent : public LogicalPathComponent {
TranslationPathComponent(LValueTypeData typeData, KindTy kind)
: LogicalPathComponent(typeData, kind) {
assert(isTranslation() &&
"TranslationPathComponent kind isn't value translation");
Optional<AccessedStorage> getAccessedStorage() const override {
return None;
RValue get(SILGenFunction &SGF, SILLocation loc,
ManagedValue base, SGFContext c) && override;
void set(SILGenFunction &SGF, SILLocation loc,
ArgumentSource &&value, ManagedValue base) && override;
/// Transform from the original pattern.
virtual RValue translate(SILGenFunction &SGF, SILLocation loc,
RValue &&value,
SGFContext ctx = SGFContext()) && = 0;
/// Transform into the original pattern.
virtual RValue untranslate(SILGenFunction &SGF, SILLocation loc,
RValue &&value,
SGFContext ctx = SGFContext()) && = 0;
inline TranslationPathComponent &PathComponent::asTranslation() {
return static_cast<TranslationPathComponent&>(*this);
inline const TranslationPathComponent &PathComponent::asTranslation() const {
return static_cast<const TranslationPathComponent&>(*this);
/// An lvalue represents a reference to storage holding a value
/// of a type, as opposed to an rvalue, which is an actual value
/// of the type.
class LValue {
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<PathComponent>> Path;
LValue() = default;
LValue(const LValue &other) = delete;
LValue(LValue &&other) = default;
LValue &operator=(const LValue &) = delete;
LValue &operator=(LValue &&) = default;
static LValue forValue(SGFAccessKind accessKind, ManagedValue value,
CanType substFormalType);
static LValue forAddress(SGFAccessKind accessKind, ManagedValue address,
Optional<SILAccessEnforcement> enforcement,
AbstractionPattern origFormalType,
CanType substFormalType);
bool isValid() const { return !Path.empty(); }
/// Is loading a value from this lvalue guaranteed to have no observable side
/// effects?
bool isLoadingPure() {
for (auto &component : Path)
if (!component->isLoadingPure())
return false;
return true;
/// Is this lvalue purely physical?
bool isPhysical() const {
for (auto &component : Path)
if (!component->isPhysical())
return false;
return true;
/// Is the lvalue's final component physical?
bool isLastComponentPhysical() const {
return Path.back()->isPhysical();
/// Is the lvalue's final component a translation component?
bool isLastComponentTranslation() const {
return Path.back()->isTranslation();
/// Given that the last component is a translation component,
/// return it.
TranslationPathComponent &getLastTranslationComponent() & {
return Path.back()->asTranslation();
/// Given that the last component is a translation component,
/// peel it off.
void dropLastTranslationComponent() & {
/// Assert that the given component is the last component in the
/// l-value, drop it.
void dropLastComponent(PathComponent &component) & {
assert(&component == Path.back().get());
/// Pop the last component off this LValue unsafely. Validates that the
/// component is of kind \p kind as a sanity check.
/// Please be careful when using this!
void unsafelyDropLastComponent(PathComponent::KindTy kind) & {
assert(kind == Path.back()->getKind());
/// Add a new component at the end of the access path of this lvalue.
template <class T, class... As>
void add(As &&... args) {
Path.emplace_back(new T(std::forward<As>(args)...));
void addNonMemberVarComponent(SILGenFunction &SGF, SILLocation loc,
VarDecl *var, SubstitutionMap subs,
LValueOptions options,
SGFAccessKind accessKind,
AccessStrategy strategy,
CanType formalRValueType);
/// Add a member component to the access path of this lvalue.
void addMemberComponent(SILGenFunction &SGF, SILLocation loc,
AbstractStorageDecl *storage,
SubstitutionMap subs,
LValueOptions options,
bool isSuper,
SGFAccessKind accessKind,
AccessStrategy accessStrategy,
CanType formalRValueType,
PreparedArguments &&indices,
Expr *indexExprForDiagnostics);
void addMemberVarComponent(SILGenFunction &SGF, SILLocation loc,
VarDecl *var,
SubstitutionMap subs,
LValueOptions options,
bool isSuper,
SGFAccessKind accessKind,
AccessStrategy accessStrategy,
CanType formalRValueType,
bool isOnSelf = false);
void addMemberSubscriptComponent(SILGenFunction &SGF, SILLocation loc,
SubscriptDecl *subscript,
SubstitutionMap subs,
LValueOptions options,
bool isSuper,
SGFAccessKind accessKind,
AccessStrategy accessStrategy,
CanType formalRValueType,
PreparedArguments &&indices,
Expr *indexExprForDiagnostics,
bool isOnSelfParameter = false);
/// Add a subst-to-orig reabstraction component. That is, given
/// that this l-value trafficks in values following the substituted
/// abstraction pattern, make an l-value trafficking in values
/// following the original abstraction pattern.
void addSubstToOrigComponent(AbstractionPattern origType,
SILType loweredResultType);
/// Add an orig-to-subst reabstraction component. That is, given
/// that this l-value trafficks in values following the original
/// abstraction pattern, make an l-value trafficking in values
/// following the substituted abstraction pattern.
void addOrigToSubstComponent(SILType loweredResultType);
typedef std::vector<std::unique_ptr<PathComponent>>::iterator iterator;
typedef std::vector<std::unique_ptr<PathComponent>>::const_iterator
iterator begin() { return Path.begin(); }
iterator end() { return Path.end(); }
const_iterator begin() const { return Path.begin(); }
const_iterator end() const { return Path.end(); }
const LValueTypeData &getTypeData() const {
return Path.back()->getTypeData();
/// Return the access kind that this l-value was emitted for.
SGFAccessKind getAccessKind() const { return getTypeData().getAccessKind(); }
/// Returns the type-of-rvalue of the logical object referenced by
/// this l-value. Note that this may differ significantly from the
/// type of l-value.
SILType getTypeOfRValue() const {
return SILType::getPrimitiveObjectType(getTypeData().TypeOfRValue);
CanType getSubstFormalType() const { return getTypeData().SubstFormalType; }
AbstractionPattern getOrigFormalType() const {
return getTypeData().OrigFormalType;
/// Returns true when the other access definitely does not begin a formal
/// access that would conflict with this the accesses begun by this
/// LValue. This is a best-effort attempt; it may return false in cases
/// where the two LValues do not conflict.
bool isObviouslyNonConflicting(const LValue &other,
SGFAccessKind selfAccess,
SGFAccessKind otherAccess);
void dump() const;
void dump(raw_ostream &os, unsigned indent = 0) const;
/// RAII object used to enter an inout conversion scope. Writeback scopes formed
/// during the inout conversion scope will be no-ops.
class InOutConversionScope {
SILGenFunction &SGF;
InOutConversionScope(SILGenFunction &SGF);
// FIXME: Misnomer. This class is used for both shared (read) and exclusive
// (modify) formal borrows.
struct LLVM_LIBRARY_VISIBILITY ExclusiveBorrowFormalAccess : FormalAccess {
std::unique_ptr<LogicalPathComponent> component;
ManagedValue base;
MaterializedLValue materialized;
~ExclusiveBorrowFormalAccess() {}
ExclusiveBorrowFormalAccess(ExclusiveBorrowFormalAccess &&) = default;
ExclusiveBorrowFormalAccess &
operator=(ExclusiveBorrowFormalAccess &&) = default;
ExclusiveBorrowFormalAccess(SILLocation loc,
std::unique_ptr<LogicalPathComponent> &&comp,
ManagedValue base,
MaterializedLValue materialized,
CleanupHandle cleanup)
: FormalAccess(sizeof(*this), FormalAccess::Exclusive, loc, cleanup),
component(std::move(comp)), base(base), materialized(materialized) {}
void diagnoseConflict(const ExclusiveBorrowFormalAccess &rhs,
SILGenFunction &SGF) const;
void performWriteback(SILGenFunction &SGF, bool isFinal) {
Scope S(SGF.Cleanups, CleanupLocation::get(loc));
component->writeback(SGF, loc, base, materialized, isFinal);
void finishImpl(SILGenFunction &SGF) override {
performWriteback(SGF, /*isFinal*/ true);
struct LLVM_LIBRARY_VISIBILITY UnenforcedAccess {
// Make sure someone called `endAccess` before destroying this.
struct DeleterCheck {
void operator()(BeginAccessInst *) {
llvm_unreachable("access scope must be ended");
typedef std::unique_ptr<BeginAccessInst, DeleterCheck> BeginAccessPtr;
BeginAccessPtr beginAccessPtr;
UnenforcedAccess() = default;
UnenforcedAccess(const UnenforcedAccess &other) = delete;
UnenforcedAccess(UnenforcedAccess &&other) = default;
UnenforcedAccess &operator=(const UnenforcedAccess &) = delete;
UnenforcedAccess &operator=(UnenforcedAccess &&other) = default;
// Return the a new begin_access if it was required, otherwise return the
// given `address`.
SILValue beginAccess(SILGenFunction &SGF, SILLocation loc, SILValue address,
SILAccessKind kind);
// End the access and release beginAccessPtr.
void endAccess(SILGenFunction &SGF);
// Emit the end_access (on a branch) without marking this access as ended.
void emitEndAccess(SILGenFunction &SGF);
/// Pseudo-formal access that emits access markers but does not actually
/// require enforcement. It may be used for access to formal memory that is
/// exempt from exclusivity checking, such as initialization, or it may be used
/// for accesses to local memory that are indistinguishable from formal access
/// at the SIL level. Adding the access markers in these cases gives SIL address
/// users a structural property that allows for exhaustive verification.
struct LLVM_LIBRARY_VISIBILITY UnenforcedFormalAccess : FormalAccess {
static SILValue enter(SILGenFunction &SGF, SILLocation loc, SILValue address,
SILAccessKind kind);
// access.beginAccessPtr is either the begin_access or null if no access was
// required.
UnenforcedAccess access;
UnenforcedFormalAccess(SILLocation loc, UnenforcedAccess &&access,
CleanupHandle cleanup)
: FormalAccess(sizeof(*this), FormalAccess::Unenforced, loc, cleanup),
access(std::move(access)) {}
// Emit the end_access (on a branch) without marking this access as ended.
void emitEndAccess(SILGenFunction &SGF);
// Only called at the end formal evaluation scope. End this access.
void finishImpl(SILGenFunction &SGF) override;
} // namespace Lowering
} // namespace swift